Federal program for the modernization of education. Why you should contact the Ikhilov Medical Center


development of education for 2016 - 2020

Target: creating conditions for the effective development of Russian education, aimed at ensuring the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of modern innovative socially oriented development Russian Federation.

Tasks: dissemination of structural and technological innovations in secondary vocational and higher education; development of modern mechanisms and technologies of general education; implementation of measures to develop the scientific, educational and creative environment in educational organizations, development effective system additional education for children; formation of a popular system for assessing the quality of education and educational results; share of educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education, which provide conditions for obtaining secondary vocational and higher education by disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities, including using distance learning educational technologies, in the total number of such organizations; the share of educational organizations of higher education in which individual curricula on a variable basis have been introduced in the total number of educational organizations of higher education; the share of teachers who have mastered teaching methods in interdisciplinary technologies and implement them in the educational process.

Timing and stages of the Program implementation

The program will be implemented in 2016 - 2020 in 2 stages.

The first stage is 2016 - 2017.

As a result of the implementation of this stage, models and sets of measures launched within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011 - 2015 will be tested and implemented.

The second stage is 2018 - 2020.

As a result of the second stage, fundamental changes will occur in the structure of educational organizations in the system of higher education and secondary vocational education and new mechanisms for their functioning will be put into practice, focused on long-term medium- and long-term forecasts for the social and economic development of the Russian Federation. The dissemination and practical implementation of new content and technologies of general (including preschool) and additional education will be ensured, and effective mechanisms for involving pupils and students in social practice will be implemented. An all-Russian independent system for assessing the quality of education and educational results will function effectively.

The main results of the Program implementation: a network of universities has been formed, including multidisciplinary universities, focusing on key sectors of regional economies, including master's and postgraduate programs, conducting active research and innovation work; new federal educational standards for higher education and secondary vocational education have been introduced; 200 programs of additional professional education were launched, corresponding to the priority areas of technological development of the Russian Federation; Modern training programs for people with disabilities and persons with limited health capabilities have been adopted in secondary vocational and higher education programs; resource training and methodological centers have been created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (at least 30 centers in all federal districts) for training disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities on the basis of leading professional educational organizations; an infrastructure of psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic, and advisory assistance to parents with children aged 0 to 3 years has been created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; tools and resources have been formed to support specific innovations for the implementation of standards adopted in the general education system for at least 500 schools; provided consulting, expert and legal support for the implementation of the concept of school philological education, school geographical education, school technological education, school education in the field of foreign languages, a historical and cultural standard has been introduced; implemented comprehensive program improving the professional level of teaching staff in general education organizations; all-Russian competitions “Teacher of the Year”, “Teacher of the Year”, “School Director”, “Kindergarten Head” were held; training of personnel working in the field of education of children with disabilities has been provided; educational programs using e-learning and distance learning technologies have been introduced in various sociocultural conditions, including for children with special needs (gifted children, disabled children and children with limited health capabilities); a bank of the best additional general education programs has been formed, including for children with special needs (gifted children, orphans and children without parental care, disabled children, children in difficult life situations); a network of regional resource centers has been created for methodological support, organization of additional professional education for additional education teachers and coordination of the activities of educational organizations implementing additional general education programs of various directions, including in the field of scientific and technical creativity, robotics; the introduction of professional standards for additional education teachers and heads of additional education organizations has been ensured; a bank of innovative programs for training and advanced training of teachers and managers in the system of additional education has been developed for use by constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

programs have been developed and implemented to develop the competencies of pupils and students in making decisions that affect their interests, in working in self-government bodies and collegial management of educational organizations and introduced on an ongoing basis in the organization of summer and vacation recreation and health improvement for children; modern models for identifying, psychological and pedagogical support of talented children have been introduced; created one system intellectual and creative competitions, facilitating the identification and support of gifted students; updated and created new methods of working with gifted children; implemented modern technologies identifying talented students.

    Characteristics of the problem that the Program is aimed at solving

It is important to continue the transformations that have already begun, designed to ensure the transition from the system of mass education characteristic of the industrial economy to the continuous individualized education necessary for the creation of an innovative, socially oriented economy for all, the development of education associated with world and domestic fundamental science, focused on the formation of creative social responsible person.

The implementation of the Program will take place in the face of serious challenges. The first challenge should include the crisis phenomena in the economy of the Russian Federation, which will occur during the implementation of the Program. Structural and institutional changes in the country's economy are not only accompanying circumstances for the implementation of educational development tasks, but also create new challenges and set new goals. The implementation of the Program should provide for variability in scenarios for the development of the socio-economic situation in the country and keep long-term goals as a priority.

Another serious challenge under which the Program will be implemented will be a new stage in the technological development of the global economy. This stage will be characterized by the economies of various countries increasing their financial investments in areas such as new materials, nanotechnologies, information Technology, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, microelectronics, systems engineering, photonics. Technologies in education are already being updated at a high pace and will continue to be updated.

In this regard, within the framework of the Program, tasks related to achieving a high standard of quality content and technology at all levels of education - vocational (including higher), general and additional, as well as achieving a qualitatively new level of development of youth policy, increasing the availability of socialization programs must be solved pupils and students for their successful involvement in social practice.

The program will be implemented under full implementation conditions Federal Law"On education in the Russian Federation"..

    The main goals and objectives of the Program, terms and stages of its implementation, a list of target indicators and indicators reflecting the progress of its implementation

The goal of the Program is to create conditions for the effective development of Russian education, aimed at ensuring the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of modern innovative socially oriented development of the Russian Federation.

This goal will be achieved in the process of solving the following tasks:

task 1 "Creation and dissemination of structural and

technological innovations in secondary vocational and higher education";

task 2 "Development of modern mechanisms and technologies of general education";

task 3 “Implementation of measures to develop the scientific, educational and creative environment in educational organizations, development of an effective system of additional education for children”;

task 4 “Creation of infrastructure that provides conditions for training personnel for the modern economy”;

task 5 "Formation of a demanded system for assessing the quality of education and educational results."

The implementation of task 1 will ensure the modernization of educational programs, technologies and content educational process in education through the introduction of new variable educational programs based on the individualization of educational trajectories, as well as project-based learning technologies. No less important condition effective solution The task set will be the successful implementation of measures aimed at developing a modern educational infrastructure, including for people with disabilities.

Task 2 provides for the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring the implementation of federal state educational standards for preschool and general education, and the education of students with disabilities. An important element of this task will be supporting innovation in the field of education in current problems, including in the field of education of children with disabilities. The implementation of the Concept for the development of mathematics education in the Russian Federation, as well as concepts for the development of other subject areas, will be ensured.

As part of task 2, measures will be taken to improve the professional level of teaching staff in general education organizations, including providing support for the implementation of professional standards for teachers and leaders, testing modern models of pedagogical leadership, effective teaching, and professional communities of students.

Objective 3 is aimed at creating conditions that ensure the development of motivation and abilities of younger generations in knowledge, creativity, work and sports, the formation of an active citizenship, and a culture of a healthy lifestyle.

As part of task 3, a set of measures will be implemented aimed both at supporting institutions of additional education for children and at disseminating successful experience in implementing modern, in-demand educational programs for additional education. Improvement of the human resources potential of the system of additional education for children will be ensured.

Within the framework of task 4, it is planned to create and develop an infrastructure that ensures accessibility of education regardless of the place of residence of students, ensures the implementation of individual trajectories of students and their participation in geographically distributed network educational programs, social orientation of activities related to ensuring access for children with disabilities or children and youth from socially vulnerable groups of the population to receive general, vocational and additional education, including in educational organizations located in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

As part of task 5, measures will be taken to develop an independent system for assessing quality in secondary vocational and higher education, including through the creation of new mechanisms for a system for assessing the quality of functioning of educational organizations. In solving this problem, the formation of a qualitatively new attitude of students and educational organizations towards the quality of education and the resulting competencies, procedures and mechanisms for their measurement and evaluation will be ensured.

In this regard, within the framework of the Program, a national-regional system of independent monitoring and assessment of the quality of education at all levels will be created. The national-regional system of independent monitoring and assessment of the quality of education must be understood as a system of external assessment of educational results in the interests of the individual, society, the labor market, the state and the education system itself. It is expected to ensure the creation of new tools and assessment procedures (including international studies of the quality of education) both in general and vocational education, as well as the development of control and supervisory mechanisms at all levels of education.

    Program activities and complex projects that ensure the implementation of the Program objectives

The objectives of the Program are achieved through the implementation of a system of relevant measures and complex projects:

Creation of a network of schools implementing innovative programs to develop new technologies and the content of education and upbringing, through competitive support for school initiatives and network projects;

Development of mechanisms for parental involvement in education, public participation in education management;

complex project "Creation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of an infrastructure of psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic, advisory assistance to parents with children from 0 to 3 years old."

support will be provided for regional programs for the development of preschool education, new federal state educational standards for preschool education will be introduced;

conditions will be created for public-private partnerships in the field of preschool education.

A comprehensive project “Creation of a national incubator of educational innovations in the general education system” will be implemented.

a new professional standard for teachers will be implemented; professional standards for a teacher-psychologist and a teacher-defectologist will be developed, tested and implemented; professional standard of the head of a preschool and (or) general education organization;

Professional competitions for teaching and management staff of general education organizations will be improved, including the all-Russian competitions “Teacher of the Year”, “Teacher of the Year”, “School Director”, “Kindergarten Head” will be updated;

a comprehensive project “Russian Parent University” will be implemented; within the framework of the project, on a competitive basis, projects will be supported to conduct awareness-raising and educational work with parents aimed at:

informing parents about their rights and responsibilities in the field of education, the possibilities of fulfilling requests for quality preschool, general and additional education;

formation of parents’ competencies in the development and upbringing of children, their acquisition of knowledge of the fundamentals of child psychology.

It is also planned to implement the following measures: “Creation of mechanisms for involving students in active social practice, involving students of educational organizations in making decisions that affect their interests”; "Creating the necessary conditions for identifying and developing the creative and intellectual abilities of talented students."

Models of network interaction between general education organizations, additional education organizations, professional educational organizations, educational organizations of higher education, industrial enterprises and business structures, including in the field of scientific and technical creativity and robotics, will be implemented;

modern models for organizing children’s recreation and health, and additional education for children during the holiday period will be developed and implemented in all regions;

Modern standards, methods and programs for the protection and promotion of children’s health in the educational process and the formation of a healthy lifestyle will be developed and implemented.

A comprehensive project “Development of a nationwide system for identifying and developing young talents” will be implemented, aimed at developing intellectual and creative competitive events for pupils and students.

All-Russian and interregional events that reach a significant audience, have successful implementation experience and information support mechanisms, and also contribute to the intellectual and creative development of students and the formation of new skills and competencies will receive federal support on a competitive basis.

As a result of the implementation of the event:

Modern models of identification and psychological and pedagogical support of talented children will be introduced;

the annual holding of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in 24 general education subjects will be ensured;

Annual training camps will be provided to prepare national teams of the Russian Federation for participation in 8 international Olympiads in general education subjects.

Within the framework of the task “Formation of a popular system for assessing the quality of education and educational results,” the following activities are envisaged:

development of technological support for procedures for assessing the quality of education;

a unified information field has been formed for information support of procedures for assessing the quality of education.

a fund will be formed valuation means to carry out procedures for monitoring and assessing the quality of general education at the federal and regional levels;

the functioning of a monitoring system for assessing the quality of general education at the federal, regional and municipal levels will be ensured;

the development of state final certification procedures for basic general and secondary general education programs will be ensured, including based on regional experience.

The implementation of a system of chronological assessment of educational achievements of students in secondary vocational and higher education will be ensured.

the creation of unified assessment tools for assessing the educational achievements of graduates in secondary vocational and higher education programs will be ensured.

In terms of information support for the implementation of the Program and the formation of a positive image of the Program’s activities, the following will be provided:

conducting ongoing assessment of public opinion within the framework of the implementation of individual projects and the Program as a whole;

information support for the entire range of projects and activities of the Program.

    Program implementation mechanism

When forming Project projects, mechanisms are used to ensure the following approaches:

management, in which the implementation of the Program must ensure the achievement of results measured on the basis of a system of target indicators;

a targeted approach in which the solution to the Program’s objectives should be aimed at systemic changes in the field of education;

an integrated approach, providing analytical justification, scientific and methodological support, obtaining results, testing and implementation of results, regulatory legal support, as well as personnel, information and logistical support.

One of the main mechanisms for the formation of projects of the Program is the mechanism feedback, ensuring broad involvement of the public and the scientific and pedagogical community in the development of Program projects, as well as in its implementation and evaluation of the results of the Program.

    Assessment of the socio-economic effectiveness of the Program

The effectiveness of the Program implementation will be ensured through the introduction of new approaches, methods and technologies at all levels of the education system based on investments in research projects with the subsequent implementation of the results obtained, as well as through the use of the principles of a program-targeted approach.

In this case, the most important indicator of effectiveness will be a high degree of correlation between the benefits from the implementation of the Program at the macroeconomic level (gross domestic product growth, increase in the share of educational services in the gross domestic product, reduction in the unemployment rate among citizens with higher and (or) secondary vocational education, cost reduction for the implementation of social adaptation mechanisms for socially vulnerable groups of the population) and investments in the Program.

The implementation of the Program will lead to the achievement of the following final results:

a network of core regional universities will be formed;

new federal educational standards for secondary vocational and higher education will be introduced;

International and all-Russian Olympiads (competitions) of professional skills will be held among students studying in secondary vocational education and higher education programs;

an infrastructure will be created to ensure the storage of data on the educational achievements of citizens and employees (educational passport);

200 programs of additional professional education will be launched, corresponding to the priority areas of technological development of the Russian Federation;

Modern training programs for people with disabilities and persons with limited health capabilities will be adopted and started to be used in secondary vocational and higher education programs;

resource training and methodological centers will be created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (at least 30 centers in all federal districts) for training disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities on the basis of leading professional educational organizations;

an infrastructure of psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic, and advisory assistance to parents with children aged 0 to 3 years will be created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (support on a competitive basis for at least 15 constituent entities of the Russian Federation);

financial, consulting, expert and legal support will be provided for the implementation of the concepts of school philological education, school geographical education, school technological education, school education in the field of foreign languages, a historical and cultural standard will be introduced;

educational programs will be introduced using e-learning and distance learning technologies in various sociocultural conditions, including for children with special needs (gifted children, disabled children and children with disabilities);

pilot projects will be introduced to update the content and technologies of additional education through support on a competitive basis (at least 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation);

a bank of the best additional general education programs will be formed, including for children with special needs (gifted children, orphans and children without parental care, disabled children, children in difficult life situations);

programs will be developed and implemented to develop the competencies of pupils and students in making decisions that affect their interests, working in self-government bodies and collegial management of educational organizations and introduced on an ongoing basis in the organization of summer and vacation recreation and children's health;

modern models for identifying and psychological and pedagogical support for talented children will be introduced;

a unified system of intellectual and creative competitions will be created to help identify and support gifted students;

new methods of working with gifted children will be updated and created;

Modern technologies for identifying talented students will be introduced;

the functioning of a monitoring system for assessing educational results will be ensured at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

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The Concept for the Development of Education for 2016-2020 was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and signed by D.A. Medvedev on December 29, 2014 (No. 2765-r). The need for its creation is justified by the expiration of the previous state education program, designed for 2011-2015. This document, officially called the “Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016 - 2020,” defines the goals and objectives, directions and activities, means and stages of implementing a long-term program for the development of Russian education at all levels, based on the requirements of the concept of long-term socio-economic development Russian Federation for the period until 2020.

Main goals and objectives of the new Education Concept

The main goal of the proposed program is the opportunity for the most effective development of education in the Russian Federation, which should be aimed at “forming competitive human potential” capable of realizing itself not only within the Russian Federation, but also on a global scale.

Achieving this goal is possible through the gradual solution of problems that allow graduates to improve in terms of obtaining professional skills in various public organizations.

There is also an emphasis on developing the competencies of teachers and leaders. They must master programs and methods of working with children of different levels of education who have disabilities and national identity.

This concept proposes to disseminate the experience of scientific, practical and creative activities. This is necessary in order to promptly identify and support gifted children, allow them to improve themselves and achieve a certain personal growth. Among the priority tasks is the need to create an infrastructure that allows the implementation of the education program at a high level.

Directions for implementation

The presented concept analyzes the experience and results of implementing the 2011-2015 education program and suggests ways to implement a new one. The leading direction of activity is increasing the competitive ability of graduates Russian system education at the national and global level.

It is equally important to update the personnel potential of teachers and the administrative corps, create conditions for the implementation of the individual development trajectory of the student, focus on the social orientation of events available for the participation of any child, including those with disabilities, and improve the material and technical base of educational institutions.

One of the significant directions in the implementation of the program is the solution to the issue of assessing the quality of education. For this purpose, national and regional systems of independent monitoring of PAs at all levels should be formed. It is assumed that participants educational activities and independent experts will develop new tools and procedures for studying the quality of education at different levels, including professional ones.

The fundamental approach is called the design-target approach. It is designed to use mechanisms for implementing projects on a competitive basis. This will make it possible to achieve more high level motivation and responsibility of all participants in project activities.

Implementation activities

Developers new program education propose to carry out its implementation through traditional events and complex projects aimed at:

  • introduction of modern educational programs, updated structure of universities and modernization of the distance learning system;
  • tracking the results of employment and self-determination of graduates of public education;
  • transition to concluding an effective contract with teachers and heads of public organizations;
  • improving the system of monitoring and assessing the quality of education through independent control;
  • attracting potential employers to participate in the implementation of public and private partnerships in the system of vocational and higher education.

Implementation stages

The developer of the Federal Target Program for Education for 2016-2020, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, offers 2 options for its implementation. However, the following is considered the most effective (see table):

This option for implementing the program seems preferable to the authors, since it allows for larger-scale action in disseminating the experience of modernizing education, which was obtained in the past period and has proven itself on the positive side.

Financial support

The new concept for the development of education proposes to use various sources of funding for public education. The federal budget should cover most of the costs. Municipal and non-budgetary organizations, including private companies interested in acquiring highly qualified personnel for their enterprises, will take part in the financial support.

In this video discussed in detail Concept for the development of education in Russia for 2016–2020.

You may also be interested in which ones are included in the 2016 Unified State Examination.

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The main provisions of the Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for the years, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation from the Head of the Education Department of the Kasli Municipal District Administration I.A. Pryakhina

Mission of the Program: effective and efficient use of financial resources to achieve the goals and solve the problems of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the Program: to provide conditions for the effective development of Russian education aimed at the formation of competitive human potential.

Objectives: development of modern mechanisms, content and technologies of general and additional education, popularization of scientific, educational and creative activities among children and youth, identification of talented youth, provision of options and creation of conditions for the personal development of children and youth.

A project-targeted approach in which complex projects can be implemented at the level of educational organizations, municipalities, regions, testing of these models and their distribution to all educational organizations, municipalities and regions. The main mechanism for the formation and implementation of the Program

The program is built on the basis of the formed infrastructural, organizational and methodological results and effects achieved over the years, and develops them in the interests of society. The purpose and objectives of the Program correspond to the Concept of long-term socio-economic development and the state program. Justification for the choice of the main mechanism for implementing the Program:

Stages of the Program implementation. The first stage is years. During this stage, it is necessary to ensure flexible and effective updating and adjustment of the implemented models and ongoing activities, taking into account the changes that have occurred in the legislation of the Russian Federation and the emerging law enforcement practice, as well as the completion of the construction of unfinished facilities started within the framework of the Program for years. The second stage (years) will be created new model and the structure of educational organizations in the system of higher education and secondary vocational education, new master’s and postgraduate educational programs and technologies for their implementation will become widespread. The dissemination and practical implementation of new content and technologies of general (including preschool) and additional education will be ensured, and effective mechanisms for involving children and youth in social practice will be implemented. Models and tools for assessing the quality of education and educational results will acquire a new qualitative state. Effective management of the measures implemented within the Program for the development of the education system will be ensured. Investment projects for the construction of social, educational and laboratory, scientific, physical education and sports, administrative, economic and communal infrastructure facilities will be implemented.

Direction and content of the Program's activities Implementation of new organizational and economic models and standards in preschool education through the development of a regulatory and methodological framework and expert and analytical support for its dissemination: providing support for regional programs for the development of preschool education, introducing new federal state educational standards for preschool education; creation in each region of conditions for public-private partnership in the field of preschool education; ensuring the implementation in each region of programs to support parental education for families with young children; increasing the qualifications of 95 percent of teaching staff and managers of the preschool education system in new educational programs.

Improving the quality of education in schools with low results and in schools operating in unfavorable social conditions by implementing pilot regional projects and disseminating their results; implementation of pilot projects to improve the quality of education in schools with low results and in schools operating in unfavorable social conditions; modernization of the regulatory and methodological framework for work in schools with low results and in schools operating in unfavorable social conditions; dissemination to all regions of best practices for working in schools with low results and in schools operating in unfavorable social conditions.

Creation of a network of schools implementing experimental and innovative programs for testing new technologies and content of education and upbringing, through competitive support of school initiatives and network projects: creation of a network of innovative schools (at least 200); development and readiness to disseminate a model for using new teaching and educational technologies in schools; support for regional network modernization programs (formation of effective networks) of educational organizations; creation of national methodological networks for the dissemination of specific educational technologies (at least 30).

Modernization of technologies and educational content in accordance with the new federal state educational standard by developing concepts for the modernization of specific areas, supporting regional programs for the development of education and supporting network methodological associations: implementation of the provisions provided for by the Concept for the development of mathematics education in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 24 December 2013 N 2506-r; creation and implementation of the concept of modernization of education, updating the content of education in the field of Russian language, foreign language, history, literature and technology; creation of network methodological associations of teachers in the subject areas of mathematics, Russian language, foreign language, history, literature and technology.

Ensuring the growth of the quality of teaching staff in schools through competitive support of regional programs and expert and analytical support for such programs: introduction in all regions of optimal approaches to effective contracts with managers and teaching staff of organizations of preschool, general and additional education for children; implementation in all regions of a new standard of professional activity, including mechanisms for certification and professional development of teachers; implementation of pilot projects to attract and retain the best university graduates and talented teachers in schools, highlighting and disseminating best practices.

Implementation of the concept of development of additional education for children at the regional level through competitive support of regions and dissemination of best practices: creating conditions for the implementation of the concept of additional education for children; development and implementation of regional programs for the modernization of additional education for children; highlighting and disseminating best practices for implementing regional programs for additional education for children; identification and dissemination of best practices for organizing the educational process in the general education system, models for implementing additional education programs on the basis of general education organizations (including practices and models for children with disabilities); ensuring the functioning of the monitoring system for additional education.

Involving higher and professional education organizations in working with talented children through competitive support for projects of seasonal and correspondence schools, competitions and olympiads: ensuring the annual holding of seasonal schools for talented children and youth by universities and secondary vocational education organizations; ensuring the annual holding of all-Russian competitions for talented children by universities and secondary vocational education organizations; ensuring the functioning of national correspondence schools for motivated students.

Implementation of measures to popularize scientific, educational and creative activities among children and youth, identify talented youth: development of scientific, technical and innovative creativity of children and youth through competitive support for centers of scientific and technical creativity of youth and dissemination of their experience; implementation of mechanisms for involving youth in active social practice; improving models and mechanisms for organizing children's recreation and health; development and implementation of a set of measures to promote a healthy lifestyle among students.

Development of scientific, technical and innovative creativity of children and youth through competitive support of centers for scientific and technical creativity of youth and dissemination of their experience: creation of mechanisms for stimulating youth creativity, professional and personal development; development in all regions of regional programs to support scientific and technical creativity of youth; creation and support of the activities of model centers for scientific, technical and innovative creativity of youth.

Formation of a popular system for assessing the quality of education and educational results: development of a national-regional system for assessing the quality of general education through the implementation of pilot regional projects and the creation of national quality assessment mechanisms; development of a quality assessment system in secondary vocational and higher education by supporting independent accreditation and assessment of the quality of educational programs; inclusion of Russia in international studies of the quality of education; expert-analytical, informational, legal, methodological and scientific support of program activities in the field of educational development; support for innovation in the field of development and modernization of education

Development of a national-regional system for assessing the quality of general education: implementation of pilot projects for the creation of regional quality assessment systems at all levels of general education (including preschool); ensuring training of at least 2,000 specialists in assessing the quality of general education and assessment materials; creation of national monitoring of educational achievements, allowing to assess the quality of education on a regional and national scale in basic disciplines in at least 3 periods of study; creation of national funds of certified assessment tools; modernization of procedures and mechanisms of the unified state examination and state final certification; ensuring the functioning of the monitoring system for assessing educational results at the federal, regional and municipal levels; the formation of mechanisms for involving the public in assessing the quality of general education at all levels; creation of open data systems for the formation of user ratings.

Expert-analytical, informational, legal, methodological and scientific support of program activities in the field of education development: implementation of expert-analytical, expert-organizational and monitoring support for the implementation of Program activities; providing informational and informational-methodological support for the implementation of the Program; implementation of comprehensive scientific-practical and scientific-methodological support for research activities carried out within the framework of the Program; providing methodological support to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of the development and implementation of regional government programs in the field of education; providing expert and analytical support for the use of subsidies as part of the implementation of Program activities; modernization and implementation of information and communication tools and technological mechanisms for integrated management of the Program; ensuring regular analysis of foreign experience in the development and implementation of state and regional programs for the development of education, development of mechanisms for its adaptation and consideration within the framework of the implementation of the Program, as well as programs for the development of education in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, formed and implemented over the years; expert and analytical support for legal support for the modernization of the education system within the framework of the Program.

Synergistic socio-economic effects of the implementation of the Program activities: increasing the competitiveness of Russian education, the quality of human capital, meeting the needs of a developing economy for qualified personnel and increasing the efficiency of their use; increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of budget funds in the field of education through the implementation of comprehensive system projects aimed at all participants in educational activities; introduction and dissemination of new models of educational organizations, technologies for implementing educational programs of all types and levels, updating models and mechanisms of education management; improving mechanisms and tools for involving youth in active socially significant activities aimed at developing the personality of children and professional self-realization of youth; achieving a new qualitative state of all elements of the system for assessing the quality of education and educational results.

When forming Project projects, mechanisms are used to ensure: management, which provides for ensuring the achievement of the results of the Program implementation, measured on the basis of a system of target indicators; a targeted approach that involves solving the Program’s objectives aimed at systemic changes in the field of education; an integrated approach, providing analytical justification, scientific and methodological support, obtaining results, testing and implementation of results, regulatory and legal support, as well as personnel, information and logistical support. One of the main mechanisms for the formation of Program projects is the feedback mechanism, which ensures broad involvement of the public and the scientific and pedagogical community in the development of Program projects, as well as in its implementation and evaluation of the results of the Program.

Target indicators (indicators) of the Program Development of modern mechanisms, content and technologies of general and additional education: Share of regional-municipal preschool education systems in which conditions and mechanisms for public-private partnership in the field of preschool education have been created, in the total number of regional-municipal preschool systems education The share of teachers who have mastered teaching methods using interdisciplinary technologies and implementing them in the educational process, in the total number of teachers. The share of regional general education systems that have successfully implemented projects to improve the quality of education in general education organizations that showed low educational results at the end of the school year, and in general education organizations operating in unfavorable social conditions, in the total number of regional general education systems Number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which regional programs for the modernization of additional education for children are being implemented

Implementation of measures to popularize scientific, educational and creative activities among children and youth, identification of talented youth Share of children and youth covered by new programs of continuous education and upbringing during the period of their recreation and recovery, in the total number of children and youth Share of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which developed and regional programs to support scientific and technical creativity of youth are being implemented and centers for scientific and technical creativity of children and youth are successfully operating, in the total number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The share of educational organizations in which models and mechanisms for the development of sports and physical education infrastructure have been developed and implemented, in the total number of educational institutions. organizations

Formation of a demanded system for assessing the quality of education and educational results Share of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which regional systems for assessing the quality of preschool education, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, additional general education programs have been created and operate, in the total number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation Share of regional education systems , in which assessment tools (based on international ones) have been developed and disseminated for use in order to conduct intraregional and interregional analysis and assessment of the quality of education in the total number of regional education systems

Name of the Program - Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016 - 2020Date of the decision to develop the Program (name and number of the relevant regulatory act) - order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 N 2765-rState customers of the Program - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and ScienceState customer - Program coordinator - Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian FederationThe main developers of the Program are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and ScienceGoal and objectives of the Program - the goal of the Program is to create conditions for the effective development of Russian education, aimed at ensuring the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of modern innovative socially oriented development of the Russian Federation. The objectives of the Program are: the creation and dissemination of structural and technological innovations in secondary vocational and higher education ;development of modern mechanisms and technologies of general education; implementation of measures to develop the scientific, educational and creative environment in educational organizations, development of an effective system of additional education for children; creation of infrastructure that provides conditions for training personnel for the modern economy; formation of a popular system for assessing the quality of education and educational results The most important target indicators and indicators of the Program are the share of educational organizations of secondary vocational and higher education, which provide conditions for obtaining secondary vocational and higher education by disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities, including using distance learning technologies, in the total number of such organizations; the share of educational organizations of higher education in which individual curricula on a variable basis have been introduced in the total number of educational organizations of higher education; the share of secondary vocational educational organizations in which personnel are trained in the 50 most promising and in demand professions and specialties in the labor market that require secondary education professional education, in the total number of secondary professional educational organizations; the share of educational organizations of higher education, in which a system for monitoring the employment and career of graduates has been introduced, in the total number of educational organizations of higher education; the share of students of secondary professional educational organizations studying in educational programs in the implementation of which employers participate (including the organization of educational and industrial practice, the provision of equipment and materials, participation in the development of educational programs and evaluation of the results of their development, conducting training sessions), in the total number of students of professional educational organizations; the share of children receiving preschool education in the non-state sector in the total number of children receiving preschool education; the share of teachers who have mastered teaching methods in interdisciplinary technologies and implementing it in the educational process, in the total number of teachers; the share of regional general education systems in which measures have been developed and are being implemented to improve the quality of education in general education organizations that have shown low educational results at the end of the academic year, and in general education organizations operating in unfavorable social conditions, in the total number of regional general education systems; the share of secondary vocational and higher education organizations organizing national correspondence schools and annual seasonal schools for motivated schoolchildren, in the total number of such organizations (separately in relation to organizations of secondary vocational education and higher education organizations); the share of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which a model of personalized financing of additional education for children is being implemented, in the total number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation; the number of places in dormitories for students put into operation since the beginning of the Program; the share of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which regional systems for assessing the quality of preschool education, primary general, basic general and secondary general education have been created and are functioning, in the total number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation ;the share of teaching staff of educational organizations who have undergone retraining or advanced training on issues of education of students with disabilities and disabilities, in the total number of teaching staff working with children with disabilities; the share of educational organizations implementing adapted educational programs in which modern material and technical conditions have been created in accordance with the federal state educational standard for the education of students with disabilities, in the total number of organizations implementing adapted educational programs; the share of regional education systems that have developed and assessment tools (based on international ones) are widespread for use in order to conduct intraregional analysis and assess the quality of education, in the total number of regional education systems; the share of educational organizations of higher education that use unified assessment materials in their activities for the final certification of graduates, in the total number of educational organizations of higher education; the share of specialties of secondary vocational education for which graduates of basic educational programs undergo certification of qualifications, in the total number of specialties of secondary vocational educationTiming and stages of implementation of the Program - The program will be implemented in 2016 - 2020 in 2 stages. The first stage is 2016 - 2017. As a result of the implementation of this stage, models and sets of measures launched as part of the development of education for 2011 - 2015 will be tested and implemented . During this stage, flexible and effective updating and adjustment of the implemented models and ongoing activities will be ensured, taking into account the changes that have occurred in the regulatory framework and the emerging law enforcement practice, as well as the completion of the construction of facilities that began earlier within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011 - 2015 .Second stage - 2018 - 2020. As a result of the second stage, fundamental changes will occur in the structure of educational organizations in the system of higher education and secondary vocational education and new mechanisms for their functioning will be put into practice, focused on long-term medium- and long-term forecasts of social and economic development of the Russian Federation. Federation. New master's and postgraduate educational programs and technologies for their implementation will become widespread. The dissemination and practical implementation of new content and technologies of general (including preschool) and additional education will be ensured, and effective mechanisms for involving pupils and students in social practice will be implemented. An all-Russian independent system for assessing the quality of education and educational results, based on the principles of professional and public participation, will function effectively. Effective management of the education system will be ensured in its new quality parameters achieved during the implementation of the Program activities. Investment projects will be implemented for the construction of social, educational and laboratory facilities, physical education and sports, economic and communal infrastructure. Upon completion of the second stage, the goal will be achieved and the objectives of the Program will be solvedVolumes and sources of financing of the Program - the volume of financing of the Program activities (in prices of the corresponding years) will be: total volume - 112987.1 million rubles, including: from the federal budget - 88365.71 million rubles, of which subsidies to constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 13343.54 million rubles and subsidies legal entities- 420 million rubles; at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 13763.54 million rubles; at the expense of extra-budgetary sources - 10857.85 million rubles The expected final results of the implementation of the Program and its socio-economic efficiency are the main results of the implementation of the Program: a network of universities has been formed, including multidisciplinary universities, focusing on key sectors of regional economies, including master's and postgraduate programs, conducting active research and innovation work; new ones have been introduced; federal educational standards of higher education and secondary vocational education; 200 thousand workers underwent retraining and advanced training in 50 in-demand and promising professions and specialties of vocational education in at least 50 percent of professional educational organizations; new mechanisms for employer participation have been introduced in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation in solving the problems of providing enterprises with qualified personnel; international and all-Russian Olympiads (competitions) of professional skills were held among students studying in secondary vocational education and higher education programs; programs for entrepreneurial education and support for entrepreneurial initiatives were developed and implemented; an infrastructure was created to ensure the storage of educational data achievements of citizens and workers (educational passport); 100 thousand people were trained in programs for self-employment, small business development, information, financial and legal literacy; 200 programs of additional professional education were launched, corresponding to the priority areas of technological development of the Russian Federation; modern programs were adopted and used training of disabled people and persons with disabilities under secondary vocational and higher education programs; resource educational and methodological centers (at least 30 centers in all federal districts) have been created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for training disabled people and persons with disabilities on the basis of leading vocational educational institutions organizations; competitions were organized (in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at least once every 2 years) of professional skills among disabled students and students with disabilities; retraining of management staff in educational organizations of vocational education (at least 100 organizations) was carried out; an infrastructure of psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic, advisory assistance to parents with children from 0 to 3 years was created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (support on a competitive basis for at least 15 constituent entities of the Russian Federation) ;measures were introduced to attract private investors in the construction of premises for private kindergartens; at least 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were supported on a competitive basis, introducing modern models of supporting schools with low educational results and operating in unfavorable social conditions, the results were disseminated and implemented in at least 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation; comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness of supported projects was ensured, including monitoring the size of attracted investments, the number of sales (for commercial products) or uses (for non-commercial projects); educational innovation competitions were supported (at least 5 competitions annually) on current issues in the development of education; formed tools and resources to support specific innovations for the implementation of standards adopted in the general education system for at least 500 schools; legal and financial mechanisms for the implementation of innovative models of educational organizations have been developed; methodological networks have been created for the dissemination of specific educational technologies (at least 30 networks); financial support has been provided , consulting, expert and legal support for the implementation of the concept of school philological education, school geographical education, school technological education, school education in the field of foreign languages, a historical and cultural standard was introduced; a comprehensive program was implemented to improve the professional level of teaching staff of general education organizations; all-Russian competitions "Teacher" were held of the Year", "Teacher of the Year", "School Director", "Kindergarten Head"; staff training was provided (at least 40 thousand. people) working in the field of education of children with disabilities; educational programs using e-learning and distance learning technologies were introduced in various sociocultural conditions, including for children with special needs (gifted children, disabled children and children with disabilities); 4 projects were implemented to develop new models and technologies of additional education ; pilot projects were introduced to update the content and technologies of additional education through support on a competitive basis (at least 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation); a bank of the best additional general education programs was formed, including for children with special needs (gifted children, orphans and children left behind without parental care, disabled children, children in difficult life situations); a network of regional resource centers has been created for methodological support, organization of additional professional education for additional education teachers and coordination of the activities of educational organizations implementing additional general education programs of various types, including in the field of scientific and technical creativity, robotics; the introduction of professional standards for a teacher of additional education, the head of an additional education organization has been ensured; a bank of innovative programs for training and advanced training of teachers and managers in the system of additional education has been developed for use by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; a model of personalized financing has been widespread in the regions ( at least 20 subjects of the Russian Federation), selected on a competitive basis; for all subjects of the Russian Federation, a mechanism for the transition to normative per capita financing of the implementation of additional general education programs has been developed, equal conditions for access to funding have been created through budgetary allocations of state, municipal and private organizations for additional education of children ; regular seasonal schools (conferences, seminars) were held for active participants social projects; support for interregional networks of social project participants was implemented; support was provided for projects involving pupils and students in volunteer projects; programs were developed and implemented to develop the competencies of pupils and students in making decisions that affect their interests, in working in self-government bodies and collegial management of educational organizations and introduced on an ongoing basis in the organization of summer and vacation holidays and children's health; modern models for identifying, psychological and pedagogical support for talented children have been introduced; a unified system of intellectual and creative competitions has been created to help identify and support gifted students; new methods of working with gifted children have been updated and created; modern technologies for identifying talented students have been introduced; the creation of and the implementation of development programs for at least 4 new special educational and scientific centers to ensure territorial accessibility of high-level education for talented students at leading universities; measures for the construction of social, educational and laboratory facilities, physical education and sports, economic and communal infrastructure were implemented; the shortage of places in dormitories for non-resident students; training of at least 2,000 specialists in assessing the quality of general education and assessment materials has been ensured; the functioning of a monitoring system for assessing educational results at the federal, regional and municipal levels has been ensured; quality control systems for secondary vocational and higher education have been introduced in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on the development of control and supervisory mechanisms at all levels of the education system; at least 50 percent of universities and secondary vocational education organizations voluntarily use unified assessment materials for the final certification of graduates; the participation of the Russian Federation in significant (at least 7) ​​international comparative studies of the quality of education has been developed; original Russian tools for assessing the quality of education, competitive on the international market (at least 5); created Information system object-by-object data collection in the education system, ensuring automatic generation of indicators for monitoring the education system; supported best projects aimed at developing regional and municipal systems on education (new management technologies, assessing efficiency and effectiveness), monitoring the education system and using its results in practice; the tools for statistical observation in the field of education were modernized; expert-analytical, expert-organizational and monitoring support for the implementation of Program activities was provided; information and communication tools and technological mechanisms for integrated management of the Program were introduced

In the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008, N 1662-r notes that after the completion of the transition of the Russian Federation to a market economic system by the middle of the last decade and the creation of a system of basic legal norms and other institutions that ensure the development of market relations, the main task on the agenda in the medium and long term is the task of increasing the efficiency of these institutions.

It is important to continue the transformations that have already begun, designed to ensure the transition from the system of mass education characteristic of the industrial economy to the continuous individualized education necessary for the creation of an innovative, socially oriented economy for all, the development of education associated with world and domestic fundamental science, focused on the formation of creative social responsible person.

The implementation of the Program will take place in the face of serious challenges. The first challenge should include the crisis phenomena in the economy of the Russian Federation, which will occur during the implementation of the Program. Structural and institutional changes in the country's economy are not only accompanying circumstances for the implementation of educational development tasks, but also create new challenges and set new goals. The implementation of the Program should provide for variability in scenarios for the development of the socio-economic situation in the country and keep long-term goals as a priority.

Another serious challenge under which the Program will be implemented will be a new stage in the technological development of the global economy. This stage will be characterized by the economies of various countries increasing their financial investments in areas such as new materials, nanotechnology, information technology, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, microelectronics, systems engineering, and photonics. Technologies in education are already being updated at a high pace and will continue to be updated.

In this regard, within the framework of the Program, tasks related to achieving a high standard of quality content and technology at all levels of education - vocational (including higher), general and additional, as well as achieving a qualitatively new level of development of youth policy, increasing the availability of socialization programs must be solved pupils and students for their successful involvement in social practice.

The implementation of a number of tasks that are innovative in nature and affect complex projects requires the involvement of participants belonging to different levels of the budget system, as well as their coordination in time, timing and focus of actions within the framework of implemented activities, transparency and unified regulatory mechanisms. for 2011 - 2015 was intended to provide organizational and financial conditions for the implementation of such projects. Thanks to this federal target program, a number of important activities have become possible, of a comprehensive nature, aimed at modernizing and developing the education system, ensuring the implementation of systemic orders of the President of the Russian Federation and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, including those related to the development of modern infrastructure of the preschool, general, additional and vocational education, the introduction of new organizational and financial mechanisms for the functioning of the education system, increasing the accessibility of education for students and students with special educational needs, gifted and talented students, and the development of an independent system for assessing the quality of education. The use of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011 - 2015 as the main tool for program-targeted management made it possible to provide targeted targeted support for initiatives aimed at the innovative development of the education system, the introduction of new educational technologies, and ensuring the development of human resources in the education system as part of the implementation of the coordinated tasks of the federal government. state educational policy.

It is obvious that at present and in the medium term there is no alternative to program-targeted tools for managing the innovative development of the education system. The Federal Target Program for the Development of Education is not only this tool, but also the most important means of coordinating the actions of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education at the federal regional, municipal levels and the level of educational organizations. The flexibility of a program-targeted management tool in the form of a federal target program makes it possible to timely change the emphasis in planned and implemented projects, taking into account the guidelines and requirements imposed by all government authorities and management within the framework of declared state priorities. Taking into account these factors, the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016 - 2020 (hereinafter - the Program) is considered as an organizational and managerial mechanism for ensuring continuity in the implementation of state policy in the field of education, an instrument for ensuring the continuity and effectiveness of the implementation of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020, the most important condition for maintaining anti-crisis measures of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the stability of social policy and, finally, the determining factor ensuring the innovative development of the economy of the Russian Federation in the medium and long term.

The tasks that will be solved within the framework of the Program are intersectoral in nature and are aimed at all levels of the education system, including educational organizations under different departmental subordination. The implementation of the Program is also intended to prevent territorial imbalances and maintain a unified educational space in conditions of innovative changes that are systemic in nature.

The program will be implemented in the context of the full implementation of “On Education in the Russian Federation”. This Federal Law enshrined in the legal field most of the norms that were initially developed and experimentally tested as part of the implementation of educational development for 2011 - 2015. However, the development of real practical mechanisms for the successful implementation of a number of norms of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” is possible only within the framework of program-targeted management mechanisms. This will also make it possible to avoid legal conflicts and deadlocks associated with the multi-level distribution of powers in the field of education between the Russian Federation, its constituent entities, municipalities and educational organizations. In addition, it is the federal target program for the development of education that will remain the most important tool for improving the regulatory and legal framework for the functioning of the education system in the context of the changing regulatory framework of the economy and social sphere.

The goal of the Program is to create conditions for the effective development of Russian education, aimed at ensuring the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of modern innovative socially oriented development of the Russian Federation.

Task 3 “Implementation of measures to develop the scientific, educational and creative environment in educational organizations, development of an effective system of additional education for children”;

As part of the decision, institutional modernization of the system of secondary vocational and higher education will be carried out, including through the development, testing and implementation of new models of universities, creating conditions for professional development, including using previously created infrastructure elements - interregional sectoral resource centers, interregional centers applied qualifications, qualification certification assessment centers.

The implementation will ensure the improvement of training models for postgraduate and master's programs, the modernization of educational programs, technologies and the content of the educational process in secondary vocational and higher education through the introduction of new variable educational programs based on the individualization of educational trajectories, as well as project-based learning technologies. An equally important condition for effectively solving this problem will be the successful implementation of measures aimed at developing a modern educational infrastructure, including for people with disabilities.

Task 2 provides for the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring the implementation of federal state educational standards for preschool and general education, and the education of students with disabilities. This implies creating conditions for the development of a modern educational environment, both by means of supporting the introduction of new educational technologies and updating the content of education, and through supporting the improvement of educational infrastructure, which will be supported through public-private partnership mechanisms, the dissemination of innovative experience by stimulating the creation of innovative methodological networks and consortia of educational and scientific organizations. In addition, an important element of this task will be supporting innovations in the field of education on current issues, including in the field of education of children with disabilities. Work will continue to support educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in organizing work with children with disabilities. Ensuring the implementation of the federal state educational standard also implies a set of measures aimed at supporting schools with low educational results and schools in unfavorable social conditions, on the one hand, as well as supporting leaders - schools with high educational results, which can become resource centers. The implementation of the Concept for the development of mathematics education in the Russian Federation, as well as concepts for the development of other subject areas, will be ensured.

As part of task 3, a set of measures will be implemented aimed both at supporting institutions of additional education for children, including regional systems of additional education, and at disseminating successful experience in implementing modern, in-demand educational programs for additional education. An important priority within the framework of this task will be the development and implementation of new organizational, economic and managerial mechanisms for the functioning of the system of additional education for children. Improvement of the human resources potential of the system of additional education for children will be ensured.

Within the framework of task 4, it is planned to create and develop an infrastructure that ensures the accessibility of education regardless of the place of residence of students, increasing the competitiveness of Russian education, updating the human resources of teaching and administrative staff, ensuring the implementation of individual trajectories of students and their participation in geographically distributed network educational programs, social orientation activities related to ensuring access for children with disabilities or children and youth from socially vulnerable groups of the population to receive general, vocational and additional education, including in educational organizations located in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Within the framework of task 5, measures will be taken to develop an independent quality assessment system in secondary vocational and higher education, including through the creation of new mechanisms for a system for assessing the quality of functioning of educational organizations through mechanisms of professional-public and public accreditation of educational programs. Measures to develop a qualifications certification system will be supported.

In solving this problem, the formation of a qualitatively new attitude of students and educational organizations towards the quality of education and the resulting competencies, procedures and mechanisms for their measurement and evaluation will be ensured. In this regard, within the framework of the Program, a national-regional system of independent monitoring and assessment of the quality of education at all levels will be created. The national-regional system of independent monitoring and assessment of the quality of education must be understood as a system of external assessment of educational results in the interests of the individual, society, the labor market, the state and the education system itself. It is expected to ensure the creation of new tools and assessment procedures (including international studies of the quality of education) both in general and vocational education, as well as the development of control and supervisory mechanisms at all levels of education.

The first stage is 2016 - 2017. As a result of the implementation of this stage, models and sets of measures initiated as part of the development of education for 2011 - 2015 will be tested and implemented. During this stage, it is necessary to ensure flexible and effective updating and adjustment of the implemented models and ongoing activities, taking into account changes in the regulatory framework in the field of education and emerging law enforcement practice, and the construction of facilities that began earlier within the specified federal target program must be completed.

The second stage is 2018 - 2020. As a result of the implementation of this stage, fundamental changes will occur in the structure of educational organizations in the system of secondary vocational and higher education and new mechanisms for their functioning will be put into practice, focused on long-term medium- and long-term forecasts of economic and social development Russian Federation. New master's and postgraduate educational programs and technologies for their implementation will become widespread. The dissemination and practical implementation of new content and technologies of general (including preschool) and additional education will be ensured, and effective mechanisms for involving pupils and students in social practice will be implemented. An all-Russian independent system for assessing the quality of education and educational results, based on the principles of professional and public participation, will begin to function effectively. Effective management of the education system will be ensured in its new qualitative parameters achieved during the implementation of the Program activities, investment projects will be implemented for the construction of social, educational and laboratory facilities, physical education and sports, economic and communal infrastructure.

Activity 1.2 "Development and dissemination of new educational technologies and forms of organization of the educational process in the systems of secondary vocational and higher education";
