Setting up the security of confidential information in Windows 10. Updates from multiple places

Microsoft's head of Windows engineering, Terry Myerson, says some of the most important improvements in the Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703) are related to privacy settings:

Microsoft: “With our commitment to transparency and privacy, we're introducing three major enhancements to help users stay more informed about privacy in Windows 10.”

  1. Improving user awareness about the security of personal data. Brief descriptions of each individual privacy option, as well as “Learn More” buttons, make information about your choices readily available and easy to understand.
  2. Microsoft Privacy Statement Updates include Additional information privacy improvements in the Windows 10 Creators Update, and also reveal more details about what data is collected and used to support new features in the major Windows 10 update. As with our previous privacy statement, this information has multiple levels and is available for review online, allowing users to ensure they are making the right privacy choices in Windows 10. Key changes are reflected in Microsoft's privacy statement change history.
  3. Microsoft reveals more information about the data it collects. The data collected when you select Basic data volume is used solely to keep your Windows device up to date and secure. Users who select Full will participate in improving Windows and Microsoft products by submitting enhanced diagnostic data (including browser, application and component usage, and inking and data entry). Redmond hopes this information will help users remain more informed about the types of data collected and make informed decisions.

Microsoft has already published a complete list of diagnostic data that is collected when you select the “Basic” level. Individual pieces of data related to a specific component or event are collected in a complex and are called Events. They are united according to individual diagnostic areas. The company also provided a detailed summary of the data that is collected at the Basic and Full diagnostic levels.

After Windows release 10 Anniversary Update, the Microsoft team has seriously revised what data is required to be collected at the “Basic” diagnostic level to keep the system up to date and secure. The main priority during the re-evaluation was to minimize the collection of necessary diagnostic information. As a result, the number of events collected was significantly reduced and the amount of data collected at the “Basic” level was approximately halved.

With the Creators Update (version 1703), Microsoft has taken significant steps forward to better inform users about making the right privacy choices in Windows 10. Let's take a look at the major privacy improvements introduced in this update.

First of all, there were improvements to the “Privacy” section in the “Settings” application. Clear and understandable descriptions have been added for each separate settings, as well as “Learn More” buttons that allow you to learn in detail what data is collected and used by Microsoft.

Current Windows users 10

If you're already running any version of Windows 10, you'll receive a notification when you plan to upgrade to the Creators Update (version 1703) and can configure your privacy settings in advance (as shown in the screenshot).

The first screenshot shows what the privacy settings screen will look like. The actual settings for the switches on the screen will correspond to the current settings in Windows 10. For example, if you turn off the location feature, then the on-screen pre-setting this option will be disabled.

Update (version 1703) and you can configure your privacy settings in advance (as shown in the screenshot).

The second screenshot shows the situation when all switches are set to the “Off” position (which corresponds to the “Basic” diagnostic level).

You can use the radio buttons to configure the settings of your choice. Additionally, at any time, you can go to the Settings app from the Start menu, then select the Privacy section to view detailed information and to open Microsoft's privacy statement.

If you are setting up a new Windows device 10 for the first time or starting a clean one Windows installation 10, the new privacy settings screen will look like the screenshots below.

The first screenshot shows the situation when the Microsoft recommended settings are installed. Each switch is provided with a brief description of the purpose of a specific parameter. If you want to learn more about the options, click the “More details” button. Recommended settings are optimized for maximum usability and best performance of built-in Windows functions 10.

The new screen replaces the “Quick Start” and “Settings Settings” screens that were available when initial setup previous versions Windows 10: You must configure on-screen features before using Windows 10.

The second screenshot shows the same screen with all switches in the “Off” position (which corresponds to the “Basic” diagnostic level). Again each switch has short description parameter assignment.

In both images, the options are split into two columns (if required by screen resolution) to eliminate scrolling and display all available options on the screen. If you are setting up manually or using advanced tools such as Media Creation Tool, then a single column display may be used - then scrolling may be required depending on language settings and screen resolution. These tools are recommended for use only by experienced PC users.

After viewing and selecting the parameters, you need to make a final decision and confirm your choice by clicking the “Accept” button.

More improvements to come

In future updates, the Microsoft team will continue to improve its data collection policies and privacy settings management. The company strives to help users gain more information, as well as view and delete data using the Microsoft Privacy Dashboard. Already in April, it is planned to add voice data to the panel so that users can control what information is used to improve personal digital assistant Cortana.

Work will also continue to ensure compliance with the collection policy Windows data 10 with the general data protection regulations of the European Union and the requirements of individual enterprise environments.

One of the main functions in operating system Windows 10 has improved data sharing, but the default security settings leave much to be desired. If you use this operating system on any of your devices, you probably store a huge amount of personal information. And you definitely hope that your account information, pictures and photos, as well as financial data will remain safe.

It is not surprising that after Terry Myerson, vice president of operating systems and head of the Windows & Devices division, announced that the company was collecting a number of information in an effort to “improve the quality and security of the product,” the issue of security and protection of personal information became one of the key topics.

Many of us, when installing this wonderful system on a computer, willingly agree to accept the license agreement and check the boxes that seem fun and interesting. However, in reality, few people truly understand how much personal information we provide access to. Of course, Windows presents all this in completely innocuous terms such as: “Let Cortana do its job better.” However, since Windows is an extremely flexible and easily customizable system, there is no need to worry too much, because you can always correct the settings for better protection your privacy.

Privacy Settings

If you want to find out exactly what data Microsoft collects on your device, then in the system settings you need to find the “Privacy” tab. There you can see exactly what data can be transferred to the company, such as location, results search queries, as well as account information. If Microsoft then reminds you of “Big Brother is watching you,” then this article can help you limit the amount of information it collects.

Many users are worried that the operating system that has become a service Windows system 10 Microsoft and its partners information about the system and examples of its use. Participants in the pre-test program are with this practice, but other users are often against it. For them in the new control panel Options There are settings to disable data collection.

Special Note

This article only covers settings that are officially supported to change. Options for deleting services or files are deliberately not described here, since such methods may interfere with the normal operation of Windows.

Separately We caution you against using third-party programs to manage your privacy settings Windows, of which there are a great many. Unfortunately, scammers are taking full advantage of people's concerns, and there have already been cases of unwanted and malicious software being included in such programs.


Personal data in the applicationOptionsThere is an entire section dedicated to it. More than a dozen subsections give you the ability to turn off location data collection. application access to microphone and camera, account information, contacts and calendar, text messages etc.

In particular:

  • In chapter Speech, handwriting and text input you can disable the collection of information by the voice assistant Cortana.
  • In chapter Reviews and diagnostics you can change the sending level telemetry at Microsoft from complete information to basic information. Disabling sending is provided only by the AllowTelemetry policy in effect only in a corporate publication.


Synchronization options work thanks to the integration of the OneDrive cloud service into the system, which makes it possible not only to save personal files, but also Microsoft account settings. When you use your Microsoft account on someone else's or a new computer, you get access to the desktop theme, browser settings, and passwords set on your primary device. If you do not wish to store passwords in global network, synchronization can be disabled.

Windows Defender

Built-in antivirus system to protect against malware is automatically disabled when a compatible antivirus is installed and enabled when it is not installed.

Disabling Defender in the absence of third-party security software or SRP/AppLocker reduces the security of your system.

You can disable Cloud protection, Sending samples malware and add files to exceptions that DefenderWindows will not check.


Updates from multiple places

Windows 10 uses P2P technology to receive and distribute updates. After downloading application files, you can start distributing them to computers on a local or global network. If this idea seems to you not the best from a security point of view, the setting can be disabled at Options-> Update and Security -> Center Windows updates -> Extra options -> Choose how and when to receive updates.

Almost from the very first day Windows 10 was released, which is almost three and a half years, information appeared on the Internet that Microsoft was allegedly watching us, trying to know everything about us, and selling our personal data to third parties. Immediately everyone rushed to turn off telemetry using third party programs, which, like mushrooms after rain, began to appear on the Internet. A heated discussion began about how bad Microsoft is, it knows everything about us, it’s watching. But at the same time, forgetting that they themselves provide their information and personal data. I'm not even talking about the fact that competitors in this regard have long since collected everything, handed it over and bombarded us and their partners with advertising.

But now we’re still talking about privacy settings in Windows 10, so let’s not get distracted. You need to understand that there are now more than 700 million people running Windows 10 active users, so sometimes some of them may have problems. Nobody's perfect. Alas, privacy problems when working with Microsoft's operating system have not gone away. But it turns out you can control what you transmit, what you share, and who can see information about you. Of course, you can change some settings, prevent the system from sharing any of your personal information, not clutter your device with advertising and all sorts of nonsense, but remember that this will not solve all problems at once. You also need to understand the company’s developers, because sometimes they need to know the essence of the problem in order to quickly solve it. If they don't have access to your settings, how will they be able to do this.

Of course, you can disable some settings related to your privacy, but first of all you need to decide for yourself whether it’s worth it. In the operating system itself, a whole section in Settings was dedicated to this, which is called Confidentiality. I don't want to talk about it in detail. If you wish, then take a look for yourself and decide whether you need to know all this. Today I will tell you how to change some settings related to your privacy in order to get a more positive experience and emotions from using Windows 10.

Disable your location

A lot of controversy and rumors regarding Windows 10 concerned tracking the location of users. Some experts and my colleagues vying with each other wrote and shouted everywhere that Microsoft wants to know everything about us, see where we go, so that they can then transfer our data to partners. But we ourselves allow the company to do this.

If you use a tablet or laptop on Windows 10 and often move around the city with it or take it on trips, then it still makes sense to allow the operating system and third party applications access your location. This will give you access to information about which cafe or gas station is nearby, and learn about the attractions of the city you are visiting. There are many advantages. But that doesn't mean your location should always be on. You need to understand that if your location data is constantly at the disposal of Windows 10, then applications installed on your device also have access to it. Both the operating system and apps store your devices' location history for 24 hours, possibly longer.

Of course, if you turn off all data, then some applications, such as, for example, Maps, will not be able to find you. And sometimes, especially in a foreign city, this can come in handy. But you have the option to manually set a default location that apps can use as an alternative.

Let's try to figure it all out. To turn off your location, you need to follow a few simple steps:

I know that some of my colleagues suggest disabling location completely, using many settings, including Registry. I would strongly advise you not to do this, as sometimes you will need to use it and there is also a risk of breaking something. It must be understood that any change in Register may cause problems with your operating system.

There is also fast access to enable or disable your Locations, but it only partially fulfills its functions. For more detailed and thoughtful settings, it is better to use the method described above.

Stop data synchronization

Like any modern operating system, Windows 10 synchronizes your data. This is very convenient, since all your settings, including passwords, will be synchronized between other devices on which you log into the same account. Your notifications can also be synced across all devices. In other words, if you log in different devices with the same Microsoft account, you get access to all passwords, data, and also receive notifications that came to your laptop, for example, to your smartphone. This is quite convenient to use, especially with mail.

But if you are afraid for your data and passwords or you do not need synchronization between devices, you can disable it at any time. But remember that in this case, your settings and passwords will not be synced between other devices when you sign in with a Microsoft account. In other words, you will have to enter passwords manually each time; notifications will not be sent to your tablet or smartphone.

But if you still decide to disable data synchronization, then this is quite easy to do.

Also, if you use the voice assistant Cortana, although it is not available with us, but it can be configured if desired, you will have to disable synchronization in its settings.

The fact is that it synchronizes all user parameters. But since few people use it here, I don’t think there’s a need to describe the whole process.

Use a local account

In Windows 10, you can use a local account instead of a Microsoft account. What is it for? Well, let's start with the fact that then Microsoft will not have access to synchronizing your data settings, that is, it will not know your passwords and will not send notifications. Windows 10 will also collect less information about you. This doesn't mean that this method will save you from everything. In addition, there is a significant disadvantage to using a local account. The fact is that in order to download, install for free or buy applications in the Microsoft Store, you still need an account from Microsoft. You also won't be able to sync files with Microsoft services like OneDrive, OneNote and Office 365, which will make your work a little more difficult.

But if you don't need all of the above and still want to use a local account on your device, then spend a few minutes doing it by following a few simple steps

You can change your account at any time, and the system itself will prompt you to do so. For example, if you log into the Microsoft Store or want to use cloud service OneDrive.

Turn off lock screen information

When we turn on the laptop, the first thing we see is the lock screen. Recently there have been many complaints that the system displays a lot of unnecessary or personal information. Strangers can see it, they can even use it. It would seem, what’s wrong with this, because we are there for a couple of seconds, entering the password. But some users don't like it. In addition, sometimes the same computer monitor in the office can display the lock screen for a long time.

To avoid hassles at work or at home, you should consider what you want your device's lock screen to display. You will have to spend a couple of minutes to complete some simple settings.

Again, when using Cortana, you should also prevent it from sending you notifications and use it completely even when your device is locked. But then you won’t be able to use it while the device is locked.

Perhaps some of you don’t like the fact that everyone can see your account on the lock screen. In this case:

If you want to see your account once again when you log in, you can turn it on at any time.

Turn off the advertising identifier

Lately there has been a lot of talk on the Internet about how Microsoft has begun sending advertisements more and more often. Of course, users don’t like this, but the software corporation can be understood - it also wants to make money from advertising. All the talk about how I supposedly buy an operating system from them and don’t want to see advertising there is just empty talk. When buying a smartphone, you do not scold the manufacturer or Google and Apple for advertising in the browser or applications, but try in some way to prohibit it, reject it, delete it, etc. This can also be done in Windows 10, and much simpler and easier than on smartphones.

Let me remind you that each Microsoft account has its own unique advertising identifier. Its use helps Microsoft collect information about you and deliver personalized advertising across platforms based on your preferences. You may notice them when logging into Windows 10 using your Microsoft account, appearing in built-in applications, even sometimes in the operating system itself, for example in the Start menu or Explorer. Sometimes this will irritate, cause dissatisfaction and anger. But you can rid yourself of advertising by disabling this very advertising identifier. Moreover, disabling is very simple and will take a minimum of time.

To do this you need:

True, there is one small nuance. All disabling will hide annoying personalized advertising in Windows 10 itself, but will not save you from it on other platforms if you use yours on them account Microsoft. But there is still a solution.

To do this, you should open the special Microsoft personalized advertising page. Find the option " Show personalized ads in the browser« and turn it off. Of course, there is no complete guarantee that all advertising will disappear, but there will be significantly less of it.


In conclusion, I would like to remind you that often it is we who decide what to provide, what information or data to share, what advertising to see on our device or to get rid of it altogether. Remember that it depends on you whether your confidential information will leak onto the Internet. And we will always tell you how to configure, disable or disable it.

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Windows 10 runs on more than 400 million devices, but it still has all the privacy concerns - including mandatory diagnostic and data usage reports from Microsoft - and copious amounts of advertising permeate the platform.

Not all Windows problems 10 can be fixed, but there are some things you can do to restore your privacy. Here are five privacy-related settings you can change for a more secure Windows experience 10.

Use a local account.

Once you turn off syncing on your devices, you'll have a reason to use your Microsoft account to sign in to your computer. Instead, you can use a local account, which does not require email address, which will prevent Microsoft from collecting information about you. With a local account, you create a username and password for your computer and that's it. (You will still need a Microsoft account to purchase apps from Windows Store Store, and if you want to sync files with Microsoft services such as OneDrive, OneNote and Office 365.)

To create a local account, go to Settings > Accounts > Your Information, click Sign in with a local account instead, and follow the instructions to create a username, password, and password hint.

Turn off your location.

If you are using mobile device, such as a tablet or laptop, there are times when you have allowed Windows 10 and third-party apps to access your location. But that doesn't mean you have to leave your location turned on all the time. When your location is turned on, Windows 10 stores your devices' location history for 24 hours and allows location-enabled apps to access that data.

If you turn off your location, and apps that use this data (for example, Maps app) will not be able to find you. However, you can manually set a default location that apps can use as an alternative.

To turn off your location, open Settings > Privacy and go to the Location section. You can either turn off location for all users (under "Location of this device > Change"), or you can turn off location services for your account (Location Services). From this menu, you can also clear your location history and allow certain apps to see (or not see) your exact location. Apps in the list will receive location information if they use historical data.

To quickly switch the location service, open the notification center; There is a "Location" switch in quick settings(next to "Do not disturb").

Stop synchronization.

There's a lot that syncs in Windows 10. If you sign in with a Microsoft account, your settings, including passwords, can be synced across other devices that you sign in to with the same account. Your notifications can also be synced across all devices.

If you turn off sync, your settings and passwords won't sync across other devices when you sign in with a Microsoft account (so you'll need to do things like enter passwords manually).

To turn off syncs, open the Settings menu and navigate to Accounts > Sync your settings. You can either turn off all sync settings at once, or toggle individual sync options.

To turn off sync notifications, open Cortana (Cortana does not work in Russia, so residents of the Russian Federation do not need to do the following) and go to Settings > Send notifications between devices. You can turn off this setting to turn off all sync notifications, and you can also click the "Change sync settings" button to manage your various devices.

Disable information on the lock screen.

The lock screen is the first thing a user will see when they turn on their device, and this screen can display a lot of information that you don't want to show to strangers.

Here are three things you need to do to lock your lock and login screens.

Make sure your notifications don't appear on your lock screen. Open the Settings menu and select System > Notifications & Actions and turn off Show notifications on lock screen. The downside to turning this feature off is that you won't see any notifications until you unlock your device.

Disable Cortana on the lock screen (residents of the Russian Federation do not need this), open Cortana and go to Settings> Use Cortana even if my device is locked. The downside to turning this feature off is that you won't be able to use Cortana while your device is locked.

You can also limit its presence on the lock screen (rather than disabling it completely) by unchecking the box next to "Allow Cortana to access my calendar, email, messages, and Power BI when my device is locked." This way, you'll still be able to ask Cortana questions that don't reveal any personal information while the device is locked.

To hide your address Email On the login screen, open the Settings menu and go to Accounts > Sign-in Options > Privacy. Turn off the toggle under "Show account information (such as email address) on sign-in screen." There's almost no hidden point in turning this feature off if you really like seeing your email address on the screen.

Disable advertising identifier.

Each Microsoft account has a unique advertising identifier, which allows Microsoft to collect information about you and deliver personalized ads across platforms. When you sign in to Windows 10 with a Microsoft account, these personalized ads will follow you to your computer, you'll see them in apps and possibly in the operating system itself (for example, in the Start menu).

To remove these ads in Windows 10, open the Settings menu and go to "Privacy > General > Allow apps to use my Ad Recipient ID (disabling this setting will reset the ID)" and disable this feature. You will still see ads, but they will not be personalized to your tastes and preferences.

Disabling this feature will stop personalized ads from popping up in Windows 10, but it won't necessarily stop personalized ads from popping up for you when you use your Microsoft account on other platforms. To get rid of ads on other platforms, such as browsers, go to Microsoft's personalized advertising page and turn off the "Personalized ads in this browser" toggle.
