Analog gamepad. Choosing a joystick for a computer. Wired joystick for PC

Many people don’t need to explain what a gamepad is. But if someone has a question, then everything is simple - it’s a joystick.

There are different types and shapes. Accordingly, they are connected differently.

  • one-dimensional - not particularly functional, you can only move it up and down, left and right.
  • two-dimensional - allows users to create more complex objects, usually located in two planes;
  • three-dimensional - in accordance with the name, provides the gamer with control in three planes;
  • four-dimensional, it is also most often called a gamepad, while others say joysticks. This type is needed in more complex games, in particular on game consoles.

DirectInput or XInput

When choosing a device, you may notice that it says either DirectInput or . This factor also affects the configuration setting itself.

Firstly, DirectInput is a standard connection.

You will have to tinker with it, setting all the parameters.

However, its advantages include an unlimited number of simultaneous connections of joysticks, and the possible use of a keyboard and mouse (more advanced users can already do this).

In addition, it will work with all devices, regardless of whether they are old or new.

Secondly, XInput was originally developed for the XBox 360.

This API does not know any third-party devices for control. True, most video games run better on it.

By the way, if the device comes with a disk, don’t disdain it - install patches from it too.

In addition, the installation CD may contain additional information that will make setup easier. It often contains special programs.

How about more details?

Basically, to carry out the setup and connection itself, you need. We have already talked about this above.

The next step is calibration.

You can deal with it through the Control Panel.

Right-click on it and look at the configuration.

“Axis calibration” is what you need. In the window that appears, click on the D-pad on your device.

Your task is to make the cross appear in the center.

Basically, all you need to do is confirm that from now on you are using a gamepad rather than a keyboard when playing games.

Now, if you need to click a key to continue, just press something on the joystick.

In addition, many games usually offer a special user menu to customize it to suit your requirements.

The main thing is to double-check not only the main keys, but also all other keys, so that there are no incidents during the game.

Is there no other way?

There is, but it is not simpler; on the contrary, it is more detailed.

Using a method similar to the original one, check the functionality of all buttons. Boring, but effective.

In general, setting up a gamepad the old fashioned way won’t be too difficult.

Of course, in some cases standard tools are not enough.

For example, some games don't support joysticks very well. Then you have to resort to additional methods and programs.

For games, especially console games, you simply need a gamepad. In its absence, users often turn to the usual keyboard, but it is not so functional.

A gamepad is a more convenient way to control.

True, even after purchasing this device, gamers are sometimes lost: how to configure it to suit their needs?

I have a PlayStation 3, what should I do?

You have several options: with or without wires.

The first type is simple: connect your gamepad to .

The PC, in turn, will begin the process of installing the necessary drivers, patches, and so on. In general, wait.

When it's all over, download MotioninJoy. Basically, follow the instructions. Everything should be extremely simple.

As for potential errors, there is an auxiliary method.

After launching the application, click on the “Driver Manager” tab. Your gamepad should be displayed there. Then click on “Load Driver”, that is, “download driver”. All that remains is to wait for the download to complete.

The next step is to go to the Profiles tab.

Select the Select one mode option. And, despite the fact that you have a different device, mark XBox 360.

As always, wait for the installation to complete. Now all that remains is to make sure that everything is functioning correctly. This can be done in the options section.

The wireless method means that you need to do everything that was indicated above. Then you can proceed to further steps.

In MotioninJoy, select the BluetoothPair section. Accordingly, turn on the Bluetooth adapter, and this is a necessary step.

Otherwise, you can't do without wires. Then your adapter should be there, click it, then Pair Now. And wait again.

Only now pull out the cable from the USB port. If the device vibrates, you can finally rejoice: everything worked out.

What about nuances?

Of course, in addition to the usual installation, you need to understand other parameters.

For example, vibration. It doesn’t seem to be particularly important, but it still adds sensations.

Usually vibration is triggered at critical moments: you were killed, the character fell, hit, or an accident occurred. In general, in the most risky situations.

If nothing like this happens to you, the option may be disabled.

However, pay attention to whether you have the necessary drivers installed. And then it’s a small matter: use the joystick to activate the option.

Special software

Some games may not support a gamepad. But what to do if you are now much more comfortable with him?

In fact, all this can be customized. After a certain series of manipulations, the joystick can be controlled in any game.

The easiest way to do this is with the help of special programs.

Moreover, they are widely available in . For example, you can download Xpadder. It, in turn, imitates a keyboard and mouse.

Start with the body of the gamepad. In the program, mark the functional buttons on the visual prototype of the joystick.

That is, you are creating more than one joystick control profile. Next, make sure the image is functioning through “Properties”.

Thus, you can rearrange the buttons on the gamepad.

You can even turn it around so that one button corresponds to two on the keyboard. That is, combinations for a specific movement, for example. And this can be very useful.

Some games use a combination for one action or another. So now you can react faster to different events.

Another setup method can be done through the JoyToKey software.

It, in turn, can even add additional capabilities and options to the gamepad key in the game. Just select the desired value for the button and the corresponding one on the keyboard.

Moreover, all this can be done regardless of the manufacturer and purpose of the joystick itself. The main thing is to understand the principle of setting itself. In this case, it is quite similar for a device of any brand.

Connection features

Of course, each device has its own characteristics. And you need to configure it in accordance with them.

Please note the following:

  • It is better not to connect two wireless joysticks of the same model range. Their signal may merge, so the two of you will not be able to play together: the players’ movements will be confused with each other. It is also possible that one of the gamepads simply will not be perceived. In short, read about compatibility first. This is especially important since there is no solution to this problem. Unless you buy another device.
  • As mentioned above, the type of device connection also plays a role - DirectInput or XInput. In the modern market, the second one is in the lead, and there is usually a function for switching between them. The first type is already a classic, which is losing ground a little.
  • However, take note that devices do not always support two input methods. Older games may not recognize Xinput. It’s the same with newer ones: DirectInput is inferior in output to its newer counterpart. Luckily, there are games that support both control methods. By the way, to avoid any incidents, carefully check the devices for functionality.
  • Under normal conditions, problems do not arise so often. Games support two joysticks without much difficulty. If they occur, you can try to solve it as follows:
  • - make sure that the devices do not conflict with each other;
  • - make gamepads using different technologies work.
  • The second can be done either through a switch on the device, or using third-party programs.
  • If only one specific game is not compatible with two gamepads, most likely it simply does not support such interaction. However, this does not mean that it definitely cannot be fixed. For example, Rayman Origins will see two joysticks, provided that they work using the same technology (DirectInput or XInput). Of course, there are cases where such a solution will not help. Then it’s better to contact support.

How many can you turn on at the same time?

In the case of XInput, the maximum number of connected gamepads is four. DirectInput offers a little more, although it's rarely needed.

To disconnect an extra device, hold your finger on the Guide key for a few seconds. Then just turn off the joystick.

And if you turn off the console, then when you turn it on again, its joystick will connect on its own.

For more stable performance, make sure your game supports gamepads. Otherwise, it will either be inconclusive, or you will rack your brains for a long time and tediously (but you will achieve your goal).


This means that to configure the gamepad, you need to understand the connection type, drivers.

Often you have to resort to various third-party software to get what you want.

It is also necessary to monitor the functionality of all buttons.

It happens that you need to customize something, activate additional functions.

Often users ignore vibration, for example. However, be guided only by your preferences. The buttons can still be swapped and reconfigured.

However, playing on a gamepad is quite convenient.

You can set special combinations that will correspond to only one button.

In some cases, you will need third-party software. For example, for connecting a joystick to games that do not support it. Here we have to get a little confused.

It takes time to set everything up, but in turn you will be able to play in a more familiar way.

When choosing and purchasing, pay attention to what you play most often. Technology depends on this. And, of course, compatibility and further support for various devices.

The leaders in this area are considered to be XBox 360, Logitech Gamepad, Sony DualShock 4 Wireless Controller and others.

They all differ in price category and functionality.

They have to be configured according to a similar scheme. If something happens, there is an extensive support database on forums and official ones.

In conclusion, we can say that “how to set up a gamepad on a PC” is a rather difficult question; it can be answered unambiguously by taking into account many factors. But in general, our manual should help.

How to set up a Chinese gamepad on PC

Many users are wondering - what is a gamepad? A game console (or gamepad) is a type of game controller. It is a device that is held with two hands and controlled using the fingers. Mostly the thumbs are used, but newer models often have additional buttons that can be pressed in a different way.

The main task

We figured out what a gamepad is, now let's move on to what it is needed for. The main task of the device is to ensure interaction between the gamer and the game console. Quite often, gamepads are used in computer games. However, not every PC game can support it. Typically, the player uses the buttons with his left hand, and performs some actions with his right hand. Typically, modern gamepads are equipped with a pair of analog sticks.


This is one of the most famous and first game consoles. Who, if not its users, first learned what a gamepad is. NES: D-pad became the first known controller for the console. Outwardly, it did not particularly stand out in anything: a fairly simple form in the form of a tile, on which there are buttons A, B (responsible for actions), Start and Select, as well as a cross button for movement (D-pad). By the end of the console era, the gamepad had transformed and began to look more like a dog bone.

Soon, almost everyone knew what a gamepad was. SNES became a new popular controller and introduced two new action keys, as well as the L and R buttons, which were located under the index fingers. It was from that time that many gamepads began to have these buttons.

Virtual Boy is one of the most interesting developments of the time. The gamepad was created for the console of the same name. The main difference is the presence of an additional cross button, which is responsible for rotating the object.

N64 became the first gamepad to use an analog stick. The controller itself is quite convenient. However, the stick often failed. The gamepad was shaped like a trident, allowing it to be held in several ways.

GameCube became a gamepad that used two analog sticks. In addition, the L and R keys were improved. Now they were more sensitive to pressure; when fully pressed, a soft click was heard. Subsequently, this gamepad was modified, and a wireless controller appeared. However, I had to give up vibration in order to preserve energy reserves.

Wii is the most unconventional controller. This gamepad is more like a remote control. However, it has a number of features. The main ones are motion sensors and determination of body position in space. The analog stick has been moved to a separate device.


Master System Quite similar to the Nintendo controller. The main difference was that instead of a cross button, square keys were used. The control keys also had a different name - 1 and 2. There were no special questions about how to connect the Master System gamepad. In addition, it could be connected to other consoles, which was a definite plus.

IN MegaDrive/Genesis came the D-pad, which was eight-directional. The three buttons that the controller had were quite enough for the first games. However, over time, the gamepad had to be supplemented with three more action keys.

Saturn received eight buttons and had a round shape. In addition, the gamepad had an analog stick.

Dreamcast, which was released on the console of the same name, has received a new form. It houses four action buttons, as well as a D-pad, analog stick and two triggers. The gamepad also had two slots for memory cards.


Sidewinder gamepads from Microsoft date back to 1996. Over the course of its existence, the Microsoft gamepad has taken many different forms and been used in a wide variety of games. One of them had truly innovative functionality and allowed gamers to play strategy games. Many developers of sports games focused specifically on the capabilities of this controller.


The developers turned out the first Xbox gamepad to be quite large, which many players did not like. The controller was equipped with eight buttons, two triggers and two analog sticks. However, a more compact version, the Type-S, soon appeared.

Gamepad Xbox 360 turned out to be more convenient and compact. The controller is equipped with a wireless connection function. However, the gamepad has not undergone significant changes in terms of buttons. In addition, it is possible to buy this device and easily connect it to a computer, as well as many Android gadgets.

Gamepad Xbox One is a new controller for the latest generation of consoles from this company. The developers claim that it has received a lot of improvements. You can now connect a headset to the gamepad. The dimensions of the device have become slightly smaller. The creators claim that the communication system with the console has been revised. Thanks to this, it was possible to significantly increase the response speed. Also, according to the developers, the controller will be able to work for about ten years.


The first gamepad for the console from Japanese developers was equipped with a D-pad and four action buttons. The keys differed in that they were designated by drawings depicting various figures. Soon Dual Analog came out to replace this controller. The new product received longer handles that became slightly rounder.

Subsequently, a new gamepad from Sony entered the market, which was called Dual Shock and was included in the first shipments of Sony Plastation 2. However, very soon news arrived about the appearance of a new controller, which changed only in terms of button presses. Many games were subsequently developed specifically for this device.

Before the release of Sony Plastation 3, a new, extremely unusual gamepad was presented. However, there were a lot of negative reviews about this controller, and the developers decided to use familiar models. 3 has been slightly modified to include wireless connectivity. It was also equipped with a sensor that sensed its position in space.

The PS4 gamepad has changed quite a lot. The controller has become more convenient, the buttons are now located closer to each other.


Steam Controller turned out to be the most innovative gamepad known. The developers tried to make a device that would replace the keyboard and mouse, but at the same time have the basic properties of a controller. Instead of the usual sticks, the gamepad is equipped with two touch areas.

The creation and improvement of the controller is carried out not only by developers, but also by players. The device is supported by most operating systems. Gamers expect a gamepad to be a complete replacement for the traditional mouse and keyboard.


SHIELD Controller is a wireless gamepad that Nvidia developed specifically for its devices. The main goal of the developers was to give the controller excellent responsiveness in games. At the same time, the gamepad turned out to be very convenient.

Many users are wondering - what is a gamepad? A game console (or gamepad) is a type of game controller. It is a device that is held with two hands and controlled using the fingers. Mostly the thumbs are used, but newer models often have additional buttons that can be pressed in a different way.

The main task

We figured out what a gamepad is, now let's move on to what it is needed for. The main task of the device is to ensure interaction between the gamer and the game console. Quite often, gamepads are used in computer games. However, not every PC game can support it. Typically, the player uses the buttons to control the object with his left hand, and performs any actions with his right hand. Typically, modern gamepads are equipped with a pair of analog sticks.


This is one of the most famous and first gaming consoles. Who, if not its users, first learned what a gamepad is. NES: The D-pad was the first known controller for the console. Outwardly, it did not particularly stand out in anything: a fairly simple form in the form of a tile, on which there are buttons A, B (responsible for actions), Start and Select, as well as a cross button for movement (D-pad). By the end of the console era, the gamepad had transformed and began to look more like a dog bone.

Soon, almost everyone knew what a gamepad was. The SNES became the new popular controller and introduced two new action keys, as well as the L and R buttons, which were located under the index fingers. It was from that time that many gamepads began to have these buttons.

The Virtual Boy is one of the most interesting developments of its time. The gamepad was created for the console of the same name. The main difference is the presence of an additional cross button, which is responsible for rotating the object.

The N64 was the first gamepad to use an analog stick. The controller itself is quite convenient. However, the stick often failed. The gamepad was shaped like a trident, allowing it to be held in several ways.

The GameCube became a gamepad that used two analog sticks. In addition, the L and R keys were improved. Now they were more sensitive to pressure; when fully pressed, a soft click was heard. Subsequently, this gamepad was modified, and a wireless controller appeared. However, I had to give up vibration in order to preserve energy reserves.

The Wii is the most unconventional controller. This gamepad is more like a remote control. However, it has a number of features. The main ones are motion sensors and determination of body position in space. The analog stick has been moved to a separate device.


The Master System is quite similar to the Nintendo controller. The main difference was that instead of a cross button, square keys were used. The control keys also had a different name - 1 and 2. There were no special questions about how to connect the Master System gamepad. In addition, it could be connected to other consoles, which was a definite plus.

MegaDrive/Genesis introduced a D-pad that was eight-directional. The three buttons that the controller had were quite enough for the first games. However, over time, the gamepad had to be supplemented with three more action keys.

The Saturn had eight buttons and was round in shape. In addition, the gamepad had an analog stick.

The Dreamcast, which was released on the console of the same name, has received a new form. It houses four action buttons, as well as a D-pad, analog stick and two triggers. The gamepad also had two slots for memory cards.


Sidewinder gamepads from Microsoft date back to 1996. Over the course of its existence, the Microsoft gamepad has taken many different forms and been used in a wide variety of games. One of them had truly innovative functionality and allowed gamers to play strategy games. Many developers of sports games focused specifically on the capabilities of this controller.


The developers turned out the first Xbox gamepad to be quite large, which many players did not like. The controller was equipped with eight buttons, two triggers and two analog sticks. However, a more compact version, the Type-S, soon appeared.

The Xbox 360 gamepad is more convenient and compact. The controller is equipped with a wireless connection function. However, the gamepad has not undergone significant changes in terms of buttons. In addition, it is possible to buy this device and easily connect it to a computer, as well as many Android gadgets.

The Xbox One gamepad is a new controller for the latest generation of consoles from this company. The developers claim that it has received a lot of improvements. You can now connect a headset to the gamepad. The dimensions of the device have become slightly smaller. The creators claim that the communication system with the console has been revised. Thanks to this, it was possible to significantly increase the response speed. Also, according to the developers, the controller will be able to work for about ten years.


The first gamepad for the console from Japanese developers was equipped with a D-pad and four action buttons. The keys differed in that they were designated by drawings depicting various figures. Soon Dual Analog came out to replace this controller. The new product received longer handles that became slightly rounder.

Subsequently, a new gamepad from Sony entered the market, which was called Dual Shock and was included in the first shipments of Sony Plastation 2. However, very soon news arrived about the appearance of a new controller, which changed only in terms of button presses. Many games were subsequently developed specifically for this device.

Before the release of Sony Plastation 3, a new, extremely unusual gamepad was presented. However, there were a lot of negative reviews about this controller, and the developers decided to use familiar models. The Dual Shock 3 has been slightly redesigned to include wireless connectivity. It was also equipped with a sensor that sensed its position in space.

The PS4 gamepad has changed quite a lot. The controller has become more convenient, the buttons are now located closer to each other.


Steam Controller turned out to be the most innovative gamepad known. The developers tried to make a device that would replace the keyboard and mouse, but at the same time have the basic properties of a controller. Instead of the usual sticks, the gamepad is equipped with two touch areas.

The creation and improvement of the controller is carried out not only by developers, but also by players. The device is supported by most operating systems. Gamers expect a gamepad to be a complete replacement for the traditional mouse and keyboard.


SHIELD Controller is a wireless gamepad that Nvidia developed specifically for its devices. The main goal of the developers was to give the controller excellent responsiveness in games. At the same time, the gamepad turned out to be very convenient.

Gamepad for PC - how to buy the best one, connect it to a computer and prices for game consoles for games

A large number of games are released first for the latest generation of consoles (Xbox One, PS3, PS4). These exclusive products are of interest not only to console players, but also to PC owners, so a joystick for your computer will be very useful for you. This way you will be able to avoid control problems in the game and fully enjoy the process.

What is a gamepad for a computer

Every person has encountered some kind of game console in their life: Sega, Dendy, PlayStation. The kit always included 1 or 2 manipulators that were used for control. On a computer, these functions are initially performed by a mouse and keyboard, but not all games are more convenient than a gamepad for a PC. There are special manipulators for the computer that help you get more pleasure from the gameplay:

  • steering wheel with pedals for racing simulators;
  • joystick for controlling helicopters and airplanes;
  • The gamepad is well suited for fighting games and arcade games.

The gamepad can have two connection types: wireless and wired. The latter option, as a rule, is connected via a USB connector, so it can be used in any device with such an output. This is not to say that it is worse or better than the wireless version of the controller. Most players make their choice based on personal feelings and preferences. This type of gamepad has the following advantages:

  • light weight;
  • higher signal transmission speed to PC;
  • low cost gamepad;
  • large selection of models;
  • easy setup after connection;
  • You can play without worrying about battery charge.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then they include sometimes the cord being too short (this depends on the chosen model), which ties you to one place. Unforeseen events often happen with this same cord: it was chewed by a cat or dog, it broke during a particularly fierce fight, it frayed over time. You can avoid this if you do not buy cheap gamepad models.

Wireless joystick for computer

Controller models that are produced for consoles, for example, PS3, Xbox, have a special design for their consoles. Some gamers use similar options as a computer pointing device because they are suitable for connecting to a PC. Drivers or special programs may be required for use. Wireless gamepads often have the word Wireless in their name, which indicates the absence of wires for connection. They are produced not only by companies that produce consoles, but also by third-party companies (Defender, Logitech, Thrustmaster, etc.).

The main advantage of such controllers is the absence of wires, which allows you to play anywhere in the room, in any position, the main thing is that the signal reaches the receiver. This is where the advantages end, and the following points should be highlighted among the disadvantages:

  • higher price of the gamepad;
  • the battery in the joystick adds weight to it;
  • The duration of the game is limited by the battery charge, and it can end at the most inopportune moment.

If the presence or absence of a wire is an individual choice, then the question of which joystick is best for a PC from the store catalog can be answered. A person should be guided by the budget that he is willing to allocate for this purchase, based on this, he can choose an inexpensive model or a higher priced one from Microsoft for Xbox or PS3. Below is a small overview of good options that can be ordered and purchased in the online store:

  1. Defender Game Racer X7. An excellent wired model that almost completely copies the controller from the PS4. The latter is not possible to use on a PC, but Defender is easy to use. The central part has been slightly expanded and a few buttons have been added, but otherwise all functions are retained. The manipulator has stickers, vibration feedback, and even the ability to program macros. The main advantage of this model is its low price compared to the original Sony gamepad.
  2. Thrustmaster GPX LightBack Ferrari F1 Edition. This is an expensive and high-quality model that has the logos and color scheme of a famous sports car manufacturer. The placement of stickers and buttons is very similar to the original Xbox joystick. Establishing a connection with a PC is easy because it uses a wire for connection. If you are a Ferrari fan, then you should buy this model. The main advantage of the manipulator is the high quality of the components.
  3. Logitech Gamepad F310. Another wired option that has support in most games. This eliminates compatibility problems and ensures high connection reliability. There are often Chinese counterfeits on the market, so you should buy a gamepad from a trusted store. The main disadvantage of this option is the lack of vibration, which is already present on almost all modern joysticks.
  4. Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Controller for Windows. The official controller for PC, which is completely identical to the version for Xbox. Players who have not previously used such gamepads are confused by the location of the left sticker, but this feature is very easy to get used to. The device runs on two AA batteries; most games that support the controller pick up the joystick settings on the fly, so you don’t have to do anything extra to install it.

Gamepad price for PC

The cost of the manipulator largely depends on the manufacturing company, the presence or absence of vibration feedback, stickers, and type of connection. Good options for PC joysticks have been discussed above, but how much do they cost? Below is the average price for the reviewed (and not only) models:

How to choose a gamepad on PC

There are so many people, so many opinions, but there are certain criteria that can help you decide on the choice of a manipulator. A person’s feelings when using the controller are purely individual, so below we will simply outline points that should be taken into account:

  1. Connection type. This has been written about in detail above. You need to decide for yourself which one suits you best. If you need more “freedom”, then you need to go for wireless models.
  2. Number of buttons. In this case, the statement “the more the better” is not true. 10 buttons along with sticks are considered optimal; they are enough for all games.
  3. Analog stickers. It just doesn’t make sense to buy a gamepad without them, look for models with them. Not all games need them, but you simply can’t play modern PRGs without sticks.
  4. Vibration response. An optional feature, but it greatly enhances the feeling of being connected to what's happening on the screen. You crash into a pole with a car - your hands feel it, in a fighting game you get hit - vibration again.
  5. Landing. Different models have different thickness of handles and weight of the device. To choose the best option, you should hold the device in your hands and feel it.

Video: which is the best joystick on PC


Vladimir, 20 years old

I played on the Xbox console for a very long time, but decided that upgrading my computer was cheaper than buying a new console every year. I decided not to change traditions and bought a gamepad from Microsoft for Windows. No matter how much they say that its price is too high, it is still more “native”, recognized by any game, and does not need to be configured. This is the best choice for me.

Dmitry, 25 years old

I can't imagine how you can play fighting games on a computer using a keyboard. Especially for the release of Mortal Combat X, I purchased two gamepads from Defender. The game found them immediately, I didn’t have to configure anything, the vibration response was excellent. For its price, the joystick fully lives up to expectations. I've been using it for a year now without any problems or breakdowns.

Andrey, 29 years old

There are games that are much easier to play on a PC with a gamepad, for example, Dark Souls or Witcher 3. They were originally intended to be played on consoles, so I got an excellent joystick from Logitech. I chose them because many games support it by default and you don’t have to “dance with a tambourine” at startup.

Solstice Chronicles review: MIA is an unfinished product

First, let's figure it out - why do you need a gamepad? For many people, a keyboard and mouse are more than enough for gaming, and therefore some gamers don’t even think about buying this device. However, the gamepad is quite a useful gadget, without which it is simply impossible to enjoy some games. First of all, the controller is ideal for game genres such as sports simulators, racing, fighting games, and platformers.

The thing is that a large number of gaming products are initially created for consoles, and only then ported to computers. Because of this, keyboard and mouse controls can seriously ruin the experience of a good game. Remember, before buying a gamepad, you need to figure out what games it will be used in. For fans of strategy and shooters (FPS), the controller is unlikely to seem an indispensable gadget, and therefore we strongly advise against spending money on it just like that.

Connection type

Like most other manipulators, controllers can be wired or wireless. Unlike the keyboard and mouse, the connection type in the gamepad is a very important parameter. You need to immediately decide at what distance from the computer the game will take place. If you play in front of the monitor itself, there is no need to look for something wireless.

The wire, of course, can get tangled and cause inconvenience when connecting, but its advantages will seem to many to be more significant than the disadvantages. Firstly, there is no need to recharge a wired gamepad - you just need to connect it to your computer and enjoy its capabilities. Secondly, a controller with a wire is a little cheaper, which will help you save on it and spend the extra money on more important things. This is probably where all the positives end.

Wireless gamepads also have several advantages and disadvantages. The first includes the ability to play at any distance. Among the disadvantages is the need to recharge. However, there is one point here. There are wireless gamepads with a built-in battery, which you just need to connect to your computer via a USB cable and wait for it to recharge. This is a great type of wireless gamepad.

The same cannot be said about controllers that have batteries instead of a built-in battery. These controllers are not only bad because they require you to buy batteries frequently (or once, but batteries), but they are also heavier. Holding such a “miracle” in your hand is, of course, useful for athletes, but not entirely convenient when you want to relax and enjoy the game.


Let's return to the question again - in which games will the gamepad be used most often? The fact is that for fighting games it is better to take models with a divided cross (control arrows or D-pad). Thanks to this type of design, it will be much easier to perform all kinds of attack algorithms than when using a gamepad with a solid cross. Please note that the D-pad is only important for fighting games - it is rarely used in other games.

The ideal gamepad should have rubber analog sticks. It is desirable that they have some kind of recesses that will not allow your fingers to slip. It's best not to consider controllers without analog sticks at all, since almost all games nowadays use this particular control element. Having dealt with the D-pad and sticks, stop at the main action buttons located on the back of the device on the right. It is important that they are designated by letters (Y, B, A, X) and not by numbers. Many games use controls from Xbox consoles, which is where this button designation comes from.

Popular models

Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller is perhaps the best gamepad ever created by mankind. Rubberized analog sticks, convenient placement of buttons, ergonomic shape, matte soft-touch plastic, and the ability to use both on a console (Xbox 360) and on a PC without additional drivers.

It is noteworthy that this gamepad comes in two variations: wired and wireless (without a built-in battery). The only downside is the solid crosspiece, which is inconvenient in fighting games. If this doesn’t bother you, purchasing this gamepad will make the most sense.

Dualshock 4 – unlike previous models, Dualshock 4 is a very convenient and high-quality gamepad. However, it was created specifically for PS4, and therefore using it on a computer is fraught with consequences. Firstly, additional drivers are needed, and secondly, some players complain that the gamepad sometimes does not work correctly.

Most likely, this applies to older games, because in most new products the Dualshock 4 functions like a Swiss watch. If the lack of official support does not bother you and you plan to continue using it with PS4, you can take this controller without a doubt.

Razer Sabertooth – When creating this gamepad, Razer did not reinvent the wheel twice and copied the design from the Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller. However, Razer did everything even better than Microsoft. She took into account all the shortcomings of the “small soft” controller and got rid of the gamepad from a solid crosspiece, replacing it with a separate one.

In addition, the gamepad buttons are fully programmable, and there is also a small display for customization. In addition, the controller has additional triggers and a detachable cable. It should be noted that the “saber-tooth” is wildly beautiful. Although, what ugly thing has Razer released lately?

The Steam Controller is a gamepad that has been redesigned and reinvented a hundred times. Finally, the final version is ready. The main advantages of the gamepad include fully customizable buttons. In addition, the gamepad can work both with and without a wire. Batteries are used instead of a built-in battery.

The right trackpad can serve as a kind of mouse, which makes the controller convenient in all gaming genres, from racing to first-person shooters. At first, the shape and layout of the buttons on the gamepad may seem awkward, but after a few days your hands will not want to part with the device. Steam Controller for those who love something innovative and unconventional. By the way, the price of the gamepad is quite affordable.

Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 is a wireless gamepad designed specifically for PC. Has a standard button layout. For deeper settings there is appropriate software. The gamepad supports most existing games, is made of high-quality materials, and also has an ergonomic shape. Quite a good competitor to the Xbox monster.

Unfortunately, the Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 has a solid D-pad, but even that works quite well in games like fighting games. The gamepad is connected to the computer using a USB interface.

We consider all of the five gamepad models described above to be the most worthy of being included in the “best of” list. Which one is the best is up to you to decide. We wish you a successful purchase, with which you will only go to victory!

Choosing a joystick for a computer

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It is no secret that the 21st century is the century of digital technology. For this reason, many people cannot live without using certain technical devices. In this case, computers, smartphones and other similar devices are of great importance. At the same time, computers have become the flagships of modern video game infrastructure. Many distinctions on this device are very popular among people of different ages. But the main competitor of the computer in the field of video games are consoles. These devices have a fairly long history, and today have reached the peak of their development. Many experts argue that consoles will soon flood the market of digital equipment used for entertainment. But it is worth noting the fact that for direct play on the console, special devices are required, which are also applicable for control on a computer. These include joysticks, gamepads and steering wheels. Any store offers a large number of these devices. But in order to make the most competent and high-quality choice, you should understand some aspects of these devices. Therefore, the article will discuss how to choose the right joystick for a computer, or a good gamepad.

It should be noted that a computer keyboard or mouse are the most standard control modules that can also be used for comfortable gaming. However, it is with the use of a joystick that this process will be the most complete in terms of sensations. Thus, a gamepad or joystick, as it is commonly called, is a universal control module, which is a small remote control on which buttons are located. These devices are very often produced in a wireless version, which will be discussed later in the article. As for the actual gameplay, using a gamepad is not always appropriate. For example, it is very inconvenient to play action games or shooters using this device. But in fighting games and racing, on the contrary, it is best to use a joystick, as it allows you to experience the whole essence of the game literally “in your own skin.” As for the history of the appearance of these devices, they gained their popularity thanks to consoles, which have gained unprecedented fame recently. The practice of gamers has shown that using gamepads is much more convenient in tandem with computers, because these devices provide many times more entertainment. Therefore, many gamers choose these devices to play specific genres.

How to choose a quality gamepad

There are a number of criteria that determine the quality of a gamepad. First of all, you need to analyze the price of the joystick. In general, this factor is not always the key one. But, as practice shows, high price indicators characterize devices that have the best quality. At the same time, gamepads from the most prestigious manufacturing companies are usually expensive. Today these include PlayStation and Xbox. For a long time, the market was ruled by gamepads from the second company. Many users still claim that Xbox joysticks are the highest quality and most sensitive in terms of control. In addition, these devices were produced in two types, namely: wireless and wired. The latter option is cheaper in terms of availability. However, in terms of signal transmission and sensitivity, it significantly outperforms a wireless controller. The fact is that the signal is transmitted via cable in most cases faster than via Bluetooth.

Devices - Xbox

As for the location of the buttons, the Xbox gamepads, in general, do not stand out in any way. As a rule, they have a standard set of controllers that provide comfort during the game. In addition, one of the main advantages of Xbox gamepads is the variety of designs. This allows the buyer to choose from a large assortment the joystick that is most suitable for its functional features.

Gadgets from Sony

But the company presented above is not the standard in the modern market. Its main competitors are joysticks from PlayStation. In fact, these devices are truly classics. Because PlayStation devices were known to the world long before the advent of Xbox consoles. At the same time, today the gamepads of the first company are also actively used in tandem with PCs. But let's move on directly to the functionality of the joysticks. The main factor that must be taken into account before choosing is the lack of localization of these devices for use on a computer. That is, there are no official drivers that would ensure high-quality use of joysticks on a PC. On the technical side, Sony joysticks are created as competently as possible. In fact, there is nothing superfluous in them. The number of buttons is standard. There is a “classic” cross controller on the left side, and multi-colored control keys on the right. Thus, PlayStation gamepads are an excellent tool for playing on a computer, however, many problems may arise with installation due to the lack of normal drivers.

Razer Products

In addition to the most popular joysticks that were presented above, other manufacturers also present their products on the market. For example, one cannot ignore the products of Razer. Today, devices from this company can be used both on computers and on set-top boxes. At the same time, they have an excellent signal transmission speed, as well as a successful design that provides comfortable control during the game.

Logitech devices

Along with Razer, devices from Logitech have proven themselves well. At the same time, this company is famous for products that are localized specifically for computers. Logitech gamepads do not have any special advantages. These are completely standard devices that are suitable for unpretentious gamers, for whom the process itself is important, and not the brand name.


So, in this article the author tried to present the most popular gamepads from the most famous manufacturers. In conclusion, it should be noted that the key criteria when choosing a joystick are signal transmission speed, number of buttons and ease of installation on the computer. Therefore, when deciding how to choose a high-quality joystick or gamepad for a computer, you need to build on these factors.

Pleasant choice and successful purchase.

11 best gamepads and joysticks

The gaming world, as we see it now, originated in the distant 80s of the last century with the advent of slot machines and the Nintendo NES console. However, in Russia, clones of the console called Dendy became especially popular in the nineties, which led to the popularization of consoles. But the world of computer games and PCs, which has been rapidly developing in recent years, has lured a huge number of gamers from the camp of console players. To better adapt them to the realities of PC gaming, as well as comfortable gaming in general, peripheral device developers have released a variety of joysticks, steering wheels and gamepads onto the device market, designed for a specific category of gaming genres.

Thus, classic joysticks are primarily used by fans of flight simulators, and steering wheels with pedals are used by gamers who prefer to play a variety of racing games. As for gamepads, in most cases they are used in simulators, sports games, racing and in the fighting genre. Of course, true console gamers manage to play COD or Battlefield-level shooters on a controller, but for the shooter and strategy genres it is better to use a classic combination of a keyboard and a computer mouse. In order to understand the abundance of products on the market, we suggest taking a look at our rating of the best gamepads and joysticks of 2017.

12 Best Gaming Headphones

A gamepad is a classic game controller, as we are used to seeing it on consoles/set-top boxes. Wired controllers, unlike their wireless counterparts, do not discharge at the most inopportune moment, since they are powered by the computer. However, the problem with the length of the wire can be a fundamental factor for many when choosing the type of gamepad. If you choose a wired controller for playing games on a computer without connecting it to a TV, then the standard cable length is enough for comfortable gaming.

Typically, a gamepad is a two-handed controller with buttons, analog thumbsticks, and triggers on the back of the controller. Most devices use vibration feedback, and popular controllers come with additional plugs for connecting to game consoles.

The Defender game controller is loved by game fans thanks to its modest price and functionality offered by the developers in the body of a classic PS2 gamepad. Despite the fact that Game Racer Turbo from Defender is designed for gaming battles on a computer, the cable has a branching with a plug for connecting the controller to the Sony PS1/PS2 console. The design and shape of the “Defender” controller are completely copied from the above-mentioned console.

The body of the device has a rubberized structure and is “equipped” with a standard set of buttons (D-pad, sticks, triggers), as well as additional Turbo, Slow and Analog buttons that activate special modes and mini-joysticks. However, the analog sticks are not covered with soft touch. Unlike more top-end models, the developers have provided vibration feedback, which is realized through two powerful vibration motors in the left and right parts of the body. True, the cord is still a little short (1.5 meters).

Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller for Windows is the best gamepad in the top price segment. There is no point in arguing with this fact, since the Microsoft gamepad has no competitors among wired controllers. The controller, the shape and ergonomics of which were developed within the walls of Microsoft, is equipped with a standard set of two analog sticks, 10 buttons and a cross. Moreover, the location of the mini-joysticks differs from that in gamepads from other companies.

The controller body is well assembled, there are no backlashes or cracks. The cable length of 3 meters allows you to sit comfortably near the computer, and compatibility with both the computer and the Xbox 360 console makes it possible to use one gamepad on two devices. The only downside to the Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller for Windows is its high price compared to other wired controllers on the market. True, it is easily offset by the quality of workmanship and durability of the gamepad made by the manufacturer of the popular console.

The F310 model is loved by gamers because of its high-quality performance and good functionality at a relatively affordable price. The Logitech controller has two mini-joysticks, a D-pad, 10 buttons, including high-quality triggers, to which you can assign any actions in the game menu. Moreover, two API support modes are available - XInput and DirectInput, as a result of which the gamepad supports most gaming titles on PC, and there are no problems with game compatibility. Ease of setup and durability have made the F310 one of the most popular models on the gaming market.

The ergonomically shaped case is made of very durable plastic, and externally it looks like a kind of hybrid of controllers from Xbox and PS. The wire is of sufficient length - 1.8 meters, but it is thin and a little harsh for a device of this price. Another small disadvantage of the Logitech Gamepad F310 is the lack of vibration feedback.

Video review

Wireless controllers appeared relatively recently and quickly caught the fancy of gamers who prefer complete freedom of action. Gamepads without a cable wire were initially used only in consoles, but later gaming peripheral companies adapted them for PC gaming.

The main difference from wired analogues lies in the wireless transmission of data from the gamepad to the computer. Thanks to this, you can sit at a comfortable eye level from the computer. Wireless gamepads are mainly purchased by former console gamers and players who prefer to play action games on a large TV display. In this case, the laptop or computer acts as a “sort of console”, and the image is output via the HDMI interface.

The Valve gamepad differs from all controllers on the market not only in its stylish appearance, but also in its powerful functionality. So the controller supports Steam Machines, works with a computer and can emulate both a mouse and a keyboard. The button block consists of one cross pad, an analog stick, function keys and two touch trackpads. The power supply is enough for 40 hours of continuous operation of the gamepad.

In terms of functionality and build quality, the Valve Steam Controller has no complaints. The controller is “stuffed” with all sorts of sensors and options in the form of an accelerometer with a gyroscope, as well as the ability to customize the device “for yourself”. Using two trackpads with a gamepad makes it easy to play even games that controllers aren't designed for. Steam software allows you to use a gamepad as a steering wheel, steering wheel, or controller for any console and program on a computer. But due to the disadvantages of a high price and mandatory linking to a Steam account, the device is not popular in the Russian Federation.

In terms of appearance, the Wireless Gamepad F710 wireless gamepad is practically no different from the F310 model. The well-assembled case incorporates the best developments of Logitech in the field of gaming peripherals. The receiver comes complete with a controller and operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. The wireless variation F310 has vibration feedback. In terms of functionality, this model is no different from the Microsoft controller, and low power consumption allows the device to operate for a long time on a single battery charge.

However, some features of the device will come as a surprise to many players. In particular, when pressing the upper shifts there is a click, and the triggers are quite stiff compared to other devices. In active games, frequent pressing of the “clicky” buttons causes slight discomfort.

Another controller from Microsoft that took first place in the ranking. Improved ergonomics, coupled with an impressive appearance, distinguishes this device from the Xbox 360 gamepad. The “button functionality” has not changed; the body of the device still has offset sticks, a modified D-pad and 11 buttons with smooth movement and pressing. The controller supports connection to both the Xbox One console and a computer. Gaming compatibility and auto-tuning is one of the best gamepads on the market.

Using a wireless receiver or USB cable, the Xbox One Wireless Controller connects to your computer. The built-in rechargeable battery is enough for long hours of gaming battles, even with vibration feedback turned on, however, the high price and the lack of both a receiver and a spare battery in the kit ultimately affect the popularity of this gamepad among PC gamers.

Joysticks are controllers designed for game genres such as flight simulators and arcade shooters. The market for devices for piloting aircraft is represented by both eminent manufacturers such as Steel and Razer, as well as companies producing budget-class devices.

The joystick is a handle on a stand, equipped with additional keys and triggers. This part of the joystick, which is responsible for the tilt and direction of the aircraft in space, is called the RUS - the aircraft control stick. Included with some joysticks there is also an throttle control - an engine control handle responsible for engine thrust, with buttons and switches. In addition, for top-end devices you can purchase pedals, steering wheels and additional information panels. Thus, the configuration of controllers of this type depends on the degree of involvement of the gamer in the world of flight simulators.

“The Fifth Cobra” is a classic representative of the world of joysticks with great RUS functionality, a large number of buttons (23 buttons, 8 view switches) and good ergonomics. Excellent accuracy is achieved through M-Force, magnetic non-contact positioning technology.

The bottom of the case is equipped with a 2mm steel Cobra M5 USB weight plate. And the entire assembly was carried out using screws, which allows you to upgrade the “Defender” controller at your discretion. However, the traction wheel will not appeal to all piloting fans due to its uninformative implementation.

If the functionality of the joystick from Logitech (first place in the rating) is not enough, then you should pay attention to the X52 model from Saitek. The device is represented by a set of two devices - RUD and RUS. Seven axes, three view switches, 19 buttons - all this fits on the well-assembled body of both devices.

The engine control stick has a small display with three backlight options, which displays additional information about the state of the aircraft in the flight simulator. In addition to high precision, the X52 Pro Flight System has extensive customization options. The only downside of the joystick from Sitek is its incompatibility with the USB 3.0 interface and the short cord that connects the RUS and RUD.

The Logitech joystick is most suitable for arcade shooters a la World Of War Planes and WarTunder. There are not many buttons on the body of the device - a view switch, 12 additional keys and a trigger. This is not enough for a full-fledged flight simulator, but in “flying shooters” Logitech Extreme 3D Pro shows its best side.

The RUS has a convenient shape, but is not suitable for left-handers. The high-quality platform is made of durable plastic and, thanks to its heavy weight, does not move around on the table. Despite the small functionality, the affordable price of the device influenced its popularity.

Video review

The PC steering wheel is the only controller purchased for only one gaming genre - racing. After all, it’s much more convenient to try out the new NFS behind a real steering wheel, rather than with a gamepad in your hands or a keyboard. As a rule, the device comes complete with both the steering wheel itself and the gearbox, as well as the brake and gas pedals.

The Logitech steering wheel is a controller that includes a 28-centimeter leather-wrapped wheel, brake, clutch and gas pedals. There are additional programmable buttons (18 pieces) and a D-pad on the steering wheel and manual transmission. With a rotation angle of 900 degrees, you can twist the steering wheel in gaming simulators to a “critical” level, and compatibility with consoles allows you to experience the full functionality of the controller in PS3 exclusives.

In terms of design and comfort, the G27 Racing Wheel is a solid A+. There are also no complaints about the build quality of the steering wheel and pedals. The only thing you can complain about is the price, which for most PC owners will be “astronomical”. But fans of car simulators are well aware that this Logitech steering wheel represents the ideal balance of quality, functionality and cost.

Given its low price, the Defender steering wheel will be an excellent purchase for those who decide to try racing simulators for the first time. The model is compatible with both PCs and Sony consoles (PS3, PS2). The delivery set includes a steering wheel with a diameter of 24.5 cm with rubber braid, gas/brake pedals and a gearbox. The steering angle is 270 degrees, which is quite a good indicator for a budget model.

The steering wheel has an additional D-pad and 12 programmable buttons. As for the pedals, their lightness creates slight discomfort when using. Another drawback is poor-quality suction cups, but this can be easily eliminated by replacing them with others. Overall, the Defender Forsage Drift GT is one of the best controllers in its price range and class.

Attention! The information presented above is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guide to purchase. For any advice you should contact specialists!

How to install SAS Planet on a computer

First, let's figure it out - why do you need a gamepad? For many people, a keyboard and mouse are more than enough for gaming, and therefore some gamers don’t even think about buying this device. However, the gamepad is quite a useful gadget, without which it is simply impossible to enjoy some games. First of all, the controller is ideal for game genres such as sports simulators, racing, fighting games, and platformers.

The thing is that a large number of gaming products are initially created for consoles, and only then ported to computers. Because of this, keyboard and mouse controls can seriously ruin the experience of a good game. Remember, before buying a gamepad, you need to figure out what games it will be used in. For fans of strategy and shooters (FPS), the controller is unlikely to seem an indispensable gadget, and therefore we strongly advise against spending money on it just like that.

Connection type

Like most other manipulators, controllers can be wired or wireless. Unlike the keyboard and mouse, the connection type in the gamepad is a very important parameter. You need to immediately decide at what distance from the computer the game will take place. If you play in front of the monitor itself, there is no need to look for something wireless.

The wire, of course, can get tangled and cause inconvenience when connecting, but its advantages will seem to many to be more significant than the disadvantages. Firstly, there is no need to recharge a wired gamepad - you just need to connect it to your computer and enjoy its capabilities. Secondly, a controller with a wire is a little cheaper, which will help you save on it and spend the extra money on more important things. This is probably where all the positives end.

Wireless gamepads also have several advantages and disadvantages. The first includes the ability to play at any distance. Among the disadvantages is the need to recharge. However, there is one point here. There are wireless gamepads with a built-in battery, which you just need to connect to your computer via a USB cable and wait for it to recharge. This is a great type of wireless gamepad.

The same cannot be said about controllers that have batteries instead of a built-in battery. These controllers are not only bad because they require you to buy batteries frequently (or once, but batteries), but they are also heavier. Holding such a “miracle” in your hand is, of course, useful for athletes, but not entirely convenient when you want to relax and enjoy the game.


Let's return to the question again - in which games will the gamepad be used most often? The fact is that for fighting games it is better to take models with a divided cross (control arrows or D-pad). Thanks to this type of design, it will be much easier to perform all kinds of attack algorithms than when using a gamepad with a solid cross. Please note that the D-pad is only important for fighting games - it is rarely used in other games.

The ideal gamepad should have rubber analog sticks. It is desirable that they have some kind of recesses that will not allow your fingers to slip. It's best not to consider controllers without analog sticks at all, since almost all games nowadays use this particular control element. Having dealt with the D-pad and sticks, stop at the main action buttons located on the back of the device on the right. It is important that they are designated by letters (Y, B, A, X) and not by numbers. Many games use controls from Xbox consoles, which is where this button designation comes from.

Popular models

– perhaps the best gamepad that mankind has ever created. Rubberized analog sticks, convenient placement of buttons, ergonomic shape, matte soft-touch plastic, and the ability to use both on a console (Xbox 360) and on a PC without additional drivers.

It is noteworthy that this gamepad comes in two variations: wired and wireless (without a built-in battery). The only downside is the solid crosspiece, which is inconvenient in fighting games. If this doesn’t bother you, purchasing this gamepad will make the most sense.

– unlike previous models, Dualshock 4 is a very convenient and high-quality gamepad. However, it was created specifically for PS4, and therefore using it on a computer is fraught with consequences. Firstly, additional drivers are needed, and secondly, some players complain that the gamepad sometimes does not work correctly.

Most likely, this applies to older games, because in most new products the Dualshock 4 functions like a Swiss watch. If the lack of official support does not bother you and you plan to continue using it with PS4, you can take this controller without a doubt.

– Razer, when creating this gamepad, did not reinvent the wheel twice and copied the design from the Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller. However, Razer did everything even better than Microsoft. She took into account all the shortcomings of the “small soft” controller and got rid of the gamepad from a solid crosspiece, replacing it with a separate one.

In addition, the gamepad buttons are fully programmable, and there is also a small display for customization. In addition, the controller has additional triggers and a detachable cable. It should be noted that the “saber-tooth” is wildly beautiful. Although, what ugly thing has Razer released lately?

Steam Controller- a gamepad that has been redesigned and reinvented a hundred times. Finally, the final version is ready. The main advantages of the gamepad include fully customizable buttons. In addition, the gamepad can work both with and without a wire. Batteries are used instead of a built-in battery.

The right trackpad can serve as a kind of mouse, which makes the controller convenient in all gaming genres, from racing to first-person shooters. At first, the shape and layout of the buttons on the gamepad may seem awkward, but after a few days your hands will not want to part with the device. Steam Controller for those who love something innovative and unconventional. By the way, the price of the gamepad is quite affordable.

– a wireless gamepad created specifically for PC. Has a standard button layout. For deeper settings there is appropriate software. The gamepad supports most existing games, is made of high-quality materials, and also has an ergonomic shape. Quite a good competitor to the Xbox monster.

Unfortunately, the Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 has a solid D-pad, but even that works quite well in games like fighting games. The gamepad is connected to the computer using a USB interface.

We consider all of the five gamepad models described above to be the most worthy of being included in the “best of” list. Which one is the best is up to you to decide. We wish you a successful purchase, with which you will only go to victory!
