Email login. Logging into Google mail: analysis of a number of issues. Protecting your email login

Search engine Google system very popular every day a large number of users are interested in entrance to and mailbox registration. Many services are integrated into the mail options. It is a convenient, reliable and secure email service.

By creating your own account in Gmail, integration into social network Google+, YouTube, Play Market(Android applications), Disk (10 GB of space for storing personal information), Documents, etc. After registering and logging into your email, data synchronization occurs.

  • enter your email name and password;

  • The email login link will appear at the top of the Google page.

  • You can also log in to Gmail from the Google search engine page, using the button on the right “ To come in".

If you were unable to log in due to incorrect password, you need to check the layout language, uppercase or capital mode ( CapsLock), whether the optional keyboard is enabled ( NumLock). If all else fails, click the " Help is needed" and follow the instructions to recover your password (more details below in the article).

Registration in mail

If you have not yet registered with Gmail, you should first go to the Google search engine. After that:

  • a page for entering the data required for registration will open;

  • Fill in all lines, enter the verification number from the picture and click " Further";

Automatic login to

On the Gmail login page (registration must already be completed), select the “ Remain in the system". After launching the browser by clicking the " To come in" opens Mailbox. Now the gmail will open automatically.

Notifications about letters without logging into Gmail mail

For more comfortable work created with mail special applications, which are integrated into the Google Chrome browser (download) and will automatically notify about sent correspondence, without entering the mail page. Such add-ons include Checker Plus for Gmail. After installing it, on the right side of the browser ( Google Chrome) a mail icon will be displayed and a notification about sent letters (more detailed information after clicking on it).

Also, this add-on simplifies working simultaneously with several personal mailboxes, has voice notification and control, makes it possible to use mail even when the browser is closed, etc.

Login to without password - password recovery

This service is very attentive to the difficulties of users and all steps to restore mail have already been carefully worked out. Technical service a clarification technique has been thought out, by which it is possible to identify the real owner with a high probability. This instruction will cover the most difficult method - without access to a mobile phone number and without having an attached second mailbox:

  • on the password entry page from Email you need to click the link " Help is needed";

  • a selection page will open probable problems, where you need to select “ I do not remember the password" and indicate your email address (if it does not appear automatically). After that, press the button " Continue";

  • on the next page you need to specify the password in the form in which it was remembered and select “ Continue" or " I find it difficult to answer”;

  • You will be prompted to use a phone number. Because In this manual, the method without access to a phone number is considered, then the item “ I can't use the phone";

If the mobile is available, the " Continue", The SMS code is entered and a new password is set. This completes the restoration of access for those who have a phone number linked to their account at hand.

  • the dates of the last login to and registration are entered;

  • the next step is to answer Secret Question, entered during registration. Here you can enter the correct answer and select " Continue" or click on the button " Skip this question" if the question itself is forgotten;

  • all subsequent steps are aimed at proving your belonging to this box. Each omission of a question will only prolong the procedure for restoring gmail mail ( Upon completion, the system will process all these responses and provide access to the mailbox.

In the future, it is better to play it safe from such cases and write down the data in a safe place. It wouldn't hurt to attach a valid phone number or a second mailbox to your email. You can do this in your account profile settings.

History of mailbox creation

Google's first email account was launched in 2004. After three years spent on its creation, the news published a revolutionary announcement. Accessible to everyone Post service, which promised free gigabyte storage, was initially perceived by the public as a joke.

Subsequently, thanks to gmail, great leaps forward took place in this area and almost all Internet mail services began to use these technologies. is an example of an email service. Therefore, I created my personal, main, mailbox on, although by that time I had about five e-mail addresses from others postal services.

I love the ease of use, reliability, and capacity of my inbox. By registering a mailbox on Gmail, you get the opportunity to log into other accounts with the same login and password. Google services: the most popular YouTube video hosting, calendar, Google Docs and many other useful services.

Registering with

To register for Gmail in Russian, go to the official website

The Google Account login window will appear.

In order to log in, you need to enter the mobile phone number or email address specified during registration. But since you are not registered yet, click the More options link

From the options provided, select Create an account.

A page will open with a form that you must fill out.

We fill out the form.

  1. What is your name. Here I advise you to indicate real name and Last name. Because other Google services, including those on your smartphone, will be associated with this account. I think this will be your main inbox for a long time! If you need a temporary mailbox, then you can follow my tutorial in a few minutes.
  2. Create a username. This will be the name of your mailbox and login to your account. You will have to work hard to find a clear and memorable name. After all, names like olga, nina, ivan have been taken for a long time. Substitute names, and the system will tell you whether this name is occupied or free. To create a name, you can use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and dots.
  3. Create a password. The password must have at least eight characters. For security reasons, it is not recommended to use passwords from other sites.
  4. Confirm the password. To make sure you entered the password correctly, enter the password again. If the system displays that the passwords do not match, check whether the keyboard layout is set correctly. There must be Latin letters, not Russian.
  5. Date of Birth. Select from the drop-down list.
  6. Floor. Selected from the list.
  7. Mobile phone number - necessary for more reliable account protection. If important documents are stored in your mailbox, you can allow login to your account only after receiving an SMS with a password on your mobile phone. Also, if you forget your password, you can request an SMS with a code to change your password.
  8. A spare email address is necessary for more reliable account protection. For example, if suspicious activities are noticed in your account, the gmail administration will be able to send an alert to this address.
  9. Make Google mine home page. If you check the box, then when you open the browser, it will always appear search system Google. But many users make their favorite site their home page. Then, you don’t need to check the box here, otherwise your page will be replaced with a Google page.
  10. A country. Select the country in which you currently live from the list.

After filling out the form, click Next.

The Privacy Policy and Terms of Use page opens. Read (scroll down the page) and click the “I Accept” button.

The "Verify your account" window will open. Enter your mobile phone number and click the "Continue" button.

A window will appear to enter the Confirmation Code, which will be sent to you via SMS. If the code does not arrive within 15 minutes, try again. I managed to complete the registration the third time. After entering the code, click the Continue button.

You will be congratulated on your successful registration and asked to log into your Gmail account. Click the "Go to Gmail service" button and start getting acquainted with your new mailbox.

You will see buttons that you can click to select a theme ( appearance) of your mail account, change (add) the main photo of your profile, import addresses and mail from another mail account. By the way, in your new mailbox there will already be a letter from Google describing the possibilities Google account. And by clicking the “How to use Gmail” button, you will learn all the features of working with this mail service.

Video: how to register with Gmail - create a profile on Google

The video clearly shows:

  • How to register with Gmail and gain access to all Google services;
  • how to create folders,
  • how to sort emails into folders,
  • how to prepare a signature for letters,
  • how to add files to letters,
  • how to switch to other Google services?

Login to

If you have already registered, then to log into Gmail, click the link

In the window that opens (Fig. 1), enter the Email or mobile phone number associated with your account and click Next. By the way, you can enter not the entire email address, but only the login - without

A password entry field will appear. Enter your password, click "Next" and your mailbox will open in front of you.

Sign in to other Google services

By registering with your email, you can use this username and password to log into any Google service.

While in your Gmail account, in the upper right corner, click the square (shown by the red arrow). A window with many buttons will open (see Figure 5). Clicking the desired button, you will get to the most popular services Google: Calendar, YouTube, Search, Maps.
And by clicking the link More, you will see buttons to other Google services, for example, Docs.

There are many different email services where you can create your own electronic mailbox (e-mail). Gmail is one of the best email services on the Internet; you can register and create a new mailbox in it for free. Logging into is available from both computers and phones.

This mailbox has a large capacity, a simple and easy-to-use interface, good security and reliability of your letters and information stored on it. Also, after registering your mailbox, you will have access to other services from Google: YouTube, Google documents, remote drive and much more.

Registering with - brief instructions

To register a Gmail mailbox in Russian, follow the link to the official website: The mail service will open in a new window, to register correctly, see the tips on our website, and fill out all the fields there:

Let's briefly consider what should be written in each field:

  • What is your name - here indicate your real first and last name, because this box will most likely be your main one.
  • Come up with a username - this is the name of your mailbox and login to log into your account. Choose a name that you can easily remember. Names such as ivan, alex, irina are already taken. The system will tell you whether the name is taken or free. To create a name, you can use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and dots.
  • Create a password - the password can contain both letters and numbers, and must have a minimum of 8 characters. The system will prompt you to create an easy or complex password.
  • Confirm password – in this line, repeat your password that you created.

  • Mobile phone number (optional).
  • Backup email address (optional).
  • Date of Birth.

To upload a profile photo, click on the letter in the upper right corner and the change button, as shown in the picture:

How to install Russian language in gmail

The Google account interface can be changed to any language. If you have installed English language, then you can change it to Russian without any problems. In your account, click the Settings button (located in the upper right corner)

Login to gmail (gmail)

If you have already registered, then to log in to your Gmail, click the link.

In the window that opens, enter your username and password and you will be taken to your page in the mail service.

Access to Google services

By registering with your email, you can use this username and password to log into any Google service.

Click on the button shown in the picture above, and the most popular services on Google will open: , youtube, news, maps, etc.

The my page section is entered through the main website -

From here you can immediately get to the following sections:

  • My world
  • Email
  • Classmates

To get to your email, click on the text “Mail”:

After which a list of your latest correspondence will open:

After checking your inbox, you can also send a message, delete unnecessary ones, and perform other actions in your email inbox.

Recover mail ru password

If for some reason you do not remember your password or have lost it, or maybe you have been hacked, then there is a way out, if you indicated and confirmed your phone number during registration, then you can recover your password in just a couple of steps, or additional mail , if you didn’t indicate your phone number or email, then it will be a little more difficult to do, but it’s still possible, the main thing is to enter the data when registering and don’t forget it, because you will need it during recovery. (You can save the data in a notepad and store it on your computer or flash drive). Now we do as I write to you and look at the pictures. First, go to the entrance to your mailbox and click on “Forgot your password”:

Now indicate the email to which you lost access (Password) and click restore:

If you did not indicate a telephone number (Additional mail) during registration, or, for example, if you had an Two-factor authentication, then you will have to recover your password according to the standard scheme, just enter the data that you entered when registering your account and click “Submit” (In some cases, mail ru support may request additional data) and wait for a response to the email that you specified when sending your data , picture below:

If you indicated a telephone number (Additional email) during registration, then literally in a couple of steps you will recover the password to your mailbox, instead of the form that you see in the picture above, there will be this form if you indicated an additional email:

Enter the captcha and click restore. An email will be sent to your additional email address that you specified during registration to reset your password. Now if you indicated your phone number during registration, you will see this form:

Well, everything is generally simple here, your phone number will be indicated here, which you indicated during registration, enter the captcha and click “Receive code via SMS”. You will receive a password recovery code on your phone. By entering it, you will be prompted to enter a new password for your email and then you can safely log in to it.

Currently, any user of the World Wide Web can create an email account, because it is very simple to do. It’s a completely different matter which resource to choose for this. Most Russians use services from or, but foreign users are increasingly registering on For those who are not in the know, this is an email service owned by the most famous search engine in the world, Google.

It is worth noting that mail from Gmail is very convenient and well thought out. However, in our opinion, the greatest beauty of this service is that there is a so-called two-step identification, which allows you to link your email account to mobile phone. Therefore, no one except you will be able to read your letters, since in order to enter your mailbox, you must first enter the code received on your cell phone. For those who keep valuable information in their mail, this is a very important service.

Free mailbox registration

Now let's move on to registration. Go to the link and click “Create an account.” It looks either like this:

Or like this:

What is your name. It is not difficult to guess that here you must indicate your first and last name. Whether they should be real or fictitious is up to you to decide, but we believe that it is better to indicate real data, as this is not only more convenient for your interlocutors, but will also help restore mail in the event of loss of access to it.

Create a username. You will have to come up with a nickname () that you will use to log in to the mail. It's worth noting that most "simple" logins are already taken by users, so you'll probably have to come up with something special. We hope there will be no problems with this.

Create a password. The password must be complex. Don’t even think about using simple ones like qwerty or 123456 - attackers pick them up very quickly. You can create a complex password in this way: take a Russian word, for example, “Mowgli”. Write it in English and it will become Vfeukb. Amazing. Now add some numbers and symbols here, something like this: %?Vfeukb1975. We received a 12-character password, which is very difficult to guess. And if you use double authorization, it will simply be impossible to get into your mailbox.

Confirm the password. Re-enter the password specified above in the field.

Date of birth, gender. Whether this information is worth providing is up to you to decide.

Mobile phone. At this stage, it is not necessary to add a cell number.

Alternate email address. If you have another mailbox, you can specify it. In case of loss of access, all necessary information will be sent to it.

Prove that you are not a robot. It’s easy to prove this - you just need to enter a captcha, which, however, is not so simple. However, after a couple of attempts, you will probably be able to enter incomprehensible characters.

A country. Here you need to indicate your country of residence, although it is usually automatically set for your region.

NECESSARILY Please check the box next to “I accept the Terms of Use...”, since without this it is impossible to continue registration.

After filling in all the information, click on the “Next” button. Congratulations, registration is completed!

The next step will ask you to add your photo, but you can choose not to do this if you wish.

In order to access your mail, at the top of the Google page, click on the icon in the form of dots, and then select the mail service.

Double authorization

And now we get to the most interesting part. Now we will tell you how to enable double authorization so that no one can get into your mailbox except you, of course.

On the right side of the screen you can see your avatar. Click on it and select the “My Account” section from the drop-down menu.

Enter your phone number and follow the instructions.

Finally, I would like to remind you that it is highly advisable to use only the one registered in your name as a telephone number. If you lose this phone, you are unlikely to be able to regain access to your account. Be careful!
