Defragmentation of the game folder. Disk defragmentation: all typical questions from A to Z. Quiet operation

Devices for recording information need so-called optimization. First of all, this concerns the computer's hard drive, which can contain a huge amount of content. In Windows xp, the hard drive optimization procedure is based on 3 pillars: enabling dma mode, disk write caching and defragmentation.

If the first two parameters are already configured in the system by default, then the last of them always raises the question of how to defragment. Since it is this that requires periodic intervention from the user.

Process description

Before considering how to do defragmentation, we will describe the process of this procedure itself. Then we’ll look at the utilities built into xp and the auslogics software package, which also has a separate defragmenter application.

So, the above procedure has the following features. When the user launches it, it expects the result - speeding up the work with the computer and running everyday tasks.

On a hard drive, data is stored in small portions in sectors. A file or folder with files fits entirely within one sector. But over time, with the constant addition of new content to the HDD, these same objects shift relative to their original position in such a way that one part of a file or folder may be in the initial sector, and the remaining parts in other non-adjacent sectors. You end up with scattered pieces of content that take longer to access than usual.

Thus, in order to speed up reading data from disk and, therefore, reduce the time it takes to open an application or document, you need to combine these fragments. We will now look at how to do this using the example of a standard windows utilities xp - defrag.exe programs

This utility has and can be called through the working system management console - MMC. There are two ways to launch this console.

  1. In the “start” menu, open the “run” item, then enter mmc into the working command window, but I recommend doing something more wisely.
  2. Namely: click right click mouse (touchpad) on the “computer” icon and select the “computer management” option.
  3. The control panel will open windows console, divided into two parts. In the one that is smaller and located to the left, we will finally see how to defragment.
  4. Select the item “disk defragmentation” and click on it. A window will open in which you can perform this procedure on specific hard drive partitions.
  5. Let's say we need to find out if there are additional fragments on system partition WITH. Select the icon of this section by clicking the mouse and clicking “disk analysis”. The program will analyze the current state of the partition and display a detailed summary of whether defragmentation is needed for the selected volume.
  6. If the disk needs processing, click the “defragmentation” button and wait for the result. After completing the procedure, the application will display a report on the work performed. If some files could not be optimized, there may not be enough free space on the partition. Then, before defragmenting, free up additional space and then try again.

We use it for optimizationauslogics 5

The above set of programs was created for windows optimization. The auslogics series 5 also includes a defragmenter. Here's how to do defragmentation using it (assuming that this complex is already installed):

  1. Launch the application using a shortcut on the Windows desktop.
  2. Click on the blue ball icon in the tray (near the clock).
  3. Right-click to sequentially use the submenu list “Tools” - “disk maintenance/defragmentation”.
  4. In the program window that opens, analyze or defragment partitions. The utility from auslogics has advanced capabilities when compared with the optimizer built into the system. Otherwise, its functionality is similar to the defrag.exe interface

When any files get onto a hard drive or any other storage medium, fragments of data are not written sequentially, but chaotically. To work with them, the hard drive has to spend a large number of time and resources. Defragmentation will help create a clear structure file system, sequentially record the data of each program or individual large file to achieve the highest speed work hard disk and wear of its mechanical parts when reading information.

Smart Defrag is a very advanced file defragmenter presented by a famous developer. The program will help you quickly and easily put things in order hard drives personal computer user.

Files are written in fragments every second of operation operating system. Established funds Windows does not have functionality capable of monitoring the state of the file system in real time and correctly, consistently recording all data.

Auto-analysis will identify the current fragmentation of the file system and notify the user if the indicator exceeds the one set by him. It is performed independently for each individual storage medium.

Automatic disk defragmentation

Based on the data obtained during auto-analysis, the disk is auto-defragmented. Auto-defragmentation mode is enabled separately for each hard drive or removable storage device.

Auto-analysis and auto-defragmentation are performed only when the computer is idle to protect user data from damage. To run these features, you can select a period of computer inactivity ranging from 1 to 20 minutes. Defragmentation or analysis will not be performed if the user has left a resource-intensive task running at this time, for example, unpacking an archive - to specify the system load limit at which the optimizer automation is activated, you can specify a value in the range from 20 to 100%.

Scheduled defragmentation

This function will be useful to users who process a huge amount of information on their computer. In such cases, file system fragmentation regularly reaches very large values. It is possible to completely customize the frequency and start time of defragmentation, and it will occur at a specified time without the participation of the user.

Defragmentation during system boot

Some files cannot be moved during defragmentation, because... used in this moment. Most often this concerns system files the operating system itself. Defragmentation at boot will allow them to be optimized before they are occupied by processes.
There is a function for setting the frequency of optimization - once, every day at the first boot, every boot, or even once a week.

In addition to non-movable files defined by the program itself, the user can add his own files.

The largest files in the system are defragmented - the hibernation file and the swap file, MFT and the system registry are defragmented.

Disk Cleanup

Why optimize temporary files, which in most cases do not carry any functional load, but only take up space? Smart Defrag will delete all temporary files - cache, cookies, recent documents and transitions, clear the clipboard, recycle bin and icon thumbnails. This will significantly reduce the time spent on defragmentation.

List of exceptions

If it is necessary for the program not to touch a certain file or folder, they can be whitelisted before optimization, after which they will not be analyzed or defragmented. Again, adding large files will significantly reduce optimization time.

Auto update

The developer is constantly improving its product, so installing and working with the latest version of the program is the key to a high degree of its performance. Smart Defrag can exit new version install it yourself, without paying the user’s attention and saving his time.

Quiet operation

Automatic operation of Smart Defrag requires the display of some notifications about the progress of tasks. Many users know how inconvenient it is when, while watching a movie or important moment a notification appears in the corner of the screen in the game. The developer paid attention to this detail and added the “quiet mode” function. Smart Defrag monitors the appearance of full-screen applications on the monitor and does not show any notifications or make any sounds at this time.

In addition to full-screen applications, it is possible to add any programs at all while they are running - Smart Defrag does not interfere.

Defragmentation of individual files and folders

If the user does not need to optimize the entire disk, but only needs to work on large file or a heavy folder, then Smart Defrag will help here too.

Defragmentation of games

A separate feature worth highlighting is the optimization of the files of these games to achieve the best performance even in moments of real action. The technology is similar to the previous one - you just need to specify the main executable file in the game and wait a little.
In addition to games, you can also optimize large programs like Photoshop or Office.

Hard drive status information

For each disk, you can view its temperature, usage percentage, response time, read and write speeds, and attribute status.


1. The program has been completely translated into Russian, but sometimes there are typos, which, however, are not so noticeable against the background of the capabilities.

2. Modern and very clear interface allows even a beginner to understand it right away.

3. One of best solutions in its segment. This confirms its position in the top of the best defragmenters.


1. The main disadvantage is free version functionality is not fully disclosed. For example, in the free version you cannot perform auto-updates and activate automatic defragmentation.

2. When installing the program, there are checkboxes by default, which may result in the installation of unwanted software in the form of toolbars or browsers. Be careful when installing, uncheck all unnecessary boxes!


Before us is a modern and ergonomic tool for optimizing a personal computer. A trusted developer, frequent additions and bug fixes, high-quality work - this is what helps it confidently lead the list of the best defragmenters.

Our hard drive fills up evenly during use, one sector after another. But when we delete files or uninstall programs, the disk begins to fragment - filled areas alternate with empty ones. This leads to longer programs accessing the hard drive, and consequently to a decrease in system performance.

There are now a lot of tools for defragmenting a hard drive. Of course, we will consider a free and very high-quality application, because it is definitely not worth buying a program for these purposes.

Program from the company Piriform Ltd , which brought us a well-known system cleaning product - .


The graphical shell of the program is very simple and not oversaturated with unnecessary elements. In order to start regular disk defragmentation, you only need two mouse clicks. At the top of the window there is a list of all disks, and at the bottom there are three tabs with defragmentation options. The first tab contains information about the selected disk. The second tab “List of files” is intended for defragmentation separate files on your hard drive, which you need to find in advance. Well, the “Search” tab is used to select individual files and folders for defragmentation.


Defragmentation of individual files and directories

The first thing that distinguishesfrom some other applications is the ability to defragment only individual directories and even files. This is done in order to save time that is spent on processing unnecessary areas of the hard drive. For example, if you have a permanent collection of music or videos stored on your hard drive, and you do not delete or move files from this collection, then we can say that there are no fragmented areas in these directories, therefore it is not worth spending time on processing them. Conversely, if some of the directories are actively performing operations to move and delete files, then these directories need to be defragmented first. The Search tab provides several options for searching for files to defragment. You can select files by size, or search for fragmented files only in a specific folder.

If you conduct several searches for files using different criteria, then all the results will be displayed in total on the “List of Files” tab and select necessary files you will be able to defragment them.

Defragmenting an individual folder or file can be easier. In the "Actions" menu, select "Defragment Folder" or "Defragment File", select the desired folder and individual file in Explorer, and defragmentation will begin automatically.

Such program features, in my opinion, are very useful. Typically, the process of defragmenting an entire disk takes a very long time, often several hours. At this time, the car may “slow down” very much and prevent it from working normally. Therefore, by selecting the very sections of the hard drive and defragmenting them in protected minutes, we are deprived of these problems.


Defragmentation has two modes - normal and fast. You can specify quick defragmentation parameters in the program settings, as well as set a schedule according to which defragmentation will start automatically.

Another useful program option is to automatically turn off the PC after defragmentation. If you decide to defragment the entire disk and, for example, leave it running at night, then after completion the computer will turn off itself.

Bottom line

One of the main advantages Piriform is the ability to defragment individual directories and files, which significantly saves time. Otherwise, it may seem too simple, but it does its job efficiently.

To date find good program, also free, for defragmentation hard drive no problem. All of them cope with their task quite effectively. It would seem that more is needed. Just a little - the ability to defragment individual specific files.

To make it clear, defragmentation is the movement of fragments of information scattered throughout the drive to neighboring areas. The benefits from it are undoubted. The read-write head does not need to make large jumps, which increases performance and reduces overall wear and tear on the drive itself.

Now to the question of why defragmentation of individual specific files is needed. Let's consider this example. The user does not indulge in experimental installation and removal of programs. Does not do video or photo editing. His main working tool Microsoft Word. Which he uses one hundred percent. Every day creating dozens of new files, editing and copying existing ones, and so on.

As a result, the bulk of new fragments will be occupied by Microsoft files Word. So why defragment the whole HDD, if you can limit yourself to office files.

How to defragment individual files.

There is also a way to defragment individual files. free utility Contig. can be found on the manufacturer's website.

Unzip the utility. Since she doesn't have GUI, but works from command line, place a copy of the utility in a convenient location. In my opinion, the most convenient directory would be C:\Users\username. Why this one? Because when you start the command line, this parameter is specified automatically. All you have to do is add your parameters, this time for the Contig utility.

The basic syntax of the utility is: contig [-v] [-a] [-q] [-s] [filename].


  • parameter [–v] displays information about file defragmentation operations performed by the utility
  • parameter [-a] fragmentation analysis
  • parameter [-q] switches the utility to hidden mode, only summary information is displayed
  • parameter [-s] recursive processing of subdirectories.

Now let's set up a utility to defragment office files located in the "My Documents" directory. That is, all files with the .docx extension located in the folder will be defragmented.

contig -s C:\Users\username\Docunents\*.docx.

Another option for the utility is to create a new file that has already been defragmented during the creation process.

The syntax for creating such a file is: contig [-v] [-n filename length].

In this case, the utility for defragmenting individual files will itself find on the media free place and optimizes the file in related areas.
