Program to change photo information. How to manage and edit photos and files metadata. Additional features of the professional version of Exif Date Changer

Hello dear blog readers www.Syt. Suitable by the end of the summer holidays. The people are massively returning the ravisas from different wonderful places. Many with lots made during travel or recreation photos.

Weather this fall, at least in Moscow, is just terrible. So, it's time to take the processing of brought pictures.

Today we will talk about editing Exif Data photos, mainly about how change recorded in EXif photo shooting time.

Surely no longer sure for anyone that any modern digital camera, whether it is a separate camera, or a camera in the phone or other electronic device, writes information about the picture to the file with the image eXIF data (Exchangeable Image File).

First of all, they include: the camera model, which was taken with a picture, exposure values, aperture, focal length, ISO light sensitivity, date and shooting time.

This is not all. Depending on the camera model, the EXIF \u200b\u200bcan be spelled out. a large number of other parameters, such as: resolution, lens type, flash use and many others, including even serial number apparatus.

Today we will be interested shooting timerecorded in exif. Soon it will be clear why.

Why edit Exif data values

Tell me honestly. You always prior to the start of the shooting check the time set in your camera or camcorder? I think I'm not mistaken if I assume such an answer from Lexicon Viktor Akashash: "Rather, there is no, than yes." Again, you can still say that the happy hours do not observe.

Is it so scary if the clock in your camera will go to any side for a few minutes? No, of course. If we are not talking about the exact temporom logging of a certain event, then God is with him.

The problem begins when you need to combine reportage into one album, that is, built in chronological order, photographs made by different cameras. Here is the time error + -3 ... 5 minutes can be extremely unpleasant.

I first encountered such a problem when my wife and I began to shoot in joint travel in parallel to two cameras. I, let's say, when passing or passing the streets - the left side, she is right. Or vice versa. We remove a lot - everything that I liked. And then after all, that did not take a picture, then after a while I forgot.

When, on my return home, I undertook to process pictures, it turned out that in the pre-tribute, I completely forgot to check out what time it is shown and, therefore, write in EXIF photo data, our cameras. One was something like +3 minutes, on the other -4. The total 7 minutes turned out to be a real nightmare.

Apotheosis of that series of photographs, after which it became clear that it was impossible to live further, "the funicular in Bergamo appeared. According to one camera, it turned out that we were already safely climbed upstairs, passing through the window of dizzying local beauties, according to another, which is still going.

It was necessary to find a way edit the time recorded in the EXIF \u200b\u200bphotos, and in batch mode. In principle, change the time stamp in EXIF \u200b\u200bfor each photo individually in Picasa.But it hurts it to Murotno and would have happened for a long time for a few hundred pictures.

Waiting to find a ready-made program that would allow to carry out the necessary group editing Snapshots were close to zero. What was my surprise, I would even say admiration when such eXIF editing program Found. It is called .

Appointment and capabilities of the EXIF \u200b\u200bDate Changer program

Since it is from time to time to create its new releases, the program is better to download from the developer's site. At the time of writing this article, version was relevant.

The program allows you to:

  • Quickly edit the dates / time recorded in the EXIF \u200b\u200bfor all images in the selected folder (batch processing);
  • Rename all images with inclusion in the photo file names of the shooting date / time of the shooting and the preferred format of the output file name. For example, "2013-08-15 11-38-56 - italy.jpg" or "20130815_italy.jpg";
  • Facilitate sorting due to better file naming;
  • Add copyright and authors, tags ( keywords) (used in many programs, such as Picasa. or Adobe Lightroom) (at version pro.);
  • Add a date / time mark in images that initially do not have EXIF \u200b\u200bdata. These are, for example, scanned photos. (A very useful option for creating digital photo albums from scanned old photos);
  • Add watermarks in JPEG images (in Pro version);
  • Easily sort and process images from several cameras (in Pro version).

Offered in two versions: Standard (free) and Pro. ($ 14.95). Paid version Pro. Oriented on professional use And different from Standard support besides Jpg. Large image file formats, such as: Raw., CR2., Nef. etc. The full list of supported formats supported by the Program site is presented on the website of the program.

In addition to supporting a large number graphic formats, paid version Allows you to add to EXIF various information and filter photos from the camera model.

Despite the fact that in one of the cameras I initially keep pictures in format Nef. (Nikon), final processing and formation of albums is made in a wonderful photo manager in Jpg.. For this reason free version The programs turned out to be more than enough.

Which allows you to make a free version of the Exif Date Changer program

So the main program window looks like:

The program interface is available in several languages. As we see from the presented screenshot, the Russian language is also supported, which is nice.

In order to change (move) the time recorded in the EXIF \u200b\u200bphotos placed in some folder, you need to specify this source and select the final folder and on the first tab " Difference in time"Set the desired by selecting a string in one way" Set up time”.

In the same line, on the right there is a calculator to calculate the difference between its two specified values.

note that source photos will not be modified - their copies with changed values \u200b\u200bof EXIF \u200b\u200bdata will be created in the selected end folder (and that's right).

On the example of all photos presented in the source folder, shooting time will increase by 5 minutes. That's it simple.

It may be more difficult to define the definition value of the shift. You can offer such solutions to the problem:

  • If the shooting was made relatively recently and the digital clock in the camera did not have time to "leave" even further or rush for one reason or another, for example, due to the problems with the battery, then the value of the required shift can be taken equal to the difference between the current time and time in the clock cameras. The availability of the camera itself is a prerequisite.

If you want to synchronize pictures from multiple cameras, then the correction, respectively, must be performed for photos taken by each of them.

  • If the task is to simply synchronize photos from multiple cameras, then you can proceed in this way.

On the series of photographs made by different cameras, you must select one key picture. Under key, in this case, the photos that were made by different cameras, but approximately at the same time are implied. Next, compare the time stamps of the selected photos and solve the simplest arithmetic task for subtraction.

As a "basic" camera in this case, it makes sense to take the hours of which the clock is the closest to the actual one.

In this way, I have successfully composed of one anniversary event. Photos were made by several different devices from different points and without prior to editing the values \u200b\u200bof the shooting time sets to build them into a single row, it was not possible.

In order to view the date and time of shooting a photo (not to be confused with the date and time of file creation), it is enough to open the file properties in file Manager Windows Explorer. and open the tab " Detail”:

In addition, EXIF \u200b\u200bdata show almost all photo managers, such as Picasa..

In fact, this is all that the solution of the task has directly concerned. You can then copy photos from the EXIF-edited shooting time marks made by different cameras, in one folder and watch what happened. If the error was embryed into calculations, simply repeat the operation with another shift value.

In conclusion, a few more words about the program. In the embodiment Standard Almost all actions are available in the program on the first two tabs.

On the first tab " Difference in time", Which we have partially already disassembled, in addition to the temporary shift in the string" Set the date and time"You can set to write to EXIF \u200b\u200bphotos the absolute value of the date and time:

The right button in this row allows you to copy the date and time from the EXIF \u200b\u200barbitrarily selected photo.

In the version Pro. Additionally, you can set the interval of a consistent increase in time for all photos. In the free version of the program, when you select this option in EXIF, all photos will be spelled out the same date and time of shooting.

If it is undesirable, you can choose the desired photos when switching to " Select images"In the upper right side of the screen.

Switch " Without date settings"Used when you do not need to change the date and time of shooting, but it is supposed to perform other operations provided for in the program. Setting these operations is carried out on the following tabs:

On the tab " Options"You can set the signature of images and rename files using dates and time values. The template for which files will be renamed, can be set according to your preferences.

At this feature of the free version of the program end.

Additional features of the professional version of Exif Date Changer

Those who need features presented on tabs " Additionally, the prog helped a lot! Thanks again for the info!

    Thank you very much for your feedback. It is very nice that he helped his publication to find the necessary program And that you did everything.

All cool, thank you very much!
PS: With this portion of photos, it happened here's what moment: the program gives an error for almost all files: "CAN't read sublfd" and does not want to change the file date with the displacement for a day. I do not know how to be.
The remaining portions of photos from other photographers are perfectly renamed and the dates are adjusted as it should be.

So also inside the photo you can encrypt a hidden bunch of hidden data. Standard encrypting these so-called metadataReceived name EXIF (Eng. Exchangeable Image File Format).

Of course, we are not talking about hidden messages and secret correspondence, although it is possible to arrange it ... First of all, the EXIF \u200b\u200bstandard is used for save and viewing various characteristics Photos, its parameters, indicators, information about authorship and photographing object, as well as many other information. That is, the metadata is needed only from the point of view of the information component, which means you can do without them.

The ability to save and view metadata photos use multiple programs. If you use Windows OS, most likely you have already encountered an EXIF \u200b\u200bdata. Click right-click Mice on any photo, in the menu that appears, select at the bottom item "Properties".

Next, at least at all and different windows versionbut meaning the same: Find and click on the / tab button "Details". A table will open where information will be displayed, divided into conditional categories: "Description", "Source", "Image", "Camera", "Improved photo", "File". For information that were displayed in the entire table - this is nothing more than EXIF \u200b\u200bdata.

Lower the right properties slider and see how many different metadata can be in the photo. I am confident in your example, most of the lines will be empty, as they need to be filling their own. But the category "camera" may be filled - it automatically fills it with a camera or smartphone.

This is not an exhaustive list of possible metadata. Simply windows developers counted that such a table will be enough to affect the main information aspects photos. In fact, such data may be much more! And all this volume can be divided into two groups: basic and extra.

To the main parameters, I ratify the data groups that will be read in any program and device capable of looking into the spree of the photo. Such data should be attributed: File information, description, copyright, image information, camera data and snapshot conditions. This means that whatever you use the program, it will always show you at least this information.

For additional parameters, I ratify the data with which only separate programs will work. For example, Photoshop can create a tab "History" And keep the photo editing protocol in it. Save the photo, open again after time, at least on another computer, but necessarily through photoshop, and you can always see what metadata are saved in the "History" tab. But if you try to look into EXIF \u200b\u200busing, for example, GIMP, then this tab will not be discovered.

This is used by many serious programs. For example, using EXIF \u200b\u200bdata builds a system of filtering and sorting photos by adding keywords, creating rubrics and logical generalizations. This allows you to easily find the desired images among a tet of thousand.

EXIF data can be changeable and immutable.

ChangeableIn turn, you can divide another two subspecies:

editable by man, for example, to specify the author of the picture, and later delete and write a new name;

editable program, for example, when you save a photo in Photoshop, the program itself adds the tag that the photo was changed in Photoshop version such. You yourself will not be able to register or delete this tag (if only through a special software, but this is another story), but if you recover a photo in Photoshop another versionThe tag will be again changed in part of the version, for example, it was CS5, and it became CS6.

Unchanged The data is recorded by programs and devices without your will and tightly stay with this photo, for example, image resolution, file format, creation date, camera data.

Why and how to use EXIF \u200b\u200bdata?

  • First of all, it is a very convenient recording of information about the picture, well, not to keep in notepad records with what excerpt you have done one or another! Everything is written convenient to the file, when you need, discovered, looked, remembered.
  • This is proof of your authorship of the snapshot if you enter all the necessary information about yourself.
  • At the account of the notepad, I am not far from the truth. You can also open the desired photo and enter the information you need. It will be securely stored and will not go anywhere. But I remind you that it will have to browse through the same program.
  • Did you like / did not like the quality of the picture taken? - Analyze the data in the Camera category. There you will learn under what conditions and the settings of the camera was made this picture. They admired / found a mistake - received invaluable experience.
  • Professional image reviewers, such as carrying out the sorting and filtering large masses of photos by EXIF \u200b\u200bmetadata.
  • Pass the love message of the little man, or encrypt secret data and exit / cross them from the country \u003d))

Thirdly, on the Internet is full of online services for working with EXIF-metadata. Their advantage is that they do not have to install anything on the computer. Made this operation once and forgot.

Of the minuses, I will note the speed of work - it directly depends on the capabilities of your Internet tariff.

Sample site to remove EXIF \u200b\u200bonline -

Noticed the error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thanks!

ShowExif is a small utility for viewing metadata digital imagesobtained using professional cameras.


This software It is hardly useful to you in everyday work with the camera. However, sometimes it may not be less useful than popular graphic editor And converters of images that you use almost every day. The need to view metadata, access to which and provides a utility may occur for various reasons. However, the most popular of them is familiarizing with the "mileage" of the camera.


ShowExif does not require installation, as it is portable. After downloading, you can run it and immediately start using. To view the number displayed in the meter, the drive of the shutter closed, pre-take a photo from the camera and download it to the computer.

To do this, use the image of the RAW format. Having taken a picture, open it using the utility in the browser. After that, all the necessary information will be displayed on the screen. The item "Total Number of Shutter Releases" displayed on the left side of the table is what you need. Browse the number in the row opposite it - this is the mileage of your camera. All metadata can be copied, deleted and saved to disk. Additionally, you can "attach" the first photo to them.

Key features

  • displays EXIF \u200b\u200bleft by phototechnics from the most popular manufacturers;
  • allows you to copy, delete and save metadata to disk and in the clipboard;
  • to view the mileage of the camera requires a snapshot in the RAW format;
  • fully translated into Russian;
  • does not require additional installation to the system, can be stored on a removable drive;
  • available completely free of charge;
  • performs a quick export of thumbnails to the disk;
  • allows you to view the mileage not for all cameras, but only for those that have this meter;
  • works on all versions operating system Windows.

Chapters Articles:

Digital photography in essence it software file.In addition to information about the image itself, information is stored about how it was done. This information is called metadata photosAnd it is placed in its special sections as, for example, the properties of the file, EXIF, IPTC and other necessary when storing photos.

Depending on the type of photography in its metadata, special sections associated with the features of creating a photo or its belonging to something can be created. For example, the DICOM section is needed for medical purposes, GPS for geographical, and section Camera Raw. To store the photo processing results (Fig. 1).

Fig.1 The display window of the display of multiple photos of different sections.

Metadata of digital photos are created by the camera or other equipment when creating a file, but can be created, changed and supplemented with special programs. The main purpose of the metadata sections is their target use, both by the photographer and devices, such as a printer. For this, they are created.

Of all possible metadata sections that can be in digital photos, photographers are used for their work only three. The EXIF \u200b\u200bsection stores technical information about the photographic parameters. The IPTC section stores copyright information and photo description. In the properties of the file, its parameters are stored.

Metadata of digital photos is a powerful tool in the arsenal of the photographer. The ability to work with metadata is an important skill, but for this you need to know the contents of the main sections of metadata and their capabilities. Using metadata for any purposes, photographers get opportunities that cannot be underestimated.

EXIF - Technical Metadata

The main section of the metadata file of the digital photo is Exif - Exchangeable Image File Format. Literally translated into Russian This shift image file format. This section stores the technical information made by the camera during the photography, and the photo recorded in the file automatically.

EXIF Standard has become widespread due to the appearance of digital cameras and is an integral part. Metadata information from the EXIF \u200b\u200bsection gives the photographer a complete view of all the settings of the camera with which the photo was made.

EXIF metadata section is a format included in photo files by manufacturers of different photo equipment. With the development of photographic equipment, this format is developing. When the camera appears, new features appear, they appear in the EXIF \u200b\u200bsection. But there will be no cameras in the files that have no such functions.

The main operating functions of digital cameras are each of them, both in the old models and new ones. Information about them is stored in the EXIF \u200b\u200bsection of the digital photo metadata of any camera. Its composition is well visible on the example of one of the first digital camera mass production "Konica Minolta Dynax 5D" (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 EXIF \u200b\u200bMetadata section of digital photography.

All fields are filled with a camera, but may differ depending on the settings installed in its menu. Some fields may not be, and some fields can be added. Edit in the metadata field EXIF \u200b\u200bsection of the digital photo cannot be edited. You can only delete them in a special program as in the properties of the file.

Metadata Photos - File Properties

Digital Photography File Properties This is another storage metadata section. technical information. Unlike EXIF, information about the digital photo file itself is stored in the file properties. His name, type, dates, sizes and color. This information is required by the photographer for operations with digital photos and storage files (Fig. 3).

Fig.3 Metadata section Digital Photography - File Properties.

File properties Digital photography is its technical passport. This information cannot be edited. It is part of the file. Any changes in this section of the metadata photos can be made only when the file changes and its subsequent saving with new parameters. And this is another file.

Usually when working with files in the Windows Vista operating system and older through context menu The "Properties" window is displayed, manually believes that the file properties of the file is open. But in this window there are different metadata, and it consists of several blocks: description, source, image, camera, improve photo, file and other (Fig. 4).

Fig.4 Operating window windows systems "Properties" to display digital photography metadata.

In the "Properties" operating system window, the file property of the file property is displayed in the lower block "File" (Fig. 5). Other window blocks are different sections of the digital photo metadata. For example, the "camera" block is an EXIF \u200b\u200bsection (Fig. 4), and the "Description" block is the IPTC section.

Fig.5 Metadata Digital Photos File Properties are displayed in the "Properties" window in the lower block "File".

IPTC - Descriptive Metadata Section

In addition to the technical sections of the EXIF \u200b\u200bmetadata and the properties of the file can be created to store the description of the digital photography. IPTC. INTERNATIONAL PRESS Telecommunications Council) - International Council for the press and telecommunications. This section of the metadata is designed to consolidate the copyright and identification of photography.

In the digital photo metadata there may be several types of IPTC sections. They differ in the appointment and number of fields editable in them. For example, the IPTC Core section is a basic section (Fig. 6), IPTC Extension is optional (Fig. 7), and IIM is an old modification of the IPTC partition (Fig. 8).

Fig.6 The main section of the metadata of digital photos IPTC CORE.

Fig.7 Additional section Metadata Metadata IPTC Extension.

Fig.8 The old section of the IPTC digital photo metadata (IIM).

Unlike the EXIF \u200b\u200bsection, which is created by the camera at the moment of photography, the IPTC metadata section is created after it. The field of the photographer section fills it on the need, but may not do this. It depends on the purpose of the photo. Most often, this section is filled in for commercial purposes to accommodate photos in photo banks.

Fill the metadata fields for a large number of digital photo files manually very tedious and long. For this exist special programswhich can also be performed by other operations with digital photo metadata. About what programs for the programs and how to work with them, read in the following articles:

EXIF data really contain a large number of information about photography, however when it comes to posting a photo on the Internet, which in our age does almost every one, it gets up a double question - leave or delete this data.

Exif is useful in that it contains confirmation that the snapshot is made with your camera, for example, can help. Also EXIF \u200b\u200bis useful simply when learning photos of masters, when you wonder how the aperture, excerpt and other shooting parameters were set. Here is how, for example, on the site

However, EXIF \u200b\u200bmay contain if not confidential, at least unwanted to show the entire Internet information. In this case, it is necessary to delete this data, although this does not exclude cases of deletion of EXIF \u200b\u200bin order to simply hide whose snapshots and use as their own. In general, this is a rather difficult question, and you decide - delete or leave EXIF \u200b\u200bdata, my goal is to show how 🙂

Let's start with the fact that there is a wonderful service, which in the event of the camera loss will tell its serial number, even if you did not record it, and will automatically find photos from your camera - you just need to throw one of the past pictures in the window of this site filmed by your camera. True, the test with my photos gave only 4 results 🙁 Although my photos on the network are hundred times more., which has become even more popular due to what helped, really issued a lot more results according to my photos - in general, according to the site, they indexed more than 10.4 million serial numbers. However, this service does not automatically define the serial number: for this you have to look into Exif One of its pictures independently, according to one of the methods shown in the article about that.

What to do if you all do not want to disclose the details of the photo?

Again, there are several ways here.

1. The easiest way edit exif It was described in the past lesson - simply click on the right mouse button on the file and go to the Properties menu item, go to the Details tab and click on the Remove Properties and Personal Information link. In the window that opens, select which data is deleted, and what to leave and leave whether at all.

2. The following method is convenient when processing photography and maintain it for subsequent publication on the Internet. In Photoshop, there is a special feature for this File -\u003e Save for Web & Devices or simply dial T + Shit + Ctrl + S. Here you need to choose the file format, in particular, JPG and in the Metadata field specify how you want edit exif Data - What to leave, and what to remove, or at all delete all exif data.
