Why is there a black screen in the menu on my computer? Black screen when loading Windows: what to do if the computer does not turn on. Windows desktop won't load

If you work with technology, it is better to prepare for the moment when, when you turn on your computer, a black screen appears instead of the standard screensaver. Note, not “if”, but “when”. Every user will encounter this and many other malfunctions many times in his life; the equipment is too short-lived and complex.

Electronics addiction

Computer systems have made human life much more comfortable:

  • There is no need for a lot of “manual” calculations;
  • Most existing systems would not be able to function without computer automation of the process;
  • Sophisticated equipment has made it easier to communicate between people on different continents;
  • Thanks to electronics, you can make any purchase without leaving your home.

Of course, the degree of implementation of these benefits depends on the level of development of the country. Somewhere in Africa, many captives had never seen a computer in their lives, and such a meeting would have ended with attempts to drive out spirits from the machine and pierce the monitor with a spear.

A person gets used to all the new opportunities that appear to him due to the era computer technology. But any malfunction, especially a massive one, can lead to a real disaster.

Now, for any country, disconnection from the system of international electronic payments looks worse than carpet bombing. Again, with the exception of some southern regions.

Laptop won't boot: black screen

This is a common problem with laptops, because on many models you can turn off the screen with just one key combination:

  1. Find the "" key on your keyboard fn", it is located in the lower left corner;
  2. Press and hold " fn+f7»;
  3. A black screen will appear;
  4. Suitable for all Asus models;
  5. You can turn on the screen and return the image using the same combination.

The fact is that many users prefer to connect monitors to their laptops and display information on them. To do this, you need to change the projection in the settings or completely disable the “native” screen.

You can switch between displays using the “f8” key while simultaneously pressing “fn”.

After working with external screen You might forget to return the settings. The problem could also be caused by someone else's joke, so check two combinations first - try turning on or switching the display. If this does not help, the problem may be with the monitor's power cord. An outgoing wire is the most harmless fault, the correction of which will be cheap and will not take much time. All other violations are exactly the same as for a desktop computer.

In this video, computer repairman Mikhail Volodin will tell you what to do if a black screen appears on your laptop when you turn it on:

Black screen when starting computer

This problem could occur for the following reasons:

  • The monitor is disconnected from the power supply, sometimes the problem is simpler than it seems;
  • The video card cable is connected to the wrong connector or has started to come off;
  • A black screen is directly related to a monitor malfunction;
  • Problems have arisen with the system - drivers have crashed or a virus has appeared;
  • The video card is faulty;
  • Used over new model monitor;
  • The monitor's power cable is coming loose.

Conventionally, all breakdowns can be divided into four large levels:

  1. Cables and wires;
  2. Monitor;
  3. Video card;
  4. Operating system.

It's not that hard to differentiate. For example, the BIOS gives a signal about problems with the video card using one long and two short signals.

A software malfunction is identified by messages appearing, a constantly spinning download icon on a black background, and the like.

The cheapest and easiest way is to replace the cable, so it's best to hope that this is the problem. Wires often come loose or are inserted into the wrong connectors after using other equipment.

Black screen when turning on the computer - what to do?

To finally start using a computer or laptop:

  • Turn on the screen, press the button and check if power is supplied to it;
  • Make sure that the video card is connected correctly and the cable is inserted into the correct connector;
  • Try to push the wires more tightly into the connectors on the monitor; they may have come loose;
  • Press the key combination “fn+f7” if you have an Asus laptop;
  • Listen to the sounds made by the built-in speaker;
  • Boot the system into safe mode, if possible (hold F8 while loading);
  • Install old monitor, change the refresh frequency and screen resolution to the minimum settings and try again.

The classic black screen is a problem with the display. Most likely, it is not connected to the network or there are other problems. Check all the LEDs that are on it - flickering may indicate a malfunction of the equipment, a complete absence of backlighting may indicate a lack of voltage.

Do not rush to take your laptop or computer to a service center. First, connect another monitor - find an old one or ask your friends. An unscrupulous repairman may fix a problem with the power cord, but bill for a completely different service.

Is it worth going back to basics?

Giving up gadgets is not a good idea:

  1. Technological development satisfies all the needs of humanity;
  2. Thanks to electronic devices, we have the opportunity to do things that our ancestors never dared to dream of;
  3. Going back to the Stone Age is not what modern people really want;
  4. Together with the refusal of electronics, it is possible to cancel vaccinations and cause millions of deaths from diseases that have already been conquered.

Society will not remain the same as it was 30 years ago. And in its current form it won’t last long. Everything is changing too quickly, and we will no longer be able to keep up with our children, just as our parents once could not keep up with us in mastering computers, mobile phones and tablets.

Today we can only hope that the rate of progress will not slow down in the near future, but will only accelerate. If so, we'll see a lot more in the next decade. useful new products, which will tightly enter our lives and begin to be used en masse.

And for this we need as many scientists and engineers as possible. Well, and the funds from which all their activities will be financed.

Dealing with a non-working monitor

If a black screen appears when you turn on your computer:

  • The monitor is turned off - just plug it into the network and press the button;
  • The power cable comes off - move all connection points;
  • The video card is not connected correctly - select another connector;
  • The screen is turned off with a key combination - press " fn+f7»;
  • There is a problem with drivers or viruses - boot the system in safe mode (F8);
  • The video card or the monitor itself has “burned out” - take it to a service center;
  • Exposed too much high frequency updates - connect the old monitor and change this indicator to 50-60 Hz.

Don’t immediately tear your hair out and think how much it will cost to replace a monitor or video card. The problem can usually be solved with less spending.

If, when you turn on your computer, a black screen appears more often than your desktop wallpaper, it may be worth finally buying a normal cable that will not come off every time after a minimal shift of the monitor.

Video: solving the black screen problem

In this video computer wizard Nikita Reshetnikov will tell you about all the possible solutions to the problem with a black computer screen, what could be the reason for the lack of an image on the monitor:

Every third laptop owner is faced with the problem of a “black screen” upon startup. There may be a lot of reasons that cause the problem, but before contacting a computer repair service, we recommend that you perform diagnostics yourself. We will talk about this below.

Causes of malfunction

The reasons why the laptop screen does not work can be divided into several groups:

  1. Damage to the south or north bridge motherboard due to mechanical interference or overheating of the device.
  2. Malfunctions with central processor or video card.
  3. Broken cable, laptop matrix or backlight.
  4. The RAM malfunctioned or fell out of the connector.
  5. Malfunctions in the computer hardware settings.
  6. The battery has stopped working.

In the first three cases, repair or replacement of parts is necessary. You can try to fix the malfunctions described in the remaining paragraphs yourself.

Advice! If the laptop turns off after a long time of operation and shows no signs of life, it is likely that it has overheated. Check that nothing is blocking the air outlet, clean it from dust, and then turn it on.


Important! Determine whether the laptop starts when you turn on the power button (you can hear the noise of the coolers, hard drive whether the LED indicator lights up). Your further actions depend on this.

Battery check

If the laptop shows signs of life when turned on:

  1. Connect it to a 220V network, check if there is voltage (look at the laptop charge indication).
  2. There is an indication, but the laptop does not turn on - disconnect Charger from a laptop.
  3. Pull out the battery as shown in the picture.
  4. Clean clogged contacts.
  5. Press and hold the power button for 20 seconds to remove any residual charge from the motherboard and laptop components.
  6. Connect the charger and turn on the device, check the screen operation. If it works, install the battery and check the operation again. Laptop won't turn on? We recommend replacing the battery.
The laptop “comes to life” upon startup and there is a screen at hand personal computer or a TV with an HDMI output - check the operation of the laptop, perhaps the fault is really in the laptop:

Advice! The cause of the malfunction may be unstable work Windows. If so, or troubleshoot through command line. Enter the command sfc /scannow

BIOS Settings

Laptop users facing the black screen problem were helped by resetting the BIOS settings to default. If the computer shows signs of life (the coolers are working), connect it to a monitor or do the procedure blindly:

  1. Turn on your device.
  2. After turning on, press the F10 key (enter BIOS) for 10 seconds.
  3. A menu will open, wait and press F9.
  4. Press Enter (return to original settings).
  5. Press F10 (exit BIOS)/
  6. Press Enter to save your changes, exit, and restart your computer.

Important! If the previous methods were unsuccessful or your device shows no signs of life, try another option below.

Checking RAM sticks

There is a possibility that the motherboard has stopped recognizing the RAM:

  1. Turn off the laptop and take out the charger, turn it over, unscrew the screws.
  2. Open the back cover.
  3. Carefully move the latches in different directions to remove the RAM.
  4. Check the connections of other devices (hard drive or SSD stick).
  5. Close the lid, connect the device to the network and check its operation.

Good day to all!

Unfortunately, no one is immune from mistakes and problems. Even very careful users who monitor the security of their Windows sometimes encounter the absence of the usual image on the screen (in common people they simply say: “I got a black screen...”) .

I don’t want to be banal, but this problem has its own nuances. The thing is that each user understands completely different things under a black screen. For one, this is when his Windows has loaded, and instead of wallpaper on the desktop, he sees just a black fill, and for the other, when there is nothing on the screen at all (not a single inscription).

In order to somehow group the various causes and solutions, I have identified the three most characteristic behaviors of a computer (laptop) and Windows OS (see contents on the right). In this article I will try to give a comprehensive answer and solution for each possible option. I think that many users, using the article, will be able to solve the problem themselves and save a bit of money.

So, let's begin...

Why might a black screen appear? Analysis of reasons and solution

Nothing is shown on the screen at all (not even logos)

By this option I mean the complete absence of any image on the screen: i.e. There are no inscriptions, errors, either immediately when turning on, or after - no logos appear (for example, Acer, Lenovo, etc. manufacturers).

1) Check whether the computer and monitor turn on at all, how do the LEDs behave?

The first thing to pay attention to is whether the LEDs on the case of the system unit and monitor are lit. Often when it accidentally leaves network cable from the socket. Also, do not forget that there is another power switch on the system unit (it could have been accidentally turned off, for example, when cleaning up dust or when moving the unit).

For laptop users, check to see if the battery is dead. Try connecting the charger and turning on the device after a while.

I don’t want to generalize, but such banal reasons account for about half of the problems with the lack of an image on the screen.

2) Check if the cable from the video card to the monitor is tightly inserted, is it broken?

It also often happens that the picture is missing on the screen due to the fact that the plug is not inserted tightly or the cable that connects the monitor to the system unit is completely broken. Disconnect the cable from the monitor and system unit, carefully examine it and reconnect. If there is another similar cable, it is recommended to try it.

Damaged USB cable // Broken during device transportation

Also, when there is no signal supplied to the monitor (for example, due to problems with the cable), the error “No Signal” (No Signal, Check Signal Cable, etc.) often appears on it.

Cable not connected (Check Signal Cable)

3) Try shining a flashlight on the screen (the backlight may have failed)

The backlight on screens sometimes fails. If this is so, then you will not see anything on its surface: the image will become too dim. Try shining it with a regular flashlight ( table lamp) perpendicular to the screen. If there is a problem with the screen, you should see the part of the image where the flashlight rays fall.

4) The problem may be related to the second (external) monitor

Some laptops have special keys to turn off the screen. They are needed to display images on an external monitor. If you have previously connected an external monitor, then it is quite possible that the laptop “remembered” this and transmits the image to an unconnected monitor (while its own is turned off).

5) The video card or monitor has failed

If you hear the fan running, see blinking LEDs after turning on the computer, but there is no image on the screen, it is very possible that your video card has burned out (or the monitor itself has become unusable).

Pay attention to the sounds: according to the POST standard (i.e. BIOS self-test system) , if the video card is burned out and does not respond to requests. board, one long and two short beeps should sound (approx. : a speaker (speaker) is installed in the system unit, which will “buzz”) .

In general, I highly recommend connecting another monitor to your PC as a test and seeing if there is a picture on it. If there is a picture, then the problem lies in your monitor, if not, there is probably a problem with the video card (or motherboard).

As a reference! How to connect an external monitor to a laptop:

If something appears on the screen and then disappears or you see some messages (error) - most likely the problem lies in the fact that the laptop (computer) cannot find the boot data (for example, the disk was damaged Windows boot loader, or the disk is completely disabled due to a loose cable).

Below I will analyze the main reasons for this behavior and what is best to do.

1) Check if you have a CD/DVD inserted, if you have forgotten a flash drive, etc.

Default, Computer BIOS, first tries to find boot records on flash drives, floppy disks, CDs, and only then on the hard drive.

Therefore, if you forget to take out, say, a music CD, then after turning off (rebooting) the computer will begin to look for boot records on it (it will not find them, because the disc contains music) and will give you a “black” screen with an error in 1-2 sentences (for example, "Press any key to boot from CD...").

To avoid such a seemingly simple thing, be sure to check and remove all disks, floppy disks, and flash drives from the PC.

2) Look carefully at the error (inscriptions), if there are any. They often contain the cause of the problem.

If you see any error on your screen, even a small inscription in the corner of the screen, be sure to take a photo (write it down) of it. Often such a simple message contains a solution...

Error "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key" // PROVIDED AS AN EXAMPLE

For example, the error "reboot and select proper boot..." (given as an example) can be treated using these instructions:

3) Is the Windows OS boot loader damaged? Recovery attempt

The Windows bootloader can be damaged as a result of a virus infection of the PC, due to incorrect operation of the antivirus, careless user actions, when updating the OS, etc. Even in case crash Windows operation(for example, during a power outage) - it may happen that after turning it on you will encounter a similar problem.

Most often, if the bootloader is damaged, an error should appear on the screen like: “No bootable device found...”, “An operating system wasn’t found", "reboot and select proper...", etc. But it also happens that nothing is shown at all.

4) Go to BIOS/UEFI and check if it is detected HDD, RAM, etc. devices. Try also resetting the BIOS settings to optimal

If there is a failure in BIOS settings- the computer may stop booting. It is also possible that the hard drive is no longer detected (for example, due to its breakdown or a loose cable). To find out whether the computer itself sees the disk and determines its model, you need to go into the BIOS and see for yourself.

As a help!

Instructions on how to enter BIOS (UEFI) on a computer or laptop -

How to reset BIOS settings // reset BIOS password on laptop and PC -

5) If you have 2 video cards (integrated and discrete).

If your computer (laptop) has two video cards (integrated and discrete), then try disabling one of them (most often this can be done with a discrete video card. By the way, with which the most problems with overheating occur).

You can disable one of the video cards in the BIOS settings (note that this can not be done in all versions). Need to find a section Configuration: There should be a setting called something like "Graphic Device Settings".

6) Problem with RAM. The strips need to be tested.

In general, if there are problems with memory sticks, you can often see not a “black” but a “blue” screen, the computer often reboots, various errors pop up, etc. However, I recommend that you check the RAM as well.

In addition to the test, it is recommended to remove the strips from the slots, clean their contacts with a regular eraser, and brush away dust and eraser residues with a brush. This must be done carefully, on a clean, flat and dry surface. Don’t forget to blow dust off the slots themselves on the mat. board

If you have several dies random access memory- then connect only one of them while troubleshooting. Try starting the computer with only this one stick (then turn off the PC, and connect another stick, and start the PC with it).

In this case, the overwhelming majority of reasons are related to the Windows OS: for example, the system files OS, Explorer may not start, viruses and adware, etc.

1) Problem with OS activation (Windows is not genuine)

If your Windows OS activation fails (or you haven’t activated it at all), then on your desktop, instead of wallpaper and a beautiful picture, you will see a message on a black background stating that your copy of Windows is not genuine. Example below.

Your copy of Windows is not genuine

To be honest, I personally would not attribute this reason to the problem of a “black” screen - after all, your OS is loaded, you can use it. In this case, I recommend either entering your key or installing a legal one copy of Windows 10 (it can be downloaded officially and for free from the website itself).

2) The Windows boot loader may be damaged

I already wrote about the bootloader a little higher in the article. Here I will provide a link to instructions for restoring it (for Windows 10):

3) Try to boot into safe mode (there may be a driver conflict, for example)

Often, when updating or installing drivers (and some other software), it may happen that after rebooting the PC, Windows “refuses” to boot. This can happen due to a driver conflict (for example).

In any case, I recommend trying to boot Windows into safe mode(in this mode, only the most important processes necessary for the operation of the OS are loaded. Thus, it starts even in the most hopeless cases...).

Most often, to enter safe mode, immediately after turning on the PC, you need to press the key several times F8. Next, a window should appear asking you to select the boot mode. An example is presented below.

Instructions for entering safe mode (for Windows XP, 7, 8, 10):

When you boot into Safe Mode, delete the latest installed applications and drivers, after which your OS stopped loading. It would also be a good idea to run an anti-virus scan of the system.

To help! How to remove viruses from your computer if the antivirus does not see them -

4) Perhaps the problem is related to the conductor (it may simply not start)

Try holding down the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys at the same time and open the task manager. If the task manager starts, it’s already good (it means Windows has loaded, the explorer just hasn’t started).

To launch Explorer, in the task manager, click "File/run new task". Then enter the command in the "open" line explorer and press Enter. After launching Explorer, you should see the usual desktop...

Problems loading the OS may be due to viruses. For example, some viruses block the desktop and show various banners, preventing the user from getting to their shortcuts (to at least find out how to deal with it).

  1. take advantage safe mode (I told you how to enter it above). In safe mode, you can also open some pre-loaded antivirus - the same Dr.Web Cureit - and run it through the entire system. For this case, I recommend online antiviruses that do not require installation:
  2. boot from a LiveCD disk (or flash drive). This “thing” does not require installation on a hard drive and works autonomously: and after booting from it, you can easily run everything hard disks connected to the system. For information on how to burn such a disc and test your PC with it, see the article:

6) System recovery and reinstallation

If the restoration does not help, the only last and correct solution remains - to reinstall the system (although I am not a supporter of this - but with some problems, it is easier to rearrange the system than to “get to the bottom” of the truth).

Additions are welcome.

That's all I have for now...

All the best!

Gamers often encounter problems: the computer does not turn on, the screen is black, the coolers are working. The problem occurs after a mechanical impact on the body or due to other factors. With such signs, we can say with confidence that part of the power supply circuit is definitely intact.

Possible problems

The motherboard has an indication of the PC status. If the flashing diodes change, the computer tries to start. We are considering the case when the computer does not turn on, the coolers are working.

It is often possible to run home page after several restarts. Users get lost when the picture disappears completely. In such situations, difficulties arise even for experienced electronics engineers.

The easiest way out is to take it to professionals. But what if its cost is much less than the cost of repairs? Then you will have to figure it out on your own, consistently following the advice of experts. Information can be obtained from more experienced users, but you should not completely trust it. Even children write comments; there is no way to check the adviser’s competence.

Clear signs of trouble

Malfunction: the computer does not turn on, the screen is black, the coolers are working. Pay attention to the start of the PC. If the alert occurs, we can talk about the start of the BIOS. The power supply starts up, but if the fans stop, the protection is triggered. This happens at the moment short circuit in circuit boards or solder joints on the body.

The fault can only be reset during a short circuit by eliminating the cause of the fault and switching the supply network toggle switch. It is not recommended to start the PC over and over again, as this can damage the motherboard and the power module itself. Let's highlight two typical problems, directly indicating the source of the problems:

  • Sparking is a clear sign of an internal short.
  • Stopping fans.

In the case where no changes have occurred, but the problems remain, proceed to a full analysis of the operation of the equipment. The same as before, the computer does not turn on, the screen is black, are the coolers working? You will have to deal with the problem yourself so as not to become a “cash cow” for numerous services.

Diagnostic sequence

The entire procedure for finding the source of the problem is divided into four points:

  • The signs of a malfunction are identified, and from here a sequence of next steps is built. In our case, the computer does not turn on, the fans are working.
  • Inspection - all covers of the system unit are opened and the internal contents are carefully examined. PCs are often placed in garages or in areas where dust and metal shavings accumulate. If you find debris inside, it is recommended to clean all open solders, wires, and microcircuits. For this, alcohol liquid or compressed air is used. You can also use a brush and vacuum cleaner.
  • Restart. If this fails, they begin to disconnect each element from the motherboard. By observing the state of the LEDs, conclusions are drawn about the serviceability of individual modules. You only need to leave the processor and power supply.
  • Diagnostics are carried out based on the user's skills. Inspect burnt paths and elements. A sign of a malfunction is swollen capacitors.

Main causes of malfunction

When the fans turn on, but the computer does not work, it often happens that the startup did occur. In this case, you should look for a fault in the monitor. First, inspect and replace the video cable if possible. The operating state is determined by connecting to a laptop or other PC.

The video card is a loaded element; it often fails for those who like to play dynamic shooters. They take out the board and try to start the computer on the internal graphics module. The launch is controlled by digital indicators. Problems with the BIOS and motherboard bridges are difficult to diagnose.

How to fix it?

The computer doesn't turn on, but the coolers work? First of all, after inspecting the internal contents, they try to restore the BIOS. Reset to standard settings occurs after removing the battery. It is better to replace it if the computer is more than 5 years old. After the procedure, you will need to set the clock and date. If the coolers are spinning, the computer does not turn on, as before, analyze the position of the jumpers on the motherboard.

This condition is observed when the jumper is set to the BIOS clear position. Inexperienced users may confuse the correct positions when manipulating internal contents or

Jumpers are changed for forced reset BIOS. You must remember to return them to their place. All manipulations are carried out with the system unit turned off. Similar actions are taken at the beginning of the diagnosis. In more than half of the cases simple operation helps to start the device.

Additional measures

Often the unit does not want to start due to a faulty start button. But in the first seconds the fans start and stop randomly. The result of the “law of meanness” is a burned out motherboard. It is responsible for communication between the slots and the processor with north bridge. Such cases occur due to incorrect connection of devices or flash drives via the USB connector.

The last option will take the user to an electronics specialist. Only he can remove the faulty element. But the repair procedure is expensive and it will be difficult to verify the correctness of the actions. Therefore, it is recommended to contact service centers where the entire process is fine-tuned to the smallest detail.

Before calling for qualified help, you should try to clean the fans from dust, inspect the wires for bends and exposed insulation. Also disconnect the start button from the motherboard. Then there is a chance that the PC will work.

The appearance of a so-called “black screen” while loading the operating system causes the user, at least, bewilderment. What can cause a malfunction when when you turn on the computer there is a black screen, although it seems to start, but no image appears (the monitor does not show anything) and sometimes there is not even a signal, a cursor, and what needs to be done to quickly correct the situation and continue working with the PC ?

In order to solve the problem of a “black screen” on your computer, when it turns on and the image does not appear, you first need to figure out what is causing the problem. The reasons can be of different kinds: software or technical.

Technical problems, when there is no signal and the cursor is not visible, standard inscriptions do not appear during loading, primarily include the following:

  • monitor malfunction;
  • The monitor's power is turned off - that's why it doesn't turn on, nothing appears - including the cursor;
  • cable connecting the monitor and system unit departs - again not;
  • the cable is connected to the wrong socket;
  • video card malfunction;
  • cable malfunction (but this is true for laptops);
  • The PC is switched to operating mode with an external monitor (but, again, in this case, the lack of signal is relevant for laptops).

The list of software faults that can lead to a “black screen” after startup and a situation where there is no signal is a little narrower:

  • incorrect operation of the operating system loader or drivers;
  • inappropriate update frequency on your PC’s video card;
  • inappropriate screen resolution;
  • a viral malware that prevents the computer from doing its job and nothing appears because of it.

In order to solve a technical problem, it would be wise to use the following action plan:

  1. Make sure the computer is turned on (you hear the sound of the cooler running, the light signals work, but the image and cursor do not appear).
  2. Check whether the button on the monitor is turned on and whether the power cables and connections to the system unit are connected to it.
  3. Carefully check the places where the cable is connected to the socket, and reconnect the cables if necessary.
  4. If your computer has both an external and built-in video card, then check which of them the monitor is connected to (but you may need to switch the cord to a different connector).
  5. When working with a laptop, if then there is no signal and cursor, try switching the external monitor control button (usually this can be done by pressing the Fn and F7 or F8 keys).

If you are sure that the black screen problem was caused by technical difficulites, but the steps described above did not help you and there is still no signal or cursor - contact a service center or repair company, since you are unlikely to be able to fix the problem yourself.

When faced with a “black screen” due to a software glitch or malware, we recommend following the instructions:

  1. Try booting the OS in safe mode, if you succeed, then continue with the steps below, but if not, then the only way out will boot the OS from external media.
  2. By downloading operating system in safe mode, check the screen resolution and refresh rate settings, and change them to the correct ones if necessary.
  3. Then update the drivers for the video card, even if the mode is safe, but this can be done through the “device manager”.
  4. After this, run an antivirus program and thoroughly scan your computer for malware infection. Destroy all files that pose a threat mercilessly.
  5. Well, then restart your computer.

It happens that if the PC is in complete technical condition, the steps described above do not help. In this case, it is recommended to contact programming specialists in service center or a special company. Reveal some malware only possible manually, then antivirus programs are useless.

Unusual reasons

In addition to technical and program reasons, the appearance of a “black screen” and a situation where there is no signal after turning on the PC can also be caused by simple user inattention, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity. Before looking for complex causes of the problem, check your attentiveness:

  • Could you have accidentally (or deliberately) lowered the brightness of your monitor to minimum? True, then you cannot say that there is no signal, but there will be no image;
  • Doesn't the metal parts of the computer "short"? Sometimes it happens that static electricity affects the PC case, then it may turn off unexpectedly for you, including during boot. Often this problem is caused by a significant accumulation of dust inside the system unit or contact of current-conducting elements with the case.
  • listen to the sound of the cooler, is it time to do something there? Are you hearing any unusual sounds? Is the fan working? Sometimes a malfunction of the cooling system also leads to a sudden shutdown of the computer. To avoid such a nuisance, keep your computer clean, do not lean it against walls or cabinets, and do not place it near batteries.

In such cases, you can solve the problem of a “black screen” after correcting a specific error, that is, increase the brightness, check the computer case for static voltage, or replace a faulty cooler.

In any case, the appearance of a “black screen” should not lead you to panic, otherwise, in a fit of bewilderment or fear, you can aggravate the situation. Under no circumstances should you knock on either the monitor or the system unit - this will not solve your problem, but it can permanently damage your PC. It is also not recommended to disassemble the system unit yourself and switch the wires in it if you are not familiar with the principle of operation of a PC and do not have experience in repairing it.


To prevent the occurrence of a “black screen”, problems with the cursor and monitor, you must use a reliable antivirus program and update the virus database in a timely manner, avoid questionable files and links, as well as monitor the technical health of the computer and always be attentive to your own actions and what happens after them.

Master's help

If you didn’t succeed in eliminating the “black screen” yourself and displaying the cursor and image on the screen, and you turned to specialists for help, then remember that it is necessary not only to describe the problem, but also the last actions that could directly or indirectly affect the operation of the computer. Your description of the latest manipulations will help the specialist identify the cause of the problem and fix it faster. Be sure to tell your technician if there are any unusual sounds or smells coming from your computer.
