How to use r studio pros and cons. How to use R-Studio (Data recovery). R-Studio demo mode

R-Studio how to use right, so as not to complicate the probably already difficult situation in which you find yourself.
Please listen to a short course by a young soldier on working with such programs, without this you can make a lot of mistakes and instead of getting your deleted data back, you will overwrite it even worse.

R-Studio how to use

The first mistake is excitement, which is accompanied by the ensuing consequences, for example, rash actions, calm down, read the article to the end, calmly think about everything, and then act. By the way, if you accidentally deleted photos from your hard drive, then we have a very simple article that I am sure will help you. You may also find the following articles useful: How to recover deleted files using free programs, and paid ones -,.

When you and I, my dears, accidentally delete a file, without which our further existence on planet Earth will not be joyful for us, know that it is not physically deleted from the hard drive, but you can lose it forever by writing any information over it. Therefore, even if you read how to use R-Studio, but you don’t have any experience as such, we immediately turn off the computer and preferably in an emergency. We do not perform any further actions with your hard drive, then our chances of successful success increase.

  • Note: Many times people have contacted me with similar problems and could not remember what actions they took before contacting technical service. They couldn’t even really name the exact name of the program they were trying to save their data with, and most importantly, after deleting their files, for example, past the recycle bin, they actively used the computer (sometimes for several days), which is absolutely forbidden to do, only then they still went to the service and demanded a miracle.

After we have turned off the computer, we take system unit and go to the professionals, 90% of your data will be saved, naturally they will take a little money from you, it’s better to find out how much right away, but if they ask for a lot of money, read on.

Now I am writing this article, and in front of me there is a system unit, it contains a hard drive, it was accidentally formatted, that is, everything that was on it was deleted, let's try to recover lost files from using R-Studio, and at the same time we will learn how to use this good program.
First of all, you and I need to evacuate the victim, in other words, remove the formatted hard drive and connect it to my computer, I always do this, because it is impossible to save the recovered information on the same media from which the files were deleted.

If this is difficult for you, then at least do not restore the files to the partition of the hard drive from which they were deleted.

Note: Friends, the most important rule when recovering information is this: the number of accesses to the hard drive with deleted data should be kept to a minimum. This means that before working with R-Studio, it is advisable to make an image of the hard drive with lost data and restore information from the image. How to make a sector-by-sector image of a hard drive and recover information from it is written in.

So let's start, on our hard drive that suffered from formatting, a lot of folders with family photos and video, we need them back.

Let's launch R-Studio, the program has an intuitive English-language interface, but we are no strangers to it, I am sure that after using it once, you will remember it forever.
The main window of the Device View program "Disk View" on the left side shows almost all the drives in the system: hard disks, divided into logical partitions, USB drives, DVDs, flash cards, the right window provides complete information about the drive we have selected, starting with the name and ending with the size of the clusters.

Select our drive (N:) and click Open Drive Files,

Now we are using the easiest way to recover deleted files, several folders with a tree structure open in front of us, we open everything starting from the first, I warn you, do not expect the usual names of your files, in our case Photo of your son, etc. We can say we were lucky, there are folders crossed out in the window

red cross, this means they were deleted, look at the names: Chapter 01, 02, etc., these are the folders we need with lectures by a University professor, the fact is that before such recovery operations, I carefully ask people about the names of deleted files and their extensions , this is needed in special advanced cases for searching by mask, etc. You don’t have to bother yourself the first time, at the end of the article we will use the advanced scanning method (Scan) and restore everything that was on the hard drive, this will of course take time compared to in a simple way ten times more. Now check the boxes everywhere and then Recover,

select where to restore, by default to the personal R-Studio folder in My Documents and the offer to change the default recovery settings, leave everything as is, click OK.

File recovery process in progress

A window may appear, the contents of which I translated for you in Photoshop, I think nothing will happen to me for this, a window with a warning that any of the files being restored has the hidden attribute, R-Studio will offer to remove this attribute from all such files, we agree, set check the box where necessary and Continue.

After the restoration process is completed, go to the My Documents folder, then the personal folder R-Studio, it’s called R-TT and look at the result, folders with the very necessary video Chapter 01, 02 were restored, as well as several folders with personal photos, not bad anymore , but we are not satisfied with this result.

Complete search and recovery of deleted files

To search and recover other deleted data, we will use the function full scan disk (Scan).

In this window, check the box Search for known file types, and select Detailed scanning and click Scan.

Let's be patient, the operation is quite lengthy, in the right window in the form of multi-colored squares, the progress of the process is displayed, this moment Only 13% were scanned.

We are waiting, almost half of the hard drive space has been scanned 43%

At 55% my patience is over, since almost an hour has passed, and I stop the process, click on Stop

In the program window below, you can see the file systems recognized by the program and, accordingly, information or data that can be restored.
Recognized 0 or Recognized 1 , Recognized 2 – marked green, here is data that can be recovered almost 100%.
Extra Found Files - marked in yellow and red, data that the program could not recognize and compare to any file system; it will most likely not be possible to restore them, and if anything is restored, it will be unreadable, in order to extract information from such files, you need a hex editor, but this is another topic that requires not one, but several large articles.
Recognized 0, marked in yellow, also has little chance of recovery.

Surely many users in their lives have encountered an unpleasant situation when, having deleted files from the recycle bin or used the Shift+Del command to erase them, they suddenly realized with horror that they had done something wrong... If some then unimportant documents, then there is nothing wrong with that, but if the scientific work on which you worked for more than one day “burned out”, you are not far from a nervous breakdown.

However, there is no need to panic: the R-Studio program will help you. How to use it will be discussed in this article.

Let's start with the fact that this application is the brainchild of talented Canadian programmers. Millions of users around the world have already experienced its benefits and now warmly thank the creators, as this small utility can work real miracles.

But even from R-Studio (we’ll tell you how to use the program) you don’t need to expect anything outstanding in such cases:

  • you deleted an important file, but continued to use your computer for a week or two;
  • formatted a couple of times HDD or a flash drive on which the deleted document was located;
  • installed several programs or a large game on the same hard drive;
  • The file you were looking for was deleted by the antivirus due to infection with malware.

It is strictly not recommended to allow such situations, since in this case no one will be able to help you. service center! So, R-Studio. How to use?

First things first, you need to install it. Attention! Under no circumstances install it on the same disk from which the document you need was deleted! For example, if important photos have been erased from the “C” drive, put it on the “D” drive. When you launch the application, you will see its dialog box. On its left side there are all the disks that are defined and installed in the system.

We remind you: before using the R-Studio program, connect the affected hard drive or flash drive! There are cases when users do not even understand this, hoping to find necessary information in a completely different place.

So, click on the disk we need with the left mouse button. Its tree structure is revealed, in which all the folders there are visible. Having selected the one you need (a green square will appear next to it), click on the Recover button. A dialog box for selecting a recovery path will open.

If you do not understand anything about such matters, it is better not to change the path suggested by the program, but write it down or remember it to search for rescued files. Don't worry: R-Studio 63 (which we almost learned how to use) saves such objects in “My Documents/RTT”.

After selecting the path, click on the OK button and patiently wait for the process to complete. After that, follow the path indicated above and enjoy the returned files.

Please note that the search process can take a lot of time, and the duration of this process largely depends on the power of your computer. Remember that during the search you should never turn off the computer or forcefully terminate the program, since in such a situation you have absolutely no need for extra records on the disk!

This is what the R-Studio application is. You already know how to use it!

Attention! If you have lost data on FAT or NTFS, we recommend that you first take a look. In most cases, it shows results at the same level as the best paid programs and will allow you to save time and money.

If you need to restore from types that are not supported by R.saver file systems, or work from Mac OS, Linux or FreeBSD, we recommend good program written by our compatriots. It costs less than analogues, the results are at the same level, the range of applications is wider.

We also recommend reading the article if you are faced with this task for the first time. It describes in detail and clearly methods for recovering data from working media; the article also describes terminology, without knowledge of which it will be more difficult to understand the text.

As a rule, the operating algorithms of different utilities differ even on the same file systems. And for specific severe damage maximum volume data can be restored by a program other than the one that shows best result In most cases. Therefore, if you find yourself in a situation where the first program you used could not save everything that was required, try several others.

In the general case of working with physically functional drives, the algorithm is as follows: download demo versions, scan, see what has been restored, purchase the program that showed the best result. If the media is physically faulty (or you suspect it is), first make a sector-by-sector copy to a healthy one. You can download programs for making sector-by-sector copies from our

The interface and use of several popular data recovery programs are briefly described below:

Detailed description of interfaces R.saver And UFS Explorer available on their home pages and in the built-in Russian-language documentation.

Warning: although software, described below, does not carry out destructive actions (it should not write to the disk from which data is recovered at all), there is a certain probability that the loss of information occurred due to physical malfunction, which you cannot determine. And further work with this disk using software methods will lead to aggravation of the situation, up to the complete impossibility of data recovery. Therefore, in in case of critical loss important information, we strongly recommend that you immediately contact a specialist.

We also draw your attention to the fact that during the data recovery process, you should exclude any write to the media (or partition, if data is lost only on a specific partition) from which you are going to recover information. This applies to both the installation location of the program and the location where the result is saved.


Developer: R-Tools Technology Inc.
Version at the time of writing: 5.4 build 134120
Demo version limitations: does not recover files larger than 64KB

About the program

  • Microsoft Windows: FAT and NTFS, including FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, NTFS5.
  • Apple Mac OS: HFS, HFS+(HFSX).
  • FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris: UFS1, UFS2.
  • Linux: Ext2, Ext3, Ext4.

System requirements:

  • Network connection for data recovery over the network.

Main features:

  • Recovery by signatures.
  • Working with software and hardware RAID arrays.
  • Built-in hexadecimal editor.
  • Creating a startup disk for data recovery.


This program has clear instructions in Russian, where all functions are described in detail.

Let's launch R-Studio with administrator rights. On the left we see a list of drives connected to the system with the partitions located on them (hereinafter referred to as the drive selection interface). If you select a device or partition, its status and properties are displayed on the right side of the interface. At the bottom of the screen there is an area where the operation and error log is displayed, and at the top we see a toolbar.
The buttons are implemented in the form of icons, the appearance of which changes from version to version. You can find out what an icon means by hovering over the button and waiting for the tooltip to appear. You can also start scanning or open a section from the drop-down menu after clicking right click mouse on the drive or partition icon.


If, as a result of the above actions, it was not possible to recover part of the data, or the recovered files contain incorrect information, then in the drive selection interface we open another card option (from the “green” or “yellow”) and repeat the operations described in paragraphs 5-8 .

If R-Studio displays read errors, this may indicate the presence of unreadable sectors. Perhaps the loss of data was caused by their appearance. The more there are, the slower the scanning and reading of information will be. At large quantities bad sectors (>50), we recommend reducing the number of reading attempts. To do this, select the hard drive in the drive selection interface, select the “I/O Tries” parameter in the list that appears on the right side of the screen and set it to 1. As a radical solution to this problem, we can also recommend contacting a specialized organization - where As a rule, there are software and hardware systems specifically designed to perform this type of work.

The package contains many functions such as creating virtual image media, data recovery over the network (including without downloading operating system using "R-Studio Agent Emergency"), working with RAID arrays, HEX editor, etc. There are also more fine-grained reading and recovery settings. But using these features requires a significant amount of specialized knowledge, so there is no point in describing them in one article.

EasyRecovery Professional

Developer: Kroll Ontrack
Version at the time of writing: 6.21
Limitations of the demo version: recovers only 1 file, works for 30 days

About the program

The following file systems can be accessed in read mode:

System requirements:

  • Windows XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7 on an Intel compatible platform.
  • Minimum 64 MB random access memory, mouse and sufficient disk space to save the required information (files, disk images, etc.).
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer® 6.0 or higher.
  • Screen resolution no less than 1024 x 768.
  • Administrator rights? required for installation and launch.
  • Disabled antivirus protection.

Main features:

  • Recovering deleted files based on service records.
  • Recovery by signatures.
  • File system reconstruction.
  • Diagnosis of disk condition.
  • “Repair” of documents, ZIP archives and Microsoft files Outlook.
  • Creating a startup disk for recovery or diagnostics.
  • Ability to fine-tune recovery.


The software package does not have a Russian-language version of the interface and help, so working with it is somewhat more complicated.

On the left we see the toolbar, on the top - the control panel. The toolbar contains the following icons: “Disk Diagnostics”, “Data Recovery”, “File Repair”, “Email Repair” Email). We are primarily interested in data recovery.

In the specified menu we see various options recovery, a button to continue the saved recovery session and a button to create a boot floppy disk for the program. We will not consider the last two functions now.

Approximate recovery algorithm

First we need to decide on the type of recovery. If the file system is not damaged, no recording was made to the media, and you need to recover deleted files - select “DeletedRecovery”. If the file system was damaged or the media was formatted, then we first advise you to try “FormatRecovery”, and if it does not help, you can only use “RawRecovery”, which will result in files sorted by type. The names are not restored in this case.

First, we will look at the recovery algorithm using “AdvancedRecovery”, since in this case we can choose any of the above recovery types.

“FormatRecovery” differs only in that in it the search for MFT is disabled initially, and in “DeletedRecovery” there are settings for searching files by mask, so there is no point in considering these types of recovery within the framework of this article.

In cases where the file system is significantly damaged, it is advisable to use the program EasyRecovery in the “RawRecovery” mode (search by signatures). The disadvantage of “RawRecovery” is that the result of recovery will be a set of files without names, sorted by type. However, using this method, it is possible to recover information in the most severe cases, when all other methods have failed.

    To start this mode, select “RawRecovery”. From the list that appears, select the desired drive (the program shows the structure of the disks along with the partitions that were deleted).

    Click the “Next” button. We watch the progress bar and wait for the result.

    Working in this mode, the program collects files in parts based on existing signatures, a list of which can be seen by clicking the “File Types” button. Using the proposed tools, you can add your own signatures.

    As a scan result, we get a list of files with names like FIL1.RAR, FIL2.RAR, etc., sorted according to types into various folders. In selecting objects for subsequent saving, the functions of searching, displaying in accordance with the filter and viewing the contents of the file, called up by pressing the “Find”, “Filter Options” and “View File” buttons, respectively, can help.

    Mark the checkboxes next to the necessary files and folders, click “Next”, select a folder and save the recovery result into it. We can also save the session.

    We wait for the saving process to complete and check the recovered data. If everything is in order, the recovery process is complete.

Manufacturers claim to work with unreadable sectors, but if there are a large number of them, the program may stop working. You can use a program for sector-by-sector copying to intermediate media and work with the copy, or contact specialists.


About the program

The following file systems can be accessed in read mode:

  • Microsoft Windows: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 or NTFS.

System requirements:

  • Windows 9x/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP/ 2003/Vista/Windows 7 on an Intel compatible platform.
  • Minimum 32 MB of RAM, a mouse and sufficient disk space to save the required information (files, disk images, etc.).
  • Administrator rights are required to install and run under WinNT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7.

Main features:

  • Recovering deleted files based on service records.
  • Recovery by signatures.
  • File system reconstruction.
  • Ability to create an image file physical disk, section or part thereof.
  • Network recovery support.
  • Ability to fine-tune recovery.


GetDataBack exists in two versions: for FAT12-32 file systems and for NTFS. They are sold separately.

There is no Russian-language interface or help. When you first start the program, it may start with the German interface language. The screenshot shows a menu item in which you can switch to English.

At the top of the window there is a control panel, on the left - helpful information and advice, Workspace is an instruction for selecting the desired recovery option.

The interface of the main part of the program is presented as follows: in the upper part there is a control panel, in the left there is a panel for selecting a drive and its properties. On the right we see the selection of the scanning area and scanning settings.

Approximate recovery algorithm

The program can cope with a small number of unreadable sectors. If there are a large number of them, it is better to make a sector-by-sector copy to an intermediate medium and work with the copy.

GetDataBack is an easy to use program that gives good results. In general, it is quite convenient, there are important settings. A serious drawback, in our opinion, is the separation of versions for FAT and NTFS systems. The user may not always know which of these two systems he had.


About the program

The following file systems can be accessed in read mode:

  • Microsoft Windows: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS.

System requirements:

  • Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 on an Intel compatible platform.
  • Minimum 32 MB of RAM, a mouse and sufficient disk space to save the required information (files, disk images, etc.).
  • Administrator rights are required to install and run under WinNT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7.

Main features:

  • Recovering deleted files based on service records.
  • File system reconstruction.
  • Convenient recovery wizard.
  • "Secure file deletion" function.
  • Possibility of recovery deleted messages and unsaved documents.
  • Possibility of installation on a portable storage device.

Recuva gained popularity because it was one of the first free programs to recover files. Simple and clear, but inferior in capabilities to many applications on the market.


When you first launch the program, it immediately launches the recovery wizard, which, step by step, figures out what needs to be restored and how. Working with the recovery wizard is simple, but many users will find it more convenient to perform recovery from the main view of the program.

By clicking the “Cancel” button, you can disable the wizard; you can also check the checkbox so that the recovery wizard does not start when launched.

The main view of the program: at the top left is the drive selection menu, below is the scanning results panel, at the top right we see the search (and filter) panel, below it is information about the files (preview, summary, hexadecimal view), at the very bottom of the window is the status bar .

Approximate recovery algorithm

From Recuva You shouldn’t expect anything supernatural, but if you need to quickly and easily recover a just deleted file, you can try it. For more serious problems, we recommend turning to the above programs.

Is one of best programs to recover lost data. First, you need to scan the contents of all data in a specific partition where the file was previously located.
To do this, you need to launch the program, select the section hard drive and click on the “Show disk contents” menu.

The program will launch an analysis and a dialog box displaying the speed, status and number of hits.

After a successful check, the program will display all the content that was previously located at the specified path in the selected section. The red cross marks those files and folders that have been deleted. To restore them, you need to check the box next to the item that needs to be restored and click on “Restore marked data”.

In the new dialog box that appears, you must specify the recovery parameters, the location where the files will be restored, and apply the operation.

If a file or folder was not found when analyzing a disk partition, the structure remote file was violated and now it is necessary to resort to more thorough scanning and recovery using signatures.
Select the section again, and in this case click on the “Scan” button.

In the window that appears, you need to specify the scanning parameters, after which you can begin the process itself. The program will automatically indicate the required values, but if necessary, they can be replaced.

The scanning process takes some time, as proofreading is carried out by blocks and sectors.

After the scan is completed, you need to go to the “Found by signatures” section.

The program will display all files in separate folders, sorted by file type.

Now you need to select the files that need to be installed and click on the “Recover marked files” button.

Also, using the program, you can not only recover files, but also carry out various other procedures that relate to hard drives. For example, you can edit the properties of NTFS files.
Select the file and open the context menu, where we select “Editor”.

In the binary data editor, you can change various properties and values, but this requires special knowledge and skills.

In order to quickly and efficiently restore the system, you can create a recovery image. This function can be applied both to individual directories and to entire disk partitions for subsequent backup.
To create an image, select the required disk or partition and context menu select “Create image”.

In the parameters window, we specify all the necessary data, including the file name, path for the created image, speed, and so on. Then we apply the operation.

Greetings, my readers, to . I'll start with a non-fictional story. At the very beginning of my career as a computer scientist, a rather interesting incident happened to me. A client who managed to rape Windows over the course of a year to such an extent that everything was slow and glitchy asked reinstall the entire system and, accordingly, all related software. Data says not needed- everything you need has been recorded on disks a long time ago, demolish everything- I don’t feel sorry for anything. The owner is Master, it’s even easier for me, there was only one section... I split the screw into sections, install the system, install the software, the client is happy, I take the money and leave.

That evening, the phone rings. I don’t know the number, I answer. There’s a tear-stained girl on the other end: they say you were with us today, you were working on the computer, there is coursework and half of the diploma, there are no copies anywhere(flash drives were wildly expensive back then). To say that I was surprised is to say nothing, the girl had such a brother who didn’t think that little sister didn't sleep at night- “studied”, but he did not consider it necessary to ask her if she had copies somewhere. In general, the story has a happy ending, all the data was restored, which is why this article was born: what is R-Studio and how to use it

I think you all have noticed that data deletion occurs almost instantly, but recording takes much more time. This is because the data on your hard drive are not physically deleted, the table of contents is simply cleared, and then new data is written on top of the existing data. So, if you formatted the hard drive, then the data on it are not completely destroyed and they can be restored at home with a 99% probability.

There are different data recovery programs With hard drives, but I will recommend you R-Studio. The program is paid and costs a lot of money, but it can easily be found on the Internet for free downloading on almost any torrent tracker. For those who do not know how to use a torrent, I suggest you read my article "How to use torrent".

Let's get acquainted with the program interface (Otherwise you won't understand the logic of R-Studio and won't figure out how to use it): at the top of the program there is navigation, the window is divided into three zones. On the left is a description of hard drives and other storage media, on the right are the properties of the selected media, and on the bottom is a log of operations.

Let's proceed directly to the recovery process itself. In the left panel of the program, select the section we are interested in (finding the one you need will not be a problem, even if it is not in the system, the program will find it), and press the button "SCAN"

Now we need to select scanning options. If you don't know what it is file system and what you had, it’s better to leave everything unchanged, however Windows environment NTFS is usually used. Click "SCANNING"

The scanning process can take quite a long time, it all depends on performance of your hard drive and the amount of information contained on it.

Once the scan is complete, you will be prompted to view recognized areas on your hard drive, select the one that is most similar to your partition double click.

Here you can see the structure of files and folders that are located in the zone recognized by the program. We check the boxes that we need to restore and press the button "RESTORE MARKED"

Here again there are small settings: select the folder where the recovered data will be saved and click the “OK” button

We are waiting and hoping for the best...

Well, that seems to be all, now you can look into the folder with restored documents and check these files for functionality. No one can give you a 100% guarantee of recovery; there are too many factors that affect the percentage of success. Of course I recommend it to everyone make copies of important information to external media: disks, flash drives, external HDDs, but as they say, you don’t think about it until the roast rooster pecks. But as a last resort, you know that there is such a program as R-Studio and you know how to use it.

That's all for today, good luck to everyone, if you have any questions, ask in the comments.

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