Window 8 is coming to the desktop. Who is a System Administrator?

The desktop in Windows 8.1 is used in the same way as in any previous version of the OS. You can pin a program to the taskbar on the Start screen or All Apps view by right-clicking and selecting Pin this program to taskbar.

Pinning programs to the taskbar offers the fastest and effective method to open them from the desktop without going to the start screen.

The desktop has been different from previous operating systems since the first versions of Windows 8. These changes included the ability to boot the PC directly from the desktop. As well as other useful features for adjusting the OS, including changing the user view.

A regular right-click on the desktop still brings up the context menu. On touch screen this action is performed by touching and holding your finger on the screen. The same touch method works in the previous ones. Windows versions, starting with Windows XP and other touch-based OSes, including Windows Phone and Android.

In Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, clicking the Start button no longer opens the traditional menu, although with the ability to pin programs and files to the taskbar and program the Start button to display all applications instead of the Start screen, this is not really necessary. Clicking or tapping the Start button returns the user to the Start screen. This behavior of this button can be changed so that instead of the Start screen, it goes to the All Apps view, the place where your desktop programs are located.

Right-clicking the Start button opens the Control menu, which provides additional options.

Windows 8.1 control menu.

Even though the Start button is hidden on the Windows 8 desktop, it is by no means removed. Right-clicking in the very bottom left corner of the screen or on the Start button on the desktop (also accessible by pressing Win + X) brings up the standard menu of options, including the Run command and Command Prompt. This menu offers a large number of administrative options, plus fast access to the Reboot, Shutdown, and Sleep controls.

Pay attention to one important point, elements command line and Command Prompt (Administrator) in the screenshot are located in the Windows PowerShell subkey. The fact is that the controls in the Start menu can be moved between two subsections. How to do this will be described in the following articles.

This article describes the main elements of the new Windows 8 Metro user interface. Managing programs and settings in Windows 8 has changed significantly compared to previous versions of Windows. The new Metro interface is adapted for use on devices with finger input (touchscreens).

This article describes the Windows 8.1 Metro interface. There are some differences on Windows 8 (first release). One difference is how to access the All Programs menu.

In Windows 8, the developers abandoned the familiar Start button, which opened the Windows menu in all previous versions starting with Windows 95. Now, in Windows 8, after the system starts, the initial Windows screen 8:

If the computer is connected to the Internet, then the Windows 8 start screen downloads information from Microsoft online services:

In order to open the traditional “Desktop” in Windows 8, you need to click on the “Desktop” icon in the start screen. This icon is labeled and located at the bottom left. Worker Windows table 8 looks exactly the same as previous versions of Windows:

In Windows 8.1, the Start icon has returned to the taskbar. But this icon does not open the Start menu, as it did before, but the Windows 8 Start screen.

This change was dictated by the fact that Microsoft decided to use a single user interface for devices with different types of input - both traditional ones that use a mouse, and new ones that use a touchscreen and finger controls.

Desktop in Windows 8

For those who are used to old Windows or who uses Windows 8 on a regular computer, the Start screen seems like an unnecessary element. Is it possible to get rid of it? Make Windows 8 open the desktop immediately after booting?

Yes it is possible. Need to click right button mouse on the taskbar, then select "Properties" from the context menu. The following window with settings will open:

There are two options you need to change in the Home Screen group:

  1. When you log in and close all applications, open the Desktop instead of the Start screen.
  2. When you go to the Start screen, automatically open the Applications view.

IN sidebar Some of the functions that were previously available through the Start menu have been removed. Access to the control panel, settings, network connections, shutting down the computer.

Lateral Windows panel 8 is opened by hovering the mouse (or sliding your finger) to the upper right corner of the screen or to the lower right corner:

Another way to open the sidebar is by pressing the keys Win+I on keyboard.

Windows 8 start menu

In previous versions of Windows, the Start menu was the central point where access not only to programs, but also to system folders and system settings. In Windows 8 programs and system settings divided into two parts. Programs are accessed through the Start screen, and settings are accessed through the Windows 8 sidebar (see previous section).

Access to the program menu in Windows 8 is possible through the start screen, at the bottom of the screen there is an arrow button, you need to press it:

After this, the second part of the initial screen will open, what can be called a menu Windows Start 8:

You can configure Windows 8 to open the Apps screen instead of the Start screen. How to do this is described in the previous section "".

Win + X menu (Power User Menu)

If you press the Win + X keys on your keyboard, the "Power User Menu" will open:

This menu contains a set of system Windows commands 8. Alternative methods opening this menu:

  • Click the right mouse button in the "Start" picture.
  • For the touchscreen, make a long tap (long touch) on the “Start” picture.

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This can be achieved using technologies built directly into the operating system, without the use of third-party utilities. It is enough to simply create a special task that should be executed when you log in. In this article I will tell you how to do this.

Let's get started

First you need to launch the Task Scheduler. To do this, press the key, enter “schedule” (Schedule, without quotes), select the “Settings” filter and click the “Schedule tasks” link in the results (Fig. A). The Task Scheduler will launch.

Figure A: Launching Task Scheduler from the Start screen is easy.

Create a task

Figure B: In the Task Scheduler, click the Create Task link.

In the Create Task dialog box, the first thing you need to do is enter a name for the task in the Name field. As you can see, I named my task “Show Desktop @ Start”. At the bottom of the page, select Windows 8 from the Configure for drop-down menu (Figure C). In the Security options section, you can leave the option “Run only when user is logged on”.

Figure C: Be sure to select Windows 8 from the Configure for drop-down menu.

Figure D: On the Triggers tab, click the New button.

In the New Trigger dialog box, select At log on item from the Begin the task drop-down menu (Figure E). This will refresh the page and display the appropriate setup options (Figure F).

Figure E: From the Start Task drop-down menu, select At Login.

By default, the options are “Any user” in the “Settings” section and “Enabled” in the “ Extra options"(Advanced Settings). Leave everything as is and click “OK” to continue. Back in the Create Task dialog box, go to the Actions tab (Figure G) and click the New button at the bottom of the page.

Figure G: Click the New button on the Actions tab.

In the New Action dialog box, the Start a Program option is selected by default. In the Settings section, enter "c:\Windows\explorer.exe" (without quotes) in the Program/script field (Figure H). Or click the "Browse" button, find and select the "explorer.exe" file. Then click OK to return to the Create Task window.

Figure H You can enter the name of the executable file and its path in the Program or Script field, or you can find it using the Browse button.

If Windows 8 is installed on a laptop, go to the “Conditions” tab and uncheck “Start the task on if the computer is on AC power” in the “Power” section (Fig. I).

Figure I: This setting only needs to be changed if Windows 8 is installed on the laptop.

You don't need to change anything on the Settings tab, so just click OK to create the task. Returning to the rear Scheduler window, you will see a new task in the “Task Scheduler Library” section (Figure J). You can now close the Scheduler.

Figure J Once you create a task, you will see it in the Task Scheduler library.

Once you create a task, you can test it. To do this, restart your computer using the Power button charm (Figure K) or log out and log in again.

Previously, the logout option was located in the same place as other commands associated with shutting down the computer, but in Windows 8 it has moved to the Start screen and is now called Sign out. From the Start screen, right-click on your avatar in the upper right corner and select the “Sign Out” option from the menu that appears (Figure L).

Figure K. The “Restart” option is called up using the “Shutdown” charm.

Figure L To see the Sign Out option, right-click on your avatar.

At reboot Windows 8, the Desktop will immediately appear with the Explorer window open on the libraries (Fig. M). You won't see the Start screen at all.

Please be aware that the Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos library icons may still move around for a while because the operating system continues to load in the background. mode.

Figure M: When Windows 8 restarts, the Desktop will immediately appear with an Explorer window open on Libraries.

If you launch applications from the taskbar or desktop, you can get started right away.

What do you think?

Do you want Windows 8 to immediately open to the Desktop when you boot? Will you use the technique described? Share your opinion in the comments!


After release from the operating room Windows systems 8.1, users now have the option to choose to complete the download operating system Windows 8.1 directly to the Desktop. Microsoft Corporation in new version The Windows operating system provides the user with the ability to choose what the operating system will look like immediately after booting. What exactly will be opened - the Desktop, or the “start screen” with a tiled interface will be opened.

Previously, when using the Windows 8 operating system, in order for the Desktop to be immediately opened when it started, it was necessary to make some changes in the operating system settings. Now this can be done much easier.

Getting an update to Windows 8.1

All users of the licensed Windows 8 operating system can upgrade their operating system to Windows 8.1 for free. To do this, they will need to go to the “Windows Store” ( Windows Store) to download the system update to Windows 8.1. The Windows 8.1 operating system will be downloaded to your computer from " Windows Store» in the edition and bit depth that was installed on your computer.

There are several options that vary depending on the requirements.

After updating the system, the Windows 8.1 operating system will be installed on your computer. In it, the developers have introduced the ability to choose how to download Windows display when loading the operating system.

By default, when you start or restart the Windows 8.1 operating system, the “Start screen” or, in other words, “new screen” opens. user interface"(Modern UI), formerly known as Metro UI. Now the user has the opportunity to choose what exactly needs to be opened when starting or rebooting the operating system.

Many users don't like the default tiled interface. After opening the “start screen”, they will be forced, immediately after that, to open the Desktop. Such unnecessary movements cause irritation for many users.

Still, using the Desktop is more convenient on a desktop computer, because in one place you have wider access to different functions of your computer than launching applications in a tiled interface, and switching to other functions and commands is not very convenient without touch control. Moreover, to perform many actions you will still have to open the Desktop.

Boot to Desktop in Windows 8.1

In order to change the Windows display after booting, you will need to right-click on free space"Taskbars and Navigation" After this, a context menu will open in which you will need to select “Properties”.

In the “Start Screen” field, opposite the item “When you sign in and close applications, open the desktop instead of the Start screen”, check the box, and then click on the “OK” button.

After this, the display of the Windows 8.1 operating system, after booting the system or after closing all applications, will be changed to the Desktop.

Conclusions of the article

Now your computer will load the Desktop in Windows 8.1 immediately after starting the operating system. You can immediately get to the Desktop without making unnecessary movements.

Moreover, switching to the tiled interface in Windows 8.1 is very easy. To do this, you just need to left-click on the “Start” button, immediately after that the “start screen” with a tiled interface will open.

July 12, 2015

This article describes the components of the new Metro user interface that was added to Windows 8. The program menu and access to system settings in Windows 8 have changed significantly compared to previous versions of Windows. The famous Start menu is no longer there. New interface Metro is adapted for use on devices with finger input (touchscreens).

In Windows 8, Microsoft abandoned the familiar Start button, which opened the Start menu in all previous versions since Windows 95. Now, after Windows boot 8, the start screen opens instead of the desktop as it was before:

This change is dictated by the fact that Microsoft decided to use a single user interface for devices with different types input - both traditional, where a mouse is used, and new ones, where a touchscreen and finger control are used.

If the computer is connected to the Internet, then the Windows 8 start screen downloads information from Microsoft online services. Weather, stock indices and other information:

In order to open the traditional “Desktop”, in Windows 8 you need to click on the “Desktop” icon in the start screen. This icon is labeled and located at the bottom left.

The Windows 8 desktop looks exactly the same as in previous versions of Windows:

In Windows 8.1, the Start icon has returned to the taskbar. However, this icon does not open the Start menu, as it did before, but the Windows 8 Start screen.

Desktop in Windows 8

For those who are used to older Windows or who use Windows 8 on a regular computer, the Start screen seems like an unnecessary element. Is it possible to get rid of it? How can I make Windows 8 open the Desktop instead of the Start screen immediately after booting?

This became possible in Windows 8.1. You need to right-click on the taskbar, then select “Properties” from the context menu. The following window with settings will open in which you need to go to the “Navigation” tab:

Here you need to enable two options in the "Home Screen" group:

  1. When you log in and close all applications, open the Desktop instead of the Start screen.
  2. When you go to the Start screen, automatically open the Applications view. This option specifies that instead start screen A list of programs will open immediately.

Windows 8 Sidebar

Some of the functions that were previously available through the Start menu have been moved to the sidebar. Access to the control panel, settings, network connections, turn off the computer.

The Windows 8 Sidebar opens by hovering your mouse (or sliding your finger) to the top-right corner of the screen or the bottom-right corner. This is what the sidebar looks like:

Keys can be pressed Win+I on the keyboard is the second way to open it.

Windows 8 start menu

In previous versions of Windows, the Start menu was the central point where access not only to programs, but also to system folders and system settings was collected.

In Windows 8, programs and system settings are divided into two parts. Access to programs is provided through the Start screen, and access to settings through the sidebar of Windows 8.

Access to the program menu in Windows 8 is possible through the start screen, at the bottom of the start screen there is an arrow button, you need to press it:

After this, the second part of the Start screen will open, what can be called the Windows 8 Start menu. The most convenient way to find a program is to start writing its name in the search field:

You can set it to open the Applications screen instead of the Home screen. How to do this is described in the previous section “Desktop in Windows 8”.

Win + X menu (Power User Menu)

If you press the Win + X keys on your keyboard, the "Power User Menu" will open:

This menu contains a set of Windows 8 system commands. This menu can be opened in other ways:

  • If you right-click on the Start image in the taskbar.
  • On the touchscreen, you need to make a long tap (long touch) on the “Start” picture in the taskbar.
