How to enable cookies in mozilla. Enabling cookies in the Firefox browser. What Enhanced Tracking Protection Blocks

Cookies are small text files, which web servers may place on your computer when you visit their website.

Cookies are typically used to help websites remember and identify you, and store personal browsing information for that site. Cookies may also be necessary to track your behavior on other resources related to the main one.

If you don't know how to enable cookies in your browser, please refer to our guide below.

The screenshots below will help you understand in detail the settings and enable cookies in your browser.

1. Click the button "Configuration and management"

Once clicked, a menu will open with many options. One of them will be called "Settings".

2. Select a menu item "Settings"

A new window with configurations will appear.

3. Search for “Cookie” settings

Enter the word in the search "Cookie"(the request is not case sensitive), you will see that Chrome begins to change the contents of the page. The section will open "Privacy and Security" and the section we need will be highlighted in yellow.

  • Click the button "Content Settings"
  • Further "Cookies"

4. Configuring the necessary parameters

If you need to enable cookies in your browser Google Chrome, select the very first option - "Allow sites to save and read cookies (recommended)". This will allow websites to store cookies (and other data) on your computer for as long as the websites specify.

An alternative to this option is to select "Delete local data when closing browser". This will allow you to work with regular files cookies (for example, registering on sites with a username and password), but each time you close and reopen your web browser, you will need to log into the site again. This setting can also help eliminate advertising companies that track your behavior across sites.

And of course, if you want to disable Cookies completely, select the option "Block third party cookies".

After completing the steps, you can close the settings tab, and it is advisable to restart the browser to apply the specified functions.

This guide will help you correctly configure and enable cookies in your browser.

1. Select the "Tools" menu

IN Internet Explorer"Service" can be found in two places - this is the menu at the top of the screen:

You can also open settings by clicking the gear icon on the right side of the browser window:

2. Select "Internet Options"

You can also open it using the “Service” list, or by clicking on the gear, and select the settings section we need.

3. Select the “Privacy” section

The window that will appear in front of you will have several tabs, but we need to select a section "Confidentiality", click on it:

4. Enable/Disable Cookies

Internet Explorer has several settings that can block or disable cookies.

The Privacy settings have a slider at the top of the window that you can drag up or down to choose different levels of security.

By moving this panel up or down, on the right you can notice detailed description each level of security provided.

It varies from "block all cookies" before "accept all cookies". The default value is "Average", which strikes a balance between the correct use of cookies and a significant restriction against the leakage of confidential data about visits to other sites.

Generally speaking, if you're having problems using certain sites because your Cookie settings have been changed, the easiest way to fix it is to simply reset the settings to default.

And of course, don't forget to press the button "Apply" And "OK" at the bottom of the window to accept the settings changes.

That's it, now your cookies are in Internet browser Explorer is enabled and configured correctly.

IN this manual, we have described the step-by-step process for enabling support cookies s in the popular Firefox browser.

1. Click on the menu button

This button is located in the upper right corner, and it looks like three horizontal lines.

2. Select “Menu” - “Settings”

After opening, you will see a window with settings.

3. Looking for Cookie settings

At the top of the screen you will see a search menu, enter the word "cookies" if you have a Russian version of the browser, or "Cookie" if English speaking.

4. Select your preferred Cookie / History option

Firefox groups Cookies settings according to the concept of "browsing history". To change your browser's cookie policy, you must also adjust your browser history settings.

When you click on the drop-down menus, you will see three options.

  • Will remember the story. This mode is usually the default; with these settings, Firefox saves your entire browsing history and also stores cookies.
  • Will not remember history. This mode used as the opposite of the first. By selecting this option, Firefox will not save your history.
  • Will use your history storage settings. Using custom settings will give you more fine-grained control over what your browser allows and remembers.

The last mode will be preferable for us, since now we have the opportunity to more flexible settings history and cookies. Now we can choose to disable or enable certain functions:

  • Remember your browsing history
  • Include form history
  • Accept or not accept cookies from sites

There will also be some features available that involve blocking specified sites so that they do not accept cookies. You can also configure how long Firefox will keep the cookies it sets.

After making settings with the browser, restart it so that the new browser settings are accepted.

In this article, we showed how and where to enable cookies in a variety of popular browsers. If it helped you this information, then please share it on in social networks, and if you have any questions, you can always ask us a question in the comments.

Enhanced Tracking Protection is a set of Firefox features that automatically protect your privacy while you browse. It blocks many trackers that follow you around the internet to collect information about your browsing habits and interests. It also includes protection against malicious scripts such as malware, draining the battery.

Although this protection is invisible, you can see what is being blocked on each page by clicking the shield on the left side of the address bar. To see what has been blocked on all sites in the last week, click on the menu button and select Privacy protection. (Alternatively, you can enter in the address bar about:protections). As a result, the Privacy Protection page will open in a new tab.

What does Enhanced Tracking Protection block?

Firefox uses a list of known trackers provided by Disconnect. By default, Firefox blocks the following types of trackers and scripts.

How do you know when Firefox is protecting you?

The shield to the left of the address bar shows you that Firefox is blocking trackers and scripts on the site.

How to find out what is blocked on a site?

Click the shield to see what Firefox is blocking.

This panel will display various information depending on the site you are on.

  • Blocked: Firefox blocks these trackers and scripts. Click on each one to view a detailed list.
  • Allowed: These trackers and scripts are loaded on the page. This is either because blocking them can cause the website to break, or because you have adjusted your privacy settings to allow them.
  • Nothing found: Firefox searched for such trackers and scripts, but did not find them on this site.
  • Click Security settings to make changes to your global privacy settings.
  • Click View report to see everything that has been blocked in the last week.

What to do if the site looks broken?

If the site looks broken, try turning off Enhanced Tracking Protection. This will allow trackers to load only on that site. Improved Tracking Protection will continue to block trackers on other sites.

Follow the same steps to re-enable Enhanced Tracking Protection.

You may experience crashes on some sites if you choose Strict Improved tracking protection. This may happen because trackers are hidden in part of the content. For example, a website may include a video from another resource or a post from a social network that contains trackers. To block such trackers, Firefox must also block the content itself.

Trackers are often hidden in the following types of content:

  • Site login fields
  • Forms
  • Payments
  • Comments
  • Video

Change your global Enhanced Tracking Protection settings

When you download and install Firefox, all the security mechanisms included in Standard Improved tracking protection is already included.

To view or change your Enhanced Tracking Protection settings, click the shield on the left side of the address bar on each website and select Security settings. The Firefox Settings panel will open in a new tab - Privacy and Security.

Advice: These settings are also available in the Firefox menu:
Click , click Settings and select Privacy and Security.

Standard Enhanced Tracking Protection

By default, Firefox blocks the following on all sites.

Strict Enhanced Tracking Protection

To further improve your privacy, select Strict Improved tracking protection.

  • Social Media Trackers
  • Cross-site tracking cookies
  • Digital fingerprint collectors
  • Cryptominers
  • Tracking content in all windows

Strict will allow pages to load faster, but may break some buttons, forms and login fields on sites.

The full functioning of websites is determined by many parameters. One of them is support for cookies, or the ability to use data generated by web pages that is stored in the computer's memory. In other words, cookies are text files containing information about the personal settings made on various types of Internet resources (design, time zone, city, etc.), as well as about the user’s activity and authentication (logging into an account ). They greatly simplify entering information when registering on websites or filling out other forms.

Among users of the World Wide Web, there is an opinion that activating cookies can harm a computer, like a virus, spyware or malware. This is wrong. By themselves, these files cannot perform any actions, being simple text data. They do not slow down the system and do not require systematic removal; they are stored in the PC memory until they expire.

Often, cookies are enabled by default in browsers. If they are disabled, then you need to know how to enable cookies yourself in a particular browser. Enabling cookie support is easy for both beginners and experienced users. Let's take a closer look at the features of their activation in the most popular browsers.

Cookie support in Internet Explorer browser

Many users use the traditional Internet Explorer browser to view pages. For this program, from version 6 and higher, cookies can be enabled as follows:

  • on the top panel find the “Service” menu section;
  • click on the line “Internet Options”;
  • switch to the “Privacy” tab;
  • click on the “Advanced” line;
  • check the checkbox next to “Override automatic processing of cookies”;
  • select the “Accept” option in the “Essential cookies” and “Third-party cookies” groups;
  • confirm the changes made by clicking the “Ok” button.

There is an easier way to enable cookies in Internet Explorer. Just drag the slider located in the same “Privacy” tab, showing the level of security when working on the network, and set it to medium or low.

Enabling cookies in the Mozilla Firefox browser

One of the popular browsers is Mozilla Firefox. Users using it to surf the web must know how to enable cookies in it. To do this you will need:

Open the “Tools” section;
. go to the “Settings” subsection;
. in the “Privacy” tab, find the Firefox line;
. in the pop-up menu, click on the item “Will remember history”;
. save the changes by clicking the “Ok” button.

There is another way to enable cookies in the Mozilla Firefox browser. To do this you need:

In the “Settings” window, click on the “Privacy” tab;
. in the “History” block find the Firefox option;
. in the pop-up menu from the proposed list, select the item “Will use your history storage settings”;
. put a tick in the checkbox of the line “Accept cookies from sites”;
. set the value “Always” for the “Accept cookies from third-party sites” parameter;
. in the “Save cookies” item, select the line “Until they expire”;
. confirm the changes made.

Activating cookies in the Opera browser

Users often prefer Opera browser, appreciating its simplicity, convenience, safety and twenty-year history. When using it, the question also often arises of how to enable cookies in Opera to store information on a PC.

To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

Go to the “Tools” menu;
. find the “Settings” section;
. switch to the “Advanced” tab;
. In the side menu, click on the Cookies line;
. activate the “Accept cookies” option;
. save the changes made to the settings.

Appearing recently, but already gaining popularity among users of the World Wide Web, the Google Chrome browser also comes with support for cookies, activated by default. If there is a need to enable them, you will need:

Go to the main menu of the browser by clicking on the button located next to the address bar;
. open the “Settings” section;
. In the “Settings” tab, click on the line “Show additional settings»;
. find the “Personal Data” block and click on the “Content Settings” button;
. go to “Cookies”;
. select the “Allow saving local data” option;
. Confirm the change by clicking on the “Done” button.

How to activate cookies in Yandex Browser?

Browser settings from popular resource Yandex allows you to define parameters for processing incoming messages from various sites cookies. In order to enable this feature, you will need:

Find the gear icon located in the upper right corner and click on it with the mouse;
. in the window that opens, select the “Settings” section;
. At the bottom, find the line “Show additional settings” and click on it;
. go to the “Personal Data Protection” block;
. click on the “Content settings” button;
. find the item “Cookies”;
. set the necessary parameters or select the “Accept all” action.

Enabling cookies in Safari and Android browsers

Increasingly, users access the Internet using smartphones and tablets based on the operating system. Android systems and iOS. Their built-in browsers are equipped with support for accepting cookies.

In Safari (iPhone, iPad) to activate cookies you must:

Click on the gear icon located in the upper right corner;
. go to the “Settings” section;
. switch to the “Security” tab;
. In the “Accept Cookies” section, select the “Always” option.

IN Android browsers To enable cookies you need:

Press the “Menu” button;
. go to the “Settings” section;
. In the “Protection and Security” tab, select “Enable cookies”.

When answering the question of how to enable cookies in your browser, you should first of all take into account the features of the program that is used to access the network. If, after activating cookies, a message still appears that they are disabled, you should try clearing the cache and deleting temporary files on your computer. In most cases, such simple steps help solve the problem. If clearing the cache and temporary files does not help, you should check whether your browser supports cookies using a Java plugin.

Cookies are a necessary element that greatly facilitates the life of an Internet user and makes his work on the Internet as convenient as possible. They ensure the normal functioning of websites and must be enabled in your browser settings.

Cookies in the Mozilla Firefox Internet browser are useful, but at the same time, accumulating files with various types of information that deprive the user of anonymity on the Internet. A little more about the benefits of files and the disadvantages of storing them:

Benefits of cookies

  • Thanks to digital cookie data, the process of web surfing is simplified;
  • The time it takes to open a website earlier is reduced;
  • Authorization in social networks or applications with personal account becomes automatic.

Harm and danger of cookies

A huge number of cookies accumulated in can lead to poor performance personal computer;

Cookie data intercepted by third parties may contain malicious software and viruses;

Tracking user activity in global network advertising companies with subsequent imposition of their products;

Collection confidential information about the user with further sale to third parties.

As useful as cookies are, you need to get rid of them from time to time. in popular search engine Mozilla Firefox and protect your personal data, you can read the contents from the following article - “how to clear Firefox cookies.”

Managing cookies in the Mozilla browser is very simple. The perception of settings is available to users of any level. An Internet browser user can at any time either enable or disable cookies in Firefox. There are various options for adjusting the settings for saving cookies.

To make certain changes in their browser, the user needs to carry out several manipulations in the browser settings menu.

In the upper corner on the right side of the browser, you need to click the corresponding button, then select the “Settings” icon.

In the opened new page search engine “Privacy” (link in the address bar = about:preferences#privacy), in the paragraph “ History of Firefox"You can select one of the options, namely the one where user settings will be used to store the history of site visits.

IN this section the user can either allow cookies in Mozilla or configure automatic removal such, while selecting the option to accept cookies from sites. Namely, you can choose the following manipulations:

Accept cookies from third-party sites – “Always / From visited / Never”

Retain cookies – “Until they expire or until the user closes Firefox”

Delete all history when closing Mozilla browser Firefox (By clicking on the "Options..." button, you can select the type of data to be automatically deleted).

Using the “Exceptions...” and “Show cookies...” buttons, you can create personal settings for deleting specific cookies or all of them at once.

Summary: “To maintain the functionality of the user’s personal computer and increase the security of personal data, cleaning of cookies should be regular or configured to automatically delete all objects except those necessary.”

The right approach to managing cookies in Firefox is to ensure privacy and security on the web. Cookies are necessary to support site functions and save authorization data. However, in some cases they can cause a leak of user data, a tool for third parties to exploit the browser. You can learn how to enable cookies in Mozilla Firefox and disable them, how to clear cookies in Mazilla Firefox, from this article.

Cookie settings

To go to the cookie control panel in your browser, do the following:

1. Click the “three stripes” button (the “three stripes” icon at the top right).

2. Click “Settings” in the drop-down menu.

3. In the side list, click the “Privacy” section.

In the “History” block, in the line to enable or disable cookies in Mozilla Firefox, set the appropriate value:

“Will remember history” - enable cookies (automatic saving);

“Will not remember history” - disables saving cookies in the browser; after activating this mode, restart FF;

“... will use your history storage settings” - saving and blocking cookies according to the settings and rules created by the user.

Once this option is set, additional settings appear in the web browser:

“Exceptions” - a panel for entering a domain and assigning actions for it (allow saving session data or blocking);

“Accept cookies...” - settings for accepting cookies from third-party sites. The following options are available:

“Always” - allow all data from third-party web resources;

"Never" - complete shutdown(in this way it is possible to partially limit FF from harmful resources);

“From visited” - includes files only from open pages.

  1. "Before they expire": FF will automatically clear cookies after their specified retention period has expired.
  2. “Before I close Firefox” - delete cookies before exiting the browser.


You can clear cookies in Firefox different ways:

Method No. 1: selectively

Note. The function is available in the control panel on the “Privacy” tab (with the “...use your settings...” option enabled). At the same time, to launch and configure it, download additional programs no need.

1. Click the “Show cookies...” button.

2. A panel will open where all cookies placed in the FF directory are stored. In it you can see all the data on any previously opened website. To delete cookies for a specific web resource, click on its folder and click the “Delete selected” button.

Here you can use the option that deletes all session data by clicking “Delete all”.

Method number 2: automatic cleaning

1. In the cookie control panel (in the mode own settings) Click the mouse to check the “Delete history when closing Firefox” option.

2. Click the “Options” button.

3. In the new window, make sure that the “Cookies” element is included in the cleaning (there should be a “tick” next to it).

4. Click OK.

Method number 3: quick global cleanup

Note. This method allows you to delete not only cookies, but also cache and browsing history.

1. In the FF menu, click: History → Delete Recent History. Or press the keyboard shortcut - Ctrl + Shift + Del.

2. Specify “All” in the “Delete” line.

3. Click Details. Select cookies from the list of items.

4. Click “Delete Now”.

Method number 4: CCleaner program

You first need to download the CCleaner cleaning program from the website and install it on your computer.
1. In the utility window, click the “Cleaning” section.

2. Go to the Applications tab.

3. In the “Firefox” block, check “Cookies”.

4. Click “Analysis”, then “Cleaning”.

Don't forget to clear your cookies in Firefox promptly. Temporary files litter system partition, reduce free disk space, can slow down the system.
