Free installation of a reliable Google Chrome browser. Where to download and how to install Google Chrome on your computer How to install a new Google Chrome browser

Once the most fast browser(a program for browsing Internet pages) remains the most popular today, second only to the pre-installed Explorer. How to install and configure Google Chrome? Prepared a special article.

Download Google Chrome to your computer

Before downloading, you can check two boxes. The essence of the first is that Google Chrome will offer to use itself as the default browser, that is, Internet links will open in it. The essence of the second is that the program will send some non-personal statistics to developers for improvement. Actually, there is no guarantee that if you don’t check the second box, the program will not send statistics, but maybe we can actually help make the convenient Chrome even better.

We wait a few minutes.

This is what the first Google Chrome window looks like.

The diagram below shows what elements the main window consists of.

  • Address input line/ search query;
  • Page refresh button;
  • Bookmarks bar;
  • Button to add a site to bookmarks;
  • Settings button;
  • Quick launch panel.

As you can see, installing Chrome is a simple matter. Let's say a few words about the settings.

Setting up Google Chrome

Let's click the settings button and we can see that there is a button « Additional settings» . There are some straightforward parameters here.

Please note the point "Add to desktop", this can be useful to bookmark a specific site directly on your desktop.

Now let's look at the basic settings with basic explanations.

Entrance- this is synchronization Google settings Chrome. Incredibly convenient thing. Enter your login and password on any computer in installed Chrome and in front of you is your usual browser. Plus, after reinstalling the system or uninstalling Google Chrome, it’s easy to restore all settings. By the way, I wrote about this a little earlier.

Open at startup- I find it more convenient to open previously opened tabs. Most often I close them before exiting, so in fact a clean launcher opens. But, for some, it may be convenient to expose the panel itself if you are not used to closing tabs before exiting. Otherwise, all 10 previously opened tabs will try to open, and this will slow down the start of the browser.

Search- when you enter a request into the address bar, in which search engine the request will be processed.

Users- Chrome allows you to have multiple users (profile settings). This means that you will have several copies of Google Chrome, each of which has its own unique settings. This is useful when several people use the computer. May be useful if you need to open in one social network two accounts at the same time.

Passwords and forms- autofilling forms can be convenient, for example, if you come to a site for the second time where you have already entered something into the form, Google Chrome will tell you what you have already entered in this field and you don’t have to type it again. And here is the parameter “Suggest saving passwords for websites” I always turn it off. The fact is that storing passwords in browsers is, of course, convenient, but unsafe. It is better to use password managers for this, for example, KeePass.

Languages- check mark “Offer translation of pages if their language is different from the one used in the browser”- this setting activates the translator. If you go to, say, an English site. Instead of English text, Russian will be displayed in the same places. Convenient built-in .

Downloaded files- this parameter configures where files will go after downloading. The default folder is not very convenient, because the space on the C drive quickly fills up.

You probably know that the browser stores a list of sites visited and other information. By going to the desired menu item - "Story" you can see this list.

If you want to delete history, most often people come in for this purpose, there is a special button.

You will see groups of history elements that can be deleted. Special attention deserve cookies. These are site settings files. For example, if you check the “Remember me” box on a website, the browser saves special file, and when you visit the site again, the system no longer requires you to provide a password, but knows which user it is. All thanks Cookie file. Therefore, most often when I delete history, I do not touch these files.

These are all the basic settings. And if you have any questions, I’ll be sure to ask them in the comments. Don't forget to like :). Have a good mood!

Google Chrome is a browser developed under the patronage of the Internet giant Google. It was released in 2008, but in a short time it became the most popular browser in the world. Thus, as of 2015, its market share almost reached 50%. Chrome also ranks first in Russia at the time of writing.

This is truly a cool browser: it is convenient, fast and simple. Today I will talk about how to install Chrome on your computer. It will take no more than 5-10 minutes of your time, provided you have a fast Internet connection.

First of all, we go to search engine. Since we are talking about Chrome, we will search on Google. Specify google chrome as the search query and click on the search button.

A small file, ChromeSetup.exe, is downloaded to your computer in the folder of your choice.

Double-click on the file with the left mouse button to start downloading and installing the browser. The fact is that the system downloads the main installation file from the network, which after downloading is automatically installed on your computer.

You don't need to do anything else at all - in the end you will see that the browser is already installed.

That's all, you can use Google Chrome on your computer.

Google Chrome browser is low-power random access memory and its minimalist design. If you decide to download it, then any existing browser on your computer will do, be it Internet Explorer, Mozilla or Yandex. Do several simple steps and use Google Chrome at any time.

Go to the developer's official website and download the installation file. To do this, follow the link and click on the “Download Chrome” button, if your Windows system 7, 8, 10. If you use MacOS, Linux or mobile operating system, then click on the “Download Chrome for another platform” field.

Select the system you need by clicking on the blue link with its name. Wait a few seconds for the site to give you the next step.
  • Carefully read the items next to the checkboxes and decide whether to leave them or not. The first point will ask Chrome browser
  • from Google as the main one. This means that all links will be opened on your computer using it.

The second point helps the company's developers find errors and shortcomings by sending information about your Internet surfing automatically.

After that, click on the “Accept the terms and install” field.
Wait for the file to save on your computer. Then go to downloads or any other folder in which you save downloaded files, open it by double-clicking the left mouse button.

The installation program will show such a window for a few seconds, then the process will go faster.
Choose a method to log into your account, usually this requires a Gmail mailbox. If you don’t have one, you can register at this stage by clicking on “Login”.
If you don't want to do this now, then click on the little blue link “No thanks.”

Enter the login of an existing email mailbox, or create a new one by selecting “Create” in the left menu new account" Proceed to entering your password or the registration process using the “Next” link.

Thus, you can save your bookmarks and most important sites, as well as passwords for them, by simply entering your email. If you do not use this method yet, be sure to register so as not to lose all the accumulated links after system errors.

Hello everyone Dear Visitors. In this lesson I will show you, how to install Google Chrome (Google Chrome). The Google Chrome browser is by far the fastest, most convenient, and simply the most. It is now rapidly switching to a large number of users and this is not just like that. Google Chrome really loads websites very quickly, and this is very important for users. I also recently switched to this browser and am very pleased with it.

And in this lesson I want to tell you in detail how to install Google Chrome, with detailed description and pictures. Although there is nothing complicated here, beginners who have only recently sat down at the computer have questions. And this lesson will help you.

In order to install Google Chrome, you first need to download it. You can do this using the link below.

Download Google Chrome browser

After downloading, we should have a file like this on our computer.

This is the installation file. We double-click on it with the left mouse button and wait while the installation proceeds. We should see a small window where it will be written "Installing Chrome".

There is no need to take any further actions, just run the installation file and wait. Google Chrome installation is automatic. After it finishes, the browser will start automatically.

We can click on the cross at the top of the browser and open "Visual bookmarks".

Here we see that we already have several bookmarks, we can also add our own.

This assembly of the Google Chrome browser is provided by Yandex, there is even a search from Yandex. It is more convenient than standard Chrome. IN visual bookmarks you can add any sites, but in regular Chrome they are added automatically and only those that we visit frequently, this is most often inconvenient. You always want to add to your bookmarks yourself, and not what you find.

As you can see, installGoogleChrome it was so simple that I had to talk more about the browser itself than about installing it. I also recommend reading the lesson on my website - In this lesson I tell you how you can change standard themes in Google Chrome.

And that’s all for me today, I think you’ve got the answer to the question of how to install Google Chrome! Bye everyone and SEE YOU!

You may be surprised, but today not all users know how to install Google Chrome on a computer, and this despite the fact that this browser For several years now it has been the undisputed leader among all web browsers. Its page loading speed, interface that even a novice Internet user can understand, and useful extensions have won the hearts of many users.

Why do some people still don’t know how to install Google Chrome and can’t customize it to suit their requirements? The reasons can be very different. Some people don’t have the free time or desire to deal with all the intricacies of the computer and the Internet, while others are used to using web browsers built into the OS and don’t even know about the existence of the Google Chrome browser.

However, we will try to correct the situation and explain in clear language, how to install Chrome, configure it correctly. After reading the proposed article, you will be convinced that there is nothing complicated in this operation.

How to download Google Chrome?

If you decide to check for yourself whether Google Chrome is as good as they say it is, then before doing this, you will need to download the browser to your computer.

It is recommended to download the web browser only from the official website. Open a search engine Google system and in the search field enter the phrase: “Download Google Chrome.” Now open the site that is in the first position in the search results and click the “Download Google Chrome” button. If you would like to download the browser for the Android, Mac, Linux or iOS platform, please refer to the appropriate link.

Click on the above button and a window will open in which you must agree to the terms of use of the web browser and set two checkboxes (optional). One of them assigns Google Chrome as the default browser, and the second activates the option automatic sending crash reports to technical support.

That's all! The download file has been downloaded, now you can proceed to installing the web browser on your computer.

Installing Google Chrome

So, to install Chrome on your PC, you need to open the directory where the Chrome Setup download file was downloaded, and then run this installer.

First, a window will appear notifying you that you are preparing to install a web browser, after which a connection to the Internet will be established and the installation of Google Chrome will begin. It is worth noting that without access to the Internet it will be difficult to install the browser.

The installation process will take some time, and then the web browser will start automatically. Next, you need to make settings according to your preferences. This will be discussed below.

As you can see, even a “user” who has become acquainted with a computer relatively recently can install free Google Chrome, because the entire process takes place practically without his intervention.

By the way, if you did not download the installer from the official Google website, then it is recommended to check it with an antivirus before running the file.

Browser settings

Once you have learned how to install Google Chrome on your computer, it is recommended that you do some of its settings. As a result, you will find it much more convenient to work in this browser, which means your productivity will also increase.

So, launch Google Chrome and click the button that shows three parallel stripes (in the right corner). IN context menu refer to the "Settings" section.
