What to do if the font in the "Contact" has changed? What to do if the name, surname of VKontakte does not change, the application is rejected? Why did the design of VK change

Using the Internet, almost every one of us is a member of one of the social networks. It is possible that, while chatting on the pages of the social network Vkontakte, you still do not know how to change certain data in your account. Therefore, today we will tell you how to change the page in contact, which will allow you to more comfortably use the capabilities of this social network, as well as avoid certain misunderstandings.

How to change the Vkontakte login?

By registering under a specific login in a contact, you cannot change it, no matter how much you would like to - today, the administration of this social network does not offer its users such a function. However, if you used an email address as a login, you can change it by following a few simple steps. To get started, go to your account, find the "My Settings" section, select the function in it that allows you to change your email address. After entering a new address, the service will send letters to the new and old mailbox confirming the data change.

How to change the address of Vkontakte?

If you want your page or group to be different from other Vkontakte users, you can change its address by coming up with a creative name. Most importantly, at the time of the change, a specific name is not used by another member of the social network. To change the address, go to "My Settings", select the function responsible for changing the address, and write a short but memorable name for your page. If the name is not taken, the system will make changes.

How to change the font Vkontakte?

Often, the search for information on how to change a page in a contact leads to the fact that ways are offered to change all kinds of functionality of this social network, but not the font. But to perform this procedure is very simple - you need to press the Ctrl button on your keyboard and rotate the mouse wheel. As a result, you will get a font that, in your opinion, will be the most convenient in writing messages.

How to change the name of Vkontakte?

To change the name and surname of Vkontakte, you need to go to the menu, find the "My Settings" section, and then scroll down the page. You will find the "Change name" section - make changes to the proposed form and confirm your actions with a mouse click. Changes will occur after the moderator approves your application - he can change only the last name or only the first name, or make changes completely.

How to change the style of Vkontakte?

If you are interested in learning how to change a page in a contact, pay attention to the page design style. You can change it in two ways - manually or automatically. To automatically change, you need to find a theme for the Vkontakte page - today some sites offer such a service. To change it manually, you need to follow a few steps. To get started, go to Vkontakte.Ru, click on "Options" and go to the "Settings for the site" section. There is an "Options" tab. At the bottom, press the browse button, select the "vkontakte-style.Css" file, click on "OK". After restarting the browser, the style of the Vkontakte page will change.

You can change the style of the page from standard to "Nostalgic" or "Pre-revolutionary", which, by the way, the administration of the social network proposed recently. This style is located on the "My Settings" page, in the "Languages" section. If you get bored with the "Pre-revolutionary" style, then you can delete it by selecting the language "Russian". After installing this style, your page will change a little bottom and top panel, as well as change the name of the site.

Vkontakte decided on a radical change in design for the first time in 10 years. "DP" learned what really changed and how users of social networks reacted to it.

“Pss, do you want to read about the new design of VKontakte?” asks users who have visited their page on this social network for the first time today, a gray-haired man, popularly known as a certain Harold, Hiding Pain.

Harold redirects everyone who agrees to a tempting offer to the operating director of Vkontakte, Andrey Rogozov. And that, in turn, reports details about the changes that the service has undergone. By the way, a blog in which "" employees will share news is one of the innovations. More precisely, the service already had a blog, but for some time it was decided to abandon it. Now the blog is back.

The redesign can be safely called historical. After all, almost nothing has seriously changed in the social network over the past 10 years. Yes, some features were removed, others were added. In these processes, by the way, the famous "Durov, return the wall" was born. But the design has remained the same all this time. By the way, to announce innovations on April 1, it should be noted, is a great move. If something goes wrong, you can always say it was a joke.

In a nutshell, the social network has become a little more like Facebook and its own mobile version. Some, however, have already found similarities with both Odnoklassniki and Twitter, and also joked that the Vkontakte team had Googled the new design.

For example, a checkmark confirming the authenticity of an account is very similar to a similar tool in Inatagram. By the way, the former head of the Vkontakte press service liked the design of the checkmark, which he reported on his page.

Mobile Unity

The changes also affected the main symbol of the social network - the logo in the form of a blue letter "B" in a white square. It was replaced by the Latin letters VK. However, this is just one more step towards unity with the mobile version. Users of applications for Android and IOS have been familiar with the new VK logo for a long time.

"The main principle of the new design of Vkontakte is that it looks similar and recognizable on all devices. It is easy for a website user to find the desired section in the mobile application, and vice versa," explains Andrey Rogozov, COO.

The "Messages" section has undergone major changes. Now, on the left, the user can see all his dialogs, and on the right, active correspondence with a specific interlocutor. As in the mobile version, users who are online are marked with green circles. However, such unity is obviously not to everyone's liking.

In the "News" section, a colorful switch with a spark has appeared, thanks to which you can select the "show only interesting news" function. The good thing is that, unlike Facebook, this feature can be activated at will. It’s bad that when it is activated, the feed displays news that has little to do with interesting ones.

Catching up with Facebook

When the world first saw Vkontakte in 2006, it was often compared to Facebook and criticized for literally copying the design of the social network. But since then, Facebook has changed its own interface more than once, while Vkontakte has remained the same. As a result, the similarities are not so obvious.
