A program that reads passwords on a computer. Retrieve all passwords (web browsers, email programs, etc.) in Windows and Linux

Browsers, mail clients and other programs often suggest saving passwords. This is very convenient: I keep it and forget it, sometimes in the literal sense of the word. But what if you need to change your browser, reinstall the system, or just log in from a different computer? It turns out that browsers store passwords very insecurely. There are a lot of recovery programs, and of course, they will work no worse on someone else's machine than on yours.


The browser often stores tens or even hundreds of passwords. It is clear that if you do not use one password for all occasions (and this is not a good idea), remembering passwords from all sites and forums can be problematic.

If you have forgotten an important password and do not want to rack your brains, download and install the WebBrowserPassView program. You will be surprised: she can easily extract passwords from Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox and Yandex Browserand the latest versions are supported. Personally, I've tested this program with IE, Firefox, Chrome and Opera - in no case did it misfire.

Before launching WebBrowserPassView, it is advisable to disable the antivirus, as some will complain that it is malware. The recovery result is shown in the screenshot. Don't blame me, but I covered up the Password column and the User Name part.

Select the passwords that you want to remember, execute the command File - Save Selected Items. The highlighted passwords will be saved to a plain text file of the following format:

\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d URL: Web Browser site: Firefox 32+ User Name: User Password: Password Password Strength: Very Strong User Name Field: Password Field: Created Time: 09.07.2015 21:15:16 Modified Time: 09.07.2015 21:15:16 \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d

And of course, the program is suitable for extracting passwords on someone else's machine. If you have local access or remote - via RDP or TeamViewer, then it will not be difficult to get passwords.


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We recently published an article on the strength of passwords as well as passwords that are used by many users. Most people use weak passwords. But how do you make sure your password is strong? Cracking passwords is an integral part of digital forensics and information security testing.

In this article, we have collected best programs to crack passwords that can be used by system administrators to check the strength of their passwords. All utilities use different algorithms and are applicable to different situations. Let's first look at some basic information that will help you understand what we will be dealing with.

In the field of cybersecurity and cryptography, password cracking plays a very important role... It is the process of recovering a password in order to compromise or restore the security of a computer or system. So why do you need to learn password brute force programs? For peaceful purposes, password cracking can be used to recover forgotten passwords from online accounts; it is also used by system administrators for prevention on a regular basis.

For cracking passwords, brute force is used in most cases. The software generates various options passwords and informs if the correct one was found. In some cases personal Computer capable of producing millions of options per second. A program for cracking a password on a pc checks all options and finds a real password.

The time it takes to crack a password is proportional to the length and complexity of that password. Therefore, it is recommended to use complex passwords that are difficult to guess or guess. Also, the search speed depends on the cryptographic function that is used to generate password hashes. Therefore, it is better to use Bcrypt to encrypt the password rather than MD5 or SHA.

Here are the main brute force methods used by cybercriminals:

  • Dictionary attack - the attack uses a file that contains a list of words. The program checks each of the words to find a result;
  • Bruteforce attack - it is possible not to use a dictionary, but to iterate over all combinations of given characters;
  • Attack with rainbow tables - the attack uses pre-computed hashes, so it is faster.

There are other socially engineered password cracking methods, but today we will focus only on unattended attacks. To protect against such attacks, you only need to use complex passwords. Now let's take a look at the best password cracking tools 2017. This list is published for informational purposes only and we in no way call for hacking other people's personal data.

Best password bruteforce

1. John the Ripper

John the Ripper is one of the most popular tools for brute-force passwords, accessible to absolutely everyone. It is distributed with an open source code and is written in the C programming language. Various methods of brute-forcing passwords are collected here.

The program is able to sort out passwords by the stored hash, and supports various hashing algorithms, including automatic algorithm detection. John the Ripper refers to Rapid7's suite of security testing tools. In addition to Linux, Windows and MacOS are supported.

2. Aircrack-ng

Aircrack-ng is a suite of programs for cracking and intercepting passwords from wifi networks... The program is one of the best used by hackers. It has everything you need to break WEP and WPA encryption, from hijacking a hash to getting a ready-made password.

WEP encryption is especially easy to crack; to overcome the protection, there are PMS and PTW attacks, with which you can crack this protocol in a matter of minutes with sufficient traffic flow through the network. Therefore, always use WPA2 to be safe. All three platforms are also supported: Linux, Windows, MacOS.

3. RainbowCrack

As the name suggests, RainbowCrack uses rainbow tables to crack password hashes. With the help of ready-made tables, the utility greatly reduces the time of cracking. Also, there is both graphical interfaceand command line utilities.

After completing the pre-computation step, this tool runs hundreds of times faster than regular iteration. You don't need to create tables yourself, the developers have already created them for LM, NTLM, MD5 and SHA1. Everything is available for free.

Another important point is GPU acceleration. By using a video card, you can reduce the password computation time by several orders of magnitude. Windows and Linux platforms are supported.

4. THC Hydra

Unlike above listed programs, Hydra works differently. It does not compute hashes. Instead, the program performs brute-force attacks on various network protocols. Astrisk, FTP, HTTP, MySQL, XMPP, Telnet, SHH and many more are supported here. The main purpose of the utility is brute-force attacks on the password entry form.

This tool helps security researchers know how easy it is to access a remote system. Modules can be added to expand functionality, Linux, Windows, Solaris, FreeBSD and MacOS are supported.

5. HashCat

According to the developers, it is the fastest password brute-force tool. It is distributed as free software and supports such algorithms: md4, md5, LM, SHA, MySQL, Cisco PIX and Unix Crypt.

There are versions of the CPU brute-force and GPU-based hacking tool - oclHashcat and cudaHashcat. In addition to the standard Bruteforce attack, dictionary attacks, hybrid attacks against most, against tables, Prince, and so on are supported. The platforms are supported by Windows, Linux and MacOS.

6. Crowbar

Crowbar is a popular password security testing tool. Other brute-forcing programs use usernames and passwords, but crowbar allows brute-forcing SSH keys.

This open source tool is designed to work with protocols that are rarely supported by other programs. Currently VNC, OpenVPN, SSP, NLA are supported. The program can run on Linux, Windows and MacOS.


It is an implementation of a WPA / WPA2 PSK password brute-force utility based on a dictionary or rainbow tables. The use of rainbow tables greatly speeds up the utility. The PSK standard is used very often now. The only good news is that it is very difficult to sort out the password if it was initially chosen correctly.

Don't leave your laptop or desktop computer unattended, even for a couple of seconds! Otherwise, passwords from your page in social networks, from your blog and mail can pass into the hands of an attacker. Now this is possible thanks to the birth free software called WebBrowserPassView. Thanks to her, the secret on your computer will become apparent, and you will not have time to blink.

The software is also available in Russian, and you can download it without any restrictions on the nirsoft.net website. Moreover, the program does not require installation. You can run it, say, from a flash drive on a computer that for a moment was left without supervision from its owner. For everything about all the software you need only 2 seconds. It will scan browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, Internet Explorer and Opera, and will take out all passwords from them, including passwords for access to popular sites Facebook, Yahoo, Google and Gmail. The software will carry out all the work automatically and it will even be possible, using the program, to print out all the information obtained.

Ilya Sachkov, CEO of Group-IB, explained to RBC daily that such software cannot be considered malicious. The program is executed authorized by the user, while it is executed locally and does not send any data anywhere. It automatically provides access to information that can be viewed in other ways. This program does not carry any new threats.

WebBrowserPassView only outputs credentials stored in browser forms, so according to Mr. Sachkov, it is sufficient not to store passwords using staff resources web browsers, and in this case, the user is not in danger. In addition, this software cannot extract passwords protected, for example, by the master key of the Opera web browser. Passwords in IE are encrypted using the web addresses they refer to, so if you delete the browsing history, you won't be able to retrieve passwords either.

First of all, you need to use password protected accounts users and lock the computer left unattended. You should not save credentials to important websites in browsers. Where possible, it is recommended to use additional protection in the form of master keys. The main thing to remember is that not only such a harmless utility is able to extract passwords. Much more often, a login-password pair is stolen by attackers using malware that really poses a threat to the security of users' private information, the expert notes.

According to the project manager ADV / web-engineering co. Nikita Dubinkin, the WebBrowserPassView program accesses passwords by scanning system files browsers. At the same time, the program can work with all browsers on Windows, except for Apple's Safari browser. To use this program, an attacker must gain access to the victim's computer. The computer must be authorized under the account used by the victim.

“A particular program is not scary for users of the Apple Safari browser, and not dangerous for those who use Linux or MacOS on their PC. Nevertheless, the very existence of this program shows that the methods for encrypting passwords in browsers are not reliable enough. And, in order not to be afraid for the security of your own data, you should refuse to store passwords for important sites ( email, Internet banking systems, etc.) in the browser, ”recommends Mr. Dubinkin.

Additional Information.

A useful program for viewing saved logins and passwords in the browser. Supports all popular browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge and many others).

Browser Password Decryptor review

The program is not an illegal means of cracking passwords to gain access to confidential information, but only makes it possible to view the registration data (login and password) saved in the browser on your own computer!

Browser Password Decryptor software is very simple and easy to use. After a simple installation process, the utility is immediately ready to work and does not require any settings.

After starting the program, all you need to do is click on the “Start Recovery” button. Browser Password Decryptor will scan all supported browsers installed on the system. Next, it will display the detected data in the form of a table, where for each element it will be indicated:

  • Browser type
  • Page address (Website URL)
  • User Login
  • Password

For the convenience of viewing and searching for the saved password, you can sort the received information by any of the columns.

If you need to frequently view passwords saved by browsers, the program has a built-in tool for exporting the entire list of received data separate file (TXT, HTML, XML or CSV format).

Browser Password Decryptor works correctly with a large number of modern browsers.

Supported browsers for viewing passwords:

  • Apple Safari
  • Comodo Dragon Browser
  • CoolNovo Browser
  • Firefox
  • Flock Browser
  • Google chrome
  • Chrome Canary / SXS
  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Opera Browser
  • SeaMonkey Browser
  • SRWare Iron Browser
  • Torch Browser
  • UC Browser

This program is available for download as in the version for complete installation, and portable (Portable).

& nbsp & nbsp Dear visitor, if you came to this page in order to find a means to spoil your neighbor, then, most likely, nothing will stop you anyway. But, I want to remind you that there are certain, formed over millennia, norms of behavior, without following which, humanity would turn into a herd of freaks. And besides, there is also a criminal code.
& nbsp & nbsp All programs, links to which I have posted here, are free software, ethical, and legal, the consequences of its use are entirely on your conscience.

& nbsp & nbsp Most antivirus programs define these programs as malicious due to their specific behavior, therefore, before using them, you must add them to the antivirus exclusions (or disable the antivirus altogether). Thanks to this page, my site was listed as unsafe by Symantec for some time. Good that search engines do not agree with him. What can you do, there were times when the package utilities were also equated with viruses, and today they are available for download from the official Microsoft website. There are NO viruses here. If you are prompted for a password when opening an archive, use - novirus

Download (less than 40 kb, archive is password protected novirus)

& nbsp & nbsp SniffPass listens for traffic on the selected network interface, and intercepts passwords, displaying them in the main program window. It is possible to intercept passwords for POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, HTTP (basic authentication passwords). It can be used to recover forgotten passwords to mail, FTP resources and websites.

Asterisk Logger v1.02 (astlog.exe)Download (less than 26 kb, archive is password protected novirus)

& nbsp & nbsp WebBrowserPassView - a single utility for recovering passwords stored in Internet Explorer (Version 4.0 - 9.0), Mozilla Firefox (all versions), Google Chrome, and Opera. The utility allows you to restore forgotten passwords to sites, including the popular Vkontakte.ru (vk.com) Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Yahoo, Google, GMail, in cases where the password was remembered by the browser itself. Recovered passwords can be saved in text / html / csv / xml format using the "Save Selected Items" menu item (Ctrl + S key combination).

In perspective this program may well replace the entire family of password recovery utilities in browsers. From version to version WebBrowserPssview acquires more and more functionality and capabilities.

MessenPass v1.12 (mspass.exe)Download (less than 44 kb, archive is password protected novirus)

Mail PassView is a small utility for recovering passwords and some other account data stored in the following client software:

  • Outlook Express

  • Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3 and SMTP accounts only)

  • Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003/2007/2010 (POP3, IMAP, HTTP, SMTP account data only)

  • Windows Mail

  • Windows Live Mail

  • IncrediMail

  • Eudora

  • Netscape 6.x / 7.x (if password is not encrypted with master password)

  • Mozilla Thunderbird (if password is not encrypted with master password)

  • Group Mail Free

  • Yahoo! Mail - if the password was saved in the Yahoo! Messenger.

  • Hotmail / MSN mail - if the password was saved in the MSN / Windows / Live Messenger application.

  • Gmail - if the password was saved in Gmail Notifier, Google Desktop, Google Talk applications.
  • Protected Storage PassView v1.63 (pspv.exe)Download (less than 34 kb, archive is password protected novirus)

    & nbsp & nbsp Retrieves passwords stored in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Security \\ Policy \\ Secrets
    This section may contain passwords remote access (VPN connections), password for automatic login to the system (Autologon) and some other system keys and passwords. Can be used without installation in windows environment 2000 / XP / Vista / 7. Lets you get passwords from another environment operating system Windows, using the "File" - "Advanced Options" menu or using the / external switch in the command line:

    LSASecretsView.exe / external g: \\ windows - where g: \\ windows is the system directory of the Windows OS whose passwords will be displayed.

    The results of LSASecretsView operation can serve as an additional source of information when recovering lost passwords or keys.

    In addition to this material - containing a short list of programs for recovering passwords with descriptions and links to download the latest versions from the developer's website.

    In addition to password recovery programs, the developer's website has many free utilities to help system administrator, most of which are combined into a convenient package, which is a kind of shell for launching programs grouped by categories:

    Package NirLuauncher does not require installation and can be used as portable software, launched, for example, from a flash drive and working in an operating environment windows systems 2000 / XP / Windows7 / Windows8. can also be used in Windows PE and Windows PE-based diagnostic products (ERD Commander). In addition to password recovery programs, the package includes utilities for network monitoring, command line enhancements, optimization and research of the system, browsers, desktop, etc. There is a possibility of Russification of the package. You can download it on the download page. Section Translation Packs contains links to download support files for more than a dozen different languages, including Russian. As a nice addition, it is possible to add to the Nirlauncher environment the Sysinternals Suite, Joeware Free Tools and Piriform freeware (CCleaner, Defraggler, Recuva, Speccy).
