Install the frigate add-on. friGate does not work - why and what to do. Why friGate doesn't work - let's figure it out

Just set your sights on some interesting site, and there you are, “Blocked.” Of course, solely out of concern for you. Or because of sanctions. Or you have a very strict boss at work. Or because some structures have nothing to do (and the latter seems more and more likely every day).

Fortunately, this is not a reason to tear out the hair on your own or your neighbor’s head, nor, indeed, to immediately leave the prohibited site. You can simply launch one of the many applications available today, which will reliably encrypt your location and provide access to the desired information.

An excellent solution is friGate CDN. This is a browser extension that allows you to quickly and painlessly bypass blocking. Now you can visit any site safely and anonymously. This works both for regional blocking and in the fight against the “lawlessness” of local system administrators. If you are suddenly blocked at work social media, friGate CDN will also be happy to help you.

Key Features

Everything ingenious is simple. FriGate CDN evaluates the speed of website access. If a problem is detected (the speed is too low or even zero), the extension connects one of its CDN nodes and redirects access through it. The nodes are “scattered” across different countries, which means that it is almost impossible to catch you in gatherings on third-party resources.

By the way, the extension is devoid of the disease of many VPNs, which “eat up” part of the speed. Running all traffic over HTTP/2, which helps significantly speed up loading.

Just install FriGate CDN on your browser and you will no longer have to worry about a site being unavailable.

Pros and cons of the extension

  • Minimum consumption of system resources.
  • Ability to bypass site blocking.
  • Anonymizes work on the network.

Not found yet.

What browsers is it compatible with?

Works with browsers based on the Blink engine (Chrome, Opera, etc.) and Gecko ( Mozilla Firefox and his many “brothers”).

friGate for Google Chrome

Download friGate for Google Chrome

friGate for Mozilla Firefox

FriGate Light and friGate CDN are extensions for browsers based on Chromium and Mozilla Firefox that allow you to bypass website blocking using proxy servers. In some cases, however, they do not perform their function. This is most often associated with incorrect setting extensions. Today I will tell you why friGate does not work and how to fix it.

Let's figure out why friGate doesn't work and doesn't bypass site blocking

For what reasons does friGate not work?

There are two main reasons why the friGate extension may not work: disabling proxy servers on which it is based (for example, due to a DDoS attack), and user errors. In the first case, all that remains is to wait until the servers return to normal. If the extension does not work due to incorrect installation or settings, you can fix the breakdown yourself.

The most common errors when using the extension are:

  1. An attempt to bypass blocking of a site that is not included in the friGate lists.
  2. Using the wrong proxy server.
  3. Incorrect DNS server settings.

The fix for the friGate extension therefore consists in reconfiguring it in accordance with the instructions.

How to fix problems with the friGate extension

First of all, you should do the following:

  • turn off the extension by clicking on its icon in the browser panel and turn it on again;
  • restart the browser;
  • try friGate on another browser.

This helps if the extension does not work due to a temporary or one-time glitch in which all blocked sites do not open at once. If you cannot bypass the blocking of one specific resource, methods for fixing the problem may vary.

What to do if sites are protected from friGate

Perhaps the site is blocked too well to be bypassed using a simple proxy server - at the provider level. In this case, you should try to encrypt the traffic using the anonymity mode of the friGate extension. For this mode to work, you must change the DNS addresses from those provided by your ISP to third-party ones. To do this you need:

  1. Open the Internet connection settings and go to the “Change adapter settings” menu.
  2. Open the properties of the adapter you are using.
  3. Open TCP/IPv4 protocol properties.
  4. Specify any free DNS server addresses - for example and
  5. Apply changes.

To more effectively bypass blocking, you should use alternative DNS servers

After this, you need to open the parameters of the friGate extension by clicking on its icon right click mouse, and enable anonymity in the corresponding settings block.

Other possible reason Why friGate does not work is the absence of the site being opened in the extension lists. You can fix this through the settings:

  1. Create a custom list in the “Setup List of Sites” block. The list name can be anything.
  2. Go to the new list by clicking on its name.
  3. Enter the site in the “Domain” field and click “Add site”.

You need to specify not only the main domain, but also subdomains (in the format * This is not necessary if the site you are opening does not have subdomains, but it is better to be safe.

Custom site lists are added via friGate parameters

You can also use alternative proxy servers by adding a custom address in the “Proxy Settings” block of the friGate extension parameters. This will help if the servers from the list of free ones provided by the extension developers do not work.


Knowing why the friGate plugin does not work, the problem can be easily fixed. If you can’t get the extension working again, all you can do is use its analogues - free VPNs, for example Hola or Tunnelbear. They also allow you to bypass site blocking in one click and encrypt your traffic. You can find out how to use them on our website.

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Chrome friGate is an extension installed in the Google Chrome browser, designed to gain access to blocked sites. This is possible through the use of a proxy server. After enabling the add-on, the speed of web surfing does not drop.

Frigate is not only able to bypass blocking, it is capable of encrypting traffic to the site. The extension optimizes the website. The add-on for logging into any website is installed on .

Principle of operation

At the time of accessing the site, the plugin checks the access speed of the Internet resource. If the speed is too low or there is no access at all, the user is redirected through a CDN node. It should be noted that the nodes used by frigate free are located in 5 countries. If the website does not use a secure HTTPS connection, then the traffic is encrypted at the time of redirection of access.

In the add-on settings, the user can specify parameters that allow optimization and compression of information to occur without loss original quality. If desired, it is possible to add websites through which resource speed is checked. This is done in the settings.


Unlike other similar extensions, freegate is enabled only when access to the site is closed. Add-ons released by competitors to all sites are accessed through a proxy. "Ship" helps the user only when necessary.

The obvious advantage of the add-on is that it uses only dedicated proxy servers. Connections to free and public servers are excluded. Thanks to this, the loading speed of websites is always fast high level. In addition, server overload is eliminated. In addition, using other people's proxies is considered unsafe.

The chrome browser with the frigate free extension becomes an indispensable Internet browser for both users and site owners. Thanks to the plugin, everyone remains in the black. Resource owners will always receive clients, and users will even end up on a blocked website.


The frigate free extension has several minor drawbacks. Many users are not satisfied with what is missing automatic update. You have to constantly check yourself to see if there is an update. Of course, this is not difficult to do, but sometimes you can forget, which means there is a possibility that a useful update will be missed.

Some users visit national domains. The Boat add-on does not support them. This means that after blocking such a domain, users will not be able to access it even through a proxy.

How to download and install

To download frigate and then install it, you need to go to the Google store, then enter “frigate” in the search.

After a moment, the search result will appear on the page. It's best to choose frigate add-on CDN. It is located at the very top search results. After selecting the plugin, you need to click on the “Install” button.


Browser extensions friGate Light, as well as friGate CDN, are very popular among users of the most different browsers: Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Opera and many others that are based on source code Chromium and also Mozilla Firefox. Their task is to ensure viewing of those sites, access to which has been limited by the provider for various reasons.

The principle of operation of these extensions is to redirect Internet traffic through special proxy servers, which makes it possible to view sites of interest that cannot be opened in normal operation due to blocking.

However, the extension does not always work properly. Let's try to figure out what are the reasons for the failure of the friGate extension.

Why friGate doesn't work - let's figure it out

friGate may stop working due to technical failures that occur on the servers that serve this extension and allow it to perform its functions.

In this situation, you should wait some time. Also, the reason why friGate may not work may be its incorrect configuration. We'll talk about this below.

The most common reasons include:

  • Incorrectly entered site in the extension settings, which should be opened via friGate
  • Selecting a suboptimal or incorrect proxy server in the settings
  • DNS server options that do not allow the friGate extension to work correctly

Let's take a closer look possible problems, due to which friGate stopped working.

How to get the friGate extension working again

Let's start small, because... sometimes the most simple solutions are most effective:

  • The friGate extension should be disabled. This is done by clicking on the corresponding icon in the browser panel
  • Close and open (restart) the browser you are using again
  • Try installing the friGate extension on another browser and check its performance there

These methods are good if the extension has stopped working altogether and it is impossible to open any of the blocked sites. If you cannot open one specific site, then the problems here may be not so much in the extension, but in the site itself ().

In any case, it’s worth trying one more method, which boils down to writing DNS servers in the properties of the Internet connection.

This can help if the provider's side blocks access to hosts that are used by the friGate extension in operation.

It is also worth checking the settings of the friGate extension itself for correctness.

If the settings do not contain a list of sites that should open using the friGate extension, then this needs to be fixed. This is done like this:

By the way, it’s worth saying that the extension allows you to use proxy addresses that you entered yourself. If you have a list of proxy addresses, then you can enter them in the block own proxies, and the extension will use them in its work.

If the problem with friGate remains

If none of the above helped restore the functionality of the friGate extension, then you can use no less effective alternative solutions. Does the job perfectly or popular internet Opera browser s, which can be used to directly open sites through it that are difficult to access in normal mode.

As you can see, the problem with the unavailability of the resource of interest is solved quite simply in any case.

FriGate is a useful browser extension. The main function of FriGate is visiting sites to which access was denied for some reason (for example, the resource was blocked by the provider).

The principle of operation of this extension is simple: it determines the availability of a site and, if access to the site is blocked, enables a proxy for it.

This extension is unique because... has no analogue. All similar extensions either allow absolutely all sites to go through a proxy, or, at best, enable a proxy only for specific list sites.

The second important advantage of FriGate is that the application uses only dedicated proxy servers in its work, avoiding free and public ones. This was done for the convenience of users who will be able to visit resources with normal Internet connection speed. In addition, there is an opinion that using other people's proxy servers can negatively affect the security of your computer. But still, supporters of this method will be able to connect their proxy servers.

FriGate installation

To start using FriGate, you only need a couple of minutes of free time.

  1. First, you need to download the extension for Mozilla Firefox from this link at the end of the article.
  2. After clicking on “Install add-on for Firefox”, the browser will offer to install the add-on now and restart. We agree. After the restart, a triangle-shaped program icon appeared in the upper right corner of the browser. Installation completed!

FriGate has in its database a list of sites that will load normally or, if unavailable, will work through a proxy server. If you go, for example, to the developer’s website, you will see that the letter L is depicted inside the triangle - this means that the site is on the list.

If the site is not in the FriGate list, then a zero will be displayed inside the triangle.

If you need to load all sites through a proxy server, you need to click on the FriGate icon in Firefox and click on the line “All sites through proxy”. But in this case, it is worth considering that the page loading speed will be slightly lower.

If you want to add any site to the FriGate list, then you need to contact the site administration and ask them to write to the FriGate developers at email address: [email protected]. Next, FriGate employees will conduct a conversation with the resource administration, after which the site will be added to the list. Adding to the list is absolutely free, so the FriGate database is constantly updated with new sites.
