What is NFC. What is NFC in a smartphone and what is it for? Is there a difference between NFC and Bluetooth

Ivanov Sergey

Contactless Payment Technician

Articles written

Back in 2004 largest manufacturers technicians unveiled the latest short-range wireless communication technology called NFC, which is now used in smartphones, tablets, smart watch and other gadgets. The advantages of the NSF system are high speed of information transfer and reliable protection of user data.

What is the NFC module in a smartphone?

Initially, the technology was positioned as an internal communication resource for making contactless payments. However, today it can be used for electronic keys, discount cards and more.

NSF is a technology wireless communication between devices running on short distances- up to 10 cm. At the same time, the most accurate, fast and secure connection is established.

REFERENCE! The full name "Near Field Communication" translates as "Near Field Communication". It is provided by a micro-antenna with a magnetic data carrier built into the equipment or card.

For the first time, the system was introduced in the form of a chip in fare cards, but soon it began to be used inside smartphones. Today, many models of Android phones and tablets are equipped with an NFC interface, starting with OS version 4.0, as well as iOS devices.

The principle of operation and functions of the NSF

The technology is based on a type of communication similar to reading a barcode and QR code.

Only here are so-called magnetic tags used. They encrypt a large amount of data, so they are much more convenient than physical storage media.

The transmitter of the magnetic reader constantly transmits a signal, and the LFS-chip responds to it when it comes into the range of the communicator. Due to the operation of one device that requests data, the magnetic field induces the emergence of energy in another gadget. This technology allows one of the sensors to work even in a passive mode, that is, without any power source.

REFERENCE! NFC chips have been compared to Bluetooth, but the main difference lies in the range. The NSF provides a short-term connection in a small field, which means it excludes the possibility of errors or hacking, and the connection can be interrupted by increasing the distance between the devices.

Due to their compact size, NFS chips are embedded in various devices and cards and can perform the following functions:

  • contactless payment;
  • mobile fare payment public transport;
  • reading information, including RFID tags, printed on paper;
  • transferring data to another device, including a TV or smart watch;
  • use as an electronic key;
  • reading an electronic pass to events;
  • payment by electronic money;
  • embedding of the interface in the identity card or the traveler's card.

REFERENCE! At the 2018 FIFA World Cup, NSF chips were used in balls manufactured by Adidas. By attaching a phone supporting NSF to the ball, one could go to a special site with information about the championship and interesting special projects.

Functions of the NSF technology on this moment are not used everywhere. For example, only in not a large number cities of the world NSF sensors are built into the terminals for payment of travel. But the prospects for using the interface are very wide.

How to set up the wireless module?

If your device has an NSF system, then to use it, you need to perform simple steps:

REFERENCE! Without “Android Beam” activation, the NSF chip may not work correctly, therefore, before using contactless communication, it is recommended to check the state of the interface in the smartphone settings.

After turning on the NSF system, you can use it for contactless data transfer between various devices. The technology is also being considered as an alternative to Bluetooth. You can transfer files or folders to another phone simply by touching the back covers of the two devices to each other. Do not move the device away until the transfer has been successfully completed.

How to find out if there is NSF in a gadget?

To use NFC technology, the chip must be embedded in the device. Today LFS-sensors are available not only in expensive equipment, but also in economical models. You can check if this function is available in your smartphone in several ways:

Contactless payment

The most important achievement of the introduction of the NSF system into the technique is the possibility of contactless payment. In order to activate the contactless payment function using a smartphone, you must:

  1. Enable the NSF function in the phone.
  2. Link a bank card or e-wallet in the settings. The feature is available for cards with a PayPass tag. Some banks release their own applications in which NSF technology is also available.
  3. Contactless payments will be made directly from your phone. Wherein bank card not required.

REFERENCE! It is on the basis of the NSF, for example, that the well-known Apple function Pay available iPhone users... Contactless payment options are available in all models Apple smartphones starting with episode 6.

Types of chips

Inside NSF devices there are microchips that store and transmit data from one device to another. Microcircuits differ in the types of settings and the amount of built-in memory, as well as the type of device. A SIM card, external devices, or a chip can be used as an LFS sensor.

  1. The latest generation SIM cards are equipped with NSF functions, but they cannot fully replace the interface inside the phone, since they do not require fingerprints and authentication.
  2. External NSF modules and stickers are usually installed under back cover phone They can be passive (work autonomously only to read data) and active (connect to the phone).
  3. The chips are usually already built into the machine or card.

External devices have significant drawbacks. Passive stickers do not support most of the functions, while active ones consume the battery to constantly maintain contact with the smartphone. In addition, additional modules are rather cumbersome due to the special mounting.

How to add an external NFC chip if it is not in the phone?

NFC sim card

This is the easiest way to add NSF functionality for phones that do not have a built-in chip.

However, they do not use encryption methods, so they are less secure for transactions.

Most likely your old sim card does not support contactless data transfer function, so you will have to replace it or purchase a new one. To do this, you need to contact the salon cellular or to the bank that issued your card. You may also need to replace your bank card if it does not have a PayPass mark on it.

NFC antenna

Another option is external antenna with the support of NSF.

Thanks to this device, you can, without buying a new smartphone, get access to contactless short-range communication.

NSF antennas are sold in hardware stores and cell phone showrooms, and no specialist assistance is required to install them.

You can self-attach the antenna to the sim card and then insert under the cover. Unfortunately, such an external module cannot be added to equipment, the body of which cannot be disassembled, and the SIM card slot is located on the side.

NSF technologies are used by most manufacturers of modern technology. Thanks to this, users can make contactless payments, transfer data and read special tags without worrying about personal data leakage and outside interference. At the moment, the NSF has no analogues that could offer both high speed, safety and a short working radius.

In all current Android smartphones, the top line of the screen is literally crammed with all sorts of symbols. Many of them are understandable, familiar, and even useful: the notification panel informs about new email messages, file downloads, availability and quality of telephone and WiFi networks, battery level, etc. However, sometimes the mysterious letter N appears there, causing some suspicious users to feel a little uneasy.

In this article, we will tell you about the function that is indicated in Android devices by this very letter N, as well as how to disable it, and why you can do it right now.

  • What does the N symbol mean and what is NFC?

On the panel Android notifications an intricately designed letter N appears as a sign that the smartphone (or tablet) has turned on the NFC module. NFC - Near Field Communication is a technology through which two nearby mobile devices can exchange data (sorry for such a simplified definition).

You've probably heard about this technology and even seen it in action. In countries with developed democracies, NFC is used everywhere: for example, in mobile payment systems (of the most famous in our country - Android Pay and Samsung Pay) - this is when you can directly from your smartphone, smart bracelets and other smart devices. In addition, any other data from one smartphone to another is possible via NFC.

  • How to disable NFC in an Android smartphone (and take the N icon from the notification bar)?

With this, everything is simple. Most likely, in your Android, you will find the option to disable NFC right in the quick settings menu. That is, we swipe across the screen from top to bottom, and in the drop-down menu somewhere in the vicinity of the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth symbols we find an icon in the form of the same letter N as in the notification panel, with a signature next to it and, if the function is active, we tap on it to turn off.

If in quick settings you did not find the letter N on your smartphone, then open the usual settings, then press “ More… " In chapter " Wireless networks "And in the subsection" File and data transfer »Turn the switch for the NFC option to the position« Off «, After which the N symbol will disappear from the notification panel.

  • Disable or not disable NFC?

Frankly speaking, at present, there is practically no real benefit from NFC for the vast majority of Android users. Well, as we already said, pictures or other files can be transferred from one smartphone to another. The systems of contactless mobile payments are not yet so popular among the population, and there is such a suspicion that they will not be used for quite a long time. The aforementioned Android Pay and Samsung Pay, in spite of their very successful debut in the States, will not reach our region soon.

So, if you are not in an American store right now, you can safely disable the NFC function in your Android smartphone and thus save its battery power.

The NFC module was originally intended for one-touch payments. A SIM card with a built-in chip can be used both in shops, public transport, and as a contactless "master key" or a business card. This technology has also begun to be used in tablets and smartphones.

Leading manufacturers equip gadgets of the middle class and above with special adapters that allow you to instantly transfer data and perform other operations. Despite this, many users do not know what the NFC function is in the phone and how to use this device.

Android devices have been equipped with special chips since the release of the 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system. The NSF module is designed for communication of tablets, telephones located at short distances from each other.

NFC technology in smartphones provides the user with the following capabilities:

  • Quickly share various files;
  • Use the gadget as a pass to various organizations, institutions;
  • Conduct contactless payment with one touch;
  • Save or read data in a specific format.

Many advanced users are interested in what NSF is in a smartphone and whether this function is really necessary for the user, because all gadgets are equipped with Bluetooth.

NSF technology is most often used for payments, which means that the signal range is minimal. The connection between your phone and your device is completed in seconds, ensuring complete safety the same cannot be said for Bluetooth.

Does the device support NSF interface

Not all modern gadgets have such a chip. Android can be installed with simple Bluetooth, which does not allow using the device for performing safe operations.

How to find out if your smartphone has NFC in order to enjoy all its benefits. You can check the availability of this function through the settings located in the tablet or phone menu:

  • Go to Android settings;
  • In the line "Wireless networks" click "Advanced";
  • Enter the NSF settings menu.

Once the desired function is found, the user can activate it or set restrictions. To do this, in the same tab, you must:

  • Check the box next to the item "Allow to exchange data";
  • Wait for the Android Beam program to turn on;
  • If the function does not start automatically, click on Android Beam, then confirm the action.

On a note! NSF in Android phone Is not a separate means of transferring files or other information, but a command device. Data exchange is carried out via wireless communication. The chip issues a command to activate the Internet and transfer information.

Which smartphones have NSF

If the user knows what NFC is for, then he can easily use this module when performing various operations. Almost all modern gadgets are equipped with this technology. Here are some examples:

  • IPhone starting from 6S model;
  • Samsung Galaxy S3, LG latest models and Xperia X from Sony.

Other manufacturers can also please with the presence of an advanced device. The NFC function on Android allows you to carry out various operations quickly and safely, which is its main advantage.

Possible options for using the NSF module

The module can operate in several basic modes. Namely:

  • Active. Both smartphones are equipped with a special chip.
  • Passive. Only one gadget model is used.

On a note! The chip operates in several modes. The first is used to exchange information between smartphones or planets. The purpose of the second is a "pass" or a card, when passing the metro, buying a bus ticket.

Contactless payments

In the mode of emulation of a plastic card, the NSF chip makes it possible to pay for services and goods at the terminals. The most common Android Pay services for iPhones are Apple Pay... The module installed on the smartphone allows you to hide the data of the cardholder, thereby securing the operation.

How to pay via NFC from an Android phone:

  • To make a payment, you need a card with paypass support;
  • Download a special application;
  • Enter your personal page in the main menu;
  • Select the NSF item;
  • Attach plastic to the back of the smartphone so that the module reads the data it needs.

Using the NSF option, the owner of the gadget will be able to transfer funds for a completed purchase in one touch.

Public transport fares

With certain settings, the NSF system can be used as an electronic ticket. Support of the latest technology will allow passengers of underground and surface transport to use the chip much faster when passing through turnstiles or recording a trip.

Exchange of information using modern technologies

After activating NSF, it can be used to exchange files. To send information, the user must adhere to a certain algorithm.

How to use NFC on your smartphone:

  • Activate NSF and Android Beam on gadgets;
  • Both mobile phones must work and be unlocked;
  • When smartphones are close to each other, the user will hear a corresponding signal, which informs that the gadgets are in sight.

Attention! Separation of devices is possible only after the transfer of information is completed. The user will know about this by a corresponding signal.

Instant scanning of information

Reading with an electronic chip works by scanning a barcode - a mark located on the media. They are gradually replacing paper codes and contain not only information about the manufacturer, but also the composition, shelf life, and other data.

Reading individual labels

Its principle of operation is the same as for scanning barcodes. But in this situation, it is not the camera on the mobile phone that is used, but the sensor located under the cover. This feature is especially useful in the home.

To create tags, the user needs to install the application, which can be downloaded through Play Market... The owner of the smartphone will be able to fix a certain task independently: “create a message”, “send a letter”, “make a call”.

Most Popular Apps:

  • ABA NSF. Used to create simple symbols.
  • Device to enable wireless network Internet without a password (the smartphone is attached to the gadget connected to Wi-Fi);
  • SmartTag Maker. The app will only fit the owner of Sony gadgets.

On a note! Such labels are passive. They don't need power to store data. They have a small volume, required only to consolidate the team. Such labels are calledTecTiles... To scan them, just bring your smartphone, and then user-installed the task will be completed immediately.

What to do if there is no NSF on the phone

Most smartphone owners are wondering how to use Android Pay without NFC. Operators mobile communications developed SIM cards with a built-in module for signal transmission.

What to do if the phone does not support NFC - the first option:

  • Buy a special SIM card;
  • Place it in the slot on your smartphone;
  • The chip is automatically activated.

On a note! It should be borne in mind that the dimensions of the signalGsmare different and depend on the format on a particular device.

What to do if the phone does not have NFC - option two:

  • Purchase an external device for making contactless payments;
  • Next, you need to read the instructions on how to install NFC in a smartphone - most often it just needs to be fixed on the SIM card;
  • Place in tray.

Attention! One drawback is that this method is suitable for gadgets with a removable cover. Non-detachable models and mobile phones with side slots cannot be equipped with an external device.

Advantages and disadvantages of modern technology

The main advantage of the NSF module is low energy consumption, affordable cost, safety and ease of use. But before you activate this function it is necessary to study certain nuances.

Like all devices, the NFC module also has some disadvantages:

  1. Small radius of action. This causes some inconvenience when using this technology. On the other hand, it provides maximum security. The owner of the smartphone will not be able to accidentally pay for the goods, set a command.

  1. Development of modifications for NSF is uncontrolled. The manufacturers of gadgets "Haomi" and "Sony" are trying to improve the process of transferring information. They make their own parts that only work with their smartphones or tablets. To take full advantage of the module, the consumer will have to buy mobile phones of certain brands, as well as install applications only from these developers.

On a note! The developers are gradually trying to eliminate some of the shortcomings and make various improvements to their technology.

If the user does not know how to connect NFC to a smartphone or finds it difficult to do so, it is better to contact a specialized center for help from experienced craftsmen.

The NSF module allows one-touch purchases and other types of transactions. If your smartphone does not have this function, you can purchase the corresponding chip or SIM card. For proper security, the owner of the phone will have to enable screen unlock by fingerprint or PIN - there is no other way out.

NFC (Near Field Communication) is a short-range (up to 10 cm) high-frequency wireless communication technology that allows contactless data exchange between devices located at short distances: for example, between a reading terminal and cell phone or a plastic smart card.

NFC technology is based on RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification, radio frequency identification - a method of automatic identification of objects, in which data stored in so-called transponders or RFID tags are read or written by means of radio signals), that is, a technology for transmitting information over a radio channel, which supports both active and passive devices.

For example, Sony NFC key fobs are not required additional food to work (read data), that is, they can work completely passively.

There are three of the most popular uses for NFC technology in mobile phones:
- card emulation - the phone pretends to be a card, for example, a pass or a payment card;
- read mode - the phone reads a passive tag (Tag), for example, for interactive advertising;
- P2P mode - two phones communicate and exchange information.

The "carrier" of the NFC chip is often mobile phone- the device is as massive as it is individual, and most importantly inseparable from its owner, acting as:
- means of payment (virtual wallet),
- a means of identification of the owner,
- key,
- bonus card,
- ticket.

NFC solutions are already being applied in many areas.
For example, this technology is used to book and sell electronic tickets, pay for travel in public transport and park cars, NFC technology is also actively used in the field of services and entertainment, in the field of security and access control.

The maximum radius of action is about 10 cm.
The module operates at a frequency of 13.56 MHz.
Data rate: 106Kbps - 848Kbps.

What is the fundamental difference between NFC and Bluetooth technology

The biggest advantage of NFC is its shorter connection time, one tenth of a second.
In addition, NFC has a shorter range, which makes this method of transferring information more secure.
NFC allows you to transfer data at 424 Kbps, which is much less than Bluetooth.

The development of contactless payment technology has led to the emergence of cards such as Visa PayWave and MasterCard PayPass, which have a built-in antenna and work according to the NFC standard.

The development of this market has led to the fact that Google, MasterCard, Citibank, Sprint and First Data have created a service Google wallet which is installed on some Android phones.
The application allows you to turn your phone into a credit card that can be used to pay in any terminal that supports PayPass.
