What are billing payments for individuals? Billing in banking: a payment system convenient for everyone. How it all happens

Billing in Russian directly translated from English The billing is translated as “Billing” or simply “Account”. The borrowing comes from the Latin billa, meaning “Document”.

The value of billing is determined primarily scope of use of the term. In modern organizations, it represents an important set of programs that ensure accounting of services provided in various units of measurement, charging and generating invoices for them, taking into account loyalty programs (seasonal promotions and discounts).

Cellular billing

First of all, billing is the most important component of the activities of telecom operators(Internet providers, digital television, landline or mobile communications, etc.) and its main functions include settlement operations, information and financial services to clients.

For example, for users cellular communications term in simple words defined as: management of funds in the account, namely, replenishing the balance in personal account and further use of money to pay for various services (calls, use of Internet traffic, connecting minutes for a telephone conversation or SMS and paid subscriptions) or products from partner stores.

During the payment process, online communication occurs between the subscriber (individual) and the billing center.

So, after the client uses cellular services (for example, sends an SMS message), he can check the balance and make sure that the billing center automatically written off cash from the account according to tariff plan operator.

Along with cellular users, Internet providers also turn to billing services. Billing allows you to track customer pricing and manage tariff plans.

This procedure can be compared with mediation between the site and the credit institution: billing automatically generates invoices on the website for receiving funds from a bank card or electronic payment system and sends them to the bank.

For example, when issuing electronic tickets on the website of Russian railways, the system calculates their cost and provides clients with a special online form for registering a bank card.

The user specifies the payment card details, including cw2/cvc2, and goes to a page with an automatically generated receipt for payment. To confirm the payment, a code from an SMS message is used; the client indicates it on the official website of the bank to which the bank card belongs.

Using billing in enterprises

Secondly, billing is used in insurance companies, in particular, in the field of insurance medicine. According to the information received about the insurer and the relevant standards, the cost of the insurance policy and monthly premiums are calculated.

The concept of billing means individual payment system, which operates regardless of how the company operates and accepts payments.

In addition, billing used by commercial enterprises. It is used to calculate the individual cost or cost of goods for the buyer. Billing also deals with the process of updating information on receivables of existing customers.

To organize billing we use modern means of communication: personal computers and programs that allow you to automate the calculation and storage of information about customers and their purchases in a special database.

At manufacturing enterprises, the concepts of processing and billing circuit are used. They allow you to process data that is used when making payment transactions and transfer it to the main “processor”.

The final stage is the transmission of the processed information to an authorized credit institution.

Billing in Russia

In Russia, billing appeared approximately in 1990 in two main formats - postpaid and prepaid. With postpayment, the client makes a payment according to the pre-agreed price, but after receiving the goods.

This format is used by online stores: after confirmation of the order, the product is transferred to the client by post with cash on delivery, payment is made after actual receipt of the goods.

In case of prepayment, funds are paid when placing an order. In this case, electronic funds are used: online wallets (Yandex Money, WebMoney, etc.) or bank cards client open in credit institutions on Russian territory.

Electronic means allow instantly pay for the service. In some cases, organizations use a cash payment method: bank transfer using the specified details.

Billing systems: basic concepts

Billing. What associations does this term evoke? Maybe there is some connection with Bill Gates? No, fortunately he has not yet “poked his nose” into the field of telecommunications. Well, that's just a joke. But to be serious, let's look at the origins of the word billing. English word“bill” can be translated as “account” (other translations: bill, banknote). “Billing” is translated by the expression “writing an invoice.”

What is a billing system?

Systems that calculate the cost of communication services for each client and store information about all tariffs and other cost characteristics that are used by telecommunications operators to issue invoices to subscribers and mutual settlements with other service providers are called billing systems; the cycle of operations they perform is called billing. A billing system (BS) is an accounting system, software, in other words, “software” developed specifically for operators. Which operators? Telecommunications. That is, we are not talking only about cellular operators. BSs are also used by regular (landline, wireline) communication operators. In small offices, for example, you can conduct telephony billing (analyze: who called, when, how long the conversation lasted). IP telephony is another area of ​​application of BS. What about Internet providers? They also use BS, for example, to generate invoices and record traffic. Any BS is created on the basis a certain system database management (DBMS). Most BS in the world were created on the basis of the Oracle DBMS. Among other DBMSs, Sybase and Informix can be distinguished as designed for large volumes of information. Here are the names of some billing systems: BIS, Flagship, CBOSS, Arbor, Bill-2000-prepaid. It is worth mentioning that BS may also mean Hardware involved in organizing billing.


I will try to consider all the basic concepts and definitions related to BS. I will focus on the BS used by cellular operators. But most definitions also apply to BS used in other areas. I will try to explain it as simply as possible so that most readers can understand the material. If you have anything to add to the terms I have entered, please write to me by e-mail.

There are several names for the billing system: ACP— automated payment system; IHD— information billing system.

One of important qualities BS is her flexibility, that is, the ability to adapt to changed circumstances. The flexible system is adapted not only to the immediate needs of the operator; due to such qualities as customizability, modularity and openness, it allows you to solve promising problems. The more options the system has for customization, the better. What is it modularity? The modular principle of building a system is a principle in which the entire system is assembled from individual parts (modules), just like a house is assembled brick by brick. The BS also consists of such modules - subsystems. The BS includes, for example, a data pre-processing subsystem, an operational billing management subsystem, and a customer notification subsystem (read below about the structure and functions of the BS). Under openness system implies openness source code software product, which allows the operator not to depend on the developer in the future and independently maintain and upgrade the system. Closely related to the flexibility of the BS and the following quality automated systems calculation - scalability.

Load scalability. With the growth of the subscriber base, the emergence of additional services There should not be a need to change or modify the software part of the BS. Increasing the capabilities of the BS should be achieved by upgrading the system hardware. What is important to consider when designing scalable systems? It is necessary to use DBMS designed for large volumes of data. The DBMS must be compatible with various computer platforms to provide support for multiprocessor operation.

Reliability- one of the main requirements for any system. The reliability of the BS is determined by the reliability of the DBMS and the technologies used in system development. Not least important is the reliability of the supplier (developer) of the application. software: the time of his work on the market and, as an indirect indicator, the percentage of presence of the systems he developed on the telecommunications market. Why is the indicator indirect? Is it possible Microsoft Windows the best and most reliable operating system?... And at the same time it has a significant market share. However, the reliability of the BS is also ensured by compliance with certain standards during their development (read about this below).

Multilingual— the ability to install different languages ​​for presenting information.

Multicurrency— ability to work with any currencies

Deferred billing— billing, in which payments are made after calls have taken place.

Hot billing— the account balance changes during the conversation, and information about the balance on your account can be obtained immediately after the call.

Billing optimization— improvement, improvement by the operator of his BS.

Big BS— systems used by large operators.

Posting billing— recording the results of billing calculations; After calculations, the results become available to users (sent out, printed).

What can, what should, or what is the BS responsible for?

European (origin) standard TAR appeared in 1992. It is maintained by the TADIG working group. Most European operators use TAR2, although there is a third version. Since 1995, modification TAP2, known as specification TD.27, or NAGTAP2, began to be used in the USA.

Instead of a conclusion

You take your cell phone out of your pocket, dial the number, press “call” and... the conversation takes place. Now you can't wait to find out your account balance. If the billing system is “hot”, you are immediately informed of this amount. “I calculated everything accurately, it’s a good billing system,” you think. Meanwhile, the other subscriber finds out that he has just reached his time limit and has been disconnected. “Why do I need this “hot” billing! Stupid billing system!” he complains... Yes, you can’t please everyone at the same time!

Special thanks to Bolshovaya Galina, magazine columnist, for information support

Billing in this sense refers to a whole complex of operations, which requires software and hardware, as well as legal and banking support for all payment acceptance procedures. Therefore, only large providers of any services organize their own billing, and most companies and individuals use the services of specialized billing companies. The basic billing process is to measure the number of services issued to a user. If this is access to the Internet or a telephone conversation, then the software of the company providing this service, the conversation time or the time spent in global network. And, for example, when purchasing books, programs or access to a paid site on the Internet, it is not the time, but the number of units purchased. The billing company's software then automatically calculates the cost of such a service based on the rates entered into the program. In the same automatic mode, according to a pre-entered schedule, the program issues an invoice to the buyer for payment for the purchased services, and transfers the proceeds to the seller, deducting the agreed payment for the operation of this system. The receipt of money from customers is also taken into account by the billing center software package. In our modern computerized life, every day everything larger number private entrepreneurs and companies are beginning to provide paid services using electronic payment systems. Therefore, there is growing interest in billing companies that take on the technical part of this complex process described above. There are already several dozen such companies, and if you decide, for example, to sell your own product via the Internet, you will have to spend some time choosing billing. They have to compete with each other, creating more and more simple ways connecting their systems to any business project and more favorable service conditions, so there is no clear leader. When choosing a billing company, the first thing you should pay attention to is the payment methods it can provide to your future clients. The maximum set includes up to a dozen electronic payment systems (Webmoney, Yandex-money, PayPal, etc.), several international systems serving credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Cirrus Maestro, etc.). Payment option Bank transaction, check, call to a paid mobile number is also included in the range of services of billing companies. Others important characteristics When choosing, you should consider the cost of the company’s services, its reliability (good business history), and the availability of technical support.

They cannot exist without billing, thanks to which bills are issued to consumers of their services and the economic component of their activities is ensured.

For billing systems in telecommunications in Russian the term is also used automated payment system (ACP), in particular, this term is used in official documents of the Russian Ministry of Communications, prescribing mandatory certification of billing systems.

Billing features

Billing functions at an enterprise are grouped into three main blocks: settlement operations, information services, and financial services.

Broadly speaking, when considering billing in integration with revenue management. Billing and revenue management ) additionally highlight such functions as guaranteeing income (eng. revenue assurance), subscriber profitability management (eng. profitability management), subscriber fraud control (eng. fraud management).

Settlement operations

In the settlement operations block, functions such as determining consumption (for example, receiving from switches detailed information on calls, processing data from switching equipment on traffic consumption, obtaining data from the mediation system), assessment of consumption (determining the calculated characteristics of consumption data), aggregation of estimates and generation of charges to subscribers, calculation of taxes, discounts, additional charges, adjustments, issuance of invoices payment, ensuring delivery or familiarization of subscribers with accounts payable, managing personal accounts of subscribers.

The implementation of a calculation block can vary significantly for both different types communications and different models relationships with subscribers.


Prepaid (prepayment) - a model of settlements with subscribers and agents, which involves the preliminary deposit of funds into your personal account of a communication service operator, which are subsequently spent on paying for the services received. Prepaid settlement systems usually keep records in real time, directly managing the process of providing services; upon reaching the lower threshold of the amount of funds in the counterparty's account, the mode of providing services can be changed (up to complete termination). The amount of funds in the account, the duration of maintaining a positive balance, the size and regularity of receipts can serve as tariff parameters when calculating the cost, quality and quantity of services provided.

Functionality to support restriction of access to real-time communications services with a prepaid billing model is sometimes referred to as hot billing.


Postpaid- a payment model in which the operator first provides services to the subscriber or agent within the framework of an agreement concluded with him, and then carries out charging and issuing invoices for payment. The process of tariffing and invoicing is planned and regular and usually covers the calendar period of time specified in the contract (most often a month, sometimes a week, quarter, year). The counterparty is obliged to pay the amount of the invoice within the period of time specified in the contract; in case of late payment, the methods of working with the debtor specified in the contract are applied to him, as part of the processes for collecting receivables.

Information service

Information services include functions to support operational information about subscribers, about products and services, including their tariffs, restrictions, possible combinations, as well as configuration data about billing in general (for example, billing and billing schedules, managing subscriber notification events, auditing and aging settings information, acceptable characteristics of subscribers).

Financial services

Financial services cover the functions of processing payments, reconciling them for issued invoices and services, managing receivables of subscribers and the process of collecting them, and processing tax data.

Billing location in the enterprise

Inter-operator billing

Transit billing

Convergent billing

Convergent billing(from lat. convergego- “bringing together”) - billing focused on issuing uniform bills to subscribers in the conditions of multi-service networks and various payment models.

Convergent billing system unifiedly processes data on a wide range of services provided, providing a single personal account and single invoices for payment for each subscriber, regardless of the set of services used by the subscriber (these can be simultaneously various services fixed telephony, mobile communications, data transmission, television, content services), and regardless of the principle of calculating charges for them (services can be purchased either prepaid or paid according to contractual principles)

Billing systems market

The annual volume of the global billing systems market in 2007 was estimated at $6 billion, and its growth is projected to reach $7.2 billion by 2012, while the market was divided into the following components by area of ​​application:


  1. , pp. 3-5
  2. Billing. TM Forum Knowledge. TM Forum (May 17, 2011). Archived"Billing" is the group of processes and systems that are responsible for collection of appropriate usage records, determining charging and billing information, production of timely and accurate bills, for providing pre-bill use information and billing to customers, for processing their payments, and performing payment collections
  3. Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation On approval of the rules for the use of automated settlement systems (Russian). Rossvyaz (July 2, 2007). Archived from the original on August 24, 2011. Retrieved May 15, 2011.
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  5. , pp. 7-13
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  7. Pulkkinen, Kari Convergent charging is the route to increased competitiveness for operators. OSS/BSS Analyst (29 May 2006). Archived
  8. Törnkvist, Robert and Schubert, Ralph Ericsson convergent charging and billing. Ericsson Review Magazine. Ericsson (2009-30-01). Archived from the original on August 24, 2011. Retrieved May 16, 2011.
  9. Dinan, Michael Forecast: Global Telecom Billing to Hit $7.6 Billion in 2012 (English). TMC Network (17 October 2008). Archived from the original on August 24, 2011. Retrieved May 17, 2011.
  10. Mottishaw, Peter Billing market share report 2009. Sample pages Archived from the original on August 24, 2011. Retrieved May 17, 2011.
  11. Mottishaw, Peter Billing market share report 2009 (English). Analysis Mason (27 July 2010). Archived from the original on August 24, 2011. Retrieved May 17, 2011.


  • Hunter, Jane M. and Thiebaud, Maud E. Telecommunications Billing Systems: Implementing and Upgrading for Profitability. - N. Y.: McGraw-Hill, . - 458 p. - (Professional Telecommunications). - ISBN 978-0071408578
  • Integration of prepaid/postpaid payment for communication services, form of payment: billing system, settlement with the client

Wikimedia Foundation.


1. Technical capabilities of identifying the location of a mobile cellular subscriber.

The presence of a mobile cell phone, which can be considered a radio beacon, often allows one to determine both the current location of its owner and trace his previous movements in space. If a subscriber uses cellular communication services (makes or receives calls, sends SMS messages, uses WAP, GPRS), information about his actions is saved as a file in the memory of the billing server. IN this file

If the subscriber moved during the connection and his service was transferred from one BS to another, the file may contain a list of several BS numbers. The accuracy of determining the subscriber's location in this case depends on a number of factors: the topography of the area (forest, hills, buildings, etc.), the presence of interference and reflections from buildings, the position of base stations, the number of phones currently operating in a given cell. Great importance also has the size of the cell in which the subscriber is located, so the accuracy of determining his position in the city is much higher than in rural areas.

In a city, a base station can have up to three sectors, in which case it is possible to determine in which direction the signal was. In the case of circular radiation from the base station, it is not possible to accurately determine the direction of the signal (typical for rural areas). The accuracy of this determination depends on the size of the base station coverage area: in the best case, the error can be up to 150 meters (picocell), in the worst - up to 30 kilometers (for example cellular network GSM standard, in other networks the parameters for determining the location of the subscriber may differ).

Analysis of data in the subscriber's communication sessions with various base stations (through which and to which base station the call was transmitted, date of the call, etc.) allows you to restore all the subscriber's movements in the past. Such data is automatically registered in the billing servers of companies providing cellular communication services, since payment for services is based on the duration of use of the system.

This method of restoring a picture of a subscriber’s movements is widely used by law enforcement agencies during investigations, since it makes it possible to restore, down to the minute, where the suspect was, who he met (if the second person also used cell phone), how long the encounter took place, or whether the suspect was near the scene of the crime when it occurred.

In practice, the signal parameters at the receiving location always depend on many factors. So, for example, in dense urban areas, multi-beam reception always takes place, in which both the handset and the base station can receive both a direct radio signal and one reflected from the walls of houses and other objects (a person can be close to one base station , but is served by the reflected signal of another, more distant one). In this regard, the amplitude of the signals, their angle of arrival and the value of the base-tube distance can continuously vary greatly within wide limits, and determining the actual coordinates becomes almost impossible. In rural areas, telephone signal reception is usually carried out by one station with a circular direction, which eliminates the possibility of determining the direction and makes data on the subscriber’s distance very inaccurate (with an error of up to 30 km).

Thus, the method of identifying a subscriber’s location based on data from a cellular communication system does not guarantee an accurate determination of the subscriber’s location, because the correctness of the data obtained depends on a significant number of factors. Nevertheless, this method can be a significant help in carrying out operational search activities and investigative actions, especially when investigating crimes committed by a group of persons.

Technical capabilities for using transcripts of telephone numbers, SIM cards, IP telephony, the Internet, etc. when investigating criminal cases.

In particular, there is a legal basis for the use of automated information system technical means to ensure operational investigative activities" (AIS SORM). This AIS is used during operational search activities carried out in canals electronic communications, and also provides control and recording of negotiations.

“When considering the possibilities of using SORM in the investigation of serious and especially serious crimes, it should be noted that this system automatically provides the ability to record and control information transmitted and received by any user (subscriber) in the process of providing any telecommunication services, including the Internet. In other words, with the help of SORM, any informative emissions, transmissions or receptions of signs, voice signals, written text, images, sounds or messages of any kind can be monitored and recorded via radio, wired, optical and other electromagnetic systems (Article 2 of the Federal Law " About communication"). At the same time, SORM allows you not only to record information about messages and subscribers who sent and received them, but also to control - to filter out the necessary conversations (messages) according to various technical and lexical parameters (phone number, IP address, IMEI identifier of a cellular radiotelephone, call sign , keywords, phrases, etc.) specified in the investigator’s resolution. For these purposes, various specifications of SORM hardware and software systems are used, adapted to the corresponding types of telecommunications ( technological systems, channels and means of communication, message formats and standards).

From a technical point of view, SORM includes: a set of hardware and software located on the node(s) of the documentary telecommunications network, including the Internet; a complex of hardware and software located at a remote control point; data transmission channel(s), providing (e) communication between the first two complexes in a secure mode.

In other words, SORM consists of 2 sets of special software and hardware devices, one of which is installed at the operator (provider) of telecommunication services (Internet), and the other - on the central SORM control panel located at a remote facility - a single central control point.”


In 1982, the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations organized a group called GSM to develop common technical specifications for the first digital mobile network. The implementation of the standard began in 1991. Voice transmission in this network is carried out in digital form. The transmitting and receiving frequencies in the mobile and base stations can change 217 times per second. The GSM standard achieves a high degree of security for message transmission by encrypting messages using a public key algorithm.

Functionally, the GSM network consists of a mobile switching center, which switches the mobile network with the fixed network or metropolitan network, as well as between mobile subscribers. In addition, the center generates data on conversations and sends them to the billing center, which manages the procedures for registering the subscriber's location and base stations. The movement register and position register store information about the location of the mobile subscriber. These registers contain international number IMEI, which is used to identify the mobile station.

The authentication center houses equipment that verifies the identity of the subscriber. The Equipment Identification Register contains three lists: white (authorized mobile stations), black (phones stolen or subscribers denied service) and gray list (subscribers having equipment problems).

Authentication equipment is rarely used in Russia.

Base station

The area covered by the GSM network is divided into cells, each of which is served by a base transceiver station. A base station typically has from 2 to 6 transmitters, which have antennas with a radiation pattern (AP) of 120 degrees and uniformly cover the area. In sparsely populated areas, 900 MHz stations are used, with a coverage area of ​​400 to 35 km. In densely populated areas, 1800 MHz stations can be additionally installed, having a coverage area from 200 m to 1.5 km. This is due to the propagation of radio waves, the number of subscribers and other technical reasons.

Determining the location (positioning) of the subscriber

Positioning of moving objects is carried out by transmitting special sequences of signals to the network.

Available technical feasibility determine the subscriber's current position and the subscriber's movement in the past. The current situation can be revealed in two ways. The first of these is the method of triangulation (direction finding) from three points. The second method is through the computer of the communication company, which constantly records where a particular subscriber is located in this moment time even if he is not talking (using identifying service signals automatically transmitted by the phone to the base station). The accuracy of determining the subscriber's location in this case depends on a number of factors: rough terrain, the presence of interference and reflections from buildings, the position of base stations, the number of phones currently operating in a given cell. The size of the cell in which the subscriber is located is also of great importance, so the accuracy of determining his location in the city is much higher than in rural areas.

Analysis of data on a subscriber's communication sessions with various base stations makes it possible to restore all the subscriber's movements in the past. Such data is automatically registered in the companies' computers, since payment for their services is based on long-term use of the communication system. Depending on the type of telecom operator, such information is stored from 60 days to 7 years.

An example is the criminal case charging Chernov and Kuharkin, employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Arkhangelsk Region, with extortion and receipt of bribes in large size. During the investigation, it was established that they received the first part of the bribe from the applicant six months before they were detained while receiving the second part of the required amount. During the investigation, Kuharkin put forward an alibi that he could not participate in receiving the first part of the money, since in the period from February 27 to March 10, 2007, he was on a business trip in the Arkhangelsk region, which was confirmed by travel documents. The investigation, by order of the court, obtained statistics of connections on Kuharkin’s phone during this period, indicating base stations. When analyzing statistics, it was established that Kuharkin was indeed in the Vinogradovsky district of the Arkhangelsk region until March 6, 2007, as evidenced by the base stations with which the phone contacted. On March 6, 2007, the movement of a subscriber along the M-8 highway from the village of Dvinskoy Bereznik to Arkhangelsk was established, as well as subsequent calls to the subscriber from the territory of Arkhangelsk from March 6 to March 11, 2007. In addition, by analyzing the statistics of Kukharkin’s connections during the specified period, witnesses were identified who confirmed the fact of Kukharkin’s passage to Arkhangelsk with a stop and repair of the car in the village of Brin-Navolok, and also a resident of Arkhangelsk was identified, with whom Kukharkin spent the night on the night of 6 as of March 7, 2007. The accused's alibi was refuted.

Let's consider technologies for determining the location of a subscriber in relation to the GSM standard.

Positioning by Cell Id

This is the simplest technology for determining the approximate position of a subscriber using a cell identifier (Cell Identifi), based on the fact that at the time of localization or conversation, the mobile station communicates with the network and exchanges service information.

Positioning by arrival time

This technology is based on analyzing the measurement of the time period during which a signal from a mobile station reaches at least three base stations equipped with location determination units. Wherein special computer collects the received information and calculates the subscriber’s location using the triangulation (direction finding) method.

This method gives high performance, but due to the high cost and increased network load, it has not been widely used.

Positioning using GPS system

The technology is based on the use satellite system GPS positioning and provides accuracy in determining the location of the subscriber up to 10 meters in open areas and up to tens of meters in a room with windows. The accuracy of the determination decreases if the equipment “does not see” four satellites. To use this technology, a mobile receiver must be equipped with a GPS receiver.

Positioning using time difference

The technology is much like time-of-arrival positioning. The mobile station plays a more active role, measuring the signal travel time to it from one base station equipped with a special unit, and compares it with the corresponding signal travel time from at least two more stations. The distance between the base blocks is known and the travel time of signals from each of them is known. From the mobile phone, information is transferred to the network to a special computer, which performs the appropriate calculations.

SIM card

SIM is a standard subscriber authentication module. SIM is a chip in which an international identification number - IMSI, its own individual authentication key - K and an authentication algorithm are stitched. The SIM card has memory for notebook, designed for 100 or more subscribers. To ensure security functions, the SIM card is assigned certain codes. Using the information stored in the SIM card, as a result of mutual data exchange between the mobile station and the network, full cycle authentication and allows subscriber access to the network. The verification procedure is implemented as follows: the network transmits the number to the mobile station, the response is calculated in the SIM card, which is transmitted to the network and compared with the correct solution generated in a special module of the switching subsystem - the authentication center.

2.1. Collection of information about the circumstances of the crime committed

a) witnesses and eyewitnesses of the crime are identified who could have seen persons using mobile communications on the eve of the commission of the crime, as well as before or after the commission of the crime. During the survey, attention is paid to the following details: what kind of negotiations were carried out (incoming or outgoing connections), the number of connections, and also at what time these connections were made;

b) the scene of the incident is linked to objects and roads adjacent to the scene of the incident, and a detailed diagram, oriented by geographic coordinates;

c) in rural areas or in areas remote from large populated areas, it is determined which of the cellular operators has the most stable signal reception network in this territory.

When committing a crime involving the kidnapping of a person (with a subsequent demand for ransom), as well as in cases where it is impossible to establish the exact location of the crime, it is advisable to carry out such an operational-search activity as control technical channels communications (hereinafter referred to as CTCS) in relation to the subscriber who made telephone connections, indicating the time of interest. Moreover, if the mobile phone was used by an unidentified person, then the requested period of time is calculated from the moment the contract for the provision of services was concluded mobile communications GSM standard up to 180 days; if the mobile phone belongs to the victim, then the requested period of time is calculated from the moment the first ransom demand is presented to 180 days. Carrying out monitoring of technical communication channels as an operational investigative measure complies with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation on operational investigative activities (see paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of Article 6 Federal Law“On operational investigative activities” dated August 12, 1995 No. 144-FZ).

When carrying out this activity, along with information about connections, it is also necessary to obtain information about identification number mobile radiotelephone - IMEI and numbers of base stations of cellular operators where the subscribers of interest were registered. This need is due to questions that may arise in subsequent investigative actions and operational investigative activities:

1/ to IMEI number it is possible to establish the model of the radiotelephone used, which subsequently, when the defendants are detained and their existing radiotelephones are confiscated, can be used for proof purposes in the investigation of a criminal case:

In this case, the value 1 ( serial number) when registering a switched-on radiotelephone and replacing the SIM card remains unchanged, since it is strictly individual for each mobile radiotelephone, and values ​​2 and 3 are stored in the memory of the SIM card, they are also strictly individual for the subscriber and change with each replacement of the SIM card;

2/ often persons of operational interest, in order to prevent intelligence officers from listening to conversations, use several SIM cards. If the IMEI is known, the use of different SIM cards by the defendants will not be a significant obstacle when conducting wiretapping of telephone conversations of accomplices in the crime;

3/ information about the numbers of base stations at which the mobile radiotelephone was registered helps to establish the location of the person involved, the route of his movement, as well as the vehicle used.

2.2. Analysis of received information in order to establish the ownership of radiotelephones, the persons using them, as well as their connections

The information obtained during the operational-search activities of the KTKS is large in volume and requires painstaking work to isolate from the entire mass of records only those that are of operational interest.

When carrying out such activities, it is necessary to reduce the requested time of connections to a minimum.

To establish the ownership of radiotelephones, it is advisable to carry out measures to verify their owners according to all available operational records of the ATC, using the forces and means of operational services, to carry out operational measures at the place of residence of the persons involved, as well as operational and technical measures for the identified means of communication.

Several people often take part in the commission of such particularly serious crimes as murders, and they can actively use mobile communications.

To ensure that the information obtained about the defendants’ conversations on mobile phones is used in the investigation process, when conducting searches at their place of residence, one should strive to detect and seize the following items: contracts for the provision of cellular communication services, SIM cards, express payment cards, empty boxes from mobile radiotelephones , radiotelephones themselves (even if they are not working properly or their components). All this can be evidence in a criminal case.

Thus, it should be taken into account that the study of billing information relating to the connections of both criminal competitors and potential victims of crime, as well as negotiations of law enforcement officials, may also come to the attention of representatives of criminal groups.

Let's consider some possibilities of using billing in the detection and investigation of grave and especially grave crimes committed in complicity, but we should not forget that when collecting and analyzing information about the use of mobile cellular communications by persons involved, the main principles of work in the investigation process are: respect for rights and freedoms person and citizen, respect for the rule of law, secrecy, compliance with secrecy.

An analysis of the crimes committed shows that during their preparation and commission, accomplices actively use mobile devices communications. To identify persons involved in crimes and using high-tech mobile communications, the following recommendations may be useful:

1) receiving billing data about subscriber connections through mobile operators, linked to the base station and indicating individual identification numbers;

2) analytically identifying cellular subscribers who may be involved in the commission of the crimes under investigation;

3) based on the results of the analysis, the orientation of operational units to carry out actions in order to detect and detain persons involved in committing crimes.

The frequency-territorial plan of the distribution network of communication facilities allows you to establish geographical coordinates and location of the base station.

The process of obtaining billing information about connections of mobile cellular subscribers indicating the BS, their processing and analysis is as follows:

1/ Based on the available information about the location of the crime, the initiator requests the number of the base station serving this territory (to draw up the appropriate resolution and obtain a court decision).

2/ Cellular operators are sent a request to provide billing information about subscriber connections for a certain period of time, linked to the base station and indicating the IMEI of subscribers.

3/ We get billing in the following form: type account, telephone number of subscriber A, dialed sequence of subscriber B, date and time of the start of the connection, duration, IMEI, data from the base station of subscriber A (at the beginning of the conversation), data from the base station of subscriber A (at the end of the conversation), data from the base station of subscriber B (at at the beginning of the conversation), data from the base station of subscriber A (at the end of the conversation).

4/ Search for matches by place and time.

5/ Orienting operational units to take action against identified subscribers who may be involved in the commission of a crime.

If the statistics were obtained by the operational services within the framework of the Law “On Operational Investigation”, then there is a need to obtain these statistics within the framework of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation by applying to the court with petitions for permission to monitor and record telephone conversations. To do this, it is necessary to request from the employees providing operational support in the case a certificate of the results of the analysis of statistics of connections of the persons of interest. Having received a court order, you can instruct the investigative body to obtain statistics from the cellular operator. After receiving the statistics, analyze and examine them, drawing up a protocol in which it is necessary to reflect all the points of interest to the investigation.

A positive example of conducting an in-depth analysis of telephone connection statistics can be a criminal case of murder 3. with signs of an order. During the initial investigative actions, it was established that the victim had been followed for a long time, and therefore it was assumed that the criminals could use mobile phones. CID officers analyzed all calls made in the coverage area of ​​the base station, in the coverage area of ​​which the crime scene was located. In addition, there was operational information that the crime could have been committed by residents of other regions of the country, in particular the Vologda region. A huge amount of information was processed six months before the crime was committed. In parallel with this, the statistics of the connections of V., suspected of organizing the crime, were analyzed. When comparing telephone numbers it was established that V. several times connected with telephone numbers of subscribers who were several times in the area of ​​coverage of the base station sector covering the crime scene. These phones belonged to residents of Vologda. Having received statistics of connections of the specified phone numbers, they were established Phone IMEI, in which SIM card data was used, as well as numbers of other SIM cards used in these phones. When receiving and studying the statistics of connections of other numbers, it was found that subscribers using SIM card data were constantly in Vologda, but periodically came to Arkhangelsk, where they stayed for 10 days, moving around the city. It was established that the subscribers were in the coverage areas of base stations covering the crime scene, as well as establishments visited by the victim. After studying the statistics, the identities of the subscribers were established. They were subsequently detained and charged with murder for hire. Connection statistics served as one of the pieces of evidence exposing those responsible for organizing and committing a particularly serious crime.

Department of Criminalistics of the Investigation Department

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federationin the Arkhangelsk region

Application of data methodological recommendations, along with the investigation, will allow the defense to prove the innocence of its client, to convict a person of perjury, which law enforcement agencies do not hesitate to involve, as the only opportunity to achieve a guilty verdict.


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