Vibration (vibration) on iPhone: how to disable or enable it in certain cases. What to do if the iPhone does not vibrate Where is the vibration setting on the iPhone

Don't like that your iPhone vibrates every time there's a new message in your email? Frankly speaking, few people like this. Most users disable this feature almost immediately after purchasing a new smartphone. If you also want to do this, but don’t know how, then this instruction is for you.

There are two ways to turn off vibration. If you have several accounts, then you can turn off vibration for each one separately (or leave it for one of them), or in one action prevent the phone from vibrating, regardless of which account the letter was sent to. If you only use one account, then both methods will also work.

How to completely turn off vibration

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Select a tab Sounds, tactile signals.
  3. Scroll down a little and click on New mail.
  4. Select an item Vibration.
  5. Not selected.

Thanks to this method, your iPhone will no longer vibrate when you receive incoming emails, regardless of your account.

How to turn off vibration for individual accounts

Follow this method if you want to selectively turn off vibration for incoming mail on one or more accounts. Thanks to this, you can, for example, turn off vibration on your personal email, but leave it on for your work account, so as not to miss an important email.

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Press Notifications.
  3. Scroll down and select an application Mail.
  4. From the list of accounts, select the one for which you want to turn off vibration.
  5. Click on the tab Sounds at the very top.
  6. Scroll up and tap on the item Vibration.
  7. Scroll down and click on Not selected.

The described steps can be repeated for the number of accounts you need. For all other accounts, the vibration selected in the settings item will be used Sounds, tactile signals.

Once our site already talked about how on Android devices. In principle, this instruction could be used for iOS, but there is a difference between the two operating systems. That's why we decided to write a separate article.

First, find the Settings app on your desktop and open it.

Then select the "Sounds" section.

A small menu will open in front of you. At the top of it you will see two items: “During a call” and “In silent mode”. Move both toggle switches to the Off position. In this case, vibration will no longer be used both during calls and when the smartphone is in silent mode.

iOS has a so-called silent mode, which uses vibration by default. We described above how to disable it. The silent mode itself can be turned off with a separate switch, which is located on the case next to the sound control buttons.

After moving the switch to the Off position, calls will ring a melody rather than vibrate. However, this can be changed using the settings if you use the instructions above.

If sound signals or musical melodies are enough for you to receive calls and various messages, then you should find out how to turn off vibration on your favorite gadget. The general algorithm for iPhones remains unchanged - you just need to activate the desired function. However, for different models there are some differences in solving the question of how to remove vibration.

There are also various options for deactivating vibration for different tasks: receiving calls, silent operation, alarm clock operation, phone response to touch, receiving emergency signals or notifications from social networks. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our selection of step-by-step instructions for each case.

Features of turning off the function on different iPhones

A vibrating background can accompany both the melodies of incoming calls and operation in silent mode. Let's take a closer look at how to configure its absence on an iPhone.

Removing vibration signals on older models

We recommend starting the shutdown procedure on iPhone 6s from the gadget’s desktop:

  1. Select the Settings app;
  2. Enter the “Sounds” section;
  3. Disable the switches in the lines “During a call” and “In silent mode”. The absence of a bright green tone in the window will indicate that vibration does not work on the iPhone 5s, 6 and more rare gadgets.
  4. Confirm the adjustment by pressing the Home button.

Disable the option on iPhone 7

The step-by-step process for deactivating the vibration mode on a 7th generation phone is essentially the same as the deactivation procedure on an iPhone 6s:

  • Go to “Settings”;
  • Open the “Sounds and Response” item;
  • Change the green color of the switch to gray in the lines “During a call” and “In silent mode”, thus removing vibration.
  • Return to your desktop, saving your changes.

This function makes it possible to remove any light, sound, or vibration signals of interest to us. We'll look at how to enable it on different phones below.

iOS 7 and new models

Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Control page.

Activate the Moon icon. The activation of the Do Not Disturb mode will be indicated by the icon changing to blue and a miniature copy of the Moon appearing in the top line of the screen.

We enable the Do Not Disturb functionality on iPhone 6s and older models

  • Step 1. Go to “Settings” on the desktop.
  • Step 2. Find the “Do Not Disturb” option with the image of the moon.
  • Step 3. Activate the functionality by changing the position of the switch and its color.

Turn off vibration mode on the alarm clock

The annoying zoom that accompanies alarm ringtones also creates some inconvenience for many iPhone owners. Let's learn the steps to make a wake-up call possible without vibration.

  • First, you need to go to the Clock app.
  • Secondly, select the appropriate section - “Alarm clock”.
  • Thirdly, by clicking on the “+” icon, go to the “Sound” page.
  • Fourthly, open the “Vibration” item.
  • And finally, fifthly, make the “Not selected” line active.

Cancel the vibration response function

To ensure that you can work with the iPhone screen (swipe, press, etc.) without vibration, you need to make some adjustments:

  • go to the “Sounds and Response” section of the “Settings” application;
  • Find the line “Vibration response” at the bottom of the window and cancel its activity by moving the slider and changing the color tone in the window to gray.

Emergency vibration signals - is it worth removing?

Removing the emergency vibration function on iPhones is not difficult:

  1. In the “Settings” system, select the “General” line.
  2. In the window that opens, click on the “Universal Access” section.
  3. Make changes to the activity of the “Vibration” subsection.

IMPORTANT! By refusing such signals, you need to understand that you risk not being notified in a timely manner about tsunamis, earthquakes, or not hearing other government alerts, because the vibration on your gadget does not work.

Disabling notifications from social networks

A simple instruction will tell you how to set the vibration-free mode for working with social networks:

  1. Open the window of the “Notifications” subsection in the menu of the corresponding applications (VK, Viber).
  2. Remove activity from the vibration function by changing the position of the switch slider (from green to gray).

Thus, the given examples of how to turn off vibration on an iPhone can help you make your personal changes to the functionality of the gadget and make its operation as convenient and comfortable as possible for you. iOS allows you to customize alerts in detail, which sets the system apart from other mobile operating systems. That's why Apple products are so loved all over the world.


As you can see, turning off the vibration signal on an iPhone is quite simple; you need to decide which of the messages are the most annoying, and follow the instructions to turn them off. If you have any questions about this topic, we recommend watching the video instructions, where each action is described step by step.

See you on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

A vibrating iPhone can distract you from serious matters or simply irritate you. Therefore, owners of Apple devices are sometimes puzzled by how to turn off vibration on an iPhone. After all, the procedure is quite specific and it is not always possible to do it the first time.

We’ll talk about all the steps and nuances of how to turn off vibration on an iPhone further. For clarity, pick up your Apple device.

Where and how does vibration turn on and off?

Owners of both old iPhones (2, 3, 4) and newer ones (from 6) feel the vibration of their devices as soon as someone calls them or receives a message. As a rule, the melody and vibration are played simultaneously.

So, to prevent vibration on iPhone 6, 7, 8 or older versions of the device, you can turn it off in the settings. To do this, open the “Settings” menu on your smartphone, scroll to the “Sounds” category and click on it. In the window that opens, in the “Vibration” column, turn off the switch next to “During a call.”

If there is a need to figure out how to turn off vibration on an iPhone for SMS messages, then first set the device to silent mode, and then repeat the above action, only deactivate “In silent mode”.

This is the only way to turn it off.

How to turn off vibration on iPhone?

On Apple smartphones, you can completely turn off vibration. For this:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Find the "Basic" category.
  3. In the window that opens, select "Universal Access".
  4. Select "Vibrate" and deactivate this function by moving the bar to the left.

If you need to return the vibration, do the same steps.

How to remove vibration from messages on social networks and instant messengers?

When correspondence occurs on social networks and instant messengers, notification of the arrival of a message is accompanied by sound and vibration. In silent mode - only vibration. Since the vibration on iPhones is loud, when using social networks you can wake up those already sleeping. Therefore, the option can be disabled. You can use several methods:

  1. The first method will turn off vibration when you are on a social network. When you collapse it, the option is reactivated. Let's look at the example of VKontakte. To do this, go to the application itself on your smartphone, find the “Settings” function, then select “Notifications”, scroll down, finding “Vibration”. Disable this feature.
  2. The second method will allow you to turn off vibration on your iPhone even when the social network or messenger is minimized or closed. To do this, open "Settings" in the menu of your smartphone, scroll down to "Sounds", open and turn the switch to inactive mode opposite the line "In silent mode".

To disable vibration in the Viber application, use the same action for VKontakte.


As you can see, the solution to the question of how to turn off vibration on an iPhone is simple and clear. The only drawback is that the action is carried out in several steps, which will require a small, but still time-consuming investment.

This sequence of actions is the same for the first iPhone models with an outdated version of iOS, and for modern Apples with the updated iOS 11.

What should you do in cases where you can’t unmute your phone, but you can’t miss an important call? A vibration alert comes to the rescue. We are talking about silent mode, which is simply irreplaceable at important meetings, negotiations, sessions, in the theater, cinema, etc. There are a variety of situations in life when people are busy. In order not to turn off the phone at all, you can turn on a low volume or (even better) turn on vibration instead of sound. This allows you to be aware that there are incoming calls, without the need to alarm or disturb strangers.

Many people are interested in how to adjust or remove some vibration effect. Let's consider the main cases when expert advice may be required. This is especially true if we are talking about using vibration on the iPhone.

When receiving text notifications or incoming calls, vibration in the iPhone may not suit users. Therefore, information on how to change vibration on iPhone 4, 5s will not be superfluous.

Let's say your smartphone is lying on some hard surface (on a table, for example). When a call comes in or a message arrives, it vibrates, creating thunderous sounds. It’s hard not to hear them, and therefore both you and the people around you can be distracted by them. Fortunately, Apple developers included a function to turn vibration on/off in the gadget; they placed a parameter in the smartphone settings that is responsible for vibration. All that's left for you to do is use it.

What to do with vibration on iPhone?

Different life situations require a different approach to controlling such a gadget as the iPhone 5. There are quite specific settings that are responsible for vibration. Not everyone can figure them out on their own, which is why users often enter the query “how to remove vibration” into search engines. Let's look at different cases in which it makes sense to turn vibration on or off:

  1. During calls and messages (SMS). Turning off the vibration mode is done as follows: open “Settings”, click on “Sounds” and by clicking “During a call” you get rid of any sounds. That's it: your “disabled” iPhone 4 or 5 will no longer shake when making a call. To configure this option for messages, you will first have to put the gadget on silent mode, and then open “Settings”, find “Sounds” there and click on the “In silent mode” button. This is how your incoming SMS will stop annoying you with vibration. It is important to emphasize that the presented parameter is controlled only by these 2 parameters. By manipulating them, you can easily and quickly adjust the desired volume and re-enable the vibration mode.
  2. On the alarm clock. Sometimes one sound notification is not enough for a cheerful rise. Therefore, many people want to supplement it with vibration (that is, let’s say an alarm goes off, and you want to not only hear the melody, but also feel the vibration). But on iPhones there is no such function in the settings. So all you have to do is experiment with sound. Or, as an option, you can download a “blank” ringtone to your phone and set it as an alarm clock. When you decide to remove vibration completely, use the advice presented in point No. 1 (dig into silent mode).
  3. In VK (Vkontakte) on iPhone. As soon as you log onto this social network, friends, colleagues and just acquaintances/strangers begin endlessly writing different messages. This happens all the time. Voice-over of incoming messages can wake up those sleeping nearby. It is unlikely that you will look attractive if you disturb a person’s long, uninterrupted sleep. Therefore, you need to have an idea of ​​​​how to make sure that the vibration is turned off in the evening. Go to the VK application, look for “Notifications” in the left menu and select “Vibration”. Such manipulations allow you to deactivate the sound when you are on the site, but as soon as you exit the application, notifications will again remind you of your arrival by vibrating. In this case, it is better to use another method: when the “Sounds” option is selected in “Phone Settings”, and “Silent mode” is already selected in it. It's simple. Just remember that both your SMS and calls will sound without vibration.
  4. In Viber. To turn off rattling in this application, we suggest using the general advice on turning off vibration, voiced in the paragraph about VK, because Viber does not have a separate parameter in the settings that allows you to make a change - turn off vibration.
