Key issues that design management solves. What is design management? Design management as a line function

The concept of criminal economics is focused, first of all, on the study of the causes and mechanisms of economic and socially dangerous phenomena, as well as the prevention and suppression of socially dangerous activities.

The first study of criminal economics was carried out by A.A. Krylov. It is worth noting that he introduced the very concept of “criminal economy” into scientific circulation and gave the following definition: “Criminal economy is a complex system of illegal socio-economic relations and material processes regarding the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services" (26) He also defines the criminal economy as organized self-interested non-violent crime (27)

In works with a statistical focus, the term “criminal quasi-economy” is used, which is defined as an unproductive sector of economic activity associated with the illegal redistribution of income and property of citizens through robbery, assault, theft, extortion (28)

A. Nesterov and A. We should not forget that Vakurin give the following definition of criminal economy: “...criminal economy is a specific economic structure, a way of managing, which is designed to provide a certain, relatively small group of people with excess income, income from criminal activity, income from the use of "gaps" in the legislation" (29)

This concept, in their opinion, covers acts in the economic sphere that fall under certain articles of legislation, that is, economic offenses and crimes. This also includes organized crime, corruption and lobbying for bills beneficial to the criminal world.

Based on all of the above, we come to the conclusion that there is an understanding of the criminal economy exclusively from a formal legal position. According to the logic of this understanding, the entire shadow economy is included in the criminal economy.

The formal legal approach, in the author’s opinion, will be insufficient for an adequate understanding of the nature of the criminal and shadow economy and needs to be supplemented and expanded. The criminal economy, especially in Russia and other countries with undeveloped market systems, should be viewed from a broader criminological perspective.

From this position, the criminal economy includes economic relations, economic activity, the main distinguishing feature of which will be social harm (danger)

The criminal economy covers economic and socially dangerous acts of three types:

criminalized, entailing criminal liability in accordance with current legislation;

non-criminalized, but entailing legal liability in accordance with the norms of other branches of law;

non-criminalized and not entailing legal liability (gaps in legal regulation)

In accordance with the logic of the formal legal approach, the shadow economy will be a subsystem of the criminal economy. Its supporters quite consistently come to this conclusion (30). This approach is the only correct one from the position of law enforcement, when it is extremely important to proceed from existing legal norms. Consistently following this logic, the use of administrative and criminal legal means of struggle should be chosen as a means of solving the problem of the shadow economy. At the same time, in Russian conditions it is hardly possible to agree with such a position.

From the standpoint of the criminological approach, the shadow economy should include sectors of the criminal shadow economy and the non-criminal shadow economy. At the same time, it is not possible to clearly and unambiguously identify the sector of non-criminal economic activity. The reason for this is the complexity of the object of analysis itself - the shadow economy, the close relationship of its positive and negative functions in conditions of an imperfect competitive environment, unreasonable taxation, as well as formal and informal restrictions on opening and running a business.

When identifying the sector of the non-criminal shadow economy, in our opinion, the following considerations should be taken into account.

Non-criminal shadow activities can only be classified as economic activities that are directly related to the production of normal goods, the provision of normal services, the performance of normal work and that contribute to the creation of GDP.

It is advisable to include activities that could not be started or continued under the current tax and regulatory regime as the non-criminal sector of the shadow economy.

It is necessary to take into account the multiplier effect of increasing production and, consequently, tax revenues as a result of spending shadow income in the legal economy.

Given the obvious usefulness of a particular business from the point of view of social needs in certain markets, illegal methods will be a decisive factor in ensuring competitiveness and, when creating an enterprise or deciding to develop it, any most conscientious entity is forced to use them (for example, various schemes"black cash" - unaccounted cash) The price level is determined mainly by firms using tax evasion schemes and it is almost impossible to legally enter such an area.

In general, to assess the level of crime in the shadow economy, it is advisable to take into account as fully as possible both its economic efficiency and usefulness, as well as its destructive influence. It is worth saying - it is useful to answer the question: “If legal requirements are fully implemented, and taxes and payments are fully paid, then, given the current economic situation, what part of economic activity will be minimally competitive and profitable?” It is in this part that one should look for the criminal shadow sector. The question can be formulated in a more general form: “To what extent and what part, the sphere of the shadow economy associated with the violation of the legal prohibition, ensure the survival of the social organism?”

With a criminological approach, the object of analysis becomes not only the activity itself, but also the rating scale of that activity, embodied in the legal system. With this, a more powerful criterion of socio-economic efficiency is used.

In conclusion, it is also extremely important to note that the use of one approach or another is determined by the nature of the economic system and the quality of the economic regulation system.

The formal legal approach will be fully justified in the conditions of a stable, well-functioning system of legal regulation of the economy, the high development of its institutions and limited government intervention in economic life. This is the situation in most industrialized countries. It is important to know that most socially beneficial businesses and other economic activities can actually compete if fair competition practices are used. Criminally oriented subjects or outsiders find themselves in the shadow economy.

In conditions of a weak state and the absence of a normal institutional environment in the economic sphere, the use of illegal methods becomes one of the decisive factors of competition and survival. Most economic entities find themselves outside the legal framework. In such a situation, the formal legal approach will not be constructive and must be supplemented by a broader economic and criminological one.

The division of the shadow economy into the criminal and non-criminal sectors cannot be speculative. It is worth noting that it involves a systematic analysis of specific areas in specific conditions.

The stated considerations are not intended to provide a final solution to the problem. It is worth noting that they are intended to outline its most significant contours and stimulate the search for a solution, the validity of which needs constant re-checking in the conditions of developing reality. The material was published on http://site

Taking into account the above, the following elements can be distinguished as part of the criminal economy:

illegal economic relations in the sphere of legal economic activity (economic crime and administrative tort);

hidden economy - an activity permitted by law, which is not officially shown or is downplayed by the entities carrying it out in order to evade paying taxes, making social contributions or fulfilling obligations specified by law;

the sphere of illegal business associated with the production, sale and consumption of normal goods and services without a license and special permission;

the sphere of illegal (informal - in the terminology of the SNA-93) employment;

the sphere of illegal business associated with the production, sale and consumption of prohibited goods and services, in which the labor process takes place, and the goods and services produced have effective market demand;

the sphere of criminal activity, within which criminal proceeds are obtained on the basis of the systematic commission of traditional ordinary crimes (professional crime);

the sphere of services related to the use or threat of use of violence in economic relations (contract killings, criminal terrorism) The purpose of this type of activity is to forcefully ensure the functioning of the criminal economy, suppression of competition and social control by violent methods, through the commission of ordinary crimes. The development of this area is associated with the commercialization of ordinary violent crime;

the sphere of creation, interpretation, application, execution of shadow (informal) norms regulating the sphere of criminal economic activity;

illegal economic relations in the sphere of the political market, political activity;

illegal economic relations in the system of state and municipal services in connection with the implementation of economic activities, the adoption and execution of economically significant decisions.

The criminal economy should also be considered as a system of socio-economic institutions, that is, formal and informal rules of economic behavior, as well as sanction mechanisms.

It is advisable to limit the scope of the criminal economy to types of activities that have such characteristics as implementation on a professional basis and an institutionalized nature.

The first criterion means that the scope of the criminal economy includes the commission of acts, the implementation of economic activities by entities with specific professional skills and experience. In the sphere of legal business, the criminal economy should include the commission of socially dangerous acts in the process of professional activity in the interests of personal, organization, and third parties.

The criminal economy also includes professional crime. It is understood as a type of criminal activity that will be a source of livelihood for the subject, requires the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve the final goal and determines certain contacts with the antisocial environment (31)

The second criterion means that its composition takes into account the following types of activities:

firstly, related to the use of institutions of the legal economy, executive, legislative and judicial powers for criminal purposes;

secondly, syndicalized forms of organized criminal activity of an economic nature;

thirdly, types of socially harmful economic activities generated by dysfunctions of public institutions and therefore of a massive nature;

fourthly, activities related to the creation, interpretation, execution and application of informal norms of illegal economic behavior.

The use of these criteria presupposes the exclusion from the sphere of the criminal economy of random, isolated, spontaneous, situationally carried out acts of an economic nature.

The criminal economy is a special type of illegal economy. It is unlawful to include it in the scope of the concept of “shadow economy” (although Eurostat recommends taking into account some types of criminal economy when calculating GDP). The importance of separating the shadow and criminal economies is determined by the fact that they have fundamentally different causalities: the “gray” (shadow) economy, as a rule, is associated with the presence of unharmonized relations between economic entities and authorities in one area or another, in one way or another, and the “black” (criminal) economy is based on reasons of a general criminal nature and corresponding types of activities. Although there are “intersections” between criminal activity and the shadow economy, noted by many authors. Thus, both criminal and shadow activities are directly related to money laundering (legalization), both of them use many techniques that can be equally classified under criminal law, etc. However, this does not provide grounds for their identification, as does the “transfer” of money from the criminal economy to the shadow economy. The same “spillover” exists between the legal economy and the criminal one. Currently, there is officially confirmed data on the receipt, during the first wave of the global financial and economic crisis in 2009, of $352 billion in income from the illicit production and distribution of drugs received by the world's largest banks, with a total volume of the global drug market of $800 billion. .

The block of criminal activities (criminal economy) usually includes drug trafficking, terrorism, child trafficking, illegal trade in human organs, illegal arms trade, slave trade, pimping and prostitution, fraud, extortion, racketeering, raiding, poaching, corruption and kickbacks. , theft, theft, robbery, smuggling (including smuggling of wild animals and plants) and others. In general, more than 50 types of crime are classified as transnational. The income of transnational organized crime is estimated at approximately 3.6% of the global economy. The total global turnover of the criminal economy is estimated at over $500 billion.

The total value of laundered money worldwide is estimated to be $2.5 trillion. Money laundering, according to UN data, accounts for at least 2% of global GDP annually. For example, the drug money laundering fee for the Sinaloa Cartel is 15 cents on the dollar.

At the same time, criminal groups are constantly developing and mastering new technologies, including organizational and managerial ones. They have long created adapted horizontal network structures that are difficult to track and stop, and are diversifying their activities. The result was an unprecedented increase in the scale of inter-

international crime.

There are attempts to divide into criminal and criminalized economies, which are conditional and indicate only the degree of penetration of crime into the economy.

The criminal and “shadow” sectors of the economy have different organizational structures in different segments of the economy, re-

gions, aspects of economic life - from weakly organized forms to highly organized and controlled structures, which, being subsystems of legal economic systems and organisms, are themselves organized and controlled systems. In some segments of the economy in the “shadow” and criminal sectors, integral economic, managerial and other subsystems have been formed, including the entire social infrastructure - contractors, lawyers, judges, notaries, auditors, banks, offshore banks and schemes, bribed officials and employees of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services etc. In shadow organized structures there is allocated capital, its flows, infrastructures, their own patterns of dynamics and cycles, the nature of use, directions of investment (legal, “shadow”, criminal), patterns of circulation are organized.

Moreover, shadow schemes are developed by specific people and groups, including with the use of scientific research, the scientific and expert community. Thus, it seems that there are no open scientific studies, publications and dissertations directly aimed at developing mechanisms for increasing the volume of illegal and criminal economic income, at increasing the efficiency of the “shadow” and criminal economy, and the laundering system Money obtained by criminal means, for the development of schemes for tax evasion or withdrawal of legal (including budgetary) funds into the “shadow” or for the invention of new criminal schemes, for increasing the efficiency of fraud methods, etc. But such developments are underway. There are both organized and unorganized intellectual groups and communities for the development of such methods and schemes. They involve hired analysts, researchers, former and current employees of practical departments (especially tax authorities, financial departments, operational investigative units for combating economic crime of law enforcement agencies, etc.). Moreover, new developments are constantly appearing, including on an international scale. In many countries, new criminal schemes are published annually in works that, by the way, occupy hundreds of pages printed text. Some of these schemes, while causing colossal harm to national economies, are at first completely legitimate in nature - that is, they are applied within the framework of the regulatory framework, either using “loopholes” in the laws, or creating them by lobbying for the adoption of laws and amendments to laws, developments by-laws, orders, etc. Such developments can only be carried out by first-class specialists, and the criminal and shadow communities actively use individual and group expert development methods. Moreover, such developments are not just being carried out, but are organized, financed, are in great demand, are actively used and are being implemented into management practice.

Among other things, it should be noted that the criminal business plays a significant role for some of the largest entities in the world economy. This role lies in the fact that in addition to super-profitability, this business provides the opportunity to receive “black money” uncontrolled by society, which can be used for any purpose, including the goals of various subjects of the legal economy. This is forced by the relative transparency of the Western financial structure, which does not allow obtaining “black money” through honest means, and such “black money” is needed for other purposes (especially for the implementation of geopolitical technologies) in large quantities. Therefore, control of the drug business and drug trafficking channels is becoming an arena of fierce conflicts. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, the Middle East, Chechnya, Kosovo, the Caucasus - just a list of these points, which are traditional production points and drug supply channels, and the events associated with them show their full significance for big business, which now includes part of the political and the business elite of a number of states, there is even the participation of the military forces of states in the “settlement” of drug problems, among other things. Accordingly, large intellectual structures are involved in the criminal business, the opposition to which must also be ensured by systems of powerful and effective strategic analysis within each country.

All this once again proves the high intellectual level of “shadow” and criminal business, the organization of its economy, and the need to oppose them with even more highly intelligent management technologies, including control, prevention and suppression.

To overcome all challenges and threats, minimize risks for economic development, and minimize negative effects, it is necessary to develop a system of state strategic management (link to the article and one paragraph from it).

  • Speech by the Chairman of the State Control Committee, Director of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia V.P. Ivanov at the National Institute of Criminal Law of Mexico City, February 21, 2012 [Electronic resource] URL: Access date 09.20.2016.
  • Global regime for transnational crime [Electronic resource]URL: http://www.cfr.Org/transnational-crime/global-rcgime-transnational-crime/p28656#pl Accessed 09.23.2016.
  • 1(14 The most striking example can be found in the book: Khodorkovsky M.B., Gevorkyan N. Prison and freedom. - Howard Roark, 2012. - 400 pp. See also: Cyber ​​fraudsters spend 40% of stolen funds on research // Izvestia. 24.06. 2016// [Electronic resource] URL: Access date 09/22/2016.
  • If since the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, heroin production in this country, controlled by US troops, has increased 50 times and today accounts for 95% of global heroin production, it is not difficult to understand the true goals of the US Afghan operation. The same is true in other types of criminal business. There are indications that drug money is part of the interests of some families who control a significant share of the global financial system, which explains much of the events in Central Asia.

The first study of criminal economics was done by A.A. Krylov. He introduced the very concept of “criminal economy” into theoretical circulation and gave its subsequent definition: “Criminal economy is a complex system of criminal socio-economic relations and real-material actions for the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services.” He also describes the criminal economy as organized, self-interested, nonviolent lawlessness.

The term “criminal economy” is commonly used, which is defined as an ineffective sector of economic activity associated with the criminal redistribution of income and the financial situation of citizens through robbery, assault, theft, and extortion.

A. Nesterov and A. Vakurin give the following definition of criminal economy: “...criminal economy is a specific national economic structure, a method of management that is designed to guarantee a certain, relatively small group of people in excess of earnings, income from illegal activities, income from the use of “holes” "in legislation".

This concept, according to their concept, covers actions in the economic sphere that fall under certain articles of legislation, that is, economic crimes and crimes. This also includes organized crime, corruption and pushing through bills beneficial to the lawless world.

Thus, the consciousness of the criminal economy has space only from a formal legal position. In accordance with the logic of this understanding, the entire shadow economy is being introduced into the criminal economy.

The formal legal approach, according to the creator, is missing for an adequate understanding of the nature and criminal and shadow economy and needs to be added and expanded. The criminal economy, especially in Russia and other countries with an undeveloped market system, should be considered from a broader criminological perspective.

From this point of view, the criminal economy includes economic affairs, economic activities, the main characteristic feature of which is social danger.

The criminal economy covers economic and socially dangerous acts of 3 types:

criminalized, entailing criminal liability in accordance with current legislation;

non-criminalized, but entailing legal liability in accordance with the norms of other branches of law;

non-criminalized and not entailing legal liability (gaps in legal regulation).

When identifying the non-criminal shadow economy sector, the following judgments should be taken into account.

Only economic activities that are directly related to the production of ordinary goods, the provision of normal services, the performance of normal work and that contribute to the creation of GDP can be classified as non-criminal, shadow.

The non-criminal sector of the shadow economy can specifically include activities that could not be started or continued under the current tax and regulatory regime.

It is necessary to take into account the multiplier effect of growth in production and, consequently, tax revenues, as a result of spending shadow income in the legal economy.

Given the trivial utility of this or that business from the point of view of public needs in certain markets, illegal methods are the decisive factor in ensuring competitiveness and, when forming an undertaking or deciding to improve it, which most honest entity is obliged to use them (for example, various “dark cash” schemes " - unaccounted cash). The price level is determined mainly by firms using tax evasion schemes, and it is almost impossible to legally enter such an area.

In general, to assess the level of crime in the shadow economy, it is advisable to take into account very fully both its economic efficiency and usefulness, as well as its destructive impact. The question arises: “If legal requirements are fully implemented, and taxes and payments are fully paid, then given the current economic situation, what part of economic activity will be less competitive and profitable?” It is in this share that the shadow criminal sector should be found. The question can be formulated in a more general form: “To what extent and what part, the spheres of the shadow economy associated with the violation of the legal prohibition, ensure the survival of the social organism?”

With the criminological approach, the object of analysis is not only the owner’s activity, but also the rating scale of this activity, embodied in the legal system. This uses the more powerful aspect of socio-economic efficiency.

It should also be noted that the use of one approach or another is determined by the nature of the economic system and the quality of the economic regulation system.

The formal legal approach is completely justified in the conditions of a stable, well-functioning system of legal regulation of the economy, the highest development of its universities and limited country intervention in economic life. This is the situation in most industrialized countries. Most socially necessary types of business and other economic activities can actually compete if fair competition methods are applied. In the shadow economy, criminal influence is exerted by actors or outsiders.

In a situation where the country is weakened and there is no normal institutional environment in the economic sphere, the use of criminal methods is one of the decisive reasons competition and survival. Most economic entities turned out to be outside the legal framework. In such a situation, the official-legal approach is not constructive and must be supplemented by the most comprehensive economic and criminological one.

The division of the shadow economy into the criminal and non-criminal sectors cannot be speculative. It implies a whole analysis of specific areas in specific conditions.

The expressed judgments are not intended to be the final conclusion of the difficulty. They are intended to outline its most significant contours and provoke a search for a solution, the reasoning of which needs constant re-verification in the conditions of developing reality.

The criminal economy also includes professional crime. It is understood as a type of lawless activity that is a source of livelihood for the subject, requires the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve the final goal and determines certain contacts with the anti-public environment.

The second criterion means that its composition takes into account the following types of activities:

firstly - related to the use of institutions of the legal economy, legal, legislative and judicial power for criminal purposes;

secondly, syndicalized forms of organized lawless economic activity;

thirdly, types of socially harmful economic activities generated by the dysfunction of public institutions and therefore of a public nature;

fourthly, the activity of creating, interpreting, implementing and using informal norms of illegal economic behavior.

The use of these criteria presupposes the exclusion from the sphere of the criminal economy of random, isolated, spontaneous, situationally executed actions of an economic nature.

1. Features of modern economic crime in Russia.

Modern Russian economic crime is characterized by certain special individualities and development trends. The most significant ones include the following.

High degree of latency of economic crimes. The level of latency increases or, by the latest measure, does not decrease, the exposure of crimes and the detection of offenses does not increase.

Thus, the latency of fraud is estimated to be 65, official theft - 925, bribery - 2935, extortion - 17,500, robbery - 34, robbery - 58, theft of property - 152 (if registered offenses are taken per piece, then the latency of individual types of crimes will be the following numbers).

Rapidly improve the methods of criminal attacks. There is a removal of primitive crime from the economic sphere and its replacement by sophisticated, intellectual crime. This is evidenced, in particular, by the steady decrease in the share of so-called “traditional” property crimes (thefts, robberies, robberies).

Criminals will soon adapt to new types, forms and methods of entrepreneurial activity. They actively use the emerging market conditions for criminal purposes, information Technology. The number of crimes committed in the sphere of big technologies is increasing (computer crime, network crime, crime in the sphere of individual wireless communication), using special knowledge in the field of monetary and economic activities, in the process of professional activity.

As an example, it is allowed to cite large-scale theft of foreign currency using false bank documents, falsification of securities, criminal use of electrical means of access to bank account, office equipment (fax modems, duplicating machines);

Active role in the commission of crimes by organized criminal groups. The crimes committed in their role differ in the more effective preparation, commission and concealment of thefts. They constantly search for new sources of purchase and sale, sale of stolen property, and opportunities to expand criminal activity.

According to this Ministry of Internal Affairs, in Russia there are about 80 thousand members of organized criminal groups, under whose control are about 40 thousand business entities, including 1.5 thousand state-owned enterprises, 4 thousand joint-stock companies, over 500 joint ventures, 550 banks and 700 wholesale and retail bazaars Merging of economic and common crime. Increasing competition for appropriation of excess earnings is accompanied by violent attacks - arson, criminal explosions, murders for hire (contract killings) of officials of rival organizations, law enforcement and other municipal bodies. The ineffectiveness of the judicial system provokes the use of criminal and violent methods of debt collection. There are many other manifestations of this process that accompany the penetration of organized crime into the economy.

Strengthening the interregional and transnational nature of economic crime. This desire takes place in the fact that, firstly, foreign economic relations are used to legalize illegal income, and secondly, criminals use the infrastructure of global money markets to carry out criminal attacks. As an example, we can note fraudulent transactions on the Internet and criminal network activities.

Creation effective system legalization of proceeds acquired from criminal activities. Laundered funds are introduced into the national economic circulation, invested in business, and illegally exported abroad.

Features of certain types of economic crimes Malfeasance. Over the past few years, there has been a strong increase in malfeasance. The statistics reflect a general trend towards a tougher fight against economic crime. The share of official crimes in the total number of economic crimes is relatively small - a little more than 10%. However, due to the highest latency and the special subject of the crime of an official, they pose an increased public danger.

One of the most common and dangerous official crimes is taking a bribe.

Bribery, along with other official offenses, is characterized by an increased social danger. This follows from the following data.

According to expert estimates, losses from corruption in the field of government orders and procurement often exceed 30% of all economic costs for these items.

Illegal entrepreneurship and false entrepreneurship. There has been a constant increase in recent years in such offenses as criminal entrepreneurship and false entrepreneurship. These data reflect the most profound processes associated with the growth of the shadow economy, as well as the activities of organized lawless groups using shell companies to criminally cash out foreign currency, steal credit resources from commercial banks, and commit other dangerous crimes. These trends also reflect the mental insistence of businessmen on the acquisition of immediate results, doubt about the monetary system and avoidance of excessive tax burden. One of the circumstances of the current situation is the lack of an effective system of assistance to honest entrepreneurship.

Modern theft by fraud, embezzlement and waste. In the structure of economic crime in recent years, the most common are thefts committed by fraud Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, embezzlement and embezzlement of entrusted wealth Article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Of all crimes against affiliation, the largest increase was typical for fraud. It should be taken into account that no criminal cases were opened for all cases of fraud in the financial and credit sphere. And general fraud in the consumer market remains latent to a significant extent.

2. Factors of criminalization of the Russian economy

The degree of economic crime is influenced by a complex set of reasons, among which political, economic and legal ones are more significant. There are also reasons such as organizational, psychological, medical and technical.

The political causes of economic crime include: the instability of the political regime, the illogicality of criminal policy, the lack of infrastructure within interstate borders after the collapse of the USSR, the alienation of the population from the management of municipal affairs and control over the system of measures to combat crime.

Economic forces: highest level differentiation of the population by level of earnings; non-functionality of socio-economic universities; the country's continuous decline and its inability to guarantee regulation of the economy; macroeconomic imbalances, a significant municipal sector of the economy, ineffective tax policy and other fundamental factors.

Organizational and legal factors:

insufficiently effective coordination of the efficiency of the bodies of inquiry, preparatory investigation, court and prosecutor's office;

insufficient resource supply to law enforcement agencies;

high micro-turnover of law enforcement officers. A large percentage of the total number of employees are employees with up to 3 years of experience. The share of employees who have worked for more than 5 years gradually decreases with increasing length of service, i.e. There is an outflow of highly qualified workers into commercial, and from time to time, criminal structures.

reducing the social and legal energy of the population;

lack of a system for protecting eyewitnesses and victims (they were often subjected to intimidation and bribery);

low efficiency of audit (audit) control;

lagging behind the legal framework for combating crime from its configurations and others.
