Setting up the start page in the Yandex browser. How to make Yandex your start page. Setting up the Yandex browser start page

Yandex is a huge web portal with extensive capabilities and various services. Its start page also hides some settings, which you will learn about later in the article.

Let's look at a few settings that you can apply to make the site easier to use.

Changing the Home Page Background

Instead of the classic white theme, Yandex provides a lot of pictures and photographs, divided into categories. Their use will help brighten up your stay on the site upon receipt necessary information from the search engine.

To select a background, check out the article at the link below, which describes the setup steps in detail. This way, a boring white theme will be transformed into a pleasant landscape or a funny picture.

Setting up home page widgets

On the Yandex start page there are several customizable widgets in the form of news, posters and other information. The TV program schedules of the channels you are interested in are also indicated manually, news can be read according to selected headings, links to visited website pages are divided into specific services that are marked by interests, and the weather is adjusted to the location or set manually. If you are not interested in anything offered, then you can simply delete them and enjoy a blank page with one search line.

After studying this article, you can easily edit Yandex widgets to suit your needs, which in the future will help you find the required information faster.

Location Settings

To see the weather that is relevant for your (or any other) region, current news or regional posters, Yandex automatically determines the location, adjusting the information of widgets and the search engine.

If you need to view data from a different geographic area, you can switch in the settings. An article that addresses the relevant issue will help you with this. Change your location and, without resorting to search bar, control information about weather, news and more by specifying a specific city.

Setting up the Yandex start page does not require complex manipulations and takes a little time, but the result will please you every time you visit the site.

Almost all Internet browsers have the ability to make your favorite site the start page, except...except for the Yandex browser.

Yes, indeed, in the modern browser from the Yandex search engine there is no function for setting up the start or home page. However, as always, I tried to deal with this problem and found a way out of the situation.

And I found it. The fact is that it displays a scoreboard on each new tab from visual bookmarks, which consist of frequently visited sites. All we have to do is configure the browser in such a way that at startup this board will launch, on which only one or several favorite sites will be displayed.

And so, let's go...

Opening new tab and delete all unnecessary bookmarks (visual ones, I mean). In order to delete a bookmark, simply hover over it with the mouse and click on the cross:

We leave only a few favorite sites or one. If the site you want to see is not on the start page, you can add it there. To do this, simply click on the “Add” button of the same name. Let's look at the screenshot:

We enter the site address, I enter the Google search engine, and click on the “Finish” button:

This is what I got now:

Now we just have to make sure that this page starts at the start.

Click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select “Settings” from the drop-down list:

We open the settings in a separate tab. At the very beginning of this page we find the phrase “Open at startup” and set the switch to the “New tab” position.

I am always surprised how we, working every day with the same programs and services, sometimes do not notice the basic opportunities provided to us by developers. Just one button or link that we don’t pay attention to for a long time can provide a lot of useful tools.

Today's article will talk about the wonderful and useful function“Personal settings”, which allows the average user to customize and personalize their home page with Yandex search.

For a long time, Google served as my main service for searching information on the Internet, and I always set its search page as my home page in all browsers. But in recent years, Yandex has been adding a ton of different useful tools to its arsenal, and a huge number of users are setting its search page as their home page.

I decided to join this search service from the moment I launched my blog, when I installed the useful Yandex.Metrica counter and started using tools for webmasters. Now I constantly use the customized home page with its search.

Let's start setting up and the first thing we will do is install search page home page, for which in the address bar of the Internet browser we will go to and to the menu Firefox browser Let’s go to “Settings” – “General”, click one by one on the buttons: “Use current page” and “OK”.


We enter our Mailbox, which was registered in advance.

We delete all the widgets we don’t need using the cross in the upper right corner of each of them (you can always return everything back if you made a mistake using the “Return” or “Reset settings” button), and then click on the “Save” button.

Go to the “Add widget” menu item.

It is added to the page, after which we click the “Leave” button (most contain their own individual settings).

Move it to the desired location and click the “Save” button.

Go to the menu item " ".

Select any one you like and click on “Save Theme”.

Today, the Internet occupies a special place in the life of every person.

Users cannot imagine how they can manage without access to the Internet.

But situations arise when you need to understand the system in detail to improve your skills.

Some users often ask the question: “How to make the Yandex browser the default browser”? Experts will answer all these questions and tell you how to properly install the home page.

To perform downloads, users double-click on specific program shortcuts. At the beginning of the screen, a panel appears, which, in turn, displays the portals visited by users.

Accordingly, information about links and pages that were used before appears in the column. Some links are added manually, since they are practically never downloaded. Therefore, the user can independently perform any actions from his computer, for example:

  • change settings;
  • delete visited pages;
  • install any page you like on the panel
  • configure the program

There is another way to open the page. If you use a navigator program, you can save all your personal data on your computer. In fact, this option is not suitable for those people who share their computer with other users.

Indeed, in this case, access will be open and everyone will be able to use the personal data of another user. To hide confidential information you will need to create additional tabs. Yandex browser offers a button with a “+” sign, which is located on the top side.

Modern browsers provide millions of users with this opportunity to use their favorite home page. However, this action must be done manually. Since the program asks you to go through certain stages in accordance with the above requirements.

It should be emphasized that in reality the process takes much longer. After all, it is almost impossible to get rid of standard data in the Yandex browser.

How to change the operating mode of the Yandex browser

First of all, you need to open the menu using the icon at the top of the corner. This process optimizes the program's performance. This is necessary in order to use the parameters that serve for the start page. They can be found in the settings in the first paragraph. Often users do not know what to do in this situation and how to set home page.

In fact, each user has an excellent opportunity to set the necessary parameters independently. After the completed actions, tabs open quick access with links to various web portals. If a session in the Yandex browser was interrupted earlier, it is possible to restore the browser.

Browser download - add it yourself

To easily load the page, you need to find Yandex installed browser, which is stored in a specific folder on your computer. In ordinary cases, this information saved in system drives, and the file name must coincide with the name of the program. To clarify the data, go to the “Properties” option. By right-clicking the mouse, a context menu will appear.

To edit a file called “browser.bat”, you need to open the folder with the “Application” attachment. All these folders belong to the Yandex browser. To do this you will need to use file manager total Commander.

The last lines that appear on the screen should be changed to another. Seeing the home page of the Yandex browser is very easy and simple. This page will be displayed as a portal. This function you need to delete it using the address bar that appears on the screen.

If you have long wanted to simplify and speed up the search process home page Yandex and make it the start page of your browser, then this article is for you! What makes working with a search engine easier if it is set as the “start page”?

When you open your browser, the search agent page automatically opens, saving you time and effort. Knowing how to set a web page as your home page is very useful.

After all, you can not waste extra time and immediately open the page of interest in your browser. Implement this setting It’s completely uncomplicated, but some novice Internet users may not know how to do it.

Two main competitors - Yandex and Google

Now we can distinguish 2 main search services - Yandex and Google . Among the Russian-speaking population, naturally, it's the one who's in the lead search system Yandex and there are many reasons for this leadership. Yandex differs from its competitor in a number of advantages:

  1. High information content. From the start page you can immediately access all search engine services: news, posters, weather, mail, etc. You can even customize it as you wish thanks to additional widgets and modules.
  2. High quality of information output.
  3. Nice appearance, which can also be customized to your preferences thanks to Yandex themes that are constantly updated.

The easiest way to set up the start page is use this special application , which Yandex itself offers. You can install this application using the link Thanks to this application, Yandex will automatically be installed as the home page in all browsers. No additional manual settings in this case it will not be necessary. If this application didn't work or you just don't want to download additional program, then you can make settings manually in each browser.

Manual Yandex settings in various browsers

The steps for installing the home page are almost identical for all browsers, but, nevertheless, each browser has small features of securing the start page. We will look in detail at how to make Yandex the home page for key browsers:

  1. Mozilla Firefox;
  2. Opera;
  3. Google Chrome;
  4. Internet Explorer;
  5. Yandex Browser;
  6. Safari.

The most popular and convenient browsers according to Internet users

Yandex home page in Mozilla Firefox

The first browser we will consider is Mozilla Firefox, which is the leader among Russian users.

To set your home page, go to the settings menu in the upper right corner or simply type “about:preferences” in your browser’s address bar.

IN this section in line " Homepage"or "Home Page" indicate the address of the start page, namely, and click the "Ok" button.

A nice feature modern browsers is the lack of significance of the register value, that is, the browser will not care whether you write the site address in capital or small letters.

Yandex start page in Opera

As mentioned earlier, the settings in all browsers are very similar, so setting up the home page in Opera will be almost the same as in Mozilla.

To do this, open the menu in the browser and select the “Settings” section.

The latest versions of browsers are very similar, and accordingly, the settings of many parameters are also the same, including the home page settings

Then click the “Set pages” button and in the window that appears, in the “Add” line new page» indicate the address

You can add several pages to the list at once, so that when you start the browser, several tabs will open.

If at the time of installing the start page you have a Yandex page open in your browser, then you don’t have to enter the address manually, but just click the “Use current pages” button and the Yandex address will be displayed automatically.

After all the steps, click the “Ok” button.

Home page in Google Chrome

Setting up a quick access page in Google Chrome is as easy as in the previous options.

To do this, in the browser “Menu” (the button in the form of 3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner), select “Settings”.

In older versions of Google Chrome, the “Menu” section may be located in the right corner of the browser.

The Settings section of Google Chrome is very similar to the same section in Opera browser. Is not it?)

A tab has opened where you need to enter the home page address, in our case this is the Yandex address. We agree with our changes and click “Ok”.

As in previous browsers You can simplify the task and click the “Use current pages” button if the search engine page is already open in the browser.

Yandex home page in Internet Explorer

There are a lot of versions now of this browser that are installed on computers or laptops, so let’s consider installing the Yandex home page on latest versions Internet Explorer – 10 and 11. If you have more than early version this browser, then the installation process will be similar to the algorithm below and it will not be difficult for you to independently install Yandex as the start page on your browser.

Four simple steps to set up a home page for Internet Explorer:

  1. You need to open the browser settings menu (top right);
  2. Select the “Browser Options” tab;
  3. In the “General” section, find the “Home Page” item and enter the address in the empty line.
  4. In the “Startup” item, check the box next to “Start from the home page” and click “OK”.

Home page YANDEX In Yandex browser

The appearance of the Yandex browser is similar to the Google Chrome interface, however, there are some differences when setting up the home page.

Home page pinning scheme:

  • Open your browser settings.

The Settings section is represented by a gear icon at the top of the page

This browser does not have the ability to pin the start page. Perhaps this was done with the goal that all users of this program use exclusively the Yandex search service.

This item says that when you reopen the browser, tabs restored from the last session will open, but it is suggested to check the sub-item “ Open if there are no tabs" That is, if before closing the program you closed all tabs, then when next launch The browser will open exactly the Yandex page.

Yandex start page in Safari.

Safari is a young browser developed by Apple for your branded equipment. All modern users of iPhones and MacBooks know about this simple and convenient browser. To set up a home page in Safari you only need three simple steps:

  1. In the upper right corner, click on the gear icon and go to the “Settings” section;
  2. Next, select “Basic”;
  3. In the “Home Page” window, enter the address of the Yandex search engine.

What to do if the start page is not installed on the browser?

Rarely, but there are situations when even following all the instructions, you cannot set the start page through the browser settings in manual mode. What to do in this case? There are several suggestions:

  1. Try downloading the app, which was mentioned at the very beginning of our article, and try to automatically make changes to the browser. Just remember that the start page will change in ALL installed browsers on your computer.
  2. Clean your computer using antivirus and resume trying to set Yandex as your home page.
  3. And finally, if all the methods do not help achieve the desired result, contact support yours operating system . Describe your actions in detail, indicate any errors that occur and add screenshots of your actions to your message.
