Home media server lg. Installation and initial setup of DLNA Home Media Server (HMS) on Windows. Setting up a DLNA server for a TV using the Home Media Server program

UPnP (abbreviationUniversal Plug and Play a set of network protocols published by the forum of the same name.

The UPnP Forum is an open association of industry representatives with the goal of developing standards for UPnP technology, the goal of which is to simplify the integration of smart devices, initially at the level of home and subsequently corporate networks.

UPnP is based on standards and technologies such as TCP / IP, UDP, HTTP, XML and ensures automatic connection establishment between similar devices and their working together online .

In this case, in order to give access, for example, to the resources of an FTP server located on a PC, you need to perform a port forwarding operation on the router and assign a static IP address to the computer.

Note! Using the UPnP function on the router, all port forwarding settings are carried out automatically, so this method Suitable for people just starting to learn computers. The downside of UpnP is that it reduces the security level of your home network.

In most cases, the user receives a router with UpnP mode activated. Let's check activation this mode in the settings of our router.

For this in any accessible browser you should write the IP address of your router (usually this is or, enter your login and password.


Section “Forwarding”, subsection “UpnP” - “Status - Enabled”


“Advanced” section, “Advanced Network” subsection, the “Enable UPnP” field is checked.


“Internet” section, “Connection” tab - “Enable UpnP” checkbox is checked in the “Yes” field.

After UPnP mode has been enabled on the router, you must also enable it in the application that requires port forwarding.

For example, to enable UpnP in Skype you need to go to the section "Additionally", subsection "Compound" and check the box next to "Enable UpnP".

Creating a DLNA home media server

DLNA- a technology that allows you to combine devices into a single digital network for the purpose of receiving/transmitting and viewing various media content online.

In practice, it looks like this: there is a computer with a larger capacity hard drive on which photos, films, audio recordings and other media content are stored.

What if you want to watch one of the movies not on your PC screen, but on a large TV?

Or you have friends over and you want to show your vacation photos either on the big TV screen or on your phone because you don’t want to go into the house.

What if each family member wants to watch their media files on their personal device (phone, tablet)?

The problem is solved by creating a PC-based media server and combining all devices into a single network using a router.

Draw your attention to that routers that support the 802.11N standard (data transfer speeds up to 300 Mb/s) do not always cope with transmitting large volumes of video streaming High Quality Freezing occurs on Wi-Fi and on the TV screen.

Download and install the program.

After installation is complete, you should indicate from which directory and what type of content will be broadcast to the network (the “Add” button on the right panel of the program).

The selection is made by placing green dots next to the corresponding directories and content type.

To add resources hosted on network or removable drives You must check the appropriate boxes at the bottom of the window.

If necessary, you can add the program to startup and install the service « Home media server» , this will allow the program to start automatically after turning on the computer.

To start the DLNA server, click the “Launch” button in the top panel of the program, after which you need to turn on the TV.

To launch the content, click on the file right click mouse and context menu choose "Play on..." instead of three dots there will be your device (in our case, a TV).

This article will talk about setting it up on your computer. This technology is useful because it allows you to view media content from your PC on your TV.

This is possible when connecting the TV and computer to the same network, or when connecting directly. After that, all that remains is to launch DLNA and watch the desired movie or photo. This is quite convenient, because it is much more pleasant to show a large company photos, videos, or make a presentation on the big screen.

There are many different programs that allow you to do this. Among them, it is often recommended "Home Media Server (UpnP, DLNA, HTTP)". And indeed this application has shown itself well in practice. Therefore, in today's article, we will show an example using this particular program.

This home media server is quite universal and is capable of running a DLNA server that is compatible with any TV (and indeed with many devices, for example, game consoles) that can work using this technology. If the TV is capable of connecting wirelessly, or has a connector for connecting a network cable, then there is a high probability that it supports DLNA. In general, the program itself has a lot different settings, That's why standard applications, for TVs, are very much inferior to it.

Today’s article itself will be useful to owners of TVs from almost any manufacturer. After all, as already noted, a home media server is third party program, which has great functionality and wide capabilities, which allows it to work with any equipment. And it's also free.

Today we will look in detail only at ways to give TV access to the necessary folders on a computer, instructions on how to create a server and watch movies using it.

For reference, in this example we used an LG 32LN575U TV, an ASUS RT-N13U router and ASUS laptop R56CM.

Establishing a connection between the TV and computer

As you already understood, in order to be able to watch video from a computer through a TV, you need to establish a connection between these two devices. If you have them already connected to each other, then you can skip this step and proceed to the next one.

Well, if your TV is not yet connected to your PC, then you can do this through a router. Thus, without unnecessary hassles, you can connect the TV itself to your computer via Wi-Fi. Another TV can be connected using a router. The most important thing is that both devices work with the same router.

In case there is no home Wi-Fi

When you don’t have a router, and therefore don’t have a wireless network at home, you can connect your TV to your laptop using a network cable directly.

It will look like this:

This connection method is quite reliable, so there should not be any problems here. The downside is the presence of a cable that connects these two devices. Even if the TV does not see such a connection, you can still play multimedia files through the Home Media Server program.

It is quite possible that it is possible to actually connect a TV to a computer. But we have not yet begun to check this and look for ways to implement such an idea. Most likely, you can do this using your laptop as a router.

Having connected the computer to the TV, we proceed to the settings for DLNA servers.

Setting up “Home Media Server”

Of course, first of all, we need the program itself. You can download it from the official resource https://www.homemediaserver.ru/index.htm and then install it. On the developers website, click on the download button.

After this, save the archive with the program to your PC. After which, it must be unpacked. There will be a “setup” file, run it and follow the instructions to install the application. When the program is installed, a shortcut will appear on your desktop. Start Home Media Server.

Now we will specify in the settings all types of multimedia files and folders that will be available for viewing on the TV. We go into settings, at the top of the program window there is a corresponding button.

In the settings window, go to the media resources tab. Several standard folders with music, pictures and videos will already be indicated there. Here we can add our own and edit the type of files that will be displayed on the TV.

In order not to rummage through folders too much in search of the desired video or photo, it is better to open access to local drives. Check the box next to the appropriate item (or make sure it is there).

Activating this option will provide the ability to access from the TV any files that are on all local disks.

In order to add separate directories with files or, for example external HDD, on the right click on the “Add” button. Then find the desired folder or external device and select it.

The plate in the center displays all the folders that are accessible to the TV. This shows the type of files that can be viewed in these directories. In general, this is the main setting necessary for us, but the program has many other useful parameters that can be configured.

After you're done, you'll need to save these settings. Click on the “OK” button and agree to scan the directories.

The program will scan the selected directories for some time. After this, you can start starting the DLNA server. On top menu click on the start button. A message indicating that the server started successfully should appear.

We turn on our TV and open, on the computer, in the program, the tab with playback devices. In the right corner, click on the “Update” button. After this, the TV should appear in the list.

If this does not happen and the Home Media Server does not find anything and the connected devices are not shown on the TV itself, then you need to check the connection itself. Make sure your TV and PC are connected.

In some cases, the media server may be blocked antivirus programs and firewalls. In this case, add this application to the exceptions and try again.

If everything is successfully detected, you can start viewing media files. We'll start with photos. In the top menu, select the desired file type, in this case it is a photo.

Next, in the central part of the window, you can select the desired directory and find suitable files in it. When the desired photo is selected, simply right-click on it and move the cursor to the “Play to” line and then select your TV.

This photo will instantly appear on the TV screen.

In the same way, you can launch and play videos and music. This is just one way to play files by running them from a media server. But this method is not very comfortable. In many cases, it is much more convenient to search for the necessary files on the TV itself and then launch them.

By the way, if the window running program close, it will be hidden in the notification panel.

But the server itself will not stop and will continue to work.

Opening files via TV

After the server is started, we return to our TV.

Typically, TVs have a special program that allows you to work with a DLNA server. In our case, this is Smart Share. But perhaps, in other examples, it could be a completely different program.

If you have a TV like in our case (LG), then you need to go to the Smart TV menu (press the blue button on the remote control) and then find and launch Smart Share. True, if it supports DLNA technology, then everything may be completely different. Open it and go to the “My Computer” folder, where there will be all available files and directories to which access is open.

You can open any one and start the desired video, look at a photo, or listen to music

Let's sum it up

Whatever one may say, “Home Media Server” is quite an interesting program that opens up new possibilities for your TV. And by the way, there are many more in this program, useful functions. For example, if you watch a long enough movie, the computer may go into sleep mode and the TV will stop showing it. To prevent this, there is a special parameter in the settings that can be used to prevent the PC from going into sleep mode.

A media server is an excellent solution for owners of home computer networks, the structure of which involves the simultaneous use of several devices - SMART-TV TVs, mobile gadgets, as well as PCs and laptops. How to create a functional home media server? What type of program can I use for this?

What is a home media server?

Many Russian users access the Internet via a Wi-Fi router. This device allows you to simultaneously connect several devices to the network. These could be laptops, tablets or, for example, Smart TVs TV. The capabilities of wireless networks allow you to create a real home media server - for a TV, laptop and any other Wi-Fi-enabled device. What functions should it have? For example, a server can distribute media resources—video files, music, photos—between different devices. Another useful function is to provide shared access between devices to online services, for example, IPTV.

Why create a home media server?

For what purpose do users create home media servers? This is usually associated with the desire to organize a more convenient and operational option working with media content via multiple devices. If, for example, with the help of Smart TV a person wants to watch a movie, then without a media server of the appropriate type this can only be done by going online, where he will have to search for a long time required file, or through external media - a flash drive or HDD. In the second case, constantly transferring media from one device to another is not always convenient. But if you have a media server, you can place the necessary files on it and launch them from the TV, as well as from other devices, at any time.

A home media server in a number of configurations can also function offline. This is useful if there is no Internet access for some reason. Even in this case, home network users will probably be able to entertain themselves by watching video files, photos, and listening to music available on the server.

How difficult is it to create a home media server? Setting up such a system - what are its nuances? It all depends on what functions the user wants to see in a home media content distribution system. If we are talking about basic capabilities - for example, providing access to files of common multimedia types, then the server structure will not be too complex. There are quite a lot various types Software that allows a user who has little experience in working with local systems to create an appropriate system computer networks. If you need to create a media server for a TV, then the capabilities of such solutions are almost always sufficient. A TV usually can’t recognize as many types of files as a computer, but it can only recognize those that belong to the most common media standards.

But if the question is how to set up a home media server not only for shared access to content, but, say, to ensure that devices can access the Internet or Internet television resources, then more comprehensive work will be required. The capabilities of those types of software that are adapted for inexperienced users may not be enough.

Methods for creating a server

What are the ways to create a home media server? One of the most technologically advanced is the purchase of a separate system unit, performing the corresponding functions. Its performance does not necessarily have to be high, since it is supposed to serve not hundreds of thousands of users, as is the case with Internet servers, but several devices within a home network. Therefore, large investments in equipment are not required. What you should pay attention to is performance hard drive system unit. It is advisable that the associated hardware component has sufficient volume and rotation speed to handle the job. The hard drive will be subject to significant loads during system operation.

Where should I locate my home media server? It is necessary to find a place in the apartment in which the server unit can constantly work and not disturb anyone. It is advisable to connect the server to an Internet source - for example, a Wi-Fi router - using a wire, since you will probably need to use maximum power throughput channel- this is sometimes difficult to do in wireless mode because there are interferences.

Server software

In many cases, the optimal operating system with which you can organize a server capable of accumulating the user’s media resources is Linux Ubuntu. This OS is characterized by stability. However, in order to using Ubuntu to launch a home media server, the setup will be quite complex, and the user will need to have extensive experience working with similar platforms. But if a person has the appropriate skills, then he will be able to take advantage of all the benefits of such a scheme.

The capabilities of the Ubuntu OS allow you to create a functional server with which you can organize general access online with different devices, create storage for files, and also use DLNA standards. A home media server based on Ubuntu will allow you to connect not only computers to the Internet, but also various mobile devices and even some types of household appliances, supporting the corresponding function.

If the user does not have enough experience with Ubuntu, then he can try using popular solutions for Windows. These include the Home Media Server program or Home Media Server. It has enough capabilities to satisfy the needs of most home network owners. So, with the help of it you can organize file sharing, IPTV, and use podcasts for a home media server. You can download the HMS program on the website homemediaserver.ru. Once we have downloaded and installed this type of software, we can create a home media server. It can be configured using the following algorithm.

Setting up a server via HMS

You should launch the HMS program, then select the “Settings” button. After that there is a section called “Media Resources”. Then go to the “Directory List” page and click “Add”. After this, you can use the Windows interface to move the necessary folders to the main program window.

The HMS program is characterized by a fairly high degree of automation. In general, the user does not need to make significant changes to the settings of this software. But sometimes this may be necessary, for example, if the system does not work for some reason. Possible reasons We will look at incorrect server operation a little later.

Once the files are downloaded, click “Launch” in the main HMS window. If the server starts, then everything is fine. If necessary, it can be stopped or restarted. After this, you can start using the home server using devices that support the corresponding function, for example, using a TV.

To organize access to the server via a browser, you must again select “Settings”, then “Server”, and enter the required value in the “Port” section. Using a browser, you can log into the server by entering the IP address of the home server in the address bar, then a colon, and then the port number that we entered before. You can find out the required IP address by selecting “Settings”, then “Server”, and then selecting the list of connections that are allowed.

Setting up a server via HMS: fixing errors

What to do if the home media server does not start? The network setup was probably carried out with errors in this case. Let's look at the most typical ones. First of all, it is useful to check which network connections are reflected in the list of available ones. This can be done by opening Settings and Server, and then enabling the list of allowed connections. It is useful to compare the data displayed in the program window with the information contained in the list of available connections, which can be viewed using the “Search” button. Allow the system to use available connections You can also access the network using the HMS program interface.

It is also useful to check whether there are any restrictions on the operation of the HMS program in the settings of the Windows firewall or its analogues, which may be installed in the operating system. The exchange of all types of packets must be allowed - incoming, outgoing.


One of the opportunities that a functional home media server provides to the user is Internet television, or IPTV. The HMS program allows you to configure the corresponding function. The main thing is that the Internet provider to which the user is connected provides a service for broadcasting TV channels online - by subscription or as an additional service.

In order to organize a broadcast using an IPTV home media server, in addition to the HMS program, you should also download a type of software such as VLC Media Player. This can be done through the website videolan.org. Once VLC is downloaded, it needs to be combined with HMS. To do this, you need to open “Home Media Server”, then select “Settings”, then “Media Resources” and “Internet Resources”. After that, find the VideoLAN settings and indicate the folder on your computer where the player is installed.

Then you need to download a playlist that includes a list of broadcast channels. It is a file in m3u format. This can be done by visiting a specialized website for digital TV lovers, for example, nastroisam.ru. Also, such files may be on the websites of providers. After downloading the playlist, you need to move it to the appropriate area of ​​the HMS interface. To do this, go to “Settings”, then select “Transcoder” and start working with the “Internet TV” option. After the appropriate settings have been made, you should reboot the home server. After this, you can use IPTV capabilities, for example, using a TV - if it supports this function.

Working with HMS: nuances

Let's look at some of the nuances that characterize the operation of the Home Media Server program. Using the main window of this software, you can edit the list of folders that form media content, as well as manage them when exchanging data between different devices.

If navigation through files that form media content is slow, this may be due to the specifics of a particular device. It is also possible that the performance of the server's hard drive is insufficient. Failures can also be caused by frequent changes in directory structure. Slowdown of the server may be due to the fact that the directory scanning mode is activated in the program while the system is running.

You can navigate through the files that form the structure of media content using a folder called “Media resource directories.” It is quite possible that certain media files will not be visible on the device used to view content, despite the fact that they are viewed in the main program window. This may be due to the specific mime types for a particular type of content. You can set a different Mime type - the program's capabilities also allow you to do this. You should click “Settings”, then “Media Resources”, then “File Types” and change extensions if necessary.

Connecting devices

So, we have configured and launched the home media server. How to use it? The capabilities of the program in question allow you to connect a variety of devices to your home network - computers, televisions or, for example, multimedia projectors.

Let's assume that the network is organized via a Wi-Fi router, but communication technology in this case is a secondary factor. If devices are connected to a network via Wi-Fi, then you need to set the automatic procedure for assigning IP addresses to connected devices in the router settings.

Exactly how the device connected to the server - a TV or mobile gadget- finds folders with media content, depending on the specifics of the corresponding device. Brands that produce devices can use interfaces that are quite different from the solutions of device manufacturers.

The HMS program is universal; it allows you to connect to the server almost any device that supports this function. Using this software, you can organize access to video files, music and photos. It is optimal for both Wi-Fi networks and wired connections. Using this program, you can access media content from PCs, laptops, mobile devices, as well as, for example, printers, video cameras and TV set-top boxes that support the corresponding function.

But in some cases, the device can only work correctly if branded software is used.

So, for example, if a person uses Smart TV from Samsung, then perhaps the best option for him is AllShare program, produced by a Korean brand. It allows you to create a fairly functional home media server on the user’s computer. Samsung is not the only manufacturer of this type of software, of course.

Another Korean brand, LG, has also developed its own program. In order to run a home media server for LG, you can install the LG Smart Share program.

Home server using Plex

If using branded software is less desirable for the network owner, then you can try using a common alternative to HMS - the Plex Media Server program. Its capabilities also allow you to effectively distribute media content between several devices - TV, mobile devices, PCs, laptops. The program in question is cross-platform. That is, it can be used by PC owners under Linux control Ubuntu who do not have enough experience to set up a home server, through standard features given operating system. You can download Plex from plex.tv.

How can I set up a home media server using this program? In this case, instructions that take a lot of time to study are not needed. A special feature of Plex is that it has a friendly user-friendly interface. Its functionality allows you to receive Additional information about videos: for example, if these are films or TV series, the program will find appropriate annotations for them and additional media content.

Plex is a universal program. It functions equally correctly on both PCs and mobile devices. This program- the most convenient tool for viewing network content using devices on Android, iOS and Windows Phone. Owners of the appropriate type of mobile device can download the Plex application, which is characterized by the advantages noted above - a user-friendly interface, as well as the ability to supplement media files with useful content and annotations. Available in mobile application Plex and a number of other useful functions - for example, creating playlists, playing a file from a location selected by the user. It can also be noted that Plex allows you to organize shared access to media content not only from devices on your home network, but also for users connected to the Internet. So, you can show videos and photos to friends.

Plex users can register paid subscription for access to services - it costs $4.99 per month. This will enable a number of additional features Software such as Sync. It is especially useful for owners mobile devices. By launching the appropriate application on your phone or tablet, you can select the desired media content online and ensure its availability offline.

Some notable features of Plex include streaming video content using Google's Chromecast device. This device allows you to start playing video on any screen from HDMI interfaces. The Plex program allows you to stop using unnecessary cables when organizing broadcasts via TV - you can start watching movies using mobile devices.

If we use Plex to create a home media server, how do we use it? The algorithm, due to the high degree of software automation, as in the case of HMS, is very simple. First, you can copy the desired file to a folder located on your computer. Then update the list of content items using the program. Next, you can turn on your TV, smartphone or tablet - those devices with which you are supposed to access the files. Using the interface provided in them, you can select the desired media content.

HMS, Plex, branded solutions from device manufacturers allow you to create home media servers that are quite simple in structure and use. These programs are quite easy to install even for an inexperienced user. Possibilities of this type The software fully satisfies the basic needs of home computer networks.

If you get access to your own home media server for Windows, your ability to use the accumulated information will expand significantly.

This can be very useful if there is not one, but several PCs and TVs at home, but even on mobile phones, laptops and set-top boxes, the server will simplify the use of information, because it will unite everything into one network.

Using such a network, any user can view available photos and videos, listen to music, etc., using the required device.

1. Home media server is...

This is special software that allows for simplified exchange of information between devices connected by a home network - for example, a smartphone, computer and TV and other equipment with similar technology.

It will require DLNA (data streaming standard) and free apps like: " Home media server UpnP, DLNA, HTTP».
Each of the devices can be connected on the same network using a “wired” connection, even if setting up a home network is very complicated and hassle-free. But this option will provide incredible speeds of up to 1000 megabytes per second.

The second option is wireless connection devices via a WiFi router that can support speeds of up to 300 megabytes per second. But when watching videos in 4k and 1920p quality, stuttering is possible.

But this connection is significantly simplified - after all, setting it up only requires setting up the router and connecting TVs, smartphones and PCs to it.

Most often, the second option is chosen - wireless network due to the simplified connection method and minimum quantity wires to the rooms.
Yes, and in modern world, most of the equipment simply does not have the necessary connectors, such as tablets and smartphones.

2. Create a DLNA server

To create a DLNA server, you first need to download and install special software on your PC.
Today, for all systems from Windows 7 and higher, you need to perform the following steps:
- through the “Control Center” go to the “Home Group”;
If such a “home group” has already been created, then a list of devices currently connected to it will be shown on your screen.
If there is no group, then it needs to be created using the special “create home group” item, this is done through the “creation wizard”. Next, you need to specify which information on the main PC will be open to information for any connected device.

To watch movies from your PC hard drive, you need to select “ streaming to all devices."
The same point will be needed in order to create a LONG server.

We save the changes and wait for the end of application required settings. When creating such a network, a password will be set automatically. Viewing the password is available in the “Show or print password” section home group", and it can be changed in the same paragraph with the appropriate name.

3. Configuring the created DLNA server

After creating a DLNA server, you need to configure it, and first, select the name of the library itself.

A special “streaming” menu will list devices that are already connected to the network.

You can quickly access the DLNA server settings using the player Windows Media Player.
This application should be opened on the PC; it will be the “home server”.

Thus, on a TV that does not support any format, playing music and video will be possible.

4. Special programs for settings

Creation DLNA server can also occur using other applications
Home Mediaserver is one of those programs that allows you to easily work with PC files. You can download it on the official website in Russian.

Plex– an equally convenient option for working with media files. The server can be launched on a PC, and it can be controlled from the Plex menu itself, or through a browser. Judging by the reviews of software users, up to 90% of them are satisfied with the work of the program.

PS3/PS4– media server, needed to work with set-top boxes of the same name, namely: Sony Play Station 4 and 3.
With simple settings and software and even Windows tools, you can create your own home network for connecting home devices locally.

This will greatly simplify watching various programs or films on TV, without purchasing a package of services from a particular television company, and it will also allow you to display information from the Internet on any gadget in the house.

It's no secret that over time we accumulate a lot of all kinds of films, photographs and the like, and all this is usually stored on the computer.

But it wouldn’t be bad to watch a movie that you just downloaded from the network on a large TV, and not on a PC screen, but to do this you need to transfer this movie to a flash drive, or burn it to a disc.

In a word, there is a lot of unnecessary movement. But there are solutions, this is a multimedia server.

Don't be alarmed, it's not really separate computer with hard drives. This is a program that performs strictly the tasks assigned to it.

So let’s look at several programs that can provide access to media content from other devices or programs.

Let's start with the theoretical basics of what DLNA and Smart Share are.

DLNA(in its own words) is a technology that allows devices that are connected to the same network and support DLNA technology to exchange media content (video, photos, music).

Now, almost all devices support DLNA technology: computers, TVs, smartphones, game consoles, etc.

Smart Share- This branded application(technology) from LG. If you can say so, then this is a kind of shell for working with DLNA.

Other TV manufacturers call these programs differently. Samsung has AllShare. SONY – VAIO Media Server.

And so, without a doubt, you can watch photos, films, etc. that are on your computer or even smartphone on your TV.

But first you need to set up DLNA (Smart Share) between your PC and TV (the TV must be able to connect to the network)

What does it mean?

This means that both the TV and the computer must be connected to the same one, no matter how they are connected. (via Wi-Fi or cable)

And so you have a router, but there is no Wi-Fi on the TV. We can simply route from the router network cable to the TV.

Our router must be connected to the Internet and configured. We also need a network cable. We connect one end of the cable to the router, into the yellow connector.

On the TV, connect the second end of the cable to the network connector.

You can debug the router itself using the knowledge gained in this article:

Next, we need to set up file distribution from the computer so that the TV can play videos from the required folders, or show photos. We just need to open up access for this. This can even be done using standard Windows Player Media.

But there is a very good one and absolutely free program « Home media server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)", which is excellent analogue of Smart Share from LG, or for example AllShare from Samsung.

And so, friends, a media server for a computer that will upgrade your TV and make it much more functional.

Home Media Server

Home media server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP) is a program that provides media resources (photos, audio and video files) of your computer to other UPnP (DLNA) devices on the home network.

For example, Philips TVs, Sony, Samsung, LG, Toshiba, game consoles Sony Playstation 3, XBOX 360, media players WD TV Live, Popcorn Hour, Dune, Boxee Box, IconBit, ASUS O!Play, iPad/iPhone/iPod, mobile and PDA devices.

The program includes various audio and video file transcoders that allow you to convert media resources into a format supported by the playback device.

It is also possible to convert the frame format of video files to the screen format of the playback device (the color of the addition is specified by the user), select an audio track, and subtitles. You can choose to transcode from any minute.

The program includes transcoding profiles for VLC Media Player. You can redirect Internet radio and Internet television streams from your computer to your media devices.

The program supports Digital TV (C, S, T), you can redirect streams digital television from your computer to your media devices.

The program supports managing DMR (Digital Media Renderer) devices. You can use the “Play to” function for an individual device and a group of devices.

This is a whole harvester, the functionality of which knows no bounds.

The only drawback will be the terrible interface of the program, but since it is needed to play movies on the TV, this will not be a big problem. The program is absolutely free and is only available in the Windows version.

First, we need to download and install the program itself. I recommend downloading from the official website: https://www.homemediaserver.ru/index.htm. There's always a new version there!

After installation, launch the program with a shortcut on the desktop. Let's go to the program settings. We won't do anything special there. We will simply indicate local drives, flash drives, external hard drives, or folders whose contents we want to see on the TV.

For example, you can open only a few folders with movies, photos and music.

A settings window will open. In the first category, Media Resources, we need to indicate which disks or folders we want to see on the TV. By default, there are open standard folders with photos, videos and music.

The program is trying to sort everything. And in order not to get confused in all these folders on the TV, I advise you to open shared access to local drives. This means that you can open any file on your TV that is stored on these local drives (drives C, D, E, etc.).

You can also specify separate folders, or for example external hard disk. To do this, click on the Add button on the right and select the desired folder, flash drive, or hard drive in Explorer. These are the basic settings, click on the Ok button and agree to scan media resources.

Next, you can start the DLNA server itself. To do this, simply click on the “Launch” button. Now, just turn on the TV. If everything is connected correctly, it should appear in the “Home Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)” program.

To do this, go to the Playback Devices (DMR) tab, and on the right, click the Update button.


So Plex .

The most popular and, perhaps, quite convenient option. Having launched the server on your computer, you can manage it from a browser, set up a media library, add subtitles, etc.

Plex downloads all the information about the movie automatically and does it perfectly in most cases. The TV sees the Plex server without any problems and plays everything perfectly.

The disadvantage of Plex and other similar programs is that the TV does not see the subtitles built into the film, but for me and I don’t think this has any special significance for you.
Plex is free, but you'll need to buy a subscription for additional features.

PS3 Media Server.

Initially, PS3 Media Server was distributed as an add-on to the PlayStation 3, allowing you to play movies on your TV using the console.

Then the program began to live a separate life. Like previous alternatives, it supports DLNA playback and requires no fiddling with setup.

Serviio, is far from the most popular multimedia server. The app is free, but can be purchased for $25 PRO version, which allows access to your content from any network, not just your home one.

And this allows you to play content from the WEB (this function is given as an introduction and in free version). Serviio has Android apps, but they act as a secondary control panel for the backend on the computer.

Kodi or (XBMC)

XBMC was created to bring video playback functionality to the Xbox. Then the project split off and now Kodi is one of the most popular media centers, supporting almost all platforms due to its open source.

Kodi has apps for iOS and Android that allow you to use your smartphone as a remote control. The service relies on donations and is absolutely free.

Good luck, Friends!
