What are system sounds? How to customize system sounds in Windows? Changing the system shutdown sound

Sound schemes are distributed in different ways, there are 3 ways to install them on Windows.

1. If you downloaded a sound archive and among them there is a file *.inf, then we need to right-click on it and select the item Install . The sound scheme will be installed automatically.

2. You downloaded the archive and it contains only sound files *.wav, in this case we need to copy all the sounds (you can use a folder) to a directory C:\Windows\Media. Let's go to Control Panel -> Sound -> Sounds Tab, click on the sound we are interested in to replace it, then “Browse”, indicate the right sound, "Save". So with every sound.

Once you have configured all the sounds, you can save the sound scheme. To do this, click on the button " Save as...", write the name and " OK."

3. If the downloaded archive contains one file *.soundpack remove it to a convenient place. Then download the program, install and launch. Then click on the button " Import Package", specify the sound scheme file and " Open".

The diagram will appear in the program list, point to it and click on the button " Apply Package", in the window that opens, select one of two application options: Apply Enhanced Package or Apply Normal Package.

Apply Enhanced Package- application of all sounds that are included in the scheme.
Apply Normal Package- use of a simplified sound scheme, without sounds of minimizing/maximizing windows, etc. (those that can irritate the user).

* When changing the theme, the sounds are applied to those specified in the theme (.theme), that is, each time you need to go in and apply the sound scheme yourself in the sound panel.

* The login sound does not change in the ways specified in the instructions; you can use it to change it. special program -

Sometimes, over the years, most users have standard systemic Windows sounds they become simply boring and probably everyone at least once wanted to change them to their own. As a rule, if it is clean Windows assembly her system sounds are identical and it does not contain extraneous integrated sound circuits, and sometimes we would really like to change the sound of the greeting or turn off windows. And so in order to change the standard sound accompaniment when turned on or turning off windows, to open folders. It will be enough for us ourselves Windows tools, thanks to which we will learn how to change these sound effects without messing with the registry and installing third-party programs.

Now I’ll tell you a little about how and what file format we need in order to install it as sounds both when Windows starts and when replacing any other system sounds, including the sounds of opening folders, the effects of emptying the recycle bin or sound. system error and many others. To do this, we will need any selections of sounds, clippings from our favorite songs or games.

Attention: all sounds that you decide to install as system sounds must be in audio format with WAV resolution; you can make them yourself in any way free converter audio files or download collections of such system sounds for free on the Internet. Sometimes, as a rule, they only change the sound to turn windows on or off.

Required to change Windows system sounds.

This method is suitable for almost everyone Windows versions in my case, this is Windows 7. The only difference is the selection of tabs in (Control Panel) for Windows XP - this is (Sounds and audio devices), we will look at the (Sounds) section for Windows 7 in more detail. Most quick way on any personal computer To get to the sounds tab, click on the volume icon next to the hour and select sounds.

Now let's get started, prepare your favorite sounds that we will change in the system. If you are interested, the standard Windows sounds are located along this path in the folder (C:\Windows\Media), you can use them, but since we decided to install our own, we download them from the Internet or cut and convert WAV sounds ourselves. Let's assume you've already prepared the sounds, then it's time to start installing them. To do this, as shown in the picture below, follow the following path (Start), go to (Control Panel) and here select the icon (Sound).

A window will open in which we select the tab (Sounds) and, as shown in the picture below, the upper part of the window in this section allows us to immediately change the entire sound scheme. To do this, under the inscription (Sound Schemes), click and in the drop-down window, select any scheme you like, then click (Save As) and at the bottom of the window click OK, thus completely changing all Windows sounds. Well, since we are about to install our system sounds, let's move on.

In the same window, below the sound schemes section, we have access to the names of all the sounds that can be changed. In my case I change the sound to ( Windows login), simply put, the Windows greeting sound. Select this section below, click (Browse) and in the window that opens, select the sound that was already prepared in advance, and then click OK. If you want, check it here by clicking on the button (Play) if everything is fine, don’t forget to put a tick as shown in the picture in the circle (Play melody Windows startup) Finally, click the button (OK) and restart the computer.

My congratulations, what you just did is simple and very the easy way installed your favorite Windows 7 system startup sound. This way you can very quickly replace any sounds. If something is unclear, write comments or PM me with pleasure and I will be ready to help you. With respect to you!

Android is such a highly customizable operating system that you can even change its default sounds to any others. You can cut or record sounds yourself, or download them somewhere. The procedure for replacing sounds is quite simple, but you will need a smartphone or tablet with root rights and custom recovery.

You can download libraries with sounds, for example, on the page d-h.st/users/justen7723. There are cuts of sound effects from popular films, games and standard sounds from some smartphone models (LG G2, HTC One and Oppo N1).

1. Download any set of sounds and copy the zip file, without unpacking, to the device memory. Remember where this file is located.

2. Install Root Explorer or another file manager with access to system directories, launch it, go to the system/media/audio/ui folder and copy its contents to a safe place. It stores the system sounds of your device. Suddenly you want to restore them.

3. Turn off your smartphone or tablet and start it in recovery mode. Among the options offered, select installing a zip file from a memory card or from internal memory device (depending on where the library with new sounds is copied).

4. Find the zip file you downloaded earlier, flash it and restart your device.

That's it, new sounds should now begin to sound. If you don't like them, you can install a different sound library or restore your previous audio files. To restore, use file manager: go to the system/media/audio/ui folder and copy the previously saved files into it. After copying is complete, make sure that the permissions on the sound folder are rw-r--r--. This is necessary to prevent some application from accidentally erasing these files.

IN old Windows XP change startup sound operating system it could have been quite simple. All system sounds, including the startup melody, in WAV sound format were stored in the directory under the path C:\Windows\Media. It was necessary to open this path in Explorer and replace the source file “Windows XP - startup” with a WAV file with its own sound, but renamed as the source. Starting with Windows 7, the standard system startup ringtone is no longer a separate WAV file, but is included in the imageres.dll DLL file located in the System32 folder. And, according to the official position of Microsoft, you cannot change the system startup sound to your liking. We must either listen to what is there, or not listen to anything at all, as, in fact, is suggested by default in the latest Windows versions 8.1 and 10. In this article we’ll look at how to get around Microsoft’s strict limits. And listen to your favorite ringtones when loading system versions 7, 8.1 and 10.

How to change Windows 7 login ringtone

It’s not allowed in “Seven” in a regular way customize your system startup melody, but this version at least provides the ability to set your own sounds for entering the system, logging out and shutting down. In versions 8.1 and 10 this is not the case. If work on “Seven” is carried out through a password-protected account, in principle, there is no difference between the sound of the system starting up and the sound of entering it. In the latter case, the greeting sound will play after entering the “account” password.

To change the login sound, in the task area call context menu on the volume icon and select “Sounds”.

In the properties window that opens:

Click the program event “Login to Windows”;

Using the browse button, select your WAV audio file;

Uncheck the option to play the startup melody;

Click “Apply”.

That's all.

However, if on “Seven” the work is carried out from an account that is not password-protected, we will hear the sound configured in this way only when we deliberately log out of the system and log in again.

When you boot your computer normally, the login sound will not play. Without a password, the system will simply start silently. For cases where you work on your computer using non-password-protected accounts, you only need to configure the Windows startup ringtone.

And you can replace it from the standard one with something from your collection of ringtones in any version of the operating system using third-party software.

How to change the startup ringtone in Windows 7, 8.1, 10

In order for the system start to be accompanied by a sound greeting, you must first configure it, because, let me remind you, it is disabled by default in versions 8.1 and 10. To turn on the greeting, go to system settings sound.

Activate the melody activity checkbox.

Thus we activated the standard sound Windows launch. Now we need to replace it with our own ringtone. You can do this in two ways:

Difficult – with provision of access with TrustInstaller rights for system folder System32 and with the participation of a program for repacking file resources. The latter will replace the original WAV sound contained in imageres.dll with a third-party one and repackage the library file. But we will need to do this every time we get tired of the ringtone and want to change it to another one;

Simple - using the StartupSoundChanger tweaker program.

It’s a simple method and I suggest you consider it in detail.

You can download the StartupSoundChanger program from my “cloud” using this link:


I also packed a WAV file of the famous melody “Hello” into the archive with the program. This is one of the most popular alternatives to the standard audio greeting. Those who have not yet decided on the ringtone they want to set can temporarily diversify the system load with this spectacular sound.

StartupSoundChanger is a portable free program with a very narrow range of actions. She can:

Change the default melody Windows downloads to any other WAV sound;

Return the original one, i.e. the standard melody for loading the operating system into place.

Let's launch the program. When you press "Play" it will play the current Windows startup ringtone. And when you click “Replace”

will open a browse window to point to any WAV file.

After selecting the latter, the program will play it, and from now on it will be played when starting “Seven”, “Eight” or “Ten”. And if suddenly, you never know, you want to return the standard system boot sound, open StartupSoundChanger again and click “Restore”.

Where to get Windows startup ringtones
