Valeev died from a black mamba bite. A blogger died from a black mamba bite. Black mamba bite

31-year-old blogger Arslan Valeev, author of the BobCat TV and Private Exotarium video channels dedicated to exotic animals, died on Monday afternoon. The young man's death was the result of a black mamba bite he received during a live broadcast on YouTube on the night of September 23. After this, Arslan fell into a coma. Doctors fought for Valeev’s life, but they were unable to save him.

Meanwhile, information is being spread on the Internet that shortly before his death, Arslan’s mood worsened due to the departure of his wife Catherine. According to some reports, Valeev was allegedly very jealous of her and even beat her the other day, and on the eve of the tragic incident he behaved strangely - he used obscene language and talked about death and pain.

Shortly before the tragic incident, the young man met his good friend Marina, with whom they took a puma cub to the hospital. Friends celebrated this event. After Arslan’s friend left, he again got in touch with subscribers. At some point, Valeev walked away from the computer and then returned, showing the snake bite.

“I’ll just stay with you for a little while. If anything, there is an entry on the phone for Katya. Just reading your messages. Tell Katya that I loved her very much. Bye everyone. I can’t even believe that this is happening to me. This is Katya’s phone number, if she manages to drive up to me and see me, I would be glad. In fact, I'm already dying. Farewell. But I would be glad to see Katya. I’m shaking,” said the young man.

Valeev's worried spectators did not understand what was happening. After some time, an ambulance was called, and the moderators turned off the chat, writing that Arslan was alive. All this time, the young man’s subscribers watched what was happening in live and panicked. Then Ekaterina came to the blogger and turned off the broadcast.

Subscribers' opinions about what happened to Arslan vary. Some of them believe that he decided to commit suicide. At the same time, others, on the contrary, believe that Valeev did not intend to take his own life, and his dying speech was not planned and represents the body’s shock reaction to a snake bite. In their opinion, the Internet activist was the victim of an accident. Many of Arslan’s followers urge him not to blame Catherine for what happened to him.

Valeev's fans wish him to rest in peace. Internet users write that they do not believe in the sudden death of the blogger. From the outside, there were no signs of trouble. Arslan seemed like a motivated young man who genuinely cared about animals. “We remember, we love, we mourn”, “Please take care of yourself”, “Sincere condolences”, “This is creepy. Hurt. I hope his soul is at peace. Sleep well, good friend,” “Like I lost a loved one,” “Very sad,” “Looks like a bad dream,” “His channel gave me so much positivity,” Valeev’s subscribers discuss.

The fact that the blogger broke up with Ekaterina became known in April of this year. Valeev’s followers suspected that difficulties had arisen in his relationship with his wife, and bombarded the young man with questions.

“Why are there so many channels? Where is Katya? Why is that? Why is this? Yes, we separated, it’s simple. And there are no problems with this, just to get rid of unnecessary questions. We’re dividing everything up little by little,” Arslan shared a few months ago.

Last Thursday, Arslan publicly apologized to Catherine. The blogger said that he behaved unworthily, omitting unflattering statements about his former lover. Valeev noted that he was in pain and lonely.

“There are no justifications for my statements addressed to you personally, I acted basely and stupidly, I am extremely far from the ideal, but you understand, it’s very hard for me now, it’s hard to live within the walls in which we wanted to meet old age, it’s hard to see everything that connected with you and is an obligatory part of my lonely (I have no one!) life, it is very difficult to accept the fact that everything is already behind and nothing can be fixed. And I see that for you everything has definitely passed, it has begun new life with someone you have long sympathized with,” the blogger addressed Ekaterina.

Valeev also noted that the girl was a wonderful person whom he undeservedly offended. “Not a single impartial statement addressed to you personally has any meaning or weight, all this is a lie out of resentment and wild envy, you know this, but not everyone watching understood this. I have apologized to you more than once. He apologized publicly. I also apologize to the public, I’m not a robot for cleaning up after animals and generating videos, I’m a person with a rather weak character as I am,” Arslan shared.

Russian video blogger Arslan Valeev ran the BobCat TV public page about wild cats and the YouTube channel “Private Exotarium”, where he talked about snakes. Arslan worked professionally with snakes, which is why some consider his death not an accident, but a suicide related to separation from his wife Ekaterina. The blogger studied the physiology and habits of snakes, and at home he kept a whole zoo where snakes, lizards and even lynxes and pumas lived.

In April 2017, Arslan divorced his wife Ekaterina. The breakup occurred with a scandal: Ekaterina Pyatizhkina claimed that things had come to the point of assault - her husband beat her out of jealousy, and she left him. Later, Catherine admitted that that incident was not the only one, and the reason they broke up was, in fact, constant beatings.

In September, Arslan went online with an unusual stream. A herpetologist tried to transfer a dangerous snake from a terrarium into a container with his bare hands, and it bit him. The black mamba's bite was fatal. Realizing that he was about to die, Arslan recorded a farewell video where he asked to contact his ex-wife. After spending several days in a coma, Valeev died.

Roofer fell from a skyscraper

The acrobat, roofer and extreme sportsman Wu Yunning had 230 thousand subscribers - all of them watched with bated breath the desperate Chinese's stunts, which he performed on the roofs of skyscrapers without insurance. Before each of his videos, Wu warned that there is no need to repeat after him - he has many years of practice and training behind him.

However, they did not help him. In the 10 months that Wu Yunning was blogging, he shot about 300 videos from the roofs of high-rise buildings. Interested advertisers approached him, and specifically for this video, Wu was supposed to receive $15 thousand, which he was going to save for the wedding and for the treatment of his sick mother. Unfortunately, something went wrong - the roofer tragically fell from an 82-story skyscraper. His body was found only a day after the stream.

Pregnant American woman shot and killed her boyfriend

A family of video bloggers - 20-year-old Monalisa Perez and 22-year-old Pedro Ruiz - were planning to make a viral video. Pedro invited his pregnant wife to shoot him directly in the chest, which would be covered only by a book. A book instead of a shield. According to him, he shot at the book many times, but the bullet never went through.

In front of her three-year-old daughter, Monalisa gave in to her boyfriend's persuasion and pulled the trigger.

Pedro did not wait for the ambulance to arrive and died on the spot. Monalisa faces 10 years in prison or a fine of $20,000.

A blogger from Tatarstan had an accident

A resident of Kazan, Sitora B., died as a result of an accident while filming her trip on video. Sitora was driving when she turned on the VKontakte live broadcast. I asked my subscribers what they were doing and started singing along to the radio.

The blogger's car flew into the oncoming lane and collided with a passenger bus. The girl died on the spot, five bus passengers, including a small child, were injured.

Blogger Arslan Valeev quarreled with his wife and died from a black mamba bite live on air.

Famous blogger Arslan Valeev died from a snake bite live on air.

Valeev was bitten by a black mamba living with him, while he himself provoked the reptile and did not try to save his life.

The blogger’s last words were dedicated to his wife Katya Pyatyzhkina. Shortly before the tragedy, the wife left Valeev, accusing him of beatings. After a woman complained about violence on her Instagram, the host on his YouTube channel began to accuse her of cheating. Viewers of the channel were outraged by this behavior, Valeev apologized, but his wife never returned to him.

Subscribers watched online as Valeev passed away.

black mamba snake killed blogger Arslan Valeev

In his last broadcast on the night of September 23, Arslan calls Katya’s number, asks to call her and ask her to come. An ambulance was called for the blogger, but they did not have time to save him. He was brought to the hospital still alive and put into an artificial coma, but on September 25, around noon, Valeev died.

A well-known blogger among animal lovers, he ran the “Private Exotarium” channel about reptiles, as well as the BobCat TV channel about tigers, lions and other large cats.

Arslan Valeev talked about reptiles on the Exotarium YouTube channel and about wild cats on the BobCat TV public page.

Firstly, the time of administration of the antidote is important - the sooner, the greater the likelihood of survival. But the fact is that in Russia it simply will not exist due to the extreme rarity of such bites.

The second option is to put the patient into a medically induced coma, as was done with Arslan. Since metabolism slows down at this time, the poison can be removed by blood transfusion or plasmapheresis, users say.

In Western literature they write that the venom of the mamba can cause muscle fasciculation and cramps, therefore coma is eliminated and this is in theory, but this is debatable

Network User

What happens when a bite occurs and the poison enters the body? The most dangerous consequences: respiratory failure due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles, rhabdomyolysis due to the cytotoxic effect of the poison, acute renal failure, damage to the heart muscle due to cytotoxin and cardiotoxins.

Many expressed confidence that Arslan’s act was connected with family drama. The blogger accused his ex-wife of cheating, and she accused him of beating him. However, after a verbal showdown on social networks, Arslan asked her for forgiveness, after which the accident occurred. Valeev's acquaintances called an ambulance for him, but the hospital could not save the young man.

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  • Photo: Arslan Valeev, photo from VKontakte page

    Arslan from Vsevolozhsk had two seconds to cut off his finger. But the serpentologist, stung by the black mamba, decided to leave as a scientist and blogger - live. Locals say that the sister of the chief of the Foreign Intelligence Service lives nearby, and the snakes were evacuated by counterintelligence.

    The famous serpentologist from Vsevolozhsk, Arslan Valeev, died on September 25 at the Dzhanelidze Institute of Emergency Medicine. According to official information from the Investigative Committee for the Leningrad Region, the cause of death was poisoning of an unknown origin. But it is known that two days earlier, he, 31 years old, was bitten by a black mamba, a snake common in central and eastern Africa.

    Valeev was stung by a mamba literally on live television. He talked about his condition online at Youtube channel. In the footage you can see him looking disheveled. He addresses the “dudes” with the words “I’ll die, that’s how I’ll die.” The serpentologist says that he is “shaking” and also admits that he cannot believe that what is happening happened to him.

    There are two versions of the snakeman's fatal bite. According to one, he was stung by a mamba before the start of a live broadcast in which he was supposed to talk about a dangerous reptile. The fact is that the serpentologist was a co-host of the community about wild cats “Bob Cat TV”, and also video blogged on the public page “Private Exotarium”.

    “Having turned on the camera, as had happened regularly before, he went to take the snake out of the terrarium in order to move it into a plastic container used for broadcasting. In the process of manipulating the snake, he received a bite,” this is how Valeev’s colleagues write about the tragedy that occurred on September 23. Bob Cat TV".

    There is also a second opinion. Arslan could have committed suicide and deliberately set the reptile on himself because of a conflict with his wife Catherine. In the video, the zoologist who has already received a bite actually asks to tell a certain Katya that he loves her. Perhaps he says this because he realizes the fatality.

    Valeev is well known in the community of serpentologists, not only in our regions, but also throughout Russia. He has experience working at the Leningrad Zoo and at the herpetology department of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences. A snake specialist from the Leningrad region was invited to participate in his program “In the Animal World” by zoologist Nikolai Drozdov.

    Almost 20 years of experience working with reptiles. Valeev has repeatedly commented on tragic cases involving snakes. So, for example, when 39-year-old St. Petersburg resident Tatyana Onosova died from the bite of a three-meter python Rimma in June 2015, Valeev called the incident “the greatest rarity.” He popularized reptiles, including poisonous ones, as best he could. His house contained about 300 snakes, as well as lynxes, chihuas, not to mention dogs and cats. By the way, one of them, a redhead, was lying on the bed next to the owner, yawning, as he talked about his approaching death.

    47news journalists looked at the house from which Arslan conducted his deadly broadcast. It is located in the eastern part of Vsevolozhsk in the Melnichny Ruchey microdistrict. Modern private sector with a variety of architectural styles and trends. A mycelium of two-three-story palaces with outbuildings behind high fences, to which disgusting roads lead. Nearby is a landscaped fire pond with ducks.

    The two-story red brick house of the Valeevs, registered to his father Hadji Murat, is not particularly beautiful, but the structure is solid. The plot is large, through from Molodezhnaya Street to Otradninskaya. A Land Rover and a Mercedes-Benz GLA are parked in the yard. Nearby, on a trailer, there is an impressive boat with a sticker from the information center of the Maritime Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation. The presence of a watercraft is quite understandable. The head of the family, Hadji-Murat Valeev, works as the head of the department of state scientific and technical programs of Concern Okeanpribor JSC. Previously, he was a co-owner of the Center for Scientific Research and Innovation of Electrical Engineering Systems LLC and Exoil LLC, which was engaged in the production of petroleum products.

    Photo: Valentin Ilyushin, 47news

    The site is clearly divided into two parts. The first is given to a residential building, and on the second, separated by a brown metal fence, the exotarium itself is located. Enclosures and cages with lynxes are located here. A battery of aquariums is unloaded near the fence. There are kennels and dog houses nearby. Next door are the simple belongings of a pet owner - feeding bowls and chewing toys. An attempt to graft ivy is visible. Apparently, the owner really had plans to eventually organize something similar to a private zoo here.

    The light was on in the house. But to calls, knocks mailbox and the owners did not respond to shouts. Not only journalists, but also animals in cages - two lynxes and one wild spotted cat - flinched at the noise in the building. Perhaps they were just hungry.

    The patience of the inhabitants of the house in Melnichny Ruchey gave out when television crews arrived at the scene. It became clear that at least some explanation would have to be given.

    Guys, there’s no need to sit here, it’s really hard for people, that’s enough,” an Asian man in a green jacket came out to the journalists.

    Valentin Ilyushin, 47news

    He introduced himself not as a local, but as a relative of the family.

    What about snakes? How many of them are there, 200-300 pieces? Now the whole of Vsevolozhsk will be on edge, can you calm people down?

    - a 47news journalist asked a relative.

    All the snakes were taken away in the morning. The special service has arrived.

    - And where to?

    To the city zoo.

    - What about the lynxes?

    The lynxes will be taken away in the evening, it’s late. Everything's under control. Guys, don't stand here, have pity on people.

    Valeev’s neighbors, as it turned out, were not aware that a menagerie was operating right next door. “I only learned about this death yesterday from the news. It’s quiet here. There’s no howling or growling. But in general, everyone here lives behind high fences and has little interest in the lives of their neighbors,” Irina, who was walking a pug along Otradnenskaya Street, told 47news.

    The words of Valeev’s relative that all the blogger’s snakes have already been given to the Leningrad Zoo are hard to believe. The fact is that earlier the director of the zoo, Irina Skiba, told 47news that they would not be able to accept Vsevolozhsk reptiles. “Firstly, everyone needs documents and certificates, and secondly, we don’t keep poisonous snakes, we simply don’t have specialists and antidotes,” Skiba said, adding that the Moscow Zoo deals with these types of snakes.

    Let us note that according to 47news, the mamba that sent the serpentologist to the next world has been found, and the FSB is said to have been involved in the procedure for removing the reptiles. Apparently, the snakes left without an owner will be disposed of somehow. 47news tried to estimate the cost of these efforts.

    Candidate of Biological Sciences Vladimir Cherlin, who worked with Valeev in the exotarium of the Leningrad Zoo, in a conversation with 47news, noted that Arslan was a true professional, an expert in his field. His private collection is the largest in St. Petersburg. However, it is not clear what to do with the Vsevolozhsk snakes. Theoretically, non-poisonous ones can be sold among St. Petersburg reptile lovers. But there is a problem with poisonous ones. In fact, Arslan was the only one in the city and region who dealt specifically with poisonous reptiles. There are no more fans like this. The question of how such a brood appeared in Vsevolozhsk also remains open. The situation is such that today you can get any animal into a private zoo. If only there was money. They should look at the availability of permits, but no one looks.

    As for Arslan’s chances of surviving a mamba bite, they were practically non-existent. Antivenom for this snake bite can be obtained, but only in Africa. Amputation was theoretically possible, but it would have to be literally instantaneous.

    “If this is an accidental bite on the finger, then it must be cut off within two seconds. That’s it. Otherwise, you can die from the bite of a simple viper. There is such a thing as “anaphylactic shock” - an allergic reaction of the body to a foreign protein,” said 47news Cherlin.

    It is interesting that in Melnichny Ruchey there are dachas of relatives of federal officials. In any case, taxi driver Lenya, who has lived in the village since 1960, pointed at one of the buildings, located a hundred meters from the serpentologist’s house, and said that this was the dacha of the sister of the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Sergei Naryshkin. He found this out when the roads in Vsevolozhsk were once again blocked.

    “So what happened to this bite in the end,” asked Lenya, who was driving 47news journalists to the editorial office.

    - Died.

    The taxi driver paused and concluded:

    You probably saw a pond with ducks there. We walk the dog nearby. I'll call and tell my people to go somewhere else.

    St. Petersburg is preparing for isolation. We show the construction plan for checkpoint 105
  • Video and photos: Traffic police officers and volunteers control entry and exit from closed Murino
  • Photo and video: Janitors in special suits completely disinfect Luga