How to make the default browser yandex. Making Yandex the default browser. We do everything using the internal program settings

When you follow a link from a document, the page usually opens in Internet browser Explorer. This may not always be convenient. This happens because Internet Explorer usually installed on Windows Meanwhile, changing the situation is not at all difficult. In this article we will look at how to make Yandex the default browser.

How to install Yandex browser

Browsers are programs specially created for working on the Internet. In order to feel as comfortable as possible online, you should use the most advanced and modern ones. The Yandex browser was brought to the attention of users quite recently and can be considered one of them with full confidence. Before we start figuring out how to make Yandex the default browser, let's see how you can install this program on your computer. This is done very simply. In case you have ever used Google Chrome, understanding the intricacies of using the Yandex browser will not be difficult for you, since they are made on the same engine.

So, how to install the Yandex browser? You can download the program client completely free of charge. After this is done, the downloaded file should be launched. If you want this browser to become the default browser, do not uncheck the corresponding box in the first box. Click here the “Start using” button. After this, the program will install on your computer and prompt you to import bookmarks and some settings from Google Chrome. If this does not interest you, click on the “Skip” button. After this, the Yandex browser will launch automatically.

How to make Yandex the default browser?

If you once unchecked the default option, you will need to search for it manually to launch the browser. To install it with the default program, you will have to perform a number of necessary actions. Their order is as follows:

  1. Click the gear at the top of the browser window and go to “Settings”.
  2. In the tab that drops out (at the bottom) we find the line “Make Yandex browser default" and click on it.

After this, Yandex will become the default browser. As you can see, the procedure is not at all complicated.

Advantages of the program

The advantages of this new browser include:

  1. Simplicity of the interface. This is the main advantage of all browsers developed based on Chromium. New Internet users should definitely download and make Yandex the default browser. It won’t be difficult even for them to understand all the intricacies of the program.
  2. Availability of "Turbo" mode. When you enable this feature, the browser automatically compresses pages, making them “lighter”, which significantly speeds up their loading.
  3. The presence of a “smart” line. This makes entering the site address much easier.
  4. Built-in antivirus protection from Kaspersky Lab.
  5. Availability of nine built-in languages. Can you make a translation? open page on any of them.
  6. Convenient bookmarks.
  7. All extensions suitable for Chrom can also be used for the Yandex browser.

Disadvantages of the program

If you want to download and make Yandex your default browser, you should also know what disadvantages this program has. The disadvantages include:

  1. Only the program client is downloaded to the computer.
  2. Each browser tab creates in the "Task Manager" new process, which is not very convenient.
  3. The default settings are a bit inconvenient. The Yandex browser, being closed and opened again, automatically restores all previously opened tabs. This may be annoying for some users. You can disable the function or enable it in the settings (we’ll look at how to do this below).

Additional features in the new 2014 version

Despite some shortcomings, it is certainly worth downloading the client and installing the Yandex browser as the default. Moreover, the developers are constantly improving this program. So, in 2014 it was published a new version, complete with some interesting features. For example, pop-up blocking has been added to the browser. For those who are annoyed by online advertising, this feature will be more than useful. In addition, users now have the opportunity quick search goods on the Internet. The new version warns about Internet scammers in capital letters. If desired, all these add-ons can be turned on/off.

“Branded” feature of the program

One of the most interesting features of the Yandex browser is a special menu that appears when you click on it. This “Tableboard” is similar to a regular express page with saved bookmarks, usually found in other browsers. The set of sites in this menu can be changed if desired. From here you can open regular “Bookmarks”, which, of course, is very convenient. It's also easy to view a list of sites you've already visited, files you've downloaded, and pages you've recently opened.

Translating pages in the Yandex browser

As in the well-known Chrome browser, when opening a page on foreign language, the program offers to perform a translation using Yandex translation. In this case, a panel for the corresponding purpose simply pops up under the address bar.

Start page in the Yandex browser

So, we found out how to make Yandex the default browser, as well as what advantages and disadvantages it differs from. Now let's see how you can configure this program. In order for the page of your favorite site to be displayed first when you start the browser, you need to make it the starting page. Unfortunately, such a function is not provided in the program settings. However, the Yandex browser is a new program. Perhaps this will be fixed in future versions.

Currently, you can only make sure that when you start the browser, those tabs that were last opened or the page are displayed quick access. To do this, again click on the gear in the upper corner and go to settings. In the “Getting Started” section, you can select “Open Quick Access Page” or “Restore Tabs Opened Last Time.” This will open the selected pages or the default page. The Yandex browser does this automatically.

Yandex browser cache

Sometimes there is a need for a browser. All modern programs designed for viewing Internet pages have a similar function. Yandex browser is no exception in this regard. However, clearing the cache in it is somewhat more difficult than in other similar programs. This can also be attributed to some disadvantages of this browser. In order to find the CACHE, you should open the Yandex browser program folder. If you forget where it is, you can simply use Windows search. By clicking on the “Start” button, enter the word Yandex in the search bar. You should left-click on the program name that appears in the search field and select “File location.” The cache can be found in the following path: Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Cache.

Where are bookmarks located in the Yandex browser?

Bookmarked pages are hidden in this program. In order to get to saved sites, you need to click on the browser gear icon. In the drop-down menu you will see the “Bookmarks” option. When you hover your cursor over this line, another drop-down menu will appear. Here you need to select the line “Show bookmarks bar”. After that, the “Other bookmarks” item will be displayed on the right side. By clicking on this line, you can see all saved pages.

If you are a supporter of simple interfaces and do not particularly want to understand the intricacies of various settings, the program discussed is exactly what you need. By installing the Yandex browser as your default, you can use the Internet with maximum comfort.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Very often a situation arises when you do not notice the checkbox in the “Set Google Chrome as the default browser” box.

As a result, all links (or shortcuts from the desktop) that you open in any programs (email, office, etc.) will lead to the launch of Chrome (if it was closed before) and the display of the site page to which this link leads.

If you are used to using another browser for this purpose (for example, Opera and Yandex Browser), then you will need make this browser the default. Sometimes the browser itself, which has ceased to be used by default, offers you to correct this annoying misunderstanding. In other cases, you can go to and put a tick in the right place. Well, you can also set the default browser in Windows settings. All this will be discussed below.

In addition, the default browser often uses a different search than you are used to. In the second part of this publication we will look at the options how to change default search to Google or Yandex V different browsers(Chrome, Opera, Mazile and others).

How to Set the Default Browser in Windows Settings

So, let's start with the fact that the browser that until recently was used by you by default, the next time you launch it, may display a pop-up window asking you to correct this annoying misunderstanding. For example, Google Chrome proposes to change the current state of affairs in this way:

In this case, all you have to do is press the button "Set as default browser" and the problem will be solved. But it is quite possible that you have previously answered this question by clicking on the “Don’t ask again” button, so you may not receive this offer. What to do in this case? Well, as I said above, there are two options: go to your browser settings or go to Windows settings. Let me describe both of them, and you will choose the one that is most convenient for you.

So, in Windows you can set the default browser. Depending on the Windows versions, which you use, the process will be slightly different. For example, for Whists, which I have installed, as well as for Windows 7 these changes can be made by logging into the “Control Panel” (the “Start” button - “Control Panel”). In the panel you will need to select the item "Default Programs".

In the window that opens, you select the last item “Setting up access to programs and setting defaults.” In the drop-down window that opens, click on the “Other” option and move the checkbox next to the browser that you want to make used by default on your computer.

At the very bottom of the window, click on the “OK” button. Just below you can select the default one on your computer. mail program(it will contain the ones used to move on to writing email). And even lower you install the default media player and messenger. This can also be important, because everyone has their own habits and preferences.

If you are still using Windows Xp, then you will still need to go to the “Control Panel”, but you will need to select the “Add or Remove Programs” item in it. In the window that opens, in the left column, click on the bottom item “Select default programs”, and then your actions will be similar to those described above for Vista and Seven:

This method is universal and allows you not to go into the settings of the browser that you want to make used by default. But the same thing can be done using browsers, which will be discussed below.

By the way, if you need, for example, HTML files or any others would open in another browser or even in another program (for example, for me), then just click on any such file right click mouse (in Explorer) and select the very bottom item from the drop-down menu called “Properties”. In the window that opens, click on the “Change” button shown in the screenshot:

If the desired program is not in this list, then use the “Browse” button and use Explorer to find the executive file of the program you need (it may also be a browser). It's simple.

Make the default browser Yandex, Chrome, Mazila, etc.

You just need to click on the name of the browser that caused you problems and you will receive a complete collection of instructions on how to fix problems with choosing the default search in Firefox, Yandex Browser, Chrome and Internet Explorer.

There is one more nuance. If you have the Yandex version of Mazila, then changing the search will not work. Here you will need to demolish the Yandex version, then go to Mazila’s official website and, and then. After this, you can configure the default search in this browser using the method described above.

IN Google Chrome default search It's also pretty easy to change in the settings. To do this, just click on the button with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu (see the screenshot at the beginning of the previous section). On the page that opens, in the “Search” area, you can use the drop-down list to select the default search engine.

If you want to add a new search engine, then click on the “Configure search engines” button and at the bottom of the window that opens you will be given this opportunity.

IN Yandex browser and new Opera choosing a search engine is done in exactly the same way, because all three of these browsers run on the same engine, so their settings are very similar.

IN old Opera 12.17 You will need to select from the Opera button menu (located in the upper left corner) the items “Settings” - “ General settings", then in the window that opens, go to the "Search" tab.

In the window that opens, you will need to click on the desired search engine and click on the “Edit” button on the right. Another window will open, where you should click on the “Details” button and check the “Use as default search service” box. That's it, click on OK and check.

IN Internet Explorer everything is quite simple. On the right side of the address bar, click on the arrow next to the magnifying glass icon:

Below you can select search engine, which you want to use to search for the query you entered. If desired search was not found there, then add it using the button of the same name located slightly to the right.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Choose the most comfortable and convenient browser sometimes it is quite a difficult task. Almost all browsers are approximately the same for an inexperienced computer user, but as you gain more and more knowledge about programs, browsers and their work, you begin to understand what is acceptable and more convenient for you. If your choice fell on a relatively new browser from Yandex, then, first of all, you need to set it as the default browser and configure it. Then all links will open in it, and not in some other browser on your computer. You will learn how to do this in this article.

Go to your Yandex Browser and find the settings icon. It looks like three wide horizontal stripes in the upper right corner of the window. Click on the icon.

A small drop-down list will appear. In it you can configure absolutely all the functions of your new browser and open incognito tabs, as well as view your history and create bookmarks.

Here you need to find the “Settings” item and click on it. The list of settings in Yandex Browser is quite large, so scroll almost to the end until you see the line “Default browser”. Near it will be big button

“Use Yandex Browser by default.”

Click on it and wait a few seconds until the browser configures compatibility and association of all links with it.

Now you can open any links from messages directly in this browser - it will automatically launch itself.
Choosing this browser gives you a number of features that others do not, such as a Zen news feed that completely adapts to you and your search queries. You will be able to read news in an empty tab at any time, and most importantly, vote “for” or “against” such news, improving it over and over again.

Don't forget to configure other Yandex Browser options. If you don't know how to do this, then refer to the article

The Yandex browser was created on the platform of the Blink engine, which is also used in the Chrominum browser. The developer was the Yandex company, presenting its “product” to the audience. The world learned about the new product during a global technical conference that took place in 2012. Despite the fact that the browser was created and implemented quite recently, it managed to become famous all over the world. Yandex is especially popular on the RuNet and is already in second place. Experts predict that the importance of the service will continue to grow.

This is a fast and very convenient browser that can be easily installed on any computer. Its requirements are minimal, so additional settings not required. Already, many users want to make Yandex their default browser, but do not know how to do it correctly.

In order for Yandex to be permanently on your computer by default, you should perform a number of simple steps.

Important! When the browser is set as default, this means that all links will automatically open through it.

First you need to click on the arrow located at the top right. There, select the “Add-ons” tab. After this, the menu will be active, giving the option “Browser settings”. You will need to click on it.

Going down to the bottom of the page that opened, you will see a button that will make the browser the default one. It has the same name, so it’s hard to miss it. It should be remembered that if Yandex is not the main one, a warning message will appear. The note will remind you that the other browser is currently in charge. If you press this key, the inscription will change. Only then will Yandex become the “default”. Such settings are no longer lost on their own.

To get to the main settings page, you can use the address bar. For this purpose, you need to enter browser://settings/ in the upper free field, and then press the Enter button. You will be redirected to a page with basic settings, where the browser will be manually changed to the one you need.

Step-by-step instruction

To make the sequence of actions easier to remember, keep a short algorithm for yourself.

  1. Go to the settings page.
  2. Additions.
  3. Browser settings.
  4. Save changes.

Installation usually takes no more than ten minutes. All services are free and immediately available for use.

Another installation method

There is another way that allows you to make Yandex over any other browsers installed on your computer. To do this, you need to go to the “Control Panel” on your PC and next to the “View” inscription, set the option to “Small icons”. After this, you will need to go to the “Default Programs” section.

In the window that appears, you need to select the inscription located at the very top. It's called "Set Default Programs". The loading bar will become active. After it stops “running”, you need to select one of the browsers. Once you have made your choice, note that this program should be the default.

You can start working on the new browser right away. However, for all changes to take effect, it is better to restart your computer. Now using the Internet will become even easier and faster.

Video - How to make Yandex.Browser the default browser

By making Yandex the default browser, all pages, html and other web files will open in this browser and not in any other. And if you use it like standard program for browsing the Internet, it will be very convenient.

Moreover, in order to set the default browser, you do not need a large number of time and effort. Everything is done in a few steps. The main thing is to follow this guide and you will definitely succeed.

Here the instructions have arrived

That's it, Yandex Browser is installed by default. This was a simpler method, but now let's look at a more complicated option.

For this:

This method is a little more difficult, but with its help you can also achieve the result we need. It's just a matter of convenience for everyone personally. For some, the first method will be easier, while others will prefer the second.

And one more way...

There is another option on how to do what we have been discussing for so long in this article. When you first launch, you will be asked to make Yandex the default browser in the corresponding pop-up window. If you want to do this, press the yellow button.
