How to check battery wear on iPhone? How to check the wear level of the battery on an iPhone Program for checking the battery of iPhone 5s

iPhone and iPad have decent running times battery life, but their batteries, unfortunately, do not last forever. After some time, they lose their capacity and subsequently require replacement. operating room iOS system continuously monitors the condition of the standard battery, so owners of smartphones and tablets can always determine the degree of battery wear and the need to replace it.

Any modern batteries have a limited number of cycles complete discharge. After this, they begin to lose the capacity declared by the manufacturer. A full cycle is considered to be the process of discharging a device from 100% to 0%.

The iPhone battery loses up to 20% of its capacity after 500 similar discharge cycles, the battery Apple Watch and iPad - after 1000 full charging cycles. The iPod battery provides up to 80% of its original capacity after 400 full cycles.

How to check the battery status of iPhone and iPad

If your iPhone and iPad were purchased on the secondary market, then assessing the condition of the battery is quite problematic. For such cases, a third-party application will come in handy. A useful program is called Battery Life. On the main screen, it shows the degree of battery wear and gives a rating: Perfect, Good, Bad and Very Bad. If you go to the Raw Data menu in the main section, then in the Cycles line you can see the number of battery charging cycles.

You can also find out the level of battery wear on your iPhone and iPad using the iBackupbot desktop application. After launching the program, you need to connect your iOS device to your computer and in the Devices section you need to select the gadget. On the right side of the window will appear Technical information. Here you need to click the “More Information” button, where the number of battery charge cycles – CycleCount – will be shown.

How to Extend iPhone and iPad Battery Life

To extend battery life mobile device, you should try to keep the charge level at two-thirds, or more precisely between 80% and 40%. It is not recommended to keep the device charged to 100%, this significantly reduces its service life.

No need to charge new iPhone or iPad for 72 hours before use so it “remembers” what it feels like to be fully charged. It is a myth. This advice is valid when working with nickel batteries, but in the case of lithium-ion batteries, which are used in the iPhone and iPad, it is completely untenable.

Charging the battery too often can cause minor damage. Approximately once a month you should still conduct one full cycle discharging/charging.

Experts also advise not to expose the device to extremely low/high temperatures. The recommended storage temperature is 15°C (59°F), and the maximum safe temperature generally ranges from 40°C to 50°C. At an average temperature of 25 °C lithium ion battery will lose 20% of its maximum capacity every year. At 40 °C its capacity will drop by 35% annually.

On this moment, modern smartphone First of all, they are judged by two criteria: the camera and how long the battery lasts. The first point is improving from year to year, but batteries are problematic, especially on the iPhone.

After all, literally after a couple of years of use, the operating time of the device is reduced quite significantly and you already need to think that something needs to be done about this. This is especially felt by people who live in countries with cold winters.

Therefore, let's figure out when exactly it is worth changing and how to check the condition of your iPhone battery. With some updates to the operating system, this has become much easier than before.

How to find out the status of your iPhone battery?

If you came to this material, then your iPhone probably doesn’t hold a charge for long and you charge it at least twice a day. Or, it often turns off in the cold at the most inconvenient moment, even when the charge level is about 40%.

To understand how bad things are and whether you should worry about replacement, you just need to carry out one of the actions that I will now list.

Checking using built-in iOS functions

On March 29, 2018, the long-awaited update numbered iOS 11.3 was released. Along with it came a feature that was associated with the scandal over the slowdown of older iPhones.

So if you have already installed iOS 11.3, then do the following:

  1. open Settings and scroll down until we find it Battery;
  2. select an item Battery status;
  3. we see the field Maximum capacity and if you have at least 60%, then you can relax for now, but already think about a replacement in the near future.

Settings - Battery - Battery Status - Maximum Capacity

You probably saw the second field “Peak Performance”. So, when everything is really bad with your battery, the phone will send you a notification that the performance will be reduced.

This will essentially be the signal to replace the battery. Thus, Apple killed all the applications that did the status check function, but they may still be useful. Read on.

We check using third-party programs (if iOS is lower than iOS 11.3)

Not everyone will want to switch from iOS 10 to their old iPhone 5S or iPhone 6 for the sake of this feature. We all know how it works and it's better to stay longer old version operating system.

Sooner or later, you may need to check the battery status and in this case, do the following:

  1. install an application like this Battery Life(or something similar);
  2. open it and the status of your battery is written to you.

If everything is great, it will simply say “Great” and the button will be green. Yellow, still not so bad and red - when you need to change it.

It weighs little and is free. If you buy paid version, it will also show the number of charging cycles. But it’s up to you to decide.

Let's find out useful information.

Apple smartphones with poor performance can be speeded up by replacing the battery. This instruction told you how to check the condition of the iPhone or iPad battery and determine whether the battery in the device needs to be replaced or not.

Step 1. Download free application Battery Life from the developer RBT Digital LLC from App Store. Note that in the App Store there are two almost identical applications called Battery Life, but, according to user reviews, the utility from the developer RBT Digital LLC works more accurately.

Step 2: Launch the Battery Life app and wait for the iPhone battery status to be determined.

The battery condition is critical - what to do?

If the battery wear on your iPhone 6/6 Plus, iPhone 6s/6s Plus, iPhone SE and iPhone 7/7 Plus is more than 15%, then the smartphone starts to work slower. To speed it up, it is necessary to replace the battery. And there is one very important point here.

The iPhone battery must be replaced with an original one.. Replacing a smartphone battery in service centers that use non-original components will not speed up the iPhone. In other words, iPhone users It is recommended to contact authorized service centers Apple in Russia.

What about other iPhone and iPad models?

In his official statement dated December 20, 2017 Apple of the Year stated that the impact of battery condition on performance is only available on the iPhone 6/6 Plus, iPhone 6s/6s Plus, iPhone SE and iPhone 7/7 Plus. The company said nothing about other iPhone models, for example, the very popular iPhone 5s in Russia. Apple also ignored iPad tablets.

Because of this, it is assumed that non-listed iPhone and iPad models are this feature iOS is not covered.

How to check the battery on iPhone (5, 6, 7, 8, X, SE) and iPad using the built-in function - Battery Health?

The Battery Health feature in the Settings app is another big addition to iOS 11.3 that will allow users to check their iPhone's battery health without downloading a third-party app or going to the Apple Store. Apple is offering a $29 battery replacement discount to all iPhone 6, iPhone 6S and iPhone 7 users, and presumably the company hopes that having the ability to check battery health in the Settings app will help reduce the number of people complaining at Apple stores.

The Battery Health section is very simple and straightforward. Once you open it, you will see the total battery capacity of your device. If it is 100%, then the battery is completely new. If it is less, then, of course, your battery wears out. But that's not all, this section will also show you if your CPU performance is slowing down.

If your iPhone's battery is worn out and causing your device to slow down, Battery Health will let you know. There you will also have the option to disable performance management, thereby putting an end to the sluggish performance of the device.

Of course, this function has a number of nuances that you need to be aware of. Next we will talk about them in detail.

When you first install iOS update 11.3, all performance management options that are currently in use are automatically disabled. So when you first install the beta, you don't need to do anything else—performance management is already turned off.

However, you should beware of unexpected glitches that could shut down your device. If this happens with a damaged battery, performance management will be started again. This will be discussed in more detail below.

How to check the battery on iPhone and iPad using the function?

Here's how to check your iPhone's battery in the new Battery Health section, which includes information about your iPhone's maximum battery capacity. There you can find out how high the current performance is.

Here's how to open this section:

1) Open the Settings app.
2) Find the “Battery” option and click on it.
3) Tap Battery Health.

All information about your battery is listed here. "Maximum Capacity" measures how well the battery performs overall, and is directly related to how long your iPhone can last on a single charge. “Peak Possible Performance” will indicate whether a weakened battery is causing performance degradation.

When your iPhone is running normally, below the Peak Capable Performance section you'll see a message that says, "Your battery is currently supporting normal peak performance."

At the same time, the maximum capacity may still be slightly lower than normal, since this figure decreases slightly with each charging cycle, but the slowdown will only become noticeable when the battery is severely deteriorated and is unable to support surges in processor load.

What does it show if the iPhone battery is bad?

If your battery is weak, you'll see "Your battery health has deteriorated significantly" and you'll be notified when an Apple Authorized Service Provider can replace the battery and restore your device's power.

It will also tell you whether performance management options are enabled and give you the option to turn them off.

As mentioned above, all performance management options are automatically disabled after iOS installations 11.3. If your device shuts down due to battery issues, these options will be re-enabled automatically.

In such a situation, below the Peak Possible Performance item in the Battery Health section, you will see the following message:

“This iPhone shut down unexpectedly because the battery was unable to provide the required peak power. Performance management has been enabled to avoid recurrence of this issue."

If you experience a sudden loss of power AND a significant decrease in battery power, you will see a slightly different message suggesting that you replace the battery immediately.

In the event of an unexpected shutdown, your iPhone will automatically launch Performance Management. However, if this happens, you will see a “disable” option, and clicking it will stop performance management.

Disabling performance management will reverse any applied slowdown, but it will also leave the device vulnerable to possible repeat crashes.

The option to cancel performance management will only appear if you encounter at least one unexpected shutdown, and once canceled, you will not have the option to start it again.

However, if your iPhone crashes again after you disable Performance Management, it will be re-enabled automatically.

This means you'll have to revert performance management every time your device crashes unexpectedly, as Apple considers slow performance to be better than sudden power loss.

By using iPhone settings You can find out the battery life, as well as which applications drain the device's battery the most. But in the settings there is no information about what condition it is in and what level of wear it has.

Fortunately, this information can be obtained using third party applications and programs. In this material, we will tell you how to check battery wear on an iPhone using applications for iOS and programs for Windows and macOS. The information will be relevant for everyone iPhone models, iPhone including 4, 4s, 5, 5s, se, 6, 6s, 7, 8 and iPhone X.

Checking Battery Wear Using iOS Apps

The easiest way to check the battery level on an iPhone is to use iOS applications that are available in the AppStore. You can install one of them on your iPhone and see an assessment of battery wear, and in such applications you can see the current battery capacity and how it compares with the original capacity.

For example, you can use the . After launch this application you'll see the percentage of wear on your battery as estimated by the app. In the screenshot below it is 87 percent.

If you wish, you can see more detailed information about your iPhone's battery. To do this, click on the button in the upper left corner of the screen and go to the “Raw Data” section.

Here you will see two parameters: Capacity and Battery Charge. The “Battery Charge” parameter is simply the current charge level of your iPhone, it’s not interesting. But the “Capacity” parameter is more interesting. It shows the current capacity of your battery (2400 mAh in the screenshot) and the original capacity of your battery (2750 mAh in the screenshot).

It is the difference between these values ​​that is calculated as a percentage. The greater the difference between the current and original capacity, the worse the condition of the battery.

Checking the battery using the Windows program iBackupBot

If you want to get more detailed information about your iPhone's battery wear, then you can use desktop programs. For operating room Windows systems there is a program called . It is paid and costs $35, but for the first 7 days you can use it for free.

To check the level of battery wear using iBackupBot, launch it on your computer and connect your iPhone using a cable. After this, you need to wait a little while the program detects the device and creates its profile. When the device is detected, pay attention to the left side of the window and select your iPhone here.

Then open the “More Information” section.

As a result, you will see information about the wear level of your iPhone's battery. There will be many parameters here, the most important of which we will consider separately.

  • CycleCount – number of battery charging and discharging cycles;
  • DesignCapacity – initial battery capacity;
  • FullChargeCapacity – current battery capacity;

The number of charge and discharge cycles of the battery is another very important parameter, which indicates battery wear. The more cycles the battery has gone through, the worse its condition. If your battery has more than 500 cycles, then it's time to think about replacing it.

Checking your battery using the macOS CoconutBattery program

If you have a computer with an operating system macOS system, then you can check the battery wear using the program. The main purpose of this program is to view information about MacBook battery, but it can also provide information about connected iOS devices(iPhone, iPad, etc.).

To use this method of checking your battery, simply connect your iPhone to your computer, launch the CoconutBattery program and go to the “iOS Device” section.

As a result, a screen with information about the iPhone battery will appear in front of you. The current battery charge level (Current Charge), maximum battery capacity (Full Charge Capacity), initial battery capacity (Design capacity), number of battery charging cycles (Cycle Count), as well as other parameters will be indicated here.

As you can see, the amount of information here is almost the same as in the iBackupBot program.
