Design using autocad. Autocad design software. IV. Design and preparation for printing

It starts with changing the workspace and setting the working view (isometry). After which you can proceed directly to creating volumetric objects.

3d modeling in AutoCAD. Object Types

In AutoCAD 3d models there can be three different types: solid bodies, mesh objects, surfaces.


In AutoCAD, preference is given to solid modeling. These are three-dimensional bodies that have properties inherent in ordinary objects in our lives: mass, center of gravity, etc.

Using logical operations, such as union, subtraction and intersection, you can create solid objects of varying complexity.

Network objects

This type of three-dimensional models uses a polygonal representation. The main elements of mesh objects are vertices, edges, and faces.

The main tools are located on the corresponding "Networks" tab. Standard commands are identical in type to solid primitives: parallelipid, cone, cylinder, etc.

These 3d models do not have mass properties. Networks allow you to flexibly work with the shape of objects in AutoCAD. In addition, they can be smoothed, which is an undeniable advantage.


A surface in AutoCAD is a thin shell that has no volume or mass. There are two types of surfaces in AutoCAD:

NURBS surfaces;

Procedural surfaces.

Procedural surface modeling allows you to take advantage of associative modeling, and NURBS surfaces take advantage of control vertex relief generation.

Construction of 3d models in AutoCAD. General principles

There are two fundamentally different approaches to creating three-dimensional objects:

Using standard 3d primitives (box, sphere, cone, etc.);

Converting a flat drawing (2d objects) into three-dimensional ones by using the appropriate commands (“Extrude”, “Shift”, etc.)

Converting a drawing from 2d to 3d AutoCAD is not difficult. It is enough to follow a clear algorithm.

Over the course of the following lessons you will create a 3D model of a house

Three-dimensional project obtained as a result of studying the programAutoCAD

Topic 4: Creating a House Plan

Let's start creating a project by building a floor plan

Cottage plan with all doorways filled in

1. Current drawing settings

Drawing limits (drawing format)

Rice. 1. New limits 21000x14000 and grid with 1000 intervals

    Move the cursor to the upper right corner of the grid, the coordinate zone should display the value 21000.00, 14000.00,0.00.

Drawing with Grid and Step

    When prompted Command: (Command:) click the button Line on the panel.

    Click LMB to indicate the beginning of the segment at the point with coordinates 2000.00, 2000.00, 0.00. Make sure that the coordinates are displayed in the status bar (Fig. 2, a)

    Move the cursor to the right of the just specified point (Fig. 2, b) and look into the coordinate zone. Polar coordinates relative to the first point should be displayed there, but if this does not happen, click LMB in the coordinate reading area to go to polar coordinates (Fig. 2, c).

If you don't get the result you want, click again

because the coordinate zone in the status bar works like a three-step switch.

Rice. 2. One point is indicated on the grid

    Now move the cursor around the drawing area to the right of the specified point and watch the coordinates change in the status line. It should display a value that is a multiple of 1000 and an angle equal to 0. (We are not using the Z coordinate value yet). Continue moving the cursor until you see the value 11000.00 in the coordinate area<0.00. В этой точке нажмите ЛКМ. Первый отрезок плана построен (рис. 3).

Rice. 3. The first face of the house wall is built

    Move the cursor perpendicularly upward from the point you just specified until. until the coordinate zone shows the value 8000.00<90.00, и щелкните ЛКМ (рис. 4, а).

    Then move the cursor horizontally to the left from the last point you specified until the coordinate area displays 11000.00<180.00, и щелкните ЛКМ (рис. 4, б).

    Close the contour by selecting the command from the context menu under RMB Close(Close)(Fig. 4, c).

Rice. 4. Completing the outer contour of the house plan

This method of constructing segments using modes Step snapping And Grid display and reading coordinate values ​​in the status bar, very convenient if all the distances that need to be plotted are multiples of 1000.

    Save the file under the name House_ plan.dwg

2. Building walls

In this work you will build a plan of the walls, cut out the openings and show the symbol for opening the doors (Fig. 5).

Construction of the internal faces of the walls (Fig. 6)

The thickness of the internal and external walls will be 250 and 400 mm, respectively. External walls are usually thicker than internal ones, since they are designed to protect the house from temperature influences and weather conditions, and for this they are covered with plaster, tiles or other finishing and insulating materials,

Rice. 6. Wall dimensions

Contours of external walls

    You have a file open House_plan.dwg.

The open drawing should consist of four segments, forming a closed rectangle (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7, External contour of the house in the file House.dwg

Internal walls

Rice. 10. Selecting a segment to offset

Rice. 11. First inner wall

Rice. 12. Two intersecting walls

Editing Wall Intersections

Rice. 13. Selecting the first two segments for mating (a) and the result of executing the command (b)

Rice. 14. Selecting the first two segments for mating (a) and the result of executing the command (b) Now in your drawing there are two internal walls of the required length, but you need to clean up the T-shaped connections of the internal walls with the external ones. In this situation the command Pairing (Fillet) will not give the desired result, it is better to use it in the case of L-shaped intersections of segments, in the case of T-shaped intersections, you should use the command


Using the Show (Zoom) command To trim off unnecessary wall intersections, you must zoom in on the area where they intersect on the screen. To do this you will have to use the command

Show (Zoom).

    Rice. 15. Cursor position when first clicking the mouse to execute the Show command (Zoom)

Move the cursor down to the right, paying attention to the size of the rectangle, which expands as the cursor moves. Stretch this rectangle until it completely covers the fragment with the T-shaped intersection of the walls (Fig. 16, a) and click LMB again.

Now the fragment of the picture you are interested in has occupied the entire working area of ​​the screen. The rectangle you just created is called the zoom frame. The part of the picture covered by the zoom frame now occupies the entire working area of ​​the screen (Fig. 16, b).

Rice. 17. Selecting the segment to be trimmed (a) and the result of the Trim command (b)

Rice. 18. Result of the command “Zoom Previous”

    Repeat steps 33-37 to process the T-shaped intersection of the walls located below. You can see the result of sequential execution of these actions in Fig. 3.19.

Rice. 19. The second T-intersection has been edited.

To complete your bathroom drawing, you must draw another interior wall.

Completing the rendering of the interior walls

    To build the final wall enclosing the bathroom, you can use the same technique. Briefly, it can be reduced to the following actions:

    Move the inner edge of the left outer wall to the right by 2500 mm by using the command Offset then set the offset value to 250 mm and move the newly constructed segment in the same direction.

    Apply the command Show with a frame (Zoom Window), to enlarge the fragment of the intersection of the new wall with the previously built bathroom wall.

    Use the command Trim to trim part of the interior wall between the edges of the newly built wall.

    Use the command Show Previous (Zoom Previous), so that the house plan is completely visible on the screen.

The drawing resulting from your actions should look as shown in Fig. 20.

Rice. 20. Construction of internal walls is completed

    Save the drawing as House_plan.dwg

Opening openings in walls

Of the five doorways, two are located in the internal walls, the rest are in the external walls (Fig. 21). Four of them are designed for conventional hinged doors, and the fifth is for a sliding glazed door.

Rice. 21. Drawing with open doorways

External openings

These 1200 mm openings are located on the walls of the main and rear facades of the house and are located at a distance of 250 mm from the internal corners.

Rice. 22. Sections that need to be shifted by 250 mm

Rice. 22. Segments limiting doorways with a width of 1200 mm

Rice. 24. Sections extended to the outer edges of the walls

Now, first we will cut off the too long parts of the door jambs, and then the sections of the wall edges between the jambs. To do this you need to use the command Trim in the same way as you did in the file House_ sample. dwg, but this time we will trim all unnecessary sections of the segments in one command cycle (in this situation, the same segments will be both cutting edges and trimmed objects at the same time).

Rice. 25. Selection of cutting edges

Rice. 25. Openings 1200 mm wide


When selecting the sections to be trimmed, remember to select them closest to the part that needs to be trimmed.

Both doorways in the interior walls can be opened using the same technique.

Openings in internal walls

These doorways are 900mm wide and are also 250mm apart from the corresponding internal corners. In Fig. Figure 26 shows the three stages of the process of opening these openings.

Open a 2540mm wide opening in an external wall using what you have learned.

Opening width 2540 mm

Please note that the doorway in the right external wall is located 900mm from the inside corner of the room. A sliding glazed door will be inserted into this opening.

You just went through the same procedure, so here's just a short summary of the steps:

    Construct similar segments with an offset value of 900.

    Construct a segment similar to the new one, with a mixing value equal to 2540.

    Extend the new section to the outer edge of the outer wall.

    Trim new sections and sections of wall in between to complete the opening.

    Save the drawing.

All doorways are open. Your drawing should look like shown in Fig.

26, c.

Rice. 26. Opening internal openings: constructing similar segments to indicate jambs (a), lengthening jamb segments (b),

completion of drawing openings (c) - all doorways are drawn

3. Drawing doors

Now that the openings are open, we can insert door symbols into them and show the direction they open.

There are five doors in our house, four of which are hinged, open at 90°, and the fifth is a glazed sliding door, which is designated differently.

I won’t go into detail about what AutoCAD is, since what is stated below is addressed specifically to those who are familiar with this program at least at a basic level. I will only note that, unlike many software products for solving design problems, AutoCAD as such is not an automation tool, but only an extremely powerful tool for manual drawing in an electronic environment. Some of its capabilities allow limited automation of some local tasks at the user level. There is a big field of activity for application developers here, but that’s not what we’re talking about now.

I proceed from the fact that you can effectively use any application only if you know at least a little more about it than lies on the surface - in order to deceive it when necessary. When working with specialized applications that use the AutoCAD graphical environment, it makes sense to understand what the environment is like. This knowledge also allows you to intelligently select project automation software. Otherwise, you have to rely on bare intuition and what is called “Russian maybe.”

We'll talk about AutoCAD 2000, the latest standard incarnation of the program. The recently released version of AutoCAD 2000i did not add anything to the graphic tools, which will be discussed primarily in the proposed material. The main developments in this version were the means of interaction between participants in the work process via the Web and the attraction of resources available there. For most firms and independent designers in our country, this is not yet a necessity, especially considering the data exchange speeds that domestic providers and telephone lines are able to provide. Therefore, we will not talk about the specific features of this latest sub-version of the product here.

Autodesk has also released the AutoCAD Architectural Desktop product, which is a means of automating the architectural design process. This is not about him either. AutoCAD Architectural Desktop specific tools are an add-on to the original AutoCAD environment, and the same applies to them as said about other applications.

The description of the “manual” technique may highlight for some the advantages and disadvantages of software products for similar purposes for various graphic environments. I foresee an objection that there is no need to spend so much effort and time in AutoCAD on things that ArchiCAD or Allplan, for example, solve with a bang. Some, on the contrary, will find it convenient to have complete control over the technology and will prefer the versatility of AutoCAD to the comfort of limited freedom offered by some products, including those mentioned above.

My attitude to this is: “let a hundred flowers bloom.” There is no program that completely satisfies the needs of the designer. Each of them has some advantages over competitors; following the same logic, it inevitably lags behind them in some way. Cross-borrowing of ideas and fierce competition in a limited market ensure the dynamic development of professional tools for designers, which ultimately benefits the end user, that is, you and me.

Since many AutoCAD users have not yet left the environment of the previous, version 14, I would like to say a few words for them. The transition to version 2000 is justified. Almost without adding any fundamentally new tools and capabilities to the designers' arsenal, AutoCAD 2000 brought a superbly thought-out and implemented working environment that can significantly reduce design time. With intensive work, the economic effect is clearly visible. And it is useful for immediate users to take note that the new version is very comfortable and helps reduce fatigue. In presenting the material, I will focus primarily on AutoCAD 2000, making separate reservations for R14 users. Most of the actions described here can also be done in AutoCAD R14, but in a less convenient way.

To solve most of the graphical tasks in construction design, the cheaper AutoCAD LT 2000 can also be effectively used, which is greatly reduced in terms of functions for volumetric modeling and visualization, but is significantly less resource-intensive and allows you to work effectively on, let’s say, not the latest technology. If AutoCAD LT is not applicable for certain procedures, this will be specifically stated; in other cases, what is said about AutoCAD 2000 will apply to it.

Features of the construction theme

Construction drawing and modeling, using mainly the capabilities and methods inherent in any area of ​​design activity, has some features that should be taken into account when choosing a specific set of tools from the general palette.


Building designers deal primarily with very large objects, measured in tens or even hundreds of meters in each direction, while millimeters are used as units for measuring distances. Although working in the AutoCAD environment, like most CAD programs, involves the use of a real scale, that is, 1:1, and the scale for displaying images on solid media is assigned only when setting up printing options, nevertheless, during the work process, the expected scale can be completely ignored It won't work. In addition to the designed geometry, drawings, as a rule, contain many design elements: inscriptions, callouts, dimension designations, shading, broken lines. All of them, being displayed on solid media, must be presented correctly on them. Thus, it is necessary to think in advance about the size of such elements both in relation to the geometry contained in the drawing and in relation to the paper sheet itself. Along with the fact that each of the listed elements has its own way of adjusting the scale, various methods for generating finished drawings are also possible, suggesting different ways of taking into account the scale of the displayed image.


When starting a drawing, it is necessary to have at hand and before your eyes an area of ​​the drawing sufficient to accommodate all parts of the designed object. By default, when starting a program or creating a new drawing, the visible area of ​​its space is much smaller than what a construction designer might need. The maximum area that can be quickly visually accessed by AutoCAD screen operations is user-configurable and is called drawing limits. The assigned limits should slightly exceed the total overall dimensions of the designed object - so that in the maximum visible area of ​​the drawing there is room for the previously mentioned design tools.

A large number of objects in drawings

When designing construction projects, as a rule, simple geometry is used for each individual building element, but any simple drawing or model contains a lot of such elements.

On the one hand, the simplicity of geometry eliminates the need to describe complex shapes (which, for example, automobile designers have to do). On the other hand, the high saturation of drawings forces us to take care of cost-effective solutions for system resources. This here means the correct choice of primitive types on the basis of which a logical object is formed, and the optimal method for creating them. The selected primitives must be as economical as possible in terms of the required system resources and optimally editable from the point of view of the context of their application.

Repeating objects

The multitude of objects contained in a construction drawing or model, as a rule, can be attributed only to a limited number of standard sizes, within which the objects themselves are repeated absolutely identical copies.

In this regard, functions that allow you to create copies of objects and their arrays are becoming very popular. In addition, some objects, once created, can then be reused not only in the current, but also in subsequent drawings. AutoCAD provides tools that allow you to create, store, and easily access these objects for reuse. Due to this need, due attention should be paid to named groups of primitives, internal and external blocks, and external references.

Identically mutable objects

Being identical, repeated objects, as a rule, must change synchronously. When you use blocks and xrefs, changes you make to one object apply to multiple identical objects in the drawing. Such global editing is one of the most important means of increasing worker productivity.

Extracting quantitative information

As a rule, objects of the same type require taking into account the number of their occurrences in the drawing. This is necessary to determine the consumption of construction products, building materials and funds. For the same purpose, it is necessary to determine the length, area and volume of objects or areas formed by them. AutoCAD contains commands for automatically measuring geometric objects, displaying the results on the screen for review. To count occurrences of blocks, special objects called attributes are used that are embedded in them. Block attributes store editable text or numeric information, which can then be retrieved and processed in external programs to generate reporting documents.

Connectivity of information in different documents

During the design process, local changes in individual drawings are made constantly; they must be promptly taken into account and, if necessary, reflected in all other drawings of the project. Ideally, this transfer of information should be done automatically. This is achievable with proper organization of work both on each individual drawing and globally, within the entire working group. Various drawing documents are generated based on common initial graphic information. As a rule, these are basic general construction drawings: plans, facades, sections. The formation of the remaining drawings consists solely of filtering the original graphic information (leaving walls and openings, excluding filling of openings) and adding special information to it, but not at all in revising the basic geometry. You can eliminate multiple duplication of master data by providing access to it from various drawings using external links. This method allows all project documents to use updated master graphics data as soon as changes are made to them. The same purpose is served by the rational organization of a set of layers, which allows, if necessary, to create in one file many different drawing documents that immediately reflect changes made in any of them.

Parallel work of a group of performers on a common document

Sometimes it is necessary to ensure the collaboration of several executors on one document. This may be necessary, for example, if, in parallel with the start of design work, clarifying field measurements are carried out. In the standard case, after creating a refined construction basis, the developed drawings will have to be adjusted, mechanically duplicating the desk part of the measurements. If the construction base exists as a separate source drawing, to which external references are made from parallel project drawings, they can be updated automatically and immediately as changes are made to such a base. In a similar way, by means of references to models of individual floors of a building carried out by various performers, it is possible to assemble its complete model and, on its basis, form other projections and sections.

Formation of types of flat projections of three-dimensional models

AutoCAD allows for a different approach to the formation of facades and sections of designed buildings. They can be formed manually from flat base primitives in a similar way to what happens with paper drawing, which cannot be considered the optimal method, but is sometimes necessary. In addition, vertical projections can be obtained by setting up appropriate views of the volumetric model in paper space viewports, which can significantly reduce workload and provide dynamic associative feedback of such projections to the original model. And yet, automatically generated projections do not always provide a completely correct image: for example, they may contain extra lines along the joints of parts of the walls. Therefore, a method is often used to automatically obtain, based on a model, flat editable images of its projections, which can then be modified using conventional AutoCAD tools. This is especially justified when the building being designed must have complex decor, which is impractical to reproduce in a three-dimensional model, but must be reflected in the drawings. In other cases, on the contrary, even if the task of creating a three-dimensional model is not set, it may be technologically easier to create it in all details to form facades or parts thereof, rather than trying to capture the visual reduction of decor along walls curved in plan using flat drawing.

Frequent output of intermediate drawings

In the process of working on a project, it is necessary to produce intermediate drawings very often - including for issuing assignments, coordination with the customer and subcontractors. This makes it relevant to print drawing documents from layouts pre-formed in sheet space. This setup requires no more time than preparing a one-time print from model space, but eliminates the need to do it again. Many such layouts can be created in any file for different printing conditions. The customized layout is sent to an external device instantly and does not require additional control when printing, which saves time when performing routine auxiliary operations, which can be used to solve creative problems. In some cases, it may be useful to replace the output of drawings on hard media by generating compact files of a special format that allow you to view their contents and make printouts without launching AutoCAD. Since these files cannot be edited, when you hand over your drawings to the customer in this form, you can be sure that your design materials will not be used by competitors.

Speed ​​of change

Current market conditions and the frequent parallelization of the design and construction processes (albeit contrary to the legal order) impose strict requirements on design deadlines and the efficiency of taking into account the customer’s wishes during the work process. Additional productivity tools are of great help here, including those included in the additional Express menu group in AutoCAD 2000. Some of the tools presented here allow you to reduce the time spent on individual operations by several times, and even tens of times. For example, masked blocks, simultaneous cropping of multiple contour objects along a selected edge, layer management operations, and some others deserve close attention.

Presentation visualization

Presentation visualization is an extremely important part of construction design. It is performed both in the early stages to attract the customer, and at the end of work on the project in order to obtain its approval. Most often, special visualization programs are used for this type of work. However, AutoCAD contains a fairly powerful module for preparing photorealistic images, allowing you to flexibly adjust the point of view and lighting, assign visual properties of real materials to parts of buildings, apply special effects that simulate natural observation conditions, and fit buildings into a photographic background that reproduces the real environment. In most cases, these capabilities are sufficient for working with construction projects.


With this opus I begin a series of articles devoted to the methodological aspects of using AutoCAD in construction design. You have already become acquainted with the approximate list of topics that I would like to touch upon above, although I am not inclined to regard this list as dogma when presenting the material in more detail.

What will be described is what I use and has proven itself in practice. However, the choice of tools is a purely individual matter. Therefore, I want to make it clear in advance that you, the reader, are responsible to yourself and your employers for the decision to follow these recommendations or not.

Your questions related to the topics covered can be directed to the editorial office.

Working in AutoCAD is, first of all, determined by the concept of preparing large projects, the development of which is occupied by a large group of specialists from one or several departments of the enterprise. Hundreds or even thousands of files may be involved in the preparation of such a project. In turn, each file can contain many sheets displaying the designed object in various views or projections. Moreover, specialists from different departments can work on the same document, interconnected by the need for constant exchange of information, etc. The resulting package of documents requires organization and structuring. Previously, in the absence of an electronic document management system, such work was performed manually (for example, using subfolders located on a network server). Creating such a hierarchical system is very difficult, and earlier, in older versions of AutoCAD, a huge amount of time was spent on this and many unnecessary actions were performed, ultimately sharply reducing the productivity of the team involved in the development of one project. There are two tools available in AutoCAD 2010 to solve this problem − Sheet Set manager And Markup Set manager.

A single DWG file can contain one model space and an unlimited number of layouts based on viewports from the model space. This concept of working with a drawing is quite convenient and sufficient for one user, but when the project is carried out by a group of specialists and consists of many different files, such a model ceases to be effective. Sheet Set Manager allows you to structure project documents into sets of sheets, distinguishing groups according to various criteria. These groups of sheets are displayed as a file tree, making it easy to see which users are working on which document.

Sheet Set Manager(Fig. 1.45) is caused by the combination keys Ctrl+4 or using the button

Sheet Set manager located in the instrumental group Palettes tabs View. It consists of three tabs: Sheet List, View List, Resource Drawing.

Tab Sheet List contains a tree-like list of project sheets. In this case, a set of sheets can be created for the entire project, and then divided into subgroups according to various criteria. In turn, each of the subgroups can be detailed.

If necessary, a certain package of drawings can be transferred to a third party by publishing them in multi-sheet DWF format. To do this, just use the context menu system Sheet Set Manager by executing the command using them Publish \ Publish to DWF.

The context menu is also called up by clicking on the project name itself. It adds several useful commands that run simultaneously across the entire set of sheets. So, for example, the command Insert Sheet List Table allows you to automatically generate a list of sheets. When adding, deleting or changing the order of sheets, the created list is updated automatically. Team Archive The same context menu allows you to automatically archive a set of sheets at the main stages of the project, ensuring the preservation of the sequence of work and quick access to previous versions.

Two other tabs – View List And Resource Drawing - contain, respectively, a list of named project views and common drawing resources.

Sheet Set Manager It also allows you to quickly assemble sheets into sets from existing drawings using the same design attributes, and provide simultaneous access to sets of sheets over a local network, as well as add or exclude sheets from existing sets.

Note Manager allows users to share compact drawings in DWF format over the Internet. These files contain information about what corrections need to be made to the main drawing files. The DWF file has a tree structure in accordance with the main drawing, written in DWF format, and a list of comments for each of the sheets of the main document. Having received such a file, the user can view comments on each of the sheets and make appropriate amendments. The Notes Manager can be easily closed and opened using the Ctrl+7 key combination.

Before drawing a house plan in AutoCAD, you need to decide on the type of future structure:

  • number of floors and rooms;
  • area and shape of the house (rectangular, square).

Project and drawing of a two-story cottage created in Autocad

Then you will need it yourself.

Experts identify several construction technologies for building houses:

  • stone (use of brick, foam block);
  • permanent formwork;
  • frame-panel;
  • wooden (using beams or logs).

The technologies described above are used for private construction. To create a house project yourself, experts advise using paid or. If possible, you can buy a licensed version of the software. Home design is a branch of architecture and design.

House layout created in AutoCAD

To correctly carry out such a task, a multifunctional special program is used. With its help you can:

  • calculate consumables;
  • draw a building;
  • model a house in 3D.

- difficult task. Therefore, in the absence of experience in this field of activity, consultation with specialists will be required. Otherwise, it is recommended to use simple online programs. They are designed for economical construction and the creation of standard house designs. More complex programs are used to create an original idea.

If you want, then software for designing wooden houses is used. It allows you to create a three-dimensional model of a wooden house based on data on the dimensions of the logs. In this case, the user independently specifies the location of the transverse cuts.

Three-dimensional model of a two-story house made in AutoCAD

In other cases, online 3D modeling programs are used. Such software performs building design in a semi-automatic mode.

Using the given dimensions, the program will independently draw a house plan. If necessary, the user can make his own adjustments. You can draw a house plan in AutoCAD and KOMPAS-3D.

These programs are first downloaded and installed on a PC.

Read also

Foundation design and calculation program

List of software

The Arcon program is often used to design houses. It allows you to see the future structure in three dimensions. This program is designed to solve issues related to the preliminary design of a house of any complexity. Arcon is an online software with a clear and simple interface that is used for . If necessary, the user can work on putting the necessary inscriptions and dimensions on the plan. The finished project can be printed.

Designing a house in the Arcon program

To simplify the process of creating a house plan in Arkona, different textures are provided. The program library consists of more than 1,300 textures and 3,000 interior objects. If necessary, the user can upload his elements in 3ds format. The Arcon program also provides functions of different shapes. This software can be used for remodeling premises. Experts include the main tools of such software:

  • door and window designer;
  • calculation of shadow, lighting, light;
  • module for editing or creating 3D elements.

To design a house in 3D, you can use the free program FloorPlan3D. With its help, you can also plan the design of each room and make the necessary calculations.

Introduction to AutoCAD

You can draw a future building in AutoCAD.
This program provides the ability to view 8 project creation slides, each of which consists of several sub-items. If necessary, the user can view it at any time from different sides in 3D mode. The next step is to become familiar with the building design requirements. At this stage it is necessary:

  1. Determining the main dimensions of the house.
  2. Layout.
  3. Construction zone.
  4. Calculation of consumables.

We draw a house plan in AutoCAD using transfer tools, segments, copying (mirror), and shifting lines to the required distance. Therefore, it is recommended to first study the software tools.

To build walls use:

  • standard primitive “Box” and subsequent union;
  • extrusion of a closed contour;
  • team "Polytelo".

Experts advise beginners to draw a house plan in AutoCAD using the latter method.

The “Polysolid” command is an analogue of 2D, with which the user can:

  • create arc-shaped segments;
  • convert flat primitives (circle, rectangle);
  • quickly erect partitions.
