Scanning and repairing drive freezes. System Repair Removal. Another way is to disable the CHKDSK check

The chkdsk command will be executed automatically whenever you shut down your computer incorrectly. A blue shading display will appear on Windows XP or a black shading display on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 at boot. Simply pressing any key will stop the chkdsk program from checking your hard drive, but when you restart your computer, you will get this message again, since MS Windows still thinks that the drive needs scanning and will always show you the message Scanning a repairing drive (C:): 0% complete until disk check (chkdsk command) has completely scanned your computer. Or sometimes it may be several times to check hard drive to check all drives. Therefore, disabling chkdsk is the best option.

Method: 1 use the chkntfs utility

The chkntfs tool is a utility that is produced by Microsoft to disable disk check (chkdsk command) on specific disks when Windows starts. To use this utility, click Start -> Run -> cmd in the execution line. Make sure that the PROMT (UMK) command is open run as administrator.

If you want to explore disabling disk check (chkdsk command) on the C: drive, use the following commands in the command prompt.

chkntfs /X C:

Just in case you need to turn off the check (chkdsk command) of two or more disks, just continue turning on the disks:

chkntfs /X C:D:E:F:

This command will disable the check − chkdsk command) on drives C, D, E and F.

If you want to restore what you have done, this is to enable automatic check disks, just do next command.

chkntfs /D

This will restore all drives for automated hard checks disk.

Method: 2 via registry

To disable automatic disk check when booting Windows through the registry, go to the registry:

Use keyboard shortcuts to open the registry editor -> press the keys on your keyboard: Windows + R and enter the command regedit

In the registry editor, section Hkey_local_machine ->system -> currentcontrolset -> control -> session Manager

On the right side of the window, click Bootexecute.

By default, the key will be reported to the autochk program *

*implies each disk is checked for integrity. Just turn /K:S To the end to *. The /K key will disable auto-check on drive C: when Windows startup. So the values ​​look like this.

autocheck autochk /k:C *

If you need to turn on more drives, the key should resemble this: (turn off C, D, E, F and drive)

autocheck autochk /k:C /k:D */k:E /k:F *

If you need to restore everything to default just change the default key i.e

autocheck autochk *

If you have any other query related to the same topic, let me know and I will answer you.

Some of Windows users 10 may experience an inability to boot their operating system and a “Scanning and repairing drive” message. After this, nothing may happen for a long time, the indicated inscription may hang without any changes, and rebooting the system returns it to exactly the same state. In this material I will tell you how to fix Scanning and repairing drive on, explain the essence of this message, and also list the steps that need to be taken to correct the situation.

What is Scanning and repairing drive

To understand that this is a Scanning and repairing drive, you must first refer to the translation of this message. As you can see, we are talking about “ scanning and fixing your hard drive» (or any of its subsections) on which the system detected errors. The latter arise for various reasons - from the gradual “shedding” of the hard drive due to physical wear and tear to a banal failure and the harmful effects of some programs (including viruses).

Therefore, at the beginning of booting, the system launches a toolkit to check the hard drive for errors, which can take considerable time, and the user may assume that the system is simply frozen, although this is not at all the case.

How to fix Scanning and repairing drive on Windows 10

So, how to eliminate Scanning and repairing drive? You need to do the following:

To do this, in a command prompt running as an administrator, run the command:

chkdsk C: /f /r (if the problem drive is C). Wait for the verification process to complete and restart your computer, the system should boot without problems;

Another way is to disable the CHKDSK check

An option to fix the Scanning and repairing drive is to disable the CHKDSK check at system startup. If you were able to log into the operating system, then do the following:

  1. Go to the system registry (click on the “Start” button, type regedit in the search bar and press enter);
  2. Go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager and set the BootExecute parameter value to “autocheck autochk /k:C /k:D *” (without quotes), remembering to confirm the changes;
  3. Now the CHKDSK utility will not check drives C and D for errors when the system starts (if you only have drive C, then the parameter should be “autocheck autochk /k:C *”).

If you cannot log into the system, use the Windows installation disk when starting the system. The algorithm is as follows:

  • Insert the disc into the DVD (you can also use a bootable flash drive with the installation version of Windows 10);
  • Restart your computer;
  • Go to BIOS and set it to boot from DVD (or flash drive);
  • Boot from our disk, select “ ” in the installation menu that appears, then go to “Diagnostics” - “ Extra options" - "Command line";
  • Click regedit there, the installation environment registry opens;
  • Click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then go up and click on “File” - “Load hive”;
  • In the hard drive that opens, go to Windows directory and go there to the System32\config directory. Select the SYSTEM file, click on “Open”, in the “Partition name” sign that appears, enter any name (for example, name);
  • Click on ControlSet001, then on Control, look for the Session Manager subsection, in which we find the BootExecute parameter and there we enter the value “autocheck autochk /k:C /k:D *” (without quotes);
  • Click “Ok”, select the name of the subsection we created, click “File”, and then “Unload hive” and confirm by clicking on “Yes”;
  • We reboot our computer, this can effectively help in the problem of “how to fix Scanning and repairing drive” on the computer.”

You can see how it looks visually in the video:


Above, I answered the question of what to do with the Scanning and repairing drive on Windows 10, described the reasons for the appearance of this message, and also explained how to fix this dysfunction. In most cases, the initiators of the appearance of this message are some kind of malfunction on the hard drive, and to get rid of the latter, you need to run the hard drive with the CHKDSK utility or even disable disk checking at system startup. At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that activating CHKDKS does not happen just like that, so I recommend letting the utility do its work and conduct a full check of your hard drive, this can ensure stable and reliable operation of your system in the future.

« System Repair" is computer virus which pretends to be a diagnostic and repair program and claims to have several hard drives errors have been detected on your computer. If you try to repair these issues HDD, System Repair will claim that you need to buy its full version before he can do so. System Repair is a fake HDD scanner that displays various imaginary hard drive errors, hoping to scare PC users into purchasing the full version. When this crook gets into the user's computer, he will change settings and registry entries in the operating system and install himself for automatic start every time the system starts, In addition

System Repair Virus is working

System Repair will hide the user's desktop icons and Start menu items. Such deception is used to make the situation appear that one computer has serious HDD related issues. Please note that System Repair does not remove any of the users computer files - it hides them. This HDD Scanner is rogue and looks like a fake antivirus programs, however, it uses slightly different tactics by forcing computer users to pay for it's full version - while fake antivirus programs pretend to detect various viruses and Trojans, System Repair pretends to identify various hardware problems, both types of rogue software hope computer users will fall for such alerts and will pay for their full versions in order to fix their computers.

If you see System Repair on your computer, you can be sure that your computer is infected with HDD Rogue Scanner - ignore all warning messages and statements about potential data loss - it's a scam. The right way Treatment System Repair is the elimination of your computer.

System Repair Virus bogus scan results

Besides the bogus scan results that System Repair will damage your display, other bogus security alerts are designed to trick you into thinking that your hard drive is failing or has become. These messages may include:

Hard drive boot sector reading error System blocks were not found Error while relocating TARE sectors Error 0 – DATA_BUS_ERROR Error 0×00000078 – INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE Error 0×00000050 – PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA The storage device has failed a self-test The self-test procedure of the storage device has detected an irreparable errors. SMART state is “Out of order” before the disk scan

In fact, reported no real questions and their only goal is to scare you into thinking your hard drive is failing, so you will buy this scam security product.

As part of its self-defense mechanism, System Repair disabled Windows System utilities, including task manager and registry editor, and will block the launch of certain programs that could lead to its uninstallation.
This rogue antivirus has also changed your associations Windows files, and now when you try to open the program, System Repair will block this action and display a fake notification that will tell you that the file is damaged or missing.

Windows detected a hard drive problem. A hard drive error occurred while starting the application. Windows cannot find iexplore.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search.

Additionally, to make its warning seem more credible, System Repair has changed the desktop background to solid black. hidden files and folders and remove your Windows shortcuts. If your computer is infected with the System Repair virus, then it is important that you do not delete all files from Temp folders or use any system maintenance tools. This is because when the infection is installed it will delete shortcuts found in various places and store backups of which are in the folder %Temp%smtmp.

If your computer is infected System Repair virus, then you see the following screens:

How did I get the System Repair virus?

System Repair is distributed through Trojans, malicious websites, and drive-by downloads. To protect your computer from such malware, you should always use legitimate antivirus and antispyware programs. Don't forget that updating your computer's operating system and all your installed software dramatically reduces the chances of security issues. System Repair fake system optimizer comes from a family of scams called Rogue.FakeHDD, previously these options were called file recovery and data recovery. Please note that none of the error messages that are shown in this software are real – use the provided removal guide and eliminate this scam from your PC.

Fake error messages generated by System Repair:

Windows detected a hard disk problem A potential disk failure may cause loss of files, applications and documents stored on the hard disk. Please try not to use this computer until the hard disk is fixed or replaced. Scan and fix (recommended) Cancel and reboot Hard Drive Failure — The system has detected a problem with one or more installed IDE/SATA hard disks. It is recommended that you restart the system. Your computer is in critical state. Hard disk error detected. As a result it can lead to hard disk failure and potential loss of data. It is highly recommended to repair all errors found to prevent loss of lives, applications and documents stored on your computer. Hard drive boot sector reading error — During I/O system initialisation, the boot device driver might have failed to initialise the boot device. File system initialization might have failed because it did not recognize the data on the boot device. System block were not found — This has most likely occurred because of hard disk failure. This may also lead to a potential loss of data.

System Repair removal:

Wait for System Repair to finish its hard drive fake scan, click the “Repair 7 questions” button, in the window that opens, select “I already have an activation code. Click here to activate" and enter this information (use one of the registry provided):

Activation key:

By entering this information you will make the removal process from System Repair less complicated - this rogue software will think that you have already paid for full version and will stop the generation of fake messages, allow your software to work, etc. Please note that entering a checked registry will not remove System Repair from your computer - use the button below to download the recommended anti-spyware software, install it and run it full scan system completely remove this scammer from your PC.

scanning and repairing drive with Windows 10: what to do? If, when Windows boots, it writes: scanning and repairing drive, and the letter of the drive it is working with, it means that an error has crept into the logical volume. Insignificant and, most likely, correctable, or maybe the disk has begun to crumble, then it’s worse.
In any case, if such a problem happened once, you just need to wait until the system completes the fix, and that’s it. You can, of course, skip by pressing any key when such an inscription (skip) appears, but then the system will not try to correct the errors and this will not solve the problem. You only need to skip it if the computer freezes during the scan. If the check appears frequently or constantly, it means that Windows cannot cope, and you need to try your hand.
Main. You cannot disable the chkdsk check (this is what works, scans and tries to restore) - this will eliminate the symptom, but the problem will remain, there will still be something wrong with the disk. So we decide.
Look at the drive letter that the system is trying to fix. If this is not the one on which Windows is installed, then simply follow the steps described below sequentially until one of the methods helps. If the problems are system disk, - pre-boot into safe mode(I already made a video on how to do this).
Now the ways. The first one is elementary.
1. Open Explorer (Win+E).
2. Find the disk that the system is complaining about and click on it right click mice.
3. In the opened context menu select Properties.
4. Go to the Tools tab and click the Check area button Check for errors.
5. In the window that appears, click on the Check disk button, or even Check and repair disk, and wait.
6. When everything is finished, click the Close button.
If it doesn't help, the second one is a little more complicated.
1. Open a command prompt as Administrator.
2. In the window that opens, enter the command chkdsk (drive_letter_with_colon, for example, C:), space /F /R and press Enter.
3. If this system partition, then press Y and Enter, then the disk check will be performed the next time you reboot.
Alternative way.
1. Open PowerShell as Administrator.
2. In the window that opens, enter the command Repair-Volume –DriveLetter Drive_letter (for example, C, note, without a colon at the end)) and press Enter.
3. Wait for the process and results to complete, then type Exit and press Enter to leave the console.
If all this does not help, you can connect the hard drive to another PC and check it there as a non-primary volume, you can, of course, try multiboot flash drives with third-party software like Victoria or mHDD, you can hack proprietary utilities, but personally, it helped me reliably fix the system partition one and only way.
1. Create a bootable flash drive or bootable Windows disk 10. Exactly Windows 10, with earlier versions It seems like everything is fine, but I couldn’t fix it.
2. Boot from the created flash drive or disk, as if you were going to reinstall Windows.
3. On the first screen, click Next.
4. Next click System Restore.
5. Troubleshooting.
6. Enter the same command: chkdsk drive_letter with a colon /F /R (for me it’s chkdsk c: /F /R.
7. Press Enter and wait. It may take a long time to wait, but it should help. To exit command line type Exit and press Enter.
I hope it was useful, eternal spare parts for you!

When you start your computer from any operating system, be it Windows 10 or lower, the user may encounter a black screen displaying Scanning and repairing drive (C:): 0% complete. When this notification appears, a disk scanning process starts, which lasts from a few seconds to an hour, or even more. At the same time, the computer may not complete the check 100%, but may reboot at any time. This error indicates that the hard drive is damaged and requires diagnostics or replacement. Therefore, we will consider all options for solving this problem.

Ways to solve the problem Scanning and repairing drive

If you encounter a black screen and a Scanning and repairing notification driveWindows 10 and you don’t know what to do, we offer the following solutions to the problem.

  • Disconnect the hard drive and connect it to another PC. Run Victoria or any other program to repair hard drives and check the media for bad sectors. Often this problem occurs precisely because the drive is damaged or worn out.
  • If your drive is fairly new, we recommend booting into safe mode (the F8 or Shift+F8 key combinations are for this) and selecting command line support. After the console starts, you should enter the command “chkdsk X: /f /r”, where X is the letter faulty disk, f- correcting errors on the disk, r- searching for damaged sectors and restoring their contents.
  • If the disk check does not produce results, then you should do the following. Go to the UEFI BIOS (if you have such a bootloader) and disable UEFI Security Boot. This is a function that is responsible for the state of the hard disk controller. If the driver for this controller has been updated (and in Windows 10, all components are updated without the user's knowledge) or it does not have digital signature, then the UEFI Security Boot function will block the launch of unverified software and will not allow you to log into the system. Therefore it must be disabled.

It is important to note that these are only those methods that have been tested in practice and have given results. If you are unable to solve the problem, you should contact service center or contact Microsoft Support.
