Dayz launch options. How to optimize dayz on a laptop. Full optimization of DayZ Standalone: ​​getting rid of lags. Game launch options. Accurate data for the game

Do all the steps carefully and everything will work out.

1. Change the game launch parameters on Steam

Go to the game launch properties (Library - DayZ - Click right click mouse and select “Properties”, on the “General” tab we find the “Set launch options” button.

As a result, my configuration ended up with this line:

-winxp -maxMem=8192 -maxVRAM=2048 -cpuCount=4 -high


The -winxp command needs to be added only after you have changed all the game settings. That is, first we write a line without -winxp , and after we complete all THREE points in the guide, we add the command -winxp to the line and launch the game.

Setting this option will cause the game to crash if you press Alt + Tab and then open it again, but it will give you about 10 FPS in cities and 20 FPS elsewhere. If you encounter an error (crash) during startup, try 2 ways to solve crashes.

Method 1: Run Windows XP Compatibility manually. Go to the folder with the installed game, for example: C:\ Program Files(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DayZ, program files x86 if you have a 64 bit system. Then find DayZ.exe, right-click on it, Properties, click on the Compatibility tab, then Run a program with compatibility: select Windows XP, and click OK.

Method 2: Try setting the HDR setting to very low in the game itself, but first run the game without the -winxp parameter, set the HDR quality, and then try running it with the -winxp parameter. Also remember, do not change the game parameters when you launch it with the -winxp parameter, otherwise the game will close with an error. If you want to change, you must first delete the command, start the game, configure it, and then add the command.

Now in more detail about each prescribed command:

One of important parameters. Launches the game in compatibility mode for Windows XP. Attention: after using this command the game may crash after minimizing. However, this command will add at least 10 FPS in the city and 20 FPS outside the city. This option will force the game to use Direct3D version 9 only; it can greatly help when using old drivers for the video card. Even though I have the latest drivers, I got + 15 FPS without losing quality.

Where “#” is the amount of your random access memory, for example, if you have 2GB of RAM, then write the number 2048 (-maxMem=2048), if 4GB, then 4096 (-maxMem=4096), if 8GB, then 8192 (-maxMem=8192) and so on.

Where “#” is the amount of RAM in your video card, for example 512 (-maxVram=512), 1024 (-maxVram=1024) or 2048 (-maxVram=2048).

Where “#” is the number of cores in your processor, for example for Dual Core it is 2 (-cpuCount=2), for quadcore it is 4 (-cpuCount=4).

Will launch the game in high priority.

That’s all, as all the commands except -winxp were entered in the line, click OK and go to step 2.

2. Game files configuration

Now we will need to edit the cfg files of the game. First, go to “My Documents” and find the “DayZ” folder there, in this folder we find the “DayZ.cfg” file,

Open it using any text editor. In it we find two lines and indicate the value “1” for them:


Save and close the file.

Now go back to the “My Documents” folder and then go to the “DayZ” folder and open a cfg file there called “Your name.DayZProfile” using any text editor.

In it we find the following lines and also replace the values ​​for them:

sceneComplexity=# - the desired value is no more than 200000 and no less than 150000, this will help significantly reduce the load on your processor. The parameter is responsible for the drawing distance of objects (loot). In the game - Video tab - Quality - Objects.

viewDistance=# - the desired value is no more than 1800 and no less than 1200, significantly reduces the load on the video card and processor. The parameter controls the distance to which the environment is detailed.

preferredObjectViewDistance=# - set the value to 1000, significantly reduces the CPU load. An indicator responsible for the distance to which objects (characters) in the game are detailed.

terrainGrid=# - set to 3.125. Responsible for surface detailing (grass). In the game - Video tab - Quality - Landscape.

shadowZDistance=# - desired value from 100 to 200 (100 is best). This parameter sets the distance at which shadows are drawn.

mouseSmoothing=0; — This parameter disables mouse acceleration in the game, thereby eliminating these smooth camera movements, and you can play comfortably like any shooter, accurately positioning the crosshair.

The end result should be something like this:



Close and save the document. Let's move on to point 3.

3. Graphics settings

In the main menu, go to the “Configuration - Video” section.

Set "Resolution" to 100% and disable "VSync".

“Objects” – We have already set this parameter in the config. Here it is: sceneComplexity=150000. If you set it to - Very low, then the value in the config will change to 200000. But if you have a weak processor, do not touch this parameter at all and then 150000 will remain in the config. It greatly affects FPS, more than - It’s better not to set it very low, at least At least that's the case with my processor. The range of drawing objects (loot) depends on this parameter.

“Landscape” - This parameter was also specified in the config. Here it is: terrainGrid=3.125. This value sets the parameter to - Very High. This parameter is affected by the video card; set it in accordance with the power of your video card.

"Clouds" - Set to very low, no longer needed.

“Shadows” - This parameter is affected by both the video card and the processor; we also set it in accordance with the power of your video card.

P.S. Personally, I set everything in this section to - Very low, except for the landscape, the quality is not particularly lost and FPS is increased. But my video card is enough for landscapes.

We go back and go to the “Textures” tab.

“Video memory” - Set to “Auto”.

“Texture details” - If you have good video card - set it to very high or just high (this item does not cause FPS drops), otherwise, disable it.

“Texture filtering” - This is an anisotropic filter, it does not greatly affect the performance of the game, if you have a good video card - turn it on to high or very high, otherwise - set it to the lowest value.

P.S. With my video card, I set both settings to - Very high, FPS did not drop and the game became more beautiful.

Go back again and go to the “Render” tab.

Here, set everything to - Minimum, FPS will increase and quality will not be lost much. The only thing you can turn on is Anti-aliasing, at least to Very Low or Low, it’s still more beautiful, but it’s minus 2-3 FPS.

Don't forget to add the -winxp command in the game launch parameters!

That's all, I hope this helps you, enjoy the game!

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Also Read:

It is not any kind of professional, it is written from my own samples and tuning methods. If you did something wrong and your game won't launch, you can solve this problem by clearing the game settings or completely reinstalling it. This DayZ Standalone guide is only a translation by Reaper, but it is a guide with a few additions. There is no need to set the same parameters and values ​​that are shown in the screenshots, they are examples and were made for a different computer configuration that was different from yours.

Injuries can occur while traveling due to zombies and survivors and even falls will deplete your physical condition and depending on the wounds or areas affected you will lose abilities. It depends on your defense. It will be very complete system injuries, it will be very complex and difficult to understand with many types of injuries and injuries such as fractures and dislocations. But we know little.

Chapter: Wounds on the head will be the most dangerous, weak point for every person. Weapon. These types of injuries often occur due to impacts or gunshots, they lose opportunities, but not the most important ones. More time to raise your weapon and take aim. Torso: There is currently no type of torso injury, it is known that the ribs will be damaged.

Game launch options
First, we need to launch and open Steam, after which we go to the library tab and look for DayZ in it, right-click on it and select Properties. A window with tabs should appear, we need a tab Are common, on the general tabs select the item Set launch options. In this line we will add launch parameters for the game.

Legs: Leg wounds are the most common and may be the least dangerous, but you will lose abilities that affect your survival, especially if you fall from above. Depending on your injuries, there will be% that you suffer from pushing or screaming due to pain and this will complicate your point of view and keep you confident.

The clothing theme is highly customizable as you can go with your own aesthetic and be able to repair damaged clothing. It also allows you to carry items using the pockets they contain, let's say jackets, pants and other clothes with pockets have their own inventory in which you can carry your items.

If Windows Xp is installed on your computer, then you do not need to specify this command in the parameters. It must be registered if your operating system starts with Windows Vista and higher, that is, Windows 7, Windows 8-8.1

Parameter -winxp# is one of the most important parameters that can increase FPS, with this, the game uses Directx 9, and on version 10.

Each will have its own advantages and disadvantages, for example, a jacket that covers you well may be more visually striking to players, and other items will have more pockets and spaces to carry more things than others.

The clothes that we find especially in one of the corpses may contain contagious diseases, the reason why you should disinfect them earlier. The shoes will make some difference considering that some will be more stealthy than others, will be durable and will allow you to work faster according to the type.

When using this option, the game may close with an error when you press Alt + Tab and return to the game.
With its help, FPS can increase to 20 in fields, empty places and up to 10 FPS in cities. If you still have a problem with a crash and the game does not want to start, then you can solve it in two ways or simply delete the parameter.

Head: Helmets, hats, scarves, headdresses and caps. Eyes: different types of glasses. Chest: Holsters and Vests Back: Backpacks Arms: Mittens Arms: Gloves Legs: Various types of pants Legs: Various types of shoes. All clothing will provide different benefits, these benefits vary depending on the type of clothing and can be divided into.

Ballistics: Reduces damage taken from shots. Bleeding: Reduces the chance of the player bleeding after being damaged. Hit Points: Reduces damage from melee attacks. Biological: It reduces the likelihood of contracting or infecting us with a disease. Transpiration: The amount of heat a piece of clothing holds. Absorption: The amount of water absorbed if the player gets wet.

First way . In compatibility mode with Windows Xp, you can launch it manually. To do this, we need to go to the folder with the installed game at the address, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DayZ, Program Files (x86), if you have a 64-bit system. Once you have entered the DayZ folder, look for the DayZ.exe file, right-click on it and select Properties, we need a tab Compatibility, click on it and then put a tick next to the item Run a program with compatibility: select Windows XP, and click OK

Capacity: The amount of storage you have. Weight: The weight you will receive on the turntable. Inventory is an interface that allows us to interact with the objects that we have, or we open up a wide range of possibilities. Proximity: Appears on the left side and shows found objects.

Player View: The player display appears in the center where the character shows us the clothes we are using, useful for first person servers since we will not be able to see us from the outside. Hands: This feature appears on the right side and tells us what object we have in our hands, this is very important because in order to perform certain actions such as lighting a fire, matches must be in our hands, you cannot light it from your pants pocket.

Second way . You can also try setting the HDR parameter to Very Low in the game settings, but for this you need to first launch the game without the parameter -winxp. First, set the HDR quality, after which you can try to run the game with -winxp parameter. You also need to remember if you launched the game with the parameter -winxp, under no circumstances should you change the parameters, otherwise the game will close with an error. If you want to change some settings, first you need to delete this parameter, restart the game and then change the settings, after setting it, add the command again.

Slots: Each garment gives us a certain number of storage spaces, from here we can organize, move and move items in a way that suits us. Taking an item out of your pocket will take less time than taking it out of your backpack, so you'll want to have more useful items on hand.

Weapon Modification: Appears on the right side and allows us to quickly add and remove weapon accessories. Quick Bar: Appears at the bottom of the screen and allows us to assign inventory items to number keys in order to quickly select them and quickly use them in our hand.

# How many cores and threads does your processor have:
Intel processors:
-2 Cores with 4 threads: -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=3
-4 Cores with 8 threads: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7
AMD processors:
-2 Cores: -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=1
-4 Cores: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=3
-6 Cores: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=5
-8 Cores: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7

For example, I have an Intel Core i5, in the launch parameters I specify the following parameters: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=3

Degradation and repair: through the inventory you can see the current state of your equipment and fix it necessary tools so as not to lose functionality. Weapon customization: If we have the appropriate accessories for the weapon, we can quickly customize it through the inventory by simply dragging and dropping items.

Craft: This is a feature that allows us to combine or transform one or more objects to create new ones, this is done basically by dragging objects on top of others, so there are many different options. Recoil and its factors: Recoil is the force that causes movement in the opposite direction when a weapon is fired. Thus, weapons with a lot of recoil become difficult to handle properly, especially automatic weapons, usually for more recoil, more recoil is therefore the main type of ammunition used.

# How much memory does your video card have: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 .

-nosplash and -nopause
# This option will help remove the splash screen when starting the game, which can increase loading speed.

For example, the screenshot shows how to correctly enter parameters in the launch window.

Settings in the game itself
On this moment the game is not fully translated into Russian, that is, just empty menu items, so we will analyze the settings in English.

Posture: Posture greatly affects the recoil of a weapon, the most accurate posture is lying down, followed by crouching and finally standing, which is more inaccurate. Breath Control: Holding your breath helps stabilize your target for accurate shooting. But breathing too long will have the opposite effect, it is advisable to use it immediately before the shot.

Accessories: Some guns can use a bipod. If you deploy the bipod while lying down, recoil will be greatly reduced. Exhaustion: It has a detrimental effect on weapon control and holds your breath before firing, preferably left before firing for greater accuracy.

We need to get into the settings, to do this we need to click on the button Configure, then Video
For item Rendering resolution set the value to 100% for your monitor. Then point Overall quality to Custom and accordingly
VSync- disabled.

After all the manipulations above, we need a button Quality with its 4 options:
Objects- the value of this parameter must be set according to your processor. Very Low value if your processor has up to 4 cores, Low - from 4 to 6 cores and High value - from 6 cores or more
Terrain- this parameter puts a lot of load on the video card. If you have an old and weak video card, then it is best to change this value to Very Low
Clouds- if your computer is not powerful, then turn it off
Shadows- and we turn this off too, that is, Disabled

Health: Suffering from limb injuries will make it difficult to handle the weapon as suffering can make it difficult to aim and curb recoil, and if we also have poor health due to blood loss, we will have blurred vision and loss of color in vision.

Ammo: Ammo you will find in various ways, but loosely, in packs and even loaders, you will always need to maintain chargers as this will not be done automatically, so be sure to refill the charged ones charging device. Depending on the weapon you use, you will need to find your ammo type for your convenience.

After setting Quality, click on Textures, here we have 3 options:
Video Memory- Set to Auto
Texture Detail- If your video card is good, then set it to Very high or high (This does not affect the FPS drop), and if it is not very powerful, then set it to Very Low or Low
Texture Filtering- This parameter does not affect the FPS drop if you have a good video card, otherwise set it to the minimum value.

Go to rendering, click on the Rendering button
Antialiasing- for weak processors, it is best to disable
Alpha to Coverage- if you haven’t turned off anti-aliasing, then this parameter will be active and you need to set it to All trees + grass, this parameter value will not greatly affect the drop in FPS, unless of course Antialiasing is set to Very Low
Edge Smoothing- this parameter can be set as best for you, the value of this parameter can have almost no effect on performance
HDR Quality- set the value to Low
Ambient Occlusion- you definitely need to turn it off, select Disabled, turning it off will increase FPS
Post Process Quality- we also turn off post processing, select Disable, this parameter greatly affects performance
Bloom- the bloom can be set as you please
Rotation Blur- blur can be set as you like

Camouflage and Sound: The amount of noise you make and how visible you are determines the ease of detection, the slower you move the less noise you will make, although weapons will quickly attract zombies and other players. Each weapon is different from the rest in its own way, depending on the distance and position you are in, and if you have a good ear, you can identify shots, know where they were created, and whether you were too close to you or not .

Moving down will make you a less visible target and allow you to move between zombies without being detected and be a harder target for other players, especially in tall grass. Camouflage will be a key factor in protecting yourself from other survivors, as striking clothing will attract your attention, especially from more experienced ones.

Setting up the configuration file
In this, you will learn how to properly optimize the *.cfg file of the game for a large increase in FPS in the game.

Usually *.cfg game files are located at: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\Documents\DayZ
For example: C:\Users\Stig\Documents\DayZ

Configuration files can be used using a regular notepad or using Notepad++.

And so, we went to the folder with the configuration files and we need it for editing DayZ.cfg, look for 2 lines and replace their values ​​which are shown below:

Vehicles will provide you with great advantages, they can be used as transport, loading aids, running over enemies and even covering you in battle. However, this makes you a very visible target and requires fuel and Maintenance worked can be found in various states of damage and you will need to find the parts you need.

They will be very customizable and you can add many accessories as well as doors, glass, batteries, spark plugs, bulbs, etc. the ability to strengthen and protect to make them more resilient. Vehicles can be damaged and have a limited amount of health, when they are completely damaged some signs are shown.

The game accepts 1Gb, 2Gb, 4Gb, ..., but not 3Gb. Accordingly, for owners of an ATI Radeon 7970 video card with 3GB of memory, this is a problem and can be solved as follows:

Other optimization:
After all the above manipulations with settings and editing DayZ Standalone configurations, you can still improve something. We look in the configuration files folder for a file called YOUR_NAME.DayZProfile

When you remove a car or you are involved in an accident, depending on the area of ​​impact, you will have damage or other damage to various parts of the car and affect its performance differently. Crystals: If you are driving and get attacked first, you will have to break them as they will stop all or some of the damage.

Engine: Carrying a damaged engine affects the vehicle's speed and may explode in an accident or if it is fired. Fuel Tank: This causes your gas mileage to increase, so it will run out much sooner depending on how damaged it is.

For example: Stig.DayZProfile, found then quickly open it and look for the lines:
sceneComplexity=# the value of this parameter must be between 200000 and 50000
shadowZDistance=# you need to set the value of this parameter from 100 to 200
viewDistance=# and set the value of this parameter from 1800 to 1200
preferredObjectViewDistance=# the value of this parameter should be set to 1000
terrainGrid=# the value of this parameter should be: 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125. And the higher it is, for example 50, the greater the increase in FPS, and the lower the value, the less FPS, but best quality graphics. I advise you to set it to either 25 or 12.5, these values ​​are the best for the quality/FPS increase ratio.

As in the mod, it is possible that explosions are very destructive, if you are very close to the explosion, will kill you, hopefully you will lose the knowledge of how to die with a donkey in the weather for what might be walking there, and if he gets caught in within the vehicle, the chances of survival will be almost zero.

As you will see, there is a wide range Vehicle, both land, sea and air. Confirmed to be able to be removed from vehicles in the future.

They will be in the most hidden corners so you will have to look around so you will need time which can be dangerous and if the player was there before and left quickly or didn't look good because they may have left something useful behind.

Now you have edited the configuration files, under no circumstances should you change the settings in the game itself, otherwise all parameters and their values ​​will be
overwritten with new ones. To prevent this from happening again, the best option to protect against overwriting is to set the files that you opened to read-only after editing them.

Depending on what you want to find, you will have to go to specific area. This logic also applies in homes and places where we search, if you are looking for food, it is best to go straight to the kitchen, if you are looking for clothes, it is better to go to the dorms, although it can always be random.

Objects are degrading external damage or weather conditions, and we will have to clean and repair them, otherwise they will lose function, they will have several states depending on how they are degraded: pristine, worn, damaged and damaged.

Some tips:
Before starting DayZ Standalone, it is best to close programs that heavily load the processor, eat up a lot of RAM and, of course, load the video card. To better configure the game and increase FPS, it is best to say Fraps and run it while setting up the game and see which parameters and settings give more FPS and which ones give less.

You should also remember to update the drivers for your video card to the latest ones:
For ATI Radeon video cards, take new wood.
And for video cards from Nvidia.

Thank you for reading this and I hope it helped you optimize your game and get an increase in FPS. If it didn’t help or helped a little, then I advise you to read another one called.

It is not any kind of professional, it is written from my own samples and tuning methods. If you did something wrong and your game won't launch, you can solve this problem by clearing the game settings or completely reinstalling it. This DayZ Standalone guide is only a translation by Reaper, but it is a guide with a few additions. There is no need to set the same parameters and values ​​that are shown in the screenshots, they are examples and were made for a different computer configuration that was different from yours.

Game launch options
First, we need to launch and open Steam, after which we go to the library tab and look for DayZ in it, right-click on it and select Properties. A window with tabs should appear, we need a tab Are common, on the general tabs select the item Set launch options. In this line we will add launch parameters for the game.

If Windows Xp is installed on your computer, then you do not need to specify this command in the parameters. It must be registered if your operating system starts with Windows Vista and higher, that is, Windows 7, Windows 8-8.1

Parameter -winxp# is one of the most important parameters that can increase FPS, with this, the game uses Directx 9, and on version 10.

When using this option, the game may close with an error when you press Alt + Tab and return to the game.
With its help, FPS can increase to 20 in fields, empty places and up to 10 FPS in cities. If you still have a problem with a crash and the game does not want to start, then you can solve it in two ways or simply delete the parameter.

First way . In compatibility mode with Windows Xp, you can launch it manually. To do this we need to go to the folder with installed game by address, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DayZ, Program Files (x86), if you have a 64-bit system. Once you have entered the DayZ folder, look for the DayZ.exe file, right-click on it and select Properties, we need a tab Compatibility, click on it and then put a tick next to the item Run a program with compatibility: select Windows XP, and click OK

Second way . You can also try setting the HDR parameter to Very Low in the game settings, but for this you need to first launch the game without the parameter -winxp. First, set the HDR quality, after which you can try to run the game with -winxp parameter. You also need to remember if you launched the game with the parameter -winxp, under no circumstances should you change the parameters, otherwise the game will close with an error. If you want to change some settings, first you need to delete this parameter, restart the game and then change the settings, after setting it, add the command again.

# How many cores and threads does your processor have:
Intel processors:
-2 Cores with 4 threads: -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=3
-4 Cores with 8 threads: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7
AMD processors:
-2 Cores: -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=1
-4 Cores: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=3
-6 Cores: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=5
-8 Cores: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7

For example, I have Intel Core i5, in the launch parameters I specify the following parameters: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=3

# How much memory does your video card have: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 .

-nosplash and -nopause
# This option will help remove the splash screen when starting the game, which can increase loading speed.

For example, the screenshot shows how to correctly enter parameters in the launch window.

Settings in the game itself
At the moment, the game has not been fully translated into Russian, that is, there are just empty menu items, so we will analyze the settings in English.

We need to get into the settings, to do this we need to click on the button Configure, then Video
For item Rendering resolution set the value to 100% for your monitor. Then point Overall quality to Custom and accordingly
VSync- disabled.

After all the manipulations above, we need a button Quality with its 4 options:
Objects- the value of this parameter must be set according to your processor. Very Low value if your processor has up to 4 cores, Low - from 4 to 6 cores and High value - from 6 cores or more
Terrain- this parameter puts a lot of load on the video card. If you have an old and weak video card, then it is best to change this value to Very Low
Clouds- if your computer is not powerful, then turn it off
Shadows- and we turn this off too, that is, Disabled

After setting Quality, click on Textures, here we have 3 options:
Video Memory- Set to Auto
Texture Detail- If your video card is good, then set it to Very high or high (This does not affect the FPS drop), and if it is not very powerful, then set it to Very Low or Low
Texture Filtering- This parameter does not affect the FPS drop if you have a good video card, otherwise set it to the minimum value.

Go to rendering, click on the Rendering button
Antialiasing- for weak processors, it is best to disable
Alpha to Coverage- if you haven’t turned off anti-aliasing, then this parameter will be active and you need to set it to All trees + grass, this parameter value will not greatly affect the drop in FPS, unless of course Antialiasing is set to Very Low
Edge Smoothing- this parameter can be set as best for you, the value of this parameter can have almost no effect on performance
HDR Quality- set the value to Low
Ambient Occlusion- you definitely need to turn it off, select Disabled, turning it off will increase FPS
Post Process Quality- we also turn off post processing, select Disable, this parameter greatly affects performance
Bloom- the bloom can be set as you please
Rotation Blur- blur can be set as you like

Setting up the configuration file
In this DayZ Standalone guide, you will learn how to properly optimize the *.cfg file of the game for a large increase in FPS in the game.

Usually *.cfg game files are located at: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\Documents\DayZ
For example: C:\Users\Stig\Documents\DayZ

Configuration files can be used using a regular notepad or using Notepad++.

And so, we went to the folder with the configuration files and we need it for editing DayZ.cfg, look for 2 lines and replace their values ​​which are shown below:

The game accepts 1Gb, 2Gb, 4Gb, ..., but not 3Gb. Accordingly, for owners ATI video cards Radeon 7970 with 3GB of memory, this is a problem and can be solved as follows:

Other optimization:
After all the above manipulations with settings and editing configurations, you can still improve something. We look in the configuration files folder for a file called YOUR_NAME.DayZProfile

For example: Stig.DayZProfile, found then quickly open it and look for the lines:
sceneComplexity=# the value of this parameter must be between 200000 and 50000
shadowZDistance=# you need to set the value of this parameter from 100 to 200
viewDistance=# and set the value of this parameter from 1800 to 1200
preferredObjectViewDistance=# the value of this parameter should be set to 1000
terrainGrid=# the value of this parameter should be: 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125. And the higher it is, for example 50, the greater the increase in FPS, and the lower the value, the lower the FPS, but the better graphics quality. I advise you to set it to either 25 or 12.5, these values ​​are the best for the quality/FPS increase ratio.

Now you have edited the configuration files, under no circumstances should you change the settings in the game itself, otherwise all parameters and their values ​​will be
overwritten with new ones. So that you don't repeat this, the best option protect against overwriting, set read-only properties for files that you opened after editing them.

Some tips:
Before starting DayZ Standalone, it is best to close programs that heavily load the processor, eat up a lot of RAM and, of course, load the video card. For better settings games and increasing FPS, it’s best to say Fraps[

Many people are still afraid to play because of the weak system, but you can’t deny yourself such pleasure, even if your computer is ready to be sent to the landfill.

There is no turning back, especially when you are already... Don’t be shy, you are not the only stingy gamer who is not ready to spend thousands of rubles on upgrading a machine when it can easily get 20 frames, even if not at high settings.

In this article we will look at various settings for the game itself, as well as additional techniques that will help, if not completely remove lags and slowdowns, then at least reduce them to a minimum.

So let's first look at normal game settings:

Visibility– Drawing distance in meters. Since the server limitation does not allow betting more than 3000, it is better to bet even less than 1000.

Interface resolution and 3D– To achieve a clear image, it is important to achieve the ideal ratio of these two parameters. Experiment!

Texture quality- Almost nothing depends on this parameter; you can set the parameter to medium or low, since the textures are almost indistinguishable from the maximum (the difference is visible only with ).

Quality of objects- You understand what this parameter is. Doesn't really affect FPS much.

HDR quality– Almost does not reduce frames per second on modern cards, and is responsible for glare in bright light.

Landscape quality- Responsible for drawing the grass. I do not recommend setting it higher than “Average”.

Post-processing– Responsible for the blur effect. Better turn it off.

Video memory– Detected automatically by the game.

Anisotropic filtering- Doesn't affect FPS much. Complete shutdown Not recommended.

Antialiasing– Removes pixels on the edges of the model, eats up a lot of resources. It is recommended to disable it on weak video cards.

V-Sync- Synchronization of the frame rate with the vertical scan frequency of the monitor. Useless function at frame rate (FPS) less than 60, disable it.

Fine tuning:

Reducing the number of displayed polygons in frame (can significantly improve performance on ancient maps):

Finding the file Your Nick.CFG by the address C:\Users\Your Nickname\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Your Nickname and it has a parameter sceneComplexity=500000- change the value to 250000 (You can even do it a little less)

Let's look at how to reduce detail drawing grass and trees:

In file ArmA2OA.CFG on the way C:\Users\Your Nickname\Documents\ArmA 2 there is a parameter AToC=7- change its value to 0 or something else.

AToC=0- disabled (as in regular Arma 2);
AToC=1- Smoothing grass;
AToC=2- Smoothing addition trees Operation Arrowhead;
AToC=3- Smoothing grass + trees for the same O.A.;
AToC=4- Smoothing of old grass and trees on utes and chernarus maps (i.e. already for the DayZ mod);
AToC=5- Smoothing of standard trees and grass;
AToC=6- Smoothing of all trees - as an add-on Operation Arrowhead, and the classic game, without smoothing the grass;
AToC=7- Smoothing of grass and all trees for all content.

There are also various utilities and addons, which dramatically cut off graphics and kill background programs. Here are some examples:
  • or Razer Game Booster 3 - Free program, disabling unnecessary background processes during the game.
  • Auslogics BoostSpeed- A more complex program with a set of utilities and add-ons.
  • Mz CPU Accelerator- Makes the game a higher priority for the computer processor.
  • Game Prelauncher- the program for those who do not know how to kill unnecessary processes themselves before starting the game is similar to the first two.

  • There is an addon -Vegetation Tweak Visuals, very well increases FPS due to the deterioration of the appearance of vegetation in the game (But we want to play, not look at the grass).

    If after all these shamanisms you don’t have enough FPS, then urgently upgrade your computer. It's not expensive, honestly ;)

    CPU (processor)

    Let's start with the usual setup in Windows 7 (according to Windows versions not sure above).
    In order to open all the settings in CPU overclocking in a systemic manner, we need to download the file with registry settings
    After downloading, unpack the archive using WinRar programs. We launch the registry file; after launch, additional functions will be added to the power settings.

    Now let's go to Control Panel --> Power Options --->High Performance ---> Configure Power Plan ---> Change Advanced Power Settings ---> Manage CPU Power

    Now we make the following settings:

    Increasing the number of processors used.

    1.Go to the start menu and write msconfig
    2.Click download
    3.Additional parameters
    4.Number of processors (check the box)
    5. Select the maximum quantity.

    Settings Windows optimization

    • IN System properties on the left side of the window select Additional system parameters.
    • IN Additional options systems in subsection Performance need to press a button Options.
    • IN Performance settings select an item Provide the best performance, click OK.
    • IN System properties go from the tab Additionally to the tab System protection.
    • We highlight HDD, on which protection is enabled (left mouse click), and press the button Tune in the submenu Configure recovery options.
    • In the dialog box System protection for Local disk(WITH:) select an item Disable system protection, then click OK.

    Optimizing the Windows Page File

    Swap file- this is a kind of addition to the RAM (which deals with temporary storage of data for quick delivery to the processor for processing) of your computer.
    To configure paging file settings, go to Computer properties(right click on the icon My computer - properties), then select from the list on the left System protection. More quick way do the same thing - press the keys Win+R on the keyboard and enter the command sysdm.cpl(suitable for Windows 7 and 8/8.1/10).

    • 512 Mb of RAM - optimal paging file size 2048 - 2048 Mb
    • 1024 Mb of RAM - optimal paging file size 1412 - 1412 Mb
    • 2048 Mb of RAM - optimal paging file size 1024 - 1024 Mb
    • 4024 Mb of RAM - optimal paging file size 768 - 768 Mb
    • 6 GB (or higher) of RAM - no page file (i.e. 0 Mb, i.e. disabled)

    Disabling file indexing

    Disabling file indexing to speed up Windows.
    If you rarely use file search on your computer, then you can add speed to your operating system by disabling file indexing.
    Although this will slow down the search a little, it will free up processor time and virtual memory of the system.

    • Open Control Panel → Administrative Tools and run Services (Win + R → services.msc → OK.)
    • Double click on the service Windows Search.
    • Set startup type to Disabled and press the button OK.
    • On the menu Start right click on the folder Computer and press Open.
    • Right-click on your hard drive and select Properties.
    • Uncheck Allow the contents of files on this drive to be indexed in addition to file properties and press the button OK..
    • Set the switch to To disk X: and to all subfolders and files (X: is the letter of your hard drive) and press the button OK.
    • If a window pops up Access denied click Continue, if a window pops up Error changing attributes, then select Skip all.
    • Restart your computer.

    Close background processes before playing.

    We continue to work on improving performance for a comfortable and stable game without freezes and lags.

    To solve the problem, go to My documents -> DayZ and open the file DayZ.cfg
    Render_W= width of your screen
    Render_H= the height of your screen
    Resolution_W= width of your screen
    Resolution_H= the height of your screen

    If you enter the game settings again, the resolution will be reset again.

    You can take my parameters

    language="Russian"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Render_W=1280; Render_H=720; Resolution_W=1280; Resolution_H=720; winX=166; winY=81; winW=1024; winH=576; refresh=-1; Windowed=0; FSAA=0; postFX=0; HDRPrecision=1; vsync=0; ssaoEnabled=0; AToC=0; SWLayersCount=0; PPAA=0; WindowedMode=1;

    Now go back to the “My Documents” folder and then go to the “DayZ” folder and open a cfg file there called “Your name.DayZProfile” using any text editor.

    Find and change as written below:

    shadowQuality=0; sceneComplexity=100000 shadowZDistance=50; viewDistance=1000; preferredObjectViewDistance=1000; terrainGrid=3.125; bloom=1; rotblur=0;
