Find out the owner by phone number. How to find a person by mobile phone number - All methods. You can obtain information from credit institutions

If you need to find a specific person by phone number, there are several enough effective ways do it. There are many illegal ways to complete the task.

For example, you can buy it on the radio market or find a phone database on the Internet.

But this method is illegal and you may be subject to prosecution by law enforcement agencies. We will not consider such ways to resolve the issue.

Instead, we will find out all the legal and simple methods find out the owner of the telephone.

It is worth saying that they are quite effective and some even allow you to find out the location of the subscriber. It will be interesting!



The reasons why we may be trying to find the owner of a number can be very different.

But if these are threats that you or your loved ones receive, then you should not try to deal with this person on your own. It's better to file a complaint with law enforcement agencies.

Advice: Along with the application, provide voice recordings of the threats. To do this, record one or more conversations using your phone.

The easiest way is to use one of the applications designed for this. For example, there is "Record phone calls to MP4" , which can be downloaded.

Using it is extremely simple - open the application and turn the switch in the upper right corner to "On"

After that everything telephone conversations will be recorded and you can copy them to a flash drive.

After that, take the flash drive and go to the nearest police station, where you can write a statement and wait for the hearing.

The fact is that law enforcement agencies have completely legal access to the above-mentioned telephone databases.

And investigators or other representatives of these authorities can easily see who owns the phone, find this person at his residence address and/or registration, and come to him to “talk” about the threats.

And if you need to complete the task for some other reason, use one of the methods described below.

Search engines

The most banal and simple way, which literally lies on the surface, is to , or any other search engine and enter the desired number.

The fact is that phone owners one way or another post their numbers on social media, bulletin boards, forums, various sites and so on.

Perhaps the person was offering some services or selling a product and posted his number for this.

In the 21st century, the situation is such that almost each of us has at least once “lit up” his number somewhere.

Even if you simply indicated it when registering on some resource, it means that it is already present somewhere and can be found.

So just enter the desired number into the search engine and enjoy the result.

Hint: Enter the phone number without +38 if it is Ukraine and without +7 if it is Russia and so on.

When writing this material, we entered one number and, to everyone’s surprise, we managed to find the owner very quickly - he “spotted” it in one of the groups. As you can see in Figure 2, he entered it when collecting the fan club. Actually, when going to the first search result, I was able to see what kind of user this was. When I went to his page on a social network, I was also able to find out where he lives, what he is interested in, and so on. Everything is extremely simple!

But it happens that using search engines gives nothing. Then you should try to search directly in places where the person could be “exposed.”

Social media

Judging by the search results, users from this country most often post advertisements on this resource. Also, check out the following sites:

  • classifieds.rf;
  • businessmarket.rf.

If you do not agree with the above lists and, be sure to use the search on them.

As for forums, there are quite a lot of them and they are all thematic. It simply doesn’t make sense to search for everyone.

If a search in a regular search engine yields nothing, but you at least have a rough idea of ​​what kind of person you are looking for, you can try to find him on a thematic forum that you think might interest him.

But this method is ineffective.

That's all!

Actually, this is where all legal methods of searching for a person, that is, the owner of a particular phone number, end.

Everything there is also paid and the prices are almost the same as

In addition to sites, there are also quite regular rates from various mobile operators, which allow you to track the location of a person.

Operator tariffs

Important! It’s worth saying right away that all the tariffs that we will consider allow you to determine the location only with the consent of the subscriber. When you order the service, he will receive a notification and he can agree or refuse to let someone know where he is.

So, here is a list of currently available tariffs from Russian mobile operators that make it possible know the user's location:

    "Locator" - MTS Russia. The operator allows you to see where your friends and relatives are. But no one checks who exactly you will be tracking, so you can connect any subscriber. The cost of connecting to the service is 100 rubles per month, provided that you submit 100 requests to find out the location. In fact, the price of one request is 1 ruble. You can study this service in more detail on the website

    Beeline.Coordinates from Beeline. The conditions are the same as, but the cost is 1.7 rubles every day, regardless of the number of requests. But you can track a maximum of 5 people. More information can be found at

Someone is calling you unknown number, and you don’t know who it is? Are you receiving strange SMS from noname? Or do you just want to find out at least some information about a person? In this article we will tell you several ways to do this. Let's see how to recognize a person by phone number completely free of charge.

Who called - find the number

The coolest application for today (for 2018), which has not yet been deleted or closed by the developers, is called Who called - find the number. If you are thinking about how to recognize a person by phone number, then just use this program.

The application has a white and blue interface and contains a lot of valuable information on the desired phone number.

What can be found in it about a person:

  • region and approximate location;
  • telecom operator;
  • approximate age;
  • possible photographs;
  • VK accounts that are registered to this number (note that fakes are often registered on numbers so as not to be exposed to the main account).

Fat cons

  1. The application does not always display super accurate information. Sometimes you can limit yourself only to a region and a VK page.
  2. The program is relatively free. The application shows how to find out a person by phone number for free, but only once. Well, you understand, this is such a hook. First they showed you what this program can do, and then, please, gild the handle.
  3. You are given 3 days to try, and then the subscription costs 2,750 rubles per month.


Information about a person by phone number can be obtained through the GetContact program. At some point it was removed from the store, but has now returned again. So download it if someone deleted it.

If you don’t know how to recognize a person by phone number on Android, then use the NumBuster application.

Sberbank Online

Not all, but many are serviced by Sberbank. This means that when transferring a certain amount, the details of the person to whom you are transferring money should be displayed.

How to find out who the number is registered to:

  1. Log in to the Sberbank Online application from your phone or web version and log in.
  2. Choose Transfers – To Sberbank client – ​​Enter phone number.
  3. In total put " 1 ruble".
  4. And then click "Continue".
  5. Don't worry as long as the money doesn't go to anyone! The person’s details will be displayed: his name, patronymic and the first letter of his last name.
  6. Now you need to be careful cancel the operation and go out from the application. There is NO NEED to send money!!!

Please note that not all data will be displayed. If your suspect is a client of Sberbank, then you should be lucky.

Are you wondering: how to find out the owner by phone number, and you understand that all methods will be good for you, because you suffer from intrusive calls or have lost the coordinates of an important partner, and there is an unfamiliar unanswered call in the call log? Most likely, you have already contacted operators cellular communications, but received a legal refusal.

Today there are many ways to obtain information. Some require effort, others are quite simple.

How to find out the owner by phone number

All methods that allow you to obtain the necessary information can be divided into official and alternative. Before you start searching for information, evaluate all the pros and cons of the chosen option.

Official requests

Some operators, such as Beeline, MTS or Megafon, are ready to provide information about the owner of the number if you contact them with a written application. The document must describe in detail the reasons for your application.

Letter template

Of course, the loss of an old friend's number and the presence of vague unanswered calls on your phone cannot become a basis for obtaining information. But calls with threats, fears for one’s own health, life, property, will be considered by the operator.

Another official option for obtaining data is to contact law enforcement. The stages of implementation of the plan will be as follows:

  • filing a complaint with government agencies (FSB, prosecutor's office, police);
  • document review;
  • criminal proceedings;
  • sending a request to the operator;
  • obtaining the necessary information during the investigation.

Alternative Methods

If you don’t have enough grounds or determination to make an official request, and the question of how to find out the owner by phone number remains unanswered, try alternative options:

Please note that most alternative methods is illegal. Their use may lead to the initiation of criminal proceedings.


If Internet searches have not brought much results, this means that your abuser does not use the World Wide Web or is closely monitoring the absence of traces in virtual network. In this case, all the methods you have used will remain without results.

The mobile phone has become such a part of our lives that it is simply impossible to imagine our existence without it. Every day, mobile telecom operators are trying to ensure the comfort of their customers and expand their network coverage to the maximum possible distances. Every year more and more towers are built, and mobile network penetrates even into areas as remote as possible from civilization.

Twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week, the subscriber is within the network coverage area. Of course, human comfort is paramount, but such an all-consuming system has one big drawback: knowing the phone number, we can be tracked without much difficulty.

Almost each of us is on our phone all day long: at home, work, a business meeting, outdoor recreation or a snack in a cafe - we are always in touch. Moreover, there is more than one connection - many have two or three SIM cards, several phones, which greatly simplifies the search task.

Of course, resorting to asceticism because of the risk of being found is somewhat stupid, but keeping this fact in mind and using it will not hurt.

How advisable is it to search for a person using a phone number?

There are a number of ways to figure out where a person is, and searching using a number is one of the most difficult. The reasons why people resort to it can be very different, and not everyone and not always get results.

Any attempts to do this without the consent of the person being sought is a violation of the right to personal space. On legislative level any attempts to monitor a person by phone are suppressed. The only exceptions are law enforcement agencies, which through the court can request a call record or coordinates mobile device at any given time. This privilege is not available to mere mortals - instead, you can receive an administrative fine.

Situations are different, so the subjective factor plays an important role in assessing the appropriateness of intervention in someone else’s life. Sometimes it is not possible to ask where a person is, sometimes people are simply embarrassed or unsure of the veracity of the answer.

It would be good to believe that, if necessary, the operator will easily give us the necessary information on the person’s location. However, as a rule, operators value their reputation very much and present the security of subscriber personal information as something extremely valuable.

The degree of need can vary, and sometimes, instead of cunning attempts to find someone through the phone, it’s easier to simply ask him.

However, this does not mean that you cannot bypass the system. There are five effective ways find out where a person is, having only a mobile number:

  • Through the Internet;
  • Using operator services;
  • Through a special mobile app;
  • By filing a complaint with the police;
  • Using databases.

Method 1. Search engines, social networks and message boards as a legal source of information

If the person is unfamiliar to you, or perhaps you only have his number and nothing more, the Internet will help clarify the situation. Look for a room in one of the following places:

  • search engines (Google, Yandex,;
  • social networks and groups;
  • forums;
  • the most famous sites for buying and selling.

The largest amount of information can usually be obtained by asking a search engine, since it also partially analyzes data from all subsequent sources.

The lion's share of young people have accounts on social networks. By quickly looking through your profile, it’s easy to find your exact full name, place of residence (country, region, city, and sometimes even address), as well as the coordinates of your last places of activity. If necessary information it didn’t turn out, you can look through the pages of your most active friends: maybe you’ll find something.

Forums, online stores, message boards have more limited information, but it can also be useful. One of the portals worth attention is “Who Called”. Users leave comments under the numbers of people with whom they had to communicate. Sometimes you can find a whole dossier on a subscriber.

Using job sites, it is also easy to find information about a person, but not everyone is interested in such content and is registered there.

The Internet is a bottomless well useful information, which will not only find the address the right person, but will also share general and private information about a person’s tastes, preferences and worldview. Take advantage of it!

Method 2. How to find out your location using services from cellular operators

And although operators do not provide information about their clients, with the consent of the latter, it is quite possible to activate a service that would allow you to see their coordinates at any time. But since asking for confirmation is somewhat inconvenient and not logical, sometimes you can bypass this formality.

  • MTS. The “Locator” service allows you to display the coordinates of the person who has activated this function on his phone and his friends at any time. The peculiarity of this service is that it does not use GPS; mobile communications are sufficient. Moreover, using the service you can find not only MTS users, but also Megafon and Beeline.

As of August 2017, the cost of the service was about 100 rubles. However, to connect it, you need SMS confirmation from the people whose coordinates are requested. The most popular solution, according to the forums, is to connect without warning:

  1. send SMS to number 7888 to activate the service;
  2. take the phone number of the person you need;
  3. Confirm your service connection via SMS and you're done!
  • Beeline. The operator provides the Beeline service. Coordinates”, which in its essence is not much different from the previous one. The cost of this service for Beeline users is 1.7 rubles per day, which is about 50 rubles per month. Connection and use are free for the first week.

However, there is a limit on the number of people you can find from one device: up to five people. To use data about the location of a Beeline subscriber, his permission is also required.

Megaphone. Using the Radar service will help you find the owner of the number (with the latter’s consent), even if he is not a Megafon user, but an MTS or Beeline user. There are three packages for this service.

  • “Radar Light”: after connecting, it becomes possible to find out the location of one person once a day for free;
  • “Radar”: a fee of 3 rubles/day is charged for use, and the user gets access to a map on which the coordinates of users selected by phone number are marked in real time;
  • “Radar +”: for 7 rubles a day, the subscriber will have the opportunity not only to see coordinates, but also to track the routes of other users.

The error in determining the location can range from one hundred meters (in the city center) to several kilometers (outside populated areas).

Similar services are “Navigator” and “Beacon”. Connecting these services provides the same capabilities as Radar, but the search technology is slightly different. “Beacon” does not require permission, since it is aimed at children and connects exclusively to children’s packages, allowing adults not to worry about where their child is.

  • Tele 2. To search for other users, the operator provides the Geosearch service. To connect it, you need a one-time permission from the person whose coordinates are being requested. The service is not free: the cost is 2 rubles per day.

To receive information, you need to send a request, and within five minutes an SMS will be sent to your phone with the street where the subscriber is located and a link to the map. A significant disadvantage is the ability to use this function only within the home region.

Kyivstar. Another service called “Beacon”. The connection is free, however, in order to track the coordinates of a particular Kyivstar user, you need to send him a request and instructions on how to allow tracking.

The service is paid. The coordinates of the owner of the requested phone number come in the form of SMS and are displayed on the map. In addition, you can track your movement in real time within an hour.

  • Velcom. This operator allows you to find only children. To do this, you need to install the “Mom, I’m here” application on the child’s and parent’s phones. Tracking is carried out around the clock. The application not only shows the child’s location, but also notifies the parent if the child is outside the established zone. The service is paid.

Method 3. Installing a direction finder program on the phone of the person of interest

In the Internet, Google Play And App Store There are special free direction finder applications that can use GPRS to find a user and report his location to third parties.

Using such applications is completely free and only requires access to GPS and the Internet.

To avoid conflict situations, discuss in advance all the nuances of using direction finders with the people whose location you are going to track.

Method 4. Official request to determine the location of a person

Another way to find out where a specific person is, knowing his phone number, is to contact the police. However, this method is only applicable if a crime has been committed.

Law enforcement agencies will send a request to the cellular operator and receive a printout of recent calls. But it is unlikely that they will share the data they receive with you.

Method 5. Using databases to find a subscriber

This is an outdated method, so the chances of getting the desired result are extremely low.

It is easy to find sites on the Internet that offer the latest data from mobile operator databases. However, in reality, you are unlikely to be able to find reliable information on them: today the databases of mobile operators are well guarded, and hacking them is almost impossible. Such statements are nothing more than a scam. The maximum that can be found is reports from eight to ten years ago, and therefore they will be of little use.

You can only usefully use databases to find a subscriber if you have real friends who are operators or intelligence officers.

How does the phone location system work?

There are two main methods that cellular operators and direction finders use to determine where the owner of the phone is based on his number.

  • The first way is through a communication tower. That is, when we are in the coverage area of ​​some tower, the system automatically marks our phone according to the coordinates of the tower. But this method has a big drawback - its accuracy leaves much to be desired.
  • The second method is GPS location. All smartphones have GPS, and when using it, you can determine the user’s coordinates with an accuracy of up to a meter. This system is most often used in various kinds of direction finders.

These are the two most effective methods. In fact, it is simply impossible to hide your coordinates when your phone is turned on.

Remember: the presence of two direction finding paths ensures that the location of any subscriber (including you) is constantly recorded, even if he does not know about it.

Since searching for people by phone number is a popular topic, there are many scam sites that offer to pay a certain amount, follow a short series of instructions, enter the number of the person whose location you are interested in, and get information about his geolocation. Of course, you shouldn’t trust such sites, if only for the reasons mentioned above (illegality, lack of databases, information security).

Here are a few simple tips How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers:

  • Do not agree to offers to buy a database from any mobile operator. As already mentioned, there is simply no updated data.
  • Do not register on sites that offer to find a person by phone number online, even if they offer their services completely free of charge. This is a 100% scam.
  • Use a secure connection. You can often catch a virus on such Internet resources. Take care of the security of your computer.
  • Do not download anything from the Internet without making sure that the file is safe. Even if you decide to resort to using the content of such sites, do not download or open the file without making sure that it is safe.
  • Read reviews. In case of indignation, people tend to share negative impressions. Before using an online resource, ask for reviews from previous users.
  • Avoid any illegal offers. Remember that obtaining any information about a subscriber without his consent is a criminal offense. And if a person contacts law enforcement agencies, you may face a serious fine.

Compliance with these simple rules will not only help you save your money, but will also protect your gadgets from viruses and malware.


Sometimes there is an urgent need to find a person, having only his number at his disposal. There are several possible methods for this:

  • request a number in a search engine, check social networks, groups, forums, online job applications;
  • use the services of mobile operators;
  • install a direction finder program on the phone of the person whose location needs to be monitored;
  • submit an application to the intelligence services;
  • use mobile operator databases.

All these methods are based on the use of two ways to determine the location of the phone (and, accordingly, its owner): using data from mobile towers, mobile connection from which they cover almost the entire territory of the country, and with the help of GPS. Such approaches reduce the chances of hiding your location to a minimum.

When choosing a method to search for information about a subscriber or clarify his coordinates, it is important to follow certain rules so as not to fall into the tenacious clutches of scammers.

Do you suffer from intrusive calls and want to find out who is calling your number? Surely you tried to get information about the person who called by calling contact center their operator, but received refusals. Indeed, cellular and landline operators never disclose such information. From our article you will learn how

Many people use electronic boards to post advertisements for the sale of cars, apartments, kitchen units and other personal items. Thus, they publish a lot of data on the Internet:

  • Your number mobile phone;
  • City of residence;
  • First name (sometimes with last name).

Search for a person by phone number

Some people even indicate their addresses when selling real estate. Search engines index the published information, after which we can use it. If you want, use any search engine - enter in search bar number and analyze the information in the search results.

There are a lot of search engines, so don’t be discouraged if the selected search engine doesn’t give you any results - try searching in another search engine. For example, in terms of searching by numbers and digital according to Google gives more results than the domestic Yandex. Sometimes the opposite happens, so we recommend trying all available search engines.

If the information in search engines no, this means that the person you are looking for either does not use the World Wide Web, or tries not to leave any traces on the Internet. This technique is best suited for searching for information about various companies and enterprises.

Search for owner using number databases

Is it possible online? There is such an opportunity, since on the Internet we can find many services that provide access to online databases of landline and mobile phones. Disadvantage of these databases:

  • Lack of normal performance – it can be very difficult to understand navigation;
  • Lack of completeness of the information offered - they ask for money for full disclosure of information;
  • Loss of database relevance.

Some services have such “crooked” sites that it is very difficult to figure out the search for numbers. Therefore, visiting such services makes you want to quickly close the browser window. Also, some databases require payment in the form of sending SMS on short numbers– the thought of fraud immediately appears. In conclusion, the provided database may be out of date in time - the person has moved, changed his number or died.

In the process of writing this review Several open databases were found on the network that do not require sending SMS. Their analysis showed that they provide information that is ten years old. Some of them could not be found at all the necessary subscribers, despite the fact that they really exist and the author knows their personal data (full name and phone number).

There are databases that need to be downloaded - they are not available online. They can be found for free or for money. All of them may turn out to be useless or hopelessly outdated. If you are offered a base for money, remember that the seller may be a scammer. It should be noted that the distribution of such databases is already a criminal offense - do not get involved with criminal elements.

Method with Sberbank

More than 70 million Russians use Sberbank Online online banking services. Therefore, we have every chance of recognizing the owner by his phone number linked to his Sberbank bank card. Use step-by-step instructions:

  • Log in to the Sberbank Online system;
  • Go to the “Transfers and Payments” section;
  • Select the item “Transfer to Sberbank client”;
  • Start processing the transfer by phone number - indicate the number, debit account and amount (for example, 1 ruble).

If the person you are looking for uses the services of Sberbank for this number, on the next page you will see his name and patronymic - the last name is hidden.

In some cases, this is enough to identify the subscriber.

Other search methods Is it possible to find out the owner by phone number using landline help services ? Unfortunately, by giving the operator a landline phone number, you will not receive any information on it. Only reverse search is available, when you tell the operator your last name and address, and he gives you a phone number. If you get bored phone calls

, you can file a report with the police - this is regarded as telephone hooliganism.
