How much does the latest tank update weigh? World of Tanks system requirements. Requirements for playing on Ultra settings

Client system requirements Games World of Tanks are described in detail in the table below, let's get acquainted with them before you start downloading the World of Tanks tank simulator client.

WoT goes for everyone Windows versions starting with XP. The processor must be at least dual-core with support for SSE2 technology, but ideally it will be Intel Core i5. The RAM must be at least 2GB. and more.

The minimum requirements for a video card are GeForce 6800, which was released around 2005, and ATI HD 2400 XT with 256MB. on board. It’s best to install WoT and play with the settings; optimal graphics and no lags can be configured even on a laptop.

Minimum requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows 7/8/10
  • Processor (CPU): Dual-core or more, supporting SSE2 technology
  • RAM(RAM): 2 GB.
  • Video card (GPU): ATI Radeon HD 4550 / NVIDIA GeForce 8600
  • Internet speed: 256 Kbps

The graphics in the game are gorgeous and to enjoy it you need to have a video card GeForce versions GTX660 or Radeon HD7850 both with 2GB memory. - this will be ideal for Tanks. And for those who have weak PCs or want to play World of Tanks on a laptop, I can try playing on minimum or medium settings.

  • Operating system: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
  • Processor (CPU): Intel Core i5-3330 or better
  • Random access memory (RAM): 4 GB.
  • Video card (GPU): Radeon HD 7850 - 2GB. / GeForce GTX 660 - 2GB.
  • Internet speed: 1 Mbit/s

Requirements for playing on Ultra settings:

  • Operating system: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
  • Processor (CPU): AMD Ryzen 5 1500X / Intel Core i5-7400
  • Random access memory (RAM): 8 GB.
  • Video card (GPU): Radeon RX 570 - 4GB. / GeForce GTX 1050ti - 4GB.
  • Internet speed: 1 Mbit/s

How much does the World of Tanks client weigh?

If your PC satisfies the system. WoT requirements, then all that remains is to download and install the game. The World of Tanks client weighs 40GB, which is exactly what is needed free space on your hard drive to install the game. If your PC is powerful and you want to play on “ultra” settings, then you need 62 GB for installation. free space.

The World of Tanks client weighs 40 GB. *from the official website of the game

Write in the comments with what PC characteristics WoT launched without lags, so that I and other players can figure out whether the game will work for them.


Major changes

Upgrading preferential Tier VIII premium vehicles

In update 1.2, 10 preferential Tier VIII premium vehicles received improved characteristics.

  • Aiming speed changed from 2.86 s to 2.3 s
  • Gun spread changed from 0.43 to 0.4
  • Maximum reverse speed changed from 11 km/h to 14 km/h
  • Armor penetration of armor-piercing projectiles has been changed from 167 mm to 186 mm
  • The armor of the front part of the commander's cupola has been increased from 150 to 190 mm, the front part of the radio operator's cupola from 140-150 to 160-170 mm, the front of the turret from 180 to 190 mm, the front wall of the MTO from 140 to 180 mm
  • Aiming time changed from 3.4 s to 2.8 s
  • Ammunition changed from 30 to 37 shells
  • Armor penetration of the sub-caliber projectile has been changed from 217 mm to 225 mm
  • The turret armor on the sides of the gun mantlet has been increased from 150 mm to 170-190 mm
  • Reservation of the VLD and its zygomatic sheets has been increased from 100 mm to 110 mm
  • The armor of the mechanical drive hatch has been increased from 110 mm to 120 mm

FCM 50t

  • Reload time changed from 7.5 s to 6.8 s
  • Gun declination angle changed from -8° to -10°
  • The engine was replaced with a new one, power increased from 1000 hp. up to 1250 hp;
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio changed from 18.4 hp/t. at 23.0 hp/t.
  • Armor penetration of armor-piercing projectiles has been changed from 175 mm to 186 mm
  • Reload time changed from 13.2 s to 12.6 s
  • Gun spread changed from 0.46 to 0.44
  • Mixing time changed from 3.4 s to 3 s

WZ-111 (and Alpen Tiger)

  • Armor penetration of armor-piercing projectiles has been changed from 175 mm to 186 mm
  • The flight speed of the cumulative projectile has been changed from 640 m/s to 720 m/s
  • Gun spread changed from 0.44 to 0.42
  • Aiming time changed from 3 s to 2.8 s
  • Armor penetration of armor-piercing projectiles has been changed from 198 mm to 204 mm
  • Turret rotation spread changed from 0.18 to 0.16;
  • Chassis traverse speed changed from 24° to 28°
  • The front part of the turret ring, the turret roof, the commander's cupola, and the front part of the turret sides have been strengthened;
  • Enhanced armoring of fenders from 25 mm to 41 mm
  • Gun spread changed from 0.42 to 0.4
  • Aiming time changed from 2.29 s to 2.1 s
  • Maximum reverse speed changed from 10 km/h to 14 km/h
  • Durability changed from 1500 to 1550
  • Gun depression angle changed from -5° front and -4° rear to -6.5° front and -4.5° rear;
  • Armor penetration of armor-piercing projectiles has been changed from 175 mm to 186 mm;
  • The flight speed of the cumulative projectile has been changed from 640 to 720 m/s;
  • Gun spread changed from 0.46 to 0.44;
  • The dispersion of the gun due to movement and rotation of the chassis has been changed from 0.18 to 0.16.
  • The engine was replaced with a new one, power increased from 520 hp. up to 650 hp
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio changed from 14.4 hp/t. up to 18.1 hp/t.
  • The gun aiming time has been changed from 2.3 s to 2 s.
  • The gun reload time has been changed from 8.7 s to 8.4 s.
  • The armor of the turret forehead and mantlet has been improved from 200 mm to 240-250 mm, the side parts of the VLD and NLD and the protrusions on the sides of the hull under the turret
  • Gun dispersion when rotating the turret has been changed from 0.12 to 0.1
  • Armor penetration of armor-piercing projectiles has been changed from 181 mm to 185 mm

T26E4 Super Pershing

  • Engine power changed from 500 hp. up to 610 hp
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio changed from 9.9 hp/t. up to 12.1 hp/t.
  • Reload time changed from 8.2 s to 8.0 s.
  • Armor penetration of armor-piercing projectiles has been changed from 192 mm to 202 mm
  • The spread of the gun due to movement and rotation of the chassis has been changed from 0.24 to 0.22
  • Gun dispersion when rotating the turret has been changed from 0.16 to 0.12
  • Improved booking:
  • Transition from the front of the turret to the sides of the turret from 76.2 mm to 101.6 mm
  • The front part of the turret forehead above the mantlet from 101.6 mm to 127 mm
  • “Step” on the roof of the tower from 101.6 mm to 127 mm
  • The lower part of the commander's cupola from 76.2 mm to 88.9 mm
  • The upper part of the commander's cupola from 76.2 mm to 114.3 mm
  • Tower roof front from 25.4 mm to 41.3 mm
  • The casing on top of the hydraulic cylinders-compensators of the gun was added to the collision model in the form of a screen with a thickness of 25.4 mm

8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

  • The gun and armor-piercing shell were replaced with new ones
  • Armor penetration of armor-piercing projectiles has been changed from 203 mm to 212 mm
  • Durability changed from 1300 to 1500
  • Reverse speed changed from 12 km/h to 16 km/h
  • Gun aiming speed changed from 2 s to 1.8 s
  • The chassis turning speed has been changed from 26 degrees/s to 32 degrees/s
  • Reload time changed from 5.4 s to 5.1 s


  • Added the "Border of the Empire" map.

The “Widepark” and “Highway” maps have been converted to HD and added to the game.

For "Empire's Borders" the "Encounter Battle" and "Assault" modes will be available; for "Highway" and "Widepark" only standard battle will be available.

Card levels:

"Border of the Empire" and "Highway" - IV-X.

"Widepark" - IV-VI.

Balance changes have been made to the following maps:

  • "Ruinberg";
  • "Overlord";
  • "Redshire";
  • "Sandy River";
  • "Paris".

Third operation of the new Second Front campaign

In update 1.2, the third operation of the new LBZ campaign “Second Front” will be added.

Features of the operation:

A new type of tasks that must be completed in a certain number of battles. Otherwise, progress is lost and you must start the task from the beginning. Within this operation, there are 3 types of tasks: Cumulative - require you to earn a certain value for a designated parameter. The task is not interrupted until the player has fulfilled the set condition or has not run out of attempts; Serial - require the player to fulfill a given condition in several battles, and the number of attempts is always greater than the required number of completions; Uninterruptible - require the player to fulfill a given condition in each battle of the series. Violation of the condition interrupts the series. A new “Pause” button appears in the task cards for this operation. It allows you to put a task on "pause", after which no progress will be made until the player turns it off. This will allow users not to worry about losing earned progress if they want to take a break from these tasks.

Other changes

Changes to the interface of the “Appearance” section

  • The settings window for appearance elements has been changed.
  • An adjustable interface has appeared depending on the screen size.
  • Improved interaction with the radial menu.
  • The flags of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan have been added to the emblems.

Changes in clans

  • All clan players receive a clan style that is suitable for any nation, it is all-season and changes depending on the type of map. This style is awarded to a player upon joining a clan and is deducted upon leaving the clan.
  • For non-clan players, the “Fortified Area” menu item has been replaced with “Clans”. Its content has also been changed.
  • On the “Clans” screen you can now view information about clans and the benefits of participating in them, as well as view a list of clans that you can join without approving your application (i.e. immediately by clicking a button).
  • Creating a clan now rewards credits instead of gold. The cost of creation is 1,000,000 credits.
  • The time penalty for joining a clan after leaving the previous one has been reduced from 48 hours to 24 hours.

In-game store

Cars added

  • FV201 (A45)
  • AMX Canon d"assault 105

Today, March 20, 2018, World of Tanks version 1.0 update was released. What changes have occurred in the game?

Graphics changes in WOT 1.0

First of all, this is the new Core graphics engine instead of the old BigWorld. The main goal of introducing its own engine for World of Tanks is an attempt to reduce operating costs and costs associated with renting a BigWorld license from an Australian developer. What awaits players in the new World of Tanks 1.0?

The main change in graphics will be the ability to increase detail and performance. World of Tanks Core allows you to increase the number of triangles for each texture as much as necessary for a particular user's computer. The more powerful the PC, the more realistic World of Tanks will be. At the same time, performance will not be overly loaded due to the use of optimization in the Core engine.

How the Core graphics engine works

Trees in the game will become a set of 3D screenshots, which will significantly save computer resources when high quality textures Any fire effects will only be detailed externally, and the invisible area of ​​the effect will remain in low resolution. This will significantly reduce resource consumption and add smoothness to the movement of the tank, eliminating lags due to the lack of graphics adapter performance on average PCs. Most graphics calculations will be performed once in advance. The triangles will not be recalculated each time, and the Core engine will only display existing reflections of surfaces, water, or the shine of metal.

World of Tanks 1.0 update review

List of changes in update 1.0

We have divided all changes in World of Tanks version 1.0 into global and local. Here are their lists.

Global changes

  • Core graphics engine
  • HD cards 29 pcs.
  • New sound design
  • New hangar in HD graphics
  • Visual effects World of Tanks Core
  • Optimizing the use of PC resources

Local changes

  • Now, the closer the car is, the louder you hear sounds from it;
  • If you set graphic settings fov above 120 in the hangar the rendering level will change;
  • The camera in the Core engine will penetrate inside combat vehicles;
  • Added the ability to control the crew of a tank in battle;
  • Tank camouflage became brighter;
  • Loading screens in World of Tanks 1.0 are new;
  • The training ground has a new hangar and all its maps are now HD;
  • Now when shooting at random battle you will receive notifications about repelled damage, ricochets and critical damage inflicted;
  • Added sound design for maps, such as nature sounds, and also added new vehicle sounds;
  • The World of Tanks sound theme has been replaced with a new one, as well as the sounds of defeat, victory and draw;
  • Animated characters are now displayed in the hangar;
  • Projectile tracers have been replaced;
  • Water in patch 1.0 has new design and visual effects have become more deeply developed;
  • The tracks left by tank tracks have been completely redesigned;
  • The effects of destruction of static objects on maps have been changed.
