How to change the location where downloaded files are saved. How to change the location of default user folders in Windows

Modern operating systems can be customized. For example, a person is able to change the theme and even file shortcuts. There is nothing difficult about it. The main thing is to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions. Today we will try to figure out how to change the folder icon in Windows. This can be done in just a few minutes. Moreover, this problem has several solutions. And each user is able to independently choose the method of adjustment GUI OS.


How to change the icon of a folder or file? Exist various options approach to solving the corresponding problem.

Today, users can change the graphics of shortcuts:

  • using system services;
  • through specialized applications;
  • manually.

Standard solution

On Windows? Let's start with the simplest approach to solving the problem. Users are able to bring their ideas to life using system options software.

To change the icon of a file or folder, you must:

  1. Right-click on the corresponding information storage.
  2. Select the line labeled "Properties".
  3. Switch to the "Settings" tab.
  4. Click on the "Change Icon" button.
  5. Select the icon you want to display from the menu that appears. If you wish, you can click on "Browse..." and specify the path to the archive of new shortcuts.
  6. Save changes.

Fast, simple and convenient! Now it’s clear how to change the folder icon. This is just one of several possible developments.

Changing the archive

How to change folder icon in Windows 7? Many modern users work with this operating system. To configure the display of shortcuts and folders, you can use the previously specified algorithm of actions.

As already mentioned, users are able to cope with the task in different ways. The following technique helps to make adjustments to the icon archive. This is a massive change in the graphical display of files, shortcuts and folders on the computer.

To change the folder icon in this case, to change the icon archive you will have to do this:

  1. Right-click on any free area of ​​the desktop.
  2. Select "Personalization".
  3. Click on the "Change desktop icons" button.
  4. Click on the "Change Icon" control.
  5. Specify the path to the archive of pre-prepared images for shortcuts, files and data storage.
  6. Confirm the adjustments made.

This kind of technique doesn't come up too often. Nevertheless, it occurs in practice. It can be used in more new Windows.

Themes and operating system

How to change folder icon in Windows 10? And in "Seven"? You can bring your idea to life with the help of installation new topic in the operating system. This is not the most difficult operation.

It is best to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to "Personalization" on your computer. How to do this has already been said.
  2. Select a topic in the designated window. You can connect to the Internet and click on “Search topics on the Internet.” Then all that remains is to download and install the appropriate graphics package.
  3. Click on the button to confirm the operation.

This technique massively changes the style operating system. If it does not help, you will have to activate one computer setting. What is it about?

Customization for themes

You must allow themes to change desktop icons and shortcuts. This is done in a few clicks.

To change the folder icon to your own by initializing a new graphical “execution”, the user will need:

  1. Click right click mouse over any empty area of ​​the desktop.
  2. Open the "Personalization" section.
  3. Switch to the "Change shortcuts" menu.
  4. In the dialog box that appears, check the box next to "Allow themes to change labels and icons."

It is done. Now you can install new themes and monitor changes in the operating system. No utilities, costs or special knowledge.

Applications and icons

If you need to change the folder icon, you can use another approach to solving the problem - this is working with additional programs. With their help, users can upload new icons and create their own graphic elements.

In general, the work will be reduced to the following operations:

  1. Find and install an application for working with file and folder icons.
  2. Launch the appropriate utility.
  3. Download shortcuts or upload your own images for icons.
  4. Initialize graphics in the OS.
  5. Apply adjustments to the operating system.

Most programs for working with computer shortcuts are free. Here are a few utilities that are used most often:

  • Avelcon 2.
  • InfanView;.
  • Restorator.
  • IconPackager.

"Avelcon" and "IconPackager" are applications that allow you to create your own shortcuts and graphic icons.

Shortcut recovery

We found out how to change the folder icon in one case or another. But what if the user decides to return the standard graphics of the operating system. This kind of question causes a lot of problems.

For example, you can return the default Windows theme. This technique works if the icons have been changed along with the graphical design of the entire operating system.

If the icons were changed manually, you will have to look for an archive with system shortcuts and use in a standard way folder adjustments.

Here are the possible locations of archives with standard Windows icons:

  • C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll.
  • C:\Windows\System32\ddores.dll.
  • C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll.

By selecting one of these libraries, the user will be able to restore standard operating system icons.

To quickly visually search or decorate the appearance of folders (directories), add custom icons. The recommendations will show how to change the folder icon in Windows 7, 8 to your own.

There are enough ways to change the icon of a specific directory or all, involving Windows tools, third party programs. or select an existing one and follow the steps below.

How to change the appearance of a folder

To change the folder icon in Windows 7, 8 you will need to follow a few simple steps. In Explorer, select a directory and right-click on it. In the menu, click “properties”.

In the properties window, go to the “settings” tab. In the third area, click the "change icon" button.

In the dialog box, select a standard icon from the list (located in the SHELL32.dll file) or click “browse”, specify the path to your image (ico) and click “open”. To practice, download the archive with icons.

Recommended to use graphic files with a resolution of 256 by 256 pixels so that they are displayed correctly or in Explorer. If you decide to return the default folder view, click the “restore defaults” button. Once you've made your final selections and completed the steps, click OK.

In the properties window, look at the preview. Next, click “apply” and OK.

As a result, a configuration file desktop.ini is created in the folder, in which the parameters and path to the image are specified. To see it, you need.

You can manually create or edit the file instead of using dialog boxes. Create Text Document(txt), name it desktop and on (ini). Open it and copy these lines:

IconFile=full path to the icon (ico)

Save the changes to change the folder icon in Windows 7, 8. The lines in the existing desktop.ini may differ, you just need to enter the path to the picture.

It's not always possible change the folder icon to your picture, for example, this is not applicable for the Windows directory. You also cannot change the icon inside the library, first right-click on the folder and select “folder location” from the menu. Then follow the recommendations above.

How to change the icons of all folders

Using this method, you can change all folder icons in Windows 7 at once by setting a custom image. You will need administrative access. This will change the icons for all PC accounts. Icons also change when it supports such features.

1. In the search bar of the start menu, write regedit and click enter.

2. When the UAC window appears, click “yes”. These messages are irritating, so I suggest you read.

3. In the left pane of the registry, find the Explorer section (the picture shows the full path). Right-click Explorer, point to "New" and select "Partition". Give the Shell Icons a name and press enter. If this section exists, skip this step and go to step 4.

4. Select the created, existing Shell Icons. In the right pane, right-click, hover over “new” and select “string parameter”. Write it type 3 and press enter.

5. Right-click on parameter “3”, click “edit”. In the value area, write the path to ico file, For example, C:\iconca\papka.ico and click OK. The recommended image size (ico) is 256x256 pixels.

6. Pay attention to the bit depth of Windows 7; if you have a 32-bit system, go straight to step 7. If 64 bit is installed Windows version 7, then go to the section shown in the picture below and do steps 3 to 5.

7. To change the folder icon on Windows 7, restart your PC.

If you want to return regular folder icons, then visit the Shell Icons subsection and remove type 3 by right-clicking on it. Select “delete” from the menu, then click “yes.” For the 64-bit edition, do these steps in two places. Restart your computer.

Programs for changing folder icons

There are paid and free utilities to change the folder icon. Let's consider free products. I would like to emphasize that programs do not bring more benefit than using regular funds. Such applications include IconTo (we’ll look at it in more detail), FolderIco. To change a folder icon or group of folders, do this:

1. Download IconTo and install.

2. Launch the program, click “specify folder/file” and select installation for one folder, for several or for a specific file type.

4. Select one icon from the standard ones, in the “favorites”, “software” tabs, or click “specify an icon” to select your picture. Then click “install icon” and enjoy the result.

That's all, I explained how to change folder icon in Windows 7, 8. Feel free to use the capabilities of the operating system itself. The programs do not give the desired result. If the theme went beyond icons, find out in order to improve it appearance OS.

: documents, photo and video files. Just click on the download link and the file is saved somewhere. And often we don’t notice where exactly it is located after that, which causes a long and painful search for its location. Let's look at how to find and change the downloads folder in Windows.

To solve this problem, you can use the settings of the Internet viewer you are using. But this does not always work; for example, in Windows 10, the Microsoft Edge browser does not require such changes. Therefore, we will also describe options for changing the parameter directly in the system.

The instructions on how to change the download folder in Yandex Browser are quite simple:

Now all files will be downloaded to the selected location. To find them, you can follow the path in Explorer or you can open it in the program itself: in the download menu next to the file, click “Show”.

Google Chrome

In Chrome, the change algorithm is practically the same:

Similar to Yandex, here you can open the save location using the “Show” item next to the downloaded file in the download list.

Internet Explorer

If you are one of the rare number of people who still use Internet Explorer, here are instructions on how to change where you save your downloads:

Now all files will be saved here. There is one more universal method changes for all users are made directly through the system settings.

Changing, moving and restoring a directory in Windows

If you use different programs for surfing the Internet, then it is easier to simply change the location of the system folder where the default download occurs. This need arises when system disk is overcrowded, and you download large amounts of information from the network, which leads to freezes and slowdowns in work. First you need to know how you can find this folder on any Windows computer:

  1. In the Explorer window on the left in the menu next to the “Desktop” and “Favorites” items there will be a “Downloads” directory with a blue arrow.
  2. You can go to the system drive (usually drive C), go to Users, then click on the icon with your user name and open “Downloads”.

This directory is a system directory, so changing settings is not so easy. There is no way to simply change the folder in the system intended for downloads. But you can move it:

Restoring the previous state is possible in a similar way. Just point to the previous path.

It happens that users accidentally delete this directory, or it may disappear on its own, for example, when the computer is infected with a virus. In this case, the first thing you should do is scan your computer with an antivirus and neutralize the threats.

Let's look at how to restore the save location on the system if this folder suddenly disappears and each browser places downloads in different places at your own discretion.

  1. Go to “Start” and select “Run”.
  2. Bring up the command prompt by typing cmd and clicking Enter.
  3. Dial in command line this entry:

attrib –s –h C:\users\user\downloads

where “user” is the name of your specific computer user.

After this, the system should restore the folder.

We looked at how you can open system folder for downloads, change its location, how to change the default folder where the Yandex browser downloads and some others. All this is necessary for convenience and

Greetings, blog readers.

Many users, trying to make the appearance of their operating system unique, change everything they can. These are window colors, backgrounds, sounds, icons, and often the entire design together. I have already touched on various topics regarding this area. At the same time, I did not tell you how to change the folder icon in Windows 7. Well, in the article below I will tell you about this.

This procedure is simple and does not require any special skills from users. In general, to change the directory picture in Windows 8 or similar versions, you need to follow a few simple steps:

It is best to use files whose size does not exceed 256×256 points. To return standard image, just click on “ Restore to default" At the end we confirm the actions.

Before the final movements, you can preview the icon to be installed. If everything is fine, click " OK».

If you want to know in which folder the icons are stored - Shell32.dll. It would be more accurate to say that this is a library that is responsible specifically for icons.

As a result, a configuration file is created in the directory. It specifies the necessary parameters and the path to the image. By default it is hidden. To see it, you need to go to the tab “ View" and then in " Options. This is where you uncheck the box that hides these types of documents.

Manually( )

How to change the folder icon manually? Simple - you can create the above file yourself:

It is worth noting that not all catalogs can be changed to your own image. For example, for Windows partition it is forbidden.

All folders( )

The first thing you need to do is a restore point. Only after this proceed to the procedure itself:

This way you will be able to change the images in directories in Windows 10 and other versions.

Disk( )

If you want to put a new picture on a flash drive or any other partition, please refer to this article

Hello, readers of our site for beginners. The Internet opens up a lot of useful opportunities for us. This includes searching for information, people, communicating with them through, in addition, we ourselves can share our knowledge and skills through our own website (blog) or with the help social networks. But one way or another, we constantly download something from various resources: programs, music, files, films, etc. All these downloads are downloaded to a special folder by default. Many newbies don't know where these downloads are located. In addition, this folder can be changed, i.e. specify another folder in another location on your computer or laptop.

Today we will look at how to change the download folder in different browsers. Let's start, as always, Google Chrome

How to change download folder in chrome

So, in order to find out where files are downloaded or simply change the location of the folder, go to Browser Settings by entering in the address bar chrome://settings/ and at the very bottom click on the link “ Show advanced settings»

Go down to the settings section " Downloaded files" Here we see the current path to the downloads folder. To change it, click on the “Change” button. If it is convenient for you to choose the download location yourself, then check the box “ Always indicate the download location" Now before downloading a file, archive, etc. A window will open to select the download location.

Let's just change the download path. To do this, click the " Change».

A window like this will open, where we just need to specify required section hard drive and a folder. You can create it in advance or directly in this window by clicking on the “ Create a folder" After you have specified the desired folder for downloads, click " OK" Now all downloaded files will be automatically downloaded to this folder.

Changing the downloads folder in Mozilla Firefox

This browser also prompts us to change the folder for downloading files. To do this, go to Browser Settings

We have familiar settings before us. To change the download folder, click on “ Review…»

How to change the download folder in Yandex Browser

Now let's change the download folder in Yandex Browser. The standard procedure is very similar to what we did in Google Chrome: go to Browser Settings

And in the group " Downloads", as before in other browsers, click the button " Change" Then install new folder for file downloads.

How to change the download folder in Opera

And finally, let's replace the folder in Opera browser. To do this, go to Settings through the Main Menu

Or by pressing a keyboard shortcut Alt+P

Here we have a familiar panel in the settings tab “ Basic" I think it won’t be difficult for you to change the folder using the above methods.

This is how simple and easy it is to change the folder for downloading files via various browsers. And that's all for today. Until next time.

In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults should not commit drunkenness and massacres - there are enough other days for that.
