iPhone support hotline phone. Apple's toll-free hotline number. How much free support is provided?

Apple is a well-known brand in the mobile device market. They deliver quality products and provide a highly professional level of support to their customers.

The user relations department occupies a special place in the company. Let's tell you more about it.

Apple Contact Center

The company is international, which means it has its own representative office in each country, which is a completely autonomous unit and is capable of solving the problems of all citizens of the country.

Apple cares about its customers, so the contact center operates around the clock. Employees come on line in shifts to help solve user problems.

Alternative methods of communication

Information about other phone numbers is available on the official Apple website. In the section responsible for support, numbers of all representative offices in the world are available.

The site visitor enters the address or postal code. Next, he selects the product on which he would like to receive information.

A map will be displayed on the screen indicating the nearest sales points and service centers. Addresses and opening hours will be provided.

For the convenience of users, the company uses a unique code for each user. It's called Apple ID. Linking is carried out after purchasing the company's first device.

The client will need to register and link a bank card to his account. This must be done to pay for a purchase in the Apple store.

In the future, when contacting the customer service department, the user will only need to voice his identifier. The system will recognize him and provide information about his devices.

This account name can be used to get into the private part of the Apple website.

Please ask your questions or leave feedback - we will definitely answer them!
Please post your real email to receive responses from the company owners

Hello, question? Did you have a drawing in VKontakte where the prize was an iPhone? Here one lady writes that we won it and can get it by sending 772 rubles and the phone number says confirmation since yours is with a difference of one digit. True Of course, we don’t believe in miracles and don’t send anything. First the chairs, then the money.

Hello!! I want to ask, they told me that I won an iPhone in a drawing, and that I should pay for delivery to this number +79022627300. Are they fooling me?


Hello, I would like to purchase a motherboard for iPhone 6 64GB, how much will it cost? I am in Vladivostok


Hello, do you unlink iPhones from iCloud?

Hello, my relative died and left an iPhone with a box and a receipt, but I don’t know the password. How to unlock it?? There is evidence of death.

I ask you to answer the question, we have two IPHONE 5 and 6. In IPONE 5 model FF352RU/A you can take photographs silently, but in IPHONE 6 model MG4J2KH/A silent photography is impossible, we tried using additional programs and it does not work. Is this a defect? ? Or is this really due to the adoption of Japanese legislation. Could you tell us which IPHONE models have silent shooting and which IPHONE models are planning to keep silent shooting or not?


Help me figure out the situation: Fraudsters hacked my ID password and blocked my phone, they require me to enter some kind of code. How to unlock it?


The phone is blocked, I don’t remember any data.
How can I unlock it?

Good afternoon I am being denied warranty repairs for reasons that are not very clear to me. I think this is outrageous on Apple's part!!! Making a nice gesture towards the guarantee in the form of replacing the phone with a new one, and then denying it in every possible way, at least looks like a SCAM! , but for a company of this format this is not respectable!

Thank you in advance! Please contact me and solve my problem.

Good morning! 09/26/2017 8 rubles were debited from my phone account for an SMS that I did not send to the number 7786205094. Why do you make such technical errors? Return the money to your account and stop scamming.

Hello! Tell me they took the funds from the card, it’s not clear why I received only the itunes/bill link. I go to the Apple account, it’s not clear how the card information got there, and why the money was withdrawn?

Hello. The front camera and fingerprint stopped working. Can I count on a replacement iPhone 6 plus?

Is it possible to replace your battery with the 5s model?
Best regards, Olga.

Radionov Denis Sergeevich

On 02/08/2018, I sent a claim to your address (107031, Moscow, Petrovka St., 5) regarding the quality of the purchased product along with the iPhone 5S phone.
On 03/01/2018, in response to my complaint, I received a telegram (see photo), which said that “... the inspection report and smartphone have been sent to your address by mail. For all questions, you can contact the representative of Apple Rus LLC, Alexey Novopoltsev Ivanovich by phone 89297795773".
At the moment, I have not received the phone; the phone number indicated in the telegram is not in service.
Please provide me with valid contacts to find out the location of my phone.

Sincerely, Radionov Denis Sergeevich.

My name is Firuz Mukhsinov
I bought an IPHONE 5S 16GB SILVER
IMEI 359140075611401
Purchase Date 02/11/2017
Apple RUS LLC Address: 107031, Moscow, Petrovka, 5

After resetting the phone will be LOCKED ACTIVATION
I forgot my APPLE ID and PASSWORD

Please, I need a duplicate of the sales receipt.

Oleg Igorevich

Hello!!! 03/24/2018, in Stupino, st. Timiryazevo bought an iPhone 8+ 256GB phone at the ISHOP store for 71,990 rubles. 03/25/2018 the phone stopped receiving the network, was constantly searching, rebooting did not help, they installed another SIM card, the same thing, in the search. On March 30, 2018, we went to a store in Stupino to get a replacement phone because this one was not of adequate quality. The seller, ignoring Law No. 18 on the protection of consumer rights, refused me a replacement and recommended updating the IOC, saying that this happens with the old one or contacting the official service. After the update, the iTunes icon and the charging wire appeared on the screen, when the apple is rebooted, the phone does not show anything and nothing can be done with it. I left a complaint at the store. Please look into this situation, because the phone is not of adequate quality. And Law No. 18 on the protection of consumer rights states that within 15 days from the date of purchase, a phone of any brand and any manufacturer is subject to exchange or return if the phone is not of adequate quality. I’m not asking you to change it because I don’t like something about it, it doesn’t work. Otherwise, I will be forced to go to court, where I am sure they will find me right, with all the ensuing consequences.

Good afternoon We bought phone X as a gift on June 22, 2018 from the MTS online store and a few hours later a green line appeared on the screen. Terrible! The birthday is ruined. Such a brand and defect. There are ways to exchange a phone for a new one without examination.


Hello! July 2, 2015 in the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov region, at st. Marine House 64 purchased an Apple iPhone 4S 8 Gb IMEI 013590006462480 smartphone for the amount of 17,990 rubles. In June of this year, the activation of the phone occurred and to solve the problem, Apple support asked for a sales receipt. Because The sales receipt was not preserved, I contacted the seller’s store and they restored the sales receipt. However, Apple's technical department refused to help, stating the following:

Case number: 100583837726
Product: iPhone
Serial number/IMEI number: DX3P98R2FMLD / 013590006462480

Hello, Svetlana!

We have reviewed the information you provided, but we are forced to inform you that we cannot fulfill your request, since this information does not match our data.

To continue checking your request, please contact the seller to obtain proof of purchase of this device. If other documents are not provided, we will not be able to continue processing your request.

An operator at the Apple support service reported that the only reason for the refusal was inaccurate information in the sales receipt, and that this was a store error. I contacted the seller’s store again, they checked again and said that they could not provide any other information other than what was on my sales receipt. The Svyaznoy hotline confirmed this information and said that they did not know why Apple did not accept my sales receipt. Then I wrote to the customer service email address [email protected], sending a sales receipt and they answered me the following:

Svetlana, good afternoon!
We have checked that the information indicated in the sales receipt is relevant and the only one we have regarding your smartphone and the purchase in general.
The sales receipt form has a standard sample.
Previously, such requests from clients have not been received.
Unfortunately, we cannot issue other documents.
Hope for understanding.
Best regards, Svyaznoy.

All! Vicious circle! What should I do?
If Svyaznoy and Apple are business partners, then why do they have different data and should a bona fide buyer suffer? They kick me around like a ball, nodding at each other. Where to look for the truth?

Just recently, an employee approached me with a request to help sort out his son’s iPhone. The problem was that after updating iOS to 9.3.1, the phone began to request activation using someone else's Apple ID ending in @verizon.net.

For some of you, this situation is painfully familiar... Isn't it? The same question is asked VERY often in the comments “ What to do when the phone asks for someone else's Apple ID to activate?”…

In such a situation, I send everyone to communicate with Russian Apple technical support. But where to call? How to communicate with them? Will they help in your situation? ... This is what we will talk about today.

As you already understood, the phone that they gave me to “look at” turned out to be blocked, namely, it required someone else’s Apple ID to activate. Naturally, this iPhone was bought secondhand, and it was not possible to find the owner of the [email protected] account, because... 95% of the hundred this person remained on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

The situation is deadlock and you yourself are unlikely to be able to do anything here. The only hope is Apple technical support. It’s not a fact, of course, that they will help, but it’s definitely worth a try. Details below...

How to call Apple technical support from outside Russia

I don’t hide from anyone that I live in Ukraine (Poltava). And despite this fact, I did not give up the idea of ​​calling Moscow... yes, this is where the call center of Russian Apple technical support is located.

If you are from Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc. then you should also call this call center.

  • Apple Technical Support phone number in Russia: +7 495 580 95 57
  • Free call within Russia: 8 800 555 6734

Recently, there have been some changes to Apple support phones. Now, having called the first number, you come across a robot who, pretending to be a woman, tells you “ Thank you for your call to Apple. Our phone number has changed...

Just wait until she finishes and goes on to list the buttons that need to be pressed to connect to an operator for a specific problem. If the problem is with the iPhone, press 1, etc.

I tried it myself and was connected to a man named Leonard... So the old number is still working. Try it, and then write in the comments what the name of your Apple consultant was and whether he was kind enough.

What is the cheapest way to call Apple from Ukraine? At first I had the idea of ​​paying for some tariff of the Ukrainian MTS or Life, with which I could call Russia (and other countries) cheaper than usual, but then I loaded the Skype website and looked at what tariffs they offered.

You won’t believe it, but here it is – a FREE! Calls to landline numbers in Russia, the USA, Germany, the UK and a number of other countries are charged at a rate of 2.3 American cents per minute. And this, for a moment, is 1.5 rubles/min or 0.60 UAH/min.

In my opinion, this is more than affordable for most citizens... who bought an iPhone. So, let's return to our sheep... In order to communicate with a representative of the nearest Apple support service (for residents of the CIS so far only in Russia), it is absolutely not necessary to call the rail.

All you need is to top up your Skype account with at least $5 (this is the minimum payment) and get a computer connected to the Internet.

By fulfilling the two conditions above, you can call and try to solve the problem with your iPhone completely “inexpensively”. Below I have provided a screenshot of the completed call statistics.

I didn’t have to wait long for the specialist’s response (about 10 minutes). The entire call lasted 19 minutes and cost me only 0.51 US dollars.

Since the phone number was not mine, I had to introduce myself under a different name. I don’t like to do this... I adjusted the audio recording a little and cut out large blocks of music so as not to “clog up the airwaves.”

The recorded call was repeated over the course of one hour... and something, damn it, tells me that this was the first time I spoke with the same girl. Most likely that's why she didn't ask for the IMEI number of the phone, because... I already punched it through my base for the first time.

Audio recording of my call to Apple technical support -

Before calling technical support, I strongly recommend (although it is not required) that you submit a ticket corresponding to your problem on the Apple website.

You can do this on this page. As a result, you will be given a ten-digit call code, which you will have to enter from the telephone keypad during the call.

Will Apple technical support help?

Let's start with the fact that I called Apple technical support twice in a row. The second time, to record the conversation... by the way, they also record all conversations (for educational purposes).

Both times I was answered by a nice girl who showed interest in my problem and tried with all her might to solve it... To the best of her ability and strictly according to the instructions, of course.

In general, they can “solve” a lot of things, but to do this you will need to prove that the phone is really yours.

Let's say you found a phone or bought it secondhand from a stranger. Such a phone could potentially be stolen and, you see, in this case it does not rightfully belong to you.

After some time, this phone became locked and required activation using someone else's Apple ID. Many users, faced with such a problem, ask in the comments “ What to do?”.

In this case, you can unlock the device only by entering the Apple ID data of the real owner, or contact Apple technical support for help, but they will require you to provide a sales receipt confirming the legality of purchasing this phone.

Do I need a check?

First– this must be a sales receipt printed on the cash register indicating the name of the product. Second– the receipt must be issued by a store in the country where this device was officially purchased.

Most Apple products are imported into the CIS illegally under gray schemes, so situations very often arise when a receipt issued by local stores does not “pass Apple’s verification of originality” and the user of such a device is denied technical support (Apple keeps a database of all devices sold).

Third– If you are not the first (original) user of the Apple device, but you have a receipt from the previous owner, they will still be able to help you resolve the problem.

After contacting support and sending a check, it will take some time to process your application. From other people's experience, the wait usually lasts up to three weeks.

Why so long? The thing is that over the phone you only communicate with a consultant (Apple advisor) and he cannot make serious decisions. As the girl consultant told me, all requests related to unlocking the iPhone, resetting iCloud Activation Lock, etc. sent for review to top-level specialists.

Most likely, these specialists are not in Russia and speak only English. That's why we have to wait a month...

There are also cases when the user simply forgot the password or answers to security questions, but the Apple ID entered into the phone belongs to him. In this case, the consultant usually does not require a sales receipt, but simply asks a couple of questions to verify that you are you. After which it will send an email to your email with a link to change your password/secret questions.

Oh yes! This time the girl could not help me with anything. I have no Apple ID information, no receipt... nothing. Therefore, the phone will remain in a state of stupor until the end of its days.

It turns out that buying a used iPhone is not so safe. You can end up with money without even knowing it. This is the truth of life. You don't have the required piece of paper and your phone is doomed.

Well, in general, don’t be shy about calling unfamiliar places... Apple employees are very friendly and nice people to talk to. If you have other questions, try asking us.
