How to set a password to use the program. How to set a password on a computer with any version of Windows. Setting a password on your computer


Some users need to protect their information from prying eyes. To do this you need to use special programs protection, archive data or system with a password, limit access functions, etc. How to set a password on a computer and make the most basic protection against inexperienced users? Anyone can learn this skill if they know certain basics of computer literacy.

How to put passwords on your computer

When using Windows (7, 8, XP, etc.), it is permissible to set a password for the main account that has access level system folders with administrator rights (software, drivers). In order for other users (colleagues or relatives) to log in to the system, you need to create a secondary Guest account, which will protect access to certain information and system management.

step by step guide with photos

  • On the taskbar, click the “Start” command, click the “Control Panel” item.
  • Select the “user accounts” tab, “change account».

  • During a standard software installation, your default account is called Admin. Click on the icon and click “create (change) password.”
  • We come up with a treasured word (or a combination of letters and numbers), enter it in the required lines (when changing the password, you must enter the old code word).
  • Then, if necessary, enter a reminder phrase. But do not forget that it will be visible to all users, which will help break your protection.
  • At the end, click “create (change) password.”

Tip: write down your code word on several media (phone, player, flash drive, personal notepad or Notebook) so as not to lose it.

With this guide, you can not only set a password, but also change the password on your computer.

To do this, go through all the steps again, paying attention to the recommendations in brackets.

To connect an additional account, you need to follow all the same steps from the very beginning, only in the 2nd step you will need to select “create an account” and enter a name (or leave Guest). Select “limited account” and “create account”. Reboot to see all changes.

What should I do if I lose my administrator account password?

To reset or bypass passwords on Windows 7, we need any installation disk"sevens". With the XP system, everything is configured only with your own hands. The main thing is to carefully follow all the recommendations in the video tutorial:

Unfortunately, if you encrypted any data, it will disappear after resetting the password, but it is better to lose a few folders than to completely reinstall the system.

Other ways to protect information

The first way is to password-protect the BIOS. There may be 2 options here: set a password to enter or to boot the computer (not possible in all versions). The difficulty in installing such protection is that it is different for each BIOS. In addition, you need to work carefully in the BIOS; the slightest mistake will lead to serious consequences. Losing a code word is punishable by changing the OS.

The second is to password-protect documents using the WinRAR archiver.

  • Select the file you want to hide and call context menu (right click mouse), set “add to archive...”.
  • In a new window, open the “advanced” tab, “set a password...” (see photo below).
  • After entering the treasured combination, check the box “encrypt file names” and “ok”.

The third is special programs. The Internet offers various solutions for protecting information, but most of them are paid. They act different ways and their degrees of protection vary. For example, the TrueCrypt program creates special containers for storing data. When used skillfully, the degree of protection is very high.

Master class on using TrueCrypt and Keepass

If you have lost your wireless Internet password, use the following instructions and diagram.

  • Find the icon wireless network in the tray (next to the clock)
  • In the context menu, select “Network and Sharing Center...”.
  • Next - “wireless network management”.
  • On the shortcut that appears, open the context menu and select “properties”.
  • Then - “Security” and check the “display visible signs” checkbox.

The security of password-protected files depends on the complexity of the code words. A long combination of uppercase and lowercase letters + numbers is the key to long-term security. It is desirable that such a combination does not make sense (dates, names, etc.) and differs in different objects. To quickly create a password, you can use online generators passwords.

Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything!

If several people use one computer, then there may be a need to hide personal data (photos, correspondence, files) from curious people. You can solve the problem by setting a password on your computer when you log in. The sequence of actions depends on the version of the operating system. Let's consider all possible ways.

How to put a password on your computer when you turn it on on Windows 7

In Windows OS, you can create accounts for each PC user with separate rights and restrictions. To log in to a specific account you will need to enter a code. Let's look at how to set a password on a computer running Windows 7.

« Start» → «» - ….

« Create an account" We need to come up with " Name" and save the changes. Followed by "".

In the special field, enter the invented code. It can contain letters, numbers and special characters. There are no restrictions on the use of the Cyrillic or Latin alphabet.

Very important! The password is case sensitive. That is, “lilies of the valley” and “Lilies of the valley” are different words. Therefore, it is important that .

Save the changes and restart the PC. The next time you log into your account, a window will appear asking you to enter your password.

How to set a password on a PC when logging in to Windows 8.10

You can protect a computer with Windows 8 OS in the same way as with Windows 7 OS. Place the cursor over the right panel and select “”.

On the " Users"Click on "".

After entering the characters, click " Ready" Here's how to quickly set a password on your computer when you log in.

In Windows 8, you can create graphical passwords in the form of a combination of circles, lines and dots. However, the user will need to fill in the size of the shapes and their direction, otherwise they will not be able to unlock the PC.

How to password protect a computer running Windows XP

You can also set a password on your computer through the menu item “ Start – – ».

In the next window, click on “”.

We enter the invented code (a combination of numbers, letters and symbols) into the lines. The created password must be entered twice or copied from the top line and pasted into the bottom line. After that, click "".

Reboot the PC. Now, every time you start a user account, you will need to specify the created code.

Locking the system through BIOS

Login to the BIOS OS is carried out before loading the Windows OS. Therefore, in order to set a password on the computer through the BIOS, you need to restart the PC. As soon as the first window appears with the name of the system, press and hold F2-F8 + Del(depending on OS version).

In the menu that opens, select "".

A window will appear for entering a 6-character password. It will not be possible to use the Cyrillic alphabet, since it is not possible to switch the language.

In the next window you will need to confirm the specified password. The successful completion of the operation is indicated by the following message:

This is how you set the password to enter the BIOS OS. To block an account, you need to go to " Advanced BIOS Features» select the sub-item "".

If this line is set to " Setup", then the access code will be requested only when loading the BIOS. You need to change it to "".

To save changes, click F10. Here's how to quickly set a password on your computer when you log in.

"Parental control" - protection from children

Computer parental control is a set of programs designed to limit the use of a PC by children. With their help, adults can block websites " 18+ ”, time spent on the Internet and the period of PC use in general. " Parental control" can be connected using the operating system through the menu item of the same name in "".

This function is connected to a specific account. If it is not there, then you must first create an account for the child, and then configure the parameters for accessing information.

Changing access parameters.

The easiest way is to limit the time interval, that is, set the time at which the user can log into operating system. The schedule can be adjusted by day of the week.

Access to games is indicated separately.

For each application separately:

For Online Games your own settings panel.

Let's imagine that you have a brother/sister and you have two different computers. However, your closest relative really likes to use your device, which is unlikely to please you. What to do so that no one can even start the computer? The only way out- is to put a password on it. The main thing is not to forget it yourself, as this can lead to problems... Otherwise, it’s quite reliable way protection, which, however, can be easily bypassed with a strong desire. However, I don’t think that your brother or sister are such specialists that they could deal with this issue on their own. There are several solutions that I will talk about right now.

Account password

In order to hide your data in the easiest way, you can simply put a password on your account. This method is interesting because the protection is activated in just a few mouse clicks and you don’t even need to restart your computer.

On the other hand, this is far from the most optimal level of protection, which can be done even with a little desire (in Google, for example, you can find solutions that are publicly available). However, as a simple defense, this is a very good method.

I will show an example on Windows 7, that is, on one of the most popular operating systems at present. If you have a different OS, be it Windows 8, XP or Vista, do not worry, since the algorithm for all of them is practically the same.

First of all, click on the “Start” button and select “Control Panel”. A window appeared in front of us with setting up computer parameters. Here we are only interested in one item and it is called “User Accounts”.

Another window will open where you can make various changes to your account. Here we are interested in the first point, namely “Creating a password for your account.” Click.

Everything is very simple here: you need to enter a password and confirm it. As for the complexity of the password, don’t try too hard, otherwise you’ll forget it. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to guess even a fairly simple password, and there’s no point in doing so if it’s much easier to bypass this type of protection than sitting and guessing symbols with numbers. You can also enter a hint here. This is not necessary, but it is recommended - if you forget your password, a hint will help you remember it.

Finally, click “Create a password.” All. Now, every time you log in, the system will ask you for a password. To avoid forgetting it, write it down somewhere on a piece of paper and hide the last one.

Locking the system via BIOS

I think many of you have heard more than once that you can set a password through the BIOS. This is true and here are simple instructions for you.

The first thing you need is . Since I have already told you how to do this, I will not repeat myself. After that, select the Security section in the menu.

Here you will have the opportunity to set different passwords.

  • Supervisor Password. This is not the password we need at all. The fact is that Supervisor Password sets a password on the BIOS itself. What does it mean? And the fact is that without this password the user will not be able to change the BIOS, since he simply will not be able to enter it.
  • User Password. This password is similar to the previous one, but the difference is that the user can enter the BIOS, but he will not be able to make any changes.
  • HDD Password. And this is exactly what we need, because this function Allows you to set a password on your hard drive.

After you set the password, be sure to save your changes (usually using the F10 key) and restart your computer. Now you will have to enter your password every time you boot.

U this method has its own characteristics. Firstly, not all BIOS versions support this function. And secondly, resetting the password is very simple - all you need to do is remove the battery on the motherboard. However, few people know about this, so you don’t have to worry that your closest relative will get into system unit to remove the battery. Moreover, getting to it is not as easy as it seems.

Parental control

Windows has an interesting option called parental controls. Of course, I would not call it a panacea, but it copes well with its tasks. For example, you can easily block a number of programs and games that are undesirable for children or, for example, set a time limit for using the computer. Agree, this is quite good functionality.

To use this function, you first need to set a password for the administrator account, as mentioned in the first part of the article. Then you need to create any account.

Click on the “Start” button and go to “Control Panel”. Here we are looking for the “Parental Controls” section.

A new window has opened. Here we select an account (not an administrator).

Check the box next to “Enable using current settings”, and then set the required parameters. There is nothing complicated about it. After the parameters have been set, do not forget to click OK to save the changes.

Now your child or any other person who has been destined for changes will not be able to install the game, nor will they be able to play it, since to change the parameters you need to know the administrator password.

Do you have any questions? Contact us!

In this tutorial I would like to show you how in just a couple of minutes you can block access to your computer by using a password to log into your account.

By setting such a password, you can be sure that no one except you will be able to log into the system (at least easily, quickly and simply), which means that none of the important files will be deleted, stolen or read without your knowledge.

Most often, such protection is needed in cases where it is necessary to protect information from small children or from random strangers. If only you have access to the computer, then there is no need for such protection.

So let's get started...

Creating a Password

First, let's take a look at your account. To do this, press the button Start and select the item Control Panel. In the Control Panel we find the section user accounts:

Please note that if in your case the Control Panel does not look like in my picture, then you can switch the viewing mode by selecting Small icons.

By clicking the item user accounts We will be taken to a window to make changes to your account. On the right you can see the account name (mine is Andrey), as well as the account type (mine is Administrator):

Here, to protect your account with a password, we naturally need to select the item Create your account password.

By clicking this item, we will be taken to the window Creating a password..., where we actually introduce our (1). Please note that we enter the password twice to eliminate accidental errors:

Next, enter a hint for your password (2) so as not to forget what exactly we entered in the first two fields. For example, if you entered 3411075600128939 in your password, then you can write “my credit card number” in the hint. It is not necessary to enter a hint, but if you know that you have a history of forgetting passwords, then it won’t hurt to do so.

After that, press the button Create a password(3) and in a second your account will already be protected.

Now, every time we turn on or restart the computer, we will need to select the name of our account...

... then enter the password and press the start button:

Only after this the system will be loaded and we can start working, and no one else will be able to do this without knowing the password.

If at some point you feel that you no longer need this password or need to change it, you can always do this using the appropriate items in your account window:

When creating and using a password for your account, you must be extremely careful to always be sure of your password (don’t make a mistake, don’t forget or lose it), because otherwise, you yourself will not be able to log into the system without professional help.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will learn how to create a password for a user in the Windows 7 operating system. As a rule, on home computer When installing Windows, a single user is created, which by default is the local administrator on that computer. Thus, when you turn on the computer, the profile of this user is automatically loaded.

One way to protect information and personal data is to set a password to enter the operating system. This may be needed by parents who want to protect their child from the negative influence of the Internet and computer games, as well as by children themselves who are trying to save their computer from annoying parents.

So, to set a password on your computer, click Start and click on the account icon.

In the window that opens, click .

Enter the new password twice. You can also write a hint in case you forgot your password.

Press the button Create a password.

Now, at the next booting Windows, the system will ask you to enter a password.

Creating a new user

An alternative to setting a password for the only user in the system is to create a new user and also protect his account with a password. This is convenient if several people use the computer.

To do this, click Start/Control Panel.

Set the control panel type as Small icons, and press the item user accounts.

In the window that appears, click .

In the next window you need to enter the name of the new account, and also select the access level - Regular access or Administrator. After this, press the button.

That's all, so a new user has appeared in the system.
