Operating principle and description of Apple CarPlay. We turn on the musical accompaniment. What CarPlay is missing in Russia and beyond

Technologies are actively penetrating almost all spheres of human life from smart watch on hand up to smart home, but if we ignore the niche business of electric vehicles for now, then in general the automotive industry looks quite conservative. This is partly dictated by increased safety requirements for passenger transport, so the principle “if it works, don’t touch it” has been practiced here for decades. But due to strange coincidences, progress often bypasses infotainment systems in cars. Even in expensive models, you sometimes find very simple screens with graphics that were drawn 20 years ago. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 2014 Apple and Google announced their own interfaces for automotive systems. Until recently, manufacturers sold them as rather expensive options, but today they are increasingly included with the standard multimedia center in the car. Therefore, we decided to take a closer look at what they can offer Android users Auto and Apple CarPlay. And for this they used a car that supports both systems.

Android Auto

Google announced the interface for car infotainment systems in 2014, but the program itself for Android smartphones was released only a year later, in 2015. The company then stated that they decided to start developing new system, since cars, despite their popularity, still rarely have an Internet connection. Google decided to solve this problem using smartphones. Therefore, in order to run Android Auto first you need to download from Google Play corresponding application. And here an unpleasant surprise awaits Ukrainian users: the Android Auto program is not officially available in Ukraine, so you will have to download and install it from third-party repositories.

However, this is quite logical on Google’s part, since Android work Auto is tied to Assistant, but it does not officially work in our country. But does this prevent you from using the system in a car? No.

Before moving on to the main Android functions Auto, let's dwell a little on the interface. Google based it on developments that were previously used in the first versions operating system for Wear OS smartwatches. Here also main screen consists of cards that automatically adapt to the user’s typical tasks.

For example, if a person goes to work every morning and starts navigation in Google Maps simultaneously turning on Google Music, then Android Auto will first show him the cards of these applications.

In addition to cards, the system interface includes a navigation panel with buttons quick access to maps, phone, music and go to the built-in car information system, as well as a button in the center, which is responsible for taking a step back. Actually, this is the entire interface that the user will have to work with. Not enough? Yes, but this is the main idea of ​​Android Auto, everything should be at hand and so that the driver is less distracted from keeping an eye on the road. Therefore, for example, there is no application menu in the system, although third party programs Android Auto supports, but only certain categories. For example, instead of Google Music, you can use to listen to music, or choose one of the available programs for radio, audiobooks and podcasts. Thus, Google's main focus is on audio, as it is less distracting for the driver in the car.

According to the same reason Android Auto will not display the text of incoming messages on the screen, but will only speak them. You can only answer them by voice; this is where Google’s speech recognition comes into play, which does a pretty good job. It is worth noting that if the application itself supports Android Auto, then its notification will be announced by the system. Now the system is supported by such popular instant messengers as Telegram, WhatsApp, Skype, Hangouts, Kik, WeChat. But to answer letters in Gmail You can’t and Google has no plans to add this feature yet.

The focus on safety in Android Auto shows up even in the most unexpected moments. For example, while listening to music, the system will not allow you to scroll through playlists on Google Play for a long time. If you want to start a playlist, you need to do it quickly. Better yet, ask for it using a voice command.

If both applications are installed on your smartphone, then when you first launch it, it prompts you to select one of them, and in the future it will open automatically. Considering that built-in navigation in a car is mostly a paid option, and also that it does not receive traffic data, Google Maps and Waze make it much easier to get around the city and at the same time work for free.

On this moment the easiest way to connect your smartphone to Android Auto via cable, via USB port in car. This year Google provided support wireless connection to Android Auto for its Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL smartphones, but automakers are in no hurry to implement this feature as it will affect the final cost of the car.

Overall, Android Auto doesn't provide all the functionality of a smartphone in a car's infotainment system, but it does provide a number of driver-friendly features that don't distract the driver from the road.

Apple CarPlay

Apple announced its system for cars earlier than Google and implemented it as a component of iOS, rather than a separate application. Essentially, the system broadcasts an image from the smartphone screen. Therefore, Apple CarPlay comes bundled with the iPhone and, accordingly, does not have regional restrictions, like Android Auto.

The CarPlay interface is also designed in a minimalist style, only unlike Google versions, Apple’s main focus here is not on information, but on applications, so the main screen here consists of their icons. CarPlay navigation, just like the first ones iPhone versions, as simple as possible: you can launch the program and press the virtual “Home” button to return to the main screen. Instead of a multitasking mode, Apple CarPlay shows the three most recently used apps in a column on the left.

The logic of Apple's car system is the same as Google's - less distracting of the driver from the road. That's why main emphasis here, too, it is based on audio, and not on reading information from the screen. Do you want to read a message or write to someone? Please, but do it with your voice using Siri.

Yes, and you can dictate a message only through the built-in iOS Messages application with iMessage, and WhatsApp, support for which appeared only this year. In this case, for example, receiving calls via Facebook Messenger works. Other instant messaging programs are not yet supported.

Working with audio also involves listening to music, and CarPlay has a lot to offer in this regard. The system supports playing music, podcasts and audiobooks. At the same time, you can listen to music either through Apple Music, and through third-party applications, for example, through Google Music, Deezer and Spotify.

Another important feature in Apple CarPlay is navigation, but currently it is not implemented in the best way. The fact is that at the time of writing this material, the system only supports Apple Maps, and they do not work the best in Ukraine. But already in iOS 12, third-party navigation programs should appear for CarPlay. In particular, Google Maps and Waze are currently being tested.

Connecting Apple CarPlay to a car is now most often done using a Lightning cable via a USB port, although since iOS 9 the system has the ability to connect wirelessly. But as with Android Auto, for automakers, connecting with a cable is still the simplest and most importantly affordable option.


Summarizing everything written above, it is worth noting that we managed to achieve our goal, namely to make the infotainment system in the car more convenient and, most importantly, connected to the Internet. Moreover, unlike standard offerings, neither Android Auto nor Apple CarPlay are tied to the car, they receive regular updates and will offer users even more functions in the future.

The CarPlay system is designed to make it possible using iPhone in your car more convenient.
The CarPlay system is the ability to broadcast the desktop of an Apple smartphone, as well as use its basic capabilities through the car’s on-board computer.

How to use CarPlay?

The main goal of this system is to ensure comfortable and safe driving. Now, while driving, do phone call or writing an SMS has become much easier. It is not necessary to pick up the device at all. You can control it using voice commands, and the interactive assistant Siri will carry out orders.
CarPlay will work in your car if two conditions are met:
  • you have a smartphone from manufacturer Apple inc. The function is available for iPhones 5th generation and older;
  • your machine supports this interface.
To make sure your iPhone has access to the system, you need to go to Settings - General - CarPlay. Synchronization with a smartphone can be performed in two ways: by wireless channel Bluetooth or USB cable. Therefore, by going to the menu, you will be asked to select a connection method.

Here, the data of cars to which your device has previously been connected and used through the CarPlay system is also stored.

You can find out whether this interface is available for your car on the official Apple website - on a special page https://www.apple.com/ru/ios/carplay/available-models/. Here you should select the car brand and see which models have built-in this interface. If your vehicle is on this list, then everything is fine and you can move on. Typically, starting in 2017, many car manufacturers declare support for CarPlay.

How to get started?

First of all, you need to connect your smartphone to the car. And the first thing you need to do is find the USB input. In the Mercedes Benz GLE 400 model, this port is hidden in the side glove compartment-armrest.

In our case, the required connector is marked with a picture of a phone, so we insert it not into the first hole, but into the second. Important to use certified cable. When working with Chinese counterfeits, smooth operation is not guaranteed.

By connecting your smartphone using the original lightning cable through the port, you will see a message on the car’s on-board monitor display. You will be prompted to activate the device automatically or manually. By choosing the first option, the CarPlay system will start on its own.

On iPhone screen you will also need to give permission to use it in conjunction with the car interface.

If you did everything correctly, then on the on-board computer display you will see an interactive menu with icons, the same as on your phone.

You can interact with the system in several ways:
voice, using the corresponding button on the steering wheel, which activates verbal control. It is worth noting that this is a priority way of working. Therefore, even if you launch applications manually, you will continue to give commands to Siri verbally;
  • accessible devices (buttons, wheels, touchpads, etc.);
  • by touching the display if it is touch-sensitive.

"Call me, call…"

The CarPlay system allows you to make calls. To do this, you need to launch the “phone” application. To prevent the driver from being distracted from driving and choosing a caller on his own, Siri will ask you who you would like to call.

In order for the number to be dialed successfully, you must say the subscriber's name as his contact is recorded in the address book. Otherwise, the assistant will not find the person and the call will not be made.

Turn on the musical accompaniment

Everything is displayed here, just like in yours. mobile device. Files are sorted by artist and album. You can create new or download previously created playlists.

By selecting the “songs” section, the entire list of iPhone tracks will appear in front of you. As with all standard players, audio files can be shuffled so that their order is not remembered.

To start listening to music, just select a song from the list and play it. The interface looks almost the same as on the iPhone: scroll buttons, pause, song duration indicator. In addition, you can even see the album cover in the background, but it's a little blurry.

Switching tracks is quite easy. There are rewind buttons for this. One click to the right or left will play the next or previous song, respectively.

Texting without hands

As with the call function, when you launch the Messages application, Siri will ask you to name the person to whom you want to send an SMS. After the correct command, the second question will follow: “what should I write?”

It is enough to say the text out loud for the interactive assistant to process it. Then you will need to confirm the sending of the message announced earlier. Accordingly, if you answer “yes” to Siri’s question about confirmation, then the SMS will be sent, but if “no”, it will be saved as a draft.

Note that the CarPlay system allows you to easily and quickly receive text messages. If you receive an email, a line with information will appear at the top of the display. You need to click on it to open it.

Siri will ask if you want to read the content. Answer “yes” - the assistant will voice it. And this way you can conduct a whole correspondence without typing the text manually. Fast, convenient, and most importantly, you don’t need to be distracted from the road.

Always up-to-date navigation

Before you start working with maps, you may need to give the program access to your location. There is no need to go anywhere on your own. When you launch “maps”, the following message will appear on the smartphone screen. You need to click “settings”.

In the second step, click on the icon desired application, check the second line, and the geolocation service will be activated.

Now, when you launch this program, your location will be determined automatically.

To set a route, you need to select the microphone icon in the upper right corner. Siri will come to the rescue and ask you to name the desired location. You need to voice both the city and the street. Otherwise, the assistant will consider the address invalid.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the above, we can say that the CarPlay system has unconditional advantages. These include:
  • simplicity and ease of use. Voice interaction through the Siri interactive assistant frees up your hands. This allows you to solve necessary problems without taking your eyes off the road;
  • high speed of work and information processing. The system is not a separate application, but is only an integration of the interface. Nevertheless, everything functions quite quickly and efficiently;
  • Always latest updates. A car's internal software becomes outdated over time. And the CarPlay system is always up to date thanks to regular iOS updates. You can be sure that the maps application will always give you the correct route.
Perhaps the only thing that can be improved is the degree of voice recognition, since Siri occasionally understands words with errors.

2014 Consumer Electronics Show - a show that is often called a gathering of geeks and nerds computer networks in khaki trousers, this year attracted a record number of automotive exhibitors.

And the world-famous Apple corporation showed at this show that it is ready to take a fat piece of the pie in the field. The company at this show had a booth named " iOS in the car". And a new phrase " Apple CarPlay"has become closely associated with some car manufacturers, and some models will already be released by the end of 2014.

Like many other in-car communication systems, the whole idea of ​​CarPlay is to let you do everything in your car without being distracted by the main activity - driving. At the same time, the key role in the system is played by the Siri application, which can execute commands under dictation and answer any questions, individually adapting to the style of your speech. But the main thing is that very soon we will find out how well it works, as soon as the equipment in cars appears on the streets of our city.

Demonstration of the CarPlay system in a Ferrari at the Geneva Motor Show

The operation of the CarPlay system is quite simple - in general, like everything else that Apple undertakes. You take your iPhone 5, 5S, or 5C and connect it through a special Lightening connector to the car interface. Voila! Your car now has almost all the functions of your phone, just the way you always wanted. However, the car's on-board computer doesn't do all the heavy lifting that runs on your iOS; Believe me, he has a lot more - more important work- such as, in the end, reading information from numerous sensors of the car in order to maintain stable operation of ABS and ESP or make sure that your airbags are in working order in order to save your life at the right moment... and all this in while you break boxes with birds in Angry Birds, flip through (with your voice) the playlist of your favorite band, or write an important entry in Evernote. Your iPhone works together with your car. This means that applications must be installed on your mobile phone in order to see them on the car interface in the console. CarPlay completely integrates the car and iPhone. It works natively with car controls like music and phone volume, so you don't have to waste time fiddling with your phone to make changes. It also works in conjunction with the touch screen on your car's dashboard, much like the display on your phone.

Connecting to CarPlay via iPhone

However, not all apps can run on CarPlay, at least not in their normal mode. At the same time, it is Apple that will dictate to you the final word on what will work and what will not. Indeed, choosing an application comes down mainly to . The idea behind CarPlay, and almost every other in-vehicle entertainment and communication system, is to minimize distractions. At least that's what all the tech manufacturers claim. In any case, it is very unlikely that Apple will be able to make the same game Angry Birds or Doom safe while you are driving. Music, navigation, and anything that can be controlled hands-free or even with one hand can happen because your hands and eyes need to be behind the wheel.

If you are an ardent Siri fan and cannot imagine your life without her voice even for a second, CarPlay will turn your dreams into reality. Siri will speak to you directly from your car's speakers surrounding you. She will look at the calendar and email and will tell you about upcoming events and meetings while you are driving. She will read SMS messages to you and allow you to dictate the response to them.

Since its debut in Geneva, CarPlay has only had a handful of pre-approved apps available. Siri, of course, became the main one. In addition to Siri, there will definitely be some application available (and, most likely, there will be several of them) for listening to music.

But you are probably already asking the question: “Where is the main application that is so necessary on the road?!”, right? Yes, such an application will definitely be present with CarPlay, but according to preliminary data, it will not be Google Maps. The problem is that there is no way yet to link google maps with Siri to let you find your destination and get directions to it. You'll have to use the Apple version of maps - Apple Maps - in CarPlay, but you should like it. Although, however, since the first days of its existence, Apple Maps has improved quite a bit.

When Apple debuted CarPlay at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show, the company confirmed that it was already working with a dozen automakers, including Ferrari. When shopping for a new car for yourself, you'll likely even be given the option to choose the operating environment in which you already live in everyday life, and for the car you want to buy. And as long as the operating system lives on the phone and not on the car's hard drive, this makes a lot of sense.

How it works in Russia We took a Tiguan in a new body. The City version, stuffed with electronics right up to the mudguards, is not a car, but one big gadget. You can’t figure it out at random; I spent the first few weeks carefully studying the instructions.

But I started, of course, with Apple CarPlay. I noticed that there was no review of this topic on the site yet. It's time to fix

CarPlay - is it like an iPhone in a car?

No, this is not an iPhone. It's not even a full-fledged operating system like iOS.

In fact, CarPlay is like AirPlay. That is, it is a system for transmitting and displaying data from your gadget on an external display. In this case, automobile.

But even these minimal functions are quite enough.

Important fact: CarPlay does not work without an iPhone. Therefore, it is always only part of the car’s media system. For example, I can play music through the good old AUX, listen to the radio, turn on CarPlay, or run a similar solution for Android. The driver always has a choice.

My Tiguan trim has a console with wired CarPlay. Wireless CarPlay is not that uncommon, it just happened to me.

But! Motorists, take note. Wired CarPlay is preferable to wireless because the latter forcefully turns on iPhone mode modem - and this mercilessly wastes the battery, which ultimately forces you to keep your smartphone on charge anyway. They didn't think it through.

Okay, time to figure it out. What can CarPlay do?

The set of applications in CarPlay does not depend on the version of the car’s media system. All programs are simply “picked up” from your iPhone.

CarPlay takes your apps from your iPhone and displays them in a different interface on the car’s media system screen. Kind of like a projector.

The media system displays alerts, messages, call history, map directions, and basically everything you did or continue to do on your iPhone. It’s quite convenient, but there are limitations, which I’ll talk about in more detail now.

Interestingly, if you removed any standard iOS app, then it will also disappear from CarPlay. Another reminder that CarPlay only duplicates the iPhone and is not an independent media system.

I explain the limitations and features of CarPlay applications.

1. 🎵 Apple Music

What you turn on first and why people use CarPlay in the first place. Apple Music was implemented beautifully; all tabs are accessible from the screen in the car, except for search. All so that you are not distracted by entering names while driving. This kind of concern makes me happy.

On the other hand, why not add voice input? To find a specific track or playlist, I have to take my iPhone and search there, it's much faster. It's just unsafe.

Apple Music works through your Mobile Internet on the iPhone or plays tracks previously downloaded to the smartphone’s memory. You can create a playlist station based on your favorite track directly from the media system screen. I've never found it useful.

2. ✉ Messages

“Messages” for CarPlay have also been greatly adapted. You won't find message history or attachments. The application will allow you to listen to the last message in the selected dialogue and immediately dictate a response to it.

The message will be read out loud again before sending. It will reach the recipient in text form, sometimes with funny speech recognition errors.

There can be no talk of any full-fledged correspondence. The Messages app on CarPlay is more of a backup. Suddenly something urgent comes. So forget about the poop emoticon, stickers and other goodies.

A notification with a new message will also not show you the text. Click on the blue arrow and listen to the answer. The counter on the icon syncs with your phone.

3. 📞 Calls

Calls were never affected. On the contrary, they have become more convenient. CarPlay navigates through Contacts, shows a list of recent and favorites, and allows you to enter a number manually. All this works with both the buttons on the steering wheel and the physical keys of the console.

Missed call notifications are also synchronized with your phone. Everything works quickly, is easy to turn on and is not distracting at all. 10 speakerphones out of 10.

4. 🗺 Cards

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised by the fact that CarPlay only supports branded Apple Maps. The company is trying its best to support the lagging service. Perhaps in the USA the situation with Maps is better, but in Russia applications from Yandex or even 2GIS will be much more informative.

The lack of normal maps is critical for the regions of the Russian Federation, and even in the capital it is not encouraging. In dense traffic flow it is much information is more important about traffic jams and cameras than a beautiful interface. Not to mention the relevance of the data.

But when you disconnect from CarPlay, the parking location is marked in Maps. Nice little thing.

Personally, I was lucky. In our city, the roads are not very busy, and the location of the cameras is easy to remember. I turn on maps only occasionally, when I’m traveling to an unfamiliar address. And sometimes I disconnect my iPhone from CarPlay and launch Yandex on it to make sure I get there.

In the corner touchpad CarPlay hid little Home button(this depends on the model). Just like on the iPhone, pressing returns you to the main menu from any application, and a long press brings up Siri.

There are no cool features for voice control of car systems. There were rumors that Apple CarPlay would learn how to control the temperature in the cabin, lock doors, or even park. I haven't observed this. I hope that in the coming updates they will add at least basic features. This is cool, the future and all that.

6. 📖 Audiobooks, Podcasts, WhatsApp and more

CarPlay supports third-party applications, as Apple proudly tells us. Either the developers are not interested in this direction, or the moderation rules in Cupertino are too strict - but in four years I see a very scant, pathetic list of CarPlay programs.

After a recent update, WhatsApp appeared among the icons. The program is practically no different from Messages - the same lack of text and history, the same dictation. But at least now you can communicate with those who use it.

From branded applications Audiobooks and Podcasts are reflected in the car’s infotainment system. I'm not a fan of this type of entertainment, I didn't test it for long. Podcasts are downloaded directly from the Internet, and audiobooks will have to be downloaded to the iPhone in advance. The interface is intuitive and is unlikely to cause any difficulties for anyone: choose, turn on and listen.

What is CarPlay missing in Russia and beyond?

Normal third party applications.

Apple doesn't need to develop anything itself, just give other developers access. And they will figure out how to broadcast content on the screen without distracting the driver.

For example, a YouTube video could only play when the parking brake. Or even cooler, with a signal from iPhone sensors that the car stopped.

Messengers could show videos and gifs like this. Even Telegram support with the same dictation will make CarPlay better. But alas.

What's most disappointing is the lack of support for third-party map apps like Yandex. If it were, then I would confidently recommend CarPlay to iPhone owners: what driver would refuse a freely updated and always up-to-date navigator?

Bonus. How to install CarPlay in your Lada

You don't have to buy a stocked Volkswagen to use CarPlay. All you need is a receiver that supports the Apple interface!

This topic deserves a separate article, so I’ll keep it short for now. You can go crazy and bring a wireless solution from Alpine, or go to any electronics store and buy simpler car radios, from Pioneer or Sony.

With the constant updates of high-tech applications, there is no better time to learn them than today. The same applies to automotive equipment: software has long occupied a not the least place in the modern automotive industry. The latest updates in the arsenal of automotive software in 2014, and accordingly the topics of our today's review, are Google Android Auto and Apple Car Play.

Apple CarPlay

CarPlay is a young development worldwide famous company Apple, the concept of which was first tested at the international WWDC presentation last summer. Only at that time the system was called differently - iOS In The Car. Later, at an open exhibition in 2014, it acquired its current name and was presented wide audience.

Like everything that comes out of the Apple assembly line, CarPlay is the most unobtrusive, simple and easy-to-use system. Using CarPlay is almost the same as using an iPhone. The only difference is that access to the tools and functions of your phone is not in your hands, but on the display of your car. Essentially, CarPlay turns your car into a giant iPhone. You can still make calls, take GPS routes, send text messages and listen to your favorite music, but now it's much easier to do it while driving.

When you make a phone call, the sound is played through the car's audio system. In the system, absolutely everything from writing SMS messages to selecting a song in iTunes can be controlled by the human voice. As for the GPS system (in CarPlay the application is simply called “Maps”), it also listens to voice commands, plotting and commenting on the shortest route to the desired location.

CarPlay uses Siri, Apple's ubiquitous digital assistant. It works from your car's controllers: buttons, knobs, dials and touch screens. All system applications have been formatted specifically for operating the system while driving, so that the driver can perform all operations without actually taking his eyes off the road.

If you're already familiar with iOS and Apple products, you'll quickly understand intuitively how CarPlay works. To activate Siri, you simply press a button on the steering wheel. If you have touch screen, select the application you need. It's the same with cars, where control is done using buttons: just press one of them to activate the system.

There is no doubt that the system will gain its fans when it is installed on a wider variety of car brands. First of all, drivers will love how easy it is to navigate Apple Maps on the dashboard display. The application provides both standard functions, such as turn warning, mileage calculation, and its own features. For example, the system alerts you to places you might want to visit by checking addresses in your contacts, text messages, and calendar.

Especially for music lovers who gravitate towards music applications, a number of programs such as iHeartRadio, Spotify, Stitcher and Beats Music have been adapted for CarPlay.

In 2014, CarPlay is already showing its capabilities on new cars from Ferrari, Volvo, Honda, Hyundai and Mercedes-Benz. Of course, the system will also be available on a dozen other brands in the near future. The first in line to adapt CarPlay to their models will be Toyota, Peugeot, Nissan, BMW, Ford, Opel, Land Rover, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Citroën, KIA, Subaru, Suzuki and Chevrolet.

In addition, technology giant Apple, in collaboration with Pioneer and Alpine Electronics, will soon make it possible to install CarPlay after production on any car.

Google Android Auto

At the end of June, Google announced the release of Android Auto, an analogue of the CarPlay system for Android OS. Google's new "technological attack" is exactly the same system, but designed specifically for the operating room. Android systems versions L and later OS. After Google bought Android, new products from another giant of the information age are being looked at in the same way as Apple.

All a driver needs to do to operate this system, designed for seamless operations, is to connect their phone to Android based to the car panel. Voila! All your favorite apps, important contacts and messages are now right in front of you on the display, ready to go.

Unlike CarPlay, Google's Android Auto supports more apps. Starting the listing with the most important, it is worth mentioning Google Maps, which acts as a navigator with free voice control, current information about traffic jams, with selection of the best route and with voice warnings. Of course, Android Auto supports many applications for listening to music for every taste: its “native” Google Play Music, Pandora Internet Radio, Songza and others popular apps for music lovers.

As in CarPlay, the main idea in creating the Android Auto system is aimed at making the driver’s work easier while driving, at reducing the actions that limit the freedom of driving, and, accordingly, at safety on the road. Therefore, Android Auto has the simplest and most intuitive interface, controllers integrated into the steering wheel and, of course, a dynamic voice recognition system.

Android Auto, unlike the already released CarPlay, is still awaiting its release in the near future. According to information from Google, 25 new models from different brands will be equipped with the system very soon. The first cars with an Android interface will be available for sale by the end of this year. By latest information, the first brands to use Android Auto in their new models will be Subaru, Volvo, Audi, Chrysler, Dodge and Chevrolet.
