Corporate unlimited megaphone Volga region connect. Corporate unlimited from megaphone. Additional options in “Corporate Unlimited” from Megafon

Cellular operators quite often they “tweak” their tariff plans, making them more profitable for themselves and their subscribers. At the same time, they are closing the old tariffs, you can no longer connect to them. MegaFon's modern corporate tariffs are not only simple, but also flexible. There are only three of them left, but this is enough for the needs of the vast majority of subscribers.

Non-public corporate tariffs of MegaFon

There are so-called closed tariffs created specifically for specific clients. They imply special terms of service, interesting pricing and unusual services - really unlimited Internet without any "ticks". They are connected to large corporate clients who find it difficult to fit into traditional tariff plans. They are not available to regular subscribers.

Unlimited MegaFon corporate tariffs throughout Russia, for all numbers - this actually exists, the only question is who is provided with such luxurious conditions and what is the fee for such premium service. There are also people working on the Internet who sell SIM cards with MegaFon’s non-public corporate tariffs. Is it worth the risk and buying them? It’s up to you to decide, since you are guaranteed to find them. positive reviews about such connections is difficult. People claim the following:

  • “Left” SIM cards are often blocked;
  • The terms of service are not true;
  • Money often disappears from the accounts of these SIM cards;
  • Unlimited ones turn out to be limited.

This is also a whole field of activity for scammers - they often play on the problems of people who need truly unlimited Internet, offering SIM cards with regular tariffs for a lot of money.

As shown by the results of a thorough search, the cost of SIM cards with MegaFon’s supposedly non-public corporate tariffs ranges from 1 to 5 thousand rubles.

Current situation with corporate TP

Modern MegaFon tariffs for corporate clients brought to a single form for all regions. If we look at regional websites, we will see that tariff plans, services and promotions are the same for all regional subscribers. Whether it is Samara, the Volga region, Yekaterinburg, Saratov, St. Petersburg, Moscow and the Moscow region, the Urals or other regions/territories, the names of the tariffs will be the same - only the terms of service will differ.

MegaFon also closed the old tariffs for corporate clients. “Unlimited VIP”, “Fresh”, “Everything for business”, “Unlimited corporate” and many other TPs have sunk into oblivion - the operator has brought everything to a single standard, be it the conditions for subscribers from St. Petersburg or the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Corporate rates for individuals

What is stated in the title of this section is indeed possible . For this purpose, the MegaFon network provides the “Our People” program. It works like this:

  • The company employee receives certificates;
  • Certificates are transferred to potential consumers (relatives or other employees who do not have access to corporate communications);
  • Using the certificates received, people purchase SIM cards with MegaFon corporate tariffs that are currently in effect.

One employee can receive no more than seven certificates; a maximum of five SIM cards are issued for each document.

Thus, you can connect to MegaFon’s corporate communications only if you have a certificate in hand - and for this you do not need to be a VIP client, you only need to have relatives or colleagues working at an enterprise where the “Our People” program operates.

Remember that payment for communications is made by subscribers themselves, and not at corporate expense.

Current MegaFon corporate tariffs

The following tariff plans are currently available on the MegaFon network:

  • "Corporate unlimited";
  • "MegaFon-Online Corporate";
  • “Mobile Internet for cash register equipment.”

Let's make up detailed descriptions tariffs.

Tariff "Corporate Unlimited"

We have a flexible, customizable tariff plan “Corporate Unlimited” 2017. In subsequent years, the terms of service may change - monitor the changes on our website or on the operator’s website. For example, MegaFon's 2016 "Corporate Unlimited" tariff does not differ much from the modern version, but changes can occur at any time.

This tariff plan is customizable. It provides for the following service conditions, on which the subscription fee depends:

  • Number of minutes - from 300 to 5000;
  • Amount of traffic – from 4 to 30 GB;
  • Coverage area for voice communication– “Home region”, “Home region + intercity” and “Home region + Intercity + Travel around Russia”;
  • The coverage area for the Internet is “Home Region” and “Home Region + Travel in Russia”.

The subscription fee ranges from 370 to 1400 rubles/month, depending on the selected combination.

Here are some examples:

  • Tariff with 300 local minutes and 4 GB of local Internet – 370 rubles/month;
  • Version for 600 minutes within Russia (home + intercity) and 10 GB when traveling within Russia – 650 rubles/month;
  • Tariff plan for 1500 minutes throughout Russia, including in intranet roaming, as well as 20 GB of Internet throughout Russia - 1070 rubles/min.

The cost of local communication above the package is 1.2 rubles/min., in Russia – 3 rubles/min. Sending local SMS and to MegaFon numbers throughout the country - 1.2 rubles/piece, to numbers of other operators throughout the country - 2 rubles/piece.

Let's consider the cost of international calls on the “Corporate Unlimited” tariff from MegaFon. A call to the CIS countries, as well as to Abkhazia, Georgia and South Ossetia, will cost 12 rubles per minute. Outgoing calls to European numbers, including Turkish and Israeli phones, cost 18 rubles/min. If you need to call Canada or the USA, the cost of the call will be 25 rubles/min., to numbers in Asian countries – 50 rubles/min. Other directions – 60 rub./min. Calls to satellite phones operator Thuraya – 80 rub./min., to numbers of the operator Inmarsat – 270 rub./min.

Internet traffic within the package is provided on maximum speed, after it is exhausted, the speed drops to 64 kbit/sec. Calls to any MegaFon numbers in the country are free of charge.

The “Corporate Unlimited” tariff from MegaFon is interesting because you can connect a landline number here. A phone with code 499 costs 250 rubles/month, with code 495 – 495 rubles/month. It is also possible to connect to the “Discount for Experience” program, which allows you to receive a discount of 20% or more in the form of a refund to your account for long-term use of communication services.

Tariff "MegaFon-Online Corporate"

A special corporate tariff has been created especially for those subscribers who need to be online anywhere and at any time. The cost of Internet on it is 1 rub./MB without discount. The following options allow you to reduce traffic costs:

  • “Internet for business S” - 5 GB for 350 rubles/month;
  • “Internet for business M” - 10 GB for 590 rubles/month;
  • “Internet for business L” - 20 GB for 890 rubles/month;
  • “Internet for business XL” - 40 GB for 1,290 rubles/month.

There are also options for extending traffic - up to 4 GB for 300 rubles. The traffic itself can be spent throughout Russia. And access to the websites of RBC, Vedomosti and Kommersant is provided absolutely free and unlimited.

To find out the remaining Internet traffic included, dial the USSD command *990-558#. You can check your balance with the standard command *100# - it shows the status of your corporate account.

Tariff “Mobile Internet for cash register equipment”

According to 54-FZ, almost all entrepreneurs (with the exception of some categories) must use online cash registers. If we are talking about a point of sale that is not connected to the Internet, the easiest way is to use a special corporate tariff. It costs not 500 or 200 rubles, but only 100 rubles/month, offering unlimited Internet for online cash registers at a speed of 32 kbit/sec - an excellent cost-saving effect for business.

How to switch to MegaFon's corporate tariff

To make the transition, contact your company's communications specialist. If you are just planning to organize corporate communications, contact the customer service office to conclude an agreement. At the same time, you can buy the required number of SIM cards.

It's easy to switch from MegaFon's corporate tariff to a regular one - to do this, you need to exit the corporate agreement by contacting the person responsible for communications in your company. If you are this person, contact the operator's office with documents.

* Connection conditions are valid only until June 01, 2019. Hurry up to connect!
When connecting, you can choose a beautiful phone number.

Connecting only new numbers from the website with a note

The direct number is provided as part of the "Additional City Number" service and is different from the federal number.

All calls up to 3 seconds are free. A local telephone conversation lasting less than 60 seconds is charged at the cost of a minute of airtime; a call lasting 60 seconds or more is charged per minute.

Rounding is carried out upward with an accuracy of up to 150 KB. The non-chargeable volume of both transmitted and received data is 0 KB.

The forwarding tariff is summed up with the cost of an outgoing call in the selected direction. The Forwarding service is not taken into account in the personal tuning options.

Airtime spent by the subscriber to perform any operations using mailbox, is paid in accordance with the selected tariff plan - as local outgoing calls to MegaFon-Moscow phones. The subscriber does not pay for the airtime used by the caller to record the message.

Conference call participants pay for airtime call time independently of each other in accordance with their chosen tariff plans and tariff rules.

Prohibition of identifying your number for outgoing calls (not guaranteed for calls to other mobile networks).

Long-distance (international) calls are charged from the beginning of the conversation. The tariff for long-distance (international) communication services is calculated by summing the cost of a minute of long-distance (international) communication and the cost of a minute of local airtime in accordance with the selected tariff plan. When calculating the long-distance (international) component of airtime cost, the duration telephone conversation rounded up to the nearest 60 seconds.

The provider has the right to activate the “banning” service international communications". To disable the service, you must go through the procedure of confirming the passport data of the number owner at the Provider's office.

Prices are indicated in rubles including VAT. Tariffs are indicated taking into account discounts and adjustments when the number is in your home region.
When specifying tariffs, mathematical rounding to the second decimal place is allowed.

The tariff plan is based on a linear tariff. It is not a development of PJSC MegaFon.

The data published on the site is provided solely for information purposes and does not constitute a public offer. In the event that the price of a product or service is indicated incorrectly due to a typo or technical error, the exact price will be given by the manager.

The site has an error correction system. If you find an inaccuracy in the text, highlight it and click Shift+Enter

Today, mobile communications are especially in demand for business purposes. Increasingly, companies are turning to operators in search of favorable tariffs for conducting business with partners, communication between colleagues, as well as promptly sending messages and documents for employees on business trips at a distance from the office. Megafon has developed a number of offers specifically for business people, thanks to which inexpensive communication services have become available to company representatives. The article will discuss corporate tariffs from the Megafon operator, a description of characteristics, connection methods and additional savings.


Megafon offers various conditions tariffs depending on the scale of the client organization. Both small companies and large state-owned enterprises were interested in business proposals. The essence of corporate tariffs is to provide exclusive conditions and discounts for all company employees.

In this case, for each participant you can select optimal settings for maximum savings on communication services.

There are special options for those who call a lot. Thus, the more minutes a subscriber talks on the phone, the more profitable the communication becomes.

As for the offers themselves, there are options to choose from without a monthly fee, as well as tariffs that include a monthly payment and a set set of services. And now, in more detail about the filling of currently valid tariffs from the operator in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In fact, this is not one offer, but a whole set of tariffs and options.

You can easily customize everything for your purposes important parameters, including the number of minutes, territorial direction of outgoing calls, as well as the volume of traffic.

Basic characteristics:

  1. Calls Free for Megafon subscribers throughout the country. This condition also applies on trains in Russia, if the appropriate option is activated.
  2. Especially for holding meetings and negotiations via video communication in excellent quality, you can use the service “ Online conferences" Installation of additional software not required.

Now let's talk about variables. The number of minutes for calls to other operators, as well as the volume of traffic, can be adjusted.

Minimum values are 300 minutes and 4 GB. For such a set of services you will need to pay 370 rubles. This amount only includes calls within the home area. If we expand the geography, then for calls from “home” to the regions the cost will be 430 rubles. If we also include the ability to make calls and use the Internet while traveling around Russia, the amount will increase to 550 rubles.

The gradation when setting the minutes is as follows: 300/600/1500/5000. The traffic volume can also be changed in steps: 4/10/20/30 GB. Maximum set services includes 5,000 minutes for calls throughout the country and while traveling, as well as 30 GB of traffic, and will cost 2,000 rubles.

Corporate standard

For those who do not want to pay a fixed fee subscription fee every month, the “Corporate Standard” tariff is provided.

The offer is especially interesting due to preferential prices for communication between employees within the company.

The following prices for services are offered:

  • 0.15 rub. for calls between employees;
  • 2.5 rub. – to all numbers in the home area;
  • 1 MB costs 9.9 rubles.
  • long-distance communication: 5 rub. – within the network, 10 – to numbers of other operators, 12 – to the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (to numbers with a code of Ukraine);
  • SMS correspondence within the company, as well as to all numbers in your area - 1.75 rubles, to CIS countries - 3 rubles, to others - 3.5;
  • long-distance negotiations will cost from 12 to 60 rubles. per minute depending on direction.

For users of the “Corporate Standard” tariff, the operator offers additional features savings on calls, namely options:

  1. « UnlimitedXS» - for 200 rub. You can make unlimited calls and send up to 500 SMS to Megafon numbers in your home area. 500 MB of traffic is also included.
  2. « Business 300» for 390 rub. This is unlimited to Megafon numbers in the Moscow region, 300 min. to numbers of other operators, 1 GB of traffic and 1000 SMS throughout the country.

Megafon-Online Corporate

This tariff is designed for connecting remote offices and equipment to the Internet.

Can be used on smartphones, tablets and modems.

He's on his own has no monthly fee. 1 MB of traffic costs 1 ruble. When adding additional options and discounts, the final cost will vary from 350 to 1290 rubles. depending on the selected traffic volume. The options are called " Internet for business", differ in traffic volume and letter designation. Below are the options with recommended devices:

  1. For smartphone: " XS» — 70 MB for 7 rubles. per day and " S» – 5 GB for 350 rub. per month.
  2. For a tablet: the package “ S"and offer more high level « M» with 10 GB for 590.
  3. « L" - 20 GB for 890 and " XL"- 40 GB for 1290.

Users get access to the network at maximum speed. A nice bonus is free business content:,,

To control the remaining traffic on all connected options, you can use the command *990*558#. When the volume of traffic within the connected package is exhausted, access to the network is suspended. To add gigabytes, you can use the options " Auto renewals", they also differ in volume:

  • « S» — 70 rub. for 500 MB;
  • « M» — 120 rub. for 1 GB;
  • « L» — 200 rub. for 2 GB;
  • « XL» — 300 rub. for 4 GB.

You can connect them no more than 5 times a month.

A useful feature for business owners – “ Denying access to entertainment content" For 1 rub. per day you can limit access to sites with malicious and fraudulent content, as well as to entertainment resources, social networks and video portals. Thus, the productivity of departments, the level of corporate culture and IT security increase.

The tariff plan is primarily aimed at profitable Internet access, but standard communication services are also provided. Let's consider the tariff conditions:

  • all calls within home region cost 7 rubles;
  • SMS within the country - 2 rubles, abroad - from 3 to 3.5 rubles. depending on the direction;
  • MMS within Russia – 7 rubles, outside the Russian Federation – 10 rubles. to the CIS countries and 20 to the rest.


« Mobile Internet for controlcash register equipment» - the offer is designed specifically for use on cash registers. The subscription fee is 100 rubles. per month. The service includes:

Discount for experience

A pleasant opportunity for users of corporate tariffs is the “ Discount for experience“, communication with her becomes even more profitable.

The operator returns 20% of the invoice amount to program participants.

For example, if this month you used the maximum package of services at the “Corporate Unlimited” tariff, discussed earlier, and the amount on the account was 2000 rubles, then next month 400 rubles will be credited to your account. in the form of a bonus payment.

The availability and size of the discount depends on the length of participation in the program. There is no discount for the first year of a standard contract. However, with each subsequent year, it will increase more and more. So, in the 2nd year it will be 20%, 3rd – 25, 4th – 30, etc.

For those who decide to conclude additional agreement for the use of services for a period of 1 year, more favorable conditions apply. The discount is available from the 1st year, that is, immediately after connection.


Connection to all listed tariff plans is free and available only to legal entities. The minimum advance payment is 150 rubles. Management and activation of communication services are possible in several ways ways:

  • through a single account (you can connect to it through the operator’s website);
  • by contacting the corporate partner support service (it is separate from individuals).

If you wish, you can choose a city number, the additional payment will be 250 rubles. per month for (499) and 495 rub. for (495). At the moment, there is a connection promotion.

Provider mobile communications Megafon analyzed the geography of conversations, the amount of traffic consumed and the total duration of calls made by subscribers of legal organizations, and presented a line of unlimited tariffs. Among them, “Corporate Unlimited” especially stands out. What are the advantages of this tariff?

  • The number of outgoing calls to users of the mobile communications provider Megafon is not limited (when located in the territory defined as “Home”, as well as when traveling around Russia).
  • Internet traffic without speed limit in the amount of 4/10/20/30 GB.
  • The number of SMS messages that clients can send within one corporate agreement is unlimited. In this case, the location of the addressee and sender does not matter.
  • 50/100 text messages to numbers of other providers in the region defined as “Home”.
  • Incoming calls are free.
  • Online conferences in the “Video meeting” mode within a corporate agreement are available free of charge.

Taking into account the choice of certain parameters necessary to provide high-quality communications to employees, a subscription fee is calculated, which ranges from 250 rubles to 495 rubles per calendar month.

It should be noted that such payment is not written off at a time, but is divided into equal parts for each day of the month. When connecting, a one-time payment is required advance payment

in the amount of 150 rubles for each room included in the contract.

Additional services that the subscriber can use

Trips around Russia Customers who use Enterprise unlimited tariff

from Megafon, are often forced to make business trips around Russia.

International connections

The range of tariffs included in the presented option makes it possible to connect in roaming at your own prices.

  • Outgoing calls to mobile users:
  • CIS, Georgia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia - 12.00 rubles;
  • European countries (including Israel and Turkey) - 18.00 rubles;
  • USA and Canada - 25.00 rubles;
  • Asian countries - 50.00 rubles;
  • other countries - 60.00 rubles; To users using the systems satellite communications

(Thuraya/Inmarsat) - 80.00/270.00 rubles. Text messages sent to users cellular communications

CIS countries, Georgia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia - 3.00 rubles. Text messages to provider numbers in all other countries - 3.50 rubles. You can get acquainted in detail with other features of the “Corporate Unlimited” tariff on the official website of the Megafon network provider, where there is a convenient form for quick calculation and selection of the optimal one. You can also contact the provider’s information service by numbers 0555 or 8 800 550 05 55.

Megafon's "Corporate Unlimited" tariff is designed for customers mobile services, who are representatives of the business sector. The universal offer is of interest to both beginners and established businessmen due to the ability to regulate the scope of the tariff plan’s functionality and independently set the amount of the monthly subscription fee. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the service provided by the cellular provider.

Description of the corporate offer

The tariff has the following advantages:

  • Provides the opportunity for unlimited communication within minutes home network and long-distance communications;
  • “Online conferences” is an additional option for owners of the service, which does not require the installation of special software for its operation;
  • Availability of adjusting the volume of free calls, messages and Internet packages up or down.

"Corporate unlimited" the description of the volumes of which can be modified makes available from 300 to 5,000 unpaid minutes, traffic is provided in sizes from 4 to 30 gigabytes. The user of the offer in question also has access to self-determination the main coverage area of ​​the tariff plan, which also affects the cost of the service.

If the limits of the purchased package are exceeded, the standard method of charging services is activated:

  • A minute of call spent on a conversation within a home network costs 1.2 rubles;
  • Communication with subscribers in other regions – 10 rubles/min;
  • The cost of sending one text message is 3.9 rubles.

Additional options offers:

  • Setting a ban for connected employees to certain third-party channels - 1 rub./day;
  • For more active SMS users, there is the “SMS XL” option with 100 free messages – 25 rubles/day;
  • “Internet for Business” - a huge traffic package for 1,300 rubles per month - 40 gigabytes;

Minimum set of options within the tariff plan

The narrowest range of options is provided to subscribers for a monthly subscription fee of 370 rubles, which includes the following packages:

  • Free calls to any subscriber numbers via home network – 300 minutes;
  • Traffic volume mobile internet– 4 gigabytes;
  • 150 free SMS, of which 50 come from text messages for clients of other cellular providers, and others are sent via the Megafon network;
  • Unlimited time for holding an online conference within the network.

The maximum cost of purchased options can reach 2000 rubles/month. Megafon also provides its customers with discounts on its services - the “Experience Discount” returns up to 20% of expenses made in the previous month, if their total did not exceed 1,000 rubles. Another condition for providing benefits is that the owner of this tariff plan has been its owner for more than a year. For a longer connection period, the discount can increase to 30%.

Switch to tariff plan

How to activate a comprehensive service for companies? This type of tariff can only be purchased by the manager of the organization. At the office of a cellular service company between legal entity and the provider signs an agreement, after which you are provided with a personal manager who will answer all your questions about setup, change, etc.

A Megafon client who contacts the company’s office to connect to the service must have a passport and some documentation confirming the organization’s activities. Switching to the offer in question is free. The main user of the described mobile communication service for organizations for 2017 can make adjustments through Personal Area on the provider's website.

It is worth noting that some salons provide payment for the work done by a specialist; it is no more than 10%.
