How to choose a TV? What is the most important parameter? What parameters choose a car navigator

In most houses, the TV is not alone. Maybe two, three and more. Install them in different rooms - in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bedroom or children's. Depending on the place of "registration", the requirements and selection criteria are changing. So it turns out that choosing the TV is not so simple.

To select a TV for a start, it is necessary to determine the technology at which it will be manufactured. All of them have their pros and cons. But even minuses can be used "for benefits."

Plasma screens

The device of the plasma panel is fundamentally different from all other technologies. Between two glass plates are placed in gas - xenon or neon cells. Therefore, such TVs are sometimes called gas discharge. When the current is passed, the cell brightness is shusted, the brightness of the glow depends on the value of the current force.

The main advantage of this technology is: high quality "pictures", which is stored even in very dynamic moments. Other advantages of this technology look no less impressive:

Very good indicators that contributed to the rapid growth of popularity. But there are disadvantages:

If you want to choose a TV with big screen, high-quality image and good color reproduction, pay attention to the plasma panels. That's what they are. Only if you want, you will have to look for the appropriate brackets and the wall should be with a good bearing capacity. Plasterboard or foam concrete, such a mass will not hold.

TV LCD properties (LCD)

Liquid crystal screens use a digital image transmission method. Named because the cells are filled with liquid crystals, which in the electromagnetic field polarize the light passing through them, changing the degree of their own transparency. To obtain an image, a matrix with liquid crystals is highlighted from behind (with cold cathode lamps), use color filters to transfer shades.

Advantages of LCD TVs are as follows:

  • The models of recent years have low power consumption.
  • Higher resolution (compared to plasma).
  • The ability to play in FullHD format.
  • Small weight.
  • There are screens of different sizes - and small and large. The image on them has the same quality.
  • Good image geometry.
  • Low level of electromagnetic radiation as they feed on low voltage.
  • No screen burnout and shocking.
  • The screen does not attract dust.

A similar set of qualities contributed to the rapid spread of televisions with liquid crystal screens. But they have a number of shortcomings that are worth knowing:

If you want to choose a LCD TV with a good resolution, you will have to lay out a solid amount. If the image quality requirements are not strict, it is possible to look at the model from the average price range.

Technology led.

The difference between LCD and LEDs by televisions in various lamps used to illuminate the matrix. LEDs are used in LEDs. They are smaller in size, which allows you to make screens very thin. They are also more durable and consume less electricity. There are two types of LED backlighting screens:

By using LEDs, liquid crystal TVs are obtained by additional advantages:

If you decide to choose a TV with high image quality, look at the LED models. They, perhaps, only one drawback is a high price. Good quality LED TV costs 600-1000 $. Compared to ordinary LCD, they are 40-50% more. However, this is not the most expensive models today and many stop their choice on LED TVs.

OLED and QLED technology

This technology of manufacturing TVs appeared already in this century, and they are serially produced by just four years. The image is formed organic LEDs that themselves emit light and do not require backlight. In English, they indicate OLED, which gave the name of this type of televisions.

Today there are two main technologies for the production of OLED TVs:

Not so long ago, the presence in the house of the flat TV spoke about the high social class of its owner. He confirmed the status of a solid man and was only available to a little. Now such models are on the shelves of all stores of digital technology, and they are not so expensive. In any case, there are no luxury, so everyone can buy. But for what parameters do you need to choose a TV?

We will answer this question today.

One of the main reasons that makes the models available is the cheapening of technology and its gradual improvement in production. Consequently, competition in the market is growing and in the struggle for the buyer, the company is forced to reduce prices. It plays our hand and makes it possible to use excellent technique at an affordable price. BUT! Together with the improvement of technology, many different criteria appeared, each of which is important, because It affects one or another TV parameter: size, image quality, color rendering, etc. Let's start from afar.

Screen size and resolution

An important visual parameter is the screen diagonal. What she is more, the more expensive there is a TV - consider it. People usually believe that the greater the screen, the better, but this is true only in part. You need to choose a diagonal with the mind, and one of the criteria for choosing the model is diagonally - this is the size of the room.

If you buy a model with a huge diagonal into a small room, then when viewing analog channels or video is not very high permission from a close distance, then you will see the pixels on the screen, which is very uncomfortable. To create the integrity of the picture, you will have to move back, and in a small place of space you will simply have no place. Approximate table matching the TV screen to the distance from the viewpoint:

Those. If the room parameters allow you to view the TV from a distance of 3-4 meters, then you optimally buy a 32-inch screen diagonal TV. Otherwise, you will spend more money on a model with a large screen, but will play as.

As for permission, everything is more complicated here. The best picture quality is achieved only when the resolution of video content coincides with the resolution of the matrix. However, the analog and sometimes digital television signal has a smaller resolution, so the system has to stretch or narrow it. This contributes to loss of quality. Therefore, for viewing television canals better suitable models with Pal / VGA resolution, i.e. Standard. But if you plan to view HD movies, then the ideal option is a TV with a full HD resolution (1920 x 1080) or, at a minimum, HD-Ready (1366 x 768).

Choosing a TV by type: Plasma, 3D or LCD?

Flat screens can be three types: plasma and LCD. The only thing that is common between them is flat view. The first - plasma TVs, consist of a matrix and cells. These cells are filled with inert gas, and when the voltage is connected, the system on each cell of the matrix gives a discharge, resulting in a glow. So the picture is formed.

Liquid crystal screens consist of liquid crystals placed between two plates. These crystals skip the light from the backlight behind. Depending on the voltage applied to the crystal, the light can be skidd out differently, as a result of which the image is formed.

Of course, each type can have their advantages and disadvantages. Plasma can boast a large viewing angle and saturation of the picture (especially for black color). However, the plasma can burn out over time, as a result of which the brightness will be reduced. But it will happen about 10 years after 10, when your plasma is the same rarity, what is a black and white phone today. More plasma is stronger than noise and highlights heat, which also applies to disadvantages.

LCD panel, of course, more durable. But in one percent of the hundred when viewing dynamic color in high resolution Trades can appear on the screen. Previously, this problem was strongly relevant, but now the technology has greatly improved. In addition, the plasma does not fade at all, and the service life of such a TV is 2 times higher. Those. It will work for another 10 years after it becomes a rarity.

3D models are new televisions. They only float the market and manufacturers are trying to attract customers to this new product. there is different technologies forming a surround image. One of them involves the use of special glasses, the other is not. But the technology is now not particularly in demand, because 3D content (i.e. films) Very little. Therefore, we recommend waiting a bit and not overpay for almost useless technology of volumetric image playback.

Contrast and brightness as important selection parameters

The brightness will be higher, the less eyes will be loaded, so this criterion should be considered. In addition, higher brightness contributes to greater comfort, especially in the daytime day.

It is believed that the minimum screen brightness value should be 450 kD / sq. M. Almost all models modern televisions satisfy these requirements, but it is not excluded probability to stumble upon any old or old or cheap model unknown manufacturer. So you can't lose your vigilance. Also, modern devices must (very desirable) have a sensor for determining the room lighting, which will allow them to independently set the screen brightness.

Contrast - weak side LCD TVs However, in part, this problem is solved due to modern technology Dynamic contrast, improving picture quality and especially black. But still, in terms of contrast, the LCD model loses LCD TVs. You need to remember: the minimum permissible contrast value - 600: 1. Ideally, the value should be 7000: 1 or 10000: 1 (achieved using dynamic contrast technology).

On average, most models have a contrast of 1600: 1, which is normal in principle, but the disadvantages with strong room lighting are strongly noticeable.

We told the basic parameters of the selection of the TV - these are the basics that you must consider considering this or that model.

When it comes to choosing a projector, many of us want to get a technique as much as possible high Quality For the minimum cost. However, often, guided by incorrect ideas about the necessary projector parameters, buyers have to pay twice. For example, it may be that the cost of replacing the distilled lamp is comparable to the cost of buying a new projector.

What are the parameters to choose the projector to not be in such a situation? Answers can be found in our article.

Ultra-thoroughcofocus projectors

Lamp resource

First of all, it is necessary to determine what kind of purpose you will use your projector. If you are going to use it in educational institutions Not only autonomously, to show a slideshow, but also to align with an interactive board, it is worth paying attention to such a parameter as the lamp resource.

The time of operation of the lamp in cheap models is very small, and the cost of its replacement is equal to the cost of a new projector or even higher. Therefore, it is very important that the resource declared by the manufacturer was at least 10 thousand hours. High-quality projectors will serve about 5 years and will mean you in advance about the need to replace the lamp.

Our company's specialists recommend Casio projectors. The projectors of this brand do not have lamps at all and serve 20 thousand hours. In addition, Casio projectors are not afraid of sudden electricity outages. For the cheap projectors, it usually ends with an explosion of the lamp. On the other benefits of Casio projectors can be found in our.

Projection distance

Projectors also differ in the distance to which the image is translated. If you purchase an interactive board, then the optimal solution for you will be a short-focus or ultra-short-focus projector. These projectors have a lot of advantages. You will avoid the appearance of unwanted shadows on the screen that interfere with the learning process. And the bright light of the lamp will no longer make a teacher. Also you get an image better quality With the same brightness of the lamp. An important part is the fact that complete to the ultra-short-focus model is a bracket. Therefore, you do not have to carry additional costs for its purchase. Installation of such projectors is simple, and the final type of more aesthetic.


Not rare the situation when, after buying and installing the projector, you include it and discover that the picture is not bright enough to work with daylight. To at least compensate for the lack of brightness, you can close the curtains and turn off the light. However, this will greatly complicate the educational process and will be a clear interference to outline. And what to do in the premises in which there is no curtain?

It is important to think about this parameter before the acquisition of technology. If you plan to use the projector during the daytime, it is worth understanding that the sun's rays falling on the projection surface will always make a picture less than bright. Therefore, the projector with a brightness of at least 3000 lumens for the long-focus model and 2600 lumens for ultra-short-focus is.

Light source

You will not find this characteristic from most projectors, because manufacturers do not seek to disclose this information. Now there are two technologies for the formation of the light source: Laser-LED (laser-LED) and UHP (ultra-high pressure mercury lamps). What do they differ from each other?
Laser-LED (laser-LED)
. Does not have mercury in its composition, which makes them environmentally friendly
. More energy efficient
. More durable (up to 20,000 hours)
. Does not heat, which means it does not require cooling system
. Has the ability to instantly shut down
. The quality of the image is not lost throughout the service life.
UHP (mercury lamp)
. Low cost
UHP projectors - already outdated model. Movement from the market newer and efficient Laser-LED models prevents only the low cost of UHP models to which buyers are mistakenly oriented. Not paying attention to the obvious disadvantages of UHP projectors.

Image forming technology

Currently, manufacturers offer the following image forming technologies in their projectors for ordinary users: LCD and DLP.
LCD-based projectors usually have three LCD matrices of primary colors (red, green and blue). The matrix is \u200b\u200bshouted with a powerful light flux from the lamp. When the light passes through them, individual pixels are closed or opening, blocking or skipping color. As a result, an image is formed, which is projected onto the screen.
The advantages of LCD projectors are good saturation, realistic and stability of the picture. The disadvantages can be noted relatively low contrast and the "wire mesh effect" in some models. To equip the assembly hall, you should stay on this technology.
In systems with the DLP, the core serves a matrix of microerkal, which generates an image. Each of the mirrors can turn to a small angle under the influence of the control signal, creating a light or dark pixel of the image. Light from the lamp, reflecting from the mirror matrix, passes through color filters and turns into an image on the screen.
The advantage of DLP technology is the high contrast of the image, and, as a result, deeper detailing of shadows and black. Also, DLP-projectors are usually more reliable and durable than LCD. From the disadvantages, you can note the slight flickering of the image in some models ("Rainbow Effect"). This technology is optimally suitable for equipping the projector of its home theater.


An important parameter is the equipment of the projector. In the standard configuration you get a video cable with a VGA interface and a control panel. But, as a rule, it is not enough. Earlier, we have already mentioned the presence of brackets for fastening in a complete set of ultra-short-focus projectors. And this is an important fact. In our work, we often encounter the installation of projectors purchased in other companies. As a rule, it is long-focus (in order to save money) and short-focus models for equipping an interactive board. As a result, it is necessary to install the bracket for the projector to be additionally purchased. It should be borne in mind that the price of high-quality wall brackets begins from 5000 rubles. And the ceiling may not be suitable due to the height of the ceilings. Thus, the client not only does not save its funds, but also bears additional costs. This means that the most optimal decision will acquire an ultra-short-focus projector, paying over 6,000 rubles. In this case, you do not have to carry extra spending on the bracket.

A convenient feature is the ability to transmit video over a wireless channel. In this case, in the description, the manufacturer writes about the presence of a module wireless communication WHDI (Wireless Home Digital Interface).

Real permission

By purchasing a projector for an educational audience, you should not stop on models with a resolution of less than 1024x768 dpi. Otherwise, the pixels will be visible in the image, and this will significantly reduce the image quality. It is important that the actual resolution coincides with the format with a board or screen. Those., Purchasing a widescreen board or screen, purchase a projector with real widescreen resolution. In turn, the projector for an interactive whiteboard or screen 4: 3 format must have a resolution of 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1280x800, 1366x1024, etc. If you doubt that you will gain a suitable equipment set, contact our specialists. They will help you choose a compatible set of presentation equipment, and also provide for the presence of the necessary cables.


Quality Image and contrast directly depend on each other. The higher the contrast of the projector, the higher the quality of its image when viewing the multimedia. However, you should not fully trust the numbers that are indicated on the boxes of manufacturers. The most optimal option is to independently check how the projector works, evaluate the image quality and only after that make a purchase decision. In our exhibition hall you yourself can evaluate the image quality of some projector models.

And yet, it is better to entrust the choice of the projector to competent specialists who do it daily and perfectly understand the parameters of the projectors. You can always come to our office or get advice on the phone.

To date, the development of televisions is also rapidly as computers. New and new technologies appear. In such conditions, the information is very quickly stolen, and tips on the choice of TV, who worked yesterday, can be useless today. It is important to be able to navigate throughout this variety of manufacturers, because it often happens that to attract buyers, they go to various tricks. There are many models that at first glance do not differ from each other. But do not worry, this article will clarify the situation. After reading it, you can independently go to the store and consciously choose exactly the model of the TV that will meet all your requirements.

The choice may depend on the set of parameters. Here, it all depends on your needs. You need to decide whether you will look at the high definition movies or regular news releases; Do you need support digital channels; Will you connect the TV to a computer using HDMI or Ethernet connectors; See photos and films with or. From this, the price of the future device, its size and feature set depends. But first things first.

To begin with, let's decide on the species of the screen. Naturally, we will not consider ELT TVs, as is done on most sites. They are completely hopelessly outdated, and this technology is absolutely not in demand. To date, you will have to choose only between two actually successful types of screens: LCD (LCD or LCD) and plasma. Each of them is good in its own way, so it makes sense to understand the question in more detail.

Types of screens

Liquid crystal display (or LCD, LCD)

The most common technology today. The composition of the TV includes a matrix and illumination. In this case, the matrix is \u200b\u200ba small grid of pixels, each of which, respectively, consists of subpixels (red, green and blue). To form the picture, the property of crystals in the matrix is \u200b\u200bused - under the influence of the electric field, they are able to change their position, thereby opening, then closing the light from the backlight lamp, which is behind the matrix.

Pixel scheme:

A special microcircuit manages the transparency of subpixels. If all three will be completely transparent, the color of the entire pixel will be white, if all three subpixels are opaque - pixel black. To form other colors and their shades of the chip mixes red, green and blue in a certain proportion.

When using such an algorithm there are several flaws. One of them is the installation of powerful lamps for the backlight not fully transparent matrix. The brighter the backlight, the colorful picture. What, in turn, entails an increase in the power consumption and the price of the TV. The second drawback is the inability to achieve perfectly black, since the matrix cannot completely overlap the powerful streams of light. And if with the first problem you can partially cope with the way, then the second problem is still relevant. Previously, there was also a problem with viewing angles, but in modern models in this direction a lot of work has already been done, and today the situation is satisfactory.

The advantages of technology of liquid crystal screens can be primarily cheaper and a huge selection of models. Everyone can pick up decent TVwho will be on his pocket. Such displays have a fairly good contrast (from 500: 1 to 1,000,000: 1) and brightness (250-1500 kD / m2). Thanks to the LED backlight, which was mentioned above, it is possible to reduce the power consumption of the LCD televisions, and the technology itself implies the use of small thickness matrices. Such screens are lighter, and they can be fixed directly onto the wall without fears.

In general, liquid crystal displays are very successful. Their only alternative today is plasma televisions that have both a number of advantages and several flaws.

Plasma panels

The plasma TV is a matrix of small hermetic sections, each of which is filled with xenon or neon. Special transparent electrodes are served on cells electricity Such force that gas inside the section goes into a plasma state radiating ultraviolet. It falls on the phosphor, which is applied to the wall of the cell and, depending on the composition, glows in red, green or blue. Accordingly, the higher the voltage fed to the electrode and the cell, the stronger it glows. When mixing three colors, we get any shades that you need.

Such TVs are characterized by excellent image quality: saturated and bright colorshigh contrast. All this is laid out technology. The cell is in inactive condition, that is, when the voltage is not served on it, is completely black, unlike the pixel in the LCD display. And if there is a voltage, its light passes through the matrix unhindered, therefore, is characterized by high intensity. By brightness of the picture, plasma TVs exceed the LCD displays by about 3 times.

But it was not without flaws. The main problem is the complexity of the manufacture of small sections with gas. Big cells for plasma panels are simpler, which is why widescreen (from 50 inches and more) Plasma TVs appeared much earlier than the same in size for LCD. However, if you need a plasma TV of small sizes (up to 32 inches), then there are difficulties, such models are very expensive and are rare.

Thus, plasma panels with large diagonals, excellent color reproduction and contrast are best option for kinomans and just people who love quality image And ready to put up with large dimensions and high energy consumption.

Now let's go to the characteristics of the TVs. What should pay special attention to when choosing.

TV characteristics

Screen diagonal

In fact, it is one of the most important parameters for the TV and in general, of any screen. It is a diagonal primarily affect the size, weight and thickness of the screen, its price. It is necessary to take a very serious choice, because to enjoy viewing - everything must be balanced.

Around the world, the screen sizes are indicated in inches. At the same time, 1 inch is 2.54 centimeters. The size is diagonal, for example, like this: 32 ".

When choosing a TV, do not forget that its sizes must match the size of your room. The most common formats for today are a diagonal of 26 "to 42". It is logical that the living room needs to put a large TV (from 32 "), because the whole family and friends can be collected there. To connect it better digital television High definition and home cinema with high-quality acoustics.

But in the kitchen or in the bedroom you can do the screen smaller. Earlier there was information about the ratio of diagonal to the distance from which you need to watch this TV, like 1 to 3. That is, a TV with a diagonal 32 "You need to look from a distance of about 2.4 meters. But today this ratio is practically not relevant. Comfortable distance is accepted already as 1 to 2 or even 1 to 1.5, that is, the same 32 inches can be viewed from a distance of about one and a half meters. Therefore, for the kitchen we advise televisions with a diagonal of up to 26 inches, and in the bedroom you can try to install a little large sizes - up to 32.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice and not buy too much device, we advise at home to estimate how future TV will look. In stores, specially displayed in large halls, where the buyer cannot adequately imagine the size of the screen. As a result, it turns out that the TV when buying looks fine, and at home it turns out to be huge.

Display resolution

Choose a suitable resolution today is not so difficult. To begin with, it is worth noting that in general the resolution is the number of pixels on the screen. What it is more, the smaller each of the cells and, accordingly, the higher the picture quality.

The resolution is recorded by two digits, for example, 1920 × 1080. The first of these is the number of pixels horizontally (width), the second - vertical (height).

Televisions with the same diagonal can have a different resolution. And one that has a greater permit will show a clearer and detailed picture. For example, with a diagonal of 42 "you can meet copies with a resolution of 1920 × 1080 and 1366 × 768. Obviously, the first will be much better.

The highest quality are televisions that support high-definition formats that have several standards:

  • 720p: 1280 × 720, progressive sweep;
  • 1080i: 1920 × 1080, interlaced sweep;
  • 1080p: 1920 × 1080, progressive sweep.

Interlacing scan (marked "I") is not very successful, so we recommend that you buy devices that support the progressive scan (letter "P"). Algorithms of progressive sweep almost remove the effect of the ladder at the boundaries of objects.

Generally speaking, we advise you to choose TVs with FullHD, that is, the resolution of 1920 × 1080 and support for the progressive sweep. Many companies provide access to high-definition television, that is, HDTV. Only with FullHD screen you can appreciate the beauty and beauty of the picture. Films and serials also look much better on such a display. Do not resample less, moreover, today such TVs are available at a price.

Brightness and contrast

The brightness of the screen depends the comfort of watching TV, as well as the juiciness and color of the picture. The brightness of the CD \\ M2 is measured (Kande's square meter) and represents the power of light per unit area. Here, if we compare the liquid crystal screens with plasma panels, it is obvious that the latter wins. Although, the LCD recently catch up with them in this regard, but constructive differences make themselves felt.
The most common values \u200b\u200bof this parameter are 300-600 cd / m2 for LCD with LED illumination and up to 1500 for plasma TV. Focus on these values \u200b\u200bwhen choosing your device.

As for the contrast, here is the essence of the following. It expresses the attitude of the brightest point on the screen to the darkest. For example, if you see the value of the contrast of 1000 to 1, this means that the white plot on the TV is 1000 times the brighter of black. Accordingly, the parameter also affects eye fatigue, on the picture quality and so on.

Now it is worth talking about the acceptable values \u200b\u200band the ratio of brightness and contrast. For a standard LCD TV with a brightness of 300 kD \\ m2 The optimal contrast will be from 1000: 1. For brightness 400-500kd \\ m2, it will already be from 5000: 1 to 10,000: 1. Well, the most advanced models have the brightness of 600kd \\ m2 and above, with contrast from 20,000: 1.

Do not be afraid to buy televisions with excessive brightness, because in extreme cases it will be possible to programmatically reduce, but take too a dark display will be a big mistake.

Response time

This parameter applies precisely to the matrix itself, therefore, in non-varic TVs (CRT) it has not been applied. Now he is quite important, and it is also worth paying attention to the selection of the TV. The response time is an average time spent by the matrix element to the transition from one state to another. According to the standard here it is understood by the transition of pixel from black to white and back. However, some companies measure the parameter according to the "GTG" scheme, that is, from gray to gray.

The response time must lie from 2 to 8 milliseconds. This is done in order to view dynamic scenes with fast-lived objects, such as, for example, in sports channels, a loop did not appear, and the picture did not blur. When connecting the TV to a computer as the main monitor or even extended, it is better to choose models with the response time of the matrix to 5ms.

All of the above applies only to LCD displays, when buying a plasma panel, you can not pay attention to this parameter, it is negligible there.

Screen review angles

An important characteristic, however, it is not critical when choosing a TV. The thing is that liquid crystal displays are constructed in such a way that their cells are isolated from each other with special polarization filters. Under the usual position, that is, perpendicular to the screen, the filters are not noticeable, but if you deviate to the side to some angle, they can significantly worsen the brightness and contrast of the picture.

So, for most models, the most comfortable corners are 60 degrees on each side, that is, 120 a total of 120. After them, the picture begins to deteriorate gradually, but about 160 degrees it is still little and easy.

Only flagship models, that is, the most advanced and expensive, can reach the result in 175-178 degrees. Polarization filters there are very miniature and practically do not affect the picture. It is worth noting that for plasma televisions, the viewing angles are always close to 180 degrees, since the matrix is \u200b\u200barranged there in a different way, as already mentioned in the first paragraph of the article.

Sound system

If we are talking about a widescreen TV for the living room, where the quality is both pictures and sound, it is recommended to connect a separate speaker system with multiple satellite speakers, as well as a subwoofer. But, if you choose the option for the bedroom or kitchen, then it is quite possible to do with the intestine to save space, which, by the way, in modern models is at a sufficiently high level.
The power of the dynamics of the built-in audio system is selected in such a way as to meet the needs of users. Thus, if the screen diagonal is not big and watching TV will be with a very long distance, then they are bypassing with a power speakers in 5 watts. If the diagonal is big, that is, from 32 "inches, then the speakers have a power of 10-15 W and higher to cover the size of the room where the device is installed.

Also when choosing a TV for the living room we advise you to pay attention to the processing processor Dolby Digital.if you are going to connect it to the external acoustic system. Such a processor independently decomposes the beep and send it to acoustics, otherwise you will have to connect in addition to the speaker itself also a digital decoder, and this is an excessive space, confused wires and cash spending.

Interfaces and connectors

HDMI is one of the most modern data interfaces between a TV and a computer. It is also used when connected to a multimedia system or home theater. The cable is multichannel, usually up to 5 meters long. There is a video in resolution to 2560 × 1440, as well as sound.

USB is a connector that was originally intended for computers, but now it can be found at TV. If you say simply, it is necessary for connecting flash drives and external hard disks. From such media, you can watch movies and clips, listen to music, view photos, and all this without any additional transformations and manipulations.

Ethernet is a connector for connecting devices over twisted pair. Specifically, the TV will be, and already a router to external drives and computer. Thus, the device falls into your home local networkWhat gives you a lot of opportunities. The most important thing here is access to the DLNA to exchange the media content between a TV and a computer or any other network devices.

WiFi gives the same features as the Ethernet port, but only without wires. All information is transmitted by radio waves.

These parameters are quite enough to understand how to choose a TV. Now it remains only to take advantage of the knowledge and recommendations and all the same go to the store and choose the desired model.

Despite the outdated stereotype that the girl behind the wheel and a monkey with a grenade - the same, motorists among women becomes more. After all, modern girls are important not only the outer shell, but also the technological parameters of the machine, the steering wheel they sit down. Especially if this is the first car.

1. Old, friend, better than new

Take a car with mileage or new? It is possible to purchase an elite used, but you can and inclinked, but budget. Consider the advantages and shortcomings of both options: choosing a wheelbarrow with a running wheel. low price You fly on it in the ranks of the high class. Such cars are considered more reliable. Reliable, but only in comparison with the auto of the same year. In addition, you have no idea that this car survived to you. There is a risk that you will spend more on repairs.

When it comes to a new car: the costs of its use are completely predictable. Not good insurance policies that will cover potential problems. The cost of purchase should not exceed the annual salary.

2. Does the value mean

Although the SUVs and laborers of large dimensions have many advantages, they are suitable for experienced drivers. A large car requires a lot of gasoline. For a beginner, dimensions play an important role. Your first car must be compact. Optimal options for beginners - cars "A", "B", "B +" segments, and small crossovers.

Artem Motyash, Head of Sales Center "Auto Center-Bavaria" (as part of Astana Motors) - the official importer of BMW and MINI brands in Kazakhstan told on what to pay attention to when choosing a car:

It is difficult to imagine the perfect car that would fit absolutely any girlfriend. Too much depends on the nature, temperament, driver's experience, ride style and, finally, the taste preferences of the hostess. It is clear that for the girl a car should always look attractive - beautiful sex representatives pay great attention to color, car design. In fact, the emphasis should be done also for the presence of a car reliable active and passive protection. Smart systemswhich premium brands have significantly simplify, and if necessary, the driver's life is saved. If the girl chooses the first car, it is better not to stop your choice on a huge crossover, but to give preference to more compact models - BMW 1 series, BMW 3 series, BMW X1. Is it worth saying that you choose better automatic transmission. Of course, if only a girl is not a fan of motor racing and does not spend the weekend on the racing track, calculating the apexes and the entry points of turns. The drive is better to choose the front or complete - with such a car will be comfortable and easy in winter. With the rear-wheel drive car, the newcomer is hard to cope with the winter. And for convenient parking, for example, you can get a parking sensor and a rear view camera.

3. Fuel consumption

We should not forget about such an important aspect as fuel consumption. It is worth choosing an economical car with a small volume of the engine - if we talk about BMW, then even the minimum engine volume ensures sufficient power for a comfortable trip and driving pleasure. At the same time, the consumption of fuel will be minimal, and therefore it does not have to be seriously spent on transport tax and gasoline, "says Artem Matyash.

Also, the official importer of BMW and MINI brands in Kazakhstan added that before choosing a car, it is better to know how difficult it is to find spare parts for the car you are interested in, is there official service center This brand in Kazakhstan. Original consumables, for example, extend the life of your car and retain its true "factory" character.
