What does the moon mean on an iPhone and how to turn it off. Differences between silent mode and Do Not Disturb function in iOS: which is better to use. What to do to turn off vibration and sound

Standard settings Incoming filtering does not protect against unwanted calls. How to use Do Not Disturb mode on iPhone and configure settings correctly?

Mute vs Do Not Disturb

To enable silent mode on iPhones, there is a special button. It allows you to mute the notification signal. But "Mute" is not always effective, because you can miss and not notice important calls or messages.

The best way to block incoming messages when a person is busy is the “Do Not Disturb” mode, which is customized according to the individual’s individual requirements.

The benefit of using Do Not Disturb Mode is that it allows you to receive calls from important contacts and family members while blocking everyone else.

Another plus is that it turns off the smartphone and prevents it from turning on when a call or notification arrives. When we simply put our iPhone on silent, all calls and notifications are displayed on the screen and distract us.

How to Enable Do Not Disturb Mode on iPhone

The default setting allows your favorite contacts to reach you and allows calls from people who call within 3 minutes of the first ring.

To do this you need to take several steps:

Settings – Do not disturb – Manual (turn on the toggle switch)

The crescent icon next to the battery percentage indicates that the mode is on.

IMPORTANT! To quickly turn the function on and off, you need to open the Control Center curtain and tap on the crescent.

What does each parameter mean and how can you configure them to suit your individual requirements?

Disable repeated calls

If option "Repeated calls" enabled, this allows everyone to break through the inbox ban. If you make a second call within 3 minutes after the first one, even if you have Do Not Disturb mode turned on on your iPhone, the caller will still be able to get through.

If you don't want to be disturbed over trifles, just turn off the toggle switch.

Call Allowance

The default setting allows your favorite contacts to call you. All other calls from other subscribers will be automatically rejected.

  • from all of us— allows you to dial all contacts;
  • from no one— blocks all incoming messages from absolutely everyone;
  • from favorites– allows you to make calls to “favorite contacts”;
  • from groups– you create certain groups yourself (Family, Friends, Work, etc.). They will be allowed to call you even if Do Not Disturb Mode is enabled.

You can select a contact group like this:

Settings – Do not disturb – Allow calls – From groups (select the desired group)

Scheduled time

Apple took care of users by adding an automatic switch to Do Not Disturb at a scheduled time. Let's say you don't want to be disturbed at night. Thanks to individually set parameters, the phone will automatically switch to Do Not Disturb mode on iPhone.

The smartphone allows you to set one continuous period of time, but does not allow you to select different or several.


The Do Not Disturb Mode setting prevents your phone from making sound alerts when it is locked and allows it when it is unlocked.

But this parameter may cause some discomfort during use. If you are at an important event or meeting and decide to check your phone, then it is at this moment that your smartphone may ring loudly.

In order to change this, you need to do the following:

Settings – Do not disturb – Silence – Always

Now your iPhone will not ring or make sounds sound signals, when Do Not Disturb mode is turned on, regardless of whether it is locked or unlocked.

"Do not disturb" is a very interesting feature of the operating room iOS systems 7, which allows you to mute any notifications received on the device, including calls (you can read the instructions for setting up a call blacklist at). Turning it on/off on iPhone and iPad can be automatic according to time or manual if the device is disturbed at some specific inopportune moment. Complete silence mode is quite flexible and easy to set up, however, many users have questions about its effective use.

So how do you use the Do Not Disturb feature in iOS 7 on your iPhone and iPad?

How to turn on/off Do Not Disturb mode on iOS 7?

1. Swipe up from the bottom edge of the device screen to open the control center for its most popular functions:

2. Tap on the icon with the image of a crescent to turn on/off the silence mode:

How to set up Do Not Disturb mode on iOS 7?

1. Go to the “Settings” application of the iOS 7 operating system:

2. Go to the “Do Not Disturb” menu:

IN this section settings there are the following options:

Manual — manually turn on/off the mode;

Scheduled - the time period during which the silence mode will be turned on automatically;

Allowing calls - this menu will allow you to determine those calls that will or will not be able to reach a user who has Do Not Disturb mode turned on - it is most convenient to use the "From favorites" setting, but for this you will need to add the most important contacts to the application menu of the same name "Telephone";

Repeated calls - the ability to call numbers blocked in the Call Allowance menu to the user using a repeat call;

Silence - the mode can only work when the iPhone or iPad is locked, or on a permanent basis.

Thus, a correctly configured Do Not Disturb mode will help the user not only avoid unwanted calls certain time day (for example, at night), but also temporarily block any notifications at a business meeting or any similar event.

So, there are two ways to mute iOS - the actual silent mode and the Do Not Disturb function. Both serve the same purpose, but achieve it in different ways.

Silent mode

Silent mode is activated by switching the lever on the side of the device. Many people have long ago developed an instinct, and their hand naturally reaches for this switch when you come to a movie theater, a meeting, or any other place where you need to maintain silence.

Silent mode turns off all alarms, notifications, and sound in applications and games. At the same time, the iPhone continues to vibrate with incoming calls and messages, including the screen. Vibration can be turned off in the settings, but to prevent iOS from waking up the screen, you need to use the following mode.

"Do not disturb"

The Do Not Disturb feature lives up to its name, turning off the screen, all notifications and sounds, with the exception of calls from selected contacts. You can enable this function in two ways: manually (by clicking on the crescent icon in the Control Center) or automatically based on the schedule specified in the settings.

When Do Not Disturb is active, a small crescent moon appears in the status bar. The schedule allows you to set hours during which all calls, messages and other notifications will be muted. When you turn on the appropriate toggle switches, you can configure the function in such a way that your favorite contacts, groups, and any subscribers who call a second time within three minutes will call you. By default, Do Not Disturb mode only works when you are locked. iPhone screen. If desired, this setting can be changed, and calls will be muted even when you are using a smartphone.

Use cases

The fundamental differences between silent mode and Do Not Disturb determine their use cases. Silent mode is easier to turn on and is more suitable for cases when the iPhone is in your pocket, bag or backpack, where it cannot disturb you when the screen turns on. If you don't want to miss an important call, make sure vibration is on in silent mode.

The Do Not Disturb function, on the contrary, is convenient when the iPhone is on a table or in a docking station, in a word, in plain sight. It turns on a little more difficult, but it will ensure you full concentration on the current activity and eliminate annoying notifications, messages or signals from games. For those who often turn on “Do Not Disturb” manually at certain moments, we can advise you to bar calls for all subscribers, otherwise friends and acquaintances will simply not allow you to concentrate when you need it.

iOS provides two ways to prevent your iPhone from ringing in inappropriate situations. For example, you can turn on silent mode (using the switch located on the side) or configure software function"Do not disturb". Both methods mute the sound, but there are significant differences between them, which not everyone knows about.

Silent mode on iPhone

The easiest way to turn off the sound on an iPhone is to use the switch located above the volume buttons on the left side of the case. Surely many people already instinctively reach for the switch when they go to a cinema, school, church, etc., without even realizing it.

The above method mutes calls, messages, notifications and even games, but when there is an incoming iPhone call will still vibrate, and when receiving an SMS the screen will light up. You can turn off vibration by going to “Settings” → “Sounds, tactile signals” and moving the switch to the left opposite “Vibration in silent mode”.

Even though vibration will be disabled, the screen will still light up when there is an incoming message.

Do Not Disturb Mode

With Do Not Disturb enabled, your iPhone will remain silent and the screen will remain turned off for incoming calls and messages. However, you can set up exceptions so you don't miss an important call.

ON THIS TOPIC: What happens to calls and SMS when you're in Do Not Disturb mode on your iPhone or iPad.

There are two ways to enable Do Not Disturb mode. The simplest of them is to swipe your finger up from the bottom of the screen, calling up “Control Center”, and click on the crescent-shaped icon.

The crescent icon in the status bar will indicate that Do Not Disturb mode is enabled:

You can also go to “Settings” → “Do Not Disturb” and slide the switch opposite “Do Not Disturb”.

You can select a specific time when you want your iPhone (iPad) to go into silent mode (for example, at night from 23:00 to 6:00). In addition, the settings allow you to select contacts from whom you can receive calls even when Do Not Disturb mode is activated. Allow Calls allows you to allow calls from everyone, no one, selected users, or specific groups of contacts.

The “Repeat calls” option allows you to receive repeated calls from particularly persistent ones if they were made within three minutes after the first one. Silent mode allows you to turn off beeps whenever or when your iPhone is locked.

We talked in detail about how to properly set up Do Not Disturb mode on iPhone, iPad and Mac in this material.

When is it recommended to use silent mode or Do Not Disturb mode?

The main difference between the two modes described above is the glowing screen when receiving messages and notifications if silent mode is activated. If you are used to carrying your iPhone in your pocket or bag, then there is nothing easier than turning off the sound by sliding the switch with one movement of your hand. However, keep in mind that vibration can be just as annoying and attention-grabbing as a ringtone.

If you always keep your device in your hand, on your lap, or on a desk, it's best to use Do Not Disturb mode to keep the glowing screen from being noticeable and causing unnecessary attention.

Based on materials from yablyk

Just a few simple steps.

Do Not Disturb mode on iPhone lets you block incoming calls, messages, and notifications when you go to bed or don't want your phone to distract you from work. IN iOS 12 function gained additional features and now can automatically turn off after a certain time, when the geoposition changes, or when an event on the calendar ends. We figured out how to use the updated Do Not Disturb mode.

Additional features are easy to use. Open the Control Center curtain by swiping from the bottom or from the top left corner of the screen if you have an iPhone X or iPad. Long-press the Do Not Disturb mode icon and select the desired option.

  • For 1 hour- blocks incoming calls, messages and notifications for an hour.
  • Until this morning/lunch/evening- allows you not to be distracted by your iPhone for several hours at once, depending on the current time of day.
  • Before I left this location- turns off sounds and notifications until you change your geolocation, for example, when you come home from work.
  • Until the end of the current event- makes the device silent until the end of the event from your calendar.

If these settings are not enough, you can click on the “Schedule” button. She opens the menu with additional settings. They help set the time automatic switching on and disabling Do Not Disturb mode, the Bedtime function, allowing contacts and other options.
