Yandex browser protect connection is not protected. Yandex browser blocked the installation of a potentially dangerous extension. An effective algorithm from Yandex - protection against losses and troubles

So, Search Protect - what is it? How to treat this “infection”? Where does it come from? Today we will try to sort out all these questions with you. In addition, let's generally see what types of computer viruses, and also study the most dangerous places for infection.


Search Protect - what is it: a Trojan or a useful program? We'll talk about this a little later. In the meantime, let's try to figure out what viruses can be found on a computer. After all, this is what helps to find the right approach to solving the problem.

The first option is worms. Least dangerous viruses that we may encounter. At least for now. They are aimed at slowing down the operation of the operating system. Naturally, it is necessary to remove them, but there is no need to panic here.

The second scenario is spam. If you are thinking about the question: “Search Protect - what is it?”, then to some extent you can answer that our virus belongs to this category. Spam also fills it with various advertisements. Sometimes it’s so strong that it’s impossible to work. It must be removed as soon as possible.

The third type of computer infection is nothing more than Trojans. The most dangerous and "harmful" creatures. They not only destroy the operating system, but also steal some personal data. If you are faced with this infection, then you can start sounding the alarm. If you are thinking about the question: “Search Protect - what is it?”, then you should also assume that our today’s “object” is half a Trojan. A kind of hybrid with spam.

Where is it found?

Well, now that we understand a little about what our virus is, let’s talk a little with you about how you can catch this “infection.” After all, it is always important to know which places to watch out for.

Search Protect - what is it? As we have already said, this object is to some extent spam. Where does he live? Of course, on advertising banners and suspicious sites. Thus, we can say that you should avoid them in order not to infect your computer.

The second place where we can encounter various infections is, of course, unlicensed content or various types of hackers. For them to work, you have to disable all system protection. And this is the best moment for Thus, try not to use such “objects”.

Another source of viruses is, of course, nothing other than the real ones. As a rule, along with the document we need, they “drag” another carload of viruses. Usually worms and spam. True, sometimes you can encounter Trojans. So, try to be more careful with such content.

Now that we have looked at the answer to the question: “Search Protect program - what is it?”, and also found out some places where this object can be picked up, let’s see how an infected operating system will behave. After this, you can start talking about treatment methods.


Let's now look at another very interesting point. After we have dealt with the topic: “Search Protect program - what is it?”, We need to understand how the infected operating system will behave. After all, some of the signals it gives can quite often save our important data.

The first sign that an “infection” has appeared on the computer is the beginning of slowdowns in work. This is especially noticeable after Windows reinstallation. If everything was fine with the computer before, but then suddenly it started to slow down, then it’s time to think about treatment. True, there is no need to panic here. Sometimes such behavior is nothing more than a consequence of the most common system failure.

The second scenario is that various programs appear on your computer that you didn’t even download. This is already a compelling reason to take some measures to prevent infection. You can start sounding the alarm.

The last and rather interesting signal is the appearance in operating system various types of spam. Including in the browser. If you are thinking about the question: “Conduit Search Protect - what is it and where did it come from?”, then it’s time to check your “Internet connection”. The presence of our “infection” can be diagnosed by altered home page, as well as a huge number advertising banners when working with web pages.


So, now it's time to talk about how to remove Search Protect Click. In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. True, we need to start small. For example, from preparation.

The first thing we need to do is set aside a few hours of free time. Quite often, the computer treatment process takes a long time. So, patience and time are our allies today.

The second step is to save important data. Everything that is dear to you or necessary is best written down on some removable media. Sometimes fighting a virus can lead to data loss. Do you need it? Probably not. So, write down everything that is dear and important to you.

The third stage is installation additional content. Download SpyHunter and CCleaner. These applications will help us in the future. To be honest, without them the “healing” process will be a little delayed. That's all. We can get down to business.


If you are thinking about how to disable Search Protect, then you should start small. For example, by checking the operating system for viruses. This, of course, is not a guarantee of healing, but this stage cannot be avoided.

Update your virus database and then get started quickly. Run a deep scan and wait for a while. By the way, Dr.Web is perfect for this idea. You can also use Nod32 or Avast. These products do the job best.

Once you get the results, you can begin to take more drastic measures. For example, try to cure everything malicious files. There is a separate button for this. Anything that does not respond to the process, simply remove. Don't be afraid, we have all your data saved. Look at what happened. Search Protect won't uninstall? Then let's move on to the next step.

Registry to help

We need to start cleaning the system registry. This is where viruses really like to be registered. So, let's try to work with this service.

First you have to find her. Press Win + R, and then type the word regedit in the line that appears. Now, if you click on “Run”, you will be taken to the service we need. Go to search (Ctrl + F or through "Edit" on the top panel of the window) and type Search Protect. Start scanning. When it comes to an end, get rid of everything you discovered. To do this, select the lines that appear one by one, and then after clicking right click mouse over them, select the appropriate action. Nothing complicated. Let's see Protect completely. There is very little left.

Additional Help

So, now we can start using the additional content that we have already installed. We are talking about SpyHunter and CCleaner. They will help us in the fight against computer infection.

To get started, run the first program. It is necessary for searching spyware. Start scanning and then get rid of everything that was found in the operating system. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this.

Next, move on to CCleaner. This utility cleans the registry after we have already scanned it ourselves. Configure the application (on the left side of the screen, select check all sections hard drive and browser) and then run the analysis. After a few minutes of waiting, this button will change to “Cleaning”. Click on it and all problems are solved.


You and I have almost gotten rid of the “trouble” in question. The point is that we just have to do a few simple manipulations - and we can restart the computer. Let's start with browsers.

Right-click on your “Network Connection” icon, and then select “Properties” there. In the window that opens, you need to look at the “Object” item. If there is a separate inscription in quotation marks after the executable file (exe), then you need to get rid of it and save the changes. This process is done with all browsers.

Now go to and from there to "Processes". Find Search Protect there and complete it. Then go to the “Control Panel” and erase the program of the same name. That's all. You can reboot and look at the result. Now you know the answer to the question: “Search Protect - what is it and how to deal with it?”

Main feature updated version Yandex is the Yandex Protect technology, which, even before going to the site, blocks mechanisms that can harm your computer. This program guarantees high level protection of personal data, as well as safe use of public networks. Yandex Protect often blocks the information you need, mistaking it for a malicious source. The question arises, how to disable the blocking? In this article we will look in detail at how to cancel Protect protection in Yandex.

Disabling the Yandex Protect program

To disable protection in the updated version of the Yandex browser, we perform the following operations:

  • We go to the Yandex browser: find the icon on the desktop, double-click with the left mouse button
  • In the upper right corner we find three horizontal stripes - internal browser settings - click on them.

  • Select “Settings” from the menu.

  • The menu will expand to full screen internal settings. Select the “Settings” tab again.

  • In the “Personal Data” column, look for “Enable protection against malicious sites and programs”, uncheck the box next to this option - Yandex Protect protection is disabled.

If you have disabled Protect in your browser

The main goal of Yandex Protect is to prevent all kinds of threats to your computer, and not to eliminate the consequences. Yandex Protect protection technology on the Internet consists of the following parts:

  • Mandatory scanning of downloaded data
  • Protection in public places (cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, airports, etc.). In places where you use an open Internet connection, it is very easy for your personal data to be intercepted. The enabled Yandex Protect will not allow you to do this.
  • Enhanced protection of your passwords: Yandex Protect warns users if they enter data on potentially dangerous resources.
  • Blocking suspicious Internet pages: the Protect system has its own database of malicious links, which is updated once a day. If you want to click on one of these links, Yandex will block the action and warn you about the danger.

Yandex Protect protection is downloaded along with the browser update. If you are a user of this service, the Yandex Protect protection system is most likely already used on your browser.

The updated Yandex browser often mistakes a trusted site for an unreliable one, blocking access to it. It is for this reason that many users are interested in how to disable Protect protection while browsing pages. We looked in detail at how to disable the Protect system in the Yandex browser.

While working with Yandex, the user may encounter the message: “Yandex browser has blocked the installation of a potentially dangerous extension.” This notification may appear when you try to download extensions from your own catalog or store Chrome extensions. In some cases, a message line may appear at the top of the page.

What caused the blocking?

So, there are two main reasons for this warning to appear: built-in Protect protection, or viral activity on the computer that affects the settings of the browser itself. Let's talk a little more about them:

What to do and is it possible to bypass this blocking?

So, if you want to purposefully download a plugin that is blocked by Yandex, then you should do the following:

The second option is a line with a notification “Yandex has blocked the installation of a potentially dangerous extension” that appears randomly while surfing - this is already viral activity:

By the way, viruses can cause a similar error to appear in Mozilla FireFox, which also blocks the installation of add-ons.


If you are trying to download an extension, but it is blocked as potentially dangerous, then you should visit thematic forums where you can learn more about the properties of the add-on you need. The protection only warns you of the danger and points out the vulnerabilities that are present in the download. But whether to install it or not is your own business.

In our article we will talk about a new service from Yandex - Yandex Protect technology. You will find out what it is and what it is needed for. We will also tell you how to enable or disable this function in your Yandex Browser.

Modern Internet is growing by leaps and bounds, and along with it, the number of threats to which ordinary users of the World Wide Web are exposed is growing. Attackers do not stand still; their hacking methods are very sophisticated and dangerous. Yandex has been fighting such threats for a long time. And recently Yandex entered new level and introduced an update for my browser - Yandex Protect.

Your browser is the main program for accessing the Internet. Now, in addition to speed and reliability, surfing safety is becoming a very important factor.

Yandex Protect what is it?

Yandex Protect – new technology active protection of users from various Internet threats. This technology is built into new version Yandex.Browser and will protect against four main types of Internet threats:

  • Anti-phishing – protection against password theft;
  • Wi-Fi protection connections;
  • Blocking the launch of virus pages;
  • Virus scanning of downloaded files.

Among other things, the same functions have been preserved: anti-shock protection (blocking aggressive advertising) and warning about infected sites. Let's talk briefly about these threats and tell you how Protect counters them.


Protect forms a database of secure sites (about 300 resources - social networks, mail, cloud storage), as well as resources that you personally trust. Each of these sites has its own hash (a fingerprint of your password). If you are exposed to a clone site (phishing site) and you start entering your password, Protect will warn you about this.

Wi-Fi protection

It has long been no secret that through public wi-fi distribution It's quite easy to steal personal data. Not all sites support the https security protocol, which encrypts your data. Through sniffer programs (they replace the real Wi-Fi network with their own and monitor all actions), scammers can gain access to your data. Protect has a “Secure WI-FI” feature that turns on automatically when you connect to the network.

Blocking pages with viruses

When indexing website pages from all over the Internet, Yandex Bot automatically checks them for the presence of malicious code. If you come across these on your way, then when you try to enter an infected site, you will be warned about the problem.

Checking downloaded files

When downloading a file from the Internet, Yandex Protect will analyze the site and scan the file for malware-viruses. The analysis is performed in anti-virus software cloud services Yandex. If there are any, Yandex.Browser will prompt you to stop the download. If you do download it, the extension will be changed automatically until you decide on the file.

How to enable or disable Yandex Protect?

In order to enable the Protect protection function, you first need to download the browser itself.

Now just install the browser on your computer. Basically, that's it! Each feature is already enabled in your browser settings. So, the first time you log in via Wi-Fi, you will be warned.

When you enter your password on the first site, you will also receive a notification.

The same thing will happen when downloading a dangerous file. Services such as Antishock, Website Reputation, etc. you will find it in the browser settings, in the “Add-ons” tab. That's all.

Protect– this is a special addition, one might say a full-fledged protection system equipped in Yandex Browser. It helps prevent you from visiting potentially dangerous sites that could harm your computer and the data on it. It must be said that with its task, this system copes quite well.

However, despite the fact that this technology allows you to protect your data from theft, users still want to know how to disable Protect in Yandex Browser. This may be due to various reasons. Let’s say someone is not satisfied with how the system works (very weakly, or vice versa - it blocks everything, even what is not needed). Others want to turn off Protect because they think that the antivirus installed on their computer is enough for them. One way or another, if you decide to disable the protection, we will help you with this. But keep in mind that you do all this at your own peril and risk!

How to disable Protect in the Yandex browser

Are you determined to turn off Protect protection? Okay, let's figure out how to do this.
