How to remove the header from the second page. Removing headers and footers in MS Word documents. Removing a header and footer from different pages

Some users may experience problems when using MS Word. various questions. And that's quite normal. In this article we will answer one of these questions, namely: how can you remove headers and footers in Word.

They are located at the top and bottom of the page, and the text in them is highlighted in light gray. Often, document page numbers are indicated there, contact information is inserted, and the book may contain its title and author’s name. But if they occupy a significant part of the sheet and the need to use them disappears, then the user begins to wonder how to remove headers and footers in the document.

Removing the top

To remove the gray text color at the top in Word from all sheets of the document, go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Header and Footer” group click on the “Top…” button.

Remove the bottom one

If you need to remove the footer in Word, then in the group with the same name, select "Footer" and in the drop-down list click "Delete bottom...".

In order to leave the numbering in the document that is placed in these blocks, but at the same time remove all the text written there, select from the drop-down list "Change Header/Footer".

Then select the unnecessary text, leaving the number, and click "Delete".

In order to remove page numbers in Word, you can use both the method described above and others. By clicking on the link, you can read an article on this topic.

For the title page

To remove the header and footer for the title page only, double-click on it and put italics in the text that will be printed there. Next go to the tab "Working with headers and footers"– “Designer” and in the “Parameters” group, check the box "Special footer for the first page".

Now delete or write the desired text, while it will not be duplicated anywhere else in the document.

If you remove them from all pages of the document, but this cannot be done on the first page, then uncheck this box. In the same way, if when deleting they disappeared only after one sheet, then you need to uncheck the box located below - "Different headers and footers for even and odd pages".

Now, you can easily remove headers and footers in Word 2007 and Word 2010.

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Microsoft Word- this is one of the most popular programs for working with electronic documents, included in . It hides a huge number of different possibilities. Well, some of these possibilities entail various questions. Today we will tell you how to remove headers and footers in a Microsoft Word 2010 document.

First, let's remember what headers and footers are. A header and footer is a line that is located at the edge of the typing bar. May contain a title, author's name and other information. In a Microsoft Word document, this line is most often .

First of all, you need to open work area headers and footers To do this, you need to left-click either on the top area or on the bottom area of ​​the page. After this, the section " Working with headers and footers".

Here you will need to check the box " Special header and footer for the first page". After this, the headers and footers from the first page of the document will be completely removed.

But if you need to remove headers and footers not on the first page, then you need to do it differently. The first thing you need to do here is add a section break. To do this, go to the tab " Page layout"and here on the menu" Section breaks"you need to click on the item" Next page". It looks like this.

Next, open the area for working with headers and footers. To do this, double-click with the left mouse button in the lower or upper corner of the page. Next, you need to click on " As in the previous section". Thus, you disable the connection between sections.

Now all you have to do is click on the " Page header" or " footer". Accordingly, to remove headers and footers, you must click on the corresponding buttons, namely " Remove header" or " Remove footer". At the end you need to click on the button " Close the header and footer window".

Running title is a fragment of text that is usually present on all pages of a document in the lower and upper parts.

The article addresses the following questions:

  • how to insert a header and footer;
  • how to change the header and footer;
  • how to make different headers and footers;
  • how to remove headers and footers;

How to insert a header and footer?

In order to make headers and footers in Word 2003 On the toolbar, click "View" --> " Headers and footers" The “ Headers and footers»:

Header and Footer in Word 2003 - Header and Footer panel

The fields of the top and footer:

Headers and Footers in Word 2003 - Header

Ours will be located in them headers and footers. You can work with these fields as with a regular document. Word: print text, add tables, pictures, etc.

We can also add so-called autotext to the header and footer text: page numbers, current date and time, and others. All these features are implemented through the “ Headers and footers»:

Headers and footers in Word 2003 - autotext

There is also a switch between the top and footer .

To return to the document, just click “Close” in the “panel” Headers and footers»or double-click on the document.

How to change headers and footers?

To change the header and footer, just double-click on it with the mouse, or call the panel “ Headers and footers", by clicking on the toolbar "View" --> " Headers and footers».

How to make different headers and footers?

To create different headers and footers on the first and other pages or on even and odd pages, click “File" --> " Page settings", or press . on the panel " Headers and footers" Open the “Paper Source” tab:

Headers and Footers in Word 2003 - paper source

And in the section " Differentiate between headers and footers"put a tick on" even and odd pages"or/and "first page" depending on the required result.

If you set the settings as in the figure above, then by activating the top first page footer, we will see the heading “ First page header", on the remaining pages the header field title will remain the same - " Page header" A similar situation will happen with the footer.

Headers and footers in Word 2003 - first page header

You can move between header and footer fields using the navigation buttons on the " panel Headers and footers» - « Go to previous" And " Move to next"or simply by placing the mouse cursor in the desired field.

Headers and Footers in Word 2003 - Navigation Buttons

How to remove headers and footers?

To delete, activate the field footer(“View » --> « Headers and footers"or double click on the header and footer field).

Select the contents of the header and footer and press DEL or BACKSPACE, you can also click on the selected right click mouse and select “cut" in the drop-down menu (in this case, the header and footer will move to the clipboard).

We perform a similar operation with other headers and footers.

For additional help on working with headers and footers, it is very effective to go straight to Help MS Office Word (“Help” --> “ Reference Microsoft Office Word»).

Headers and footers, that is, information areas at the top and bottom of pages, are very convenient when creating various documents in the MS Word text editor. They can contain page numbers, names of sections and subsections, information about the publication or author, dates and much more. But sometimes there is a need to remove a previously inserted header, for example, when editing a standard form or adding appendices to the text of a publication. And here difficulties arise, because simply erasing the data will not work - there will be an empty field. We will tell you how to remove it in Word 2010 and older versions of the program.

You can remove headers and footers from all pages of a document in just a few clicks. But first, let's look at how they were added to the document.

On a note! If a header or footer is inserted by mistake, you can immediately remove it by using the “hot keys” for undoing the last action – “Ctrl+Z”.

In all other cases, you need to do the following:

This removes headers and footers directly from the text interface. But you can use an even shorter way:

After deleting a header and footer, the cursor will remain in the empty top or bottom information area. Double-click the left mouse button on any free space document and see how the footer field disappears and the text is pulled up to the established page boundaries.

Removing a header and footer for the first page

Often, headers and footers are needed in the text, but not on the cover of the document. Therefore, MS Word provides a function for removing the header and footer from the first page. This is done as follows:

On a note! This function is especially useful when preparing essays, tests, coursework and dissertations.

Removing a header and footer on every second page of a document

If you often deal with the design of brochures or simply use double-sided printing, you may find the function of changing every second header and footer useful. With its help, you can either completely remove headers or footers on even or odd pages, or make certain changes to them, for example, aligning the page number to the outer corner. You can access the function using the following algorithm:

We hope you were able to solve all the problems associated with removing headers and footers from your document. Save it and continue to learn the intricacies of working with text editor MS Word!

Video - Working with Headers and Footers in Word 2016

A header and footer is a line located at the edge of the typing bar on paper or in documents. In the standard understanding of this term, the footer contains the heading, the name of the work (document), the name of the author, part number, chapter or paragraph. A footer is placed on all pages; this applies equally to printed books and text documents, including Microsoft files Word.

A footer in Word is an empty area of ​​the page on which the main text of the document or any other data does not and cannot be located. These are a kind of page boundaries, the distance from the top and bottom edges of the sheet to the place where the text begins and/or ends. Headers and footers in Word are set by default, and their sizes can vary and depend on the preferences of the author or the requirements for a particular document. However, sometimes a header and footer is not needed in a document, and this article will discuss how to remove it.

Note: As usual, we remind you that the instructions described in this article are shown on Microsoft example Office Word 2016, but it applies to everyone previous versions this program. The material presented below will help you remove the header and footer in Word 2003, 2007, 2010 and newer versions.

The requirements for many documents are such that the first page, which is the title page, must be created without headers and footers.

1. To open the header and footer tools, double-click in an empty area of ​​the sheet whose header and footer you want to remove.

2. In the tab that opens "Constructor" located in the main tab "Working with headers and footers" check the box opposite "Special footer for the first page".

3. Headers and footers will be removed from this page. Depending on what you need, you can leave this area empty or add another header and footer exclusively for this page.

To close the window for working with headers and footers, you need to click on the corresponding button on the right side of the toolbar or double-click the left mouse button on the area with text on the sheet.

How to remove headers and footers not on the first page?

To remove headers and footers on pages other than the first (this could be, for example, the first page of a new section), you need to follow a slightly different procedure. The first step is to add a section break.

Note: It's important to understand that a section break is not a page break. If there is already a page break before the page from which you want to remove headers and footers, it should be removed, but a section break should be added. The instructions are given below.

1. Click in the place in the document where you want to create a page without headers and footers.

2. Go from the tab "Home" to the tab "Layout".

3. In a group "Page settings" find the button "Breaks" and expand its menu.

4. Select an item "Next page".

5. Now you need to open the header and footer mode. To do this, double-click the footer area at the top or bottom of the page.

6. Click "Same as previous section"- this will remove the connection between sections.

7. Now select the item "Footer" or "Page header".

8. In the drop-down menu, select the required command: "Remove Footer" or "Remove Header".

Note: If you need to remove both the header and footer, repeat the steps 5-8 .

9. To close the window for working with headers and footers, select the appropriate command (the last button on the control panel).

10. The header and/or footer on the first page following the break will be removed.

If you want to remove all headers and footers that follow the page break, double-click the header and footer area on the sheet where you want to remove it, then repeat the above steps 6-8 . If the headers and footers on even and odd pages are different, the steps will have to be repeated for each type of page separately.

That's all, now you know how to remove a header and footer in Word 2010 - 2016, as well as in more earlier versions this multifunctional program from Microsoft. We wish you only positive results in your work and training.
