Free program for monitoring your computer: keylogger, hidden screenshots, launching programs and more. Spyware on your computer. How to detect and remove spyware? Where to download spyware

Sometimes it is important to know what is happening to the computer in your absence. Who does what on it, what sites and programs it includes. All this can be reported special programs-spies.

Spying on someone is, to say the least, not good. Or even criminally punishable (violation of the right to confidentiality and all that)... However, sometimes it won’t hurt to know, for example, what your child is doing at the computer in your absence or what the employees of your organization are doing when there are no bosses. Or maybe they are watching you?!!

Computers and mobile devices have long been exposed to danger from all kinds of viruses. However, there is a class software, which, without being malicious, can perform the same functions as, for example, Trojans - keep a log of application launches on the system, record all keystrokes on the keyboard, periodically take screenshots, and then send all the collected information to the person who installed and configured tracking the user.

As you understand, today we will talk specifically about spyware, their work and detection methods.

Differences from viruses

In the field of antivirus solutions, the class of spyware is known as “spyware” (from the English “spy” - “spy” and abbreviated “software” - “software”). In principle, some of the applications that will be discussed below are perceived by antiviruses as malicious, but in fact they are not.

What is the difference between real spyware and computer tracking programs? The main difference here is in the scope and method of operation. Spy viruses are installed on the system without the user’s knowledge and can serve as a source of additional threats (data theft and corruption, for example).

Spyware programs for monitoring a computer are installed by the user himself in order to find out what another user is doing on the PC. At the same time, the user himself may be aware that they are being monitored (for example, this is done in some institutions to record the working hours of employees).

However, in terms of operating principles, spyware is essentially no different from any Trojans, keyloggers or backdoors... So, we can consider them some kind of “defector viruses” that have switched to the “light side” and are used not so much for stealing information from a PC to control its operation.

By the way, in the West the practice of introducing tracking software on users’ computers corporate networks and on home PCs is quite common. There is even a separate name for this kind of program - “tracking software”, which allows, at least nominally, to separate them from malicious spyware.


The most common and, to a certain extent, dangerous type of spyware are keyloggers (from the English “key” - “button” and “logger” - “recorder”). Moreover, these programs can be either independent viruses that are introduced into the system, or specially installed tracking utilities. There is essentially no difference between them.

Keyloggers are designed to record the presses of all buttons on the keyboard (sometimes also the mouse) and save the data to a file. Depending on the operating principle of each specific keylogger, the file may simply be stored on a local hard drive or periodically sent to the person conducting surveillance.

Thus, without suspecting anything, we can “give away” all our passwords to third parties who can use them for any purpose. For example, an attacker could hack our account, change access passwords and/or resell them to someone...

Fortunately, most keyloggers are quickly detected by most antiviruses, since they are suspiciously intercepting data. However, if the keylogger was installed by an administrator, it will most likely be included in the exceptions and will not be detected...

A striking example of a free keylogger is SC-KeyLog:

This keylogger, unfortunately, is detected by the antivirus at the download stage. So, if you decide to install it, temporarily disable the protection until you add the necessary files to the “white list”:

  • program executable file (default: C:\Program Files\Soft-Central\SC-KeyLog\SC-KeyLog2.exe);
  • executable file of the tracking module, which will be created by you in the specified folder;
  • library (DLL file) for hidden data processing, the name of which you also set at the settings stage and which is stored by default in the C:\Windows\System32\ folder.

After installation you will be taken to the setup wizard. Here you can specify the email address to which data files should be sent, the name and location of saving the executable keystroke interception modules mentioned above, as well as the password required to open logs.

When all the settings are made and the keylogger files are included in the list of trusted antivirus programs, everything is ready to work. Here is an example of what you can see in the log file:

As you can see, SC-KeyLog displays the titles of all windows with which the user works, mouse button presses and, in fact, the keyboard (including service keys). It is worth noting that the program cannot determine the layout and displays all texts in English letters, which still need to be converted into a readable Russian-language form (for example,).

However, keylogger functions can be hidden even in popular non-specialized software. A striking example of this is the program for changing the text layout Punto Switcher:

One of the additional functions of this program is the “Diary”, which is activated manually and, in fact, is a real keylogger that intercepts and remembers all data entered from the keyboard. In this case, the text is saved in the desired layout and the only thing missing is intercepting mouse events and pressing special keyboard keys.

Plus Punto Switcher as a keylogger in that it is not detected by antivirus and is installed on many computers. Accordingly, if necessary, you can activate tracking without installing any software or additional tricks!

Complex spies

A keylogger is good if you only need to know what the user enters from the keyboard and what programs he launches. However, this data may not be enough. Therefore, more complex software systems were created for comprehensive espionage. Such spy complexes may include:

  • keylogger;
  • clipboard interceptor;
  • screen spy (takes screenshots at specified intervals);
  • program launch and activity recorder;
  • sound and video recording system (if there is a microphone or webcam).

So that you can better imagine how such programs work, let’s look at a couple of free solutions in this area. And the first of them will be a free Russian-language surveillance system called (attention, antiviruses and browsers can block access to the site!):

The program features include:

  • intercepting keyboard keystrokes;
  • taking screenshots (too frequent by default);
  • monitoring running programs and their activity time;
  • Monitoring PC activity and user account.

Alas, this complex for tracking a PC is also detected by antiviruses, so to download and install it you must first disable the protection. During installation, we will need to set a key combination to call the program interface, as well as a password for accessing the collected data. After the installation is complete, add the entire folder with the spyware to the antivirus “white list” (by default C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ Application Data\Softex) and you can activate the protection back.

Softex Expert Home will run in the background and will not create any shortcuts or active icons anywhere. It will be possible to detect its operation only by pressing the hotkey combination you have specified. In the window that appears, enter the access password, first of all go to the “Settings” section on the “Screenshots” tab and increase the minimum interval between shots, as well as the timer interval (by default, 2 and 10 seconds, respectively).

Such a spy is quite enough to monitor your home computer. In addition to the features already mentioned above, Expert Home has a function remote viewing statistics, which allows you to view logs via the Internet. To activate it, just click the button to connect to the server in the “Internet monitoring” section, and then wait for the computer ID and access password to be issued, which you will need to enter on the developers’ website:

It is worth clarifying that in the free mode, statistics are stored on the server for only one day. If you want to access a longer period, you will have to pay from 250 (7 days) to 1000 (30 days) rubles per month.

Another free comprehensive computer monitoring program is:

Despite the fact that the name of the program includes the word “keylogger”, in fact it has much more capabilities. Among them:

The program itself is not detected by the antivirus, however, with active heuristic algorithms, its “suspicious” activity is detected. Therefore, it is best to install and configure it with protection disabled.

At the installation stage, no preliminary preparation is required (the only thing you need is to choose for whom the program is being installed and whether its icon should be displayed in the tray). However, after installation, you need to add the program folder (by default C:\WINDOWS\system32\Mpk) and its executable file MPKView.exe to the antivirus exclusions.

When you launch it for the first time, the settings window will open. Here we can change the language from English to, for example, Ukrainian (for some reason there is no Russian...), set our own keys for quickly calling the program (by default ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+K) and a password for entering the control panel.

That's all, actually. The main disadvantage free version The program is its limitations in some aspects of tracking (not all programs are available, for example), as well as the lack of the ability to send logs by mail or via FTP. Otherwise, almost everything is good.

Spyware exists not only for desktop computers, but also for mobile platforms. If you want to know what your child is doing on a tablet or smartphone, you can try using the free multi-platform tracking system KidLogger.


The last, and most insidious, means of espionage can be the so-called sniffers (from the English “sniff” - “sniff out”). This class of programs is scientifically called “traffic analyzers” and is used to intercept and analyze data transmitted over the Internet.

Using a sniffer, an attacker can connect to a user's current web session and use it for his own purposes on behalf of the user himself by replacing data packets. If you are very unlucky, then with the help of a sniffer they can “steal” your logins and passwords for entering any sites where traffic encryption is not used.

Those who are most at risk of becoming a victim of a sniffer are those who use one or another public network to access the Internet (for example, a point Wi-Fi access). Also, users of corporate networks with an overly “entrepreneurial” administrator may be under theoretical threat.

So that you can roughly understand what a sniffer is, I suggest considering a representative of this class of programs developed by the popular team NirSoft:

This sniffer is intended mainly for intercepting data packets on a local PC and serves more for good intentions (like network debugging). But its essence is the same as that of hacker tools.

A person who understands the principles of data transmission via network protocols and understands what kind of information is transmitted in a particular packet can decrypt its contents and, if desired, replace it by sending a modified request to the server. If the connection is over a simple HTTP channel without encryption, then a hacker can see your passwords right in the sniffer window without having to decode anything!

The problem is aggravated by the fact that previously there were sniffers only for desktop operating systems. Today, for example, there are numerous sniffers for Android. Therefore, an attacker analyzing traffic can be practically anywhere (even at the next table in a cafe with free Wi-Fi! A striking example of a sniffer for Android is mobile version popular sniffer WireShark:

Using this sniffer and the Shark Reader log analysis program, an attacker can intercept data directly from a smartphone or tablet connected to a public access point.

Countering spies

So we learned how the main types of spyware work. And it arises logical question: “How can you protect yourself from surveillance?”... This is a “difficult, but possible” task.

As you can see, almost all spyware programs can be detected by antivirus software. Therefore, the first step is to update the anti-virus databases and your installed security software. In addition, be sure to open the “white list” of your antivirus package and see if it allows files with suspicious names located in system folders.

If you use the mentioned Punto Switcher (or its analogues), be sure to check if someone has turned on “Diary” without your knowledge.

If no suspicious parameters are found either in the antivirus settings or in Punto Switcher, you can resort to scanning the system with special antivirus scanners. I recommend using programs that I have personally tested more than once and .

In addition, you can check those working in this moment processes using special anti-virus task managers. An example of this is a free utility. This tool allows you not only to see the names and addresses of all running processes, but also to quickly assess the degree of their maliciousness (even potential).

The hardest thing is to counteract sniffers. If you cannot completely refuse to use public networks, then the only type of protection may be the use of sites that support the encrypted HTTPS data transfer protocol (most people now have it). social networks). If the site or service you need does not support encryption, then, as a last resort, you can organize a secure data transfer tunnel using VPN.


As you can see, installing and monitoring any computer is not so difficult. Moreover, this can be done completely free of charge using small programs. Therefore, if you use public networks or you work on a PC that is used by several users, then theoretically there is a chance that you are already being watched.

Excessive carelessness and trust can cost you, at a minimum, the loss of passwords from your accounts on social networks, and, in worst cases, for example, the theft of money in your electronic accounts. Therefore, it is important to follow the principle of “trust but verify.”

If you yourself decide to spy on someone’s computer, then you must honestly warn the user about this. Otherwise, if espionage is detected, you can earn a lot of problems on your head :) Therefore, before you spy, think twice about it!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Grigor created this topic: Android tracking program, Top 10 spy programs on Android

Let's start with the Talklog app. The program has the following features:
call log. You will receive a full report of all calls to your email;
audio recording telephone conversations. Each conversation can be recorded and then saved on the server;
receive SMS messages. You can intercept all messages from your phone;
phone location;
web browser. You can get history from your internet browser;
applications. Talklog can also keep track of and monitor applications on your phone;
audio control. The program allows you to turn on the microphone on your phone.

Talklog is a spyware program that, after connecting to the service, offers the user a number of special features. Let's start with the fact that Talklog stores all information about incoming and outgoing calls in personal account. The same applies to sms and mms messages. They can be read and listened to, even if they were immediately deleted. The application allows you to record telephone conversations, and all recordings are saved on the server. The audio monitoring function records all sounds that surround the device, regardless of whether it is currently in use or not. The Talklog application is also a program for tracking a phone by subscriber number, GPS module or data received from Wi-fi points. Thus, the user can have access to the speed of movement of the device, its location in height, as well as coordinates on the map. There are a couple more useful functions. The first allows you to view your browser history, and the second allows you to record the moment you turn on and off the device and the time it goes into safe mode.

The MobileTool program allows you to organize remote access from a computer or tablet to the phone on which it is installed.
After registering and installing the program on your phone

You will get access to calls, SMS, MMS, GPS, correspondence Skype, Viber, Whatsapp, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, etc. directly from our website.
Cell Phone Spy PRO

The Cell Phone Spy PRO + program is mainly aimed at convicting a loved one of cheating. It works almost the same as all other spy programs. But it is worth noting that the effectiveness of this program may be at risk, because during startup it requires entering a password and thus can be easily removed from mobile phone

. Despite this, Cell Phone Spy PRO+ will detect the phone's location, calls and messages.

The TrackView spy program is capable of tracking the location of a mobile phone, viewing messages and listening to calls, listening to ambient sound, and also viewing a picture from the camera.

This program is perfect for spying on a child’s phone. The only negative is that the application's functionality is small, so if you need a program with wide functionality, then it is best for you to install another mobile spy.
spy for Android FlexiSpy FlexiSpy stands out among the first three described programs for spying on a phone. This application

has many more features than the first three. All data will be sent to your personal account on the website.

In addition to all the known capabilities of any mobile spy, FlexiSpy can also crack screen lock passwords, email and application passwords. In addition, you will receive notifications when the owner of the phone visits prohibited places. But it is worth noting that none of the above mobile spies guarantee the safety of information from third parties.
Service VkurSe
The VkurSe service not only guarantees the safety of all transmitted data from third parties, but also has a huge list of capabilities. Such as:
interception of messages from popular instant messengers (WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, Odnoklassniki, etc.);
also SMS interception;
recording the environment over time;
Creating screenshots by time;
control your phone using special commands;
and many other useful features.
Just look at the entire list of program features. No other “program” for tracking a phone has such wide functionality. This is why most users choose VkurSe mobile spy. The program was created not only to monitor and find the location of the phone, but first of all, it is one of the methods of parental control, as well as protecting the phone from theft, increasing employee productivity, finding the device if lost, and much more. See for yourself by downloading the VkurSe phone tracking app.
Lockout Security & Antivirus (Android/IOS)

Lockout has been developing security solutions for mobile devices against malware and theft for several years now. The company's specialists are constantly reworking existing approaches to make them more effective. This phone tracker is an entire system that protects your device. After a simple registration, the user will have access to several functions.

You can, for example, track the location of the device, trigger a loud alarm, remotely restore and delete data, and lock the device from a distance. All these actions are performed on the website. In this case, even if the phone is turned off or the program is deleted, its location at the time of last activity will be sent. As an antivirus, this application, like many other programs for tracking the location of a phone, searches for and removes viruses, blocks malicious sites and prohibits the downloading of unknown files.
Android Lost Free This one deserves attention too free program

to track your phone. To work with it, registration is also required, after which the google-key of the device is sent to the server. It offers a lot of functions, but let's look at the most interesting of them. First, the program can turn on the screen and the siren sound at the highest volume. Moreover, it will scream even if the phone is in silent mode. You can also set the vibration activation time. Secondly, the application sends the device coordinates, linking them to Google Maps . If the GPS module does not work or is turned off, the coordinates will be calculated using. This means that Android Lost Free is a program for tracking a phone by number. Although even a disabled GPS sensor can be turned on by going to a special section on the website. In addition, the program allows you to view up to 50 recent messages. She can even hide herself in the list installed applications, and this is a strong advantage. You can lock your device by setting a PIN code, delete data from a memory card, reset your smartphone, and much more.

FlexiSPY (Android/IOS)
And this is another phone tracking program that is designed to not only track mobile devices, but also conduct wiretapping and video surveillance. After its installation, messages are intercepted, applications are analyzed, and the location is determined.

All this is sent to your personal account for further research. The program has a number of remote functions, such as turning on the microphone, launching the camera, sending messages, etc. You can even listen to telephone conversations that are intercepted in real time. FlexiSPY phone tracking software can intercept chat from almost any instant messenger (Viber, Skype, Whatsapp, etc.). Allows you to access the history of calls and SMS messages, bookmarks, calendar, notes and address book. True, it is paid, at least for Apple devices.

Where's My Droid
And finally, another program for tracking your phone (Android). If the device is lost, it allows you to send an SMS message to it, which will turn on the signal.

With another message you can receive the coordinates where the device is located. By the way, you can also manage a lost smartphone through the web interface. Thus, you can expand the functionality of the application. For example, to avoid unauthorized changes, a password lock is provided. And when changing the SIM card, the user will definitely receive a notification. Even more possibilities this program It can provide phone tracking if you install the Pro version. Then you can take photos with your camera, lock your phone, and delete any applications and data so that they don’t fall into the hands of intruders.

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1 year 10 months back by Grigor

Grigor replied to the topic Android tracking software, Top 10 spyware on Android

Spyware for Android for tracking a subscriber or listening to conversations - how to find and install

Applications and special programs on smartphones are increasingly used by us in everyday life. We get used to using them to make purchases, conduct financial transactions, and communicate with friends around the world. If there is a need to further monitor your child’s social circle, listen to the conversations of company employees or family members, you will need a spy program for Android or iOS, which can be easily downloaded and installed on your smartphone. It will be useful for monitoring children, the elderly, household staff or employees.
What is spyware

To use the phone monitoring service you need personal registration on the program developer's website. When registering, you must remember your login and password to enter the service, confirm your phone number or address Email. Spy programs differ from each other in their control functions and the types of presentation of information “taken” from the monitored device to you. This could be a screenshot, a table of calls, SMS, call recordings. The program for spying on an Android phone must be downloaded, installed, and activated on the smartphone secretly from the user.
Types of Spyware

Smartphone remote control programs are divided into the following types:

Tracking user activity in instant messengers WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook, VK;
remote control of a video camera or microphone on a device for real-time monitoring;
control of your own and others’ SMS and voice messages;
wiretapping calls;
determining the location of the controlled device.


Spy functions

By monitoring a smartphone, the spy program for Android implements the functions of tracking and logging all actions of the object. Having collected information, depending on the type of functions you have chosen, on your smartphone or computer via the Internet, the utility will provide the opportunity to receive data:

Log of incoming, missed, outgoing calls of subscribers with their names, duration of the conversation;
audio recordings of telephone conversations;
list and texts of all SMS, mms messages with the time of their receipt or dispatch;
photo and video information captured by the spy camera of the controlled device;
current location of the subscriber with online tracking of movements using geolocation using GSM operator base stations or GPS navigation;
history of visiting smartphone browser pages;
accounting of downloaded, installed, used applications;
sound control of the environment using remote control microphone.

Spyware for Android

Among the range of spy programs offered are free utilities, which, when analyzed and verified, turn out to be ineffective. To obtain high-quality information, it is necessary to spend money on collecting and storing photo, video, and audio information. After registering on the developer’s website, the client receives a personal account indicating the connected control functions and the collected information.

A paid mobile phone wiretapping program for Android is being developed taking into account the need to satisfy the most demanding customers in several respects:

Easy to install;
invisibility of being on a controlled smartphone;
Convenience for the customer to receive and save collected information.

One of the simplest spy programs for a computer or smartphone is Neospy. NeoSpy Mobile for the Android platform is a legal application that can be downloaded from Google Play. While loading new version NeoSpy Mobile v1.9 PRO with installation, downloading the apk archive, settings are possible in which the program will not appear in the list Google applications Play, will be able to monitor the smartphone’s keyboard and intercept photos from the camera. The cost of using the program depends on the selected functions and will range from 20 to 50 rubles per day.

Neospy spyware

More serious is the Android phone spy Talklog. Before installing it on your smartphone, you will need to disable your antivirus software. You will need to allow installation of apps from other sources in your phone's security settings. The Talklog service is a full-fledged spy that can obtain almost all the information about the activity of the monitored object. The utility has a free trial mode and several basic free functions. The cost will be from 10 to 50 rubles per day, depending on the functionality you need.

Talklog spyware interface


The spy program for Android Flexispy includes a huge number of ways to access a smartphone - intercepting SMS, mms messages, wiretapping the phone, recording telephone conversations, reading dialogues from 14 internal chats (Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, WeChat, Telegram, etc.) , real-time call interception, listening to the phone's surroundings through the microphone, more than 140 more functions. The cost of using the utility is appropriate - the minimum Premium package will cost you 6,000 rubles for 3 months, the maximum Extreme package will cost you up to 12,000 rubles for 3 months of use.

Flexispy spyware

Mobile Tool

MobileTool spy app for operating system Android will provide you with information about calls, SMS, MMS, phone location, phone book. It can remove its shortcut from the list of applications. You will have access to the following functions: viewing photos, protecting against theft by locking the device, turning on the siren. All information will be available in your personal account on the application website. There is a two-day trial mode to test the functionality; discounts depend on the period of use. The average payment for using the utility will be about 30 rubles per day.

Spy app MobileTool

Mobile Monitoring

Mobile spy for Android Mobile Monitoring (mobile monitoring) after registering on the site, selecting tariff plan and payment will make it possible to save telephone conversations, the voice recorder function, save all SMS messages, geolocate the phone’s location, and build travel routes. The program works on any smartphone mobile operators Russia. The cost when choosing only geolocation will be 800 rubles for 3 months, full functionality – 1550 rubles for 3 months, with a 40% discount when paying annually.

Mobile Monitoring Utility

How to install spyware on your phone

Installing a mobile spy begins with registering via the Internet on the manufacturer’s website, choosing a tariff plan, and paying for services. Then a link is provided that must be entered into the smartphone browser to download the program. Some spy programs for Android are available through Google Play and can be downloaded like regular applications. When installing and activating the program, you will need permission to access all the smartphone functions necessary for its operation. You may need permission to use programs that are obtained from unknown sources.
How to detect spyware on Android

Most spy programs for Android have the function of masking their presence on a smartphone. They can exclude themselves from the list of applications and not show their activity during periods of using the phone. Many people can detect such software antivirus programs. To protect yourself from spyware and malware, you should get into the habit of running a full phone scan once a week or setting it up to run automatically on a schedule. The main signs of such programs running on your phone may be:

Mobile phone slowdown;
rapid battery drain;
unjustified consumption of Internet traffic.

Smartphone and battery


Reading time: 6 min

In this review, we will tell you about 6 popular spyware programs for your computer/laptop, and also tell you how to protect yourself from them.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to control the actions of a person using a computer without his knowledge. This need may be for a company manager who wants to check whether his employees spend their time effectively while sitting at a PC. Or a jealous spouse will want to make sure that his other half has not developed an unwanted hobby on the Internet. Also, caring parents will want to detect their child’s bad habits in time and react to it in advance.

For such an issue, a solution is provided in the form of spyware, which allows them to be absolutely legally installed on user devices. The operating principle of these utilities is to secretly collect, analyze user actions on the computer, and provide data results. It is worth noting that there is a fine line between legal use and malicious espionage using these programs, perhaps determined only by the internal motive for their use.

Neo Spy

The Neo Spy developers have worked hard to expand the functionality of this program as much as possible. The list of available functions, even in the free version, will satisfy the most demanding user. What spying features are available:

  1. Monitoring the user’s computer activity, startup time and duration of programs.
  2. The "keylogger" function reads the order of keystrokes and then saves them to a file. The document displays everything that the user typed - correspondence, passwords, entered data.
  3. Screenshots of the monitor are another opportunity to detail information about the user’s work. Standard settings allow you to take 1 image every 12 seconds (acceptable minimum 1.2 seconds), while drawing the behavior of the cursor. Online screen viewing is also available.
  4. Connect to a webcam if the Internet is available. This is an excellent opportunity for security functions, parental control, and monitoring the actions of service personnel.
  5. Reports on sites visited by the user.
  6. Tracking the GPS coordinates of the device (laptop, smartphone, tablet) on which Neo Spy is installed. This option will allow you to know at any time the location of your loved ones or employees. If the device is stolen, its location can be tracked, and the thief's face can be photographed or recorded on video.

This is only partial functionality of one of the best spy programs, according to users. According to the strong recommendations of the Neo Spy developers, when establishing control over employees, the latter must be notified. This is done for ethical reasons, of course. Prices, depending on the version, range from 820-1990 rubles.

Advantages of Neo Spy:

  • wide functionality;
  • Russified interface;
  • absolutely hidden mode of operation.

Real Spy Monitor

Using this program, you can monitor the active activities of the user, monitoring and receiving reports on the actions performed. Since this utility can also block a number of actions, it is ideal for use with parental controls.

The downside is the display of the program process in the task manager and the relative high cost of the paid version. Since Real Spy Monitor has an English-language user interface, this may also seem like a disadvantage to some.

Real Spy Monitor features:

  1. Working in "keylogger" mode.
  2. Report on running programs and documents.
  3. Saving the user's complete correspondence in instant messengers.
  4. Saving screenshots.

Actual Spy

Actual Spy is essentially a keylogger that provides the ability to collect basic necessary information. Thanks to this program, and the fact that its activity on the device is completely hidden, you can carry out surveillance absolutely anonymously.

Since the utility can work in normal and hidden modes, it is necessary to make settings to completely hide it. The program may not appear in running processes and may not attract attention, remaining completely unnoticed.

Main features of Actual Spy:

  1. Track keystrokes and clipboard contents.
  2. Data about the startup and shutdown of applications and programs.
  3. Report on pages visited in the browser.
  4. Systematic saving of screenshots.


A spy program designed to monitor and track the actions of a PC user. Its operation is based on the principle of reading keystrokes. However, in addition to this, the utility contains a number of functions useful for managers, parents and jealous spouses.

List of SpyGo features:

  1. Reading passwords from any services (mail, social networks, dating sites) using a keylogger.
  2. Monitoring and full report of web page visits.
  3. Recording what is happening on a PC monitor.
  4. Online tracking using a webcam.
  5. Listening to what is happening within the radius of use of the device.

In addition to the free option, which allows you to monitor only 20 minutes a day, the developers offer to purchase paid versions SpyGo. The price range ranges from 1980-3750 rubles. The program is suitable for Windows versions XP, 7, 8, Vista.


The program in its functionality has the entire list of capabilities necessary for tracking and collecting information from a computer. However distinctive feature Snitch is the ability to work effectively even if the tracking or monitored modules do not have a static IP address. This allows you to use the utility even in the absence of an Internet connection. The program is easy to use, does not consume large PC resources, but is very effective.

Benefits of Snitch:

  1. The program functions even without Internet access.
  2. Reading text by keystrokes (correspondence, passwords).
  3. Browser page traffic report.
  4. Analysis of information on the clipboard.
  5. Completely hidden installation mode.
  6. Small program requirements do not slow down the device at all.

The program is developed in a single version and is operational immediately after registration. At the same time, you don’t need to do anything to get started. presets.

Ardamax Keylogger

Another utility designed to read information from pressed keys is Ardamax Keylogger. Lightweight and easy to use, the program will save data entered in the windows of any programs, browsers, forms, and provide a detailed report on correspondence, passwords, and requests. Thanks to a special stealth mode, the program is not displayed in the task manager, Windows startup folders, system tray and Start menu.

Features of Ardamax Keylogger:

  1. Reading of typed texts from all forms, including popular instant messengers.
  2. Completely invisible operating mode.
  3. Visual surveillance with the ability to take screenshots and photographs.
  4. Sound recording of what is happening using a microphone.

The developers offer to download trial version for reference. If the client wants to purchase full version, it will cost him $48.96.

How to protect yourself from spyware

The above spyware is a tool that can be used both for the benefit of people and for the harm. If parents want to protect their child from visiting malicious sites and use the program in order to respond to danger in time, this is a good motive. The use of keyloggers by business managers to monitor employees is also used to benefit the business. Although the developers strongly recommend notifying employees about installing this software on their PC.

It is unlikely that anyone would want to be watched without his knowledge. Even those who install similar programs on others’ devices. You need to know that all programs of this type classified as spyware viruses. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of attackers yourself and not to lose personal data, you need to install an antivirus on your computer that is tailored to recognize spyware and keyloggers. For example Spyware Terminator or Super Anti Spyware.

4.7 (93.33%) 3 votes.

The computer tracking program that I will talk about in this article is unique in its kind, as it has many advantages that its competitors do not have. It's called Expert Home 4. Here's what's so special about this tool:

  • The program is completely free and works without any restrictions.
  • Interface, help and support in Russian.
  • Combines many tracking functions.
  • It works in invisible mode and is launched using a password and secret key combination.
  • Allows you to encrypt received reports and send them over the Internet.
  • The antivirus will not complain.

This computer tracking program is really very interesting and worthy of attention. So, fewer words, let's get down to business!

Expert Home 4 - computer monitoring program

After downloading the installation file, run it. In the first window you need to select a language and click “Next”.

Then agree to the license and click Next.

Now comes the fun part. The computer tracking program will open using a secret key combination consisting of four keys. The first three are Ctrl + Shift + Alt, and the fourth you set yourself. This can be any letter that can be selected from the list.

In the same window there is a field in which you need to enter a password, which will be requested after entering the secret key combination.

After selecting a letter and entering a password, click Next.

Check that all data is correct and click “Install”.

Wait until the installation of Expert Home 4 is completed, and in the last window, click the “Close” button. All! The program has already started working and monitors all user actions. As you will notice, there are no traces of the program running.

To launch a computer monitoring program and view its report, you need to enter a secret key combination. After this, a window will appear in which you should write down the password you created during installation. And then you will see the program interface - the Expert Home 4 control center. It consists of two sections - “Reports” and “Advanced”.

Let me first look at the “Reports” section:

Keyboard. This is a keylogger, that is, here is a report of every key pressed on the keyboard. You can see what the user wrote and in what program. It is possible to choose the date of the report.

Screenshots. The computer tracking program periodically takes hidden screenshots of the screen and you can view them here. It is also possible to select the archive date. In addition, you can manage screenshots using the buttons below.

Programs. Displays which programs were launched and when. You can see the program title, the name of the executable file and other data useful for analysis.

Nutrition. Here you can analyze when the computer was turned on and off.

Activity. The activity of computer users is displayed.

Now I’ll look at the “Advanced” block, which also consists of several important sections.

Internet monitoring. Computer tracking software allows you to transfer report files over the Internet in encrypted form. They can be viewed in file storage Softex (program developer). That is, reports can be viewed remotely. To get started, click the “Allow remote tracking” button.

There are several dozen spyware/mobile spies that can be remotely installed on a mobile phone in " quiet mode"and spy on its owner without giving away your presence. Previously, it was believed that by adhering to the so-called cybersecurity hygiene, you could reliably protect yourself from such interference in your personal life. However, today even those who avoid risky behavior on the Internet, who use the most modern protection and the most fresh update software.

Thanks to the latest security measures, some mobile spies can be tracked. However, in order to keep these protections up to date, you need to be able to configure them. After all, attackers, just like security providers, do not sit still and make significant efforts to hide their programs from automated systems protection. At the same time, setting up protection becomes more and more difficult over time, and carrying out successful attacks becomes easier. Including because, at the instigation of Western intelligence services, the most modern information Technology today are in the public domain.

There is an opinion that the widely publicized leaks of CIA high-tech toys today are not at all a demarche of Snowden and WikiLeaks, but a controlled leak of information aimed at sending competitors in the “arms race” in a deliberately losing direction; so that they continue to invest time and money in tools that no longer provide a competitive advantage. Cyber ​​operations and infocentric warfare are no longer the key to it. Today, knowledge-centric wars rule the roost, the essence of which boils down to the fact that “people are broken by professionals, not machines.”

Thus, we see today an ever-increasing exponential asymmetry in cybersecurity: attackers are in more favorable conditions than defenders.

Below are several examples of mobile spies that are distributed as legal ones - under the guise of so-called parental control systems and the like. They all hide their actions from the owner of the mobile phone.

Mobile spy FlexiSpy

FlexiSpy. This program is initially classified as a mobile Trojan due to its aggressive behavior; but then it began to behave more softly, and it was removed from the category of mobile Trojans. It allows you to spy on mobile phones and tablets.

Spy for Android and iPhone FlexySpy

Offers about 130 functions, including those that Mspy is equipped with. Among the unique functions: access to the video camera, viewing wallpaper.

Like Mspy, it uses secure account on the Internet - using client-server architecture, with a web interface.

Mobile Spy. Has most of FlexiSpy's features; in addition, it can block applications, install new applications and interact with the control panel in real time user interface mobile phone

Spy for Android and iPhone Mobile Spy
