How to download streaming audio. Audio and video streaming technology. What program is used to play streaming data?

For more than a year now, from time to time I listen online radio, or rather their club channel, and from time to time I come across quite interesting compositions, which I subsequently download to my computer.

During this time, not many audio files have accumulated in my “Downloaded from” folder - only 135 tracks, however, in my opinion, this is the best I have heard. Since it is impossible to directly download music at the time of its playback, sometimes I had to work a little to collect my collection.

Knowing only the title of the track and the name of the artist, I found some files in the public domain, others had to be searched through specialized services, and some even had to be bought for cash - yes, yes.

I never thought I'd say this, but as it turns out... Not everything is on the Internet– I came to this conclusion after many hours of searching for several audio tracks, among which were the following: Ian - Blue Room, Nick & John Dalagelis – Absolute and many others.

Looking through huge music archives in the hope of downloading these songs, I never got what I wanted - it was then that I decided that it would be nice if it were possible to record streaming audio directly from the speakers and began to become interested in recorder programs.

Without going into details, having tried about 5-6 various options, my choice settled on the program i-SoundRecorder from AbyssMedia. This program allows you to capture audio from any available input and record streaming audio in MP3 or WMA format using built-in compression codecs that do not require the "Stereo Mix" function of the sound card.

i-Sound Recorder program

Record streaming audio using the programi-SoundRecorder it's simple and clear interface, which allows you to start recording immediately after installation and get perfect sound quality. Today there are many versions of this program for different operating systems and the only problem I encountered was its registration.

The fact is that software for recording streaming audioi-SoundRecorder It's a shareware and its licensed version costs 29.95 US dollars, which I naturally wasn't ready to pay for a program I was seeing for the first time. Yes, this software can be used in “trial” (temporary) mode, but in this state it will work for only 7 days, and the maximum recording length is only 100 seconds, but who will like that?

This situation did not suit me, and I started looking for a registration key for the i-Sound Recorder program, when I didn’t find it, I started looking for a crack or some kind of patch for the program - in general, at least something that would help me use its full version even after For about an hour my searches were stopped. I found what I wanted, although it was not so easy - now I have registered version of the programi-SoundRecorder and now all that remains is to wait for the desired compositions to appear on the air and record streaming audio directly from the speakers to your computer.

PS: If anyone is interested this program and you still don’t have a crack file for it, you can contact me through the comment form and I will definitely help you.

FlashGot plugin.

There are a huge number of sites on which you can only watch or listen to videos and music, but, alas, there is no official download. There are also special programs and services that help you bypass this ban and still download your favorite video or audio file. The disadvantage of such “helpers” is that each of them works on a limited number of sites. For example, one of them will help you download a video from YouTube, but will be powerless to do it on Odnoklassniki. The extension presented in this article, called FlashGot, is universal in this regard. It will help you download embedded videos or audio from almost ANY site!
Please note that this is an extension for the Mozilla browser, which means that this method will only work in Mozilla.
So, let's go (naturally through Mozilla browser) to the FlashGot plugin developer service using the link and download it.

We start the installation of the FlashGot plugin.

Restart the browser.

All. The FlashGot plugin is installed and ready to go.
Now, if you need to download streaming video or audio from any site, then go to the page where it is located. Start watching or listening. After that, simultaneously press the Ctrl+F7 keys on the keyboard.
A window will open with downloads and select the folder where you want to save the downloaded file. Select the folder and start the download by clicking the “OK” button.

The download process will begin.

After this, you can stop watching/listening and close the page, but the browser itself cannot be closed until the download is complete!
By the way, I managed to download a video using this method even from the RuTube video hosting service, which has recently become almost impossible to do with other programs and services “tailored” for this purpose.
Yes, when downloading, the browser cache gets heavily clogged. Don’t forget to clean it periodically (ideally, after each boot).

The transmission of information over the Internet occurs in the form of relatively short packets that can be transmitted from one computer to another. the other on different routes. This can result in effects such as reordering of packets, delays in the arrival of certain packets, and even lost packets requiring them to be resent. Playing regular audio and video files over the Internet requires complete receipt of data and therefore playback of such files is possible only after they have been fully received.

What is streaming audio and video?

The streaming format of audio and video is designed to play this information as it is received. Failure to receive a small number of information packets leads to only a slight deterioration in the quality of the material, but does not cause long delays or a complete suspension of playback. The use of the streaming format allows live television and radio broadcasts via the Internet, as well as the ability to directly view (listen to) fairly long recordings.

Are there sites on the Internet that provide streaming information?

Yes. Many large news agencies and music radio stations have already launched live radio broadcasts over the Internet. The number of audio and video recordings using the streaming format is increasing daily, as it is much easier to access such information than using conventional formats. For example, if you try to search for the words "Internet radio" in search engine Yandex, you will very quickly find many nodes relaying the main Russian radio channels.

What program is used to play streaming data?

To play streaming data in Windows XP, you can use the standard Player Windows Media(PusO Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Windows Player Other Internet services and support programs 475 Media). Running this program manually is usually not necessary, since it starts automatically when you access a Web document containing streaming information.

How do specific Windows Media Player settings relate to how you stream content?

Windows Media Player is configured using the Tools V Options command. Options for playing streaming content are set on the Fast Performance tab. Here you can specify the speed network connection, parameters for buffering incoming data, as well as some video processing settings. Buffering settings affect the continuity of playback of the stream: the larger the buffer size, the less likely it is that network delays will lead to interruptions during playback, but this increases the duration of the pause before playback begins.

How to evaluate the playback quality of streaming data?

While playing a streaming video, Windows Media Player stores performance statistics. To view these statistics, you should give the command View> Statistics. Brief information about playback quality is provided on the Main tab: >More detailed information can be seen on the Advanced tab. When playing streaming data, losses are possible, which are associated with the fact that the stream is displayed in real time, and several<о >"reduce playback quality.

Sound and video files have a large information volume.
To transfer such files via computer networks standard digital formats require high-speed communication lines throughput. Digital stereo sound High Quality requires a data transfer rate of 1.5 Mbit/s.
Digital video The television standard requires a data transfer rate of about 240 Mbit/s to transmit images.
To reduce the volume of audio and video files without a noticeable loss of quality, special compression methods are used, based on the removal of audio or video information that is not perceptible to humans.

Stream audio and video.
Streaming audio and video technologies have become widespread on the Internet. These technologies transfer audio and video files in parts to a buffer local computer, which makes it possible to stream them even when using a modem connection. Reducing the transmission speed of the channel can lead to temporary audio dropouts or skipped video frames.
Multimedia players are used to listen to streaming audio and watch streaming video. While playing a streaming media file, the user receives information about the data transfer rate and can adjust the playback quality.

There are quite a lot of radio and television stations that broadcast via the Internet. Web cameras are widely popular, installed in various parts of the world (on city streets, in museums, in nature reserves, etc.) and continuously transmitting images.

In theory, streaming audio (like any other streaming media) is content that can be viewed as it is downloaded. This differs from a regular audio file, which must first be downloaded in its entirety and only then can you listen to it.

In reality, they try to implement streaming media in such a way that it can only be listened to/watched, but not downloaded. This gives the technology a similarity to traditional television and radio broadcasts.

Online music services love streaming audio, and it's easy to see why. Such companies are always visible and they must be legal. Streaming technologies make it possible to offer consumers free content, but without downloading, that is, without changing ownership, which protects the service from accusations of piracy.

Many see streaming audio as the future of the music industry as a whole. Indeed, today a constant connection to the Internet is becoming the standard not only for stationary, but also for portable equipment. In such conditions, the difference between streaming and traditional audio ceases to be noticeable to the consumer. The industry, by switching users to streaming media, gets the opportunity to control what they listen to.

Streaming audio can come in a variety of formats. It is important that the visitor has a player application installed to play this type of content.

Most popular applications for playing streaming audio today are Adobe Flash, a new, progressive technology, and Real Media, an outdated but still in use technology. Windows Media is also used.

Adobe Flash dominates the market and its share is only increasing. According to Adobe, Adobe player Flash is now installed on more than 99% of computers connected to the Internet.

Today, more music recommendation services offer free streaming audio to their members. It is served, first of all, in the form of Internet radio, that is, the choice of songs to play is carried out by the service itself. This differs from regular Internet radio in that when compiling a radio station’s playlist, the listener’s preferences are taken into account in one way or another. This service is called a “personal radio station.”

The popularity of using Internet radio in music recommendation services is no coincidence. The history of music radio programs in general goes back more than 90 years, and during that time they were the main source of new music for tens of millions of people.

The advent of the Internet and the spread of digital and then streaming audio gave this format a new birth. Against the backdrop of the degradation of traditional radio stations, especially in the United States, where often more advertising is broadcast than music, Internet radio offered an incomparable the best choice. Listening to it has become a fairly common activity on a PC; separate devices have already appeared that are focused exclusively on this service, for example, WiFi receivers.

There are several projects of portable devices of this kind, most notably the American Slacker, although their popularity is still small compared to traditional FM or satellite radio receivers.

Personal Internet radio stations have become the next step in the development of music broadcasts. This is quite in the spirit of the notorious “Web 2.0” revolution - the individual user with his tastes and requests comes to the fore.

These tastes are taken into account in two ways when compiling a playlist. Firstly, the service has at its disposal a database of user preferences, compiled either by observing what the user listens to or by analyzing his requests. Different recommendation services use different criteria, but the goal is the same - to offer the listener new music, which somehow correlated with his personal tastes.

In addition, the user is usually given some power over the playlist. In particular, it can block the playback of a particular song, just as we sometimes miss this feature in FM radio!

Another sign of the times in personal Internet radio is the social aspect. Many services will give you the opportunity to listen to the personal radio stations of other participants, moreover, they often simply encourage you to do this, informing you that there are people on the service with similar musical tastes.

The ability to listen to other people's radio stations in

It is also practiced to create group personal stations aimed at entire groups in which users of the service gather.

Some services have raised the idea of ​​User Generated Content to new level, inviting users themselves to upload their existing music to their pages and thus create their own Internet radio stations. In addition to this service, it is often offered the opportunity to broadcast these stations in “large” in social networks: Myspace, Facebook.
