Welcome message via direct message. Promotion on Instagram in a couple of clicks! Tips and secrets of mailings in Instagram Direct

Social networks have not only become a part of everyday life, but have also become a unique sales channel. Instagram has become a convenient platform for commercial activities. According to statistics, more than 700 million users are registered on the social network. However, growing competition forces us to turn to various methods of profile promotion. One of them is mass mailing advertising messages in Direct Instagram (Direct Instagram) for subscribers and programs for this.

How to use

Why is this necessary?

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Targeted sending of individual letters to users allows you to solve several problems:

  1. Welcome new subscribers. Information with text is received immediately after subscribing to your account.
  2. Inform existing audience. The launch of a promotion, the start of a sale, a meeting with fans or an invitation to a party are just a few topics for texts. You should set up a filter by specifying recipients.
  3. Get new subscribers. You can send a notification to recently registered users or competitors' customers.

Before you send a mass mailing to Instagram subscribers via Direct, you should understand how to use automated resources. There are two possible solutions: sending mass messages through a website online or downloading a program to your computer. They are not fundamentally different, but Internet sites allow you to track progress and set tasks from any device that has access to the network. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to combine sending notifications with mass liking (the program puts “I like” under users’ photos) and mass following (auto-following users).

What's the point

Searching, copying and sending notifications yourself takes a lot of time. By connecting to the newsletter, the profile owner saves hours on useful activities: consulting clients, creating posts or sending goods.


Well-written text containing interesting information, distributed among the target audience helps:

  • attract new subscribers;
  • increase the number of sales;
  • improve your account image;
  • inform about changes or promotions;
  • lure customers away from competitors.

Before sending a message, you should check it for errors and work out the structure of the text. It is advisable to use lists and highlight a new thought in a paragraph. Instagram gives the business owner freedom: it is quite possible to use colloquial expressions and emoticons on the social network, but do not forget about the rules of polite communication.


Growing commercial interest in users social network led to an oversupply. Account owners are bombarded with dozens of newsletters every day. Therefore, the main disadvantage of using services for sending messages via Direct on Instagram is the low efficiency. Users quickly filter out incoming texts, and sometimes even complain about spam. For the latter, an account using bulk sending may well receive a ban. The only option to interest the audience is a thoughtful, catchy letter. The method has other disadvantages:

  1. Account blocked due to number of actions. Increased activity may be regarded by the administration as fraudulent manipulation. As a result, the page is blocked temporarily or permanently.
  2. The high cost of mass mailings on Instagram Direct. Sometimes services do not produce practically any results, and the use of resources costs at least 700-1000 rubles per month. However, almost all programs can be tested for free.

Execution of the process

To increase the effect of mass sending and avoid annoying consequences like a ban, you need to know the following steps:

  1. Prepare a template. The text should contain basic information, not be drawn out and interest from the first lines. If you can’t make a proposal yourself, you can use the services of specialists. It is better to prepare several versions of the template.
  2. Install filters. Before you create and set up a Direct mailing for Instagram (through programs and services), you need to decide on your audience. Thus, bed linen is unlikely to interest young men, and sending information to inactive pages is completely pointless. The account owner can determine the distribution area, scope of coverage, and age of potential customers.
  3. Start the process. Most resources allow you to track progress at all stages.

Criteria for choosing a service for mailing

Application selection is based on

  1. Functionality. There are programs that only allow you to send. Others combine several functions: liking photos and mass following.
  2. Cost. When planning for a specific page, you need to pay attention to the price of the service. It’s better to stick to services that support linking multiple accounts at once. It will be more economical this way.
  3. Algorithm. It is important to choose the right one for a specific profile.

10 best services

In order not to get confused in numerous programs, you need to familiarize yourself with the most convenient and popular offers in advance. Most of them allow you to both send a newsletter and engage in mass following or mass liking.


One of the most popular programs, among its features:

  • putting likes;
  • collecting data for further development;
  • unsubscribe;
  • viewing stories;
  • mass subscription;
  • generating comments.

Before setting up a newsletter on Direct Instagram, you do not need to install InstaPlus on your computer. Even a smartphone with Internet access will do. The program is distinguished by high speed and the ability to promote up to 5 accounts at a time. The trial period (5 days) is free. In the future, the package will cost 399-1699 rubles, depending on the term.


This program is suitable for entrepreneurs and bloggers. Available in 2 versions:

  1. Cloud. Allows you to create and configure mass mailing of messages in Direct Instagram, as well as generate comments in Direct, organize mass following and mass liking. Controlled from any device with network access. The cost of the package is from 199 rubles per month.
  2. Professional for PC. It works after downloading to your computer. Features a wide range of settings and tasks. There are no restrictions on the number of linked profiles. Price – from 1199 rubles per month.

The built-in randomizer reduces the likelihood of a page being blocked for sending spam to users.


Allows you to send welcome notifications or distribute information to a list. The price for a monthly subscription is quite affordable - 790 rubles. For the first 3 days, new users test the service for free. The program is distinguished by clear interface, several types of strategy, the ability to attach images to text.


The service is capable of sending up to 125 thousand messages per day and linking 1-51 accounts. All work is done remotely, there is no need to download anything. The program for Instagram allows you to set up a newsletter on Instagram, conduct correspondence via a computer, and place active links in templates. The cost of use depends on the number of profiles. Managing one page will cost 100 rubles per month. You can calculate the exact amount for a larger number of profiles on the resource’s website.

SMM Geeks

Multifunctional program with 3 strategies. Allows you to filter users, including based on geolocation data. Also:

  • the cost of a monthly subscription is 799 rubles;
  • free trial period– 3 days;
  • does not separate business pages from other profiles.


Using this program, you can type up to 20 message options for future sending. The service does not support the dissemination of information to selected profiles and resets the text only to new subscribers of the page. Among the nuances:

  • 699 rubles per month;
  • only manual sending to lists;
  • clear interface.


Not long ago, the service offered many other promotion tasks. “Homster” worked on the basis of 2 strategies, supported simultaneous linking of up to 30 accounts, but, alas, ceased its activities after changing the algorithms on the social network.


Designed for maintaining Direct on a computer. Makes it easier to respond to comments and private messages and instantly displays a notification about an incoming request. The program is different:

  • quick launch and clear interface;
  • protection from ban due to a limited number of shipments;
  • working in a remote cloud;
  • 24/7 assistance from technical specialists.

The service also works according to 3 strategies. Price per month of use from 190 to 2860 rubles.


The program copes with a number of tasks. Helps you learn how to make an automatic newsletter on Instagram Direct, add likes, add users, and start scheduled posting. The subscription price depends on the number of linked accounts and ranges from 390 rubles to 14.5 thousand. Besides:

  • applies 3 strategies;
  • filters the audience;
  • the first 2 days of use are free;
  • generates statistics.


Gets likes, looks at user stories, and posts comments. The first 3 days are provided in test mode without payment. Promotion, commenting and delayed posting are paid separately. The cost of each service is 790 rubles per month. You can purchase packages, the price for which ranges from 790 to 7490 rubles.


Another way to automatically collect is to use this resource. The system protects your account from being blocked for spam, has numerous audience filters, and works without registration. A 3-day trial period allows you to get acquainted with all the capabilities of the service for free. Then the cost will be 790 rubles per month. Important:

  • has 3 strategies;
  • supports any number of accounts.

Tips and secrets of mailings in Instagram Direct

  • focus not on the characteristics of the product, but on its benefits for the buyer (“this fur coat will warm you in winter”, “our bags will decorate your image”, “a holiday at the hotel will energize you”);
  • offer promotions and discounts (reduce the price for new customers, assign a number for a subsequent prize draw);
  • rely on humor or shock content (use it carefully: it may scare away the client).


The main rule of sending messages on Instagram Direct is moderation. You should not send more than 70 messages per day to new subscribers to avoid blocking the page. For other profiles, the value is even less - 50 emails every 24 hours.

Lead magnet options

The method allows you to collect contact information from newly arrived viewers and form a potential client base. After all, getting to know and “warming up” the client is important stage in this matter. The following types of lead magnets are most effective:

  • built on the needs of the audience;
  • guaranteeing discounts and gifts for the buyer;
  • containing advice on choosing a product.


Lesson 15. How to run a task for the Direct mailing list?

Step 1. As usual, the first thing we need to do is go to the sectionCreate a Task .

Step 2. Select an account for promotion. If you are connected to at the moment one account, it will be selected by default.

Step 3. Next, select an action Direct.

Step 4. As a source you can select User or User list- depending on your goals.

1. User. By default, your own account is considered a user. A newsletter to all subscribers of your account will be useful if you want to make a general newsletter.

2. User list. You can prepare a list of users to send mailings specifically to them. This will be useful if you want to do special offer for a specific user segment.

Step 5. The next thing we need to do is select List of messages. If you don't have a list created yet, you should create one. To do this we go to the sectionMy lists . Choose Direct messages and press the button Create a list.

Step 6. Specify List name.

Step 7. And let's start writing a list of messages.

We recommend creating a large list of messages, at least 20 messages per list, so that each letter is individual and not repeated. Do not write long or similar messages so as not to look like spam. The length of the message is at least 2 and no more than 1000 characters. Messages can be written either as a line or divided into paragraphs. Individual messages must be separated by a blank line. You can insert emoticons into the text. The text must be inserted or written in the right editor window.

There is an option to add a link in the text. The link must start with https:// for it to be active (for example: https://www.instagram.com or https://www.facebook.com).


Thank you for subscribing!

Good afternoon Thank you for subscribing :) Write to me in direct message and get a 20% discount on the entire range.

You can also tag users by full name/name/login in any part of the text (the service will automatically tag the user to whom it is writing)


Hello, ((user.full_name)) .
Thank you for subscribing!
For this you get a 20% discount on your first order. - So the Instaplus service will see 3 offers.

Good afternoon, ((user.first_name))! Thank you for subscribing :) Write to me in direct message and get a 20% discount on the entire range.

When the list is complete, click "add message."

After this, your messages will appear in the left editor window. If you want to edit or delete them, click on “Edit all” or “Delete all”. You can also edit individual messages. The selected message or all will appear again in the right window, where you can make the necessary changes. After making changes, click on the "Save Changes" button. The total number of messages will be indicated below the left window.

If, when composing a message, the permissible number of characters is exceeded, a red inscription will appear under the right editor window - the number of characters.

An incorrectly composed and saved message will be highlighted with a red frame, and the number of messages with errors will be indicated under the left editor window.

Step 8. After the list has been compiled, click Save.

Step 9. Return to the Create Task section and go to the stage where we stopped and select our List of messages.

Step 10. We indicate the number of messages that we want to send to our subscribers according to. And check the boxes and .


1. Skip users who have already sent a message. Thanks to this option, you can avoid re-sending messages to users who have already received letters from you. This will be useful if you want to send a special offer to your users only once.

Important! This option works for each message list separately. For example, if you create a list of “Welcome” messages and launch a mailing list to your subscribers, then with each new mailing task, Instaplus will skip those users who have already received a letter from this mailing list. But if you create a new list of messages, for example, “Offer for November 1” and start a mailing list, then messages from this mailing list can also be received by those users who received a letter from the “Welcome” mailing list.

Thus: users of each newsletter are marked separately by Instaplus.

2. Skip users who have not seen the previous message. This option allows you not to send messages to those users who received a message from you but did not read it. This will help, firstly, to exclude active users from the newsletter; and secondly, do not be too intrusive to your account.

Step 11. If you want the service to send a message to all your subscribers immediately after creating a task, then select No Filter And Without Timer and press the button Run Task.

READY! The task has started. In the near future, your account will begin sending out one message to your 50 subscribers.

Thank you for watching this lesson.

That's all for us.

Friends, on behalf of the entire Instaplus service team, we say a huge thank you to each of you.

We are grateful to you for being our clients.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us via Online Chat on the website instaplus.me, we will always help you and provide high-quality, qualified assistance to resolve your problem.

Happy promotion!

Today, advertising through the relatively recently introduced option on Instagram to send messages via Direct is very effective.

This function allows you to contact each person as individually as possible, sending personal messages even to those people who are not on your subscriber list. Unlike mailing, for example, in WhatsApp or Viber. Or on any other social networks.

Today Instagram is one of the most popular networks, reaching millions of users. According to data for 2017, about 22 million residents in Russia use this network. There is a huge and completely different audience here. Audience different generations, different movements and, accordingly, adhering to different worldviews and interests. This means that she is interested in purchasing products and services in a variety of areas.

At the same time, the audience is solvent, since users, as a rule, have phones with good cameras, and mainly with Apple brand phones.

At the same time, the Instagram audience is different from the audience of other social networks with your activity. On Instagram, people shop when you manage to evoke emotions in them.
Mailing via Direct allows us to increase sales simply due to the fact that we contact the person personally.

You can, of course, send mass messages manually, writing offers for each person individually, or you can do it automatically, using a special one.

The mailing function is already built into the powerful Instagram promotion service - .

The total cost of advertising on Instagram Direct is several times cheaper than advertising on other sources.

Through Direct you can advertise your products and services, as well as quickly notify all interested people about current promotions. Here you can work both with your subscribers and simply with third-party users whom you have not touched. This is quite easy to do through the service.

  • For each new subscriber. A message will be sent to each new subscriber within 10-20 minutes immediately after he follows you. You can use this option to welcome new subscribers and make a personal offer.

Here you can write absolutely any text, randomizing it as much as possible using a formula. In special brackets you can write synonymous words, for example: (good afternoon | hello | greetings | good day) and thus compose one universal text, which the service will automatically multiply, creating a huge number of messages that are not repeated with each other, which will allow completely avoid blocking. Instagram won’t even suspect that it’s not you who is doing this, but the service :)

  • According to your list. You can also enter your list of accounts to whom you need to send a message. All you need is a list of accounts.

Also, by clicking on the “History” tab, you can see everyone to whom messages were sent and when. Now you can see what the messages look like. They are all different and without brackets :)

There is integration with the AmoCRM Telegram bot, database filtering and other things.

Why do you need a newsletter on Instagram?

Using Direct mailings, you can make sales within your own or someone else’s follower base. And also, welcome new subscribers, while talking about ongoing promotions. When working with followers of your account, this is a completely white tool. For mailings to other people's databases, the effectiveness needs to be tested: Instagram has quite strict limits on the number of messages, you need to use many accounts at once.

Limits on sending messages on Instagram Direct

The service takes care of the security of accounts and automatically sets pauses between messages and respects limits. At the same time, you must not forget about mailing limits. The following restrictions apply for 1 account per day:

  • 70 messages to your subscribers
  • 50 messages about other people’s subscribers (competitors, lists, etc.)

You can add several

How to use LeadFeed services

Using the big blue button, you can add Instagram accounts from which the newsletter will be sent. Of course, you can enable a proxy for your account.

  • By new subscribers - people who have just subscribed to your account.
  • To all subscribers - newsletter to all your followers.
  • According to our list - we load our own list of logins.
  • According to new subscribers of competitors - users who have just subscribed to any other accounts.

LeadFeed does not have a built-in user parser. Therefore, if you want to send a newsletter by own list, use a third-party collection tool. For example, logins can be converted from Vkontakte.

  • Text + link - write any message
  • Post - indicate the link to the Instagram post
  • Text + post

If you write text, be sure to use uniqueness features. I recommend adding at least 3 synonyms for most words in your message + not writing too short messages. Especially if the Direct mailing is not sent to your own subscriber base.

Specify the text of the messages (be sure to read the suggested FAQ). If you choose a mailing format with a post, then add a link to it.

Now filtering. We can indicate the number of subscriptions and subscribers. Add stop word databases or a white list (mailing only to accounts containing...).

Be sure to specify filtering for accounts with a large number of subscriptions.

Ready. Click “Launch”.

Video review of the service for direct mailings LeadFeed:

How much do Instagram newsletters cost at LeadFeed?

Use the promotional code Gruzdevv when paying for LeadFeed - upon payment you will receive an additional 7 days of using the service.

  • 1 account in the service = 190 rubles
  • 5 accounts = 580 rubles
  • 50 accounts = 2860 rubles

There are no message limits or functionality restrictions. When paying for 3 months or more, discounts begin to apply. Integration with AmoCRM is paid separately and is quite expensive: from 990 rubles for each account.

Proxies are issued by the service, but if you decide to use your own, you need to add the cost of their rental to the total costs of direct mailing.

Review of LeadFeed

I liked the integration with AmoCRM, the ability to connect a Telegram bot and the very simple interface. Yes, direct mailing is available in some other Instagram promotion services. But it’s somehow more pleasant to work with separate tools. And in conjunction with a good database parser, LeadFeed turns into a powerful advertising tool. Unfortunately, at the moment I don’t have any Instagram accounts to test it for working with competitions and other activities. But it can definitely be applied in this direction.

Lesson 15. How to run a task for the Direct mailing list?

Step 1. As usual, the first thing we need to do is go to the sectionCreate a Task .

Step 2. Select an account for promotion. If you currently have one account connected, it will be selected by default.

Step 3. Next, select an action Direct.

Step 4. As a source you can select User or User list- depending on your goals.

1. User. By default, your own account is considered a user. A newsletter to all subscribers of your account will be useful if you want to make a general newsletter.

2. User list. You can prepare a list of users to send a newsletter specifically to them. This will be useful if you want to make a special offer for a certain segment of users.

Step 5. The next thing we need to do is select List of messages. If you don't have a list created yet, you should create one. To do this we go to the sectionMy lists . Choose Direct messages and press the button Create a list.

Step 6. Specify List name.

Step 7. And let's start writing a list of messages.

We recommend creating a large list of messages, at least 20 messages per list, so that each letter is individual and not repeated. Do not write long or similar messages so as not to look like spam. The length of the message is at least 2 and no more than 1000 characters. Messages can be written either as a line or divided into paragraphs. Individual messages must be separated by a blank line. You can insert emoticons into the text. The text must be inserted or written in the right editor window.

There is an option to add a link in the text. The link must start with https:// for it to be active (for example: https://www.instagram.com or https://www.facebook.com).


Thank you for subscribing!

Good afternoon Thank you for subscribing :) Write to me in direct message and get a 20% discount on the entire range.

You can also tag users by full name/name/login in any part of the text (the service will automatically tag the user to whom it is writing)


Hello, ((user.full_name)) .
Thank you for subscribing!
For this you get a 20% discount on your first order. - So the Instaplus service will see 3 offers.

Good afternoon, ((user.first_name))! Thank you for subscribing :) Write to me in direct message and get a 20% discount on the entire range.

When the list is complete, click "add message."

After this, your messages will appear in the left editor window. If you want to edit or delete them, click on “Edit all” or “Delete all”. You can also edit individual messages. The selected message or all will appear again in the right window, where you can make the necessary changes. After making changes, click on the "Save Changes" button. The total number of messages will be indicated below the left window.

If, when composing a message, the permissible number of characters is exceeded, a red inscription will appear under the right editor window - the number of characters.

An incorrectly composed and saved message will be highlighted with a red frame, and the number of messages with errors will be indicated under the left editor window.

Step 8. After the list has been compiled, click Save.

Step 9. Return to the Create Task section and go to the stage where we stopped and select our List of messages.

Step 10. We indicate the number of messages that we want to send to our subscribers according to. And check the boxes and .


1. Skip users who have already sent a message. Thanks to this option, you can avoid re-sending messages to users who have already received letters from you. This will be useful if you want to send a special offer to your users only once.

Important! This option works for each message list separately. For example, if you create a list of “Welcome” messages and launch a mailing list to your subscribers, then with each new mailing task, Instaplus will skip those users who have already received a letter from this mailing list. But if you create a new list of messages, for example, “Offer for November 1” and start a mailing list, then messages from this mailing list can also be received by those users who received a letter from the “Welcome” mailing list.

Thus: users of each newsletter are marked separately by Instaplus.

2. Skip users who have not seen the previous message. This option allows you not to send messages to those users who received a message from you but did not read it. This will help, firstly, to exclude inactive users from the mailing list; and secondly, do not be too intrusive to your account.

Step 11. If you want the service to send a message to all your subscribers immediately after creating a task, then select No Filter And Without Timer and press the button Run Task.

READY! The task has started. In the near future, your account will begin sending out one message to your 50 subscribers.

Thank you for watching this lesson.

That's all for us.

Friends, on behalf of the entire Instaplus service team, we say a huge thank you to each of you.

We are grateful to you for being our clients.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us via Online Chat on the website instaplus.me, we will always help you and provide high-quality, qualified assistance to resolve your problem.

Happy promotion!
