The phone does not turn off but reboots. How to reboot a phone with a non-removable battery if it is frozen. How I rebooted my frozen phone with a non-removable battery Samsung A3

In an emergency reboot of devices with removable batteries, everything is quite simple: you remove back cover device, remove the battery, and then put the device back together. However, the vast majority modern phones do not include removable elements. Today we will talk about how to reboot a phone from not working. removable battery, if it freezes and does not respond to user actions.

Let's first consider standard methods reboot using the physical buttons of the device. Try holding down the power key for 10-15 seconds and wait until the smartphone turns off completely. If this does not happen, then repeat the procedure several times.

The second option is to reboot in recovery mode. This mode is activated by a combination of two buttons, but they are different for all manufacturers. Many devices reboot using a combination of the volume key and the power button. Other smartphones use a power button and a key below the screen. Find the specific combination for your phone. This can be done on the manufacturer’s official website or from the instructions for the device.

So, hold down two keys for 10-15 seconds until the recovery menu logo appears (the screen should be different from the normal boot logo). After loading, a menu will appear on English language, in which you need to select the System reboot now option. Highlight this option using the Volume Up or Down key and then apply it with the Power button.

If you constantly experience freezing mobile phone, then it is best to do a factory reset. Pre-create backup copy all personal data and reboot the device again into the Recovery menu. Then use Wipe data/ factory reset.

Rebooting Apple devices is only slightly different from working with devices under Android control. If your iPhone is frozen, first hold down the power key for 10-15 seconds. On older models (before iPhone 6), the button is located on the top edge of the case. On newer generations, the key “moved” to the sidebar.

If the standard option does not help, then use a forced reboot. To do this, first press Home key, and without releasing it, press the Power button. Hold this combination for a few seconds.

The option with a key under the screen is only suitable for older models on which the Home button is a physical rather than touch button.

On new devices from iPhone lines A forced reboot is performed by pressing the Volume Down and Power keys.

Computer control

If rebooting a frozen device using physical buttons is unsuccessful, you can try to “revive” the phone through a computer. However, to do this you will need to meet several conditions. First, your Android phone must have USB debugging enabled. Secondly, you need to install the ADB Run utility and driver on your computer.

You need to connect your device to your computer via USB and open the ADB folder on your computer. Hold down the Shift key and right-click on the conductor. From the menu, select the option to launch Power Shell in this folder. Then use the fastboot reboot .iTunes command. However this remedy does not allow you to turn on or simply restart your iPhone. You can update or install new firmware, and during one of these procedures the smartphone will restart automatically.

If on the phone low level battery charge, you can wait until it is completely discharged, and then connect it to power and turn on the device again.

Video instruction

Watch the video before proceeding with the practical steps to force restart your phone.


So, we have told you about all the methods to reboot a frozen phone. If you have any problems or additional questions on the topic, we will be waiting for comments on the article. Our specialists will take a look at your situation and then give useful advice!

operating room Android system is regularly updated and improved, which has a positive effect on the operation of smartphones. However, there are various failures that lead to slow work device, and sometimes even freeze. This problem can be solved by simply turning the phone off and on. But let's figure out how to reboot Android if it's frozen in more detail.

Why does my Android smartphone freeze?

After conducting a series of analyses, experts identified main reasons why phones freeze. Below are the most popular ones:

  • Lack of free space.
  • RAM is full.
  • Applications are being installed or updated.
  • Mechanical damage to the device.
  • System error.
  • Sudden temperature change.

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of glitches and freezes of a smartphone. Therefore, the principle of correcting failures has general character, that is, any of the methods below will be suitable for solving the problem.

The instructions presented have been working for a long time, and are therefore suitable for most smartphones and tablets. Don’t rush to frantically press all the buttons at the same time, but first find the key responsible for screen lock.

Now hold it down until the selection menu appears, where click “”. Usually the list appears after 10-15 seconds of holding the key. There are times when such a function is not active, then simply select “ Power off" The smartphone should vibrate and turn off the display. After a short period of time there will be automatic switching on. If this does not happen, then press the power button manually.

There is a tougher method of rebooting a smartphone, which is called forced. It is worth noting that this is a universal way to return your smartphone to normal.

Unlike previous instructions, where it was necessary to select certain parameters, here you need to simultaneously hold down 3 buttons: volume control, power and HomeKey.

The last key will only have to be pressed on Samsung phones and tablets; in other cases this should not be done.

Method 3: Hold two buttons

Most modern devices come with a non-removable battery, which does not allow you to turn off the gadget simply by removing the battery. Then the method of holding two keys comes to the rescue. It is very simple and works on all popular phones.

The principle of its operation is based on simultaneous clamping volume and power buttons. Once done, the device should turn off and on automatically. Of course, this method has one huge drawback - if the necessary keys break, you will not be able to restart the gadget.

Method 4: Full Discharge with Soft Reboot

It should be noted that this method requires time, but there is no doubt about its effectiveness. First you need to completely discharge your phone. A refrigerator or freezer can help with this. Place the device there for a while and wait until it turns off.

After such a “shake”, let the smartphone lie in a warm place for a while. Then do a soft reboot: hold down the power button for 5-10 seconds. According to statistics, in 90% of cases the gadget comes to life and begins to function normally.

Method 5: Pull out the battery

The first thing that comes to mind when an Android phone freezes is to simply take out the battery. This method also takes place. If your phone has a built-in battery, you can try to carefully remove the cover and disconnect the cable from the battery. It is recommended to perform such manipulations only for those users who not afraid to break the device.

Now return the power source to its original place and turn on the phone. In most cases, the gadget will return to normal operation.

There are situations when the device freezes before it even turns on. This may happen when loading the Android or phone brand logo ( for example, atXiaomithis is the logoMi). There are two ways out: remove the battery or turn off the smartphone using the buttons.

In the first option, simply disconnect the battery, of course, if possible. In the second case, hold down the power key until the screen goes dark. Usually on this action required 5-7 seconds Then try starting the device again.

In principle, if your smartphone is stuck on the Android logo, then you can use any of the methods described above to solve this problem. But there are situations when, after holding power keys Nothing happens. Then you can try to reboot the gadget through the menu.

  1. You can go into recovery mode at the same time holding down the volume up and power button.
  2. A list that is unusual for the average user should appear on the screen. Here you need to select " wipe data - factory reset" For those who don’t know, navigation through sections occurs using the volume keys, and the power button is responsible for selection.

Please note that using this method will delete all data on your smartphone. Therefore, it is recommended to use it as a last resort, when it is impossible to recover the device from failure by other means.

To avoid errors and failures in subsequent work with the phone, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with these useful tips:

  1. Clean up space on your device in a timely manner. Crowded memory is the main reason why applications freeze.
  2. Regularly check the gadget for viruses. If there are Trojan programs, the smartphone works much slower.
  3. Avoid sudden temperature changes. In cold or extreme heat, the phone may begin to slow down and even freeze.
  4. Try not to drop the tablet. If such a weighty device falls, it is possible damage to internal parts, which will lead to failures and errors in operation.
  5. Do not install complex programs on a “weak” phone.

Video instruction

Answers to popular questions

When you hold down the power button, the smartphone does not restart.

It is possible that a serious failure has occurred in the system. Try to completely discharge the battery using the method described above

Thus, after carefully reading the material, you can reboot your Android phone if it suddenly freezes. Follow the recommendations presented and there will be no problems!

Most phone and tablet users have encountered a situation where the device is frozen- does not respond to pressing and does not turn off. Wherein the screen is on(still working). Almost everything used to be mobile gadgets were equipped with a serviceable battery, which was located under the cover. It could be removed and manually turn off/on the battery, after which, as a rule, everything was restored. Kind of forced restart.

In new portable electronics, the situation has become a little more complicated due to the desire of manufacturers to make them smaller and thinner. Users have to find a way to avoid the trick of reconnecting the battery due to the non-separable case. And we have ready-made solutions for you.

How to reboot a phone with a non-removable battery?

On mobile devices There is always an option to force a restart. Starting from a hidden button under a pin and ending with a special combination of hardware keys on the case. Because you don't know the exact way reboot your phone due to non-removable battery, then we propose to go through all known ones in order of increasing complexity of execution.

Press and hold the Home (center) button.
Next, press and hold the power button on your smartphone.
Wait a few seconds for the screen to turn off, then release and turn on the device.
The method works on some flagship devices Android devices and on all generations Apple iPhone.

2.Hold the power button

Press and hold the power button.
Keep it pressed for a few seconds until the screen turns off.
Turn on your device.

3. Hold the button combination

If it doesn’t help, then we’ll complicate the configuration.
Press and hold the power button.
Then hold down the volume down key for a few seconds until the screen turns off.
If it does not turn off, then change it to the volume up key and wait a few seconds.
If you have separate volume keys (not a rocker), try holding down all three for a few seconds: power on, volume down, and volume up.

4. Pressing the hidden Reset button

On older or inexpensive mobile devices (especially tablets) there is a force reset button under a pin in the form of a small hole on the case.
Attention! Don't confuse its hole with a microphone! There should be an inscription “Reset” or “Power OFF” nearby.
Press it with a pin once to reboot or hold it for a few seconds to reboot with a factory reset.

5. If the battery is not removable and the cover is removable

Sometimes the “Reset” or “Power OFF” button is located hidden in the SIM card installation area or under the cover.
This is how it was done on the old ones Sony smartphones, for example, you need to remove the cover and press the button with a pin to reboot.
You can also reboot a smartphone with a non-removable battery if its cover is removed - simply disconnect the battery power cable by prying up its connector with tweezers.
Reconnect the cable to the system board and turn on the device.

6. By partially disassembling the case

When none of the methods helps, and the device continues to hang, so as not to wait for the battery to drain, disassemble the case yourself.
Instructions for disassembling various models of smartphones and disconnecting the non-removable battery from motherboard you will find in the section “How to replace the battery”.

If you have any questions, you can send a message on VKontakte

So far, not a single device has been created that would be free from various kinds of failures and freezes, and it does not matter what brand the device is from. Developers are constantly improving the software and its optimization with hardware, the situation is definitely improving, but has not yet been resolved.

For what reasons can your phone freeze? These reasons are divided into two large groups - physical breakdown and malfunction software . In the first case, most likely, the device will have to be carried in service center, since not everyone can fix the phone themselves. It’s better when there is a failure in the system. Why is it better? Because it’s easier to get rid of this malfunction and you can do without going to the service center.

But what if the phone is completely frozen and does not respond to commands, and the phone is needed right now in working condition. It needs to be rebooted. Different phone manufacturers have some differences in how they force a reboot. Let's look at each of them. We have a situation before us: the phone is frozen and does not respond to commands, what should we do?

Android devices

If your Android phone or tablet is frozen, there are several ways to restore it:

  • Press the "power" button for a few seconds and wait for the shutdown/restart menu to pop up and restart the phone. If the phone is completely frozen, this method is unlikely to work.
  • Press and hold the "power" button and the volume down button simultaneously for a few seconds, after which the phone will turn off and begin a normal reboot.
  • Current method for devices released before 2015. Most phones of that time came with a removable battery, which means this could be another way to do an emergency reboot.

These are all the emergency reboot methods for Android. They will work on both smartphones and tablets.

What to do if your phone keeps freezing?

The device may not bother you with one-time freezes, but remind you of glitches on an ongoing basis. In this case, something needs to be decided. For what reasons can the device freeze?

Devices often experience a shortage of RAM when using several applications at the same time, as well as heavy programs and games. In this case, you need to “kill” unused programs in the task manager by clicking the “ latest programs» on the device.


It happens that some applications have a big impact on the processor, which in turn may not be able to cope with tasks. Processes in the background can also affect the processor. In addition to freezing, you can also feel this physically by touching the back wall of the phone, which will be very hot. This can be corrected in the same way as in the first case.

  • Memory clutter.

And creates a large load on the system. That is, when the memory is 95% full, working with files may be slower than when it is 60% full. Numerous small files have the greatest impact on memory speed; it is more difficult for the system to index them and search for the requested file at a certain point in time.

  • Remove applications that you can do without;
  • Monitor the status of RAM;
  • Do not allow your phone's memory to become completely full;
  • Install “cleaner” programs to free up RAM and clear cache and other garbage.

Hard reset - hard reset

Extreme and in a radical way getting rid of phone freezes is full reset system settings. Resetting to factory settings will delete all information from the device, so if you need to save some information, it is recommended to do so.

You can reset your phone directly in the system through settings. This option is located in the “ backup and reset”, which will have a single button. After pressing it, all information will be deleted from the phone, and the phone will boot into its post-factory state.

Also do hard reset You can use a special recovery menu if for some reason you can’t reset it through the system. This menu was created for cases when there are problems logging into the system. To do this, you need to simultaneously hold down the key while the device is turned off. Home key, Power key and Volume up key, for some device models this combination may differ.

The so-called will turn on. Navigation in such a menu occurs through the volume buttons and the “power” button. In order to reset your phone to factory settings, you need to select the menu item wipe data/factory reset, after confirmation operating system will be in the same condition as after purchase.

iPhone 4, 5, 6

If your iPhone 4, 5, 6 does not respond to commands, is frozen in the system or on the logo screen, the only way out will resort to an emergency reboot. In order to do this, you need to hold down two buttons on your phone: "home" on the front of the device and the button "nutrition" on top of the device.

We hold these buttons for 10-15 seconds until we see that the screen goes out, then you can release the buttons, and a screen with the manufacturer’s logo will appear. Next, the phone will start booting normally. If this does not happen, press the button again "nutrition". We use this method only in an emergency, as it can harm the stable operation of the operating system.

iPhone 7 and up

With the release of the seventh iPhone, the home button changed from a mechanical mechanism to a touch one, which means that now it cannot be used to force a reboot, since the sensor may not work. Of course, the manufacturer foresaw this point and suggested another method.

Now, to reboot your phone when it freezes, just hold down the button "power" and volume down button. Press the buttons for about 6 seconds, after which the device will begin booting normally.

Reboot and restore iPhone using a computer

You can reboot a frozen iPhone using special program on the computer - ReiBoot. To restore the functionality of the iPhone, you need to: turn on the program, connect the iPhone to the computer, wait until the program and the iPhone find each other, but you do not need to press any buttons on the phone.

After connecting, a special menu will appear in the program, where you can fix errors with freezes and completely restore the phone’s operation. Of course, the program will solve problems with loading the phone, if there is a glitch in the program, it will not restore a drowned or broken phone.

Another way is to restore the functionality of the iPhone through a proprietary program iTunes. This method will erase all data from the phone, so it is better to use it as a last resort. To restore your phone, you need to connect your iPhone to a computer with iTunes pre-enabled, while holding down the “home” button on the iPhone. After the connection, you can select the device recovery option in the program menu.

These methods will also work on iPad.

As a result of hardware failure or OS malfunction, any Android smartphone may stop responding to the power button. Another common problem is when the phone does not turn on beyond the screensaver. At the same time, you can see on the screen the logo of the manufacturer or the standard “green robot” of the Android system, but then nothing happens.

What to do if your phone freezes when you turn it on - first aid

If your Android is stuck on the startup screen (on the “Android” icon or on the brand name icon) and does not respond to any manipulations, you need to reset factory settings, to bring him to his senses. In this case, the shutdown button will also not work, so remove the battery and put it back in place.

The first method is to take out the memory card on your smartphone

Be sure to remove the memory card from the device. Almost half of all startup glitches are caused by this small memory chip. How to do this correctly, see the instructions for the device, universal method not here.

Resetting to factory settings - a way to solve the problem

Now you need to get to the factory settings menu of your smartphone. Place your fingers on the power button and the volume up button. Now hold them down at the same time until the menu appears. When the splash screen lights up, do not react or release the buttons, wait until the menu opens. There is a small nuance here: on different smartphones menu opens differently.

  • With “NTS” you first need to press the volume down edge and, without releasing it, briefly press the power button. After three “Androids” are displayed on the screen, you need to release the “down” key. When the menu appears, use the same “up” and “down” buttons to scroll through and select the desired action.
  • For “ZTE” the menu opens like this: hold down the power key and the “down” key. You need to carefully monitor the screensaver so as not to miss the settings menu. When “Android” lights up, don’t let go of anything. But when on the same screensaver the page seems to turn to the next one and there will be the same “Android” screensaver, you need to immediately release the buttons and the factory settings menu will appear. In “ZTE” it looks like checkered pieces in which commands are written, and they respond to touches - that is, you don’t need to scroll through anything with the volume buttons.

Now about the main thing. The procedure for resetting settings is as follows:

  • In the menu you need to find the “Settings” item - these are the settings.
  • We open them and find this inscription: “Wipe data/factory reset” - this is formatting the system.
  • There we find the inscription “ Reset Android” and press.

After this, the device will “format” and reboot. Well, then, when the phone turns on, you will set the settings yourself according to the prompts that will be displayed. That's how simple it really is.

Note: periodically copy important files from your phone to your computer so as not to lose them when formatting your phone. After all, when you reset all settings, all files are deleted from the smartphone’s memory.

Checking the battery - the second method

A common cause of problems is battery failure. It is quite easy to determine the defect: if, when connected to the power adapter, a charging icon appears on the screen, increasing the charge level over time, everything is fine. But if when disconnecting charger The gadget generally stops responding to button presses or refuses to charge - there is probably a problem with the battery or power connector. In this case, the only correct solution is to contact the manufacturer’s service center. For example, for owners Samsung lines Galaxy warranty service is carried out at Samsung centers.

The phone froze when turned on - useful tips

A smartphone freezing during the boot process can occur for a variety of reasons. In some cases, it is possible to solve the problem on your own; in others, only contacting a service center will help. Repair cell phones is not an easy task, and it should be trusted only to proven professionals. You should not look for help at the nearest market or try to disassemble the device with improvised means - this will only cause harm and void the warranty. To avoid similar breakdowns in the future, remember a few simple rules: Do not flash your smartphone with Chinese “left” firmware without sufficient experience. If you find a defect, do not panic and do not try to disassemble the device. Use antivirus software and regularly scan your smartphone for malware.

Video: What to do if your Android phone freezes when you turn it on
