How to enable hdmi on asus motherboard. How to enable HDMI on a laptop. Operation of devices of different generations

Current problem for many users today is to expand the image with personal computer to the home plasma display. “We connect the TV to the computer via HDMI, but there is no image,” - this is exactly how negative sounds come from the mouths of computer equipment owners.

In this article, the reader will become acquainted not only with the method of connecting an additional display to a PC or laptop, but will also learn about correct settings equipment. He will also be interested in recommendations from experts in the field of IT technologies.

About the goals pursued

The larger the diagonal of the LCD screen, the more comfortable it is to view multimedia and the better the image detail in games and software. A film on a TV from a computer will allow you to see the smallest details, and a fan of a dynamic toy will feel the reality of the events taking place on the plasma screen. In fact, there are many advantages of using such a symbiosis, and all of them relate to the comfortable work or leisure of the user.

In recent years, many users have become interested in Internet television. Why pay money to the provider if you can watch your favorite channels for free from the official website of the television company? Therefore, the question is: “How to connect a computer to a TV?” sounds more and more often in the media. But so far things are going badly with ready-made solutions.

Computer hardware capabilities

It's better to start with technical capabilities personal computer or laptop. The fact is that it is not enough to buy an HDMI cable for your computer. It will be possible to connect to the TV only if there is a corresponding digital video output on the PC. Therefore, the user needs to familiarize himself with all the outputs of the system unit and find the desired port. It can be located on the video card or on motherboard at the computer and at one of the ends of the mobile laptop.

There are devices that do not have an HDMI connector. It is quite possible to find a VGA (D-Sub) or video output on old digital ports DVI with DisplayPort. Here everything depends to a large extent on the TV, which should have similar inputs. Having picked up required cable for TV, you will always find the opportunity to display the image from the computer.

TV availability

But modern liquid crystal devices with HDMI ports have no problems - all manufacturers provide their equipment with a popular interface. Often they are not limited to one port at the factory and provide the user with the opportunity to connect several sources to output images via HDMI.

Larger LCD displays have a slightly different problem. We are talking about the resolution of the reproduced image and the frame rate. Before connecting a computer and TV via HDMI, the user needs to familiarize himself with technical characteristics both devices, compare their video signal transmission capabilities and find a parameter that will be supported by both plasma and PC. Often, all equipment manufacturers strive to ensure that equipment supports FullHD resolution (1920x1080) at a frequency of 60 Hz. True, there are exceptions that create problems for users.

Operation of devices of different generations

In situations involving connecting two devices with different interfaces (HDMI, VGA), users are often surprised why the computer does not see the TV via HDMI. The explanation is simple - it is impossible to connect equipment of different generations by combining analog and digital signal one cable. In such situations, no adapter will solve the problem - you need a converter that can decode the signal at the hardware level.

Fortunately, foreign auctions offer ready-made solutions that can solve all users’ problems with video signal transmission between devices of different generations. The cost of one converter is in the range of 20-30 USD. That is, which attracts a potential buyer. All the necessary cables for video transmission are always included with the converter, so the algorithm for solving the problem is simple: buy a converter and connect the TV to the computer via HDMI.

When the required interface is not available

Not all computers and TVs have an HDMI port - that's a fact. But you shouldn’t get upset ahead of time, since with obsolete devices the problem can always be solved. The fact is that old equipment is geared towards transmitting analog signal. Let by image quality this technology and lags behind, however, it has an order of magnitude fewer problems with the compatibility of different standards. Combining S-Vidio, VGA or RCA interfaces is much easier than converting to digital.

The user just needs to buy a cable for the TV and connect both devices. There are also many inconveniences that users will have to face. Firstly, audio cannot be transmitted over an interface cable. Accordingly, you need to buy another cable. Secondly, during operation, the sound card of a computer or laptop will not be able to create an individual audio stream for the TV. Accordingly, you can forget about the convenience of sharing a computer and TV.

The right approach to buying a cable

Problems may also arise for the user when choosing the wrong HDMI cable. The fact is that a digital video signal is not capable of being transmitted over long distances via cable without loss of quality. Therefore, the future owner needs to decide on the length before buying an HDMI cable for a computer to a TV.

The main thing is to always remember that the longer the quality cable, the higher its cost. It is necessary to measure the distance between the PC and the liquid crystal display (of course, not in line of sight, but taking into account the installation) and find a cable of the appropriate length on the market. Yes, it is customary for buyers to purchase wires with a reserve, but it should be small, since often the excess is rarely in demand - more often they just collect dust behind the TV or behind the computer. The main thing here is to find a middle ground in terms of the “cost - cable length” ratio.

Real offers from manufacturers

It is not easy to choose a cable for a TV of the HDMI-HDMI form factor on the market. Any buyer can verify this for himself; just look at the prices and assortment. It is logical to assume that expensive accessories have a high price only because they are made by serious brands. There is truth to this, but as a rule of thumb, the more expensive the HDMI cable, the less likely it is that the video signal will deteriorate over a long distance. In fact, you have to pay for quality. Chinese consumer goods have no place in the domestic market.

IT experts recommend paying attention to the brand name (for example, Prolink, Cablexpert, Viewcon, Belkin), as well as focusing on the quality of the winding and the presence of ferrite filters near the connectors (barrels near the contacts). If an HDMI cable is required, the length of which exceeds 30 meters, then the user cannot do without a signal amplifier. The device is expensive, but copes with the assigned tasks 100%.

Physical connection of two devices

This article is not about potential difference from a school physics course, but the user still needs to know that there is a small amount of voltage on the video ports when the equipment is plugged into the mains. electric charge. Naturally, when connecting two devices, equipment with a large charge will transfer energy through the cable to the port of the connected device. Often the TV turns out to be more powerful, which, when connected, burns the output on the computer’s video card. Therefore, before connecting your computer to the TV via HDMI, you need to turn off the power to one of the devices (unplug the plug from the socket). Naturally, this problem avoids all users who have grounding in their home.

Another problem that the buyer may encounter is the lack of a video signal when connecting the cable or the image transmission with noise. There is no need to touch the settings of your TV or computer - 99% of the time the problem is a low-quality cable. It needs to be replaced. In general, experts recommend checking the HDMI cable directly in the store to avoid connection problems.

TV settings

It will not be difficult for the owner of a liquid crystal display to remote control device, press the “Source” button and select the desired signal source. All ports on the TV panel are registered and numbered, so all that remains is to combine the software part with the hardware part. Don't expect the PC image to appear on the screen right away. The main thing here is to get the display ready to receive a video signal. This will complete the setup of connecting the TV to the computer via HDMI. All that remains is to configure the video output of your PC or laptop.

Many users are owners of home theaters and other video and audio equipment that is connected to an LCD TV. Naturally, a situation may arise when all HDMI ports are busy. Many users are unlikely to want to physically rearrange the HDMI cable when working with a computer, so another solution is proposed. The video signal from the laptop can be transmitted to a tuner or receiver. In fact, there is no difference, since manufacturers use a single standard for transmitting images via HDMI.

Modern platforms

When it comes to the Windows 10 or MacOS operating systems, there are practically no configuration issues. The user only needs to restart the computer for the device to detect and connect the new display. The more modern the technology, the more efficient it is automatic setting- often via HDMI the signal is transmitted from the computer to the TV in FullHD format with a frequency of 60-65 Hz.

But there are exceptions, and they are primarily related to the video device driver. Therefore, there is no need to try to get the TV to work correctly from the remote control. remote control, only fine tuning of the video card will help here. The main thing is to always remember that you need to change the parameters not global, but just one port, otherwise, through negligence, you can destroy the signal to the PC monitor, which will be very difficult to restore.

Working with drivers

Making a TV work like a computer monitor via HDMI, although difficult, is quite possible. There are many ways to do this, which the reader will get to know. Owners operating system Windows versions 7,8 and 10 you need to go to the control panel and select “Screen”.

By going to the “Setting screen parameters” tab, the user will find that the operating system has already detected the connected TV, but is not yet transmitting the image to it. The Multiple Displays option allows you to connect your TV as additional monitor to the computer. The list contains several options from which the user is asked to make a choice:

  1. Duplicate these screens. The contents of the computer desktop will be displayed on the TV screen, and all actions performed by the user will be visible on both displays.
  2. Expand these screens. The most interesting setting that allows you to virtually increase the desktop area (both vertically and horizontally).
  3. Show on screen no. Manually assigning a port for video output is not popular among users.

Driver configuration features

It's easy to send a signal to a TV, but adjusting the picture quality and transferring sound from a computer to a TV is not so easy. First, you need to decide on the extension of the desktop - diagonally or vertically. Experts recommend focusing on the physical location of the TV in the room relative to the PC monitor. On the control panel, in the “Screen Resolution” menu, you need to use the mouse to place icon No. 2 relative to icon No. 1 so that it is convenient to move desktop objects between displays.

The second step is to adjust the TV screen resolution. The main thing here is to select a parameter that is supported by the connected display, otherwise a failure will occur and the video output port will be disabled. By clicking the "Advanced Settings" button, the user can select the display refresh rate, however, IT experts do not recommend changing the frequency unless the video card and TV support the 4K (144 Hz) standard. After making all the settings, you need to save the changes and exit the control panel.

Tricks with sound transmission

All users know that an HDMI cable transmits not only high-quality images, but also sound, but there is no corresponding setting in the display resolution settings. With audio transmission, everything is simple - at the hardware level, the sound is sent to additional screen along with the video. That is, the user just needs to move the video player window onto the TV display with the mouse. The sound will be muted in the computer speakers, but the sound will be activated in the TV speakers.

It is worth noting that mobile device or a computer is capable at the hardware level of supporting several video devices connected via HDMI, transmitting different images to them and providing them soundtrack. True, there are exceptions, and they depend on the video adapter and sound card. Low-performance devices sometimes malfunction; they simply do not have enough power to process digital video signals and high-quality audio.

Alternative driver setup

Not only using Windows You can configure the video to be transmitted to the TV screen. Owners are given the opportunity to ensure high-quality transmission using a video adapter driver (Nvidia or Radeon). The setup algorithm is still the same: we connect the TV to the computer via HDMI and set the HDMI signal source from the remote control.

But then the proprietary software video card manufacturer. Going to the application control panel Nvidia GeForce Experience or AMD Catalyst Control Center, you need to find the “Display” tab. One of the sub-items of this menu is responsible for setting up multiple displays.

Feedback from users

Often, when connecting a TV to a computer or laptop, device owners encounter problems that they try to solve together in the media. Most of the negativity that is found in reviews is associated with low-quality HDMI cables that were purchased at foreign auctions or in stores at a low price. A greedy person pays twice - all users who decide to save on buying an HDMI cable need to know about this.

After adjusting display settings and saving, did the image on the main monitor disappear? This is the second problem that users often have to face. The reason is quite simple - the parameters of the main monitor have undergone changes. There is only one recommendation here - when connecting a TV to a computer, you need to control your actions. Number 1 in the system is always the main monitor - its settings cannot be changed. You can do whatever you want with the remaining numbers (2,3,4).


Yes, in order to create convenience for yourself, the user needs a little time and investment. You simply cannot do without this. There are instructions that spell out all the steps, they need to be followed clearly:

  • buy an HDMI cable;
  • configure the video adapter driver;
  • enjoy watching.

The algorithm is simple, but there is a lot of work to be done. In fact, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to follow the recommendations of experts and carry out strictly specified actions. Only after receiving an image from a computer or laptop on the TV screen and making sure that there is sound transmission, can you enter Extra options and make fine tuning.

Question: There is no image when connecting the monitor to the motherboard (HDMI)

Motherboard asus z170-a. When connected to a video card, everything works. I couldn't find any drivers for Asus. What can be wrong?


Message from user5353

Question: PCI express 2.0 with GTX 960 - when connected to the motherboard, the monitor is in standby mode

I recently purchased an MSI GTX 960 video card. And when I connect it to the motherboard, the monitor is in standby mode. At first I thought it was because of the power supply because it was 460 watts, then I changed it to 550 watts. Still the same problem, I tried old video card and everything worked. I decided to take a look at system requirements video card and discovered that it requires PCI EXPRESS 3.0, but I have 2.0. I tried the gtx 960 at work and everything worked there. Tell me, could such a defect be caused by this?

Answer: update the bios on the motherboard
there have already been a lot of topics, it helped everyone

Question: Connecting power to the motherboard

There is a motherboard not msi b250m pro-vd
Power connection via 24pin and 8pin
But there is no 8 pin connector on the power supply. Is it possible to somehow connect power using the existing connectors?
Connectors are 6+2 and 4 pin
Ps: Processor intel core i5 7400
Power supply atx 600 pnr


Message from little_2

Will it be enough?

Will. This processor is not so powerful in terms of power consumption and heat dissipation.

Question: HDMI connection: The monitor keeps turning off and then on again

please tell me: asrock h170 pro4 motherboard with built-in video card. The monitor can only be connected via avg+HDMI adapter, because... The motherboard only has HDMI connection. There is no video card. The monitor keeps turning on and off. When connecting to a TV, it's the same.
The cable is working fine: I connected it to the laptop via HDMI - everything worked. Fine. (used 2 cables: AVG+HDMI, HDM+HDMI).

P.S. tell me how to fix it? M. payment 2 days. At the same time, I brought it from the service center - after a complete diagnosis. There was a manufacturing defect, they said the Bios was completely reset, the rest was said to be normal. Monique and the TV flicker every 1-2 seconds, and you can’t really see anything in the BIOS either. constant flickering.

Answer: magirus, if only they charged me for diagnostics - which should be free. Although they wrote what the reason was on the receipt. You'll have to go to them again.

All PPC, Windows is loading, it starts flickering every second and the inscription appears on Monica: Out of Rage! - and no longer loads.

Added after 2 hours 37 minutes
Correction, video is built into the processor. I didn’t take a video card, so I connected the Monica via MP.

Hi all. The following problem has arisen: I launch system unit The speaker starts beeping continuously for 10-15 seconds, then a reboot follows and in a circle. In this case, no signal is sent to the monitor. I tried to run without random access memory and listen to the speaker signal. The speaker signal is a different beep, but the system still reboots. And sometimes the beeping of the speaker may not even occur when I changed the RAM slots and it did. I tried resetting the BIOS, it didn't help. I started it without a processor, the motherboard does not reboot in this case. I tried to install another processor, the speaker still beeps and reboots.
Relatives brought the system unit and said that the computer went out while playing Skyrim. Just like that. I hope I explained everything clearly)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-EP43-UD3L

Answer: The keyboard is not connected to the system unit)

Added after 2 minutes
Tomorrow I'll try to get another power supply. There were other motherboards at home. I used them to check the performance of the power supply. I connected the power supply and tried to start it without RAM to find out the functionality of the board. Without RAM, the speaker began to squeak, after connecting the RAM, the squeaking stopped and that was it. Although I’m not sure about the functionality of these boards, since they are old, and they also refuse to show the image on the monitor(

Added after 21 hours 16 minutes
Guys, thank you all. I identified the problem) It was a RAM issue. When I removed the plate the signals simply changed.
Today I borrowed a working RAM from a friend and checked it. Everything worked)

Question: Difference between the integrated graphics core of the processor and the graphics card built into the motherboard

Hi all!

Please explain the difference between the integrated graphics core of the processor and the video card built into the motherboard.

I still have a few questions about this (all of the below assumes you don't have a discrete graphics card).
1. As I understand it, in order for the motherboard to have ports for video output, it must have a built-in video card. Or not necessarily?
2. Is it possible to display video on the monitor if there is only integrated. graph. core in the processor (no video card in the motherboard)?
3. Will productivity increase when present and integrated? graphics core in the processor and the video card built into the motherboard?

Thank you all so much in advance for your time.


Message from thedriveee

Please explain the difference between the integrated graphics core of the processor and the video card built into the motherboard.

You re-read this question yourself, it contains the answer.

Message from thedriveee

I still have a few questions about this (all of the below assumes you don't have a discrete graphics card).

Yes, if you don't need one.

Message from thedriveee

1. As I understand it, in order for the motherboard to have ports for video output, it must have a built-in video card. Or not necessarily?

In order to display images from these ports, you need to have an integrated graphics core in the processor or on the motherboard.

Message from thedriveee

2. Is it possible to display video on the monitor if there is only integrated. graph. core in the processor (no video card in the motherboard)?

Possibly, if the motherboard supports image output from the processor core graph.

Message from thedriveee

3. Will performance increase in the presence of both an integrated graphics core in the processor and a video card built into the motherboard?

Modern Intel does not have integrated devices on the board, everything is in processors. I don’t know whether it’s possible to use the built-in percentage and the one on the board together on AMD. I think no. The integration on the board is very weak. You can only get a picture from them, nothing more.

Message from thedriveee

Thank you all so much in advance for your time.

Thanks for wasting our time

Question: 3 monitors at the same time - VGA + HDMI + laptop monitor

Hi all.

Very often, laptops have two connectors for image transmission, VGA and HDMI. The question is, is it possible to work simultaneously on a laptop monitor and two connected monitors?

I tried to connect two VGA monitors using this scheme, one via an HDMI adapter, but only two work at the same time. I tried it on two different laptops, on two different OS (Windows 7, Winodws 10).

Perhaps someone knows how to make three monitors work simultaneously?

Added after 23 minutes
Video card on one laptop ATI Radeon HD7670M

Hello everyone! The “seven” has many of its own “proprietary” problems, which ordinary users are not always able to deal with. But we will help you with this! So, the topic of today's lesson is setting up an HDMI cable.

  • We will look at how to connect the cable;

  • What settings in Windows need to be activated;

  • At the end of the article there is a detailed Video instruction.

After you have connected the HDMI cable to your laptop/computer and TV, on the “Desktop” click right click mouse and in the drop-down menu select the line “Screen resolution”. By the way: the moment you connect the cable, you will see a window in which the “Screen Settings” field and a circle, divided into two parts, with digital designations 1 and 2. Set the settings in the required fields, such as: “Screen ", "Permission", etc. Next, in the “Multiple Screens” field, set the “Duplicate these screens” function. Now click on the “Apply” and “Ok” button. This way you activate everything necessary settings for an adequate image.

Let's move on to the sound settings on the TV: these settings are made on the computer! Click on “Start” - “Control Panel”. In the system settings window that opens, select “Hardware and Sound”. Click on it and select the options “Sound” - “Manage sound devices”. By clicking on it, you get a separate “Sound” window. In this window you should see an icon for the TV connected to your computer, for example “Samsung”. A little lower in the same window you will see the “Speakers” option. We move the cursor over the TV icon (namely the TV, not the speaker) and right-click. A menu will appear in which we select the line “Use as default”. Attention: if everything was done correctly, a green “bird” should appear in the window near the TV. If you want to turn off the sound, you can turn it off in the “Speakers” window: right-click, select the “Set as default” line and click on it. This is such a strange pattern. However, this is how things work. Click “Apply” and “Ok”. By the way, it’s probably no longer a secret to you that gps navigator You don’t have to buy it if you have an Android phone, just enough

By connecting via HDMI interface multimedia data is transmitted to good quality and high speed. Information is transmitted through special cables connected to two or more necessary devices. HDMI is the most popular digital interface and has replaced the old analogue one. In this article we will tell you in detail everything about this type of connection and look at how to enable it on a laptop.

The emergence of new digital interfaces such as HDMI was facilitated by the obsolescence of the previously popular VGA. Not only did it render the image with lower quality, but it also distorted it, which often caused difficulties in work. The connection in question has a large throughput and supports audio transmission.

In addition to HDMI, several other types of digital data transfer interfaces are popular - DVI and DisplayPort. They all have different connectors and some characteristics, which allows you to use the required connection for different situations. Read more about comparing these interfaces in our articles at the links below.

Types of HDMI cables

As mentioned earlier, the connection of two devices is made using special cables. They come in different sizes, standards and only support certain equipment. In addition, they have different types connectors and specifications. You can read more about this in our other materials.

Enabling HDMI

On all devices that support HDMI connection, it is automatically enabled. Users only need to complete a few simple settings so that the connection of the two devices is successful, and a clear picture and sound appear on the screen.

Usually it is enough to change just a few operating system parameters and you can immediately start working on the equipment. Detailed instructions For information on connecting computers and laptops to a monitor via HDMI, read our articles at the links below.

Causes of HDMI failure

Sometimes malfunctions occur in the operation of devices, this may also be due to the connection interface. When using HDMI, two problems are often observed - lack of image and sound. The main causes of malfunctions are considered incorrect settings devices, outdated drivers or physical failures. In such cases, it is recommended to resort to one of several methods for solving the problems that have arisen. Read more about them below.

Above, we examined in detail the main function of the HDMI interface, became familiar with the types of cables, figured out how to enable this connector on a laptop, and talked about possible malfunctions. We hope our article was useful and you learned everything you need about connecting devices via an HDMI connector.

I answer all questions in detail.
Friends! Everything you do on the computer, watch movies, cartoons, chat on Skype, play, view photos, slides or Internet pages in a browser, all this will be shown on the screen of your TV if the TV is connected to the computer via an HDMI cable. Nowadays, almost any TV has an HDMI input, and most produced video cards have an HDMI output.
The HDMI interface was invented in order to connect two high-tech digital devices(they are undoubtedly your computer and TV) and transfer information from device to device without loss of quality. Such transmitted information may be image and multi-channel high quality sound. If you have a movie or cartoon on your computer, in any HD, Blu-ray or AVI, MOV, MPG, MP4 format, then you can watch it all on your TV. There are slides or photos, please look. I’m not talking about games, because I’m not a supporter of them; they take up a lot of time from young people, which can be spent on studying. We connect the TV to the computer via HDMI with a second monitor To connect the computer to the TV we will use an HDMI cable, it looks like this and can be up to 20 meters long, choose the cable of the length you need.

For example, let’s take a Samsung TV, a not entirely new 4 series (LED type), purchased several years ago, but it already has two connectors for connecting HDMI devices.

The computer that you and I will use to connect to the TV was also purchased about three years ago, with Nvidia video card and also with an HDMI connector.

As I already said, our TV has two HDMI connectors. With the TV turned off, connect the HDMI cable to the HDMI 2 connector,

We connect the reverse end of the cable to the HDMI connector of the video card of the desktop computer. The computer, in turn, is already connected to the monitor (also Samsung SyncMaster 971P) with a DVI cable.

We turn on the computer and TV. There may not be an image on the TV right away; instead, we see this message: “The cable is not connected” “Check the cable connections and the source parameter” or “ Weak signal or no signal"

On Samsung TVs, to display a list of all available video sources, you need to press the Source button on the remote control.

A menu appears on the TV, in this menu, using the remote control, select the HDMI 2 connector,

Now, on our TV, an exact copy of our computer’s desktop should appear. But again there is nothing, the same error appears on a black screen. So we go to the “Screen Resolution” settings. Right-click on the desktop and select “Screen Resolution”.

As we can see in the window that appears, our main screen is set to the second (2) Samsung monitor SyncMaster 971P, and in the “Multiple Screens” parameter we have set “Display the desktop on only 2 monitors”, which is why the image is only present on the computer monitor screen, but not on the TV

We bring everything in this window to this state. Select a parameter
Multiple screens: "Duplicate these screens"
In the “Screen” parameter, “Multiple monitors” is automatically set, click Apply and OK.

The desktop of our computer appears on the TV.

The resolution of our small Samsung TV is 1366 x 768. If your computer monitor supports this resolution, then it will automatically be set to the same resolution of 1366 x 768. If not, then either the TV or monitor will have the wrong resolution. For example, my Samsung SyncMaster 971P monitor has a maximum resolution of 1280x1024. When using a TV and a computer monitor at the same time, the main thing for me is to set the resolution on the TV correctly, otherwise why would I connect it then. I put it on Samsung TV The resolution is 1366 x 768, the image is perfect.

And on a computer monitor such a resolution of 1366 x 768 looks like this.

And nothing can be done here. If you want the perfect image on your TV and computer monitor, then they must support the same screen resolution, that is, have the same characteristics. There is no sound on the TV after connecting the TV to the computer via HDMI Friends! Don't forget that the HDMI interface transmits video and sound over one cable, and we can specify in the operating system settings to use the TV's built-in speakers for sound output.
Let's fix the problem by using a TV instead of a monitor. Go to Start->Control Panel->

Hardware and Sound->Sound

If you don’t have anything in this field, right-click on an empty space and in the menu that appears, check the “Show disabled devices” items. "Show connected devices"
Now we look at the name of our TV, in my case it is Samsung, we need to turn it on and turn off the rest. Right-click on Realtek and select Disable.

We also turn off the speakers.

Samsung – Enable, Apply and OK.
