How to find out the Explorer version number. Where can I see the version of Internet Explorer? How to find out the current version of Internet Explorer

Mozilla FireFox, to clarify the version of this software product, you need to expand the “Help” section in the menu and click the very bottom item (“About Mozilla Firefox”). A separate vertical window will open, in which an indication of the exact version of three numbers separated by a dot is placed under the large Firefox inscription.

In the Opera menu, you also need to open the “Help” section and click on the bottom item (“About the program”). But here, unlike all other browsers, a separate window does not pop up - a regular window opens, most of which is occupied by lists of various types of storage created by the browser in yours. At the very beginning of this list there is a separate section, which is called “Version Information”. Opera version numbers are two numbers separated by a dot.

In Internet Explorer, by opening the same menu section called “Help” and clicking the last item in the list, “About,” you will see a window with a stern reminder about copyright compliance. In addition to this text, there is no less serious code indicating the browser version. In it, as many as four numbers are separated by a dot, one of which has already exceeded the four-digit mark.

In Google Chrome, in addition to the equally serious code of the version used (four numbers separated by dots), there is also an indication of the latest modification available for installation. To see a separate window with all this information, you need to open the menu by clicking on the wrench icon at the top right of the window browser, and select “About Google Chrome”.

In the Apple Safari browser, just in case, there are two ways to open a window with version information. One of them is similar to the method of the Chrome browser - you need to click on the icon located in the same place (here a gear is drawn on it) and select “About Safari”. The other is very similar to Mozilla and IE - you need to open the “Help” section in the menu and click the bottom item (“About Safari”). Apple came up with the longest version designation: in addition to three numbers separated by a dot, there is also a complement of three numbers in parentheses.

Often, the ability to view a particular site depends on the browser version. Therefore, it is important to know the version of the Internet Explorer browser installed on your computer. Newer versions of this browser don't have the traditional menu bar, and you'll have to open it a little differently. In older versions, the menu bar is present.


Method 1 of 2: If the menu bar is missing

Click on the gear icon (in the upper right corner of the browser window).

  • If your browser doesn't have a gear icon or a menu bar, right-click on an empty space in your bookmarks bar and select Menu Bar from the menu. Follow the instructions in the next section of this article.

Find the version number. The general version of the browser will be displayed on the logo, for example, "Internet Explorer 11". You can see the exact version of the browser (its build version) directly under the Internet Explorer logo.

Method 2 of 2: If the menu bar is present

On the menu bar, click Help.

Click "About" (at the bottom of the menu).

Find the version number. The general version of the browser will be displayed on the logo, for example, "Internet Explorer 8". You can see the exact version of the browser (its build version) directly under the Internet Explorer logo.

  • The latest version for Windows XP is IE8.
  • The latest version for Windows Vista is IE9.
  • The latest version for Windows 7 and 8 is IE 11.

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    Internet Explorer browser is the most popular program for browsing the Internet. The browser is installed on all Windows computers as a standard program and has very rich functionality. Despite the fact that many people in the world prefer to use Chrome or other browsers, the leadership of IE has been maintained for many years and this browser is like no other suitable for viewing old sites and pages, and also supports many technologies that are not available for other programs, which makes it indispensable on work computers in various organizations.

    Often, some sites only support a certain version of Microsoft's browser. In order to find out the version of Internet Explorer before updating or restoring it, you will need to use several simple methods. The first of them is based on requesting information directly inside the application, and the second is based on analyzing information from the program's executable file. Also, if the user uses Windows 10, you will need to learn some of the intricacies of using IE in the environment of the new operating system.

    Quick navigation through the article

    "About" window

    In order to obtain information about the Explorer version directly from the menu intended for this, you will need:

    • Launch the program on your computer.
    • Press the “Alt” button on your keyboard and select “Help” from the menu that appears. You can also use the gear button in the upper right corner of the program if the installed version of IE contains it.
    • Select “About the program” from the list that appears.
    • Study the information in the window that opens. So, the picture will tell you which version of Explorer is installed on your computer, and the information below will tell you the specific build number.


    You can also view the program version in the properties of the executable file in the folder with the program. To do this, you need to right-click on the Internet Explorer shortcut and select “Properties”. In the window that opens, click on the “File location” button. After clicking on the specified button, Windows will show the folder containing the iexplore.exe file, the properties of which must also be called up through the right-click context menu.

    In the properties of this file, the user needs to go to the “Details” section. In the “description” block there is a line “Version”, which should be third from the top. It is the first two digits before the dot (or one if the version is lower than 10) that will indicate the program version.

    Windows 10

    Despite the fact that Edge is considered the main browser in Windows 10, Microsoft did not remove Explorer anywhere and left it available to run on the Professional edition of the system. To launch the browser, you can use the search tool on the taskbar, or call the service menu in Edge, where there is an “Open in Internet Explorer” button.

    Windows 10 has the latest version of Explorer and will no longer be updated. This is Internet Explorer 11, into which all previously received updates are already integrated. The user can place a program shortcut on the desktop or pin it to the Start menu, like any other program.

    Microsoft's is one of the most popular browsers as it is installed on every Windows computer. Despite the fact that a significant number of users prefer to use other products, for example, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and so on, IE still holds its position, occupying a special place in the market. Apart from the usual browser functions, Internet Explorer plays a role in the operation of the Windows operating system. So, depending on the current version of IE on your PC, some services, system components and utilities may not work correctly. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to find out the version of Internet Explorer. Let's figure it out. Go!

    How to find out if your viewer is up to date

    Internet Explorer 7 is a newer version of Internet Explorer 6, which comes with a ton of new features and updates. Some users prefer the previous version of the browser. Internet Explorer is part of the built-in…

    Internet Explorer is the most widespread browser in the World today. The first version of the web browser, often called IE for short, was released by Microsoft in 1995. There are currently 9 versions of the browser.


    You can find out the revision number (from 1 to 9), as well as the full version number of the browser, in other words, its build, through the built-in help tool “About the program”.
    In different versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, the About file is located in directories and menus that have different names.
    So, in versions of Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7, just launch the browser and select the rightmost item in the top menu, usually called “Help” or “Help”. Click on the item with the left mouse button once and select “About the program” in the context menu. A small window will appear in front of you, in which the Internet browser build will be written, like 9.0.8112.16421, as well as the bitness of the web browser: (32 / 64 bit edition). To close the browser information window, simply click the “OK” or “Close” button.

    If the browser does not have a menu at all, but there are icons in the upper right corner in the form of a house, a star and a gear, your Internet Explorer version is 9. To find out the full build number, left-click on the gear and select in the context menu the final paragraph is “About the program”. A similar menu will appear on the screen as in previous versions of the browser from Microsoft.

    There is an alternative way to view the browser version. You can find out the full version of the Internet Explorer browser by entering the text “iexplore.exe” (without quotes) into the search bar in the Start menu bar. In the launcher, a search result for “iexplore” will appear in the “Programs” category.
    Right-click on the result that appears and select “Properties” from the context menu. In the properties window that opens, go to the “Details” tab. The “Product Version” column will indicate the version of the Internet Explorer browser installed on your computer.

    Internet Explorer is a standard tool for accessing the Internet, included in the set of operating systems of the Windows family, developed by Microsoft Corporation, and has long been the most used tool for accessing the Internet. The first version of the utility was released in 1995 and was a reworking of the Spyglass browser, which was immediately purchased by Microsoft. Then the program was improved, and other applications for accessing the Internet using technology began to be created in its likeness, but Explorer still remains the most frequently used utility for accessing the Internet. But "most used" does not mean best.

    The high usage rate of this browser makes it a target for hackers. In terms of security, this utility is much inferior to the same google chrome. However, Microsoft programmers regularly improve the application, program code and improve security. If you prefer the standard tool to other browsers, I advise you to install the latest version of the utility. If you use another utility, you should leave everything as is. How to install Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7, as well as how to find out the current version of the browser is described below.

    How to find out the current version of Internet Explorer

    Timely software updates will reduce the risk of infecting your computer via the Internet. To do this, it is important to determine the current version of the application. It's very easy to recognize her! For this:

    Removing and installing Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7

    Since Explorer is part of the operating system, it cannot be completely removed! However, if for some reason you do not like the new version of the browser, or it does not work correctly, you can remove the installed modifications and return Internet Explorer to the original version. For Windows 7, version 8 is initially provided. So, to erase installed modifications

    After the update removal process is completed, the system will prompt you to restart your computer. To avoid repeating the process twice, disable automatic program updates. I also recommend changing your automatic software update settings. To do this, open the Control Panel and follow the “Windows Update” link.

    Then, in the window that opens, select the “settings” item.

    Greetings. There are different versions of the Internet Explorer browser, there are 6 - it is no longer supported. Some sites open on this version, but the simplest ones, but in general, sites either do not open or work very crookedly. 8 is a little better - but still many sites work crookedly, it cannot be called a full-fledged version.

    9 is better, but still not much. Starting from 10 it’s already possible to live somehow, although Chrome is like the moon. Version 11, in my opinion, is quite passable; it is the latest version of Internet Explorer for today. You can use it, but Chrome is better, even Microsoft Edge is better.

    Let's figure it out

    Let's get down to business. I hasten to please you - everything is very simple. Launch Internet Explorer, I’ll do it a little unusual - hold down the Win + R buttons, write the command:

    Click OK. The browser will open. There is a gear in the upper right corner - click on it, select About the program:

    Now I think without comment - it’s clear what version you have installed:


    As you can see, it’s easy to find out the version. The function is present in the browser itself.

    I advise you to use the Internet Explorer browser in extreme cases, only when it is not possible to install Chrome.

    If your PC has little memory or a weak processor, I advise you to pay attention to Pale Moon. This is a browser based on Mozilla, but is maximally optimized for fast work - even down to optimizing the use of processor instructions (info from the off-site).

    I hope the information was useful. Good luck.
