How to unlock a Sberbank card - methods. How to unblock a bank card: can it be done quickly? Sberbank card is blocked, what should I do?

Often, a blocked bank card can become a significant cause for concern for its owner. The inability to withdraw cash, pay for purchases in a shopping center, certain services and receipts leads to confusion and raises many questions.

Blocking a plastic card is a temporary measure of restriction regarding the implementation of certain transactions. Is it possible to restore a blocked card, and what needs to be done to do this, we will tell you in this article.

Possible reasons for card blocking

As a rule, the fact of a blocked bank card must be preceded by certain actions regarding its use, which could serve as the main reason for suspending its operation.

Common reasons may include:

  • loss or theft of a bank card;
  • repeated cash withdrawals from ATMs that are not serviced by Sberbank, as well as making purchases in different shopping centers within a short period of time;
  • incorrect entry of the PIN code three times by the cardholder when attempting to withdraw funds from an ATM;
  • expiration of the card;
  • card withdrawal from an ATM;
  • blocking of a card by a bank institution due to debt, on suspicion of fraud, due to violations of the terms of use.

In this case, the bank card can be blocked either at the request of the owner or at the initiative of the bank.

The procedure for unlocking and charging will depend on the above reasons. Let's take a closer look at the most common cases.

Unblocking a card after an error in entering the PIN code

When working with an ATM, the cardholder has three attempts to enter secret code to access funds. If these attempts fail due to the client's forgetfulness, the bank may regard this as an attempt at fraud and temporarily block the card.

In this case, to subsequently unblock the card, the owner must:

  • personally contact the bank branch where the card was issued and issued to write a corresponding application;
  • make a call to hotline bank and answer the employee’s questions regarding confirmation of the owner’s identity.

Unblocking a card if lost/stolen

Often, the card owner, in the daily rush to solve everyday problems, can simply forget about the location of his card, putting it in his pocket or moving it to another place. Having decided that the card has been stolen, the owner, as a rule, comes to the conclusion that it should be immediately blocked.

After some period of time, the client discovers that he is “lost.” In this case, the bank cannot unblock the card. Therefore, the client will be asked to simply reissue it - of course, not for free.

For reissue, the bank offers to pay an amount almost equal to servicing the card for a year.

If the main reason for blocking is the loss of a card, the bank, as a rule, will accommodate it if it is available and will unblock it at the request of the owner.

Unblocking a card if it is compromised

A bank card is considered to be compromised:

  • if information about the card could become known to fraudsters who use phishing methods, “chain letters” to obtain the owner’s data;
  • if transactions with the card were made at an ATM where a skimming device was probably installed;
  • if the card was in the possession of unauthorized persons;
  • if the cardholder received an SMS message about attempts to withdraw cash from his card.

In all of the above cases, you should block the card, and then contact the bank institution with an application for its reissue.

About unblocking a card if it is blocked by the bank itself

A banking institution can block a card for two main reasons:

  • in case of suspicion of fraud, when it comes to actively using the card at “other people’s” ATMs and making small purchases in various stores;
  • if there are outstanding loan debts.

In the first case, in order to unblock the card, the owner needs to contact the bank and confirm his identity, and also that it was he who made the purchases and cash withdrawals.
In the second option, unlocking the card will only be possible after paying the debts in full.

In addition, it is possible to unblock your card completely free of charge and without commissions by writing an application at a bank branch if it was blocked by the client independently due to uselessness, or if its validity period has simply expired.

In any case, the cardholder can always contact the managers of the bank institution, who will help him determine the reasons for the suspension of the card, and also tell him how to unblock it.

In the century high technology and the Internet, any person who keeps up with the times, of course, is the holder of a bank card, be it a credit, debit or installment card, but the most important place in this list rightfully belongs to the salary card, because it is on it that the monetary “fruits” of our labors are stored . Over the course of several years, these plastic substitutes for “real” money have become an integral part of our lives. It’s convenient to go to the store with it, knowing that the cashier won’t ask you to find 15 kopecks, or to travel abroad and be calm about the safety of your hard-earned money. But it happens that, when paying for a business lunch at a bar, the waiter brings back the bill and says “the card doesn’t go through.” This is where we start to wonder what could have happened to our pet.

We will not consider in the format of this article cases of voluntary blocking of the card by the holder himself due to loss, breakdown or change of bank. Or those rare cases when it happens by mistake, for example, there was a technical failure. So, why did the bank block the card and can it do it?

There are about a dozen reasons for this, but here are the most common:

  • for violation by the holder of the service agreement
  • based on 115-FZ
  • suspicion of fraudulent transactions
  • for the fact of conducting an operation outside of Russia
  • entering the PIN code incorrectly several times
  • revocation of the bank's license
  • bailiffs

ON A NOTE! Another reason could be the expiration of the card, but you need to understand that a piece of plastic cannot actually be blocked, it is issued to the account, if there is a delay, then only the card will not work, everything will be fine with the account. And as a rule, the bank has already issued a new one for you, which you will soon be able to pick up.

And now everything is in order.

This is the most popular reason for blocking. All banks have approximately the same service agreement for all types of plastic cards, since they are drawn up on the basis current legislation, but, nevertheless, it is worth reading in order to know exactly the reason for imposing sanctions, for example, for late notification of a change in personal data by the client. This includes replacing your passport, registration information at your place of residence or contact phone number.

Solving the current problem will not take much time - when you visit the bank office, the operator will tell you whether there is a violation, for example, your passport has expired, you will provide the necessary information and within an hour, maximum 24 hours, you will have access to your funds.

Federal Law 115

The next point is blocking based on 115-FZ. Everything here is complicated and ambiguous, because the bank, subject to the law, does not have the right to inform the client about measures taken in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. Don’t be afraid of such an intricate name; naturally, no one accuses us of this, but they suspect us.

There are several cases, if they happen to your card, then the bank is obliged to obey the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

  • regular transfer of funds by the client to one or more counterparties when purchasing goods (work, services) via the Internet
  • regular receipts of transactions from the accounts of other credit institutions to you
  • crediting or transferring funds to accounts belonging to organizations or individuals in relation to which there is information about their involvement in extremist activities or terrorism, or legal entities directly or indirectly owned or controlled by such entities

Although the bank cannot inform the client about the measures taken regarding compliance with 115-FZ, it is obliged to notify the card holder about its blocking. In these cases, unlocking can only happen in one way - the bank will ask you to provide documents on the transaction being performed, which can confirm that everything happened legally.

SOLUTION! If you made a money transfer legal entity, then it will be enough to provide a service agreement concluded between you. In any case, it will not be possible without documents substantiating the legality of the transaction, so if a bank employee calls you and informs you about the imposition of sanctions, immediately clarify due to what operation the service was suspended, and what specific certificates are required to be provided to resume activities.


Further, these are operations that are fraudulent in nature. This includes many things, including operations carried out by the holder without malicious intent. For example, purchases on the Internet, some of them may be regarded as fraud by the bank; it will immediately suspend such a transaction. And will try to contact the card owner. And only if he can’t get through to the client, he will block her. Unblocking will not cause much trouble if the employee was able to talk to the client and explain the situation; if this does not happen, a visit to the branch cannot be avoided.

Solution! If you are not guilty of anything, go to the nearest sales office of your bank and listen to what they tell you. Most likely, you will be asked to bring evidence of your cleanliness. If you don’t have them, the minimum you risk is the money on the card, the maximum is a prison sentence. If you deliberately carried out fraudulent activities with your account, then it is better not to go to the branch at all. After all, it is a criminal matter.

Shopping abroad

Now let's look at transactions performed abroad. Before you go beyond Russian Federation, it is better to notify your Bank about this trip, then you will avoid certain problems, such as being left abroad without access to funds, especially if you are going to a country that does not participate in international cooperation in the field of combating money laundering. This should also be done if you are transferring or receiving cash from legal or individuals, whose cards are issued in an unfriendly bank from the point of view of the Russian Federation.

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That is, the most main conclusion Therefore, the credit institution will very closely monitor transactions on your salary account if you often travel “unannounced” or make external transactions. And there is a certain logic in this, useful, first of all, to the client himself - you, in theory, should be in the Russian Federation, and the operation is taking place abroad. This is a clear sign of someone else's interference in your finances.

Particular attention from the Russian banking structure is paid to such countries as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ethiopia, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Vanuatu, Yemen.

IMPORTANT POINT! If you want to make a money transfer to a relative who has settled, for example, in Tunisia, and not be punished by the bank for it, then it is better to notify the credit institution in advance of your intentions, and be prepared that you may be asked for documentary evidence of your relationship with such a recipient of the payment.

Invalid PIN

Another reason for blocking the card by the bank may be an incorrectly entered PIN code. This can only happen if you entered the wrong code three times or more in a row. But there is no need to worry, and there is no need to make any unnecessary movements - the card will automatically begin to operate within a day. This is just one of the precautions taken by the organization in case someone else is trying to gain access to your finances.

License revocation

Now let's talk about what will happen to our card if the bank's license is unexpectedly revoked. Especially now, when we hear about it almost every other day. Of course, everyone involuntarily wonders what to do if this fate befalls the bank where your money is kept.

Based on 173-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in the Russian Federation”, funds stored in bank accounts, including on salary cards, in the amount of 1,400,000 rubles inclusive, are subject to reimbursement. But provided that the bank is included in the deposit insurance system. On the day of the insured event, the salary card will be blocked, and the amount within 1.4 million rubles will be subject to compensation.

Solving this problem will take at least two weeks, since payments are made no earlier than 14 days from the date of occurrence of the insured event and no later than 3 days from the date of filing necessary documents cardholder to the Deposit Insurance Agency. You don’t need to collect a lot of documents - just a passport and an application for reimbursement, which is filled out directly at the DIA office, or at a bank that is authorized to bear payment obligations. Mutual settlements are made in cash or by transferring funds to your account.

If the amount on the card exceeded the established insurance limit, then after payment, the card holder retains the right to demand compensation for the remaining amount, but in practice it is difficult to achieve positive results.

Each of us may face the problem of blocking our plastic card. In this article you will learn how to unlock a Sberbank card through Sberbank Online, as well as other possible actions in case of blocking.

Reasons for card blocking

To find out Is it possible to unblock a card through Sberbank Online, you will need information about the reasons for what happened. They may be as follows:

  • the card has expired;
  • the PIN code was entered incorrectly three times;
  • court decision to freeze the account;
  • debt to the bank (account overdraft).

Remember the need to block the card yourself if it is stolen, lost, captured by an ATM, if fraudulent activity is suspected, or if card information is compromised (PIN code, CVC2/CVV2 security code, other information from the front or reverse side cards). Self-blocking of a card is carried out using the tools provided by Sberbank:

  • Through your personal account or mobile app Sberbank Online.
  • When calling the bank's hotline at 8-800-555-55-50 or +7-495-500-55-50.
  • Using mobile phone. To do this, you need to send a message to number “900” with the command “blokirovkaxxxy”, or the short version “block xxxx y”. In this case, “XXXX” is the last four digits of the plastic card number, “Y” is the reason for blocking. “Y” can be as follows: 0 – card lost, 1 – card stolen, 2 – card detained by ATM, 3 – other.

What will happen to the money on the Sberbank card if it is blocked?

When a Sberbank credit card is blocked, the funds in the account remain safe. To use them yourself, you must:

  • through Personal Area Sberbank Online or mobile application transfer finances to a relative’s card or another account with unlocked access;
  • Apply with your passport to the cash desk of the nearest branch.

Unblock a plastic card through Sberbank’s online account

You cannot use a blocked card. It needs to be unlocked or re-released. To avoid fraudulent activities, you can unlock Sberbank credit card online not provided. The card can be unblocked by calling the Sberbank support service on multi-channel phones 8-800-555-55-50 or +7-495-500-55-50 in the following cases (valid if you have the card in hand):

  • the blocking was set independently using “Mobile Bank”, indicating the reason for blocking “card was detained by an ATM” or “other” (blocking codes 2 and 3, respectively);
  • the blocking was installed through Sberbank Online or a call center, indicating the reason “card was detained by an ATM”, “suspicion of fraud”, “other”.

The lock does not need to be removed in the following cases:

  • The card PIN was entered incorrectly three times. In this case, the blocking will be removed automatically after one day (up to two days);
  • the debt has been repaid and there is a positive balance on the card account;
  • the account has been seized or the court decision has been annulled.

Unblocking a Sberbank credit card is impossible and it must be reissued in the following cases:

  • when blocking a card through Sberbank Online, indicating the reason for blocking “lost or stolen”;
  • when blocking a card using " Mobile Bank”, indicating the reason “card lost” or “card stolen” (blocking codes 0 and 1, respectively);
  • when blocked through a call center indicating the reason “theft”, “loss”;
  • when the card expires.

It is important to know that before calling the support service you will need your passport details and the code word specified when concluding the contract. When visiting the bank in person, you only need a passport and a credit card, if available.
