Power microwave transistors Philips Semiconductors. Powerful low-voltage microwave transistors for mobile communications. Reference data Imported RF transistors

Radio amateur reference books

The current level of development of REA and its elemental base makes it possible to create completely solid-state VHF FM and television transmitters with an output power of up to 5 kW. Amplification paths based on broadband transistor amplifiers have a number of advantages compared to tube amplifiers. Solid-state transmitters are more reliable, electrically safe, convenient to use and easier to manufacture.

With a block-modular design of the transmitter, the failure of one of the terminal amplifier blocks does not lead to disruption of on-air broadcasting, since transmission will continue until the block is replaced, only with reduced power. In addition, the wideband path of the transistor amplifier does not require additional settings to a specific channel within the operating frequency band.

It is generally accepted that the reliability of a transmitter depends, first of all, on the reliability of the active components used. Thanks to the use of modern high-power linear microwave transistors, the design features and manufacturing technology of which provide a significant increase in their time between failures, the issue of increasing the reliability of solid-state transmitters has received a fundamental solution.

Growing requirements for the technical and economic indicators of VHF FM and high-power television transmitters, as well as the achieved level of domestic technology in the field of creating high-power silicon bipolar transistors stimulated the development of a new class of devices - high-power linear microwave transistors. The Research Institute of Electronic Technology (Voronezh) has developed and produces a wide range of them for use in the meter and decimeter wavelength ranges.

Transistors are specially designed for use in high-power television and radio broadcast transmitters, repeaters, in particular, in television repeaters with joint amplification of audio and image signals, as well as in multichannel signal amplifiers of base stations of a cellular communication system. These transistors meet extremely stringent requirements for linearity of the transfer characteristic, have a margin of power dissipation and, as a result, increased reliability.

Structurally, such transistors are made in metal-ceramic housings. Their appearance shown in Fig. 1 (the housings of not all transistors mentioned in the article are shown; the missing ones can be seen in the article). High linear and frequency properties of transistor structures are realized through the use of precision isoplanar technology. Diffusion layers have a submicron design standard. The width of the emitter topology elements is about 1.5 microns with an extremely developed perimeter.

In order to eliminate failures caused by secondary electrical and thermal breakdown, the transistor structure is formed on a silicon crystal with a double-layer epitaxial collector and the use of emitter stabilizing resistors. The transistors also owe their long-term reliability to the use of multilayer gold-based metallization.

Linear transistors with a power dissipation of more than 50 W (with the exception of KT9116A, KT9116B, KT9133A), as a rule, have a structurally built-in LC input matching circuit, made in the form of a microassembly based on a built-in MIS capacitor and a wire lead system. Internal matching circuits allow you to expand the operating frequency band, simplify input and output matching, and also increase the power gain CUR in the frequency band.

At the same time, these transistors are “balanced,” which means the presence of two identical transistor structures on one flange, united by a common emitter. This design and technical solution makes it possible to reduce the inductance of the common electrode output and also helps to expand the frequency band and simplify matching.

When balanced transistors are turned on push-pull, the potential of their midpoint is theoretically equal to zero, which corresponds to the condition of an artificial “ground”. This inclusion actually provides approximately a fourfold increase in the output complex impedance compared to a single-ended one at the same output signal level and effective suppression of even harmonic components in the spectrum of the useful signal.

It is well known that the quality of television broadcasting, first of all, depends on how linear the transfer characteristic of the electronic path is. The issue of linearity is especially acute when designing nodes for joint amplification of image and sound signals due to the appearance of combinational components in the frequency spectrum. Therefore, the three-tone method proposed by foreign experts for assessing the linearity of the transfer characteristic of domestic transistors based on the level of suppression of the third-order combination component was adopted.

The method is based on the analysis of real TV signal at a signal level ratio of the image carrier frequency of -8 dB. side frequency -16 dB and carrier frequency soundtrack-7 dB relative to the output power at the peak of the envelope. Transistors for joint amplification, depending on the frequency and power series, must provide a value for the coefficient of the combinational components of the MS, as a rule, no more than -53...-60 dB.

The class of microwave transistors under consideration with strict regulation of the suppression of combinational components is called superlinear transistors abroad. It should be noted that so high level Linearity is usually realized only in class A mode, where it is possible to carry out maximum mode linearization of the transfer characteristic.

In the meter range, as can be seen from the table, there are a number of transistors, represented by the KT9116A, KT91166, KT9133A and KT9173A devices with a peak output power Pvmkh.peak of 5.15, 30 and 50 W, respectively. In the decimeter wavelength range, such a range is represented by the KT983A, KT983B, KT983V, KT9150A and POZ devices with RVV1X, PIK equal to 0.5, 1.3.5, 8 and 25 W.

Superlinear transistors are usually used in joint amplifiers (in class A mode) of television repeaters and power amplifier modules of transmitters with a power of up to 100 W.

However, for the output stages of powerful transmitters, more powerful transistors are needed to provide the required level of the upper limit of the linear dynamic range when operating in a favorable energy mode. Acceptable nonlinear distortions at high level signals can be obtained using separate amplification in class AB mode.

Based on an analysis of the thermophysical operating conditions of the transistor and the peculiarities of the formation of linearity of a single-tone signal, a series of microwave transistors was specially developed for operating mode in the AB class. The linearity of the characteristics of these devices according to foreign methods is assessed by the level of compression (compression) of the gain factor based on the power of a single-tone signal - the compression factor Kszh or otherwise - the output power is determined at a certain normalized Kszh.

For use in the meter wavelength range in class AB mode, there are now KT9151A transistors with an output power of 200 W and KT9174A transistors with an output power of 300 W. For the decimeter range, transistors 2T9155A, KT9142A, 2T9155B, KT9152A, 2T9155V, KT9182A with output power from 15 to 150 W have been developed.

For the first time, the possibility of creating modular solid-state transmitters in the decimeter range with combined amplification of image and audio signals with a power of 100 W was demonstrated by NEC specialists. Later, similar transmitters were created using domestic high-power microwave transistors 12, 9]. In particular, it describes original research to expand the scope of use of high-power transistors KT9151A and KT9152A when creating 100-watt joint amplification modules in class A mode. It is shown that in this mode it is possible to suppress combinational components when their power is underutilized by 3...4 times from nominal in class AB mode.

Specialists from the Novosibirsk State Technical University have conducted research on the use of domestic high-power microwave transistors in television power amplifier modules with separate amplification.

In Fig. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of an image signal power amplifier for television channels 1 - 5 with 250 W peak output power. The amplifier is designed according to the circuit of separate amplification of image and sound signals. For channels 6 - 12, the amplifier is made according to a similar circuit with the addition of an intermediate stage on a KT9116A transistor operating in class A mode to obtain the required gain.

In the output stage, KT9151A transistors operate in class AB. It is assembled according to a balanced push-pull circuit. This allows you to obtain the rated output power with fairly simple matching circuits in the complete absence of “feeder echo” and the level of even harmonic components no more than -35 dB. The nonlinearity of the amplitude characteristic of the amplifier is established for a small signal by selecting the shift of the operating point in each stage, as well as by adjusting the nonlinearity in the exciter video modulator.

The block diagram of a power amplifier for television channels 21 - 60 is shown in Fig. 3. The output stage of the amplifier is also made according to a balanced push-pull circuit.

To ensure broadband matching and transition from an asymmetrical to a symmetrical load, a two-link low-pass filter is used as a correction circuit in the output stages of the amplifiers of channels 6 - 12, 21 - 60. The inductance of the first link of the matching circuit is implemented in the form of sections of strip microlines on elements of the general topology of the printed circuit board. The coils of the second link are the terminals of the transistor base.

The structure of these amplifiers corresponds to Fig. 2 and 3. The division of power at the input of the amplification stages and its addition at their output, as well as the matching of inputs and outputs with a standard load, is carried out using three-dB directional couplers. Structurally, each coupler is made in the form of bifilar windings (quarter-wave lines) on a frame placed in a shielding casing.

Thus, modern domestic linear microwave transistors make it possible to create powerful - up to 250 W - television amplifier modules. Using batteries of such modules, it is possible to increase the output power supplied to the antenna-feeder path to 2 kW. As part of the transmitters, the developed amplifiers meet all modern requirements for electrical characteristics and reliability.

Powerful linear microwave transistors have recently begun to be widely used in the construction of power amplifiers for base stations of a cellular communication system.

In my own way technical level The high-power microwave linear transistors developed by NIIET can be used as an elemental base for the creation of modern radio broadcasting, television and other national economic and amateur radio equipment.

Material prepared
A. Assessorov, V. Assessors, V. Kozhevnikov, S. Matveev, Voronezh

1. Hlraoka K., FuJIwara S., IkegamI T. etc. Hig power all solid-state UHF transmitters.- NEC Pes. & Develop. 1985. to 79, p. 61 -69.
2. Assessor V., Kozhevnikov V., Kosoy A. Scientific search for Russian engineers. Trend in the development of high-power microwave transistors - Radio, 1994, No. 6, p. 2.3.
3. Broadband radio transmitting devices. Ed. Alekseeva O. A. - M.: Svyaz, 1978, p. 304.
4. FuJIwurdS., IkegamI T., Maklagama I. etc. SS series solid-state television transmitter. -NEC Res. & Develop. 1989. No. 94, p. 78-89.
5. Acessorov V., Kozhevnikov V., Kosoy A. Trend in the development of high-power microwave transistors for use in radio broadcasting, television and communications.
- Electronics industry. 1994. No. 4, p. 76-80.
6. Assessor V., Kozhevnikov V.. Kosoy A. New microwave transistors. - Radio. 1996. No. 5, p. 57. 58.
7. Mipler O. Superlinear high-power transistors of the decimeter range for wire television - TIIER, 1970. v. 58. No. 7. With. 138-147.
8. Kojlwara Y., Hlrakuwa K., Sasaki K. etc UHF high power transistor amplifier with high-dielectric substrate. - NEC Res- & Develop. 1977. No. 45, p. 50-57.
9. Grebennikov A., Nikiforov V., Ryzhikov A. Powerful transistor amplifier modules for VHF FM and TV broadcasting. - Telecommunications. 1996, no. 3, p. 28-31.

Transistor Parameter
n-p-n Ikbo at Ukb mA/V Iebo at Ueb mA/V h21e units Frp MHz SK pf t to ps Ukb max V Uke max V Ueb max V Ik max A I to imp A Ib max A P max W RT max W
2Т606А 1/65 0,1/4 3,5 0,01 0,4 0,8 0,1 0,8 2,5
KT606A 1,5/65 0,3/4 0.012 0,4 0,8 0,1 0,8 2,5
KT606B 1,5/65 0,3/4 0,012 0,4 0,8 0,1 0,6 2,0
2Т607А-4 n/a n/a 0,125 n/a n/a 0,3 1,0
KT607A-4 n/a n/a 0,15 n/a n/a 0.9 1.5
KT607B-4 n/a n/a 4,5 0,15 n/a n/a 0,8 1,5
2T610A 0,5/20 0,1/4 50-250 4,1 0,3 n/a n/a 1,5 n/a
2T610B 0,5/20 0,1/4 20-250 4,1 0,3 n/a n/a 1,5 n/a
KT610A 0,5/20 0,1/4 50-300 4,1 0,3 n/a n/a 1,5 n/a
KT610B 0,5/20 0,1/4 50-300 4,1 0,3 n/a n/a 1,5 n/a
2Т633А 0,003/30 0,003/4 40-140 3,3 n/a 4,5 0,2 0,5 0,12 0,36 1,2
KT633B 0,01/30 0,01/4 20-160 3,3 n/a 4,5 0,2 0,5 0,12 0,36 1,2
2Т634А 1/30 0,2/3 n/a 3,5 0,15 0,25 0,07 0,96 1.8
KT634B 2/30 0,4/3 n/a 3,5 0,15 0,25 0,07 0,96 1,8
2Т637А 0,1/30 0,2/2,5 30-140 2,5 0,2 0,3 0,1 1,5 n/a
KT637A 0,1/30 0,2/2,5 30-140 2,5 0,2 0,3 0,1 1,5 n/a
KT637B 2/30 0,2/2,5 30-140 2,5 0,2 0,3 0,1 1,5 n/a
2Т640А 0,5/25 0,1/3 min 15 1,3 0,6 0,06 n/a n/a 0,6 n/a
KT640A 0,5/25 0,1/3 min 15 1,3 0,6 0,06 n/a n/a 0,6 n/a
KT640B 0,5/25 0,1/3 min 15 1,3 0,06 n/a n/a 0,6 n/a
KT640V 0,5/25 0,1/3 min 15 1,3 0,06 n/a n/a 0,6 n/a
2Т642А 1/20 0,1/2 n/a 1,1 n/a 0,06 n/a n/a 0,5 n/a
KT642A 1/20 0,1/2 n/a 1,1 n/a 0,06 n/a n/a 0,5 n/a
2Т642А1 0,5/15 0,1/2 n/a n/a n/a 0,04 n/a n/a 0.35 n/a
2T642B1 0,5/15 0,1/2 n/a n/a n/a 0,04 n/a n/a 0,35 n/a
2Т642В1 0,5/15 0,1/2 n/a n/a n/a 0,04 n/a n/a 0.2s n/a
2T642G1 0,5/15 0,1/2 n/a n/a n/a 0,04 n/a n/a 0,23 n/a
2Т643А-2 0,02/25 0,01/3 50-150 1,8 n/a 0,12 0,12 n/a 3,15 n/a
2T643B-2 0,02/25 0,01/3 50-150 1,8 n/a 0,12 0,12 n/a 0,15 n/a
2Т647А-2 0,05/18 0,2/2 n/a 1,5 n/a n/a 0,09 n/a n/a 5,56 0,8
KT647A-2 0,05/18 0,2/2 n/a 1.5 n/a n/a 0,09 n/a n/a 0,56 0,8
2Т648А-2 1/18 0.2/2 n/a 1,5 n/a n/a 0,06 n/a n/a 0,4 0,6
KT648A-2 1/18 0,2/2 n/a 1,5 n/a n/a 0,06 n/a n/a 0,4 0,6
2Т657А-2 1/12 0,1/2 60-200 n/a n/a 0,06 n/a n/a 0,31 n/a
2T657B-2 1/12 0,1/2 60-200 n/a n/a 0.06 n/a n/a 0,31 n/a
2T657V-2 1/12 0,1/2 35-50 n/a n/a 0,06 n/a n/a 3,37 n/a
KT657A-2 1/12 0,1/2 60-200 n/a n/a 0,06 n/a n/a 3,37 n/a
KT657B-2 1/12 0,1/2 60-200 n/a n/a 0,06 n/a n/a 3,37 n/a
KT657V-2 1/12 0,1/2 35-50 n/a n/a 0.06 n/a n/a 3,37 n/a
KT659A n/a n/a min 35 n/a 1,2 n/a n/a n/a
2T671A 1/15 0,4/1,5 n/a 1,5 n/a 1,5 0,15 0,15 n/a 0,9 n/a
2Т682А-2 1uA/10 0,02/1 40-70 n/a n/a 0,05 n/a n/a 0,33 n/a
2T682B-2 1uA/10 0,02/1 80-100 n/a n/a 0,05 n/a n/a 0,33 n/a
KT682A-2 1uA/10 0,02/1 40-50 n/a n/a 0,05 n/a n/a 0,33 n/a

The table uses the following designations for the electrical parameters of transistors:

Ikbo- reverse collector current (collector-base), in the numerator, with voltage between the collector and base, in the denominator.
Iebo- reverse current of the emitter (emitter - base), in the numerator, at a voltage between the emitter and base, in the denominator.
h21e- static current transfer coefficient (gain).
Fgr- upper limit frequency of the transistor transmission coefficient.
Sk- capacitance of the collector junction, tk - circuit time constant feedback(no more).
Ukb max- the maximum permissible voltage between the collector and the base.
Uke max- maximum permissible voltage between collector and emitter
Web max- maximum permissible voltage between emitter and base.
Iк max- maximum collector current.
Ik imp.- maximum pulse collector current.
Ib max- maximum base current.
Рmax- maximum power without heat sink.
RT max- maximum power with heat sink.

Powerful low-voltage microwaves transistors for mobile communications

The Radio magazine constantly informs its readers about new developments at the Voronezh Research Institute of Electronic Technology in the field of creating high-power microwave transistors for various applications. In this article, we introduce specialists and radio amateurs to the latest developments of the group of microwave transistors KT8197, KT9189, KT9192, 2T9188A, KT9109A, KT9193 for mobile communications with an output power of 0.5 to 20 W in the MV and UHF ranges. Tightening requirements for the functional and operational parameters of modern communications equipment places correspondingly higher demands on the energy parameters of high-power microwave transistors, their reliability, as well as on the design of devices.

First of all, it is necessary to keep in mind that portable and portable radio stations are powered directly from primary sources. For this purpose, chemical current sources are used (small-sized batteries of cells or batteries) with a voltage, usually from 5 to 15 V. A reduced supply voltage imposes restrictions on the power and amplification properties of the generator transistor. At the same time, powerful low-voltage microwave transistors must have high energy parameters (such as power gain KuP and collector circuit efficiency ηK) throughout the entire operating frequency range.

Considering the fact that the output power of the generator transistor is proportional to the square of the fundamental harmonic voltage on the collector, the effect of reducing its output power level with a decrease in the supply collector voltage can be constructively compensated by a corresponding increase in the amplitude of the useful signal current. Therefore, when designing low-voltage transistors in combination with solving a set of design and technological problems, issues related simultaneously to the problem of reducing the collector-emitter saturation voltage and increasing the critical collector current density must be optimally solved.

The operation of low-voltage transistors in a mode with higher current densities compared to conventional generator transistors (intended for use at Up = 28 V and higher) aggravates the problem of ensuring long-term reliability due to the need to suppress more intense manifestations of degradation mechanisms in current-carrying elements and contact layers of metallization transistor structure. For this purpose, the low-voltage microwave transistors developed use a multilayer, highly reliable gold-based metallization system.

The transistors discussed in this article are designed taking into account their main use in power amplifiers in class C mode when connected in a common emitter circuit. At the same time, their operation in class A, B, and AB modes under a voltage different from the rated value is permissible, provided that the operating point is within the safe operation area and measures are taken to prevent entry into the self-generation mode.

The transistors are operational even if the value of Up is less than the nominal value. But in this case, the values ​​of the electrical parameters may differ from the passport values. It is allowed to operate transistors with a current load corresponding to the value of IК max, if the maximum permissible average power dissipation of the collector in continuous dynamic mode РК.ср max does not exceed the limit value.

Due to the fact that the crystals of the transistor structures of the devices in question are manufactured according to basic technology and have common design and technological features; all transistors have the same level of breakdown voltage. In accordance with the technical specifications for devices, their scope of application is limited by the value of the maximum permissible direct voltage between the emitter and the base UEBmax< 3 В и максимально допустимого постоянного напряжения между коллектором и эмиттером UКЭ max < 36 В. При этом specified values breakdown voltage valid for the entire interval operating temperature environment.

The main conceptual idea, which made it possible to take another step in the field of creating powerful low-voltage transistors in miniature design, was the development of new original design and technological solutions when creating a series of unpackaged transistors KT8197, KT9189, KT9192. The essence of the idea is to create a transistor design based on a ceramic crystal holder made of beryllium oxide and metallized tape leads on a flexible carrier - polyimide film.

A tape carrier with a special photolithographic pattern in the form of a lead frame serves as a single conductive element on which the contact to the multi-cell transistor structure and the external terminals of the device are simultaneously formed. All elements of the internal strip reinforcement are sealed with a compound. The dimensions of the base of the metallized ceramic holder are 2.5x2.5 mm. The mounting surface of the crystal holder and the terminals are coated with a layer of gold. The type and dimensions of the transistor are shown in Fig. 1, a. For comparison, we note that the smallest foreign transistors in a metal-ceramic package (for example, CASE 249-05 from Motorola) have a round ceramic base with a diameter of 7 mm.

The design of transistors of the KT8197, KT9189, KT9192 series provides for their installation on printed circuit board method surface mount. In accordance with the recommendations for the use of these transistors, soldering of external terminals must be done at a temperature of 125...180 ° C for no more than 5 s.

Thanks to the implementation of reserves in electrical and thermophysical parameters, it was possible to significantly expand the range of consumer functions of packageless microwave transistors. In particular, for transistors of the KT8197 series with a nominal voltage value Upit = 7.5 V and the KT9189, KT9192 series (12.5 V), the boundary of the safe operation area in dynamic mode is expanded to Upit max = 15 V. An increase in the supply voltage relative to the nominal value allows raise the output power level of the portable transmitter and accordingly increase the radio range. Transistors are capable of operating without reducing power dissipation in continuous dynamic mode throughout the entire operating temperature range.

In general, when developing these transistors in a fundamental way, the issues of not only miniaturization, but also cost reduction were resolved. As a result, the transistors turned out to be approximately five times cheaper than foreign ones of the same class in a metal-ceramic housing. Developed miniature microwave transistors can find the most wide application both in traditional use in the form of discrete components, and as part of hybrid microcircuit RF power amplifiers. Obviously, their most effective use is in wearable portable radio stations.

The output stages of mobile transmitters are usually powered directly from the vehicle battery. Transistors for the output stages are designed for a rated supply voltage Upit = 12.5 V. Parametric series of transistors for each connected range are constructed taking into account the permitted maximum level output power for portable transmitters Pout = 20 W. The development of powerful low-voltage microwave transistors (with Pout>10 W) is associated with more complex design problems. Additionally, there are problems of adding dynamic power and removing heat from large crystals of microwave structures.

The crystal topology of power transistors has a very developed emitter structure, characterized by low impedance. To ensure the required frequency band, simplify matching and increase the power gain, an LC internal matching circuit at the input is built into the transistors. Structurally, the LC circuit is made in the form of a microassembly based on a MIS capacitor and a system of wire leads that act as inductive elements.

In development of the power range of previously developed transistors of the 2T9175 series, transistors 2T9188A (Pout = 10 W) and KT9190A (20 W) were created for use in the VHF range. For the UHF range, transistors KT9193A (Pout = 10 W) and KT9193B (20 W) have been developed. The transistors are made in a standard KT-83 package (see Fig. 1, b).

The use of this metal-ceramic housing at one time made it possible to create highly reliable dual-purpose transistors for electronic devices with increased requirements for external factors and with the ability to operate in harsh climatic conditions. In order to ensure guaranteed reliability at a housing temperature of +60°C in relation to transistors with an output power Pout = 10 W, and with Pout = 20 W - from +40 to +125°C, the maximum permissible average power dissipation in continuous dynamic mode must be linear reduce in accordance with the formula RK.sr max=(200-Tcorp)/RT.p-c (where Tcorp is the housing temperature, °C; RT.p-c is the thermal resistance of the junction-case junction, °C/W).

Currently, a federal radio communication network is being created in Russia according to the NMT-450i standard (at a frequency of 450 MHz). The developed series of devices KT9189, 2T9175, 2T9188A, KT9190A can almost completely cover the need in the considered sector of the market for equipment based on domestic transistor elements.

In addition, since 1995, a federal network of cellular mobile subscriber communication systems has been deployed in Russia within the GSM standard (900 MHz) and a cellular system for regional communications according to the American AMPS standard (800 MHz). To create the specified cellular systems For radio communications in the UHF, small-sized transistors of the KT9192 series with an output power of 0.5 and 2 W, as well as the KT9193 series with an output power of 10 and 20 W can be used.

The solution to the problem of miniaturizing equipment and, accordingly, its elemental base affected not only wearable portable radio transmitters. In a number of cases, for portable radio communication equipment, as well as special-purpose equipment, there is a need to reduce the weight and dimensions of high-power microwave low-voltage transistors.

For these purposes, a modified wafer-free housing design has been developed based on the KT-83 (Fig. 1, c), in which transistors 2T9175A-4-2T9175V-4, 2T9188A-4, KT9190A-4, KT9193A-4, KT9193B-4 are produced. By electrical characteristics they are similar to the corresponding transistors in a standard design. These transistors are mounted by low-temperature soldering of the crystal holder directly to the heat sink. The body temperature during the soldering process should not exceed +150°C, and the total heating and soldering time should not exceed 2 minutes.

Basic specifications the transistors under consideration are presented in table. 1. The efficiency of the collector circuit of all transistors is 55%. The values ​​of the maximum permissible direct collector current correspond to the entire operating temperature range.

Table 1

Transistor Worker frequency range, MHz Output power, W Power gain, times Supply voltage, V Maximum permissible average race. power in cont. dynamic mode, W Maximum permissible direct collector current, A Limit valid values ambient temperature, °C Maximum permissible temperature housing, °C Maximum permissible transition temperature, °C Thermal resistance transition - housing, °C/W Collector capacitance, pF
Gain cut-off frequency, MHz 30...175 0,5 15 7,5 2 0,5 -45...+85 - 160 - 5 400
KT8197A-2 2 10 5 1 15
KT8197B-2 5 8 8 1,6 25
KT8197V-2 200...470 0,5 12 12,5 2 0,5 -45...+85 - 160 - 4,5 1000
KT9189A-2 2 10 5 1 13
KT9189B-2 5 6 8 1,6 20 900
KT9189V-2 800...900 0,5 6 12,5 2 0,5 -45...+85 - 160 - 4,5 1200
KT9192A-2 2 5 5 1,6 13
KT9192B-2 140...512 0,5 10 7,5 3,75 0,5 -60 125 200 12 10 900
2Т9175А; 2Т9175А-4 2 6 7,5 1 6 16
2T9175B; 2T9175B-4 5 4 15 2 3 30 780
2Т9175В; 2Т9175В-4 200...470 10 5 12,5 35 5 -60 125 200 4 50 700
2Т9188А; 2Т9188А-4 200...470 20 - 12,5 40 8 -60 125 200 3 65 720
KT9190A; KT9190A-4 800...900 10 4 12,5 23 4 -60 125 200 5 35 1000
KT9193A; KT9193A-4 20 - 40 8 3 60

In Fig. 2a shows the complete circuit of transistors 2T9188A, KT9190A, and in Fig. 2,b - transistors of the KT8197, KT9189, KT9192, 2T9175 series (l - distance from the soldering boundary to the adhesive seam of the sealing cap or sealing coating of the crystal holder. This distance is regulated in the recommendations for the use of microwave transistors in technical specifications on them and is necessarily taken into account when calculating reactive elements transistors). The parameters of the reactive elements shown in the diagrams are summarized in table. 2. These parameters are necessary for calculating the matching circuits of the amplification path of the devices being developed.

The development of a new transistor element base opens up a broad prospect for both the creation of modern professional commercial and amateur radio communication equipment, and the improvement of what has already been developed in order to improve its electrical parameters, reduce weight, dimensions and cost.

table 2

Parameters of transistor reactive elements Transistor
KT9192B-2 2Т9175А; 2Т9175А-4 2T9175B; 2T9175B-4 2Т9175В; 2Т9175В-4 2Т9188А; 2Т9188А-4 KT9190A; KT9190A-4 KT9193A; KT9193A-4 KT8197A-2; KT9189A-2; KT9192A-2 KT8197B-2; KT9189B-2; KT9192B-2 KT8197V-2; KT9189V-2
L B1, nH 3 2,3 1,8 0,66 0,73 1 0,84 0,19 0,1 0,2
L B2, nH - - - 0,17 0,38 0,58 0,37 - - -
L E1, nH 0,5 0,35 0,28 0,16 0,15 0,26 0,19 0,22 0,12 0,12
L E2, nH - - - 0,2 0,22 0,31 0,26 - - -
L K1, nH 1,25 1,1 1 0,61 0,57 0,71 0,61 0,59 0,59 0,59
C1, pF - - - 370 600 75 150 - - -


  1. Assesorov V., Kozhevnikov V., Kosoy A. Scientific search for Russian engineers. Development trend of high-power microwave transistors. - Radio, 1994, No. 6, p. 2, 3.
  2. Assessorov V., Kozhevnikov V., Kosoy A. New microwave transistors. - Radio, 1996, No. 5, p. 57, 58.
  3. Assesorov V., Assesorov A., Kozhevnikov V., Matveev S. Linear microwave transistors for power amplifiers. - Radio, 1998, No. 3, p. 49-51.
  4. Angle modulated radio stations of the land mobile service. GOST 12252-86 (ST SEV 4280-83).

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