How to transfer a profile from Facebook to contact. How to synchronize Instagram or publish photos to social networks using an Instagram account? New features of the iPod Touch player

Probably many of you have friends or followers on different social networks. Moreover, some of them use only Facebook or only VKontakte. Well, Twitter is sometimes still present in various combinations with them. In this situation, such a simple action as publishing a link to a resource you like turns into a routine task. I was also fed up with this monkey work and I finally decided to set up duplicating posts on all social networks at once, publishing them in only one.

If you don’t know what cross-posting is, then Wikipedia states that it is “... automatic, semi-automatic or manual placement of the same article, link or topic in forums, blogs...”. I would like to add that usually a post subject to cross-posting is created once and then copied automatically.

My Crossposting Requirements

So, first of all, I’ll explain what mandatory requirements I have for cross-posting, so that when leaving one routine I don’t end up falling into another.

  • Firstly, simplicity. I don’t want to install any applications created specifically for cross-posting - everything should be done using the standard tools of the social networks themselves.
  • Secondly, the maximum functionality of all resulting posts must be maintained, i.e. saving links and, if possible, pictures.
  • Thirdly, the absence of duplicates. If you get smart with the settings on different social networks, you can get a good mix of identical posts in all of them. And complaints about spam on your part are a bonus.

In principle, these are all the requirements. Let's get down to business

Method one: Crossposting Twitter → Facebook, VKontakte

Good and reliable way, works like a clock. Cross-posting from Twitter to VKontakte is achieved by assigning a hash tag #vk in the body of the tweet:

Using the #vk hashtag on Twitter

To export to Facebook, you need to link Twitter to your account on this social network. To do this, click on the gear icon on the top panel of Twitter and click on the item in the drop-down menu Edit profile. Once on the page Profile, scroll down and look for the button Connect to Facebook- click. Next, in the window that opens, click on the button Login via Facebook account , and in the next window we allow Twitter to publish on our behalf - button Allow. Don't forget Save changes on the profile editing page.

Connecting Facebook to Twitter

In general, the method is quite excellent. But there are several significant drawbacks for me.

If you like this method, click on one of the buttons (or better yet, several) on the left and start implementing it into your online life. I’ll experiment some more.

Method two: Crossposting VKontakte → Twitter, Facebook

Setting up this option is also quite simple. On your VKontakte page, click on the link ed. in the left column, then go to the tab Contacts and at the bottom of this section we see links Set up export next to the headings Twitter And Facebook. When we click on the first link, we need to click a button Login to Twitter in a pop-up window. And in the next dialogue check the box opposite the point Export posts to Twitter and press the button Save.

For Facebook, everything is made even easier. If you are already logged in Facebook, then after clicking on the link Set up export Opposite the name of this social network, in a couple of seconds you will already see your first and last name. If not, then in the pop-up window you will have to enter your email and password and press the button To come in.

Do not forget to press the button after all these operations have been completed. Save In chapter Contacts.

Setting up export to Twitter and Facebook from VKontakte

So, now when publishing a post on VKontakte make sure there is a checkbox opposite the point Export to Twitter and Facebook and feel free to press the button Send. The post will automatically be sent to these social networks.

Example of post export results

Advantages of the method:

  • As you can see from the screenshot above, this method partially solves the problem of the lack of a thumbnail in the post. On VKontakte it fits perfectly, since this is, in fact, a parent post in this case.
  • The problem with intimidation of users when clicking on a short link has also been resolved. VKontakte easily redirects to the desired page when clicked, and on Twitter the link gets in an abbreviated form and he starts clicking on it without any stupid questions.

But even in this case it was not without shortcomings:

  • Firstly, on Facebook it’s like that the picture didn't appear. If it is critical for you that the thumbnail be on this particular social network, you will have to use another cross-posting route, in which Facebook will be the starting point.
  • Secondly (and this drawback is simply critical!), the link got lost somewhere along the way from one social network to another. Actually, in this case, this method is only suitable for publishing your own thoughts.
    This problem has now been fixed - links are published normally.

And one more small note: likes and reposts of news from the VKontakte feed are not sent to Twitter and Facebook - only entries typed manually or sent using social network buttons, which caring webmasters do not forget to post on their websites.

Method three: Crossposting Facebook →Twitter → VKontakte

If you carefully read the headline above, you probably noticed two arrows: the second one appeared after Twitter. It's simple: in this case, cross-posting is achieved linking Twitter only to Facebook, and already from Twitter the post will go to VKontakte, because we already know about the hash tag #vk- just add it to the post. Facebook does not directly support VKontakte linking.

Just to get started, let's immediately talk about the disadvantages:

If you decide to share only your thoughts in this way, then it will be quite suitable for this purpose. Remains only link Twitter to Facebook. Go to the address and press the button Link my profile to Twitter. In the next dialog, click the button Authorize. After that don't forget Save changes by clicking on the corresponding button.

Setting up export from Facebook to Twitter

Ready! You can also specify which Facebook updates you would like to share on Twitter. For this leave the daws only opposite the required items on the list.

Method four: Crossposting VKontakte → Twitter → Facebook

And finally, the method on which I stopped my search. This is also a consistent cross-posting method, like the previous one, only devoid of most of the disadvantages of all those described above. So it's advantages and disadvantages:

To implement this method you need first link VKontakte only with Twitter, as we did in the second case, and then link Twitter to Facebook- as in the first one.

How to avoid duplicate entries?

If you chose the fourth method, then you should check some details. If you have already configured export from VKontakte to Facebook, follows it disable:

Disabling export from VKontakte to Facebook

Otherwise, it will turn out that first the post will be sent from VKontakte to Twitter and Facebook, and then to Facebook the same post from Twitter will be duplicated. If you actively share your posts with friends, you are guaranteed to receive complaints about spam.

What about other social networks?

In this article, I did not touch on setting up cross-posting, for example, in LiveJournal and Google+. First of all, I'm not active user LiveJournal and this moment not registered there at all. However, if you need instructions on setting up cross-posting with the participation of this social network, write about it in the comments.

Google+ for now doesn't have regular funds organizing cross-posting. However, it can be done using third-party services, such as Socialba or Piston Poster. I wouldn’t like to use another service for such a trivial task, however, if you need help setting up cross-posting using a special service, I’m looking forward to your comments on this matter.

That's basically all I wanted to talk about in this article. I hope you this information will be useful and helpful. If you want to thank me, then The best way to do this is to set up cross-posting, and then tell your friends about the article in all social networks using the buttons below Well, or at least in one

Popular social networks are not alike. For example, In contact with is a platform for communication mainly among young audiences. Facebook it is more often used by older people and there more groups for business contacts.

Therefore, it makes sense to have pages on both of these networks. However, maintaining two accounts will require more time. For example, uploading your photos manually to both services is boring, tedious and clearly requires automation.

In this case, the service can help . It is designed to share content between accounts on two popular networks and allows you to transfer data from both Facebook on In contact with, and from In contact with on Facebook.

It does not require registration, but to get started you need to connect your accounts on both social networks to the service. To do this, press the "Connect" button for each of the networks, and then allow access.

Allow me access to accounts

After connecting, you will be taken to the main working screen of the service. You can transfer photo albums now (more on that below).

Main screen

To transfer all content you will need to do advanced synchronization accounts from in two simple steps.

First. In contact with click on the blue inscription To correct(cm. Main screen) under the words " from Facebook". Then on the page that appears - click on the inscription "Connect account".

Click "Connect account"

Copy the address bar to the clipboard. Paste it into the empty line under the number "3" and click "Connect".

(To copy the address bar to the clipboard, click on it and press Ctrl-C)

Account In contact with is now fully synchronized with .

Second. For advanced account synchronization Facebook to Click on the blue inscription (see. Main screen) under the words " from VKontakte", then on the service page that opens in Facebook add group in friends list. After this, the main screen will look like this.

Main screen: Facebook accounts and VKontakte synchronized

Now let's talk about how to transfer data. If you only need to copy photos, go to the "Copying Albums" section. A page will open with a list of your photo albums. Mark those you want to transfer and click "Copy".

Section "Copying albums"

Transferring albums will take some time.

Copying albums

The album was moved from Vkontakte to Facebook

To copy the rest of the content, check the boxes (see. Main screen) desired items and click "Update". Please note that data transfer is carried out only for publications for which access is set to “Friends” or “Everyone”.

The publication was moved from Facebook to Vkontakte

If you want to disable the service from accounts Facebook And In contact with, use one of three methods:

  • Uncheck all the boxes in the settings on the main screen
  • Remove the application from In contact with
  • Remove the application from Facebook

Other interesting services for working with the network Facebook.

If you were asked which social networks are the most popular today, what would you answer? Surely, Facebook and VKontakte would appear in the answers of most of you. We have no doubt that many people also have active accounts on both social networks. Did you know that they can be synchronized? If not, then quickly read how to do it. The function is very, very useful!

What is crossposting and why is it needed?

The term “cross-posting” came to us from in English, but hidden underneath is a banal function - publishing the same post on several services at once. Formally, you can transfer records manually - type a message first in one social network, then in another, etc. However, if you are the owner of an online brand or just an active blogger, publishing manually takes too much time. It is in such cases that synchronizing two accounts with the ability to cross-post publications will be useful. Fast and convenient!

Learning to synchronize FB and VK

From general theory, let's move straight to practice - linking a Facebook account with Contact. Actually, today there are no difficulties at all in synchronizing pages in these social networks and subsequent organization of cross-posting. You don't even have to use third-party services to publish posts on both social networks at once.

We proceed as follows:
1. Go to your VKontakte page;

2.Select “Edit page”;

3.Go to the “Contacts” tab and click on the “Integration with other services” link;

4.Near the Facebook item, select “Set up export” and follow the instructions;

This is how in just two minutes you can set up cross-posting and forget about the tedious movement of posts from one social network to another manually. The only thing is, don’t forget to check the “Export posts to Facebook” checkbox when publishing a new message, otherwise your post will never be duplicated. And remember one more important nuance: audio recordings attached to a post from VK are not displayed on Zuckerberg’s social network.

Thus, linking Facebook to Contact is really simple and fast. After spending a couple of minutes, you will solve the problem of cross-posting and forget about the need to manually transfer messages.

You may have noticed strange notes that I wrote throughout the day here and on my other accounts. Everything is simple - I set up the broadcast/repost of posts between VKontakte, LJ, Twitter and Facebook.

- VK posts (microblog) are mirrored on Facebook and Twitter.
- VK notes are mirrored in LJ
- LJ posts are mirrored on Facebook and Twitter
(i.e. VK posts are transferred to LiveJournal, and from there to FB and Twitter)

In general, now everything I write on VK appears wherever I need it.

Step-by-step setup:

1. On VK, go to “My Settings” → “ Mobile services"(
2. Link your VK account with Twitter. You must be logged in to Twitter, click “Allow” when asked.
3. Link your VK account with Facebook. You must, again, be logged in, click “OK” when asked.
4. Link your VK account to LiveJournal. Here you need to enter your login password. I sympathize with conspiracy theory fans.
5. Open LiveJournal and log in.
6. Go to “Account Settings” → “Extensions” ( ).
6. Link your LJ account to Facebook.
7. You can select (check the boxes) what to export - posts, comments, or both. (I only selected entries.)
8. Link your LJ account to Twitter.
9. Remove the “Publish my public tweets to my journal” checkbox.
10. Again, choose what to copy from LiveJournal on Twitter. (I only selected entries.)
11. Click "Save".

What if you mistyped? Or decide to add something? When you edit a note on VK, the changes are automatically saved in its LiveJournal “clone”. Extremely convenient, you will agree.

Of course, the note is broadcast (from LJ) on Twitter as a title + link, and (from LJ) on Facebook - as a link with a thumbnail.

Sic! Now, when you write a microblog entry from your page (on the VK wall), under the text form there will be an option “export to Twitter and Facebook”. And when you write an entry through VK news, there are two options: “export to Twitter”, “export to Facebook”.

Firstly, in case you decide to leave something only on VK or in private (option “Only to friends” 1).

Secondly, there are two types of notes: full-fledged ( and as a “status result” (when you write to a microblog, but exceed the character limit).

The note as a “status result” on Facebook and Twiitter will be copied twice - once from the VK wall, and the second time from LJ. So write notes using the full form 2, and if you post from the wall - uncheck "export to...".

1. Let me remind you that you can write private notes on the wall: see entry"Privacy in the VK microblog."

2. When you write a note through a full form, you probably use the “Publish on the wall” option. In this case, everything will work correctly, without unnecessary copies.

Please note that the microblog (i.e., posts from the VK wall) is not broadcast on LiveJournal. Because there is no place for him there. =) Still, LiveJournal is “a lot of books”.

But if you wish, you can configure it so that the microblog is mirrored in LiveJournal. To do this, leave the checkbox in point 9. Then all entries and notes written in VK will be copied to your Twitter, Facebook and LiveJournal.

P.S. I repeat, when you write an entry in VK, you can uncheck the “export to Twitter and Facebook” checkbox. Then it will remain only in VK, and will not appear on Twitter, Facebook, or LiveJournal. But all the notes will be exported unless you turn off export to Mobile Services.

P.P.S. My faithful friend K.O. asked to clarify that this magic works if you write the “first post” (it doesn’t matter whether it’s a post or a note) on VK. If you write on Twitter, the message will not appear on VK or Facebook. If you write on Facebook, nothing will appear anywhere. If you write directly to LiveJournal, the entry will not appear on VK.

Surely, on the social network Facebook you have a huge number of friends whom you would like to add to your iPhone address book, but this is quite difficult to do manually. If you've ever tried to add Facebook contacts to iPhone on your own, you probably didn't have much fun with the process. Did you know that you have the ability to sync all your Facebook contacts with phone book iPhone automatically?

There is nothing complicated about this, as it might seem at first glance. Thanks to the official Facebook app for iPhone, which makes this process as easy as possible. Beyond Synchronization telephone numbers, the Facebook app also allows you to download photos from a user's profile. This way you can supplement your contacts notebook images of your contacts.

So, what do you need to do to sync your Facebook contacts to your iPhone phonebook?

Step one.

Download the official Facebook app for iPhone from App store Store. If you already have it installed this application, then make sure you have downloaded all available updates. The fact is that the developers are constantly improving their brainchild, which means that even more will be available today a new version Fb apps.

Step two.

Launch the Facebook application and click on the menu button located in the upper left corner.

Step three.

In the list that appears, find the “Friends” item. You will see a list of all the users you have added as friends.

Step four.

Now click on the button located in the upper right corner. You will see a small menu in which you are offered to find a particular contact, or synchronize contacts. Select the second option.

Step five.

In the window that appears, confirm contact synchronization, and also change necessary settings according to your taste. After this, all Facebook users will be synced with your iPhone phonebook.

Once the downloading of contacts is complete, you can open the phone book and click on any new contact. You will see that the Facebook application has automatically filled in the contact's first and last name, picture, birthday information and Fb profile link.

As you can see, the process of synchronizing Facebook contacts with the iPhone phone book is very simple and will only take a few minutes of your free time.
