Download xap files for windows phone 10. Correct download and installation of applications on Windows Phone

Users who prefer not to spend money on purchasing games and applications from the Store, but to install their jailbroken versions, have long known two main ways to unlock smartphones - unlock for 2 applications and unlock for 10 applications. Also, some of them know about the existence of another method that allows you to deploy an unlimited amount of hacked content on your smartphone. True, to use it, you need a slot for a microSD card and the memory card itself in a smartphone under control Windows Phone 8.1. After Microsoft released Windows 10 Mobile, for those who like to install hacked creations of application developers for free and with impunity, another method appeared that does not require the use of any Chinese utilities or other software to unlock smartphones. In the mobile top ten, experts from Microsoft have added the "For Developers" mode, which, as you might guess, is intended for developers testing their applications and games on this platform. But the so-called "freebie lovers" can also freely use it. If you belong to such a group of Windows users, and you want to try the mentioned method, you should read this manual and complete all points. More detailed information You can read about the article "How to install unsigned APPX and XAP on Windows 10 Mobile without unlocking?" full version our review below.

You will need the following:

1. Smartphone on Windows 10 Mobile. If you still don't have Windows 10 Mobile installed on your device, we advise you to read the other instructions for getting its preview version.
2. A computer running under Windows control 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10.
3. Full or light version Windows package Phone 8.1 Software Development Kit (SDK 8.1) installed on the computer.
4. USB cable for connecting a smartphone to a computer.


1. On your Windows 10 Mobile smartphone, go to Settings> Update & Security> For Developers.
2. From the list of available items, select "Developer mode" and agree to enable it by clicking on the "Yes" button.
3. Unlock your smartphone screen and connect it to your computer via a USB cable.
4. On your computer, open Application Deployment 8.1.
5. In the program window, click on the "Browse" button, find and select the HAP- or APRX-file that you want to deploy on your smartphone.
6. Click the Deploy button and wait for the installation process to complete. Please note that in this case the smartphone screen must be unlocked.
7. After the program informs about the successful installation of the application, find it in the list of applications on your smartphone and run it to make sure that it works.

Happy owners of smartphones based on the operating room Windows systems Phone 8.0 not everyone knows how to install * .xap files on a smartphone from a computer. There are only 2 ways to do this, and about one of them I will tell you in more detail what it is and what it is for. In fact, everything is very simple, someone wants to install paid games and applications for free on their smartphone or develop their own applications.

For this, the Student Unlock was invented, or, to be more precise, the student developer account, with which you can install files not from the Market, but from a computer. After all, there were already clever people who came up with hacking applications and games and now they can be installed for free. But for the operating system Windows Phone 8.0 there are a number of limitations, since itself operating system not cracked yet. You can install files on Windows Phone 8.0 only with the help of the "SDK for Windows Phone 8.0" software package, that's what we will talk about working with it in our instructions.

It's important to know: In order to install files on a smartphone based on the Windows Phone 8.0 operating system, you must have the Windows 8 operating system installed on your computer! If you have Windows 7 operating system on your computer, then you must first install SDK 8.0 on Windows 7.

Step 1. To work with our smartphone based on the Windows Phone 8.0 or Windows Phone 8.1 operating system, we need to install the Windows Phone SDK, which can be downloaded for free from the website. After you download the program, you need to install it on your computer.

You can download this file from our site:
- for Windows 8 on a computer
- for Windows 8.1 on a computer

Step 2. After installing the Windows Phone 8.0 SDK, not everyone knows what to do next and how. Usually many users get confused and run the wrong program on their computer.



Step 3. Now we can safely install almost any * .xap files on our smartphone. It must be remembered that files of the * .xap format must be downloaded not from the Market, but from third-party resources, where they are hacked. You can download files from our site. Now we need to run the "Application Deployment" program from the SDK.

3/1. You must go to the "Start" menu on your Windows computer 8. If you have old version Windows 8, then just move your mouse to the lower left corner. If you have an updated version to Windows 8.1, then just click the "Start" button.

3/2. If you have an old Windows version 8, anywhere on the desktop you must click right click mouse and you will see in the lower right corner of the menu "All applications", we just need it! If you have an updated version to Windows 8.1, then just click the arrow that points down.

3/3. We find in the list of all programs that are on the computer, the "Application Deployment" program and just run it! The "Application Deployment" SDK component is used to enable us to install * .xap files on our smartphone.

Step 4. You will see the start window of the "Application Deployment" program, I want to remind you that at this moment your screen lock must be disabled, that is, the screen must be constantly on.

4/1. Using the "Browse" button of the "Application Deployment" program, we need to find the * .xap file on the computer, which we previously downloaded from our website. When we have found the file, click the "Open" button.

4/2. You can see that the program has found the file and it is indicated in the address bar item "XAP-file". It is also necessary to check that the "Device" menu item is selected in the "Target" line. Now we press the button "Expand".

4/3. If you downloaded the jailbroken file, and not the original one from the Market, then you will see how the Application Deployment program will deploy (install) it to your smartphone. If you downloaded the file from MarketPlace, then the installation will fail, since files from MarketPlace are needed to install them from a Micro SD card.

4/4. If everything went well, you will see a joyful message: Deployment of the XAP file is complete. This means that the file has been successfully installed on your smartphone.

Important: If you have made a Student Unlock for yourself according to the instructions from our site, then you can install 10 applications in this way. This means that not only 10 applications, but only 10 applications can be on the phone at the same time. If you want to install something new, then you need to remove any of these 10 applications and put a new one in its place.

Those Windows users Phones that prefer to install jailbroken or unsigned applications, rather than buying them in the Store, know about several ways to unlock their devices - unlock for 2 applications and unlock for 10 applications. In addition to them, there are several more. They allow you to install as many hacked games and applications as each enthusiast wishes, or as long as their smartphones have enough memory for this. But to use them, everyone must have Windows Phone devices that support SD cards. After exit windows 10 Mobile Build 10136 to this small list of methods for installing unsigned HAP and APRX, one more has been added. The fact is that specialists from Microsoft have added a section "For Developers" to this assembly. With it, developers can skip the registration of the smartphone in the "Developer Registration" program from the SDK, but immediately install their creations using "Application Deployment". Ordinary users can do the same. If you would like to try new way, you need to read this manual and follow all instructions. For more information on the article "How to install unsigned APPX and XAP in Windows 10 Mobile Build 10136 without unlocking?", You can read the full version of our review below.

You will need the following:

1. Smartphone with installed Windows 10 Mobile under the number 10136. You can read about the method of obtaining it in a separate instruction.
2. A computer with Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10.
3. Full or Lite version of Windows Phone 8.1 Software Development Kit (SDK 8.1) installed on the computer.
4. USB cable for connecting a smartphone to a computer.


1. On your smartphone, launch "Settings".
2. Go to Update & Security> Developers.
3. From the list of items select "Developer mode" and agree to its activation by clicking on the "Yes" button.
4. On your computer, locate and open Application Deployment 8.1.
5. Unlock your smartphone screen and connect it to your computer via USB cable.
6. In "Application Deployment 8.1" click on "Browse", find the HAP or APRX that you want to install on your smartphone.
7. In Application Deployment 8.1, click the Deploy button and wait for the installation to complete. In this case, the smartphone screen must be unlocked.
8. After reporting a successful deployment, search for the application or game and run it to make sure the installation was successful and is working correctly.

We tried installing one app and two games. They deployed without any problems and launched on our device. If you are interested, you can check how many unsigned HAP and APRX you can install this way. We would be grateful if you would share this information with us.

Here we have collected for you the most common methods that will prompt how to install XAP on Windows Phone smartphone. First, download the XAP files you are interested in - or.
An unlock must be done on your smartphone.

  1. If you have Nokia lumia 710/800 read with full unlock.
  2. If you have a first generation HTC device (HD7, Mozart, 7 Pro, Surround, Trophy), you can put custom firmware.
  3. If you have HTC Titan or HTC Radar, install custom firmware.
  4. If you have a Sumsung Ativ S, do Interop.
  5. If there is no opportunity to install custom firmware or you are afraid to install custom firmware with full unlock, do it. It is suitable for both WP7.X and WP8 devices.

Attention!!! From our site you can install any XAP on Windows Phone 8 / 8.1. To put XAP on a WP8 / 8.1 phone, use the utility Application Deployment from the SDK 8 / 8.1 (instructions for using Application Deployment below in).

Method number 1.(only for WP7)

Important: The device must be unlocked. During installation, you need to monitor this.

Method number 2.(only for WP7)

Method number 3

If you have Windows Phone 7:

  1. Install (if not installed) Windows Phone Software Development Kit (SDK) 7.1 is an .ISO image (before use, you need to write to a disc or run through virtual disk for example in the Daemon Tools program) and it weighs 730MB. Or install via the web installer, which can be downloaded from the link.
  2. Launch, log in under the account with which the student Unlock was carried out and synchronize the smartphone.
  3. Launch Application Deployment (Start -> All Programs -> Windows Phone SDK 7.1 -> Application Deployment).
  4. In the Application Deployment window HAP: select the downloaded .har file.
  5. Unlock the smartphone screen (and make sure that the screen is not blocked during installation).
  6. In Application Deployment click Deploy, Wait for end - "XAP Deployment Complet".

If you have Windows Phone 8 / 8.1 or Windows 10 Mobile:

  1. Install Windows Phone SDK8.0.
    If you have Windows 8 installed on your computer, then it must be 64-bit, the official installer will not start on 32-bit (download the official web installer SDK8).
    If you still have Windows 8 32-bit on your computer, read the instructions.
    If you have Windows 7 32- or 64-bit installed on your computer, then follow the instructions.
    Recommended install SDK 8.1 Lite according to the instructions, since it is installed on both Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 7.
  2. Launch Application Deployment (Start -> All Programs -> Windows Phone SDK 8.0 / 8.1 -> Application Deployment).
  3. In Application Deployment in the HAP window: select the downloaded .har file.
  4. Unlock the smartphone screen (and make sure that the screen is not blocked during installation).
  5. In Application Deployment, click Deploy, Wait for completion - "XAP Deployment Complet" or "Application deployment completed successfully".

Also, instead of the Applicatin Deployment utility, you can use the program, which we highly recommend.

When installing .XAP, errors may occur:

  1. XAP is invalid - often happens with xap files downloaded manually from the market, with files with non-standard characters in the name (e.g. umlauts), there are other reasons, but they are not clear to the user (see point 5)
  2. 0x89731812: Connection to device failed. Please make sure the phone is connected and there is no lock on the screen.
  3. 0 × 89731813: The application failed to start. Please make sure the device has been registered and unlocked.
  4. 0x89740006: The phone is locked. Please unlock your phone and try again.
  5. 0x81030110: Failed to install the application. Runtime error. The WMAppManifest.xml file located in the content attribute may be incorrect.
  6. 0x81030118: Application installation failed. The developer's device is locked. Registration for developers will unlock the program before deploying the application (it's easier to bring the unlock to the end).
  7. 0x81030119: The application cannot be installed. You have reached the maximum number of applications developed for a device that can be installed. Please uninstall the previously installed applications by the developer. (you can simply increase the number of installed applications using tweak or xap - this is Full Unlock, for student Unlock - 2 applications maximum).
  8. 0x81030120: The application being installed has the ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES flag.
  9. 0x89740005 - It is required to unlock the developer on the phone (instructions). In other words, you are trying to install XAP on a blank smartphone.
  10. Deployment optimization failed with error "Unable to read input file" - you need to install such XAP files using the program.

Windows Phone is the operating system that accompanies the latest and greatest smartphones from some of the most successful manufacturers. Users have appreciated the additional functionality of this system. Programmers have implemented a sufficient number of useful functions, thanks to which the user can independently change the settings in order to increase the level of comfort when using a modern gadget.

Most in a simple way download programs from the official Store

Modern smartphones are endowed with functions that allow you to use the gadget as a real mobile computer device. In this regard, novice users are actively wondering how to download applications for Windows Phone, so that they can then be immediately installed on their gadgets. The task does not belong to the category of difficult, even for beginners. You just need to carefully read the instructions of experienced users who share useful and universal secrets on how to download applications for Windows Phone quickly and bypassing any possible problems.

Windows Phone developers have endowed their OS with some features, compared to competing systems, which include Android and iOS. Windows Phone has a more closed structure, so many users are absolutely convinced that it is really possible to download applications on Windows 10 Phone only exclusively from the Store, where a number of applications specially adapted for Windows 10 Phone are concentrated.

However, in reality, having a great desire, the user has the opportunity to download an application or programs with the xap extension from other sources, and then install them on a smartphone, and use them just as successfully as other programs downloaded and installed from official resources.

Ways to Download and Upload Applications

The most simple and in an accessible way is a visit to the Store, where, by going from section to section, you can familiarize yourself with the range of applications that are offered for download and subsequent installation on Windows Phone. The Store has the opportunity to download both applications and programs for free, so many owners of modern gadgets positively assess the capabilities of the Store, which is noted by quite frequent visits to this resource.

It is quite easy to download applications and programs that have aroused increased interest from it. In the list, the content that aroused interest is selected, then you should click on it, after which you will be redirected to the page of this application. Here it is useful for the owner of the gadget to familiarize himself with the software annotation, from which it will become clear what functionality it is endowed with, what tasks the user will be able to perform after downloading and installing on his gadget. If the user is satisfied with everything, all that remains is to click on the "Download" button.

The download process is easy to optimize if the owner of the smartphone knows what specific applications he needs most, and also if he is fully aware of their functionality. In this case, in the list of content available for download, checkboxes are set opposite the applications you need, after which the button is immediately pressed, oriented to the start of the boot process.

In some cases, you can also download programs that you want to install on Windows 10 Phone to your computer or laptop. This method is used quite often by those who have the speed mobile internet extremely low, and there is no router that allows you to take advantage of Wi-Fi capabilities, since computer equipment is connected to the Internet via a network cable.

If Windows application Phone download to your computer, at any time you can move it to a memory card and install it from your smartphone.

Downloading with the download manager

Programmers have released a special download manager GetThemAll, using which it is quite easy to capture videos, pictures, applications, programs and also simply install them on a smartphone later.

Here you shouldn't even ask yourself the question of how to allow downloading applications on Windows Phone. The download manager is able to independently analyze the selected one, and then provide the user with a list of acceptable software content for downloading, all that remains is to indicate the desired content.

Using the GetThemAll download manager, it is quite easy to download several files at the same time, it is also easy to track the download progress. If desired, the owner of the smartphone can pause the download, and also resume it in the future. This feature is highly appreciated by users, as sometimes the download will be dropped due to unstable work the Internet. When the connection is restored, the download is resumed, there is no need to restart everything.

Installing Downloaded Programs

Even those who have recently become the proud owner of a smartphone will be able to install applications on Windows Phone 10 downloaded from the Store, since the whole process is automated. The user can only agree to the offers that arise during download and installation.

Things are much more complicated when there is an incredible desire to install hacked game or other software content on Windows Phone 10 that is not available on official resources. Many are even absolutely convinced that it is impossible to install programs for Windows Phone downloaded not from official sources. In fact, everything is not so, using some interesting recommendations, it is easy to learn how to install applications on Windows Phone 10, while not limiting yourself in desires.

Installing gaming software on a gadget

To ensure the successful installation of absolutely any software resources and games on a smartphone, downloaded from non-official resources and hacked by programmers or advanced users, you first need to create account Microsoft.

Now, after successfully creating a personal Live ID account, it is important to download and install the Windows Phone SDK, which allows you to directly download and install files with the xap extension. After Windows installations Phone SDK on a smartphone, the user is able to install adapted programs and game applications in two ways:

  • using "Application Deployment";
  • using Windows Phone Power Tools.

It is much easier to use the second method, it is more understandable, functional and accessible, so it is not surprising that most users prefer it. Installing applications on Windows Phone 10 is fast and rarely comes with unexpected surprises.

If you have a desire to install programs using Application Deployment installed on your PC, you should first launch the specified program by going to it from the Start menu. Be sure to connect the turned on smartphone to computer equipment using a USB cable. Next, you need to specify the path to the downloaded hacked game or program with the xap extension. After that, the "Expand" button will be found on the monitor screen, which must be clicked. The system will independently carry out all the necessary procedures, if necessary, it will additionally upload the missing files, after which it will notify the user about the successful completion of the initial stage with the traditional message "XAP file deployment completed". The gadget is disconnected from the computer equipment, and the prepared software or game software continues to be installed on the smartphone.

Program Windows resource Phone Power Tools is a real lifeline for those who tried to install the game using Application Deployment, but it failed, ended in complete failure. You should not give in to pessimism and "give up", it is better in this case to try the second method, which is distinguished by great capabilities and high reliability.

Windows Phone Power Tools launches in the same way as Application Deployment. It is imperative to connect your smartphone to computer equipment on time using a USB cable. Further, the path to the desired files located on the hard disk of the computer is also indicated, after which the "Install" button is pressed. Windows program Phone Power Tools will independently install the desired program or game. Upon completion of the installation, the "Install" button becomes active again, which will be a signal of the successful installation of the desired software.

It is important to consider that there are some restrictions on the installation third party applications at once. In particular, when wanting to install several applications, games or programs that are very important for the user, it is important to select only 10 that are most needed by the owner of the smartphone. The system will be able to allow you to install them at a time. After a while, you can try again and install again using the described software, new 10 applications.

So, happy owners of smartphones should definitely expand their knowledge about functionality gadget, especially after making sure that there are no difficulties associated with downloading and installing the desired games and programs. Only those who will be “you” with their smartphone will be able to feel comfortable and very quickly perform all the necessary tasks.
