How to remove a new version of VK on your computer. How to return the old version of VK to iPhone - the main methods. How to return the old version of Android after updating via recovery mode

In contact with has existed for about 10 years and during this time has managed to gather millions of users in one place. Thanks to the convenient old VK interface, you can correspond with your friends, send various photos or videos very quickly and, most importantly, for free. Once you install this application, you will not have to download anything in the future. In addition, it is possible to listen to music online, join interesting groups and even create your own community where you can gather thousands of like-minded people.

Constant new updates from developers did not please some users who were unhappy with unnecessary features. Now there is a way to rollback to old version applications VKontakte and make it the same. Listen to music for free, just like before. No one will take this right away from you again. Go to any previously inaccessible sections, conveniently view the profiles of other users and share your posts.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to download the old version of VK for Android for free and install it on your phone or even tablet with any firmware. Find out what your friends have been up to lately, read their latest comments on posts and follow their social lives, not forgetting to post new information about yours. Send friend requests, listen to music, look for your old classmates thanks to a convenient search that was not removed in the penultimate version of the VKontakte application. Attach any files to messages, even word and txt.

The majority of users have already noticed how the design of the popular social network In contact with. This “nightmare” happened on August 17, 2016 early in the morning and now all VK users are displaying a new updated design. Now no one can return the old version of the resource, since the developers do not officially provide for this.

On this moment The Internet is full of discussions about the global redesign of the Russian social network; many users are unhappy with the new changes. However, the developers left the following message for supporters of the old version of the site: “We got rid of unnecessary details and made the resource easier for you to understand.”

Dramatic changes affected the font, icons, navigation bar, and avatar design. According to the lead developer V. Dorokhov, work on the new design of the social network was carried out over a year and a half. Since April 2016, the developers started testing a new type of site, and any user could take part in this. Over the entire period, more than 2,500 minor and significant corrections were made to the resource code, listening to the wishes of users. The main task is to improve the stability of the site, as well as switch from outdated Flash technology to the new one - HTML5.

I repeat once again, the official way return old design In contact with alas, no, despite the dissatisfaction of many users social network. However, there is still one way to correct the situation. Below we will look at how you can return the old version of VKontakte to your PC in a few clicks.

How to return the old VKontakte design in a couple of clicks

So, in order for the design of the website to regain its previous appearance, we will use a special browser extension for you Google Chrome. This extension is called “Return old VK design”. For now, revenge is one of a kind, but I believe that over time there will be a considerable number of analogues. Today there is one caveat: the version of this extension is still damp, so you can observe some bugs when surfing the social network, but the developer often releases an update to this extension, eliminating errors found by users. To change the design of the site, go to the Google store and install the extension.

Click on the “Install” button, a window will appear where we click “Install extension”.

After the extension is installed, click once on the icon:

and update the VK page. Below you can see what the page looked like in the new design:

and here’s what it looks like after installing the extension that changes new version site to the old one:

Time will pass, and there will be a sufficient number of such extensions. You can find out which one is the best by looking at the rating in the Google store. However, I believe that many users will simply get used to the new VKontakte design and the need for the old version will automatically disappear.

As you can see, friends, change the new version of VK to the old one It’s very simple: just carry out a few simple steps. If you liked the instructions, share it with your friends using the social buttons below.

Updates from the developers of the most popular social network VKontakte very often turned out to be very controversial and did not find support among users. This could be explained by the reluctance of many to move away from the already familiar, beloved interface. However, the latest, recently released VKontakte update - 3.0, caused negative reviews even among the developers' loyal supporters.

Cons of the update

Users of the VKontakte mobile application on iPhone felt the negative consequences of the update the most. Last year, iOS removed the ability to cache music, and in update 3.0, the developers left free listening to music only within their added audio recordings.

The practically paid music section is not the only innovation that has caused a storm of negative emotions. The completely updated interface immediately raised the question for most people about how to return the old version of VK to the iPhone. There are several methods available at the moment.

Let's look at how to return the old version of VK to an iPhone

The PP Assistant program is a Chinese development that needs to be downloaded to your device, installed, and launched. Next, connect your iPhone to your computer via USB and confirm that you allow access to the application on your phone. In the search bar you need to enter VK, after which all that remains is to download the old version. In a few seconds it will appear on the device, and you can enjoy using your usual application.

Another way, on an iPhone, is to use the “Shopping” section in App Store. For use this method You need to delete the updated VKontakte application and disable auto-update in the settings. Next, you need to go to the App Store and go to the “Updates” section. There you can find the VK APP application and install it on your device. The old version will be installed. However, many say that with the release of the new VKontakte update, this solution to the problem will most likely no longer work. These are the two main ways to install the old version of VK on an iPhone.

What should you expect?

Despite negative reviews, the developers are purposefully pursuing a policy of moving away from the democratic old versions, introducing new restrictions in the music section, in order to earn as much money as possible from users. Therefore, we should expect that in the near future all loopholes regarding how to return the old version of VK to an iPhone will be closed, and it will not be possible to roll back to previous versions of the VKontakte application on your gadget.

If, after installing the update, the VKontakte client on Android begins to work with errors, users have a logical desire to remove the updates. You can't just abandon the latest version. To roll back an application, you will have to uninstall it and then install the old version using the APK file.

Disable automatic updates

Before you understand how to remove an update to the VK application on Android, you need to prevent programs from updating without your permission.

  1. Run Play Market, call the main menu and go to settings.
  2. In the Auto Update option, select Never. Check the box next to the “Notifications – notify about new updates” option.

After disabling auto-updates, applications will not download updates until you allow them. Install Last update You can do it manually through the Play Market. Go to the “My Applications” section, and you will immediately understand for which programs the developers have released updates - next to them there will be an “Update” button.

Uninstalling a new version

You have prohibited automatic downloading of new versions, but if the program has already been updated, how can you cancel the upgrade? Errors often appear in VK after updates, so there is a need to remove the updates. This can only be done by complete removal applications from your phone.

U system programs In the settings there is a button “Uninstall updates”. If you go to the Google Services or Play Market options, you can easily roll them back to their original state. In the case of third party applications there is no such possibility. Therefore, you have to remove programs and then install them again, downloading old versions in the form of APK files. To remove VK from Android:

  1. Open settings, go to the “Applications” section.
  2. Find the VKontakte client in the list. Open its properties.
  3. Click "Uninstall" and wait for the uninstallation process to complete.

When deleting a client, user data will not be affected, since it is posted on the VK website, and the application is only one way to use the account.

Finding and installing the old version

Only available on Play Market latest version client, so there is no point in downloading the application from there. Old versions can be found on forums and specialized sites. Use only trusted sources - for example, the website, where you can find almost any version of all popular applications and at the same time read how it works.

If we talk specifically about the VK client, then old versions can be found on this page: You just need to select the appropriate assembly and download it to your computer. After downloading the installer, one question remains - how to install the program from an APK file on your phone? Separate instructions will be required here.

Instead of file manager You can use a browser to install from an APK file. Open it and enter the command “content://” in the address bar. The "sdcard" fragment indicates that the installer file is stored in the root of the SD card. If you placed the APK in another directory, indicate the path to it and be sure to write the file name correctly.

5 minutes to read. Views 750 Published 10/26/2017

Despite the fact that developers strive for perfection, a new update to a familiar application does not always bring pleasure to the user. Although this is more a matter of habit. However, many people want to leave the application as it was before the changes were made and are looking for information on how to.

It is worth noting that VKontakte completely updated its mobile app. This is one of the most noticeable changes that the program interface has undergone recently; before this, a similar upgrade was presented by the developers in April last year. Almost everything has changed, from new user capabilities to the general organization of the workspace. And even “likes” are now red.

Despite the fact that the optimization is quite good and the application itself has become more convenient, many (like last time) want to continue using the old, more familiar version.

The whole problem is in PlayMarket

All Android users are well aware of the PlayMarket service for downloading and installing new applications. Depending on the settings configured in this application, programs installed on the user’s device will be updated in two available modes:

  • Manual – when PlayMarket simply offers and recommends available updates, and the owner of the gadget independently decides which of them to install and which to ignore.
  • Automatic – as soon as a new update appears in the device Market, the installed program automatically accepts it and updates itself. In this case, the user logs into the application and sees new design and interface (as happens with VKontakte).

In this connection, the first action that a follower of the old software for VKontakte should take is to disable automatic application updates and switch it to manual mode.

To do this, you need to go to the PlayMarket application menu, to do this, click on the “sandwich” in the upper left corner, in the menu that appears, go down and find the “Settings” section. In Group general settings We find the item “auto-update applications” and select “Never” for the three proposed settings options.

At this stage, the settings are complete. This was the first step in resolving the issue,how to return the old version of VK on Android.Now PlayMarket will not update automatically installed programs, and the user will be able to safely use the old-style program without fear of autocorrect. If you need to get a new version of the program, just go to the installed applications section yourself and check for updates, and also, if necessary, start the upgrade.

After external settings If the versions affecting the update are installed, you can start working with the program on the device itself., if the Market no longer updates applications automatically? In this case, the process is quite simply divided into two steps, which involve uninstalling the updated program and installing the desired version.

Uninstalling the updated application

This step is extremely simple and straightforward, you just need to completely remove the existing . If you are an inexperienced user and are worried that you will lose information or access to your account, then these are groundless fears. The old version will contain everything that is on your page now, this does not depend on the use of the software.

Delete installed application can be done in several ways:

After the updated version, you can additionally clear the cache and delete unnecessary files on the phone. The procedure is not mandatory, but it won’t be superfluous.

Install the required version

After the smartphone's memory has been cleared of the remnants of the previous version of the program, it is time to take the final step in resolving the issue,how to return the old version of VK on Android.

The main question at this stage is where to get the distribution kit of the previous version of VK. Today on the Internet you can find a lot of offers to download and install any program, not just VKontakte. Before turning to any source, you should first check its reliability. Installing software for mobile access to a personal VK page from a third-party resource may be fraught with unpleasant consequences, and VKontakte itself previous versions does not distribute applications.

Before downloading a package of files and installing them on your phone, you should look for reviews about the source. Today, old versions of VK can be found on TrashBox or UpToDown.

Before downloading the distribution, you need to set the settings on the gadget. To ensure greater security, devices have default settings that prohibit downloading and installing applications from third-party resources. To install the old version you need to change these settings. Usually when you try to install the desired program A pop-up window appears. A warning about unauthorized actions and a proposal to prohibit or allow the process.

We allow the installation and wait for the process to complete. As a result, the userwill return the old version of VK to Androidand will continue to use the application in the old interface. If necessary, you can always update from PlayMarket. Still, updates often change the application for the better; you just need to get used to the changes.
