Spam mailings, we do it right. Bulk mailing: how to avoid getting spam

Postal services are tightening the screws. It is becoming increasingly difficult to send emails from your website without ending up in SPAM. How should you send emails correctly so that they end up in your inbox without going through the SPAM folder?

There are several simple rules, the implementation of which will allow you to correctly send letters or large mailings and at the same time not end up in SPAM for your recipients.

1. Register an SPF record in the DNS of your domain

In the SPF record of your domain (on behalf of which the newsletter is sent, which is in the "Sender" field), you need to indicate the IP address of the server from which your newsletter will physically be sent. If the domain does not have an SPF record, or it does not contain the server’s IP address, the letters will most likely end up in SPAM for your recipients.

You need to register an SPF record on DNS servers, which are listed on your domain.

2. Check the presence of a PTR record and its correctness

It is necessary that the IP address that your server uses (from which the newsletter is sent) has a PTR record registered. And, of course, the value of this PTR record must match the HELO (EHLO) value of your mail server, which is installed on the server and through which you send letters. If you do not have the HELO (EHLO) value set, be sure to set it and write the same value in the PTR record.

3. Use DKIM signing

Be sure to sign all emails you send using DKIM signature. It guarantees that the letter was sent from the exact domain that is specified as the sender.

4. Personalize your newsletter

You don't need to send the same text to all recipients. Insert into the text elements unique for each recipient: Name, Login, E-Mail, any ID. One thing is possible, but the main thing is that the content of the letter is original from the point of view of the entire text together (even if you change only one letter in each letter, it will be different for each recipient, especially if the letters are sent encrypted).

5. Be sure to include a link to unsubscribe from the mailing list in your email.

6. Send emails in batches

There is no need to send thousands of emails per second at once. Each email service has a certain letter limit, which is very easy to exceed and end up permanently blacklisted from senders. As a rule, the normal amount is 1-2 thousand letters per domain per hour (i.e. to,, etc.). Distribute the mailing so as not to exceed this figure.

7. Send emails evenly

There is no need to send all 2 thousand letters to addresses at once within a few seconds. Distribute this amount evenly over an hour. All the same, you will only be able to send the next batch in an hour. And a sharp increase in letters every hour will also arouse suspicion among the postal service.

8. Don't get carried away with links in the text

Too many links in the body of an email can cause the filter to mark the email as spam.

Compliance with these simple recommendations will allow you to be sure that your letters reached their recipients and did not end up in SPAM folders. Naturally, this applies only to legal mailings from good services and to those subscribers who signed up for the newsletter. If you send real SPAM, then even following these recommendations will not save you from the filter.

Many marketers have already buried cold emails as a lead generation method. However, you can still squeeze something out of it. Let's look at the cases in which sending to a cold base can be effective.

Why do emails go to spam?

The main disadvantage of cold mailing is the risk of falling under spam filters. Their working principle guys from UniSender described it well. Spam filters are constantly being improved and scan emails using dozens of different criteria. These are both safe words and domain name sender, and the recipient has double confirmation. Very head of the TimeDigital CRM service Anton Vyborny. In a nutshell, here's why your email might end up in spam:

  • Personal, not corporate email is used
  • Mass mailing is carried out without special services, through the window of an email client
  • The recipients of the letter did not confirm their email via the subscription form (Double Opt-In system)

Bypassing spam filters is actually not difficult. There are automatic mailing services for this. With their help, you can carry out legal mass mailings (more than 50 recipients per letter) to your database, which filters will not regard as spam.

Most services have additional tools increasing conversion. For example, SendPulse has implemented the ability to automatically send unread messages. The user can resend the message with a changed subject after a specified number of days. UniSender offers mailing split testing, which shows the successful and unsuccessful components of the letter. Gamayun makes a series of training materials on sales funnels.

But the task of any mailing is not to break through the sieve of spam filters, but to “reach out” to the addressee, motivate him to make a purchase or other targeted action. This is difficult to do if this is the first time a person hears (or rather reads) about your company.

Why cold emails don't work

Many experts consider this method extremely ineffective in terms of lead generation. His first problem is information pressure on the target audience, which she (the target audience) really doesn’t like.

Cold mailings- This beautiful name for spam. And engaging in spam in 2018 is at least shameful. At our agency, we always explain to potential clients why they should not send letters to those who have not given explicit consent to receive them. Firstly, this quickly leads to a deterioration in email reputation and massive placement in spam by email providers. It is extremely difficult to restore a damaged postal reputation, and in some cases it is simply unrealistic. And secondly, it negatively affects the image of the sending company.

Alexander Subtselny (head MailStep agencies)

The second problem with cold mailings is a low-relevance base. The criteria for selecting contacts are too broad: for example, all VKontakte users between the ages of 20 and 40, or subscribers of a million-plus community.

This can be compared to distributing leaflets advertising the services of a car dealership in a parking lot near a large shopping center. 10% of all motorists in the city drive a car of this brand, but this does not mean that every tenth passer-by needs the services of a salon. The rule of proportions does not work here - 100 people can pass by the promoter, and all of them can be pedestrians or drive cars of other brands. The same goes for internet marketing.

It makes sense to write only to those who might be interested in the product or service. For example, when promoting the services of a lash maker in Rostov, you need to include in the database not all Rostovites aged 18 to 80, but those who subscribe to public pages about beauty and personal care.

The third problem is the bland text. I don’t know how my email ended up in this astrologer’s database, but her newsletters contain all the banalities of the world. The lack of a specific USP, coupled with an obsessive call to action, makes it so tempting to send this email to the Spam folder.

Yes and no. Yes - if you use them as the only method of promoting a product/service and send letters at random. If you write catchy text and filter the base, cold mailing will at a minimum increase the recognition of your product, and at a maximum, it will generate new leads.

Collect the most relevant database

Services for collecting the target audience - parsers - will help you with this. The principle of their operation is well described in.

By the way, now on the Internet you can find a bunch of offers for the sale of ready-made databases for almost any business - from construction companies to manicurists. We do not recommend spending money on this. Such databases are sold more than once and their relevance is extremely low - the recipients have already bought the product/service offered or were stunned by the flow of letters and changed their contact information.

The best option is to order data parsing for a specific task from specialists.

Segment your mailing list

If everyone in the world had the same interests, life would be much easier for marketers. But a 50-year-old man and an 18-year-old girl have completely different needs and expectations. Unisender highlights 6 base segmentation criteria. There are 2 options for cold emails:

By age and gender. Use photographs and images of people in your letter that match the portrait of the addressee.

An example of segmentation by age. The letter on the left is intended for young people, the letter on the right - for older people:

By geography. Mention the addressee's region of residence in the subject line or use photos of local attractions.

If you use automatic mailing services, there will be no problems with segmentation. If the base is narrow and you send letters “manually”, divide your target audience according to the main criteria: gender, age, city of residence. This can even be done in Google Sheets.

Contact the recipient directly

Even if you don't have names in the database. If you start the topic with “Dear Friend” or “Colleague”, the message will no longer be faceless. Try different call options. The Open Rate metric will show which appeal is more trustworthy.

Specify the topic

“Your path to success,” “Summer is here,” and other streamlined phrases irritate people. The subject line should indicate the content of the letter, and not lead away:

Indicate the benefit of the recipient

Don't praise your product. Show how it will benefit the client. This may require analysis of each recipient. There may be fewer recipients, but they will be able to appreciate your offer.

One of the most hated things is when I receive advertising SMS messages on my phone. Especially from companies I have never purchased anything from.

Maybe I just forgot? Unlikely. It’s just that these companies don’t come up with anything smarter than buying someone else’s database and sending messages to them in the hope of quickly increasing sales.

But what makes me even angrier is the spam emails. Is this good or bad, as well as how to send spam mailings (if you decide after reading this), I will tell you in this article.

Mass mailing or ham?

“Spam” (eng. spam) - translated as mass mailing of advertising to make a profit from people who did not agree to receive it.

  1. Spam mailing E-mail;
  2. Spam sending of SMS messages;
  3. Spam mailing on VKontakte;
  4. Viber spam mailing;
  5. WhatsApp spam mailing.


Hormel Foods Corporation (an American company) produces new product- spicy sausage minced pork in cans. The product was called SPiced hAM (spicy ham) or SPAM for short.

Spicy ham SPAM

After the outbreak of World War II in 1939 and the entry of the United States into it, Hormel Foods won a tender to supply the American and Allied armies with these canned foods.

One thing she didn’t calculate was that the war ended quite quickly for the United States and its allies, and therefore the company was left with huge reserves of canned food.

To sell huge reserves, SPAMa companies launched an advertising campaign of unprecedented scale.

The word SPAM and a photo of canned food were literally everywhere (on the radio, on buses, on billboards, on walls, etc.).

SPAM advertising


The world famous show “Monty Python” is filming a sketch. The meaning is not very original and plays on only one situation.

A visitor to a cafe wants to order food, but faces a problem. All dishes in the cafe contain SPAM (that same spicy ham). By the way, here is the same sketch:

It was the guest’s bickering “I don’t like spam!” (I don’t like spam) and “I don’t need spam” (I don’t need spam) and the waitress constantly recommending dishes with spam, and became a reference to the advertising company Hormel Foods, persistently “selling” its canned goods.

By the way, the word Spam was used more than 100 times in the show, which once again reminded people watching it of the annoying meat company commercial.


In one of the first Internet networks, mass mailings of a financial pyramid began, which told how people could earn a lot of money quickly.

It was this moment that solidified in people’s minds the meaning of the word “Spam” as a mailing to which people did not express their consent.

Therefore, now, when you see a photo of a tin can with large letters “SPAM” on the Internet, you know where your legs come from.

Who needs more coverage?

The first thing we need to figure out is whether this method of promoting your product or service is right for you. Maybe the game is not worth the candle, and you will strain yourself and take risks (more on that later).

Image or money

If you are a company that plans to go long and steadily, then know that this advertising method works very poorly for your image.

At the start-up stage, many do not think about the “face of the company”, but if you look at it in the long term, then in the future spam will definitely come back to haunt you negatively.

Because nowadays the amount of noise around is simply prohibitive. Besides, no one likes it when strangers barge into their personal space without asking.

I'll sit here. I'm comfortable

Let me rephrase this topic. If in your field the status (level) of the company does not affect the decision, then spam is suitable for you.

If a person makes the final purchasing decision based on your image, then we can say with certainty that spam will only spoil this image.

Mass market

Of course, with spam, you can make a selection based on dozens of criteria. And this is confirmed by the ability to collect databases on certain individuals.

For example, personal emails heads of organizations in a specific region, or send mailings to people located in a certain location, or companies in a certain area.

But I don’t really believe in an accurate hit, since spam mailing is a “weapon of mass destruction,” that is, it shoots at everyone.

You can order a small database to be parsed according to the criteria you need, but as a result, all people still have different selection criteria. This means they need different offers.

In addition to everything, if you have a product of mass demand, for example, tickets to a Philip Kirkorov concert, then it will be much easier for you, since this star has many more positive fans than negative ones. But again, not a targeted hit.

The numbers don't lie

  1. Average email deliverability is 80%;
  2. Average open rate - 1%;
  3. Average click-through rate (following a link in an email) - 3%;
  4. The conversion rate to a call from an email rarely exceeds 0.1%.

Out of 500 thousand, only 400 reach. Out of 400 thousand, 4 thousand people will open (the best scenario, although I strongly doubt it). Out of 4 thousand, with a conversion of 3%, 120 people will go to the site.

Now add the conversion of the gasket site (well, you understand that sending spam with a direct link to your site is suicide).

Average conversion - 5%. In total, at best, 6 people will reach your site.

You can also use any service like Getresponse, MailChimp, Pechkin.

Outsourcing via SMS messaging

In addition to official sources, there are a lot of other regular services. Any one that allows you to send SMS messages will suit you.

Just keep in mind that now all the big services require you to sign an agreement before you will be given the opportunity to send SMS. Main task contract, in the event of a claim from the FAS, all the blame will be transferred to you.

Services are constantly appearing on the Internet that have not yet received a “kick under...” and allow sending out newsletters without a contract. For avid spammers, these types of “newbies” are a goldmine.

Outsourcing of mailings in social networks and instant messengers

With messengers everything is quite simple. There are companies that provide mailing services.

And they do it according to your criteria. It’s not difficult to find them by simply entering information in a Yandex or Google search.

The problem is that tracking deliverability is almost impossible. You may be deceived and shown a fake report. Therefore, we assemble the database ourselves and insert several of our numbers into the list for testing.

This means that for any action we have a reaction. There are craftsmen who implement spam on a huge scale. But this is a very dangerous business. I repeat.

Small nasty things

When we were young and stupid, and were gaining experience in Internet marketing, we tested different ways attracting clients.

Domain Reputation

We did this first from the email info@in-scale..

And then we wondered for a long time why everything and the contracts that we sent to clients ended up in spam.

And because all mail coming from our domain, mail servers automatically began to be included in spam “for a bad reputation” and “shady dealings”. We spent a long time restoring the domain's reputation, literally with prayers.

Morality. If you send spam, do not mention your domain anywhere.

There is a very high probability that when a domain is mentioned in letters, it will be blacklisted and then you can simply throw it away.

It’s better to create an email similar to your domain, but on a well-known mail server like or

Email deliverability

Everyone wants to know how many emails are delivered or, in professional terms, the percentage of inbox deliverability.

This is done in the following way: a small tracker is installed in the letter, which sends data to the server (a program or spam mailing service), which reads the information and reflects it in statistics.

It is because of this tracker that most popular spam filters mail servers send them to the Spam folder.

Not using such a filter greatly increases the “survival rate” of letters. However, what can you do to know at least some statistics?

Take 5-10 mailboxes(for example, on this site), insert them randomly into the mailing list and after the mailing is completed, calculate the statistics. Yes, it’s quite inaccurate, but at least it’s something.

Briefly about the main thing

The delivery rate of messages using such an advertising channel is no more than 80%, and the conversion to opening does not exceed 5%.

Although, of course, I made a mistake. The conversion rate of spam to email is usually between 1 and 3%.

But you can object and say that instant messengers, social networks and SMS open almost everything. You'd be right.

Then, in this case, calculate the percentage of how many people will read your offer, how many of them will take the target action and generally buy. Most likely this will be an extremely small figure.

Again. This is if we talk about large-scale mailing (at least 10,000 messages).

Most likely, you have already thought about how to quickly launch an email newsletter in your business. And the first thing that usually comes to mind is spamming emails sent to someone else’s database.

I admit that I was prompted to write this article by the fact that I received several such letters this morning. Sometimes I read them to lift my spirits. Sometimes I write in response, saying, “When will you get tired of doing this?” In general, I'm having fun as much as I can)

Yes, I was guilty of this too, but I realized a long time ago that this path, although fast, is not the easiest, and you need to follow it carefully. By the way, this article will contain examples of how other companies, even working with their customer base, still engage in spam. Can you imagine - these guys spend huge budgets on compiling email databases, but 90% of subscribers consider their emails to be spam!

And here we’ll talk about what exactly you should do once you’ve decided to take such a step, and at the end we’ll look at the mistakes that all beginners usually make when sending out spam emails for the first time. What not to do to ensure that your SPAM mailing does not become the last in attracting customers.

So, sit back comfortably and, for starters, let’s figure out what SPAM is in a person’s life and what SPAM is in his email box.

What is SPAM email sending?

In order to understand the nature of SPAM, imagine the situation: you are walking down the street in winter after a hard day at work. Frost, snow, ice. You want to get home quickly through crowds of people just like you returning from work. And then, right in the middle of the road, a young (or not so young) girl hands you a piece of paper with some kind of advertisement.

Or another situation: men approach girls (or women) and try to make acquaintances the way they were taught in seduction courses.

What are the similarities between these situations? It's simple: people who are accosted on the street have a specific reason why they ended up in this place and at this time, and those who are trying to slip a leaflet or want to get acquainted have their own personal goals.

Every person, at every minute of his life, has certain intentions and goals. And if another person approaches us and forces us to change these goals to suit his desires, then this is SPAM.

A typical example is email SPAM mailing. We open our email inbox to read letters that are important to us. They may contain different information: business, personal, educational, but we are waiting for them and agree that they arrive regularly.

Therefore, when we receive an unauthorized letter, we consider it SPAM. This is the essence of this technology. What is it designed for and how does it work? Elementary, on probability theory and statistics.

But let's return to our realities. If a girl tries to give leaflets to a thousand people, then 223 of them will take these leaflets in their hands, and 23 may even read what is written there. If a guy approaches 10 girls on the street, then 2-3 of them will give him their phone number. If you send 100,000 emails, about 1,000 of them will be opened.

Let's figure out why people create SPAM? And not only in email newsletters, but in life in general? The answer is obvious - they think that this is the easiest and shortest way to attention from other people.

However, think about how many of the 223 who took the leaflet will not throw it in the nearest trash can, and how many of the 23 who read the text will call the indicated number? And how many of these 2-3 girls will answer at least the first call, not to mention the second?

Actually it's not best solution, do email SPAM mailings, and here's why. As mentioned above, each person has his own intentions, namely, what he wants to do at one or another second of his time. Those who distribute SPAM usually do not take into account other people's intentions. In this article, we set ourselves the task of teaching you how to send emails in such a way that it does not seem like SPAM. One that will get people to open your emails, click on your links, and ultimately buy your products.

What needs to be done to ensure that your email newsletters do not end up in the SPAM folder? What's the secret?

Secret No. 1: What is the difference between SPAM emails and why are they not opened?

Think about how you rank the emails in your email inbox. How do you assign a particular importance status to a letter. Agree that, in terms of importance, SPAM ranks lowest. How do you decide which emails are classified as SPAM and which are not?

The very first thing you evaluate is the title. It is by the title that you assess the degree of importance of the letter. It is by the header that you decide whether to read the letter or send it to the SPAM folder. In most cases, those who send spam emails write terrible headlines, thereby instantly giving away themselves and their intentions.

Thanks to this, we do not need to read the letter in order to guess the nature of its content. And we send such letters with a clear conscience without looking in the corresponding folder. Here's an example of a spam bin in one of my mailboxes:

We'll talk about headlines a little lower, because this is truly a very problematic topic for most. But let’s say you decided that the letter was worthy of your attention and opened it for reading. The next factor that will influence the decision is the first paragraph. He is the one who plays the most important role. But even here, spammers constantly make a mistake - they put the same meaning in the first paragraph as in the title.

It is in the first paragraph that you decide whether to read the letter to the end or not. And if he doesn’t interest you, then you simply close this letter and forget about its existence, at the same time unsubscribing from the one who sent it to you. But let’s say you became interested and read the letter to the end. Look, while I was writing these lines, the following example arrived in my email:

The main mistake in the example above is the one that, in most cases, ruins the conversion of spam emails: the authors are not interested in how relevant the subject line of the email is to your current situation. It’s clear that the hype (excuse the slang) around cryptocurrency is very loud, but personally I don’t care how much Bitcoin costs now, whether it’s rising or falling. But for some reason they decided that I was their target audience. This is still a normal example of a letter, because the topic is really in demand.

But does this letter solve my pain, the one with which I woke up this morning? More likely no than yes. By the way, this is a very good test if you decide to send mail to someone else’s email database. How many people do you think wake up in the morning and think about the problem you solve? You can watch the video for more details about this:

In other words, if we are offered to buy, for example, concrete or roller blinds, with a 50% discount, and our wisdom tooth hurts in the morning and needs to be removed urgently, then the conversion of spam mailings in this case will be zero.

Secret No. 2: What should not be done when sending spam?

It turns out that to create a cool spam email campaign, it is important to know all the nuances that we discussed above. How we, the recipients of emails, determine that an email is spam. And, only then, you need to intelligently work on your actions in order not to make stupid and predictable mistakes. Shall we begin?

  1. Email header. There is no need to write your proposal (offer) directly in the title. There are still those who manage to write headlines like this: “DIVINE FRAGRANCES! All for 299 UAH!”, “Up to 70% discount on perfumes”, “GET A BEAUTY PROFESSION! 50% discount on the “Be Your Own Makeup Artist” course. Why would a recipient open an email with such a header? If you are one of these spammers, stop doing this immediately!
  2. First paragraph. He's playing main role whether the recipient reads your letter to the end or not. Many spammers don't think about the importance of this part of the letter. What do we see in the end? The first paragraph duplicates the content of the title. The reader immediately becomes simply not interested. And our task is precisely to interest people!
  3. Text of the letter. It should not contain non-specific information. Such as: “A bracelet made of this stone allows you to look younger. Become Healthier, More Beautiful and Younger.” You must write interesting copy that clearly shows a measurable benefit to your potential client!
  4. Target audience. Aim more accurately! Don’t blindly buy email databases to send out your unique offer. If you are already engaged in spam, then make sure that the subject of the mailing is at least approximately relevant to your target audience.

It seems so simple, but most spammers don’t even think about doing anything differently. Moreover, some of them gather their base legally, spend large budgets on promotion, but do not know how to work with the target audience at all and therefore end up in spam.

How can you make sure that your newsletter reaches exactly those people who need it, how can you learn to accurately “hit” your target audience? We will examine this problem in the following paragraphs. For now, just consider these four steps that can take your spam mailing to someone else's email list to the next level.

Secret #3: How to write an email with a high open conversion rate?

Let’s move on, as information businessmen like to say, to the “meat” of our topic. Let's try to figure out what needs to be written in the headings and body of the letter. These are the things you need to learn to do on your own if you really want to achieve efficient work with someone else's email database.

Let me show you a screenshot of one of the companies from which I ordered lead generation with payment for results:

When our contract expired and they wanted to enter into a new contract to attract clients to my business, I asked for screenshots of statistics on their work with email newsletters. When I saw these numbers, the whole darkness of the universe flashed before my eyes.

In response, I sent them my email statistics. Yes, the subscription base is young, yes, I have been working with it not so long ago, but just look at the opening and click statistics:

I’m showing all this just so you can clearly see that you can trust me when it comes to creating email newsletters. What's the first thing that catches your eye? That's right - the title! Do you still doubt that letters with the headings: “Are you serious?...” or “And again the same eternal question...(briefly about the main thing)” will be opened more often than if you write: “ROLLER ROLLER ROLLERS AT THE LOWEST PRICES!”?

We create a headline with a high response rate for opening emails

There are a number of points in writing a headline that we will not discuss in this article, but you can learn more on this topic in our free material . Go ahead and download. Now I offer you 10 examples of what a headline should look like. Take it and copy it to your spam email!)

Examples of headers for emails:

  1. If I had known this was possible, I would have done everything differently
  2. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (mystery solved)
  3. I knew too much... (so one of my friends said)
  4. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized (epiphany of the year)
  5. Where dreams lead... (not about the film)
  6. Who's new? (what the pros are silent about)
  7. What is behind “successful success”? (revelation of an information businessman)
  8. Why do people always make this mistake? (goals that will not come true)

These examples worked for me. They are universal. In most cases, the open rate of emails was about 50%, even to a cold (unfamiliar) audience. Briefly, the algorithm for composing such headings is as follows:

  1. In the first part, you write a subject line, but come up with a title as if you were about to create your own television show.
  2. In the second part you add an amplifier. This is either a question mark, or, in parentheses and/or quotes, we add a cool trigger, hook)

Writing an intriguing first paragraph

If you want to know how I achieved 11% of clicks on my link, then here is the letter that I sent to the database:

It should be admitted that this is a database I personally collected (suffered through hard work). If you are already engaged in email marketing, then you know that even within your own database, an opening rate of 4-5% is considered a high figure.

Is there a recipe for the first paragraph? It's actually simple - you should describe the first part of your catchy headline in more detail. Let me give you an example:

Heading: “I knew too much... (so one of my friends said)”

First paragraph: “Yes, my friend really knew a lot. And, with enviable regularity, he reminded me of this. Especially on Friday evenings, when his knowledge, under the influence of alcohol fumes, tried to get out and cause irreparable harm to someone.

At these moments, I always remembered one old and hackneyed phrase: “If you are so smart, then why are you so poor.” And guess what? Over the years, I realized that there is no direct connection between knowledge and wealth expressed in money. That's why...

I don’t know about you, but situations have arisen in my life when…”

Next we describe the person’s pain, and at the end - your unique proposal. I repeat, if you want to learn in more detail how to write such headlines, then follow the link above. The material is absolutely free.

Now let's move on to the most important thing. What to do if you need to order a spam email newsletter? And exactly one that will reach your target audience?

Secret No. 4: Where to order “legal” SPAM mailings?

Okay, you say. Our masterpiece letter is ready. Where can I get an email database?

First, we look for catalogs. Cleaning companies, cleaning companies SEO promotion, design studios, furniture showrooms, it doesn’t matter. Based on who your target audience is, you either buy these databases from catalogs, or collect your own database of email addresses yourself.

However, if you manually create such a database, you will waste a lot of personal time and energy. Often we cannot afford such expenses. And simply buying a database from “cataloguers” will also have low efficiency. It often contains outdated data and out-of-date addresses.

There is another way.

There are services (let's call them that) that specialize in collecting a database suitable for you. They work not entirely legally, but they do not break any laws. What's the point? You come to them and order a base from them for your tasks. Let's say you need managers of dental clinics or pet owners.

It is with this task that you come to these services. And there the guys decide whether they can help you or not. How do they work? Using special services, they “parse” and read the database of those people who left their data on sites related to your topic. The main thing is that these sites have forms for their clients to leave their email addresses.

The topic of parsing is quite slippery, but it works. And not only in email spam mailings, but also in setting up advertising on social networks, and in teaser advertising, et cetera.

I will not give a list of such services here, Google will help you, however, if someone already has some experience of interacting with such “men in black”, then write in the comments which of them coped with the task and you liked service plan. I think this will be useful for other readers.

Now you need to select a service to which you can delegate the mailing task. You can't do all this manually, right? There are a lot of services, I personally used two, but if you have already interacted with similar ones, please recommend them in the comments. Because the ones I used leave much to be desired.

And here we come to the most important thing...

Secret #5: The main secret of email spam

When I was asked this question for the first time, I answered without hesitation: the main secret of spam mailing is that in the letter you, under no circumstances, make sales!

Yes, yes. The emails you write to boost sales should not contain a single word about sales!

Because in the body of the letter we can write a maximum of 5 short paragraphs. It should take no more than 3 minutes to read. And if you try to cram all the details of your unique offer into the text, then most likely the letter will not be read to the end.

  1. Use a headline to get your email opened
  2. Use the first paragraph to interest
  3. Use the rest of the text to stir up interest

Now, after understanding this point, compare your texts with the headings that I showed from my SPAM folder and screenshots of the client acquisition company.

Now don't these statistics seem strange to you? Why should we open an email that says: “Up to 70% discount on perfumes”? And so everything is clear, there is no point in opening it, and even in reading this message.

Finally, a few tips for those beginners who are just learning the basics email marketing and is about to make his first spam mailing.

To begin with, the most important piece of advice is to think about whether it’s worth doing mailings using “black” methods? I'm serious. As practice shows, collecting your own email database is much more difficult than buying someone else’s or one generated by scraping. But “your” base pays off much better than if you work with an audience that doesn’t know you at all.

Personally, I am against spam. But if you didn’t listen to my first advice, then here are thoughts that will definitely help you in creating your first spam email campaign:

  1. You can expect good performance if you target a very narrow audience. For example, directors of furniture enterprises in the Moscow region.
  2. Do not use so-called “personification” in your letters. This is the case when we can insert code that automatically substitutes the username of the email address. Why not? Firstly, you are absolutely not familiar with him, and secondly, it is very rare for anyone to indicate their real names upon consent to the newsletter.
  3. Don't sell directly! Although yes, we have already talked about this. But maybe you forgot)
  4. When you send out a newsletter, make one letter with several different headings just before launching. This will help you bypass spam filters. postal services. Such a function should be on the resources from which you will send your spam emails.
  5. Before you buy a base and write an email with your offer, think about this: how many people in the real physical world have already bought your product? I'm serious. If you couldn’t make at least 10 sales to real people, then email marketing definitely won’t help you! Remember that the Internet is only a tool that helps make your offer more attractive to as many people in the world as possible. No more.

By the way, if you don’t know the difference between a cold audience and a hot one, I highly recommend it. In addition, in it you will find several more traffic sources that you have not yet paid attention to. What if it turns out that you don’t need spam emails at all?

With this thought, allow me to complete the permitted speeches. If you found this article useful, then don’t be lazy to like using the buttons social networks and share with your friends. What if this article turns out to be useful for them too?

See you in touch!

Newsletter by email It is considered a convenient and inexpensive way to attract customers. It is actively used by Internet entrepreneurs and others. How to make a newsletter via Email, how to increase its effectiveness, what myths are associated with it - read the article.

Basic misconceptions

It is generally accepted that mailing is easy and simple. It is enough to have a database of addresses and regularly send letters with offers to buy this or that. However, look in your drawer. How many emails do you send to spam? How much do you delete without even opening it? When was the last time you bought something after receiving an email like this?

Technical knowledge on how to send mass emails is clearly not enough to achieve good results.

Firstly, the address base must be legal; subscribers purchased or received from a partner will not meet your expectations. Ideally, a target audience should be gathered.

Secondly, the letters should contain interesting and useful information. The form of presentation of the material is no less important. You need to write in such a way that you want to read the letter. Headlines are extremely important, otherwise no one will open the newsletter.

The plan is important. You should know in advance when and what you will tell your readers about.

A simple conclusion follows from this. You need to learn how to do an email newsletter correctly. Read books, take part in trainings and, of course, try in practice, look for your own approaches and methods.

How to send email campaigns correctly

The purpose of letters from a company is to sell your product. But this can be achieved in different ways.

  1. The first way is play. A certain fictional character is created - the hero of the letters. Stories are told on his behalf, and he can also share his opinion or impressions about something. The purpose of such letters is, first of all, to entertain the reader, but also to offer a product. Playing and selling should be kept separate. As an analogy, we can recall an interesting program with advertising blocks.
  2. The next path is educational. This is exactly the strategy that is followed in the Megaplan newsletter. Letters is a kind of business magazine filled with useful information. Articles are written by the authors or reprinted from other sources. Thanks to this approach, audience loyalty and an expert image of the company are formed.
  3. The third option is direct sales. It is considered the most ineffective of all possible. These are the emails that most often end up in spam. Even with this approach, only 20% of the information should be selling, and 80% should be useful. Otherwise the method will not work.

How to form a database and not become a spammer?

When choosing a newsletter, you find yourself on a slippery slope. Letters are a real invasion of personal space. People don’t like this, so they click the “Spam” button and complain. It is important to ensure that the information is interesting and relevant to readers.

How to make email newsletters useful? Don't write about your company or how good your product is. Take on broader topics that will hook your audience. About success, about life around you, share working secrets and techniques. Let your emails help people solve problems, even if they haven't purchased anything yet.

The effectiveness of mailing is directly related to the quality of the database. Accept the fact that a maximum of 20% of addresses will be working, and 80% are dump boxes that are not even checked. The database will be of higher quality if it includes people who signed up themselves because they were interested in something. To collect just such addresses, you need to treat mailing as a serious project that requires an investment of effort and time.


Naturally, you need to contact your audience regularly. If you don't plan for it, then you shouldn't start. Most often, letters arrive once a month or once a week. It is better to send high-quality material, but less often, than low-quality material, but often.

It is believed that the most effective regularity is in the range of two letters per week to one letter every two weeks. Frequent calls are perceived as a sign of importunity, and if you remind yourself too rarely, they may completely forget.

Technical points

So, you have decided on the content of the letters and the frequency, and have collected a database of addresses. What's next? How to send a newsletter by email?

If the database is small, then a very real task is to send letters without using paid services. How to make an email newsletter yourself? Very simple.

When you finish your email, fill out the To, Cc, and Bcc" Addresses must be separated by commas. There is a limit on the number of recipients. For example, in there cannot be more than thirty of them.

In addition to the fact that this method is time-consuming, there is another danger in it. Spam filters perceive letters with a large number of recipients as unwanted. To bypass this protection, you need to send messages not in bulk, but send each one separately. With a large database, this is simply impossible to do manually. How to make an email campaign yourself in such a situation? You will have to resort to the help of special mailing services.

How to send email to everyone: links to services

There are three most popular today: SmartResponder, Subscribe, UniSender. All three are domestic. Thanks to this, they have a Russian-language interface and Russian-speaking technical support, which is very convenient.

They also all provide official documents for services, which is extremely important for legal entities.

UniSender and Smart Responder are democratic. If the database is small and there are few letters, then you are given the opportunity to use the services for free.

In addition to email, you can send SMS messages through these services. It is also very important that you have access to statistics: how many emails were opened, how many were sent to spam, how many people clicked on the site, etc.

Another advantage of the services is that they are actively involved in training their users on how to effectively send emails to unfamiliar subscribers. You will receive articles and books the very next day after you complete the registration procedure.

Now you not only know how to create a newsletter based on Email, but also have information on how to make it interesting, effective and help promote your business.
